Newspaper Page Text
IutelHffcnee Items; About twro-tliirds of a pint of air is inhaled at each breath in ordinury res piration. An amount of blood equal to the whole quautity of the blood passes through the heart every minute. The weight of the heart is from eight to twelve ountes. It beats 100,000 times in twenty-four hours. A man breathes eighteen times a min ute, and uses 3,000 cubic feet, or about 3.75 hogsheads of air per hour. There are in the primary, intermedi ate and grammar schools of Providence 252 teachers, only nine of whom are men. The stomach daily produces about nine pounds of gastric juice for the digestion of the food ; ita capacity is about five pints. The house postoffice committee in Congress has decided to report favora bly the bill exempting postoffice em ployes from giving service on militia duty. The Texas people. run a chance of being ruined by Chinese cheap labor, as over 6,000 Chinamen are at work on the Texas Pacific Eailroad. Detroit Free Press. Dia at Stab-Gazebs. There hasn't been a new planet discovered in several weeks, and the Philadelphia Chronicle Herald thinks that our distiller must be making a purer article of whisky. Every adult man has 1,400 square feet of lungs ; rather, the mucous mem brane lining the air cells of his lungs, if spread upon a smooth, plain surface, would cover an extent of 1,400 square feet. The new liquor law for Illinois per mits all persons, 'male and female, to vote on the question whether licenses shall be granted in their town. There is a special and different law for the larger cities. " Silver and gold have I none," is not a phrase that Uncle Sam can use with truthfulness. Last year the mines of this country turned out 95,000,000 of silver and gold. This year the silver mines are not as productive as they were, and it is estimated that the silver and gold mined will amount to only 65,000,000. Detroit Free Press. The American missionary college at Aintab is the largest educatioual insti tution in Asia Minor. It contains seventy-seven students, all young men between eighteen and twenty years of ace. who are taught the English, Turk ish ancLArmenian languages, and other wise receive a good education, wuu - tuition and board costing them only fortv-five dollars a vear. Nearly all the religions in the country are represented in it. Detroit. Cnrreucy. Don't fly your kite too high, little boy Go north, voontr man. and cool off amid the icebergs. " Now that the heated term is upon ns" ! !'! (We will see you later.) A Dia ma donna is naturally a timid creature, for her art is always in her throat. Puck. Eoscoe Conkling always used to say "Yea, ma'am," to a man when he was a Kvw Tl-int'a xpliv Viift liftlr curls. J j We know a man over 90 years of age who hasn't a gray hair on his head nor one of any other color. Boston Post. Was it a man with a toothache who said, when he saw the forceps : " How happy could I be with ether ?" Herald P. I. Over 1,000 actors claim to have been born next door to Charlotte Cushman, and yet Charlotte was bora on the ocean. The young man who feels too proud to climb a greased pole for the amuse ment of the Fourth of July public will never be heard of in school books. The boers of South Africa are moving for independence. In time they may come to be as independent as the bores of this country. Hew Orleans Picayune. This is what the Buffalo Express says Beecher wrote in reply to it : "I do not wish to be a circus-rider. Let me pre serve my mount and dignity and I shall be quite content." All the bread yet unearthed at Pom peii shows evidences that the emptyings had soured and that the loaves were heavy. They must have had cooks at $4 per week in those days as well as these. The Advocate says : " Baton Bouge would be a good place for a man with money to start a bank." Bankers are looking for a place to start a bank with, other people's money. New Orleans Picayune. The idea that you can read a man's thoughts in his face is all bosh. Look the man in the face who borrowed $10 of you a year ago for a day or two," and it expresses nothing but blackness the blankest kind. They call it " wonderful presence of J mind in Iowa when a iiusbanu sees a tornado coming and pushes his wife down the cellar stairs. It opens a door for fatal mistakes, but wives must take the consequences. Adirondack Murray says : ' The true way is to let a horse drive himself ;" and it would make him happy to come to Detroit and see how closely his ad vice is followed, and how the black smiths and wagon-makers flourish. No one blames a business man for wanting his sign to convey a big idea of his business, but a Michigan black smith, in a hamlet of 400 people, rather overdoes the thing when his sign reads: " Foreign and domestic horses shod here." The possibilities of the telephone are not yet exhausted, and there is no tell ing where the science of acoustics will end. Large steamboats are now daily conveyed by Sound from New York to New Haven and vice versa. Stamford Advocate. " jseverai men were j ul ua me l 'jiil of being sun:struck in this city last Saturday afternoon, when that sudden change of weather set in, and it is re ported to have frozen a majority of them to death, while badly crippling the rest. Chicago Journal. It is a noticeable and very suggestive fact that those who know the least about the management and construc tion of newspapers are most disposed to criticise them. When we consider the extent and variety of the informa tion and the labor required to produce a first class daily journal, there is no institution in the world that gives as much good with so little of the bad or he indifferent. Si. Louis Republican, lioral and Physical Beauty. there ia a moral and a physical "beau ty. The latter may bo destroyed by a single attack of illness, and it is sure to be impaired or obliterated by advanc ing years. It is at best but a fleeting possession. While it lasts, it is justly an object of admiration and of personal pride. It is a precious boon which ought to be jealously defended against the encroachments of time. Dazzliog as may be the charms of elegant feat ures, and of a well-moulded figure, they are doubly attractive when accompa nied with intellectaal cultivation. This is the perfection of beauty. Handsome men often degenerate into mere dawd lers and dandies, and female beauties are frequently so exacting of homage that they are incapable of loving any body but themselves. Some have such an exalted idea of their fascinations that they reject the worthiest of suitors, be come chronic coquettes, and either marry not at all, or, as a last resource, when their beauty has faded, accept whoever offers himself. These are the ill-assorted marriages which make both parties miserable, and which, if not ruptured by divorce suits, are endured only because it is better to bear the ills they have than fly to others that they know hot of. WThen, however, mental graces are added to natural attractions; when the manners are courteous and captivating, and the power of pleasing is enhanced by polished wit, a well informed mind, a refined imagination and liberal culture, such a person, to the latest hour of life, will be the cen ter of delight to the circle in which she moves. The art of pleasing is studied with such effect in France that ladies like Madames Becamier and De Stael never grow old. Their talons were the ren dezvous of the choicest spirits of their time. Philosophers, statesmen, scien tists and poets miogled in the society that frequented them, and found a sym pathetic welcome from the intellectual hostess. Youthful beauties solicited the privilege of exhibiting their loveli ness in such assemblages, and of being honored with the patronage of the queens of intellect. The commingling of these varied qualities gave a chival ric tone to the intercourse between the two sexes, and bhed a halo of elegance over all their relations. Madame de Stael was not a comely person ; her taste in dress was bad, and she was egotistical and vain. Her mind was rather masculine than feminine. In spite of these repellent characteristics she was the most interesting woman of her day. Napoleon dreaded her tongue and pen and social influence to such a degree that he did not feel himself safe so long as she remained in France. Even in exile, he recognized her as one of his most formidable enemies. When engaged in animated conversation her countenance was lit up with a bright irradiation, her eyes flashed with un wonted Are, and she seemed the image of intellectual beauty. . Bright as may be the natural expression of the eye it is intensified when the soul shines through it, when it beams with intelli gence, and bespeaks a cultivated mind and feeling heart. There is no cosmetic like natural or improved intellect. It gives a luster to the features that lasts as long as life itself ; it preserves the soul from decay, and amid the physical wreck it illuminates the waning years, and surrounds the possessor with re spect and admiration. The most pitia ble of spectacles is a beautiful but empty-minded woman, deserted by all who once admired her for charms long since passed away, and whose vapid mind condemns her to the societv of persons of like mental caliber and shal lowness. As a last resource she' be comes a gossip and scandal-monger, seeking to revenge the neglect into which she has fallen by au indis criminate warfare against the peace of society. Apart from individual benefits, there is no doubt that men and women be come more interesting to others in pro portion to their intelligence, the supe riority of their education, their varied attainments, and the extent of their knowledge. Whatever they lack in the choice gifts of nature is made up by artistic and literary acquisitions, by the infinite capacity of pleasing which they give, and by the supremacy they exer cise. The dull loox up to them as beings of a higher order, aud the intel lectual recognize them as equals and worthy associates. They live in an ele vated atmosphere lull of light and beauty. The most unprepossessing of men and women have often been the leaders of society on account of their intellectual qualities. It is well to pre serve natural elegance by artificial ap pliances, but it should always be re membered that moral and intellectual beauty is much more lasting, and may still be lustrous when the former has long ceased to exist. Philadelphia Press. Some Odd Chabactebistics in Wash ington. Dr. Mary Walker and' Citizen Cohen, the Socialist, are fair represent atives of the reform element, while " Old Prayers," as the newspaper men irreverently call the mau who religious ly plants himself, day after day. in the same seat iu the House gallery to watch Congress for some opportunity to call down upon it the wrath cf Heuven, is at the head of the fanatics. Twice within as many months he has interrupted the proceedings in a loud voice to give his religious admonitions, and twice he has been summarily yanked out of the building by the police. Schneider, the commnnistic evangelist minister, is an other of these strange creatures. With a voice like a trumpet, and a wild sort of eloquence, this long-haired blather skite parades the town week after week, exhorting people at the street corners to rise and divide the property of the rich. But probably the" greatest fraud of all is a big, greasy fellow with hair that falls over his shoulders in a cloud of curls, who calls himself Tacmentus, the Greek. He appeared here about two years ago. His chief support are the alms or loans he can raise by means of a long yarn of persecution that he retails to benevolent and justice-loving people. He claims to have made a great medical discovery in Greece and published it, but was denounced as an impostor by the regular physician of the college, and is a member of a secret society in Italy called the Carbonari, a king-killing kind of au institution, something like the Nihilists. This made him a person of mistrust to sev eral governments, and they had perse cuted him ry secret agents ever since. To him the President and members of the Cabinet had been especial objects of prey, till he finally became such au abject bore that the police and door keepers were ordered to keep him away. Pittsburg Dispatch. Various Foreign Matters. M. D. Conway writes from London to the Cincinnati Commercial The festival at Stratford-on-Avon, on the occasion of the opening of the Memo rial 'theater and Hall, has been a fine success in every wy, except that it leaves the hospitable folks of that region still without funds enough to complete their design. The pretty lit tle theater is achieved, but the museum aud library will have to await the ma terial forces of evolution. An exam ination . of the registei kept at the birth-house of Shakspeare shows that on an average of many years Americans have made j ust one tenth of the visit ors, which is a large average when the distance is considered. The Strat ford people have been hoping that some enthusiastic Shakspeariaus across the Atlantic, with plenty of money, would send them souvenirs of pil grimages in the shape of subscriptions, but the amount thus far received from America has been only about a thou sand dollars, whereas the hall is likely to require forty thousand yet. So far as the townsfolk3 were concerned, the artist who carried off. the laurels was Mr. William Shakspeare, a fine tenor, who has for a number of years been popular in London. Mr. Shakspeare not only bears the name of his im mortal ancestor, but bears a startling resemblance to the bust in the church. A great many years ago, when William Howitt went to Stratford, he visited the grammar school, which still sur vives from the time of Shakspeare, and he asked the schoolmaster whether any pupil iu his school was said to be of the famous family. The master replied yes, and Howitt asked permission to try and pick that pupil out; he selected, physiognomically, the right lad. The selectiou has been equally remarkable in the case of our singer, who never before appeared in public in St rat fore, but was picked out by the crowd on his arrival as holder of the great name which had been adveitised. I have had the pleasure of making William Shakspeare's acquaintance, and am glad to say that he is as gentle manly as "gentle Will" could have desired the future bearer of his name to be, and a genuine artist. The present policy of the Nihilists, according to the St. Petersburg cor respondent of the Cologne Gazette, who seems to be wonderfully well informed on the subject, is evidently to spread terror and confusion in the capital, and keep the police incessantly on the watch. The report of a proposed at tack on the Winter Palace was so skill fully devised that the Grand Duke Nicholas remained for eight days with his suite in the bailding . occupied by the general staff, and six or seveu regi ments were shut up iu their barracks expecting au outbreak at every mo ment. Bombs were found that did not burst, and petards which on examina tion proved to be harmless fireworks; but the object of keeping the troops and the police in a constant state of alarm was attained. .On the 27th of April the Third Section was suddenly informed that the Nihilists intended to blow up the principal gasometer of the town during tne night. Instantly sev eral sotnias of Cossacks - were dis patched to the spot, and a crowd of policemen occupied the adjoining streets. When the police arrived, two men, who had torn up the pavement close to the chief gas-pipe, escaped through a side street. What could be the object of the Nihili-ts in attempting to deprive St. Petersburg of light is i mystery, as no sign could be 'discov ered of au intended outbreak; the streets were perfectly quiet, and noth ing suspicious was found in the houses which were visited by the soldiers and the police. The correspondent adds that these numerous false alarms are perhaps intended to make the polica less vigilant, so that when the outbreak really comes they may not be prepared for it. Forty years ago the finest house in the southwest of Ireland was Mitchels- town Castle, the property of the earl of Hingstown, but folly and extravagance brought this superb mansion and the vast estates surroucding it into the In cumbered Estates Court, and they are now in the possession of an English man named Buckley. Air. Buckley pro 'ably believes in vicarious sacrifice. at all events that discretion is the better part of valor, and gives his property a wide berth, leaving it in the hands of an agent, whose life has certainly not beeu a bed of roses. A portion of the land 13 a wild district on the Galtee Mountains, held by a tenantry as rugged as the scenery, who scarcely understand any English and deeply resent interference with their wonted ways. Consequently Mr. Bridge, the ugeut, has during the past seven years been popped at thrice, and his grooup has been killed. Alien a newspaper made furious attacks on Mr. Jiuckley, alleging that he had been cruelly harsh, through his agent, to his tenants, and the two were held up to public indig nation all through the country as mon sters, and an action for libel followed. Mr. Bridge has now retired, strange to say with a whole skin, but on the day he left the neighborhood, such was the public excitement that he was attended by a posse of constabulary armed with double-barreled breech-loaders, who, it is said, fully expected an attack. The tenants danced for joy, and iu the exuberance of their feeliugs set fire to all the furze bushes in the neighbor hood. JVem York Times. Gortschakoff is the model Minister of an enlightened despot. He is noble; he is cultured; a patriot, but' no Chau vinist. He has some right to be an aristocrat, for the Gortschakoffs claim to descend from llano, the founder of the Russian monarchy, who flourished a thousand years ago. The family has given Bussia two saints, and a good many prinoes who merited whatever may be the exact opposite of canoniza tian. He himself looks every inch a high born and high-bred gentleman. Courteous and affable himself, he has been at no little pains to polish and hu manize that most boorish of created be ings, the Russian local officer. London Truth. Ministers preach but do not practice. Rev. .Mr. Clarke is authority on such a feu ject, and he says : "No class of men in the community get preached to bo much, and by all sorts of people, as ministers. And no other class take so little heed of preaching." Sure, Prompt and Thorough, are the characteristics of Dr. Jayue'e Carminative Balaam. Its merit has madq ii known every, where for years, as a standard curative for Cramps, DiarrLcea, Cholera Morbus, and ill Disease of ttie Bowels; it is besides easily administered to children, being pleasant to the taste, and is entirely safe. The Stomach Canadt bo Freights'! With greater trash than a violent drastic purgative. True, such a medicine relieves constipation for the time, but at the expense of (treat injury to the intestinal canal, which it both itifUmes and weakens, thus unfitting it for the performance of its proper functions Widely different ia the action of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a tonic aperient which pro duces effects prompt.indeed but never violent and convulsing. The purity of its botanic ingredients, its unobjectionable flavor, its ge nial Influence upon tbe mind, and the thor oughness of its remedial action in cases of constipation, liver complaint and dyspesia, combine to render it a most desirable family specific It increases both physical vijror an d substance, tranquilizers and invigorates the nervous system, and jrives an unwonted rel ish for the food. A winetrlasa three times daily is about the average dose. An Editor vs. a General. It requires as much genius to create and conduct a great newspaper as it does to com mand an army. The best evidence of this truth is afforded by the San Francisco Week ly Chronicle, eisrbt pages in size, brimful of news, and abounding with everything that can amuse, instruct, or inspire to beneficial thought. The care, labor, expense and en terprise of prepariusr even a sinirle number must be immense. It is with something of professional pride that we note the prosperity and incessant inprovement of our great co temporary. Success. The satisfactory fact that a really first-cla6s cigar can be manufactured upon this Coast to compete in quality and price with the best eastern brands, has been most thoroughly demonstrated by Messrs. Sanderson & Morn, of 327 Front St., 8. F. Their Horse Shoe Tag Cigar is made from the best selected leaf in the market, by white lbor alone, while no adulteration of any kit d is used iu its manufacture. They are undoubtedly the best cigars in the market. IXL Elastic Truss. This is a late in vention of A. A. McLean. 605 Sacramento St., 8. F., and is spoken of by minent physicians and by pxtieuts who have tried them as being the best truss yi-t introduced. It is said to be perfectly easy and comfortable to wear, is cheap and dur able. To the afflicted we would say, try it in preference to any that we have yet seen. C. J. Hawley & Co. Notwithstanding hard times and lively competition, the trade of this bouse is steadi ly increasing, the legitimate result of energy and fair dealing. Order any goods you maj need through We Is, Fargo & Co. or by V. O. order aud your goods will be selected with tbe same fidelity as if you were present. Address 215 Sutter St., San Francisco. Tne Wilcox Pump. No inventor upon this coast has done so much in the interest of the steam p&mp business as W. C. Wilcox, of 417 Mission St., S F. This latest invention, the Wilcox Pump, is undoubtedly the best in use. It is simple, cliHai, durable. Send for descriptive circulars and price list. Buy the bent. Buy the eieapett. Buy the most durable. To To Semite Tourists. fs take pleasure iu calling attention to tbe advertisement of Barnard's Yo Semite Valley Hotel. The location is most beautiful. the table is most bounteous, and in all its appointme1 ts it is first-cla-s. Visitors to the wonderful Valley will find Barhard's a most lovely and comfortable house all that they couki uesire. Good Reason Why. They make the very best pictures of all kinus at very reasonable rates and aKesius as much pains with strangers as wiih their best city customers, ts the reason we recorn rend you to the Imperial Gallery, 724 juarKet, St., san t rancisco. Dentistry. Dr. Cochrane, 850 Market St., S. F, as a dentist, stands at the head of his profession Go to him if you want first-class work at reasonable rates. J. W. 8HAEFKSR & CO.'S GREEN SEAL CIGARS pre guaranteed to be made of the fin est Havana Tobacco. 323 Sacramento St., S F. Fob the beat PhotogTaptn and lowest prices, fco to Wm. Shew. 115 Kearuy St., San Francisco. J. F. HILL, manufacturer of Carriages, Buggiee Express. Thorough Brace and Quart Wagons. Cor ner J and 13tb sts, P. o. box 28s, Sacramento. Cal. All Photographs made at the New York Gallery, tif. sM Third SI.,8. F., are guaranteed to be first-class. Prices to suit the times. ' J. H. Px-tkrs, Propr et'T. The Best Spring1 Medicine and Beautifier of tbe Complexion in use. Cures Pimple, Boils, Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Gout, Kheumatic and Mercurial Pains, and all Diseases arising from a disordered state of the Blood or Liver. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGIST3. P. N. P. Co. (N-w Series), No. 68 DfllCnU n K If Cured by El Dorado, for sale rUIOUrl U ArVby J. w. Ante'l. urugl-t.s.F. MONTGOMERY'S TE.MPKRANCE HOTEL, SCS7 becond St.. San FraucLco. 6 ureal tickets, 1. 1TRS. K W. LENNETT. MEDIUM AND INDE JJ-L nendentslate-wrirer. si? Rush St.. San Kraucisco: jubc irom tne .ast. nours, iu a. ji. i p m. SAN FRANCISCO SHOPPING OF EVEltV DESCRIPTION FOR LADIES Dd pent emeu. Household articles. Kvtrv tHIntc bought with di..cTetlun, tasre and jung meuu For i-lrcular, adureas Mas J. A. K1CH AkDSON. 4 IVSt street. San Fianclaco. Cal. WHaMBseagWAiiiairiwi We wiil pay Agents actuary oi fcluo per month nnd expeusfii, or uliow a large commiHsinn, 10 wl our new and wonderful inrention. We mean ivhat tr oy Sample free Address ukrkam & Co., Marshall, Micii. EXCELSIOR In Quantities; at Reduced Rates I GREAT EASTERN EXCELSIOR CO. S33 and SS3 Tehana St.. San tmnclFCo. MANSION HO U S J5. J. H, CROSS, Proprietor- Cor. Hunter St. ana Weber Aveuue. block ton, Cal. First-Class is all its Appointments. Vine Local Ion. Char(r .Moderate. LANDS AND FARMS All Rtzefl and Drives for s ile in the beautiful Vallev of Santa Clara. Send stamps for Catalogue, to W.S. Reynolds, Oen'l Ag't., 531 California m., San Fran cisco, or tL L. higgins, 2J5 First ot., San Juse. Cal., Manager. CHAMPION SAFE OK THE WOULD. Manufactured by Detroit Safe Company. A tare prou-ciion from Kire and Burglars, to r Kent, Gr en- lierHnd i aie lime lcxb. nana fainc tmery Wheels, tienlcta Buck bkln Gloves. &c. SAM'L B. PAlUli A CO., Apentis, 28 New Montgomery street, Palace Hotel. San Francisco. Dr. Spinnev & Co., 11 KfartiyMi.,SnD Franclfco. There are many men ironi thirty to lxty leara of wire suuerinE from general prostration and a weekeniiiic or ttie t-y stein which ti.ey can not acconnt for. Jjr. i-pinney win guarantee a pert i t cure tn al. such cast a and a com plete restoration of me physical aud oervoua powers. Call or address: d itbove. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, M4 and 826 Kearny HU, San FrancUc. 01 S5 ana Ol SO PKK DAY. H. a PATRIDGK, - - FXOPBIXTOB. Two Concord CoacIim, with the name of the Hotel on, will always be ln watting at the landing to convey passengers to the Hotel free. lafBe sure you set Into the right Coach.; iX you do not they wlil charge you. Ten-Feet SEADEES FOB $123 00, AND TWELVE-FEET HEADERS FOR $1501 "Warranted In eTeiy particular to be equal to any other header In this market. Will be sod ar abore low prices In nrrisr to make oi.d our as-ertlon that we sell HEADERS CUKAPKli than any one else noSulh y cm. H. C. SHAW STOCKTON GANG- PLOW and Manufacturing Works, Stockton, Cal. JOHN t'AI.VE, Proprietor. AGENTS WANTED-" S..?.K.1 A iii-i-ic ., Anew book of biography. " Nsw Law Encyiopedla." "Hand Ctx.i ol Mtsdlr.lne," -Transmission of Life." "Physical Life of Women" "Dis eases or Lire Slock and their Mst Efficient Remedies" and new "Cyclopedia of Domestic Economy." These works sell readily and money can be made by any agent send lor circuiars or these and other books, K. Ukwins & Co.. all Dupont street San Fr .ncUeo. Tne niotograplior. 814 Market St.. near the Baldwin, ban Fran. Send stamp f.r sample. Cabinet Photograph Yes. JOHN ROGERS & SONS, OENERAL STOCK AND SALE YARDS, Cur. Market mid Ninth sta. San Francisco. DEALERS IS AT 1,0 IV K IT MARKET RATES. John Rogers has been well known In S. F. for tbe last twenty-six years. FO MEi.LY OF WOODLAND. YoLO CO., CAL. I It OX PIPE, and Galvan- IUtASS COCKS "Ji eV!".' GABDEN HOSE, Bestspiy. Fittings Sbeet Zinc, Lead Flpe. Sewer Traps, Boilers, Bath Tubs etc. Send for Price lists. W. R.ALLEN 761 Narketstreet, BAH FRANCISCO. TO KEfcP THE HANDS SOFT, The Complexion Clear. THE TEETH WHITE, TUI BBS ATS FRAGRANT, The Ha'r an ft and silky retaining its natural Color, nd to prevent nd remove premature wrinkles. use lr. Innrkton1 Liquid jt-i'erin soap. Factory 115 Leldesdorff St,. S. F PACIFIC WATER CURE AND Eclectic Health Institute, N0BTHWE8T COKNEK 7tu AND L STS SACRAMENTO, CAIj. Being fully prepared to treat nil forms of disease ud Wltn good rooms ana Doarct. we wit a connuenctj tu-j fnr niihlir. natromuz For further particulars m: dress 31- r.(XAVTOX. .11. Proprietor GENTLEMEN'S OUTFIT CASE, ! Cn'aius 1 Combination Pen- ' holder, ''pncii. Pen. Kuulr hra- l -toraud Knife. Price cents: 1 I Comb' nation Match safe. Stamp rentn; 1 S-iintter'a Dr-'SKimr Case. Cuntaiuintf -ifi ;er -nu rin usniun. nrit-e. I 2 Piii-H. Clear Holder. Ciuarette H lder. set t.f Con BuTtuu, Cellar Butiou aud Smds, price 50 uta rue wnoie oacwea aecureiv iu a nice case I c-lpt of 30 cents iu stamps. Liberal inducements nd mailed t anv address. txistH&re oaid. on re- TO SfTTt'fl. A. S. SPENCE A Co., 24 Geary St., San Francisco IWCMTOWLLOTS U b III XO CONDITION Ton pay coat of deed and B H a n VI ake yUT Lot- Bend or 'llf fl ? call for clrcularB. Central II II II H California Land and Ira- WfJ frM a migration Co., office 2;K Colored Plata of town. 20x30 im-hes. 25 rt. Man ol State. 10 ta. Irrt-4l rnrmM of 10 acrea and npwarua lor salL'. UAaTEU. BOSWEIX FRUIT DRYER. Brits ly Deflected Heat CAPACITY, O O 1VS Price, $75. '-arse Sizes, to dry from 1000 to 4000 lbs. AT Srclal MXiktrm. BOSWELL HEATER CO., 606 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. UNIVERSITY MOUND COLLEGE, 8AN FRANCISCO. Boarding School for YonEg- Ken and Boys fan term Reg-Ins July 21. For Ctslopue. apply to JOHN WAMBLE, B. A., Principal. YO SEMITE FALLS HOTEL, (orwny naicuu(ii') Yo Semite Valley, Cal. CONNECTED WITH THIS HOTEL ARE J. C. Smith's Celebrated Hot and Cold Bathing Establishment, Post Office, Telegraph Office and Wells Fargo's Ex press. This ie the onlv Hotelln this Valler with eortiu?ps PC) arwte f om the main buildinc and tncninH im. mediately on t' e margin of the beautiful waters of me niercen Kiver. our fining room also on the nrer i- ksouk unner snaay irees and over green iawii3. wiih a irr-nd view in a. direct linnnr th Tn denine r su, i. kh i-ei iiipn. Invalids and parties wh cannot endure horseback riding, can tee all the principal points of interest j.ium uic purunfH oi tms uoiei. JOHN K. BARNARD, Prop'r. HARNESS! Aud Sadd eryGo.ds Wholesale and Retail. Puuble Kaoch Harness, $15 to $45 p-r set: Double Baugy Harneie, f.iOto $150 per set; Single Buggy Ha' ness, tli.50 to $75 per set; Side riddles, 8 to $,b0 each; Buggy whips, to 8 er dox . Cull rornia Buck ! ashes 10 ft. $14 to $'U per doz.; two horse lashes 6 it., to $7 per doz.; Copper rivets. SSc. per lb. ; Harney leather. go.d quality. 29c. to &4c. per Id.; Carry o!4 oer iloz IlHmAStrjinn i'2 rur dnz.; Sna e whips, $fi 'o $3U per d -z. : eweat Collars, S3 to fv: per doz.; Uidin Bridies, $10 50 to $21 per oz.: binch f. $4 50 to $18 per doz.; Collars $15 to $30 per doz. : California hand lorg. d Bits and Spars. My tuMvy saddles for b toe it he ding on the beat hitril 'oi treM. cannot be excelled f jr price an qua ty. Orderu by express promptly tilled ann satisfart -u guaranteed. W. Davis, 4il Market bt., near Firt. ban Francisco. Send lor .Price List, N. CURRY 6c BRO. 113 Sanaom. Btreet, San Franeiieo. SOLE AGENTS POM TBS Sharps Rifle Co., of Bridpprl, Conn. FOB CALIFORNIA. OREGON. ARIZONA, NE VADA. WASHINGTON TKRRITORT, AND IDAHO. Also, Agent for W. W. GKRKNKK'S Cel-brated Wedgefaat, Cuokebore Breech-loading DoUBLB iUNS; and all kinds of GUNS, K1KLKS and PIS TOLS made by the Leading Manufac turers oi Kuglaad and America. AM MUNITION or.ll kinds. Id quantities to o nun UUI1 i: : ' r...n CLOTHING THE BEST C. C. HASTINGS & CO. UC1 IIOISE, SAN FRANCISCO. Self-Measurement Rules Sent to Any Address. PHOSPHATE SOAP. NOTHING nrTTrn rnn DC I I Ln runR i COMMON Toilet Use. PHOSPHATE SOAP Should he use by ladles for the Completion. Cosmetics lnjn' the ';ln ut rHOSPHATI SOAP la benenaial. It rujioves luiaurltlea aud leav tna iu a It and D a ty. TlTTnollTT a C f A T l an elegant article for the toll 't. It retatla rir SS een'a a JT JAI loi HA LJji iSUAr nod one cake will last longer tuau tlixaui u-., luiarior oi . tTT CJ TTT A 11,'' A I Posesea medicinal qnal'tiea surpassing anrthlng te la the lUUorilAlri market. For cnapiwd liands, eruptl.m ..n me .ac ..r Mi.puc alcin disease of any kind, ne PUV1VHATE nAi". It alio-ld ke lu erery kuiks. S.1U all seamen. One cake aent by mall on receipt ot 30 centa in p.atage tumps. -OTF-A-OTTTIfclEilD BY" THE STANDARD SOAP CO., 204 Sacramento St., San Francisco. T. C. WALTER. GEO. A. WILLIAMS. THE WALTER PATENT FRUIT DRIER JLJSTJD PRESERYEB. T. O. i-:n c OO. 1610 Stockton Street, ----- San Pranoiaoo, CaL L i ... . .luuui sums saK s -r1 7?:r.. J s .- . f I :Xrr - ,2 S3C aV ; v - f jcrA- g--&v" - - - i This cut represents the Dritr vu...u. a .,..,. aJ ....... . . ... . ige Drt-r 13 feet Id lt-BgUi by 8 feet in wirtihand 11' fet ln height, aud cittains 8 -a-rs. in f.wti if iitcu a rays, making So trays In all. 64 of these arj 26 by 401achea. aud 16 are B by 40, uui.miilomj ur face oi 500 square eet. Explanation of Cut. Letter E, the fornce. O O. the heater on ths fn-nce tfirou rh whl -h the heat and smoke pass to the lurnace pipe. F, the ca-e surraanttiiig the turn. we aud U At r, 1 I, h nt,r chambers. N, the cold air flue connecting with air chanii-T I , -h re he coi'l a r u-c e rr-n 1 ai pa ses to the tp of ihe Drier, which, bfing tight, prevents the not ir from estH.itiig, a id furvt I .e c 4 air, together wfrh the vupor, through flues H M H H at t e end o." the Drier. By o mug flue M, nic ciin c.s with air chambers I i, a clown drt 1-created which re-heat ihi air Iti tne IkU m f tue Dw. ' B B, the two Iron wheel, secured on an iron shaft which runs through tue lrier. Tue c -.vheei t-.muect with the shaft, and Is tun ed by means of a crank. A, tiie cass whcti c utaia the irutt trtt.. nd b between tu wheels, B B. C, the t. ays cntt mng the fruit. By turniug the c-atic a pr-per uUuutv. iut cases are swung before the door, D, whre tLe iruit is put in anu taken out. During tti - proc oi dryi'-g. It is only necee-mry that the crank be tutneu so a to brtug the frua on top tu the bottom every hii nour; bat the frequency of turning depends somewhat on the kind ol fruit to b diiru. Tlao Proprietors of tlio WALTER PATENT FRUIT DHIER Desire to call the attention of the Fruit Growers ol the Pacific Coast to an invention which Is defined to work a revolution in the Frnli T.ade. This Drier is the result of ctreiul res arch ant experiiMeut, aid accomplishes II that the most en. huslas' Ic fruit-grower couid uestie.- lc not oi ly dries te fr.l m - ch' aply and rapidly than any irier iu ush. but reserves it with a 1 its rich ies and de.i acy of d ivor uuiut paireo, IT KIIhPAnKN iaL.E. Ol II KHN, B Iur tne on y ma hme win h h no drauUu u carry off tne aroma of the irult. By its process the saccharine matter is turned to a J.-liy, at d Raisins Eonal to tne Sna-Eriecl Frnit of Enrobe are Frofliicei. a 'VJ".r' V W 4. YAH Ta i?C IP Ja C n be Imparted t the trn!t d.-i d br 'h?s mchn. TS M. flJdLfUlii mm&M.m.MULW nnerls eo constrnere i that all tHo frait ts n,-jfitj exactly th same degree of heat. It u'et les fuel than any other machine, an I is so mul lu con-irm-tioa that It can be worked by a boy. It can be et up any wiere to snit the owner's i onvenience. aal reiuire no bulldiue sure that furnish, d with ihe machine. It is compact, porta 1, can be aprt ad nio.a frm place to place as readily as a loai of lumber, thereby enabling thefrult-ruwer at a great di-ifetuc from market, to save all th fru t w ich otherwise mieht be "eft, to dt c;?y. We extract the foil wing from a letter to V. H. J. Brooks rf los Anelew. from A. Lnsk fc Co., anaonar the m or t prominent fruit-growers and deleJi on this Coasr: The WaHer Fruit Drier we have i eJ on ear, and live Just pnt up ano her, both of the largest eaarly. We have s-e . all kmd o- fruit drie i by the Wa'ter Diier, md there Is no better or prettier dried fruit comes t this market. It iiiakw tne oi-- pert-ct raisin of any drier we have yet seen. It takes but 11 tie fuel to run It, which la a great it xu. nave no intenvt ln the Drier, only we tried to get ihe tet and cheapest to run. The fru t is preserv. d in the most perfect nmnner in from 3 to TO hours. Anpls and pach In SS hoars, granes in 4s hours, whole pears in from 60 to 70 hoars, and other fruii in proporraon. Ik wul aftrr all kinds of tint., grain, vegetable, etc The price- f the Drier are $350, $"00, and f .00, according to Irs capacity which is from 500to0t I. For laige establishm' nt i he Drier can bn soconstr.iC'-d thai oie furnttc will te s-utflclent lor to ma chines With a capacity ot 4000 pounds each, wttu very little additional exrens for Iu 1. The machiD la packed resdy for shlpuit-i t, andean be put up by any carpenter aa the pans are all numbertd au4 raady to be connected by joint bolts. County rights and territory fr sale by the patentee, T. C Walte-. Full 'nstmctlona jiTea to par chasers as to the manner of operating on all prcduc'B. For further lnforn at ion applj u O?. C. WALTEE, &c CO., r 1610 Stockton Street. San JFranciaco, Cavl. REFER A. I.TJSK & CO., D. E. ALLISON & CO. STARK ft LITT1.K, HOWE & UAI.L. O. OSEsTI & CO.. J V. UAi.K A Co , JJALTON & GKAT. HOU.hKXltV KOBINSON. J I B.ANuUAKu. CUT THIS OUT. IT WILL XOT APPEAR AGAIX. CONCORD CARRIAGES. HrX. 3E3 3VI O X7" -A- Xj . T he Concord Cnrrlag-e Reposi tory next to Palace Hotel. San Francisco, where a t'uli stock of "Cncr t" Buzcles and wagons, the genuine "uoncora Harness ana k. as. Miner e o i (Quincy IU.) Buggies and Carriages will be constant jy aepi; on nana x.o. r.a.p iua.i, Agents NEW WORK-SOW READY. For Sale Everywhere. T ZE3I IE PHYSIOLOGY OF LIFE AND MARRIAGE, My j. H. Jotseiya, n. i. HflB MOST IITTENSELT INTKRBSTINO WORK X ever issued from the uress, exceeding In attrac tlvenetts the famous works of Dr. Malthus. Brad- langh the social reformer, and Mrs. Beaant, the poor woman's friend. The most secret sources of vltalitv laid bare, ln lan guage that may be read by anv one in any place. The cause of life and disease fully exptaiueu in a manner that mves the subject th Interest of a novei or book of travels. Nearly ISO pages of valuable in formation for everybody. Address all orders to Sak Fbanoisoo News Co.. No. 4 1 3 Washington Street. San Francisco, Cal. tf Slnele contns for sale bv Lhe aiiLhorac 2& Sutter St., San Francisco. In mnkliijg' any purcliue or In wrltlnic in response to an) advertisement In this paper, yon will please mention the name of the pnnr. BIXOIT AMERICAN UBAPHITE EYEELASTIIG AXLE C R E A S E. IT WON'T RUN. IT WON'T GUM. For Sale by all Grocers. W, BOLT, No. 717 Montgomery street. Ban Fraa- ubgo. Afciii xor in. jracrao For Men & Boys ETTYTHF. BEST Articl IN THE MARKET. HY JL'iiltM IfS!SIOT TO D!t AK EVERSOX. J. W. KAUL. Es) MITCHELL WAGONS, A. W. 6ANB0KJ t Agentv4 Beaie St.. & F. r'Ufc; Mitchell Farm, Fr-tcht and spr ar Watvoea L are well known a theb-st in the mara-t aad wiU withstand the c imate oi ttie Parit'.c Cat better thaa any other Mr Sauliorn k-n at the p1msa. Imported front his own tnanuiactry at Maacaaauar, N. II., a go d assort men t of h a celebrated THOEOUQHBEACE, E2PS2SS IM i X Xi. vx agons Oral! sizes. nfAlso, Baitln, ! at t.lieh. sjavrriaia:. or all kiutia. 336ke:arny,sz &9I0MARKET.SIS.F. bend tor llloslrated Ca'ala The Only Temperance Bitters Xbovt. The bet blood Purifier and Cathartic. 'VTarraatvs) the hlood. An edectual remedy for ly ak.i Kl I lan C iirsnie mm ,t I li HUd a'l rpiusle Ciulatnu, MTia. la. Nklu lli-a4Mi. etc. Those Btrtera arw cl oulatwi for bth sexes, and are iltmitNl to lc rna a great household inn-.t-ity. We r-cotn rad V Memlte Hlitrm for alt chronic wmkhmm of t. Kidneys and f'liroule Llvr emplslau, Fr sale hy all-drngvist and dealers in tuiKiati, General Depot tui Battery St., aaa Frauetou. o curn an aiseases a trutig trout au imnart ttf mi j SLraiiTTmiyy k t "- J