T1IE PHCEXIX HERALD, IOSPER a McCLINTOCK Proprietor. Plataraay OeUkeHli 189 -TEACKFt f. VICTOBY. CHEAP MROR. It may surprise some people to k.ir that slavi f no loiiptT exuts ou th beautiful Inland of Cuba; J-rt tlmt is wliut Lai actually taken Atee, all Sp.misli arms and foreign Y-umors to the contrary notwitli laudiiig Tlicre are laws for the gradual abolishing of tlio institution bnt, ia the f.ice of these lawa and indeed in partial opposition to them the owi.er of slaves have for the great-r jait la-snumittcd th.-m. Thvrc have been roal!y few slaves in Cuba since the last Insurrection, V it fiv plantat;ons have kept a regular number and these five are those which are t-iking humane it ensures to rectify as far as thy ran that terrible blunder of human ity, the'boodajre of follow men. It i-t au undeniable fact that if all the slaves were tnddtnly trwd, great di tress would prevail unless Mine jrovi:o;i wore made for theui 1 he planters sec to this by engag ing the frccdiuen to work for thctu on the paymet.t of wages for teru's of thrre or five years. Thus the abolition of riavery U going on and , f th . t re - r f I the internal anairsuj v..uua are uy rio means in that unsettled condi tion of which wc In ar so - much. A're.-.Jy it is said au Industrial Ex position is soon to be held there and It will be the fi:st that was ever or. gai.ized on the Island. There are some pnp-rs tliatvtrive haid to convince the masses that cheap labor makes a community prosperous but they fail to cite an instance in support of thur propo sition, fcr the simple reason .there none to itc. The properifj of a town or community depends upon the coi ditii.n of its working classes niid if the price of labor is low there will be found a rich few and a poor many a state of things that never mk( s a community a contented and thrifty people. It is not the capitalist nor the man in easy cir c imstauci-s that giTc to the town a healthy look but the man who works by the sweat of h:s brow He fupports larg. ly the merchant and the mechanic to a greater ex tent than those of larger means. In placti where labor is high or moderately so, business of every description is prosperous, money is plenty and all are happy. In the East the price of labor is dowu to so fine a point that the laborer can but live from his earning. Chi ncse labor is advocated as the means to B'ill further help the capitalist' and crush the workingman further down in the duct. Let the capital ist and m.nuf ictnier pay reasonable wages ana ail will be better Lotii ana tue ccantrv at lirgi. TERRITORIAL ITEMS. The Mining and Agricul riculiural Outlook. 1XXHAX TBEATMtXT. A aolhcr emphatic protest has bet-n er.tered by the Indians thi time by tlicUtcs of Colorado ag.-iinst thit injustice, disregard of their right end which have been characteristic ofjhc treatment they have received ficm the whites sir.es I'onca de Leia anl hi3 followers first used he cross as the brand with which to scar the backs of those whose a ivage hospitality was to be repaid by Christian civilization with a life of servitude. We also take l:Xo consideration that ia tbe rase of tbe Utes, all treaty obliga tions imj-oSL-d by solemn covenant Lave been rcccgiiized by our gov ernment, only to far as any benefit accrued to it from snch rccoguiiio::; leservntion boundaries have been totally disregarded by the wliit-s in their encroachments and that they have been sul jt.-ct to all tiia F"fe'-rd.ahip9 incident to tho rule of jnciceriiiry agents, who, callous to every feeliiig of humanity, eougl.t n!y to feather their own ne.sts cost what it may. Wo can scarcely ex pect anything lrss. THE Fl'TrRE OF rilOIXlS On tbe first of next month work will be recommenced on the South ern Pacific Railroad. This will rive new life to all branches of business in the Territory ; not alone by put. ting into circulation the mone3 equivalent ol the lnbor performed, and of the food material consumed in the sustenance of the same, but by encouraging, by ope; i lg others than the home market, increased pro duction. This will, in turn, give rise to a dem.ind for labor, to upply which immigration the only thing requisite to transform our Territory into the leadiue Siate of the South west will set in. Pbcenii, on ac count of its location in the centre of the great agricultural section of the Territory, together with its already firm establishment as the chief point through which the trade of tho vast northern portion of the Territory must pass, will be most affected by this order of affairs,and in the course of events, must ultimately become to i Arizona, what San Francisco is to California, or Hew York city to the State of New York . Kind Xotices. Affairs in Ireland arc assuming serious aspects. TI13 Ami-rent ex citement L assuming serious propor tions, bordering on a revolutiou and nltgs something is done immedi- a'aly by the British government ta mitigate the hard lot of the Irish peasantry, a popular outbreak, riv alling either those of '08 or '49 will b the result. This, in England's present embarrassed condition in eonsfquence of a starving popula tion at bonis and serious foreign complications will have a result hard to be fores.-n. TllERE is no fence so durable, so easily constructed and attended wiih eo little expense as that made with tho nsage orange. The growth is rapid, three yeare bj'Bg sufficient to make a formidable fenca. Ouce biiiltj it remains forever, needs no rep-iiia but ia constantly growing stronger. There are many farmers in this valley who do not feel able to fene? their ranches i.i on account of the high price of lumber who could easily plant a row of asage or ange trees around their farms which would be ia a few years a durable fence. The bullion product of the Uni ted Statis for the half 3-e.tr ending WiitrS0lir' has been estimated at ?35 000,000, as follows: California, SS.417, 700; Nevad 1, $12 570,300; Oregon, $23 1,200; Washington Ter ritory. $27,000; Idaho Territory, $ 700,500; Montana Territoiy, $2. 031,000; Utih Territory, $2,871, 700; Colorado, 55,953,000; New Mexico Territory, S22G.509; Arizo na "Territory. $910,000; Dakota Territory. $1,059,000. TU.il, $34, 783,800. Th first number of the daily edi tion of the Phoenix Herald came to hand this morning. It is a bright, newsy paper of 8 columns. Wc heartily wish it success. Arizonan. Tbe Dailt Herald, which com menced life on theflrtt of this month' has made its appearance. It is the largest daily la Arizona, has-eight 3olumut of reading matter and twenty of advertising, which is a pretty fair starter. If the people of Photnix do tteir duty, they will eee that their daily paper is supported and keep it alive. The proprietors, we are satis -fled will do Iheir part. Joiner. The first number of the Phoenix Daily Herald, October 1st, his been reeeired. It is a twenty-eight colmn paper. 20x14 inches and is crowded with items of news from all parts of the Territory, domestic and foreign telegraphic news, and is well patron ised by advertiser, moreover we no, tice that lulf a colume of new ads, locals etc., has been eaowdod out MeCiintcck ij a rusle and will give us ageed paper. Sentinel. The Phuenix Herald appeared as a daily on the first, and a most cred itable one, too. It has seven col. nmns to the page twenty .eight in all- It has a large amount of read ing matter, including three columns I ot telegraphic despatches. If it does keep up as started, it will be by far j the best Daily in Arizona. It an nounces trie ability to make the Daily a success, and judged from the Semi-Weekly there i no mistake in this announcement. It also says that "everything of importance will be found in its issne, for dTl classes ot citizens, and our aim will be to lfiake it a live, sprightly, newsy slicet.and a power for good to the peo p!e of this valley and Territory." Citizen. Tbe first number of the Weekly "nggct,- edited by A. T. Fay, has bc-u received by us. It is the pi oneer of jounui! fern in the Tomb Hone District and it fuily sustains iu every manner the reputation of its editor for enterprise and journal istic ability. It gives us pleasure to welcome it into the field of Ari ona journalism and we wWiit suc cess. " The flowof gold from European markets to the United Statjs has Increased to such a volume as to u-ausc great stringency in those ruar- jkcts and in consequent" it has been Weesary to use in France, at least, preventative in the shape of an crease in the cost of exchange. The members of the United States Land Commission, authorized by Congress to inquire into the existing conflicts of laws and other matters in regard to lauds and mines, have be gun their labors iu this city. The commission is composed as follows: General 3. A. Williamson, Commis sioner of the General Land Office President; Clarence King, Chief of, theGeoIogic.il Survey; Major J. V. Powell, of the Geological Survey; Alexander T. Britton, President of the Land Attorneys Association of AVashirction, and Mnjor Thomas Donaldson, of the Smithsonian In" stitute. All tho members are here excert Major Donaldson. After thoroughly studying this 8tatc they will visit Oregon, Washington and Anzona Territories, and other sec tions of the countr-. Stock Report. Is the Maine mines miners re ceive from $1.23 to $1.50 a day; car penters $1.00 to $ 1.75; masons $1.75 to $2.00; blacksmiths $1.50 to 2.00; stone cutters f 1.50 to $2.00; board is $3.00 a week, and lumber can be bought for $7.00 a thousand feet. Twerrry-five-dollar silver and three per cent copper ore can be worked at a good profit. j . I. Smith and D in Conner have just bonded four mines for twenty. ix thousand dollars, payable in sixty d ys Tho mines are the I'hconix, Girl, Forty-nine, lted Cloi d and . All in the Arivnea district and within three mile of the Arivaca I mill. The ledges ore "old bearing o:ia:t7., and under irood mnnnmur-Hf 3H.v Tin-land and Oernwiy. ; gw-n prupert -. As. ins exampltt will probably be ful- From the Miner. D. B. Gilivtt is running the Her mosa mine, in Tatagobia District, Pima county, and ha a SO stamp mill on the way from San Francisco. Twelve bars of bullion from the Ida May mine which was smelted ut Agua Fria smelter, recently, for Mr. ("has. Rice wnt $103. Tbe Ida May is located between the Kit Car 8on and Silver Belt mines aud is thought to be equal to either. The Peek mill is now running and will continue to do so without cessa lion if nothing happens. "It is a great benefit to the whole county to have this fine property at work pro ducing. In peace it will do well In war it is good for nothing Apache County has icttlcd up at a rapid rate this summer. People from New Mexico, who own large herds of sheep; have driven them in, selected stock ranges, and become tax-payers in the sew aud llouiish ing county. The Bradshaw Batda Mill and Mining Company have one of tbe most desirable properties in this county. They have a good saw mill in operation surrounded by a forest of pine, and their ten-stamp mill is complete in every particular to do good work on tho ores which are so plentiful in the immediate vicinity. With judicious handling this mill property, in tho heart of a great mineral district, can be made to pay large dividends on any reasonable capital. It is to be hoped that the companv mav make some arransre- mei t with ownrs of mines for ore with which to keep it buy, and thus give the people who arc inter ested the benefits to be derived from the successful working of rich ores that are worthless to the world or man so long as they are allowed to remain in their present ttato- A delegation of Indians belong ing to the Yava Supni, who reside on Cataract Creek, visited Prcscott yesterday, and were much pleased with their success in gathering up old clothes. These Indians live in a deep canyon, have plenty of gocd land, water with which to irrigate and raise good crops of corn, pump kins, beans, melons, peaches, etc. They are peaceably inclined, do not raid on t!.e white settlements, and evince a strong dewre to be let er. tircly alone in their secluded- homes. Thirty hundred pounds, of freight went out to Smithvillo yesterday from Prcscott which cost several hun dred dollars, all of which was paid for, still there are in this community, men nho profess to be friends to our town and county, who ridicule the Goldt n Era mining Co-, and every person connected with its manage, mcnt. Give us a Chicago man, with money, in preference to all the Mr. Joneses from bore to Ireland. ' According to the records of Prcs cott Free academy, the attendence of upils of all departments for the school term commencing September, 1S79, is as follows: 1st. Girls from 6 to 9 years old. 23 Boys from 6 to 9 years old, 21. Total 4t 2d. Girls from 0 to 12 years old, 27. Boys from 9 to 13 years old 24. To tal's 1. 3d. Girls from 12 to 21 years old 20. Boys from 12 tn 21 years old, 21 Total 41. Whole attendance of pu. pils, 130. Frm tUc Scnlln.-I. A complete ten.stamp mill came in on the 2d for R Barclay, Arivaca mortars, cams, stems, shoes, dies, tap pets, and all ; weight 21,000 pounds. Still more machinery for the Wes ern Jlining Co. of Pima County Last Saturday came lot of stems, cams, rhafts, etc. weighing 21,930 pounds. A new mail route is projected from Alamosa to Mineral Paik, Ari zona, a distance of nearly GOO miles Three trips will be made weekly, thus supplying all. of Ncv Mexico and Arizona- A Kendal quartz mill arrlxed yes. tcrdav with pulleys, shafts, shoes. dies, etc., G. A- Vinzcnt & Co. It is billed Maricopa but we have not learned where it is to be used. The amount of bullion from the clean-up at the Yuma mill last Sun. day' shows that the rock is getting richer in gold as depth is attained. Work is evidently booming on tbe various mines in the Territory. . Er : ery day we see machinery, tools and supplies being forwarded to their destination. This week we noticed I lots for the Tombsione, Western, Tiger, and Cumberland Mining Co.' aud an entire new stamp mill for the Arivaca District. From the T'jmb't6iie Nngjet. Lieut. Buford passed through here on Wedncsay last with a company of Indian s.outu, en route to iron lJua cliuca, Thirty-four buildings are new un der contract, and will be in process of erection as soon as lumber arrives, of which there is a great scarcity at the present time. The most of them are to be business house. A petition is circulating here for a daily mail between this point and the metropolis of the Territory, nnd f.r a tri-wcckly mail via Huachuca. N D. Anderson, a prominnit at toraey, who for eight years filled the oHice of District Altorney for Lander county, Nevada, and has practiced for teu 3-ears in Austin, in that State, is now located here. Tbe new camp oil the western slope of the Iluaehucas is fast ap proaching a town. Peter Thompson, one of the first discovers of the new district, and an old prospector in Ar izona has located here. Col. Lewis has arrived from Cali fornia, and was accompanied by sev eral capitalists who come to look into water project; for supplying the Richmond townsite. Stiver Belt October Sd. Pumping and hoisting works for the Stonewall Jackson mine have ar. i d. Hon. J. H. Eddy of Chicaso. Ills. arrived yesterday and will probably! L. J. Webster is the principal owaer of the Rescue mine, from which large returns of silver bullion his recently been obtained. Sam H. Wildy has resigned the position as teacher of our public school. It will be reopenedon Mon day next by Edwin Polk. Bar No. 5 Silver Era ore bullion C68 fine, silver valued $1(WC 47 a shipped yesterday by B. Weisl & Co. from the Millner & Watson mills The average ore worked from Dr Stallo's mine, the Red cloud, was $1 60,05. This result was obtained from first and second class ore. A Civil Engineer and filters men in the employ of the Atchison, To- peka and Santa Fe Railroad Company were recently An tlio Gila near ike San Cnrlcs Airencv, viewing a route for a road. Claik & Wilson have purchased the Redeemer in Pioneer district, of Joe Flum and Dick Powers. It is situated about a half a mile west of the King. Twelve thousand is re ported as the sum paid. The all impoitant work of buildirg telegraph line from Pun Carlos Agency to connect with the line sev en nine mis side ot f ort 1 nomas is now progressing. The polos are planted by Indian labor under tbe supervision of Captain Cbaflfee, Wire and insulators will very shortly be In place- We have been at the trouble of ob taining data regarding the yields of our mines and average of ore. And as a result of our inquiry, find, that nineteen different lots of ore, from as many mines, aggregating one hun dred eighty and a quarter tons have been reduced iu the Isabella a fiv stamp mill, between August 2Gth and Geptcmber 30th. which gave a gross yield of $20,047 50. The average per ton being $17C, a result not likely soon to be duplicated iu any other mining camp of the Territory out side of Globe. From the Citizen, Oct. 4th. A party of prospectors came in this morning with a lot of fine looking rock which they claim to have found ia a new strike near the Ciene- ga. They are confident they have a good thing; but as yet they are ret icent as to the whereabouts of their discoverv. MAX XATIEIt Mlat103f. XlneHHfi nth of Tucson the Vaata ( rni Hirer. C.titfn: This mission was founded very likely in December 1690, when Rev. Z. M. Salva and R. E. F. Kino, both members of the Society of Jes uits missionaries already established in the Province of Sonora, went north to visit the Indian tribes iiving on the Santa Cruz and Gila rivers. The first church, according to a popular tradition still living among the Pap ago Indians, was a simple, small adobe building of a very modest ap pearance. It was enough, as Canta supposed, to meet the wants of a. new mission and all the first missionaries could afford to do. It lasted until the Jesuit Fathers were succeeded by the priests of tho Order of St. Fran cis, March 1758. There is no record of the time in which the church wnieh stands in the placo of the first one commanced, but it can be inferred from the date engraven on cne of its doors that- it was completed in 1797. This church is a beautiful brick building of By santiae architecture, with rich inter ior, ornamental paintings and baeso relieves about the principal altars. There are more than forty earved statues maoy of which are consid ered by connoisseurs as models of the art. The most remarkable are the twelve apostles standing in niches cut in the walls on each side of the main altar and in all the pillars of the nave and the principal saints of the Third Order of St. Francis. These latter ones are placed above the altars of two lateral cbapcls. Cattle XtalBtss'in Colorado Jt Texas. - FREIGHT ARRIVALS. Maricopa, Oct. 5. P B Brannan, 11 packs 3555. VERDE. A A Q M, 8 jkgsC21 WHIPPLE. A A Q M. 31 sund 2(331. ADDITIONAL yRKIGHT RIDAT FUUtXIX. Geo. Coats, 1 pkg 60; 2 pkgs, 110. M ni Jackson, 'I pkirs 30, E Irvine 10 sund- 0. Goldburg & Son, 2 pkgs, 233. M L Peralla, 35 sund, 930. , PRBSCOTT. Dan Hatz, 1 sund, flO. Tung Long, 21 sund, 14f0. A S Robbins, 6 sunr', 380. N Jt G Ellis, 74 pkgs, 10,059. TIGER. N C Sheckles i: C ; 1 sund, 145. TIP-TOP. StJames & Dawes, 1 pkg 90. PHCKSIXV Ellis, Ashcr dt O 1 sundries, 100 Geo F Coats, 2 sund. 110 E Ganr., 1 pack 60; 1 paek 680. M Rosenthal, 22 pack 2815. E Irvine 7 packs 765. Goldberg & San 5 packs 813. rRESCOTT. L Banhford fc Co. 12 suad, 655. C P Head & Co, 32 sund,. 1370. Wm M BufTum, 6und, 650. T. YT. Otis, 2 packs 1080. J Hr pring, 1 pack 105. G D Kendall, 14 packs 1013. B II Smith, 6 packs 1315. PUCKKIX. Ellis, Asher Jt Co. 7 pkgs, 1503, M. L. Peralta, 1 kg- 400. N. Rosenthal 13 sund 905. Gregory & Wiley 5fkgs, 110. M Asher A Bra, S3 sund- 3390. G Coats, 5 sund 273. PRKSCOTT. C P Head & Co, 100 eond 774S. L. Baihford Ca. 1 pkg, 4. G Urfer, 17 send 3530, Ju Daley, 43 sund 4335. ILLKTT. G E Webber, 36 suad.2349. MISCELLANEOUS. RUNNING RACE. MISCELLANEOUS. FALL IMPORTATION OF Tfcsr will be ranainc race tar a parte ef One Hundred Dollars A Single Dash of 4 Miles Frc for Everything In Ariztna Entrance Claaea Ootofear lOtk. AT riTCENIX ARIZONA. October 18, 1879 Entrance Fee Its. All fcoraee t i tered and tbeir names aud the namee of liieir owncn at the Magnolia Saloon la the city of Phenix. on or b:f -re that date. En trance fees added le- the puree. The "cattle belt" of the United (Mates begins to attract attention from its enormous extent and the rapidly increasing val- e of iu pro ducts. The cattle-yard of Colorado is said to exceed it's bullion produc tion value A Banker in Denver, it is reported, says that he would rath er have one hundred stock dealers accounts than three hundred mining accounts from depositors. The "cat tle bell" referred to beeins at u a Rio Grande near Corpus Chris- ti, and extends northwest througti the interior to.the frontiers ol jiani loba. In its extreme southern and northern portions it is neit'ier highly elevated nor particularly dry, but for the greater part of the immense are i icluded under th"s distinctive d-. nomination nnd it is said to be an area of 350 miles in width by 2,000 miles in length it lies along the sur. ace and high table lands, of which. Northern Texas and Colordo are fair ypes. Cattle on these plains needs to be herded and watched, in order, that they may receive water at prop er intervals, but it is claimed that the cost ot raisng a four-year old steer selling at the depots at an aver age of :30,does not exceed from 50 to $.J uu. 1 lie average natural in crease or tue nereis is aoout per cent. . The business is one which rr. quires large capital at- the outset, regular wages and strict attention to the best markets, and-the inference is that it will fall into the hands of a few lare drovers and butchers The enormous droves on the plains said to number at the present time nearly 15,000,000, are thought to be in some danger lrom the approachs tf pleuro-pneumonia, but the rapid conversation of grazing lands into farming lanas is probably the chief danger to the profits of the system which is now imminent. A Chinaman hangs out the fallow ing cotice: Me buy laundry of Sam Lung; Sam Lund he go Chins, to see cousin; bam he have money; me cookee all winter and buy Sam out; lie no good washee: lie washee like G m, me wachee like h : he take Mclican mans money too much ; inc washee clean, no take so much money; me heap washee Meiican la dies dices; they like while, no dirt; me have machine make tilees allee sammee like new flutec; me go git dirty clothes, bring allee same clean ; you no likee, you no payee. RESTAURANT ! CevpltaJ Bloefc, PhenlK. BEST EATING HOUSE In The Salt River Valley. Our Tables are always sup plied with the best to be obtained in the Market. rallte AttaaHaa rata t Cmeato C. Balari, Paop'n DRYGOODS. L. BIEN; J Street, SAC RA 31 l:TO. H jnet received a fall stock of the laleat tvle of Fall Goods, Coniistin; of CAMEL'S HAIR, CASHMERE, MUMI-CLOTH. SATINS & SILKS ALSO STRIPED BROCADED SILKS AND SATINS. These goods are all direct Importa tions, and can therefore be sold at the very Lowest Prices. Black Silk at 75c, $1 and $1 25 Heavy Black Silk Lining, VKLVETs AT 91 SO AM SI 73, Striped Corduroy, the very latest at $1 25. Splendid qnalltr of iO IXCH BLACK CAJ.H3IEKE Warranted all Wool, at 75c aud Jt. S0- Inrh wide, EOc. A splendid line of wool drcsvtroods in all the new shades at 20 and '25c. It will pay well for every ladv to send tor somples belore buying elsewhere. Ladies will hear in mind that it takes hut. Three DaYS fr a letter to reach Sacramento, and Three Days more for an answer making the tunc only bix Days altogether. Address Letters L , BIEN, 22 J st root, Sacramento, Cal. Agent for DOMESTIC r.lPEB PiTTEEX Notice. j'jf.rrg" MISCELLANEOUS. EM r-5 . Having established a "Purchasing Agency, Mil. L, BIEN will giva bis personal attention to all orders of any kind, such as Boots and Shoes, Fur niture, Groceries, Crockery, Carpets, Millinerv Goods, etc. WOODHKAD GAT, Loa Angeles, Cel. CRO. K. COATS riicenix, A. T Wholesale and Retail DCILIM IX AU Kixds or Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Flower, & Garden Seeds, Plaxts Bclbs, Green'& Drieo Fruit, Butter, Honey, Lard, Canned ( iods etc. Sale Agent for the Celebrated I say neighbor, can you tell me why il is that I see the old and the young man, men of all countries, without regard to nationality, relig ion, politics, color, or previous con dition of servitude, going in aud coming out of the new tiEXT S FrilXISlIIlO CiOODS. BOOTS AV) SIIOKK. CI G A It AXD TOBACCO STOKE: OF - senthai. Opposite Wcll9, FarffO 3t Co? Yen, T run tell you exactly why it i. R(KE tMZ A oun of tbe people hlra tcJf, and consequently knows just what v- rybody wants, aud briiip a business man, he attend: to hid own btiniiiepH, aud that ia to hunt up hiich thin" a) the people want, and being a man of energy and cufcrprisin, he in determined as Ion if as there i a box of pood CI vi AHS, a pair of pood BOOTS, pair of pood overalls, or a box of pood TO BACCO etc. to have a part of them for the rood people of Phoenix. Moreover, being a busites man, ho know.- the value of print er's tnk. and .0 not afraid to use it in letting the people knov hl place ol bu.-ine.si. By the way, when i wai iu town the other day, buyiiiif thope pood Boots, a pair oi Overall 4. a box of Tobacco and a box of fine Cipars that I pave vou a sample of. ItoNrn tlinl toli me to tell vou. and for yon to tell everybody else, that he is keeping ouly firet clnss pood? no chop worn or shadow auc tion goods, aud cannot be undersold by auy-body- I si that ?o? Well he I the very man wc peoj l havo been lookinp for and now we oupht all to po and patronize him, and by helping him we help ourrtelve. and by belpinp ourselves to make monev, we help to build up our yonnp town, which by virtue of location, her rich ,ail and unrivaled wa ter privilege., is soon to become the proud cut city of Arizona. I. S. Look out for boju adi'ertUementa ehop worn and shadow auction poods. FURPJiTURE ! The undersigned has on hand a large assortment of Furniture and UpholsteryS Also manufactures to order FIXE CABINET AT ARE, DOORS. "VVAINSCOATIXG, AND OFFICE FITTINGS. Etem m.ido chair constantly on hand. On Washington fitruet. ndioinin? the ttUtre TUCSON, PHCEN1X, AfJD ALEXANDRA Jo ill 0. 0 Wholesale Liquok Dealecs. 67-tl A. COEICA. Phoen ix Hotel, Waablntosi Sr., bet wean Slaricopa and rima tiireeia. Cool and elegantly Furnished Rocms Singly or en suite, BATHS, Warm or Cold. BAR ASD SEAD1XQ fcOO TERMS MODERATE. J. J. GAHDIX2R. Peter Brix & Co., Phoenix Arieaa. Cheese. Star Bnvln nnd Shinpinp ourfrnits direct from tneorcnardH. and haviup our own teams. leaving Maricopa, immedioteir after the ar rival of the train, three times per week, w are able to furnish eur customers iho beat and Freshest Fruits, Butter, Eggs, Etc., The California Iarke affords. BANK EXCHANGE HOTEL. PHCENIX ART GAIsIiERY Southwest Corner of Plata. The rxDEKsniEn. haytns com pletett hi new Gailerr, le low pre pared to execute all work in hie line in tLe bct Ptyle ami at reasonable rates. A complete aaortmeat of ARIZONA SCENERY alvravn on hand. A full line of l'ictnre Framea and Monld- lnz. Pictures framed to order. O. II. EOTHROCK. White & Walters KEEP it FIRST-CLASS SALOON I On Washington Street, Phoeaiz. Imported "Wines, Liquors and Ciffars. Cheap Living! Board reduced to $6 00 per week. Single Meals - 37 cents. Wicked but rood. Scene Hotel reading room. Gentleman: "I beg pirden but where in hell hare I eeea you before, sir?" Gentleman (look ing up from tin paper) : "I am sure remain m Ulobe and vieiuitj weral can i ieu. nai pan oi sea are Si Board by the day $1 at the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. Waxhingrton street oppeajlto the Plasav, IMiopnlx. E. GANZ Proprietor This new hotel is now open for the accommodation of the traveling public. The rooms are well ventilated and handsomely furnished in suits and ingle. Superior acconimodationi for families. The aim of the propri etor will be the comfort and welfare of his iiets. . IXeeni KrVej Telegraph Billiard Table and Bar Connected with the House Only the Finest Liquors & Cigars. PRIVATE CARD ROOMS. The principal Eastern, California and Arizona papers kept on file. A share of the public patronage is iictte p SODA WATER AXD.... SARSAPARILLA. Fr Saloon;, Families and Ercrybodr, Pleasant. Healthful and Cheap. Is yon don't like It utraipht. ak for a Soda Cocktail, " Saloons furiiinn thein. J"2Ordera solicited and satisfaction nar-aalced. Carver of Maricopa and Jefferson Streets Sole Agikt for Southern Arizona for ,. the Celebrated riiton J. Hardy's Cutter WHISKIES manufactured by MILTOX J. 1IARDY & Co., of Louis ville, Kentucky. E. Martin and Company, San Fra cisco, Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. Our connections iu Kentucky, Xew York and San Francisco esV to purchase direct from Manufacturers and Importer, and hatier faetiUeei lo always carry a large tstoek, the quality of ihirh e gnanait, tea sell at much loner figures than any other liouse in tbe trade cJ ess ia. f.dcntly invite purchasers to call and examine our good lAr feuiaf ' where. . Have on hand a select stock of Old Bourbon and Rye WaLakie, Brs4'. Gins, Rums, Port, Sherry, and Maderia Wines. Champaa, Clarsisv Sauterucs, Liqueurs, Bitters, aud KVEitYTni.vo appertaining to LIQUOR BUSINESS. IMPORTED AUD DOiTJESTIC A S EP.ICK FOR SALE. TITR rNDERSIOKD WJSnES TO inform the public that he has en band Brick of a Superior Quality, And in .j quantity desired Yard, Southeast Corner of Town. ARCADE BREWER Y SALOON. Coolest Plaee of Resort in Toxvn. HAI.OOX8 AXD FAMILIES Supplied with Bottled or Keg Beer. Choice WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS tyCome everybody and enjoy comfort. C. A. LUKE. KuslnesK Msnoeer. Jos. T1IAM1EIMER Vmr-rletor. BUCKALEW & OCHOA, GENERAL Forwarding and Commission MERCHANT, HARICOPA, ARIZONA. r M s OB H LU saeg aJj B H EaauLaJ 21! . lu iSE o D hm o es E 3 N C) - fZ o T3 c ana JC to a Sn o C ' o O tW 'e would call the attention of eonnoUsure t mir Tprr aeleef k of Wines, Liquors and Ciernrs, the nualitv of n'hirh will r3 aal ujUjar supplied by first-class houses in San Francisco or E-iiUra CUiea. Ma 1 Lo 0 tPUM p Phoenix and Seymour. illiams House Prescott, Arizona, Tbe l.ars:et nnd moat Complete Hotel in Arizona. Jas. A. Guild & Co., Proprietors. Also, whole-ale and retail, merchants at Sanford and florence. BARNETT & BLOCK, MARICOPA. n4 CASA G RAX DA. A. T. Forwarding Commission m m a UTS, In conjunction with the abore is the Sazerac Saloon. Whor can be fonnd the finest stock e W lNES,JJQUORS,ETC. EXPRESS AND DELIVERY WAGON. Having a M'asron built exprtPfly for the purposR, I am prepared to nit all orders in that line. Furniture Slovlns a Kpeeialtj. Orders loft on the elate nt the Mngnolia saloon, will receive prompt attention. , If . 4 RKLFY l !ri nl. A. T. Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Every Department Complete. Goods Constantly Arriving. : AGEXT FOR TIIE CELEBRATED White Sewing Machine Washington AT H The pnblic are revpectAxlW Inrbrmetl that I have moved inv burlier vuu toihe building u Waslnncton ctrr-t lnte'lv occu pied by the drug vtore of V? oiivoi-h, and that I have aN ouencd a firbi-olabd baihiuz CKlabUchmeut. Tiy utrict ttnt!on to bnfin T hone to warrant a fair nhare of vour patronnir'. M . STI KMtl KG. Lat" of Snn Franric. j THE BALDWIfL riho Leading Hotel of Fvwipt m the warltl. over tA1a -m a i.fii.l.-a bv Mr. HaNlwiv In if and fiirnfhiit!. Ht"!tdqnartsr m4 navy. SjHial cct)md; fcr flu .- and lnrffe nart. tfc other ftrs-ela hotr!, n s i-r 9 Special contracr wi! W asatl yi" nent banrdor. The hxl r riatw iu waiting it arrh al bv t'-lrirarhtji tS -