Newspaper Page Text
FREIGHT ARKIVALS. LATE ARIZONA NEWS. 3IISCELLANEOUS. GOLDilAX & CO. MISCELLAXEOVS THE PIHENIX HERALD. MKMMI KtkLY KU1TIOV. tetudaT. June 21. tH70. TOWN AND COUNTY. Tlie building of Judge inlands on Wasiiintoii trct is complt-ted- t'hew Jackson's Beit Sweet 2:tv ToUacro. J. W, Stevitntion lias been retained as Counsel for John Kill is, tbu shouted. For ImiMiiiir lumber :t bed-rock prices, a(IJnj Clipjicr Jlill Lumber .TECIAI-LV IIFPOKTE11 FOR Tilt; SEMl ",vt:;Ki.y iiekaij. WFUJiESUAV JINE 18. Phrunix -V I l'ettit. 1 limes. U.J ; Geo Coat?, y sundries, 5f7. TarllfDAY JL'.NE lit. Phoenix Geo Coats, 2 tonatoe.?, 1 limes. 1 Minliues, 1 fis, 1 butter, 1 iiriots, 1 'Irtvd ie:ulies. 1 c!iee.-e. 1 jietiche. S cheries. 1 barrel tins. j'.0. Whipple L" S1, 1 bale stockings, 145. HtlDAY .Il .Vt 20. Plia-nit, Gob.iherr & Son. 1 O.rv Levy :ini Kirkland of Seymour : jjoorts, 4 jdovvs, 8 hurJwure. 1,410; B say they are satisfied and won't com- ; L f'onyers. - .Irnu's. 150; Ellis. Asher plain any more. "o express j fc ', 8 tahacco, ti.jj ; Sing Chung. 3 packages named. ! radii', 445; Geo Coats, 7 household I goods. 1010. ickeniiurg ii Mem, u lniU'irs, 1 rirs, 7;0. SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO THE HERALD. Preseott .1 (ldvrater & Bro, 15 tin, 1 solder, isfji). Hay-den's 12 bus?' fixtnr .'S, no La Grande Varieties. The' Varieties opened in Piio? nix on Tuesday last and have met with success. This troupe cune to Phoenix with the intention of lieins; one of the permanent institutions of our city and by siricily moral and in teresting performance, try to merit the public approbation. Last eve- eiii; the iierforiiiHiire was excellent j and with a fair at!e"diince. The son . C . ..1 - ... T l . .. 1 j oi .iiesu:iiiics .nines, ievser anu i : Everett, .Messrs. Jjruwster unci Lrve l i ri, t ,...-.. ,. ,m .....;.. oe coiiirtciieu lo waier lueir ! .'., it,J.. .i '. from wells. is immense Mrs. Jones nf sev. i " - i " . y r eral somrs aud was the recipient of Company, Presott. Charlie Cole U upeiiding a few days amonj the boys. Ch.irlie is in business in Tip-Top and looks indi Cate prosperity. No Knots or Pitch in Marie. p finishing lumber. C.1I X hampmn. a The Erptsit-ir pubiihhes a card by -Mr. Lntsrerdiiii, de.jy a statement published in The Herald lust week. We were mininioriued by come team sters, and hence, "take it all back. All tnenbers of the I. O. O. F. are requested to meet at Dr. Wharton's 1 office for the burpose of oriranizinir j the lodge, on Monday evening at 7:30 p. ui. Wednesday evening some one stole' a a'iintitj" of clothes and jewelry from the dressing- rooms of Jones Varieties, and the following day Sjni2 one stole a sum of money lroni the till of the Arcade Brewery. Ustick fc Co. of 3Iarie)pa have c-s-tablished a store at Tempe. They are live enterprising lirm, we would suggest (ur readers give them a call and see their goods. We call the attention ot our ladv readers to the notice ol Bien, ot Sac ramento, who advertises in this issue Ladies Linen suits Ther are in ttree pieces nnd cost from four to five dollars. They are just the tiling. John Gantz arrived in Phoenix yes terday morning from Preseott with 6,00 feet of lumber from Curtis' mill, lie informs us that he was but seven days in coming from that place, and his teams are oxen. He came by w ay of the Black Canon. "W. II. Swain of this city, lias gone to Big Bug, to lay the foundation for the new mill, which will be erected (Stopped. mere oy a company ot Chicago capi- The south-bounl stage that left: l iiists, the inachine-y tor w hich here last evening at nine o'clock w as passed through our town yesterday, robbed three miles south of town. M. L. Peralra who returned from a One man, ably assisted by a rifle, j trip in Hie northwestern portion of committed the deed. He took the i the county, informs us that the express 1. and mail sacks, but did! mill at Seymour w ill start up about nt disturb any of the lour passengers I the 10th. A frame building 20x40 onboard. He cut opeu i he mail at i Las lately been completed and is now 'be point of the robbery, from there j used by liini as a slore. The town he was tracked by Sherill" Thomas to jk quill- lively au-1 will soon be quite the river, a distance ot about fifty, city. " yards, wher all trace of him was ! Mr. Williams -Manager of Buck- l.'.st. Nothing of the box could be .-.lew Jc Ocho.Vs store at M-ricpa hu." l":"'y f letters to- ; ha vi,Ud ihU lilv this week. That I "(lhl'r, "'" 1 r,'-,s:',,'ci1 lck.igs : irnn i closing up Iheir busine al ' c"' ''"'ltd, "f latler one was lioiu J Maricopa prepnraton- to movins to : ,l lJ,ic rini.nnder from M.rence where th-vwill occupy n i " i",t"r'1 1 !,,:;- ro-.;r rrottrcd pad.-t large !:and.ioin? sf.nru owned by J.'c V?"5 1 inistTfi-e taken. A ; J ' j IlEr.At.D reporter visited the scene of , . i the robbery this tnorniuir, and on the ' Knot beer at Loring's. i trail lomid a portion of aa envelope Uncle Harris is busily engaged with i "lat Proved on investigation, to ' his stafTof clerks picking a farae lot ! contained a ; letter fi("ni Acting (,ov- j of pledges that have not been redeem- erP.r Gosper to Sherill' Gabriel con- ! ed, and he w ill advertise them from i aining a requisition for John Taylor ' time to time. Any article sent by ex-! w'.'" ,s notv "ufineI in the Los An- press, u. l. 1). Kemember, trerv art-: Scu's J:l"- rroniajl appearances we "i'r.M.i June 21, Thomas Fitch aud wil'j arrived by train to-day.. .Steamer Gila leaves next week with machinery lor the Southwestern Mining Company. Knox buperiniendent Came to-dity. YfMA, June 5 S: Ii . - A meeting of the Directors of the S. P. It. R. takes piace here to-morrow. A lot of Cocopahs co by train to- ' day to visit the Marieopas. j Yr.MA. June lltth. A specil train i came in this morning w ith Messrs. A. X. Towne, C. F. Crocker, E. E. Hewitt. W. D. Huntington French McClellan and two ladies, Mrs. Banks and Mrs. McC'lellan. Mr. Krtncli is Chief Auditor of Railroad Accounts at Washinston. Mr. Mc C'lellan is Chief of tho warrant Bureau at Washington. They go to Casa Grr.nda and w ill return ;t once. WicKENBrr.G. June 21st. Ten Inrtre teams loaded wiih lumber for the Vulture Mill passed through town en route to Seymour yesterday. Mr. J. D. Cusenbury, superintend, ent, sivs the mill w ill be running by the tenth of next rr.cutii. Oneda's teams from California have arrived and commenced hauling rich ore from the mine to the mill. Gus Rodenburg ol" Preseott has gone to Seymour fi r the purpose of s j erecting a brewery at that place. I tile weather is irv ana hot ana un less rain comes soon, stockmen will oevcrai encores. She is undoubtedly the favorite with the people here, for both her songs and dances arc rarely I equaled. Mr. Lovelace with the i "bones" is an improvement over his j predecessor, and in the oilier charac ters nh tell he assumes, shows that lie has talent of no meau order. In the j play of Potwhontttji. with Lovelace as ' "Powhatlan," and Mrs. Jones as "Po- I cahontas, as leading characters, sus- j tained their parts and were well sup- j ported by tho other members of the i company. MissEs!eile Ashley gave some fine readings and whs encored. Although an amateur, this ia ly de livers her lines in a manner that would do credit to a professional. The members of the tioupe have all I improved over their hrst entertain ment and should be liberally patron ized, as we trust thev will. son have located a very rich silver mire near here which msays over four thousand per ton. Fifty pounds of rock from this mine produced near yl six ounces of pure silver. MAtucorA, June 20. Major Toole of Tucson spent to-day in Maricopa. Col. J. 51. Barney and Mr. Mason Superintendent of the Silver King ar rived from the mine this morning. Col. Barney and General Vandever leaves for San Francisco to-morrow. Thirty Cocopa'i bucks are in ton on their way to the Wells to hold a pow-wow. William Griffith ca-r.e on the train this morning. Special train (Crocker's) passed thruugh last night from Casa Grande. Let it now be wkle spread So that all may know it. THAT Goldberg & Son. j Are now selling their large and weil selected stock of General Merchandise, Wo Qop ifty Thousand Dollars Worth H. Morgan & Co. Washington 'St., rhosnix -OF- ; Exoitc- AT REDUCED PRICES. No trouble to show goods Satisf&etion for our Customers Families furnished with choice GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Assorted Merchandise Just Received at the as stablishment AKD- STorgan'a Station oo the Gil River Importers and Dealers ia Groceries and Clothing, Dry Goods, Liquors, OF William yi. Lent 3riain I mi-ii t in Aevv ork. j Wm, M. Lent r.ppears to have set tied to business in New York .having opened a fine suite of ollices, ! for dealing in Bodie stocks It is un ; derstood he is also going into Black j Hills miningoperations, reports from ! which continue to show wonderfuly profitable results from heavy masses i of low-grade but cheaply worked ores. The Hun savs the ollices ot Lent in William street, and Dickinson Bros., I Exchange place, headquarters of min- I ing speculation, are constantly crowd- J ed by people who, but few months I AH Kinds ago, wouid not have touched mining stock. It looks as if the most cau tions operators bad made up their minds that it is safer to deal in solid mining securities than hih-priccd rail road fancies. AT Itr.Bl'tr l) HATES. Goods delivered to any part of this Town, free of charge. DIRECT FROM THE E A.ST, and especially selected for this Market by Mr. A. Goldman, comprising Latest Novelties in Calicos, Dress Goods, Shawls and White Goods. of PruitufC und Sold. K. Coldberg&Son. I Latest Styles in Fancy Goods, Underwear, Hosiery Next to Sleinccker's new bu'Ming. New Tor.::, June 21. The Prince ; Imperial was ambushed and killed,' while sketching a feat by the Zulas. j The body whenjonnd was ttubed ia , 15 places. j land Gloves. BANK EXCHANGE HOTEL. ; Latest Fashions in Ladies", Misses' and Children's From all icle advertised is as represented No I arc" 1,1 tlle "Pinion that -i-i Jvearnev Street. S. F Root beer at Lorin;"s. Lost A pass-book on (bellibc-r ilia Bank, No. 03,790. standing in the name of Palmer G. Wood. The book was stolen at the time of fhe stage robbery. May 5th, 1879. The finder will please return the same to this oflice, as it is of no use except to owner. 045c Ginger cle at Loring's. W. W. Webb is in from Tonto Bisin and says: The Mazatzcl mill temporarily shut clown owing io the scarcity of water, Charlie Clark has moved his store within two miles of old camp Reno, an J is doing a good business. He is very popular and well liked by the residents roundabout. New families are moving into tiie " beming. i wo marriasres i win ne consumated on the Fourth. The settlers will meet and celebrate the day in a proper manner. A com pany of scouts left Fort Reno Thursday morning for Green Valley, at this point it is stated that a camp w ill be established. Mr. Webb wifl return to his home in a few da3"s. Ginger ale at Loring's. Tower Thoniasson has returned fvom a prospeting trip to the Mever district. This district is 00 miles soirh of Gila Bend and was first brought to public notice a few months siuce by the bonding of 14 mines 0 silver and . gold bvGeorge Tyng editor of the Yuma Sentinel for jj'ier parties. The bond is for $173 000 and expires in about three months. The Gunsigbt is the name ot the claim in which most the work has been done. It has two shafts and two tunnels the former being about 17 feet teet cieep; the latter Have just been started and will tap the shaft At a distance of 50 feet The review is about 15 feet wide and has yielded at present abont 50 t--ns of good ore. Jhis district is destined in a short ti ne to be quite a large place, a scarcity ol water at present is draw back to prospectors in the district this robbery coinniuieu oy i;.e same person who took in the stage May 5, and at , the same place. The regular chivcrj being con lined to bed bran accident i the rein were being handled by James Stewart, the efficient superintendent, i The Senate is still discussing the Army Appropriation hill. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lierilJ Male. rtRTt'K Ol AX (iRIU.R OF SALE Wastiinston street opposite Plaza. Plioenix- thc E. GANZ Proprietor. The gay and festive soda fount Now sizzles in the land. And Deacon and good Mrs. Jones Around the ceunter stand. The lady's gentle nectarine Within tlie glass is fizzin' The Deacon slyly winks nnd says He'll take the same in his'n. , Anyone w ishing "the same" in theirs, can find it at Lorinir's. New Mexico. A patent has been issued for the Maxwell grant. The Dudley Court of Inquiry is still in session at Fort Stanton. The railroad will be completed to I. is egas by the middle of July. R-iin and snow abundant through, out northern pari of the Tcmtorv. The iBrst Is the Cheapest. Tho announcement that a new edi tion of Webster's Unabridged Diction nry has just been published, contain ing many new aud valuable features, svigsests the thought that buying a Dictionary is a good deal like bnving an egg or a watch: a bad one is not cheap at any price. Webst'-r being the standard authority for the Engli.-df language, he naturally has main" im--itator, but imitators are usually held at their true worth by the public; who wants a wooden nutmeg, though it may loc k ever so much like the e-en- i uinc article i The popularity of Web ster is based npon this principle. If you want a handy thing to carry with you, a companion that vou can always rely upon, and one that wiil never tire you, a really cad meenm. we recommend that you get a copy of the pocket edition of Webster, with u J3,uou woros and meanings, rules for spelling, tables of weight and measures, abbreviations, words, phrases and proverbs from the ancient and modern languages. It is printed from new type, and tionnil in morocco, with tucks bright gilt edges, and. w hen n. t otln-r wise obtainable, will be sent bv mail on receipt of one dollar, bv tlie pub lishers. Ivison. Blakeman," Taylor & Co.. 138 fc 140 Grand ttret-t. New York. TY V r J:tj rue tiirt-ciea lrm Hnu. De Fre6T tuner Juice of the Ll:f.!ric:t Ci-urt of tiie Second Juiih-ait Dial riot in and lor the rounty of: i Yuma, and TYnitniy of AnZ'-na, rtal?d Jnne j i 5;h l?y. and commanding mo to k1 that per I Fonat pmpTly heid by ire nnder a rerTaiu ! writ futtin.'l.inent ifsued out of V e hiJ C"iirt I I in the caw ut C, W C Koivell. plaintiff W 11 bmnrn and Wiliintn Lucas, deleuuuDls. I Siw therefore I hereby give noaee that 1 ) will se!l at rtuh ic auction, to the highest bid ; dcr. lor cash, at 10 o'cluekon Wednesday, June 25th. 1879, at Maricopa, rMnal eouuty. in front of the ti loou t Jauiei Waters, tiie fuliowin described Three" f3 hornea - twenty thr COW mut. KOOB8 lour i-Jj freight waous, aud Twenty- six 0io; wuul harness. o P. GABRIEL: Sheriff Pical oouuty. By Hasbv JoSES, Uepnty, Treasurer's Retire. OTICE IS HEREBY G1YE TIT AT There is now in the $1KIU l'l of -Maricopa countv. the siira if : Fivo Hundred aud Eight Dcliar;!. and that ' bid v.iil be rec-fived bv the uudersipaed un , til -i o .-luck 1". M.. Mond.'.y. July ill. 157a. I for the surrender of county warrants uu liie : C.cii.-ral Fund of taid couiity, under and ec : cordiu to the provision!. .-1' an Act of tJ'e ; Lvilatuie of f he Territory of Arizona, en ; filled An Act to f::eilitule the pitynient of ' the dotit of Maricopa counu,'' improved i Fen. !ith. 1"77. Bids must tie to the form of sealed propos ' al. and contain the warrant propo-ed to i be surrendered: aud to be marked 0A!i. lti t'f I. No bids will he received lor more than ! The far vvlue ot" the warranrs iii-iniosed o. and ' e surrenilere:!. ra.i.uiT) a iMi a , i reasurer, PniENix, A. T.. June l"th. This new hotel is now open for the accommodation of the traveling public. The rooms are well ventilated nnd handsomely furnished in suits and sincle. Superior accommodations for families. The aim of the propri etor will be the comfort and welfare of his cuests. Reserved bj Telegraph Billiard Table and Bar Connected with the House. Only the Finest Liquors & Cigars. Pit IV ATE CARD ROOMS. The principal Eastern, California and Arizona papers kept on file. A share of the public patronage is olicited. Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats. Latest Patterns in Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Latest Designs in Boots and Shoes. And, in fact, everything desirable for Ladies, Gen- FOR SALE. BRiCK FOR SALE. The Lsluiky Railway. Clifton. Arizona, is the center of nn increasing mining business which may well induce tiie Southern Pici(if Company to run its line as near to it i as the country w ill admit. Last Sat- i -A ad urday's Silver City Herald savs: I he material tor the railroad from Clifton to the Longfellow mine will weigh about 325,000 pounds. Henr y Lesinsky informs us that it will prol) ably be at the end of the railroad bv THE r-PER SIGNED WISHES TO inform the pitbiic that he hue on band Brick of a Superior Quality, any quantity desire J. Yard, Southeast Corner of Town. II. H. LINYILLE. the 1 ist of this month, an 1 that treight to destination is already con tracted for. Seventy-five men are now at work on the grad-, and t!i- force would be increased to 500 could that number be obtained. Nearly 800.000 pounds of copper from the Longfellow works at Clifton are now stored in Silver City, await- j ing shipment to the railroad terminus. 1 fcCIENTlFKJ, CLASSICAL A SD- COMMEKCIAL SCHOOLS. For Hale. Between four and five hundred feet of three and three quarter inch rope: also, one whim. Cheap. Inquire ol James Buck or son. 00 5t Lost Mule. A Large white mare mule strayed from Maricopa Wells about ten days ago. Any information will be re warded by 1he undersigned. J M llfTjvr r.jf Professor Joyce, Lately of fSan Frnnci.-co, would hereby re ppectfuliy announce to the people of Phce nit andthe x nrroundipi; cotiutrv. thai he will open the above entitled school iu the Public School-house. In this school will he tanctat a thoront;h Academic course of English branches, in cl'iding a practical conri-e of Mathematics. I'ommsrciiil calculation and Iiook-keepine-the principal branches of Natural. Moral and intellectual sciences, a preparatorv c-iurse of the Latin and lireck C lassics abb the Spanish and French I The most successful system and the most approved methods of teaching I shall be adopted in this school. Even-1 iugschoois for adults. ! Spanish and French classes from 8 I to 10 p. in. For terms ind other particulars, ap- ' ply to the Professor at Dr. Coiners' ; C-ffil't? 1! It Sl hoo! Ijoisj A complete set of Surveyor's and Civii Engineer's Instruments, for sale reasonably. They are in first class condition and guaranteed. Apply at this office, or to the un dersigned. 00-tf WM. ISAAC. WE HOLD THE FORTI" You Can't Stop us! Stand Aside! Let those rollow who Can! NEW STORE! XEW GOODS! CHEAPEST TRICES! Lower than the Lowest. WI. ASHER & BRO. tlemen, Misses, Girls and Boys. The Whole Stock Has Been Purchased for Cash, AND WILL BE SOLD AT A- For i BC?3 C a 8 h. QTJli PRICE LIST Will be found in the Store, where we shall be pleased to show eveiwbody that we are ! SELLING SO LOW That Competition becomes an Im-ossibility. Tours Truly, Cor. Washington A Montezuma.- Onrm-ife north-.vest corn-r of Iinza. Build nifj.-ai?. iy occ tp! ,d bv Cjuon's sa locn. e-l-n GOLDMAN & Tobacco, Cigars, &c. At prices to suit, the times GEO. E. LORING, Dealer in roceries PROVISIONS, FRESH N UTS AND CANDIES, A Large Assortment f FLOTV On Sand. The Flot Brand! of DomMtlc ui Imported CIGARS and TOBACCOS In Um City. In WriU, Fargo A Co't. firpre Offit,' Watnmgum street, JSast tf the Court House. Samter's CHEAP Cash Store. RamoTed to the Walter! Building oe MoaV ma trsflt.Dezt ooer to use Printing Office. The Atteettoe of the Pnbllo te called to r welieoleeted noek of DRT GOODS, CLOTHISa, SOOTS & 8HOES, GROCERIES. LIQUORS and PSOVISI05S Wliioti I rropeee to 101 cm tfae lll-e eed Live priooiple. A word .o tbe wise ta Sun- eient. J11.II S RAbTEH. aloneKama Street oum dooreburetke ail tin 03in. LITEKY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. B , 173 EVER, PROPRIETOR ; (Late J. D. Sf oaiboa's.y yV ashington Street, Coraer of Corte. HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK uf Horses. Buizsriee. Act letely in um la this etabie. the present proprietor wul add to it the BEST OF HORSES And Most Elegant Tnrnent.- Hay and Grain Always os Hand, and 1 or bale, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL- yiorees boarded by the day. -week or month, at reasonable ratei. SatTafacfion guaranteed. CALIFORNIA Variety Store KOTICK. Mr. wardi, kartnr U nr Pan FmnOitrM to select nw kit uf Chtt 6fDral JiJercbftn.1ie, all th presvat Htx-k must It ol1 ohwp ftr ra.h to make room try eii nWt which' wil? arrive in a tew day. GfrE At X EDUCTION IN TRICES. Tlia ric are renpeclfultY incite t rail and ex.- rr.Vrre 3Q1 jndif e hr tb-m! t. Jsrx dout' to the FboriHi ritioriuf MilL,