Newspaper Page Text
THE PHCENIX HERALD. Wedncadai-. June It. 1571. TOWN AND COUNTY. Capt. Hancock is in Prescott. Go to Loringi for a cool drink Undrlirerad telegram on J. T. Priest and Antonia Olivax. Iced Lemonade at Lorln;'. Jolm K. Dall slatted en a trip to Prescutt this morning. Q.t to June Varieties to-nijjht, C.E. Bowen and P. L. Fisher i'racuiuie are in the city. Iced drinks m Loring's. Home tntide ice at all of our sa loons. Chrotnos, Clocks, Mirrors and Chandelier at Ouldmuns. The building to be occupied by Judge Hilanii next to the new fruit alore is about completed. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Xavy Tobacco. The Herald is. -beside the only Cm wAlrlc tha T ti.nAr in r i yna. For a fact. Javtprn Boots & Shoes at Gold- U one of Prescotl's prominent in. ivhunts occupied a front deal at the theatre last night, and appeared to ap preciate the performance. '"" Window Shades & Wall paper at Goldman. W were favored this week, by a aupply of some of the best beer ever made in the Territory, from the Uni . ted Stales Brewery. The Herald is the only paper in Arizona that publishes the reports ol' frieirht received at Maricopa, and ' ilun't you forget it. For building lumber at bed-rock prices, address Clipper Kill Lumber Company, Pres?ott . II. C. German, a practical boot and shoemaker, has opened an establish ment in Waterman's tin shop op posite the post-otlice. Read his adv. The only Billy Brewster at the Varieties to-night. During this hot weather atLoring's can be found a. very pleasant drink f Icod Soda water; all kinds of syrups manufactured from fresh Iruit also iced ginger ale and sasa parillar R. F. Hafford of Maricopa adver tises the Fashion saloen. To all who have visited this place they know it cannot be excelled tor fine liquors and comfort. To all others We would say call when at Maricopa, The Assessor has turned over fo (he Supervisors the aasment roll And that body advertise in this issue that tUer . will act as a Board at' Equalization on July 7th. The Pacific Niirhtinjralo i- her rharming specialities at the Varieties -to-night. The Varieties performance to-nigh is strictly first class. The old Brewery saloon, next to Goldberg's, has changed bands. Miss Ttie Haywood assuming proprietor. " ship. The place is being neatly re furnished, and a large stock of goods lias left Maricopa. Read the adver. tisnient. : Wit, Beauty and Talent at the rirlivs to-night. V- -Sing Chong advertises in this issue, to which we call attention. He has a large stock of Chinese notions, choice teas, silk handkerchiefs and a full ;..hiss of goods to he found in an es tablishment of that nature. No Knats or Pitch in Maricop nnisning lu inner, u.ii .CHAmplis. a Iryine's two story brick building ! will be completed by the middle of , August. The ground floor will be oc cupied by Mr. Irvine's mammoth mer cantile establishment, while the see on story will contain seven suites of 'rooms for offices and i large hall. Mike Huff was examined before Judge Bolan last Monday. The testi mony adduced before the examina tion was substantially the same as that in the Herald of last Satur day. The prisoner was held to an wer before the Grand Jury in the urn of $ 1000 on a charge of attempt eommit mnrder. -' Thomas E. Atkinson, Secretary of the General Lee Miniag Co., in the astern part of this county, has been arrested in San Francisco on the charge of embezzlement. The com plaint charees him with embezzling some f5,227 75 belonging to the De Trees Mining Co., of which lie is also Secretary. Mr. Vosburg, one of Globe City's proinirmut m in, has been stopping'tn town lor a few days past, and exprets s himself much pleased ilh our rapidly growing city. Jlr. Vosburg i largely interested in mines in the MMillen and Globe districts and in the districts south of this place. Kelly & Baltz this. morning-opened a new butcher shop in' the building iiapoDHlly opposite th! post office. Everything is neat clean, and with the well known reputation of the tfTBvfor excellent meat, they will be JjberaJly patronized. Lost A pass-book on the Hiber nia. Bank. No. 68,709. Handing in the name of Palmer G. Wood.. .The book was stolen at the time of the Jtaga robbery, " May 5th. 1870. The finder will please return thi ame to this office, as it is of no use except to owner. 94-5t A great boon lias been conferred on th many. people of our state; thus those who when coniDg to the city uj in tuenort!ern part, can trade with Uicle-Hiirris- at 70S Kearney, between Clay and Merchant, ' and i nose who live in the southern nart on flo lik wise at No. 221 ii.earney, -ixtweea.Busu and Suffer, pmab4b Qumbe.i?,mt yo'n-will iriion!,sMy UoaH with an l buy bar- g in HOMEMADE ICE. The Only Ice Factory in Arizona in Successful Operation. Phoenix is supplied with the only ice manufactory in the Territory and the first batch of Arizona-made ice was delivered throughout the city yesterday morning. The Herald knowing the workings of such an in stitution would be of interest 10 its readers, a reporter was sent yesterday to inspect Hie institution. The build ing is situated in the eastern part of town, is of lumber and about 30 feet square. KnteriDg the building we saw a wonderful bight in the shape of a number of pipes covered withlrost, while not five yards away the engine was so hot as to be almost unbeara ble, and outside nature was making a nice market lor the product of ihe institution by keeping the thermome ter nway above the 100 point. The building is composed of an en gine and freezing room the latter having a capacity of four tanks 10 by 2J-, and six feet high. The water used is found at a depth of 18 feet. For thi present a single ice tank is in operation, which has a capacity of a tou a day. The water is pumped from the well to the tanks on the top of the house, from which pomt it is distributed to the boiler, condenser and freezing tanks. Ammonia is the agent used to produce freezing; some 200 pounds of 20 degree ammonia being required for a charge. The ammonia, when it starts on its work, is in the shape of a gag. It is forced into a condenser under a pressure of 180 to 100 pounds to the square inch. Th condenser consists of 300 feet of pipe in a flat coil, the pipe being kept wet by a spray rrom the upper tank. Under that pressure the ammonia gas is liquified and collected in a re ceiver in tha lower cud of the con denser, and hence to the tank where it is evaporated in 300 feer of pipe surrounding the fret-zing tank. The temperature rf this pipe is kept from 0 to 12, while water freezes at 32". The vapor is then drawn off and re used The loss of ammonia, is from one to two pounds a week ; and less than a cord of wood is used every 24 hours, and two men do the work ; all the machinery is driven bya 10-horse power engine. The engine, boiler, compressing pump and water pump are the inventions of Mr. S. D. Lount, one of the proprietors. We are much gratified tu see this new industry a success, as much doubt existed in this community of the ability to make ice. The water struck in the well was ot a brackish nature and more dificult to freeze than if it had been purer, but the machines found no dif ficulty in using it. In appearance the ice is very clear and as good a quality as the best. The institution will be of great benefit to this sec tiwn.'iind adds one more to our many enterprises in this live and flourish ing ciiy. FREIGHT ARKIVALS. SPECIAU-T REPORTED FOK T1ID SEMI- WEEKLY HERALD. FRIDAY JCXS 13. Phcenix Goldberg & Son. 16 hard ware, 57 sundries, 4010; M L Feral la, 115 sundries, 4.33J; G Bee her, I pine tank, 205; J M Coltfurn, 1 ei gars, 80; White & Walters, 1 whis key, 520. Seymour Central Arizona Mining Co, 60 machinery, 42,275. Gillett Tip Top Mining Co. 32 machinery, 7685. Prescott It H Towler, 1 hardware ; F W Blake, 1 crockery, 140; O Lin coln, 8 sundries, 765: J Gold water & Bro, 1 dry goods, 100; Mrs E Cox, 1 sewing machine, 1SJ0. SATURDAY JUNE 14. Phoenix Sing Chung, 4 baggage, 130; Geo Coats, 8 fruit, calcicake. 255 ; M L Peralta, 10 oil, (no weight) 1 powder, 40; John It Dall & Co, 4 oil, (no weight); M Edwards, 1 pow der, 40. Wickenburg J Egloff, 2 sundries, 235. Gillett Tip Top Mining Co, 40 powder, 1 caps, 2445. SUNDAY JUNE 15. Phoenix G E Irving-, 1 earner. 1 chairs, 310; O H P Sheets, lOsun- drics, 230. Whipple U S, 4 medical supplies, 366. Verde (J S, 1 rear sights, 11. Bradshaw City Tiger Mining Co, 10 sundries. MONDAY JUNE 16. Seymour Central Arizona Mining Co, 77 machinery, 11430. TUESDAY JUNE 17. Phoenix Tunar Hanar, 1 nut oil. (no weight); M Asher & Co. 10 coal oil, 810; Geo Couts, 2 ecres. 0 fruit. 1 honey. 595. Verde t S, 380 commissary goods 27085. The Theater Last Xljjrit. The theater last evenine, the occa sion being the opening ol Jones' Va rieties, was well rilled hvourcitizens. and the continued applause denoted a hearty appreciation of the perform ance. The entertainment opened with minstrelpy, and was enjoyable, particularly the songs of Mrs. D. B. Jones, and the tamborine playing of Mr. Brewster. The farce of Nan, the Good for Nothing, was the best of the entertainment; the other farces lacking force and showing that some of thi performers were novices at the busiaesf. Tito dancing by Mrs. Jones and the double cloe bv Johnriv Casey aad Billy Brewster were good. Taken altogether ths play was very good for n frontier towjj. The com pany iJ with an en tire change of programme. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. A fire in a stablu in Pittshurjr, Pa., on Monday night, occupied by race Uorses.spiead so quickly that it was with difficulty the horses could be removed. Davie, with a record of 2:38, was burned to death. President Hayes telegraphed that he would not be able to attend the army reunion held yesterday and to day, but that General Devens would endeavor to be bresent. ' ' "H. C. Buchard, Director of the Mint havine returned from tiie assav office delnhia. Sew .Orleans and Charlotte. N. C, is at present on his wav to Denver and San Fr-mcisco. LATE ARIZONA NEWS. First Bullion Shipment TomHstone. from .11 rr tine of the lirctor ot the t. I. It. It. at um to-day. SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO THE HERALD. Tucaoa Ticks. Tucson. June 17 Eijrht bars of bullion, valued at eighteen thousand seven hundred and forty-four dollars, have just been received by Safford, Hudson & Co., for Gov. Safford of Philadelphia.. This is the first ship ment of bullion by the Tombstone Company and is the result of third class ore. Almost pure silver has just been discovered near the mouth of the San Pedro river. Yuma Matters, Ycma, June 18, Strong, Quarter master who has been in San Fran cisco for the past week returned Saturday. The Rev n. IL Messenger holds Episcopal services at the Court House here lo-day. Georok Tyno came in yesterday from Meyers District. There will lie a. meeting to-day (18th) of the Directors of the S. P. R. F. here. C, F. Crocker, D Neahr & Geo. Tyng are the Directors. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. La Crande Varieties. Jones & Matoon, Prop. Wednesday, Jane 18th, 1879, (.And Every Evening-) Immense Bill I Grand Success ! Change of Programme. Every Evening, MRS. B. D. JONES, (The champion Song and dance artiste.) BILLY BKEWHTEK 1N'1' - J O H X X Y CASEY. In their double-clog. Everything First-Class. Good 0rdr main tained and polite atrant Ion to pitrons. Doors open at 7 r. X. Gem Saloon, Miss Katie Haywood Prop. bavins rhe O'.A i-.w-y and refitted it entire, and added a enderiur quality of WINES LIQUORS & CIGARS. I wonld be pleased to entertain my old friends and the public generally. 03 tf MI83 KATIE. Fashion Saloon, It. F. HAFFORD, Prop. MARICOPA - - A. X. All visitors at this town are invited to call at the above named popular place of resort, next door to the hotel, where they can ob tain only the best Liquors. ALL ICED DRINKS of the Bea?on concocted by experienced mix ologists, Call, 85-tf ICE! ICE!! LOUNT BROS., . Will deliver ICE to any part of the city at the following rates; Ten Pounds and over per day. Six Cents per Pound. Under. Ten Pounds per day, Seven Cents per Pound. Leave orders at the Factory, or with K. Uanz, Washington street. 95 tf II, Li. tEim.w. Practical Boot & Shoe Maker. Boots and Shoes, MADE TO ORDER, AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE t"Shop at Waterman's Tin Shop. Sinsr Chong. CHOICE TEAS, 3IATTIXGS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, AXD CHIXESE XOTIOXS. In Don Carlos' Ofhe. Block, north of Herald XOTICK. THE ASSES-SDR OF THE COriT TT OF Jiaricopa, A. T.. has ibis day turned over to the Clork of the Board of Supcrvie ors, the Assessment Roll of Maricopa conn iui iuc cai icw'j, vtmi:u is now open lo ! public inspection. j The Boant of Supervisors ap a Board of : Eqaftlfzation will nie:t on cue I First Moil (lay In Jnly' 1J7, ! ' I. 17 coy. citrlr. J!i. i-h. ler?. -w MISCELLANEOUS. Let it now be wiiJe spread So that all may know it, THAT Goldberg & Son. Are now selling their large and well selected stock of General Merchandise, AT REDUCED PRICES. No trouble to show goods Matiaffcetion for our Customers Families furnished with choice GRCCERIES & PROVISIO S, AT REDUCED KATES. Goods delivered to any part of this Town, free of charge. All Hladi of Produce and Hold. Bottjtbrt H. Goldberg & Son. Next to Steinecfcer's new building. BANK EXCHANGE HOTEL Washington street opposite Plaaa, Phoenix. the E. GANZ Proprietor. This new hotel is now open for the accommodation of the , traveling public. The rooms are well veutilated and handsomely furnished in suits and single. Superior accommodations for families. The aim of the propri etor will be the comfort and welfare of his guests. Rooms Beserred by Telegraph Billiard Table and Bar Connected with the Rouse. Only the Finest Liquors & Cigars. PRIVATE CARD ROOM. The principal Eastern, California and Arizona papers kept on file. A share of the public patronage is olicited. FOR SALE. A complete set of Surveyor's and Civil Engineer's Instruments, for sale reasonably. They are in first class condition and guaranteed. Apply at this office, or to the un dersigned. QO-tf WM. ISAAC. WE HOLD THE FORTI" You Can't Stop us! Stand Aside! Let tho$6 ro!!ov who Can! NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! . C1IEAFEST PRICES! Lower than the Low est. (VI. ASHER &BRO. Cor.lVaahington A. nentezoiua,- Opposite northwest comer of Flara. Build urfornirtv o:capi-l hyC):'.'ni ioon. tl-tX 00 Fifty Thousand - Assorted Merchandise Just Received at the uge Establishment ii irinnofM LUyibu DIRECT FROM THE E for this Market by Mr. Latest Novelties in Calicos, Dress Goods, Shawls and White Goods. Latest Styles in Fancy and Gloves. Latest Fashions in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Latest Patterns in Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Latest Designs in Boots And, in fact, everything desirable for Ladies, Gen tlemen, Misses, Girls and Boys. The Whole Stock Has Been Purchased AND WILL astern Prices c OUR PRICE LIST Will be found in the Store, wher6 we shall be pleased to. show everybody that we are SELLING SO LOW That Competition Becomes an Impossibility. yTirs.Truly, , goiSman & CO. GOLDMAN & CO. sf7A Dollars Worth OF - OF 4 1ST, and especially selected A. Goldman, comprising : Goods, Underwear, Hosiery Hats. and Shoes. for Cash, BE SOLD AT For ash. MISCEL LANEOUS H. Morgan & Co. Washington St., Phoenix AND Morgan' Stiitioo on the Gil Hirer Importers and Dealers ia Groceries and Clothing, Dry Goods, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. At prices to suit the times GEO. E. L0RING, Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS, FRESH N U TS AND CANDIES. Lure Assortment ot FLOCK j on II and. The Finest Brands of Domestic and Imported CIGARS and TOBACCOS In the City. -'r- In WelU, Fargo A Co'$. Erpr Offiet, Wathington Street, Eatt of the Court Ilthun' S a m t e r's CHEAP Gash Store. Removed to the Walters Balldlas; oa If oaten in fetreet. next dw to IL . Printing- Oftoe. TS Attention of the Pablie wllsletd stock of Is eallsd la aoy DRY GOODS, CLOTHJSO. BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES. LIQUORS aad PROVISIONS Wbieu I propose to sell oo b aad Lt Mve priooiplo. A wnrtl -Q tne wise s rw stent. JIUl'N "ASTER. Mooteznma Street one door above ihe Baa- ALuOmee. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. E . M EYER , PROPRIETOR. - (Late J. D. Monihon's.) W ashington Stregt, Corner of Corte. HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK of Horse. Duties. lately In a in this stable; the present proprietor will add to it the BEST OF HORSES And Most ' Elegant Tnrnoats. Hay and Grain Always on Hand and For Sale,. AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL EST Horses boarded by th day. -wek or month, at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. CALIFORNIA Variety Store M. EDWARDS, rroprietr. XOTICT5 Mr. EHvurdg.. kurlnr M Ran Franoisfo to weleet a iww loi wf Cb4- 0nral Mm-bunJi-p, II 1k prvirDt tnu bi iwl'i ftlivH fur cab lo ank mM Sow xhm dw. which will rriviB lw GRRAT REPVCTION IN TJUCeS. The ftahlio are ripectruMT iited t.l door :o ih Ibu.A V iuur;ug Mill.