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THE PHOENIX HERALD. OI R TH1P. MISCELLANEOUS Dall SE3ZI-. WEEKLY EDITION, BOSPErt McCUHTOCK - - Proprietor. HitlHar.Jnnril. 1879. Te HERALD to-dar consists f tlx pages. A tACE IX THE FtTlRE. One of the greatest drawbacks to the proper development of tliis Ter Titory is the scarcity of water for milling purposes. From all the min ing districts comes the tidings that raills are compelled to cense crush ing ore for the want of water, thus not only retarding the bullion ship, me'nls, bttt causing a feeling of dis trust in the minds of shareholders in - the different cities of the east and Test, Mills hare been erected ou tnioes, without having prospected for j water, trusting that sufficient quanti ties would be found in the deeper workings of the mine, not finding it, the mill is compelled to remain idle, and the work of development cease3. This will be regulated in time by the building of mills, reduction works, etc., on Salt Kiver, whose water never run9 dry. At Virginia City the ma jor portion of the ruill3 are on the Carson Kiver, tiie ore for which is conveyed by railroad. There is enough water running ie waste ia Halt River to supply all the mills Id Arizona, and those yet to coino. We confidently believe that this will be done, and at no distant day. Tlie money used in freighting heavy ma chinery to the mountains would pay the transportation on many tons of ore to mills erected on this river. Narrow-gauge railroads will be built to the nearest accessible point, with feeders to the different mines, thereby insuring quick and cheap transporta tion of ores. If this is not done we will always hear of the stoppage of mills on this account and the conse quences arising therefrom. It is not idle talk to say that wiihin a few years at most; mills for the rednction of the ores from the wines in the Braclshaw, Big Rug, Cave Creek and Tonto Bain will be erected on some -mainstream of water that is unfail ing in its supply, instead of building -at the mines and trusting to the sup ply of the lower workings. Theiel las sat been found in a single mine ia the Territory, water in sufficient quantities to run a 5 stamp mill, or even the primativo arastra, aud capi talists will awaken to this fact yet. Recently, a mill, costing many thou sands of dollars, was erected near its mine, but the supply of water gave out and the stamps are idle. There are hundreds of mines In the neigh boring districts that will not pay to work tracre ore assays under 209 a ton, o- account of the cost of trans portation of salt and other supplies. With mills erected on this river, they would be near the Una of railroad, and ore working over $103 would be bonanza; the same as that of the mines in Ncvad. The question is asked, "are we to Jiave a celebration here on the Fourth trtr July?" To which a negative re ply is given. All the towns in the Territory are making extensive prep arations for the proper observance of this day, with the exception of Phoe nix, the most prosperous one of all. Girdle on the armor of patriotism and show that if you aie ou the fron tier, that tills day shall not be forgot ten, and that we will have such a cel ebration as will eclipse our neigh bors. TsEitz is a movement oa foot among our merchants to- clone t'u-ir stores on Sunday tfteruoon. This 13 a good move and should be partic ipated in by all. As the business on that day is transacted in the forenoon, storekeepers think that nil should close willingly in the af .ernoon. Toth proprietor and salesman would be re lieved ly thus cj sinj, aud none wovMbe He loser. At the present time Phccnix eon tains a number of bard characters, aeveral petty larcenies and assaults having been csinmitlsd. A walk on the main street will bring in viewanum lier of birds whose handsome phizs' would do credit to zuy State prison in the country, and make glad the heart of the most fastidious jail-keeper. The telegraph informs us the President is not fully determined re garding the appropriation bill vetoes. He is confronted on the one hand, that should he exercise that function. rf.'ongrcss will adjourn, thus obstruct ing the wheels of the government. If such should occur he will be un rfer tbe necessiiy ot calling another sesiita, thus adding great expense to .the cor3ry. Alloys the four registered packa ges from rUoanix, taken by the bold, bad, bar-etotAed bandit, last night, was one containing job-work from "The IIerai.d ofUce to the firm of D. A- DaJI, Pickot FsL If this gcntle oian of the road will return the same So this office, no uewions will be .asked. He ought .o .cblige us is it cvill be of no benefit . hiai. ,.'!!-. !l!'WiiJM.!L. TTEJtTUTOiiiAi, ne by vd?graph is wt ' iiiz-' ilily. Jon"t yaw forget it Last week our editor went on en excursion to the southern part of our Territory. At MARICOPA. He was more than pleased at the marked improvement in the general appearance of the place, since his last visit May 13. The people seem all continted and happy, judgiug from the expression o! iheir counts Dances, and the bustle and confusion we met with everywhere, would indi cate that .Maricopa is destined in no distant day to be one of the most prosperous towns in Arizona. The principal houses in Maricopa, in a commercial line are those belonging to Col. James Uaruey, Capt. Earring ton, Buckaloa fc Ocmia ami Bennett, Block & Co., all of whom are doing a large business, and speaks highly of the lulure business ot the town. Already there is established a large lumber yard belonging to the 21a deria Flume Company of Fresno county, California, and superintended by a Sir. Champlin, whom we found o be a courteous and genial gentle man, and one well calculated to do a thriving business,. A barbers hop with an elegant bath-room attached, is one ot the features of the town, where you can get shaved and clean ed and made happy after experienc ing the ple:.uies of one of those whirlwinds, which ever' one is ac customed to see there. The princi pal public house has been recently opened by .Mewsis. Wood fc Smith, both experienced in the art of ruu ning a hotel property", and celebrated lor the good table tuev always man j He tu gut. Both are agreeable fel- ; lows, aud well deserve the patronage of those who have occasion to visit Maricopa. One ot the principal fea tures of the hotel is the fins bar-room attached, where a genial son of the Emerald Isle, named O'Reilly, who is an expert in mixing fancy drinks, is always ready to refresh his custom ers with iced cold drinks. The hotel contains fifteen room3, all neatly fur nished, and the general surroundings are calculated to make the guests happy. Jlr.-Kleiu, ourold-time friend is siill in the hotel business, and we are glad to see that he retains a good deal of his old customers. The rail road sration:Lgent, Jlr. Wood, and his assistants; also Oeneral Willcox's nephew, and his assistant, Mr. Van rlervort, who have charge of the Quartermaster's station at this place, are obliging gentlemen nd are ever willingto jive the traveler all the information in relation to their de partment. Everything looks well aud there is searceiv a doubt in our mind J but that Mariccpa will be the finest town (except of coursePhofnix.) at 1 no did ant day, in the Territory. MISCELLANEOUS. La Grande Varieties. Jones & Matoon, - Prop. Wcincsdaj-. June th. 1573, (And verr Evening.) Immense Bill ! Grand Success! Change of Programme. Every Evening, MRS. D .B. JONES (The champion Song and dance artiste.) BILLY BREW8TIE AXO J O II X V CASEY. In their double-clog. Eerthjn3 First-Clsss. G3d Ordsr main tained and polite atreittion to patrons. DoorB open at 7 r. s. JOE POHEIM, THE TASLOR. SQ3 Montr.mery Street and 103 Third Street Hakes the - Best Fitting CLOTHES It the C'.tv. price in Goods a;e than ai y Merchai t French lower Ther lilor for chf' i 1 -nest Denlin - II unipt Attentio- , . U iih a Perfect Fi , "V J--4 t fine workma" , Hro,his mottoes. Li. 1.1 li-ieef American Goods: Pants, from 5 00 Snits. iroru 20 00 Doeskin Pants, from 7 00 Overcont3, from 15 00 Vests, from 3 00 No. 503 Jlonteomery street. (Rush Block), and 103 Third street, San F rancisco. f Sampled and Rules for Self-Measnre roent sent to any address. 3m NEW HARNESS SHOP, IN PHCENIX. WV-f ewy tj-T r grace of HnmeM and eYrYiW1n pertainiog to nr business cs.n be bad. As near California prtc as can be made. REPAIRING DONE AT BED-ROCK PRfCES. Give nr a and tearn mir Privs. Sine: Ghong. .suua iy. aiOICE TEAS, MATTINGS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, AXD CUIXEfcE XOTIOXS. Tn Dos Offii; Carioe' Block, north of U'-Ttld miscellaneous. Humber, LUMBER. THE MADERA FLUME &TRADING Company. Fresno Co., Cal. Having established a LUMBER YARD AT MARICOPA Are prepared to furnish all orders for any kind of building lumber, as FENCING, POSTS, SniXGLES, SHAKES, At rates lower than any inside or out side of the Territory. Give us a call, before purchasing or ordering elsewhere. Correspondence Answered. C. II. t'HAJIPUV. 93-tf Aernt llsriropa. DUSTERS, From 52 50 Upward. LADIES LINEN SUITS of every description. WHITE VICTORIA LAWX, NAINSOOKS LAWN, BISIICP'S LAWNS. From SO rents a Yard I'pnard. Beautiful Pattens in Ginghams. l. .".i u ' . c ts r i vt , From rive cents a yard upwards. L. BIEN, 224 J Street. SACBAMOTO. By s;ndinjr Bust ma?urp1 lentrth of sleeves, It ntrfli of skirt?, a SURE FIT JN LADIES' SUITS can be seenred. Ladies will bear in mind that it takes bnt Three Days for a lfiter to reach Sacramento, and Three Days more for an answer making the time only Six Days altogether. Notice. Having established a Purchasing Agency, MR. L. IEX will give his per sonal attention ."o all or ders of any kind, such as boots, & Shoes, Furniture. Groceries, Crockery, Car pets, Milenery Goods, etc aricopa Hotel. WOOD & SMITH, Prop's. This hotpj lias been rfcntiy finish p(l at jrreat fxpense, and is now ready for the occupation of guests. THE TABLE Will be supplied with the choicest the m-irkot nffords. Board by the Uay, Week or Month Liberal Tfrra martr with Kr a lar JJoardcrw. THE BED ROOMS ARE LARGS And commodious and suitably fnroished. THE BAR in connection with the hotel, is liberally supplied with the choicest bmndg of Imj orted WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ' P3 tf FPJB SALE, From 5 to 20 acres Of Land with Water Privilege, within ONE-HALF MILE OF PHOZSIX. ALSO L.o(B (in the Town of Phrnlx. S3-tf W1I. A. HANCOCK. $103 Reward. Tbe abore reward will be paid for infnr- Mt-tv-an with the abre, who wounded three I K. Thomas. hralT. MISCELLANEOUS. Arcade Brewery, AND SALOON. Cor. tTaFhington and Jefferson straete, PUCEXIX. AEIZOXA. Coolest Plaee of Resort In Town. BEER AS COLD AS ICE, rvhich e offer for nle by the Glass, Ourt, Gallon or Barrel. Five Gallon Keg of Beer for $3. AND One Dozen Bottled, $2. SALOOXS AM) FAJIILIKS Supplied with Bottled or Keg Beer. Choice WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. t Come everybody and enjoy comfort. C. A. I.l'KE. Jos. THALHKTMKR, Bupiiiee Manacer Proprietor. S. CARLLIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, GROCERIES, ETC. Goods Carefully Parked and whipped. 1.11 Main street, PoKtoflice Box SO. Los -Angeles. Cal. In- PHCENIX Flour Mills KING S. WOOLSEY, - - Prop. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR For sale in quantities suit Purchasers. to KM 9. QUfi FOR SALE. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR W H E A T er LUMBER! LUMBER! ! -AT- Clark & Adams' SAW MILL ASD YARD. PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. Havins moved our mill five mllen wett of P escotu on Willow CrtMfk. Sear Tbnrab j Butte, at a point wiihin two mile of the I Miller road, near Iron Spring, and having j completed an excellent road to tbe Miller road and to Prescott, we lire tiow prepared J to lurnibn any amount or quaiuy ox LUMB ER, Shingles, Doors, Sash, LATHS, ETC.. AT BEDROCK PRICES. Barley, Floor. Corn and Produce Taken in exchange for Lamber. CLAKK ADAMS. Geo. E. Lojuus. Aject. Pho?nlx, A. T. DR. SPINNEY, NO. I I, KEARNY STREET, Treats all Chronic and Special Chronic i iseairs. YOU KG MEK "HO MAY BR SUFFERING FROM th rtiTcrs of yi nthfiil fUie or indi- TV rmon. wt!! dj well tj avail themselves f thin, the jrreateM btrr fTr laid at the altar of nffcnne- fauinanttv. IR. SUnEY will guarantee to (erfeit 5.0 for every case ot seminal weaknr f or private disease of any kind cr eharactt-r which be undertakes aad ails to core. J1IDDLE-AGEO MEN. There are many at the aare of thirty V ixtj wh't are trHibtei with too frequent evacuation of tlie bladder, often aoeumpamed by a sliatbt martinr or buminpf sensatioa. and a weakneu of the iyTfm in a mannr the patient nannttt account for. On examininfr the nrinary de posits a ropy sediment will often be found" and somerimes small partit-l- ot albnmea will appear, or tbe eolor will be of a thin milkw-h hu. apatn ehausrina a dark and torpid ap-peuan-e. Terra rm many roeu who die of litis dithrnlty itmorant ot tbe r-ase, which is he second ptacre of seminal wea newi. Lr. S ' will iruaranteV ferfe-t cure in ah each rases. and a healthy rWoratiun of the geauo-nrinary , orarans. j Oihee rpa-p-w-iO to 4 and top. Fn davs ! frnm 10 t"3i x m. Consultation free. 'Ihor- WPi.; 66. Call r i CO Js'c. 11 K.trirnr street, San jfraiuelsro. BIS i i Nothing but the Truth. New Store And First-Class Goods. J. M. Oastaneda lias oprne Vs fine vtock f first-Ha ir'Kli in tue store formerly tirenpieil y M. L Peraltu, urpiite the Plaia. Our Stock Ccasisla of a General Afsortment of Family Groceries, Wities and Liquors, CROCKERY AND QTJEENS'WARE, Glassware, Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats, And Gents" Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Tinware, Cigars and Tobacco, Wall Paper. Etc. VTe hav one ft the hs ni most rarefnlly neleiMl .t.KB ot Fanpr ard T adi fonri i . riiojniT. We warrnrt h quality of oar g'oods to tH whnt we rprewnt them. Oufc FO'W. wiil be ) hr Iatt m the ntn e?a6 or gtnxts cu be purchased anywhere id town. Call and examine our stock and see iliat we represent to von notliine but the facts. J. M. CASTANEDA E. GERMAIN & CO. Forwardins and Com mixtion Merchants. M.AKICOPA - - - A. T The citizens are informed that a large Lumber Yard has been established nnd the bes CALIFORNIA LCJMRER! Kept for sale Send for Prlee List. EJUCKALEW &. OCHCA.! GENERAL Forwarding and Commission MERCHANT, MARICOPA, - - ARIZONA. Ato. wholpcftle and Sanford and Florence. retail merchants at THE PIONEER SALOON. MARICOPA. A. T. CHAPMAN & AHERN, PROPRIETORS. -VTICE COOL BVDWEISER. MILWAF kee and Philadelphia Lajier Beer al ways on hand. Polite and attentive bar tenders always ready to attend to the wants of cnntomera. A share of the public patron age solicited. Bar open all night. BARNETT, BLOCK & CO., MARICOPA, and CASA GRANDA. A. T. Forwarding AND Commission R3ERCHAE3TS, R. E. Farrington & Co., Daalcrs ia General Merchandise, AND FORWARDING & COMMISSJON MERCHANTS, Maricopa, - - . Arizona. All freight conrined to our care will be promptly forwarded to any part of the Territory. MARICOPA HOTEL, H. W. KLEIN, Prop'r. MARICOPA, A. T. The patronage ot the traveling public is respectfully solicited. The table supplied with the best the market affords and satisfaction guar anteed. Eggs, vegetables and fruit for sale. Fashion Saloon, It. F. HAFFOKD, Trop. jiabicopa - - A. T- All viHitors at this town are invited to cal at the above named popular place of resort, next door to the hotel, where they can ob tain only the Vest Liquors. ALL ICED DRINKS of the seopoti concocted by experienced trir-olo'-jeti.. Call, fb-i TUCSON, AUD ALEXANDRA. i "Wholesale Corner of Slaricopa and Jefferson Our connections in Kentucky, New York and San Francisco enables n to purchase direct from Manufacturers anil Importers, and having- facilities to always carry a large stock, the quality of which we guarantee, we can sell at much lower figures than any other house in the trade nnd can con fidently invite purchasers to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere. Have on hand a select stock of Old Bourbon and Rye Whiskies, Brandies Gins, Rums, Port, Sherry, and Madcria "Wines. Champagnes, Clarets, Jauternes, Liqueurs, Bitters, and everything appertaining to the LIQUOR BUSINESS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC J3jT" would call (he attention of ronnoissurrs to oitr Ypry select sto-fc of Wines, Liquors ami Cijrar.-, f lie qmtlity tl' wlurh will iKjual anylbira supplii'il by lirst-i' liousis in San Francisco or Kasfern ("itie. THOROUGHBRED Poultry and Berkshires Lrjest Stock of Imported Fowls on the Pacific a ry . .VA Carbolic Powders, etc., etc., AlwayStf-., on liana. My Berkshire Breeders have be n imported direct from Enelantl a great expense. I will sell a limited number of choice pigs VERY LOW to advertise my stock. I am also breeding Poland China Pigs. From stock imported direct from the Msiaree Comparer. Letters of inquiry, inclosinff stmp. checrtullly answered. WILUAN NILES. Importer and Bree'r. I-oe Ansreles, Cal. EST-ilafe arrival of fowls and eges guarauteed..E3 USTICK & CO., DEALERS IN GEN ER A L ERCHANDISE ! AND OUTFITTING STORE. THE Pioneer Store OF MARICOPA. Faiu Dealing Our Motto. Teamsters, Miners, anchors OR ANY OXE ELSE Will find it to their Interest TO ALL UPON US Before rnrehmstnsr Elsertere PHCENIX, F Liquor Dealers. Streets JPhermtix. Ocneral Pacific Co:wst Agent for American Poii.- THT FEF.n I ARIX our J-A 'f-- lieni lay and "CV irtj vents disease. pre Address 6T-tf HAVE OPENED OS Washington street, west of Gardiner's hotel, A la'jre and spl.&did stock ef Genera! MERCHANDISE. Which they offer to our citizens at the lowest pos sible prices. Every one is respectful ly invited to call and exam ine our stock and prices. nolS Notice to Farmers Persons dewfrinB to purchase machinery of any kind will do well to order the same through J. A. SMITH. A -for Frank Brothers". We are ready at short notice to fnruish Mowers, Reapers, Headers, Separators, Engines, etc., And to g.v. time on the mt t i ! & Co.