Newspaper Page Text
La The Largest, Best and Most Complete Stock in Every Department, Ever Brought to Phoenix. Immense New Stock will Arrive This Week Fresh from First Hands, Bought Expressly for This Market, the rncExix herald. SEII-WEEKLY KD1TIOX. Wednesday. June IX. 1N70. TERRITORIAL ITEMS. II. M. Clark lins a ten-stamp mill en routs to the JJig liug. C. .C. Bean lias been appointed a pent lor the Frescott Jlming Company ot x- - jew i ort. Silver Mountain, south of the Brad slia'.T range, is attracting attention now. A stabbing affray occurred at Camp J nomas, recently, in wlucli one luau is reported to have been killed. The Mexican mine. Globe, has parsed into the bauds of a Chicago company. 1 lie grading for the new reastinjr furnace soon to be erected at the lias kin mill is well advanced. From the Sentinsl of June 14th Machinery for the Tip-Top Mg. to. passta l umi yesterday. Bails are coming in again for the S. P. 11. 11., elaven ear-loads arrived Thursday. Things will be lively in me Autumn. One of the S. P. R. R. freight ware. iicre uss ooeu laKon uown in sections, loaded on cars and will be erected at Casa Grande. Work on the Arkansas Mine, Cas tie Dome District, has been stopped on account of water. Hoisting works will be needed before they can con tinue sinking. "We learn that a fijrlit took place at Camp Thomas in which several were tt.'ihbvd and shot. One man was said to be dying. Two parties were arrested by Sheriff Collins. There was a small fire last Monday night en Gila street ; one house was destroyed which was all the damage, though we understand one of our Jnstices of the Peace was badly scared. Mr. Stewart, of Gilmer & Salisbury, brought in last Saturday three car loais of freight from Dos Pa I mas, consisting of four buildings that were used there lor hotel, stables, etc.; they will be re erected at Mari copa for the use of the stage line from that place to Prescolt. The Stonewall mill is now well supplied with water from the Ilan Jiibal and Stonewall shafts, conse quently it is running full time. Ore most abundant. Another rich strike has recently been made in the mine, showing native silver. John A. Lsvoie, of the Gray Eagle stables, has made arrangements by which he takes full charge of Gos riit's HAMti.TOXiAX. undoubtedly the finest liorse ever imported into Ari zona. This splendid animal was pur chased at a large price, by Mr. (Jo: -per in Nebraska, when he was less than one year old. and at the age of twe vears he was exhibited at the Ne braska State Fair, having in the mean time, been broken by Mr. G. to rlrife ia a sulky, where "he took the first premium as being the best two year old colt in the State. A year later be took the fimt premium as being Hie best three year old in the State. For the past two years he has not been ex hibited at any fair, his owner bavins left the State for Arizona. Ilamilto nian is now five years old and is un doubtedly the finest and best bred liorse in Arizona, being yet young he will continue to develop'and improve in appearance. The stock of this county will be greatly improved by an infusion of the strong strain of blood represented by this hors. and all horscbreeders, especially those who desire to raise fine stock, ought to take advantage of the presence of this well bred horse. Mr. Gosper deserves much credit for importing to this coun try a stock horse of such great value to liorse raisers. Hamijtonian was ridden this season nil the way from Jincoln, Neb., u distance of fifteen bund rod miles, and has not yet recov ered fully from the fatigue of so lnng and laborious a journey. This horse belongs to a family or group of horses from which has come some of tho lirst roadsters and fastest trotters in America. Dexter. Goldsmith Maid, Rams aud many other very fast Mint, ters sre of this fnmily or Lrerd of liorsce. l'rc-Mtt Miner. Oncnlfn I HI alias Great B eduction in Prices in All Departments. Agent for tiie Celebrated White Sewing Machine! M ISC ELL A XEOl'S. XV. C. STKEETEK, Contractor and Builder! ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK Neatly Executed. Plastering and J-"rrsrori)t g Ca rcf a U y and M'tll Dvuc. OnW left with Linrille &. Wilev prompt ly attended to. E. F. Lowell, CARPENTERS PLASTERER All work in the above line promptly attended to. Ea? end of Washington street, one hloek beyond the Phonix hotel, and directiv op posite the building of A. ormKer. t-tf G. H. CURRY. Watchmaker and Jeweler. (Late of San Francisco.) lias established himself in Phoenix and is prepared to do all kinds of Watrh. and Clock Rfwurinn. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Or No Charge. Give him a call, as he intend" to beef. me ft permanent resident of Phoenix, ami ha llnttenns recommendation us evidences of a irood workman. In the window of Liu viile & Wiley, on Wat-hinIon street. CUMiYIINGS & COSNER, GARPEXTERS, and BUILDERS. Shop opposite Herald office. SEYMOUR Feed Yard and Corral. E. PACKWOOI) - - Proprietor This, llie pioneer stable of Scvniour has at all times hav and jrrain. and all the accommodations lor boarilinrr horses. Horses on hand at all times to Let 00 tf and for Sale. SEYMOUR HOTEL. . A. STRKKLASD, Pi-"r. Situated at the mill site of the Cen tral Arizona Mining Company.. Stae station for the famous Vul ture mine. PriocH Reasonable. SEYMOUR SALOON, joiix tonv, pkop lie who calls on me will he treated in a pen lleinanly manner. A FINE BILLIARD TABLE lu connection with tlie house. Fre sh M ilk. IS nr.MVKRKD T1V TIIE l"XIF.USlcJFI to riist.mpri in Phenix and vicinity daily. Hnvintr a Inrse dairy three miles north of town can tin ninli MilU JFi'esher and Kneetrr Than can t done by keepirg your own cow G've in a trial' Orders left at the Postoffice Will Receive Prompt Attention. Tha filagnolia Saloon. MORROW & CO. Proprietors We would respectfully B.i'y the juiblie tha we haveoened a Saloon iu the ueir FRAME BUILDING on the Corner of "Washington and Montezuma. Streets. The rerv bent quality of Wines, Ilqu,tr acd Cipar alwny on hauil and so'd at jtrteeii ti ini' the ti me. (jive un a cull. lU-tf EST Corner of AND MISCELLANEOUS. Tiitornational Hotel. S04 nnd 8"2t Kearnv Street. San Frnm-inco. and ;Sl.r0 per day. H. Patridjre. Proprioto . Two Concord roaches, with the name of the Hotel n, will always be in wait ins ot the landing to convey paenpers to the Hotel free. Iin nrc you net inlo the riht coach; if you do not. thry will charge you. tim K. T MensdorflVr. Hat and Caps. Whole sale and Retail. N'o. 15 Kearnv street. Sun Franci-co. " (jm Hick t Co.. Practical Hook Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers. No. SV4 Clav btreet. near Montiromerv. San Francico. Blank books ruled, printed and bound to order. tim errv Place. Importer! and Dealers in Mining Enarinn-i. Saw Mills. Steam Pumps, Portable and Stationary- En-iine--. Stamp Mills. Air Comnrescors and Rod, Drills. Wood and Iron Working Machinery, etr.. etc. Cataloune sent on application. jtiancet street, head of 1-rout ttreet. an r rancipco. (im IB.1 L. Rhein. D. D. S.. Dentist. All branches of the Dental art done in the best manner possible, at reasonable prices, and satisfaction irnaranteed. South west corner of Third and Market street-. Entrnnces No. 8 Third street and 70:1 Market street. San Francisco. Cm T7 airlenon & Co.. Importers and Maniifac a Mirers of Men's Furnishing fiood. Nos. 4 and rt Kearnv street, corner of Market. San Francisco. Shirts ready made and made to order a specialty. " ;jm B. & J. S. DOE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Sash Weights, Sash Cords. Pulleys, 4c. 41. 40 and 4S Market1 street, San Franfiseo, ... fail. rieutl for Catalogue of eize6 and prices. 2m LELONC'S NURSERIES, Lou Angeles. Cal. j The -Larpest and Most Conltc Stock of Semi-Tropical and Northern t I ! Fruit Trees, Evergreens, SHRUBS, FLOWERING PLANTS, ROSES, &C. Fend for Catalogue and Price Li&t. Free to all on applicaiion. Trees and Plants packed and delivered at depot free of charge. -1m PICO 1TOUSE7 Los Angeles, - Cal. The Only Firr-'ii Hotel Wont hern California. in JOHN WniTXEV Manager. Marcus C. Hawley & Co. Importers and Dealers iu Hardware and Agricultural liYIPLEWiEraTS. Sole Agents for Boston Belting Co's Rubber Goods, Sehnttlr r Vtoh. "Gold Medal' Threshers, Perpetual"" Hav Presses. Renlntor Wind MillK. --Buckeye"" Mmvere, H.-iinen nnd rae"E Header.. Ifnm pey. I irt and Force Pllnms, Deere"? tiatig Plown. Hel miint NaiW. Katzle File., American Screw "(imTtitiv. P. .t F. C'o!"iin I.ockx. A. Field' Son's Tackx, Jiic, Jitc, Ktc, Etc. 301. rrt'.. ri-,. nr and rm Market street, corner n-nle street. San Fran'-ihco. No?. l:l. 45 and 17 ,i street, Sacramento. L'm Washington and SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE. ri2EiC0TT. Two and one-half miles Frcseott. south of Having now corrpletetl, and in full operation, my new !ia-.r 31 ill, I am prepared to fill or ders for Merchantable, Clear, Surfaced and Paistic Lumber Matched Flooring Casing?, Mouldings, Panelings and Shiii'rles OF TIIE FIXEST QUALITY 111 short, everything in my line for the construc tion of FITkST - CLASS BUILDINGS TEKMS: Cnsli on Ielivery. All orders sunt by mail, or through the merchants prompt attention. Geo. "W. Curtis. Clipper Mill COMPANY. Frescott, Arizona. TTAVIXC PURCIIASKD THE IVTER. est of J. 1 AViley, we have refitre. the above mills wiih new saws and linichinery, and are now bi tter prepared tuuu ever to tiiiu ih ail kinds uf Merchantable. Clear, Feneinsr, Rus tic and Surfaced, Matched Flooring. Reveled Sidinrr, Lath, Shinirle., Sash, Doors, Mouldinss, &c, at BED ROCK PRICES. Get onr piirR before? 1 rlainfr l(ewhere. 0ce corxcr Cortex aud jroMl"-in 'rrer K Ti P IIKKR, F. G. PA UK Kit. Starke's Hotel, SAN BEKNARDINO, CAL. r.leals, 25 Cents. A. STAKKI3, Proprietor. Center Streets. "S2Sr !u,Tfr"Sssti;u MISCELLANEOUS. RESTAUK AXT ! Capital IIIoclv, Plieaiix. BEST EATIXG HOUSE Is The Salt River Valley. Our Tables are always sup plied with the best to be obtained in the Market. Polite Attention Paid to Guests C. Sai.ari, Pkop'r T II E Chicago & North -Western It A 1 I IV A Y Tlte CJrent Trim Is I.itie from the etst to t'liiciijio anil ilie :cist. It in the eldep. shortest, moat direct, enn- Temenr, eoin:uri. el ami iu eveiy re.-nect the -t line ytm oin t,ik. It is the ereiit-st and jrritndest railrrav orca- nization iu the L'tiited .States. PULLMAN HOTKL CARS AKR RUN ALONE 111" IT TllKOLuIl UEIWttS Couxcil Bluffs & Chicago. No other road runs Piillrnxn Hotnl Cftrs. or ftny other f.inu .f Hot! Chts, thruub, becweeu Hip Mir?turi liivfrand C'hii-niro. M W K X ti i: It Si ii O I X U EAST shuuld bear iu miud that this is the Best llouto to Chicago AXD ALL POINTS EAST. Insist that tlie Tit-ket Asrent srlls you tickets h t!ie Mortb-Westcrn Koa. Kx-miin your 'l'i'kTs. rfluse to buy if tLt-y Uu not reaU over this Ktutd. All AjTfuts sH tliein and check Hual bn; pajr free by tliis line. Thronffii Tirkoto this Rmit to all Kn.-TTD I'tuns r;tn b rofiirel at tl;e eti trail 1'B-itio liailma i Tifkef Oflice. foot of Market reet, aud at 2 New Montgomery street. San, uiul t all ('oiipou Ticket Ofliees of the Ceutntl i'aoiti Huilroifi. MAKVIV IKT.IIITT. tlne-ai Munairer. Chicago M'. II STKN.NETT. ml -.Inn 1 General Paseiijr Affent, CliioHgro T. A. Waterman 11 XS OPENED A NV Tin Shop. liy place of b tin moss . in Golrlnian's V'arfhonse. jnt belcnv the Telegraph Uflico. atteiitiou given lo Repairing and Job Vcrk. A kyi? assortment of Tin and Sheet Iron ocnt-liUrtiy oc hand E7t5 SEEDS! FItESII AXI TRI E TO XAM K, T'E will send tbe f.illowli'ir . pos prid, on receipt of price. Keu it by IVitofiice Order or I'n-tarfs S'anip- ; IWts, peroz 10c. 'Parsnips, per ojt..0o. I'arr. t per Z I'1:- Itiltlish. per ox He. CiihbHif e, ier z. ; spinaob pr 02. . . 10 1-ttnce. r z l."x:. 'Turnip, per ox. ..0u Onion. p-rz 15c. Toniiilo, per oz...2.o ANo. in 10 rent packet!, all varieties of Vr eiablc. Flower and IVe Seeds. Send for Price J. 'st. TlloMAS A. i o .t (.' . 107 ilo .vaic dtrcT J Sua Frauuiam La i MISCELLANEOUS. The Bradshaw Mountains is orn place or business. DON'T GO TO 'SGOtt For vc will sell you trooils RIGHT AT YOUR CABIX DOOR FOlt LESrf MOXEY ! Than you can Imy at Prc-itt and trsiisjiort them home. We have depots at Gillette. Tip-Top and Peck District. Mining Men take Notice ! And save the bother of piickinsr. The Loss cs Time, and Aituaj, CS!r, liy huyincr of ANDRES & ROWE. FLORENCE Feed and Livery J. V. WILSON, Proprietor Tire Oiliest and Best Known Sta ble in h iorcuce. pINEST LIVFKV HORSES TO LET BY the day, ivetk or month, on nmst eason able terms. Thfe best nf slablinp KCi'oiiiaiodu-tit-uK, feed and care ivou stuck left in my charge. M.tio street (opposite Guiodani & Co.,) FUiteuce. SALT lUVEli Flouring; FvliSI. C. II. VEIL, Crop. The Largest and Best Mill in the Territoiy. OFFERS F0H SALE ALL THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR la quantities to suit purchasers Tli. fnlVwinir hramls eonstnnt'y on bund: XXX FAMILY FLOUR (warranted.) XTIA FAMILY K X TI! A S 1" 1 K K F 1 N E , OKAHAM CKACKED Y1IEAT." ALSO lii-aii. Shorts nnrl "lidrtliiis. OI'EOIiL A I'TEN'I JON IXVI I F.OTO M XXX Fumily FNinr. Lvery siiek f wliieh is punr.u t-'el equal ti the liest muliiit'uetureil i 1 .he Terii'oTy r lueHey refundeil. IImvii'j; :i leri;e stoek ef Imiiil. puretuisers will de well 10 give me u call brture purcbasitij; e.aewUt-re. rSfPRICER LOW AS TIIE LOWEST. Highest dice Ciiiil for Wheat. 21 LEGAL. Administrator's Mule. T-OTT0E IS HKKKBY CIVFX. TflAT i in pnrsitnnce of an ordrofthe Pndat? Court of the C ounty of Pinal. Territory of Arizema. mtide on the 2Tth tlav of .Ti-ne. in lhe mutter of the e-tate "of STFP11KX HIC IIOUL. deceased, the tindersir-iud. Arf-mini-tiator of the eaicl estate, will elt at private sale, to the lilL-hest bidder tor ease, in lawful money of the United States, ami subject to confirmation In- said Prufiate Court, on or alter Saturday. June a I sit. lfciJO, All the riirht. title, interest and estate of the said Stephen ISiclionl. deceased, ut thw time tr his di ath: and nil the rtyht. titlir and interest that the estate lias Iiv ocr.-ttiou of leu n or otherwise iiciiiireil. it(ier than or in addition to that of the said lrestate at the time of his death, in and to the undi vided one fourth interest in rfie -.Yon-month mire, situated in the Clohe fiioict. County of M.nricopn. Territory of Aiizona. Term and conditions of'sale: Cash ir lawfnl nionev of The V. S -lleetf at exiien. of pnrch.iser. Bids or rll'ers nr.i- . n:sd? at any time iiTtit the first puil; .iiioii trthi noliee and hefon; niakitiL' the sale. All SiiU or oilers rim -t he in writing and left at tn ollir e ot It. IS Summer-.. Florence. A. T.. or de!ivrl to the mid." signed personallr. Hated Mav irth. isrM ki.isiia isiciTour.. Adiniiiistrutor of the estate of Stephe-i Uii'hotil. deceased. Vtt-S I'ropo.salsi for I'rin t iiir. "1J7DS WIM. ill-; WEcFlVEn BV THE Jt t hm rniun i 1 The nofllfl of Snn-v;.ra up to July 1. ln. iii rtt, nil the t onntr for ihr foiintv of .Muricopa. nom July lt. ISl'i. to ,lnn 1st. ISMi. Itisoribr eil tlmt ths Clerk of tlte Hoard lisve this al vertisemeiit inserted in the Territorial Ex- PofiiTor nild PlIiKNIX 11 KHALI! for four ue..Lrt The Hoard elaiins the rijrht to reject all bids. I. II. COX. Cie; Pha'm'x. June -J. IS k Board Supervisors. '9. Ul-lw-W Arizona Lottery rSDEK THE DIRECTION OF Governor J. C. FREMONT, Territorial foiitnii-ovionrr. MICIirL UOLDWATIR. Prr. The lottsrr hen-tornro sdvertisecl to tnka ploce 3 l ' E Jlh, i puDtpoueduntil AUGUST 4TH. I 879, To be tlmn held nt the Pnme plareand drawn in tho pa me tnannvr as hereto fore announced. ALL TICKET HOLDERS, Deairin? tn do so may nrrender their tick etf to J. fioldwatef Jt Bn Prewntt. A. T., and will thereupon receive full cawh value for tho fame. All communications should he a(fctrerf to MICHEL GOLDWATER, PRI SI'OTT. Arizona. At the Prxwine of Al'd'ST rh. then will he distributed the following rrizett, viz: One prize, t $10 (XO One prize if .uoi One prize i f 1 .ton Thrt-r prizes f !,( mrh ptM'h Four prlz f Seven ,rizes of ....... 'I 'en prized of". ... . . V i 1 1 y prtzeMtt .......... F i ft y pri Zf of . . .. ..... Fifty prizn f One hundred prizes of 5 'O M.-h. eah I'-O enrh as fnvtt is h 10 ea'ta TICKETS may he ordered from j fiOLDWATER- & BRO.. Aqenis. Prescott. A. T. Make all drafts nd vour postal money or ders payable to their order. All pftrsonj? having rUimn acain-t tho ARIZONA LOTTERY COMPANY. Will prenont them to M. OOLl) WATER, President, l'rescoit. Arizona. 9-J-td INNEY, NO. II, KEARNY STREET, Treats all TIironi and SSpocial JHtteaM's. YOUXU MEN HO MAY UK SFFKKRlNf FROM the t fT-irio 'f yi titht'ul filitTS r!.- reiitn. will d well t. avail ih'lvia .r this the (:rrarct luiro i-vr ;iid t th- wlrar tf miftVrinir Imnmiiiiy. JII. SIJnNEY miil ffiiar.tnte to terfeil f " 0 for every ens- t f'luiii.i 1 nknrtw r private disite of Miiy kiiitl r fl-aractr which lie umUrUtke aul nils to cute. MlDlLE-Af!ED MKV. There are nmny at the asre ot thirty t- :x'r tt nrp tr'id t"t nitti tint tnti(ti-ut -vai-iur!i--i if the hladd'-r, ofteu actMnn I'au.w by m hnnt Mnurtinif r burning seusntiou. aul a weanw f tlie vt'iu i ti a inatinr lite artetu rannot eeiHiut for. 'n exatnioiiiy the uriitHnr tie- p.its a rcpy setiunent n iii uiieu ie f'Una ani -oineiiim-s ViiihII imr:ilc allwimen wiil jiiteir. or the t-olur will be l a thm miikilk hue. ntaiu chanina: to a dark and torpitl l-e.iian- e. Then are many men whi di- f litis ditli u'ty i intrant o the ra- se. whieb ia he si-eoiitl taee uf steniinal w a lie-. ir. S. will lEiwniniee a peifi- t eure in uii Mi-b aeit, and a heal.hy restoration i the p'"i:w-,l'Iry uriiiiS. ntli. e Honrs '0 t.) 4 an t e. cu u from 10 t- It a in. C o sultati m f-ee. Tbur- i.itj-h examination and ndri.-e. t'aU ur id.' Nu. K iru stieet, .Sua FiuuArisco.