Newspaper Page Text
The ALB PIIEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1879. NEW SERIES NO. VOL, 4. NO. 8. WHOLE NO, 133. TELEG R7PHIG AHHorlntcil PrenR Dlapntebea to tUe Oally Morning -Herald." I'Ktt WKSTEIUf UNION AJfD VIUTAKY TKLKGIUrU LINK. Probable Saleof the Morris Mine. Florhxcb, October 10lh. The ovatra ot Ik McMorris mine, Globe District, are stopping in town await lug the arriTal of Major Baldwin and Gen. B. Fish, of New York, who va understand U about to purchase said mine. Baldwin and Fish are expect to arrive here to-night. JIajor fcisson, Superintendent of the Isabella mill is stopping in town, lie report business increasing in Globe, and fives favorable accounts of the mines, which are .bucked up by the regular shipment of bullion. Two silver bars came in yesterday with $2,223 from tho Isabella mine. LOCAL LINES. Thetlgrspb. line is down west of Marieopa. There was a social hop at Wcnt worth's Hall, last night. The circus left for Tempe yester " day afternoon. Tho Tombstone fever seems to lave broken out again. The cool weather of late creased the demand for ice. has de- Pliopnli Lodge of Odd Fellows meets to-night. There was a mad dog in the lower part of town this morning. lion. T. J. Butler, Territorial Treasurer, passed through town last Bight on his way to California. Passengers arriving by way of the Black Canyon road, speak well of Kerens & Griffith stage liae. Geo. W. Curtis, the lumber king ' of Prescott will be in this city during the coming week. Governor Fremont will spend a Iw Cays in Phoenix during the lat ter part of the month. " A charter for the establishment of a lodge of Red Men, in this city will lie received during the week. Curses loud end deep are heard on er-ry hand. The detention of mails and freight is the cause," No train had orrivod at Mcricopa at 8 o'clock last night, and it was jMrt definitely known when there would be one. The northern stage last night brought down three passengers: lion T. J Butler, Mrs. Newell and C. E. McClintnek. Michael TVormser has filed his final statement with the Probate Judge in the matter of the estate of YTm. BrechL TTe call attention to the dvertie jnent in another column ef the Unit ed States Restaurant, opposite the jvest-offlce. Mrs. Becchura and her 4 1. : i T n i - .nltn.rr rinn.vtm a. T K . tuit will open en Monday morning. The public have always lyn lac Jng confidence in Pawnbroker's hp, from the fact that they were liere to-day and away to-morrow, they Jiaving no regard for the patronage f their customers, merely trying to take advantage whenever they could, "VYe must note one exception in Cal:. fornia however, and that is the estab lishment of Undo Harris, the cele lrated pioneer. No 221 Kearny St., between Bush and Sutter. C0U3T' CALENDAR. In addition to the cases already published in the Heratd. as ready for trial at the coming term of the District Court, tho !ollowing cases appear on tie calendar for disposal : Tidwell vs. Van Slack, Charles Martin et al.,'Alsap Lemon, et al., f. r pltf., Van Slack, for deft. Goldman & Co. vs. The Golden 6tar Mining Company, Lemon foj. )Itf., and Hancock for deft, John Mullen vs. Charle Ayers, Lemon and Hancock, for pltf., and Baker and Oury, for deft. County ot Maricopa vs. 'C. H. Veil, Lemon, for pltf., and Alsap, for deft. Tidwell vs. Scdow, Hancock, Al ap and Lemon, for pltf., and Van Slack, for deft. Nichols Tg." Hoffman, Alsap and Lemon, for pltf., and Cox and Baker for deft. Ilargrare yg, Hargrove. Lemon for Diaz vs. Diaz, Lemon for pltf. and Bolaa for deft. Farmer's Canal ct al. vs. Grand Canal etl., Alxap, Cox and Baker for pltf., and Hancock, Lemon and Oury for deft. Goldman & Co. vs. John T. T. Smith., Lemon for pltf. and Alsap for deft. A-J. Stoeton vs. M. E. Clauton, 1 Lcmoa for pUf. and Alsap for deft. Ellis, Asher & Co. vs. Griffin Ditch Company, Lenaoafor pltf. and Alsap for deft. - -Wenrworlh vs. the estate of King . "Woolscy, deed., Alsap and Lemon fr pltf. nd Cox and Baker for Mrs. Fhoddy lately puckered up fcer month and told a gcntletnin friend that one of her lovely daugti tera blunett and the other a MINING LAWS. Sec. 2325. A. patent for any land claimed and located for valuable de posits may be obtained in the follow ing manner : Any person, associa tion or corporation authorized to lo cate a claim umlor this chapter, hav ing cluimtd and located a piece of land for such purposes, who has, or have, complied, with the terms of this chapter, may filcjin the proper, land office an appl ication for a patent, under oath, 6howing such compli ance, together with a plat and .field notes of tl.o claim or claims in com mon, made by or under the direction of the United States surveyor-general, showing accurately the boundaries of tho claim or claims, which shall bo distinctly marked by monuments on the ground, and shall post a copy of such plat, together with a notice of such application for a patent, in a conspicuous place on tho land em braced in such plat, previous to the filing of the application fcr a patent and shall file an affidavit of at least two persons that such notice baa been duly posted, and shall file a copy of the notice in such land office, and shall thereupon be entitled to a patent for the land, in the manner following: The register of the land- offlce, upon the filing of such appli cation, plat, field notes, notices, and affidavits, shall publish a notice that such application has been made, for the period of sixty days, in a news paper to be by him designated as pub- Ifohcd nearest to such claim; and he shall also post such notice in his office for the same period. The claimant at the time of filing this ap plication, or at any time thereafter within the sixty days of publication shall file with the register a certifi cate of the United States surveyor general that five hundred dollars' worth of labor has been expended or improvements made upon the claim by himself or grantors; that the plat is correct, with such further descrip tion by such reference to natural ob jects or permanent monuments as shall identify the chiim, and furnish an accurate description, to he incor porated in the patent. At the expir ation of the sixty days of publica tion the claimant sha.ll file his affida vit, showing that the plat and notice have been posted in a conspicuous place on the claim during such pe riod of publication. If no adverse claim shall have been filed with the register and the receiver of the proper land-ofiice at the expiration of the sixty days of publication, it shall be assumed thi;t tho cppl.'c int is entitled to a patent, upon fhe payment to the proper officer of five dollars per acre and that no adverse claim exists; and thereafter no objection from third parties to the iasnance of a patent shall be heard, except it be shown that the applicant has failed to com ply w jtb the terms of this chapter. Edison's Light, If some recent statements may be accepted,. Edison has at length suc ceeded in making" a very important discovery in the matter ot the elec trie light. This is no less than the ascertainment of a method by which the platinum wire employed maybe so consolidated that it is practically indestructable, and capable of em ployment in the incandescent light with the most satisfactory and econ omical results. It is said that Ed i sou made Ibis discovery by puttinir a piece of melted platinum wire under the microscope, when he perceived that it was full of minute cracks, which appeared to have been caused by the escape of air. He then heated wire in a vacuum very slowly and continuously, and as a flual resul' obtained a wire which is apparent' free from all the defects which ch:r. acterized the old material, and which promises to supply the means of keeping bis new light burning ad in finitum. It is alleged that no form idable difficulty remains, in fact, and that the Edison light is practically aa assured success. Whether it will supplant the existing illuminants to any considerable extent, is of course a question which experience alone can determine. mains TlotC0. TVe learn from Mr. Hotaling that the winze in the Silver Prince, Peck district, is now one 100 feet below the 6ii rf ace, The owners of the Black Warrior are running a drift north on good ore. There has been quite a hoavy rain on Lynx and Big Bug creeks, too heavy, infact, for the requirments of the placer miners, the flood havingjin some instances, washed away the gravel piles. Placer mining on Lynx Creek, is being prosecuted with great vigor and with the most cheering results. Harmon and Parks are taking out nrjgts by JjandfuJls, Lewis will clean up an average of twenty-five cents to the pan, and Johnny Kennedy fifty cents per pan. Mr. Poland informs us that he saw a $ 9 nugget, yesterday, from one of those claims. The Big Bu g saw mill is running on full time, and it is the intention of the owners to add a ten-stamp mill to the machinery. Aritonan. D. It Poland is building a new house at the head of Big Bug Creek, where he has some very valuable claims. Mr, Poland is a gentleman who has been more closely identified with the mining interests of this im mediate section than probably any body in it, he has wavered in hi3 in the ultimate sisccess of Yava pai, and we are glad to he able to chronical the fact that hit tenacity and indomitable perseverance is about to bear Ihe rich reward which it desei vcs- OIK riiAZA. VTe would respectfully eH the attention of the town authorities to the Dreaent unsichtly condition of the plaza. This fine square, instead of being an ornament, as it should to our city, is, from its constant use as a rendezvous by Indians and other riff-raff, an eye-sore. A person on entering our city, would be at once struck by the air of desolation pervading it, and would reasonably conclude that the citizens of our town cared little for the tuwn'a up pearanco. With a I ittfe expenditure of money, and the facilities at hand it could readily be transformed into a blooming spot, which besides em bellishing our city, would give to the public a resort where, after the hours of labor, recreation might be sought. Let us have somc?action in tho matter. " " Dakota to be Divided. The Cheyenne Lender says that the question of dividing Dakota into two or three Territories is being ag itated with a degree of vim and per sistency that promises success. Sev eral plans of division are suggested. Dakota at present contains an area as large as three times that of the State of Iowa, and no region of country is filling up or developing more rapidly. Secrets of the Font Offlec "There is in my office two things, that it Seems 3omc ladies wear for Breasts. They were badly put up, and addressed to Macon, Fayette county, Tenn. I wrote immediately to the name, ,Macon P. C, Fayette county Tenn., but did not get any answer. They are fine goods and sorter like the real thing. Now I don't know how to get them to the dead letter office without spoiling them. They came here loosely wrap ped in paper. I wait, your in structions if you please. Washington Star. In addition to the reduction in its regular rates, the "Western Union has established the half-rate S3-stem over all its lines on the Pacific Coast. The advantage of this half-rate sys tem is that during the night all mes sages are transmitted throughout the United States at a maxium charge of one dollar for ten words. ElLsha Grimc3 said in a prayer meeting at Little York, Ind., that he was whftlly prepared to die. Gecrge Jones called him out of doors a few minutes afterward and killed him with a knife. It is conjectured that Jones thought Grimes, professing readiness, might ss well die' at enco, lor no other motive has been'dis covertd. Grass and weeds of every descrip tion growing iu gravel walks may be exterminated the most expeditiously and cheaply by the application of common salt in large quantities r.t one dose is not sufficient, apply a sec ond. Two applications of salt will not only killjhe weeds now growjng but will prevent their springing up next season. At Smithville, says the Miner, work is being pushed on some thirty or forty mines and ore is accumulating on the dumps of these claims. Mr. Smith, Superintendent of the Golden Era Mining Company, is now in town for 600 feet of water pipe, which has just been manufactured- at the establishment of Hill & Frederick. This piping is to be used for running water from the creek to the tank which will supply the mill witl an abundance for all purposes. The saw-mill will start up next week and the quartz-mill in about thirty days. Ballstoh is distant seven and a half miles from Saratoga, and yet nn electric light burning at the latter place the other night, enabled peo ple living at Balls ton to see to read. To most men this is simply an inter? esting fact, but to the profound thinker it is a near step in the direc tion of abolishing night, and eman cipating mankind from the necessity of sleeping, The coming man will never feel Use need of sleep, and he will know no real difference between day and night. A Tenneeaoc colored preacher lieM forth recently as follows: "Yon girls call your sweethearts darlings, and you men call yours daisies' and you girls are afraid to come up liere for fear some other girls will get off with your darlings, and yon men for fear some other fellow will get away with your daisies, and, be tween this darling and daisy busi ness, lota of you niggers are going straight to heU." Trip J. S. Anderson's immorality resulted jn his expulsion from a pas torate at Charles city, Iowa. He then opened an office a3 physician, but the people would not tolerate him iu any professional capacity, and a masked mob drove him out of town. They have bad thTee earthquake shock3 m San Francisco in the last month. TUe fast was the severest felt in five years. No- comes Johnny in from school, with "I,ve got to have a new slate.and pencil, and a sponge, and a second reader, and teacher wants me to study jogerfy, anp I'll have to have an atlas, and the new boy got a licking, and eny, pin, won't you ask pa to buy the books this noon, be cause I'm in a hurry, and all the rest of the boys have got their'n.!' A mule's head does not contaia a brain capable of culture and refined rearing, but it is wondc:fulio what extent the other end of his form can be roared. Assuming the particulars of the sinking of the Columbia, in mid ocean, as given by Captain Larson, to be correct in description, his first notion that the animal that struck his bark was one of the two whale engaged in combat is probably the true one. Whales do fight and dis nlnv tremendous nower. There is an account of a whale fight that oc curred just off the town of Nybstcr. Scotland, which was witnessed by a number of fishermen. The two k1i1m rushed acainst each other with ureal velocity; one would leap twenty or thirty feet in the air and fall upon his foe with entailing- force ml the sea around him, lashed into foam, soon exhibited, a bright red tinze. The battle lasted three hours, One of tho whales was killed iu the fight, and this, when drawn ashore was found to be sixty feet in length A mniuior like that, movinz with a velocity that would carry it twenty to thirty feet out of the water, might stave in tho planks of an old vesiel anrli na the Columbia was. Phila delphia Ledger. The Boys Composition. nens is curious animals. They .don't have no noso, nor no teeth, nor no ears. They swaller their vitluls whole, and chaw it up iu their crops inaidn of 'em. The outride of hens is gererallv put in pillars and made inter feather dusters. The inside of n hen is sometimes filled up with marbles and shirt buttons and sich. A hen is very much suiafler than a good many other animals, but they'll dig up more potato plants than any- tt.incr what aint a hen. liens are very useful to lay eggs for plum pud- ding. Bet j-er life 1 like plum pua- sg. Skinny Bates eat so much plum pudding once that it set him ntothe collcry. Hens has got wings and can fly when they get scart. I cut my Uncle William's hen's neck off with a hatchet and it scart her to death. Hens sometimes makes very fine spring chickens. A Cnrlons Case Bad luck made George Watcrfield downhearted, and he frequently threatened to take his own life. So disconsolate was he that, when some- loly asked the loungers on the ver andah of the tavern at Edge nill, Pa., to go into the bar-room and drink, and though all responded with alac rity he staid outside alonu. When the others came out again, they found Waterfield lying dead on the floor with a wound in his breast. They thought he had carried out hi3 sni cidaf purposes by stabbing himself, but they could not find a knife. An examining physician found a bullet! in the supposed gash, and it w as a mystery how the shot had been fired, until "it was ascertained that a man had been trying a rifle in that direc Hon from a point three-quarters of a mile away. "How to Tell Bad Eggs" is the title of an article in an exchange. When you have anything to tell a bad egg, you must be careful not to break the shell while imparting the information. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. United States RESTAURANT. Old American Hotel Building, Corner Washinzton and Center streets, WILL OPEN ON Monday, October 13th FIBST CLASS COOK, GOOD MEALS, MODERATE RATES. "ITTE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE W patronage of those desiring pood living, as it vill be onr aim ty please all. SIRS. BEECUl'31 A DArtaiTEB oc lid OTICF. TO CHEDITOSS' Estate of IIksbt Satebs. deceased. -VJ-OTIOE IS HE RE BY GIVEN BY TI1E ii nndersignetl, administrator of the es tate of IlEXUY SAYEKS. deceased, to the creditors and all' persons havinjr claims gainst the said deceased, to exhibit them VvTh tile necessary vouchees within ten mouths from the nineteenth day of July. 1S7. to the said administrator at hi otllee in the town of Phienix Maricopa county, Arizona. . T. (i. OKEEN11AW. Administrator of the eiatu of Hexrt Sat eiis. deceased. Phienix, October 11, 18T9. octllwlt? XOTK'E TO CREDITORS. Estate nfMrrHALu BEAPNiAnirr. dera'ed "XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1ST THE il underpinned. Executor of the estate ol MICHAEL TSKA UMtiAKT, deceased, tothe creditors, and all pereons bavins claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary .vouchers, within ten month from t he thirtieth day of A pril, 1ST'., to the said administrator, at his ofrtce in the town of Pliienix. Maricopa countv. Arizona. T. ti OKEES HA'.V, Administrator of the estate of MicuAtu HkAUAiiiT, deceased. Phoenix, October 11, 1679, octllw4jB A nminl Meetlnjr. ' GES ER VL LEK SILVER MIXING COM- fianv. The annual Meeting of the Stock lolders of toe General Lee Mining Com pany for the election of a Board of Directors to serve during the ensuinjr vear, and the transaction of sncfe other business as may properly come before the meeting, will be. held nn MONDAY, the twentieth day of October. 1H79. at one o'clock p. at the office of the Company, rooms 6 and 7. Xo. -211 ans.imc street. San Kx-iT'''isco. Cali furuia. V. Eli ILL. E'lf '""srv. . odd i S DAILY PHCENIX HERALD. GOSPER & iluCLISTOCK, Publishers and Proprietors': Published every morning except Monday. Per Year Per Mouth, Pet Week, Advertising $10 ft) 1 uy Hates madu cation. kuo'.ru on applt PROFESSIONAL, II. R. PATRICK, Civil K n,tt ner Deputy V. S Mineral Surveyor for Jtrlxoaa. Owicb With W. A. Hancock Phauix A.T. Attorney and otniiiIor at Law, Tucrtt.n, Arlrona. All Inw business will recelTo prompt and caruml attuntiou. J. A. Z-VBRISKTi:. B. It. UKKKFOHD, IICBKFORI) A Z tllRKKIt: Attorney) and Oaansrtari at Law And Notary Public Office on Myers street, opposite Palaca Hotel, meson, Arizona. it. Ij. jtimo. si. i. Physician and Mnrgreon (Graduate of the University of Va.) - Offers his professional services to. the people of 1'btrnix and vieinilv. Ollico -N. V Corner Washington and Center StreeU, op posite the Post OUice. 1. II. COX.. A. C. SAKKB. COX & BAR Bit, Attorneys at Law. Phcenix, A. T. Office. np-stairA, in Capital building, on Washington struut. j. w. sTEPHESsoar, Attorney at X. a w. PllfENIX AltlZONA IS. Ij. VOXXEKH, Physician and Hnrgeon (Late of Visalia, Cut.) Office on Waaiiinzton street, two doors from Montezuma. . . -i JILU'S V. VA NLYt'K, Attorney and Counselor at Lair, Jlcllillcnville, Maricopa Co., A. T. Will practice In ail the courts of the Terrl tory. JO SIX T. ALSAP, Vttorney and Counselor at jlaw. Phoenix. Arizona. All Hnsiness promptly attended to. Offlco vith uu District Attorney. PJWBATE jrDQE. TtOTAKT PUBLIC. WM. A. HAXCOCK, Attorney at Law, Phrenix, A. T. Land business in all departments ft specialty. joiix l. ;iti:(i(i. jh. j. Pliysielan.Snrareon & Ae.eoncher. References without permission: F. M. Cockrill. T. S. Senator. Mo. : Col. John T. Crisp. Democratic nominee r Congress from Missouri. Office two miles south Uay den.s Ferry. Arizona. . ' ' BLAKE & CO., ASSAVKUS. Goid dust, cold and Bilvcr bullion and ores of every description melted and assayed. All assays guaranteed. - Prices of ore assays: Silver and gold, $3; lead. $3: copper, fS. Samples can be sent bv mail or express, and returns will be promptly made. Office with Wells, Fargo & Co.. Prescott. !g B 3 i LUMBER!. LUMBER! -AT- Adams' . SAW 3IIIKi AXI) YARD, PRESCOTT, - - ARIZONA. Ilayins moved onr mill Are milrs wopt of Prcucott, on Wiijow Creak. N'r Thumb Itmto. at a point within turo miles of tho Milier ruarj, ncur Iron Sprinirs. and having complttil an excellent road to the Miller road and to Prescott. we are now prepared to furnish any amount or quality of LUMB EE, Shingles, Doors, Sash, LATHS, ETC., AT BEDROCK PRICES. Barley. Flour, Corn and Produce Taken in exchange for Lumber, CLAKK ADAMS, Geo, E. I.oniKO. Asent. Phumix, A. T. BALT RIVER Flour. rig Mil!. C. II. VEIL, Prop. The Largest and B est Mill in the Territory. OFFERS FOR SALE THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR In quantities to suit purchasers The following brands constantly on baDd: XXX FAMILY FLOm (warranted.) EXTRA FAMILY EXTRA SUPERFINE, OKAHAM. CRACKED WHEAT. ALSO' Bran. Snorts and 3II)ldllnx9. aPFCI AL ATTENTION INVITED TO MY XXX Family Flonr. Every saok of which is frnuntotapd equal to the host mamifut'tureil in he Terri'i.ry or money rfundt'd. Having lnrire stock of hand, purchasers ill do well to give me a call before purohading eseirUere. CiF"PRICF.SLOW AS THE LOWEST. Highest Price i l fo ? Wheat. PLAZA SDXrSDJN 3 HOUSE. Seuthwest corner of the Plaza, Board, per week $6 No Chinesol J , S. CYEE8, Would rrspctfully inform tho citizens of Phonix ho h:is opened a tirst-clas! boarding house at the above location mid i prepared to take boarders bv tiie day, week or month, it moderate price". Mtals erved at a!) hoti-s. The table will be supplied with the be't the market ailurd. A share of the puhlic pnlrojiape if solicited. oc'2 d lWIriiiENIX 13AKEUY, J. II. HE1XSOX, r - Prop Washington stecet opp'. Court Tlonpe, Twelve loaves of Bread or 12 Bread TleketiSl. Tics and enks always on hand. Rye Bread made to o:dcr. oct Id E. IRVINE & CO. Irvine Co., Are constantly reduc ing the price of CALL AND' SEE CORNER STORE, IN THE NEW BRICK BUILDING. Opposite the Magnolia Saloon. O Q 3 r-H Th o mem of am GENERAL MERCHANDISE. E. IRVINE & CO., Brick Building, corner Washington and Mon tezuma Streets. PH(ENIX, A. T, . SIO Reward. I will pay the abovn Reward for one black Horje wiih heavy saddle mark., and branded L S" and vent SS" oil lert neck. Xey mark. Shoes on, i. A-tTiiiojii4N o. Seymour, Oct. 1, 1S71). ' oid M1SOXIC XOTtCK. ft ARIZONA LODGE U. P, F. Jfc A . M Vi?r Stated meetings on the third Tr Tuesday of each month rt t-'M) r. m. S .journinir brethren are fraternally invited O attend. .7. T. ALSAP, V. 31. 3. P. CUB MER Secty. News -tor THEM AT THE CD r i W r I o o stock consists large assort V. TRUSV1PER, Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler, Monteanima Street, Opposite Drug Store Watches Repaired- navinsr Tiart NTfutfen Yearn oxprincce in this Imsint's. I ara rro pared to do ail kinda of wuik enliuti-'d to inc. MISCELLANEOUS The Tiger! TOM BROiWr - Prop (OldStan4 jvejt HaIatTii restaurat, ITavltiw purchased hr interest of Mr Daniel, t mil prepared as ever to suit my jxi Irons with the best of VIIXK8, LIQIORH & CIUARS A flnc billiard table for the oso of patrons Call and seo me aud 70a nill be treated well. oild Jesse Jackson, Late of Frwcott) I have leased the quarter formerly orcn pied by Smith fc btroude, for one year, and nave opened a FIBST CX.ASS SitOOX, Where none but the best liquors and Cigars will be given to patrons. Remember the place, TUB CAPITOL B11LDI. HISS KATIE HAYWOOD'S Saloon, In the old Brewery Saluon.jicst to Cold k lerg-a. FINK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAES, I would be pleased to eeo all my old jlunda au4 others at my new saloon. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. G. H. Kelly, Shop llontezuma street, two doors north of Magnolia saloon, I am prepared to do all kinds of HOI SE P.UXT1X PArEB HAXtilXC. In tha finest style of ths art, ocid S. P. R. R. OF ARIZONA. Coiniamclns Monday, Jlay ltl 1N7, Trains will leave -1Irl-rpa as fallows. f tTr A. M. DAILY Passen? I JJv Train Westward for Yuma at Los Angeles and San Francisco, connertii ! I.athrop with Atlantic Express train t Stockton. Sacramento. Oj-deii ad Onmh ;k''t)in',' car attached from Yn, A. Masjaiiu. ai. ' P. 3!. DA f LY Passenjrer J ;(JTrun eastward lorcasa .trau connecting with stages for Ttiwn Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent, J. hi. Castenada, DEALER IX pitovisiox! Litironst, HARDWARE, CIV ARM, CROCKERY' ETC. t 1.. . sn.l flrct-flMafi Still A cheap as can b bought in any store In me city. Washington street opp. plaza. ocid CARPENTER AND BUILDER BILLY MORRIS. Washington street above Gardiner's. All kinds of tobbine -work done with promptness, and in a workmanlike man ner. FIKXITUKE AX'D DESUS A. Specialty, Will build anything from a fence to a Cap itol building. John H. Burger, BLACKSMITH AND WAG0X MAKER. Shop One block west or Herald Office. Particular attention paid to HORSE SHOEING. N'one but the best of Workmen employed y nie. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. lains street, rear ot Copeland's Door and fcah Factory, Best Flour, Svyoetest read. Twelve Loaves for One Dollar. Uread delivered at residences Free of charge. .Aro. Ptucnsji, I'ior" Sson, Boot and Sho2 Maker, j 1Vashinsf 1 iret.JJsl Fashionable IVwr r-l KV iaaicril made a Perfect Fits GuASAvris-j I cl nr entire aitent!o wf sS ' work, and"! ha r 6-nu fc s entire satiCictiou. !el is v htl7c e h ma ri f Practical Boot & Shoe Kiler. Boots and Shoo, MADE TO OUDKIJ. AND REPAIRING XEATLr t3 Shop at Watcrmxtt'a T- T. A- Waterman HAS OrENSD A SIW Tin Shop. Opposite the rtasL Prompt iiieatioa give w Repairing and Jab Wcrfc. tsilders5 MATERIAL. STlli comi'lete MASH. I1UMM. w4 M I t4 W Which an of Vt :iy s4. sold cheaper th&u al lv - -J" . Mash Faet ry la sTrOa. AV ord ers prm?rlT att..tsl mi. street, ouehalf block 0 i st tK.fc.. otHce. '.. I. CllfH.tlt Tip-Top Hotel. GILLETTE, A. T. My hotel Is kept la Urst txy'j. lafe and ne&tly iuruiai- Uood ccomniodxtiosia &w trona. ;thk TAPLS Canned be sarpssd In T.-r:ftc7, roofcini; ana pea: o rr va.ux KllU - NCM1S, ocid u. w. ccntrs. Fashion Saloon, Ii. F. IIAFFORD, MARICOPA. All rkaion at this ton as )TtJ i at the abov named pojmuhr f . W r next door to tho hotei. Uw-j , lain only the best LiotM-m. ALL ICED ZRJA X3 of the wvon nne4ctc4 p U m wtb J. E. Wuabto. M D. ORrMiiH at I", fc, tuiwa's uri. Lai 4 ii-g WHARTON & SHEETS, IMlYSIt IAX JL MTIt,rv County PhHfUas.3Irif,r, j TTIKNTWITIHIT K(V4 n. receive rie.!ical atK-udji.- J w. . iu their hot-pital. C-Will stten.! prvfttwional ftsJa . hour ibiy tw tii-ht. Orru K Lust side rlui. DR. SPINNEY, NO. 1 1, KEARNY STREET, Treats all rhronlr a4 My 1 tvtrim. will wfil mviti i&wuwmi m - - int. r rh;ututtr k.v ti few a4ii ui'.a in cure. Titer are mv.ttr ftl ihe 4 -r"r h re trnbrel wa tent rt-i tr-at r t m-ma.-m, martins' or burn ntg rn&Vt- mi n mm , e;itan - Tbcm r uuw r mhn wit . rill uurnnfs pt ffr fUf ra m.:l , hih Ueuiuy rvt-n-tv m t jj v- I I