Newspaper Page Text
Comer of Washington ancS Genter Streets- 0 A r n I f it iiii Cltmai I I The Largest, Best and Most Complete Stock in Every Department, Eves Brought to Phoenix. Immense New Stock will Arrive This Week Fresh from First Hands, Bought Expressly for This Market, TIIE PH(EN1X HERALD. SEMI-WEEKLY KDITIOV Saturday. June XI. 1879- TERRITORIAL ITEMS. Tucson will celebrate the Fourth. Many rieh mineral discoveries are reported around Tucson. Hod. M. AY". Siewart liai gcme on a trip to California. Smelting: works will shortly be erected in Patngona district. Jud?e Tucker is now associated with Fitch fc Churchill. Mitchell, the Prescott photograph er, is now taking views in tlie Bi Bug District. James B. Thompson of Colorado, bag been nominated Indian Agent for San Carlos. D. B. Gillett is engaged in mining operations in the liershaw district, below Tucson. The wife and family of Major Toole nf Tucson has gone on a viiit to the States. The Supervisors of Pima County, meet July 7 as a Board of Equal ization. A. C. Swift, of Globe city, is reffir tered at the Grand hotel San Fran cisco. Chief Justice French has appoin' d Geors-e A. Clnm, Clerk of the District Court of Pima couuty. The buck boards on the Prescott & Santa Fe mail line are now running regularly three times a week. Extensive and destructive firrs have raged for weeks past in the San Catarioa and Rincon mountains within sight ot Tucson. Prescott is mnking active prpparn ions for the celebration of the Fourth. The committee have been appointed and will report next Monday evening Snit has been commenred in the District Court of Pima county, a t:a in st the Calahasas Land aud Mining Company for.100,000. The prisoners in the counfv jail at Prescott are employed in digzinir post holes around the plaza. The Council having to fence it and pro. popals will be received until June 23. The funeral of Mother Mary John Buchmrn. born Mary Martwick. took place in Prescott, Monday morning. The deceased was the Superior of the Sisters of Charity having charge of the village hospital. The Democratic G'ountv Conven tion of Yavapai met last Saturday at Prescott. The Secretary was instruct ed to transmit a communication to our Delegate, requesting him to use his utmost endeavors for the passage of the bill now pending in Congress providing for the elf ction of Terri torial officials. Judge Tucker addrpss--d the meeting, tiririn? organization. A county conmittee of thirteen mem bers was appointed. Meeting ad journed without day. Mr. Frank Parker, one of the Clip per Mill Lumhpr Company, informs the Enterprise that their new chisel tooth saw, which they have jti'.t. re ceived from R. Hoe & Co., Xew York, and which they hive just placed in position in their mill, on last Friday cut 18.000 feet of lumber, the biegest run ever made in the Territory. Messrs. Parker have now one of the most complete saw mills in Arizona, situated in a fine srove of pine tim ber, near Thumb Butte, a short, d is. tance from Prescott. and with a good road ninninc to their mill, they of fer extra inducements to all who wish to patronize them. Mexico. Sonora has a pooulation of over 100.000. After a Ions? period of pesre in So. nora, times are likfly tohe once more jivelv down there hy the activities of rebellion. It is said thnt the move. inent is aaint Scrna, lie heing rer- i mi7.ed asthc lawtul Gevernor. Gen. 1 I. Peffjiera. the former Governor, is I bought of ns tlic proper man to s.a- ! Great Reduction in Prices in All Departments. Aent for the Celebrated WHITE Sewing Machine! illHV ELLAS EOUS. tV. C. STREETEK. Contractor and Builder! ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK Neatly Executed. Plastering and Frcsrwing C artfully and M'tll Done. Order left with Linville A Wiley prompt lv attended to. E. F. Lowell, CARPENTER & PLASTERER All work in the above line promptly aUenckil to. Eas end of YTatiinrton street, one hlock beyond the Phoenix hotel, and directly op posite the building of A. 'vormcer. fc4-tf G. H. CURRY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. (Late of San Francisco.) lias established himself in Phoenix and is prepared to do all kind? of Watrh, Jeicelry and Clock Repairing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Or No Charge. Give him a call, as he Intand to become a permanent resident of Phoenix, and ha flattering recommendations as evidence?, of a good workman. In the window of Lin ville tt Wiley, on Washington street. CUMMINGS & CONNER, CARPEXTERS, AXD BUILDERS. Shop opposite Herald office. SEYMOUR Feed Yard and Corral. E. PACKWOOD - - Proprietor This, the pioneer stable of Seymour has :it nil times liny and crsin, and all the accommodations tor boarding horses. Horses on hand at all times to Let 90 tf and for Sale. SEYMOUR HOTEL. G. A.STniCKIiAXD, Pro'r. Situated at the mill site of the Cea tral Arizona Mining Company.. Stale stalion for the famous Vul ture mine. Prices Itea-.onaIle. SEYMOUR SALOON, JOHX CODY, PEOP lie who calls on me will be treated in a gen tlemanly manner. A FINE BILLIARD TABLE In connection with the house. Fresh EVlilk. IS DELIVERED BYTHF,r.I)ERWXKD to enst.m-rs in Phrnix and vicinity .l.ily. Harinir a iarj e dair y Hire, mil. north of town can furnish Milk Fresher and Sweeter Th an ran be done by k.epii g yuur own coir GIt. me a trial Order, left at the Postofflce Will Receive Prompt Attention. TV. I,. nSBORK. Tha Magnolia Saloon. MORROW A CO. Proprietors We would respectfully Botiy the publio tba we have opened a &aooD in the new FRAME BUILDING on the Corner of Washington and Montezuma, Streets. The rerv best qnality f Wines, Liquors aid I Cigars al way on band and sold at j pris MiT thp lime.. ' fii. i '!. ie-!f AND MISCELLANEOUS. I "Tutcrnaiional Hotel. 814 and 8Ai Kearnr 1 Street, ban Francisco. $1 .io and 51.50 I per day. H. C. Patridcc, Proprietor. Two I Concord ooache. with the name of the Hotel on. will al way? be in waiting at the landing to convey pacnsrer to the Hotel free. Be pure you eel into the risrbt coach; if yon do not. they will charge you. tim T"" MenfsedorfffT. Hat and Cap. hoi p j hale and Iietail, No. 15 Kearny street, Sau Francisco. tim f Hick Co.. Practical Hook Binders ! J J and Blank Book Manufacturer, No. ' M3 Clay s-treet. near Montgomery. San j Francisco. Blunk books ruled, printed and bou iid to order. Cm Terrr Jt Place. Importer and Dealer? in I Mining Engines. Snw Mills. Strain j Pumps. Portable and Stationary Engine?, I Stamp Mill. Air t'omnresors and Kork j Prill. Wood and Iron Working Machinery. ; etc.. etc. Catalogue pent on application, j Market Ptreet, head of Front street. San j Francisco. 6m i ym branchf f the Ib-inni avl !on- mi the bept manner possible, nt reusrmnhle prices, and satisfaetion guamnfed. South west corner of Third and Market street. Entrances No. 8 Third street aud 703 Market Etreet. San Francisco. t)m "T,agleon & Co.. Importers and Mnnnfac )Ti turer of Men's Fiirniebine Goods, Nos. 4 and 6 Kearrtv street, corner of Market. San Francisco. Shirts ready made and made to order a specialty. " 3m B. & J. S. DOE, "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Sash Weights, Sash Cords, Pulleys. 4c. 44, and 4S Market street, n Francisco. - - - Cal. Send for Catalogue of sizes and prices. 2m LELONC'S N S , Los Angeles, Cal. The Larnest and Most ConDlete Stock of semi-iropicai ana northern Fruit Trees, Evergreens, SHRUBS, FLOWERING PLANTS, ROSES, &.C. fend for Cntaiotme and Price List. Free to all on application. Treef and Plant packed and delivered at depot free of charge. -Ira pico house, Los Angeles, Cal. The Only Firt-Cla Hotel in Southern California. JOHN WHITNEY Manager. Marcus C. Haw ley & Co. Importers and Dealers in Hardware and Agricultural IMPLEMENTS. 1 Sole Agents for Boston Belting Co's Rubber j Goods, Schnttler Wasom. '-(5" redal" Threshers, '"Perpetual Hav Presses. 4-Reenlator Wind Mills. "'-Buckeye" Mowers, Haines and Case's Headers. Pnm eev's l ift and Force Fumps, Deere'f Gang Plows, Rel mont Nails, Kale Files, American Screw Companw P. A F. Corbies Locks. A. Field" A Son's Tacks, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. OOrf Ofn tliTi Oft-' r,A iOO Vtarlrft mt-rvft corner Pe ptret. an Francisco, o. 48, j SELECTED WITIf GREAT CARE. PRESCOTT. New Saw Mill Two and one-half miles south of Prescott. ILiving now corpplefed, and in full operation, my new . Saw Mill, I am prepsrod to fill or ders for Merchantable, Clear, Surfaced and Rustic Lumber Matched Flooring, Casings, Mouldings, Panelinirs and Shingles OF TIIE FINEST QUALITY In short, everything in my line for the construc tion of FIRST - CLASS BUILDINGS TEKMS : Cash on Ielivery, All orders sent hy mail, or through the merchants prompt attention. Geo. "V. Curtis. Clipper EVIill Lumber COMPANY. Prescott, - Arizona. nAVIXr prKCHASED THE INTER, fst of J. (i Wilrr, we have refitted the above mills with new caws and manuinery, aud are now bett.r prepared than eTer to fuio ibu all kinds of 3IerchantaMe, Clear, Fcncinsr, Rus tit: and Surfaced, Matched Flooring. Beveled Sidine, Lath, Shingles. Sash. Doors. Mouldinirs. &C at BED ROCK PRICES. Gtt onr prirtffii bforfO rfcaeinff vlRewliere. 0ca crier Coni and 3-ood.ii "'rpets fi. R PA KKER, F. G. PARKER. Starke's Hotel, 8A BERNARDINO, CAL. Meals, - 25 Cents. A. STARKE. Troprietor. i MISCELLANEOUS. RESTAURAXT ! Capital Block, Phenix. BEST EATIXG HOUSE In The Salt River Valley. Our Tables are always sup plied with the best to be obtained in the Market. Polite Attention Paid to (inesto 8 C. Salari, Pbop'r T II E Chicago & North -Western RAIL IT A "V . The CJreat TrnnU Line from the West to Chicaso and the Kast. It i the oldest, shortest, most direct, con venient, comlortu.le and in every re.pect the b"St lioe yon out take. It is the frrcatst and prandst railway i Tf i Dizution ia the Uuited Suites. PULLMAN HOTEL CARS t!K itux ALONE BY IT THItOUtiH HETWKKN Council Bluffs & Chicago. No other road runs Pullman Hotel Can, or f.ny other form of HotI Cars, throug-b. bet w fen the Miswonri Kiver and Chi-Hco. .01(; EAST should bear ia mind that this is the Best Route to Chicago AXD ALL POINTS EAST. Insist that the Tirket Aarent aells yon tickers bv the Nortb-Western Road. KxHmine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over this Road. All Agents sell them and check usual bag pace frte by this line. Throneh Tielcetf" via this Rout to all Eastern Poiuta can be procured at the Central Pa ine Railroa Ticket Office, foot of Market s reet, and at 2 New Montgomery street. Sao Francisao, and at all Coupon Ticket Oflices of the Central i-ucihn Ifmlroan. MARTI .V HUGHITT. General Manac-er. Chicajo W. H STKNNETT. rol-3ool General Passenger A gent, Chicagro T. A. Waterman HAS OPENED A NEW Tin Shop. HV plAce or bnpinesp is in Goldmnn's Varehnue, junt below the Telegraph Office, rompt atieution given to Repairing and Job Vork. A ree an-ortmnt of Tin and Sheet Iron ocnetantly or. band SEEDS! FKESH AX1 TRI E TO XAME, WE will .end the followlnir eds. post, on receipt tf price. by PomofBce Order or Tostage Siampt: Beets, per 01 lOo. 'Partmips, per 01..IO0. Carrt.t. per or V"-":X CahbaKe. per OI 2oo.iKpinach proz...lOo Lettuce. P'roi ....u.f. r" Oaion, pr 15o.i Tomato, per u...26o Also. 1" lOoent packets, all varieties 01 rr .i.M. Flower aud Tree 6eed. Send fur Price !-? THOMAS A. CrX . CO.. MISCELLANEOUS. The Bradshaw Mountains IS OVK PLACE Or BUSINESS. DON'T GO TO For we will sell vou irooils EIGHT AT YOUR CABIN DOOU FlU LESS MONEY ! Tliaii you can buy at Urvscott mid j transport them home. We have depots at Gillette. Tip-Top and Peek District. Mining Men take Notice ! And save the bother of packing. The Loss (n Time, and Actual Cash, by buying of ANDRES & ROVVE. FLORENCE Feed and Livery Stable. J. V. WILSON, Proprietor The Oldent and Rest Know n sta ble iu Florence. piNEST LIVERY TIORRKS TO LET BY the day, week or month, on most .eapon able terms. The best of vtabline nccnnnioiu tiuns, feed and cure KiTen aun-k left in my charg-e. Mum street (opposite G u iodaoi t Co., ) Florence. SALT EIVEIi Flouring Mill. C. II. VEIL, Trop.. The Largest and Best Mill in the Territory. OFFERS FOR SALE ALL THE BEST GRADES OF FLO UK In quantities to suit purchasers Th follvwin.r brands constantly on hand: XXX FAMILY FLOUR (warranted.) EXT KA FAMILY EXTRA SUPERFINE, OR A HAM. CRACKED WHEAT. ALSO Bran. Shortw and Middlfntrs. QPF-CIAL ATTENTION INVITED TO MY XXX Family Flout. Erery frftrk -f whirh is -fiiarm t-ed filial to the bt maunfm'turd i't -.he Terri'orv tr money refunded. Having' a Uirff etock of hand, purcbasvrs will do wll to giva as a cil brfara purchasing eerrhere- PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST. Highest Price 5aid for M'lieat. 21 3rifCELL.LXEOrs. AGENCY OF THE Bank of Arizona, PIICENIX, A. T. Telrgrraphir or Kicht Kxrhanr Drawu on tlir Prinripml itiet or the I nitrd states and Knropc. IX'TLI. PrT5-lISK OR MAKE APVAN ces on Otihi and Silver rtii'iion. Trr; tottal and 1'onxtv ltnaft and Warrant.. I cnrit O- mm-ri ial Papr. reteire Jp.eir. r pnl)iemi lmitpn. Iinnertake (.lii-C'ttMi. ana trans in a reneral banking r!i'e Ljur from i a. m. t 4 p m. 7:iif M. W. KAI.KS. r.h wr. ROBF.KTCURKKA Oh Cin. einiiati. C'V n inl aitentm, tu mail r-rnTi ftc bt ai d itainer-. Tliir ---l.G:tif. tn d monthly bnltin of n-w htx.kN will b : n.iml rvrv ot.TnienT in sett-tvine b k to, l-iirrh)ie, isptomtIy to persnn li vine at a di tance I'rum htree b (ikstorvs. VALUABLE CATALOGUES. The folhiwiiiif are M:Ut on the nipt of thrt -opfit .I'ttmi' ach. .irrir'nltu'-e. Horliculture, Floiculturr,Siork Fruit. l A r liit-ture. Building, Carpentry, Venti la ti"n, eto. Ttobn'M librarifvs With Clmmified Index KduoMtion. cit-nee ti Tsuhing'. Kinder p;irte, eto. Enuineeriti-. Miaing, Mechanics, Manutae-tur-s. eti, Fin Art. Drawin, Pat ting-. Sculpture, Ceramics, eio. Juvenile Rouk tor the young. Sets and ra ffle Yolllll.frt. I.w Cataloirue of Old, Baro and Valaabl Law hooks. Law Sliwrt Title list, a ranged by Author's 11 a m!. Medi Hl Shot t Title List, araoged by Au thor's names. Phnrniay Irueirists. IVri'HiiinN Anifri(.rHn and British. Politifal Economy F. nance, ete. Shoi l Text bonks for Nch-ols and College. M trionry Kor Eniuecrs. Bankers, and irr cliunis, '1 hfolot-y Classified by sur-jpcfa. A MONTHLY VOLUME OF NEW BOOK!. J'Tlie followingare scut only on tvtteipt f the prices. Americana ficneral and lMcal History. Ttht elii. bioffmpliy . ctu. Sti ii(rcjc Piie Jiv. G-nen.l C'wtalosrue of cluic books for the li brary. CUssitid. 4t initfes. -- cenrs. Law- Dies l Law i'l.biioations. KeHrt, etc. -0 j aires. 1? Mo. -5 cent. Medical C!asifid Cattl rue of American a d Enr iah Medioal ami Snrgif-al books. jeriodieals. Transactions, etc 47 paife. V2 Mo. Price 23 cents. LETTEliS OF INQUIRY ME'T WITH TKOMIT AITKNTION. ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Publisher and BtMiksellero. Cixcinnati. Ohio. Arizona Lottery I'SDER THE DIRECTION OF Governor J. C. FREMONT, Territorial I'ommiaslonrr. The lottorr heretofore adTerfi.ed to take place JCM 'h, 1S79. is postpoueaumu AUGUST 4TH. I 879. To be Ih.rj held at the same place and draw a 111 I np Hme luaunvr a. acrviv fore auQonoced. ALL TICKET HOLPEB9. Desiring to do so mir snrrendr thefrtick ets to J. Uolrtwaiar ro., rret-ctifi. a. T., and will thereupon receive full cash valno for the same. All commnnlcations should b addressed to MICHEL GOLD WATER. Ml F.SCOTT. Arizona. t the Prnwina of AUGUST ' h. there will be distributed the following prizes, t1; Onerri... 1" One prise of r . ?! Onepriiecf Tltrve prizes of. 1.00O eaeh w a rizt'S el -. ------- .SO ea.-h arl VI rs-ki lO m-K Si .- IS earn Konr pr".-s 'f - tven r.rias of .... n priziof FiMv priie.-'t ifrv priresof .- Fiftr prizes i it....iMrp1 nrizesitf-. 10 ear (t TICKETS may he ordered fromf. G0L0WTER & BR0.. Agents. Prescott. . T. mmk all drafts and your postal monay r der payable to their order. All persons havinp claims against the ARIZONA LOTTERY CO M P 'A NY. Will presetJt them to M. 0LD A TEK. Pr't'ds't, I re?CL-tt. Ari:2 . W t4