Newspaper Page Text
Thf Phcenix VOL. -XO. 19. WHOLE XO. 96. PIKEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, A. T. SATURDAY, JUXE 21, 1879. NEW SERIES XO. 25. The Herald. Published eretv Saturday and Wednesday. GOSPER &. McCLINTOCK, PBOPRIKTORH. Siisciiptiox Kates: One copy one rear. On; copy six mouth". - - By carrier, in Fhceitix. pr month. - Abvihtiiig Rates: One inch, one Insertion. Each ubequeiit inrtion. I'rofeseional card, per month. $.- 00 2 Wi 50ctc $ no 1 W 1 50 Charles W. Crane is onr Authorized .Agent in San Krancinco. PROFESSIONAL. 1C. R . PATRICK. Civil K ns 1 n e e r IVpulT U.S Mineral Surrejor for Arizona. Office With W. A. Haucock Phenii, ... T. II. M. KAYU. Attorney and ounMflor at Law Phoenix. A. T. All kinds of Legal Businca promptly attended to. RKXJ. MORGAV. Attorney and Counselor at I-iw, Tucson. Arizona. All law nuincs will receive prompt and careful attention. J. A. ZABRIHIklE. Hereford, II KB EFORD 4k. ZA BRIKEilK, Attorneys and Counselors at Law And Notary Public. Office on Myera street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tucson," Arizona. R. I.. ROSBOX. M. 1. Physician and Hnrtf on. Graduate of the University of Va.) OflVra his professional services to the people of Pho?nix and vicinitr. Office X. V Corner Washington and Center Stieots, op posite the Post Ofiice. X. 11. COX. A. C. BAKER. COX BAKER, Attorneys al Law, Phoinis. A. T. Ofhr. np-statrs. in Capital bnilding. on Washington street. WHARTOX A S1IEKTS, Physicians and Hnrgeons. Will attend professional calls at any honr of the clav or niirht. Office ea.-t side "of the Plaza. O". H. P. Sheets. M. D-. late of Keno. Nev.t J. E. Wharton, M. D., U. S. Medical Kxaminer. J. W. STEPllKXSOX, Attorney at I. a w. rUOSNTX, MARICOPA cocxxr, ARIZONA. IIAKKV II. JUVKH. Attorney and C'onntclor at Law, i Phffinix, A. T. ! Office np-stairb in Capital huildinr, Waih- i intrtoli btreet. J. It. I JI -I..St Arrhite.rt and Superintendent . Plans. 8pcifications and eiimatttn care fully prepared. Office with l)ns. bhce;s A Wharton. ca?t side of the plaza. ie. 1j. coxykrs, Physician and Murceon. (Late of Vinalia. Cal.) OS?ce on Washington street, two door from 3tuntezuina. JI L.I1 W. VAX NLYI4. Attorney and Counselor at Law, McVillenville. Maricops Co.. A. T. Will practice la ail the courts of the- Terri tory. JOHN T. ALISAT, Attorney and Counselor at ILanr, rhwnix. Arizona. All bnsinr jiromptlr attended to. Office with the District Attorney. rROBATE jriwc sotiht rt'cuc. WM. A. HAXCOC K. Attorney at Law, Phoenix. A. T. t3TLaDd business in all departments a ftpecialtT. PAI L, WF.KBER. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Preacfitt. Arizona. Will practice iu all the courts of the Terri tory. JOII.V L.. AiRVAHi. y. I. rhyftirfan. Sor;ron A Areourher. Reference without permi"inn : F. M. Cockrill. I'. S. Senator. Mo.: Col. John T. f'rinp. Democrat ir nominee for C'onirrei-K from 3fifouri. Office two miles south Iiay den.s Ferry. Arizona. Gold duct. "fld and silver bullion and ore of every description melted and assayed, j All a-am guaranteed. Price of ore a-av: Silver and cold. 3: lead. .t8: copner. S5. amplen can be pent by mail or exprt-s. and : rerurn? will be promptly made. Office with Welln, Fargo Co., Pre-colt. BUSINESS CAltDS. NEW PIIOEXIX BAKERY ! J. IIKIXSOX, Proprietor. ""ash ingtou St., oppoiite court house. EIGHT LOAVES OF BREAD OR EIGHT BREAD TICKETS FOR A DOLLAR. PIES AND CAKES ON HAND. PIOXEEB BAKERY ! Washington Street. Xorthcatt Corner of the Plaza, Eight Loaves of II re ad for 91.00 Frnit Cak- and Pastrr of all kind, for wedding parties, etc., prnarpd to order. BAX'KLKS X CO. To Academies, High Schools and Private Families. EXPERIENCED EDITATOR OF LTOMtbiiif bth pexee. recei.tlv arrived in Ihif town, tearb.s LATIN. GREEK. FRENCH. SPANISH And High School ronre of the English branches. Addrej. PROF. P. i. JOYCE. !1-T PlifESll. P. O. For Sale. c HIM TO SKCrrON' . TOWNSniP Offh. KftflCr t Ka-t. rilUn tin r:.l..- p.-. at (tip r?f Jlli'-c. MISCELLANEOUS. Phoenix H otel. Wanhinton Sr.. between Maricopa and Pima street-. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Rooms Fy the dav or niirht. Rest of ArrammodationM f-'&miliert. Tor A SHOWER BATH connected with the Hotel fr the convenience of gntit and the public irenerally. I. J. C?A KD I N K Ft. FRESH Beef Cattle!AKTGALLERY IT T. RKPPKfTFl'I.I.Y INFORM TTIK r Hetailern of A Ketailern of Arizona, Inat e are prepared to turnihh on hoof Fat Beef Cattle, at ant eann. in nnv onanfTtiev. and at the j i.t possible Price. The cattle are at the excellent praziui; country arounti Tonto Bain. and in good condition. We will furhifh the retailers in thin tion with T)res.d Bef from our Slaughter Houses, north of town. Ordr eoliciit-d. BALTZ fc KELLY, Phoenix. Big YAVAPAI CO. 27 Miles front Presrott and ZtlileM from Pliir-nix, n the It lack Canyon Itoatl. Having pnrchad the above station, the traveling public will always find nn'alr. grain and hrtr at all Tim-. A bar. with a good stock of liquors on hand. SXYI)ER.HAl'XCEY & 0. Boot and Shoe Maker. Vanhiiis:toii street. aJoanins the Store of ( aslaiirilx FRiiionabe Root and Shoei f t'ie bet material made to order in elyaut tyle. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. T sive my entire attention m custom made ! w.rk. and I hsve every fncilily fur 'jiving ! entire catitfacTifn. Send in j our order. II. tu KEHHA. Practical Boot & Shoe Maker. Boots and Shoes, MADE TO OKDEIt, AXD I1EPAIRIXG XEATLT DOSE ta?Shop at Waterman" Tin Shop. " ICE! ICE!! LOU NT BROS. Will deliver ICE to auy part of the city at the following rates: Ten 1'oanilN and over per Iay. Mix. Outs ier loul. I'ntler, Xen I'oundw ier day. Leave order at the Factory, or with K. Gauz, Washington strert. 10 tf Cem Saloon. Miss Katie Haywood - Prop. I Ifavinp lned tlip Old ttrrwpn' Srtlimti - and refitted it entire, and added a eilduriur ! , quality of WINES LIQUORS & CIGARS. I would ne pleased to ntfrfain my i friends and the public rem-mily." 93 tf MISS KATIE. Fast Freight Line BETWEEN Phoenix and Maricopa, j Freight delivered in One ' Bay. IsOi15 The Pnblie are informed that have es tablished a Kant Freight Line bvrvtn tliit? city Td th ri'rrrt). rl(l'-s all c'niM r' -i-atiou;. .HAKI4I.KV C KUKK. i'i; r;nx. A. i. MSCELLAXEOUS. STAR IA1KER SHOP. FELIX DEES, Formrrlv with William StTirnbunr I ba tiltrd n a 1'arhrr Shop oppo-ite the ' Hekai.p (iftirc. wHtc he will be pleased to f his nurm'roiis frind and the public in !! nral. Shavini:. Shampooing and Hair I Ciminjr done in the Latent Style and satin- faction jrtiurauteod. PHCEPJIX I Southwest Corner of Faza. i rrTIF: rXTVFTtS1.;X FT. H AVTfi COM ( JL plTd his nw Cinllery. it? low pre I pared to execute all work in his line in the ; het ftyl and at reasonable rates. ! A complete asortment of ARIZONA ; SCFNKHY always on hand. 1 A full line of Picture Frames and Monld- f'ictnres framed to order. U. H. ROTIIROCK. White l Walters On AV:isliin Imported Wines, Liquors and Cisrars, Cheap Living! iioarj re,i reftiiccd to S UU per week Single Xeals 50 cents. 'It IllC Cosmopolitan Restaurant. W3I. IIOLUXD. Ths United State: Wishes to inform the public and lovers of good LAGER BEER. That ther have reduced the price of i not t leu Deer, to Three Dollars per Dozen, Iu order to allow the poor as well as the rich, to obtain a beverage highly beneficial to health. It. H EIIRFRKTZ Litu of Sslt Luke City Hrewerv. I THE BALDWIN. j 1 tin iimjm cleL'antlv appointed hotel in j ! the world, over Sl..''i.t(f hnvinir bein ex-I . pi'iided by Air. Baldwin in it construction i and fiirnichinfr'. Headquarter? annv and j j navy. Special accommodation? for families ; i and larire pnrtn-;. Price- the same as at j ! other tir-elnsf hotel. $3 to $." prr day. ; r Spfi-ial contract will be mad lor perma- j i iicnt hnanhtr. The hotel coaches and'ear- ' ria-us in waiting at all li'iats and railway1 : dt pors. HtKiiim can Tie reserved before : i arnal ny teht:iphini; the lialdwin. j A. MACABEIi. BiifciueHb Manager. Young America! Kotil and Restaurant, KIUF.TT, AKIZOXA. Board bv the Day or "Week. t -illeiti th" lnrntfcm of t he ni:!l of the Tijuop Mining Company. Person visiting thi live Tiiiniiiir c.mnp will find ihe Ymui" f Ann-rica Hotel and Ktfstatirnnt the rhen;t"t j and bent piace to put up at. Terms reasou ub'e. j SINl.LE t ANDERSON'. Piopr. Washington ( rrihe public are refpeclfall y informed that I I have moved mv barbr Khon to the I b iiMiiifr on W:ihinrton street latelv occu- ! ! ptnd by the drnir More of Ir. Conve. and j i that I have aho opened a firt-clase bathing t , e.-Tabli.-.liment. j l'.y "rirt aTientlnn to bninfp I hope to J rr par WM. s u:.iii.t-c S. - . ' I3flOI1 ! KEEP A FIRST-CLASS ! V. T. i ttfcT Mfk inra&eH w: so I I gton Street, Tlioeuix. j BATHS! MISCELLANEOUS. SKIRROW & MCKENNA'3 On Vahin$.-Ton Ptreot. in th old Capital bi;iUUnc;, has bcu Kefitted amd Refurnished. Making it Phoenix. the mo.t attractive place in The Parlor adjoining contain eamon ca pable of amupiii? the moit fastidious. FURR3BTUR T The undersianed has on hand a large assortment of i ! j Furniture and Upholsteiy. Also manufactures to order FIXE CABINET "WARE. DOORS. WAINSC'OATING, AND OFFICE FITTINGS. Entern made chairs constantly on hand. On Washington street, adjoining the store of Nathan fc Co. 67 tl A. COEKA. Livery Washington .--treet adjoining the " Pheuix Hotel. Horses tardeii hr the Week or Month. Day Keeps plwnys on hand the hest quality of ; wheat and grain hay, barley and oate. ; Good accommodation for teamsters and ! travelers. KtM-pis constantly on band fine ; turnout. Horner hoartled at my McMe will receive the bebt attention. ' OEO. HAMLIN. ; CALIFORNIA BAKERY. ADAMS STREET, ! One block north of th Hkrami Offlc' i al;?t in the rear of Copeluud's ah and Blind depot. I : Krcsli SSread Always on Eland. RYE AND GRAHAM BREAD ii".:ule to orilcr; ;ii'o Pit'.! Al CAKES. J"Iricep to uit the times. CARL SCHERREK. (I. ate of Sun IJernardino.; tt New Saloon. i Wtt ronld ro port fully notify thf public thflt vu have oncned a new saloon in the 1miMinr opposite the Express tUTicK. imd intend to kfM'p it hs a chIoou should bu kept. The very beet quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS OX HAND nnd old at prices to suit the time. A hand.'omely furni.-hed club room attached for the use of mir o iTrons. i:ntiv i iumi:u Dudley House, Gnrley St.. rrescott. A. T. A FIRST - CLASS HOUSE Un tlie European Plan. Xew and Clean Beds for Lodgers, and Elegant Booms for families. FRED WILLIAMS. Irop. T. J. IORGAS'tJ, Ciiirley street, one door east P. O., Presrott, Arizona Dealer in Diamond?. AVatchos, Clocks. Jew eliy and Silverware, Spectacles, Gold Tens and Pencils, etc. I Watchmaker aud Maim fact urine Jewelers, t All kinds of jewelry and silverware made from native jrold and silver. Eni:ravinr of ' every description. Seal presse? and ribbou h tamps. 9 iScses'S MATERIAL. I The underiened hap just received a large I atd complete aaaorinient of iooits. SASH. IILIXOH. and AVIXDOWS Which are of a better quality and will be sold cheaper than at thii Sash Factsry in Ircscott. An -i rd?rp poTTtptly attended to. Adam FtlO (. eic iiun.n f.T the lier..;u I i E. IRVISE it CO. A NEW DEPARTURE. Cash Down Or No Sale. WE "WILL HATE THE ! PAY OR KEEP OUR We hereby notify our friends and the public generally that from this time forth we will cease to sell for credit on any terms whatever. We are aware that in order to do this we will have to sell cheaper than our neigh- . : bors, and we are prepared to do so. As we are building we are very much pressed for cash, and therefore it Avill be better . ll. jl ' enoil'-TIl lo hiiy Wli iliu iiauyuui uii'iii lor ns to sell tor cost than j h ou.j uS:y'b! convened iutoi.uii to sell on ever so short a ! ion- , , ,. . , ,1 It is the delay and expense attend- tmie, 110 Riatter hOW gOOdli,, this process of conversion, that the buyer. The facts in j saves the East from bein- llooded the case are just these: " it is n TiPosssitv with n; n nave our gooas or to nave the wherewith to buy more. Of course we do j not expect to do so much business, but we arc de-; termi.ned to do what we i can. Our Lumber Yard is now full and nearly com plete. Provisions, Groceries, Drv Goods. "Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Fruits. Hone', Summer Hats, Ranch Butter, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery "Ware, Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder, Fuse. fcc, fcc, &c, tte. Irvine & Go. Keep on the West side of the Plaza. Remember the sign over the do r, RVINE & 00. Variety Store Tienda Barata. THE PIICEXIXIIERALD. SEMI-WJBElilVV EIMTIOX. (Saturday, June 21. 1479. The hERALD to-day consists of tx page. THE "TOMBSTONE." Origin of the Name A Rich Min eral District. The il-omened title borne by this district indicates the ready wit of the h.trdy miners in coining names lor new places, and also the pertinacity with which a name 'will stick to a man or place when it has once taken popular hold. The story as to the origin of the name given to the district is, that two young miners, brothers, nxmud fichae tlin, had" reached Tucson in the early pari of last year, on a pros eoting journey. While mere they neara or some likely luuicauons that Had been seen on the hills around the ban Pe dro river, about seventy milts away from Tucson, and made up their minds to go and prospect there. They were strongly advised by their friends not to go on what they considered a fools' errand, and told them they would find their tombstones their and nothing else, "All right," replied the hoys, "tombstones let it be, if we can't do better, but we will chance it." And away they went, up amongst the wild hilis where the attack of the treacherous Apache was no less prob able than tli miners' every day risk of accident and starvation. Buinoue of these mishaps belel the brave lads; they were singularly fortunate in lisutiug upon a magnificent vein ol silver ore, which piece of good luck was followed by the discovery of oth er veins equally valuable, in the same neighborhood. A mining camp was immediately orgauized by the disct v crers, who, in derision of the dismal forebodings of their friends, gave it the doleful name of the Tombstone District." The Schaeflins had been in the Ter ritory since 1871, but this discovery wn made as recently as February, ly7(i. Within the fourteen months since thai time, some hundreds of claims have bien locatad and many of them developed into mines ot the first magnitude; a town numbering a thousand inhabitants, in which not an idle or discontented man can be found, and a iitas of silver ore has been uncovered, rich and plenti'tll v r.i ; i t wit v-'e :inti I it c sea r.;iurii i capitalists the ouportunitv of taking I the lion's share of the S li UillJlUI- i ed from Nature by the impecunious i miner. Tlie necessity ol procuring ! the bat on and beans of daily lite j compelled many of the tirst lix-atoi j in the Tombstone District to sell tlieir I claims, inlrHnsically worth millions, I tor less than a Jacob's mess of pot Itajie; hut this process is about over mid most ot the mines are now held at prices that bear u nearer relatieu to their real vuluu. As the Shaeflins wer the first to prospect the district, so they were also the first to let the world know its worth. General Saflbrd, who pro ceeded General Fremont as Governor of the Territory, and who is a man cl' great vnv-rgy and executive ability, associated himself with the ShacfJins and their partner, Mr. Richard Gird, iu the formation of a stock company to work eleven claims which they had secured, and one of which they sold for 10,000 cash, on the beans aud bacon principle referred to above. The stock of this first Tombstone incorporation was put at five million dollars, and Gov. Sali'ord then came t ISTtw England and delivered a ser ies of able lectures on the wealth and natural characteristics of the Tombstone District. The Governor's vitality soon bore fruit by interest'!!;! a number of leadica: citizens m his undertaking. - Mr. V. A. Corbin, of New Britain, Conn., and his brother, Frank Corbin. of Philadelphia, in vested largely in the company. Mr. I. S. Vosburg. in connection with the Corbins, contracted to erect a ten stamp ore-mill, a saw-mill aud other improvements on the works. Thus in every respect the company has started with a more hopeful begin ning than falls to the lot of most un dertakings of a similar character. This success we may fairly suppose, is mainly due to the fact of a thoroughly live mau, of high charac ter and influence, having devoted his energies to the matter. There are now several Arizona mines in the Xew York market as good as this of the Shaeflins, whose future prosperi ty is being fooled away through the incompetence of the bunglers who have thegt in charge. Australia as a Market for Amer ican Products. New York, June 10th. The Tri bune, to-day advises merchants and manufacturers to fully avail them livesof th advantages offered by the Australian exhibition to advertise American go ls. There is not a year which a new market does not open for some American product or manu facture, and often in the least likely placs. That the distance of this mar ket al the antipodes has no deterring ! etlect. ts shown by the fact that this 1 city ships horse cars to New Zealand at the cost of transportation of over $2UU each, and agricultural imple I ments to Australia. Let an article be the best ot its kind and no fraud, and 'customers will come lor it from the I furthest end ot the world. ' Copper bns been found iu the Hua ihuca mountains. BARNEY'S BONANZA. The Silver KJng Mine Operations af Picket Post. The Silver Kins mine is situated in the northern part of Pinal County, Pioneer District, in a basin at the foot of a steep mountain range, tvaj discoverred iu lb"3, by C. (i. Mason, B. W. Keagon, W. L.'Lnng and Ika Koplin, anp was the tirst location placed (n record in Pinal County. Lon?: and KopliD sold their interests to the other partners iu June 1SG'.. and in December following Masou sold his half interest to Col Janie9 M. Barr.ev- for $300,000. Six monibs later the "Silver King Mining Com pany was incorporated with capital .-tock of $10,000,000 in 100,000 shares. Previous to the iocorporntion $2o0, 000 had been diyitled anion? the owners, derived from sales of ore, and since its formation the coiupaay ha paid to its stockholdeas in dividend $4.30,000. S'o assessment has been levied. The property has paid all expenses since discovery, built a teu stamp mill complete, which is dw iu full operation, and furnished hoisting works, which will be iu op eration some time during this com ins week. The vein matter isquarlz. the minerals counting chitf y of chloride and black snlphrets, with, quantities of pure silver in nuggeu. The old shaft is down 237 feet and drifts and tunnels in all direction show that the mineral is not ODlyJde posited on top of the ground, but ex tends down into mother earth. A new working shaft has also been commenced which is to bo sunk 1000 feet. There is now in sight, by act ual miner's measurement $1,000,000 besides 750.000 worth of ore n the dump aud failings at the mill, which latter are to be reduced by amalga mation, a process the company is about to introduce to their otherwise perfect mill aud thereby save that which is lost by present process. The entire cost of the mill was 560,. 000. Wood and water are in the vicinit- of mine and mill, and the properly is distant lrom terminus of the Southern Pacific Railroad but sixty miles, the ore is hauled from the mine to the mill, four miles in, wagons. About fitly men are employ ed by the company. Picket Post and the town of Silver King both show cunsiderable activity. TucaonCitizen. Pacific Coast Items. Frank Campbell a well known Ne vada mining man has bonded tlie Biif Injun mine, situated twenty miles north of AuTOra. Snake river miners are glad to work far $1,50 per day. New York capitalists will invest $100,000 in opening one of the Silver ado mines. Carson has a Chinese lottery. The various springs around Esmer aldo have gone dry. The "001" have rid Reno of 18 vags who have been selling liquor to Indians. S imc rich ore bodies are being opened up in Ihe Belmont mine. Grasshopers are destroying crops near Keno. A black slocking with a snak coiled around the log is the latest novelity at Tuscnrora. And tbe Elko Independent says that this ac counts for the great number of men ih that ungodly burgh who are so anxious to see snakes. The Atchison and Topeka, A correspondent of the New York Time, writing trom New Mexico de tailing the affairs F the Atchiton, Topeka and Santa Fe Kail road, says-r The Boston Company are backed by unlimited capital, and have deter mined on the construction of a mail from Guaytuas this way, meeting the ruad from this side at a point called Soldiers' Farewell, 4'i0 miles from Las Vegas, the presut terminus, and nearly midway ot the route. The distance (all rail) from New York to Guaymas will be about 3,800 miles. Noly 8000 miles further than from New York to San Francisco. Guay mas is au average distance of S0t miles nearer the principal ports of China than Sun Francisco, and up wards of 1,000 miles nearer Aus tralia. The Chicago Ffaihray Jlecieir saya of the Souora Railway : The Massachusetts- pajties who are principal owners ru the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe,. have received permission from the n-ilroad commission to tak out a charter under the name of "The Sonera Company," for building at road in Mexico. A special act has been passed by the Masiachusetta Legislature, permitting such corpor ations. Bananas. Months ago, Rev. II. II. Messenger nf Orange Cal., corresponded with residents ot Arizona as to the practi cability of growing bananasonl here. The result of the correspondence must have been favorable for a late number of Ihe Los Angeles ('ommrr eial says the gentleman named "is in troducing the culture of the banana in Arizona." The climates of the Colorado about Yuma, the lower Gila and the Salt River valleys are likely suited to the growing of such fruit. Arizona valleys ought to lie made to produce many choice fruits. The soil is good and the climate mild. Citizen. Greenbacks ar very scarce whi'e Mexican silver is very plentiful in Tucson. The business men hav heen much worried how to convert this silver inlo exchange, availablo in San Francisco and New York. rrr.ii-: