Newspaper Page Text
TIIK PJICEXIX HERALD. V -. '- .October 11, 1STO. Untarday 1- . " No employee of lit:?' oirtc!. a'Mit x oth:'r 'er-on it nnthorixed to make p;irchasci or tontract debts for and on account nr t!u rlKi:Aul. No bills a-aint the Hera!.i witt ( reconizd except for pnrch::sv and con tractu by thv proprietors pc-rmally or npon thjir U'rittt u order. LOCAL LINES. Go to Puralta'sfor Liverpool ?:ilt. Our school now numbers 1)3 pupils. Go to fVralla's for Blue.tone. S Otto Gkenhoffor left for Tombstone on Tuesday. Al. 'V'Nrmel has returned to town after a few weeks prospecting trip. Salt River bacon nt Irvinesrelal at cts, wholcsa!e10 cts. Our farmers are'ousr preparing for their seasons work. The circus last evening was well filled by au appreciative audience. Frank Fuqua and Felix Decs have gaaa to the Tombstone country. The Vultnre mill is still pounding away on the gold ore of the Vulture mine. Fror. 31. II. ShermanSuperintcnd ent of the Public Schools of" the Ter ritory will visit Phreni.T. this veek- Itnscnthal has received during the week a large consignment of goods which ho is di-pOting of at reasona ble rat'JS. Carl Schcrer will redeem all ticke'g of Otto GiesenholTer for bread, he baring made arrangements to that effect. VTe w'v pumpkin last night from a ranch of a fanner near by, that wighed over 50 pounds. Several canines in Sonora town kavc come to grief by a cup of cold poison. Four were found dead last night A "delegation of Jloliavc Indians are io town. One of has a let tor of recommenda! ion bearing the date of August 3d, lSCo. VTehave received lront the Military Headquarters, the roster of troops In this department. It is well gotten lip and retlectsjcredit on Charley All abach, the Government printer. Joe and Will Joyner arrived from Pre.ieott Thursday morning. They are both first-cla"s masons and come to work, on the School House in this city. Last night was .1 very cold one for this season of the year. Those sleep ing out doors felt it quite percepti bly.and waited anxiously for old Sol to warm them up. Quite a number of our townsmen went over to JIaricopa to meet their friends returning on the excursion. In all probability they will have to wait several days. John R. Dall &. Co., have lately rcired a large assortment of 'choice wines, liquors aud cigars from San Francisco. Drop in and sec them on the south side of the Plaza. The fittest advices from Maricopa do not contain anything definite re garding the railroad blockade. It is expected there that a train will be able to pass the break within the next twenty-four hours. A large lot of machinery for the Cumberland Mining Company, near Date Creek, is en route. From re ports we learn that a forty -stamp mill will soon be erected on the mine. The urlliliry telegraph line is pros trated between Maricopa and Yuma. The Western Union works verj- badly In consequence of which we arc cut short in ouramonnt of telegraph ic news. i . A Just Decision. The ricvhuon of t!ie I t.-rior De- Tke War against rolysanty, THEDEaASlMfOK The circular letter of the Secretary partuii-nt to the effect, that plural; of State to our Ministers in Europe Mormon wivos cannot enter lan.l, respecting Mormon emigration to niB"ars t' he sound nn.l iit-r. Tho I this country, was moiled on the 10th nrgitmattt i- that these women re ally represent their husband., and that it they are permitted io take up land it will bo possiple for any Mormon to nitrry himself into the position of a land monopolist. In fact this case reutiu ls one of that wit who, at the time when it was an English hotel custom to charge guwts the price of a new c mdlc for every pint of wine they ordered, io, sisteu on having the candles brought and 1'glitcd, and so by degrees drank himself in!o a general illumi nation. Jmt go tho Mormon men would be remptL'd to increase their niruts by the simple proco-a of tak ing more wivi 8, and thus a mini mum value of a Mormon marriages would corn's to be precisely ICO acres of land. Evidently the Government could n ot submit to sueh a sy.-t-.-ni as this. It would be placing a premium oa pdygauty, and disrriminatig injuriously against those who had ouly one wife. It re mains to be seen whether the refusal to allow plural wives to enlarge their husband's boundaries will have any effect in discouraging po lygamy, but it is not improbable that it may. Foreign Election Tricks- Even in imperial Austria, it seems, tliy are up to electioneering tricka which rival the drollest that are practiced in tli c freest and eas iest paits of our own land. In Galici-i, the two leading parties are Polish and Rutheuian. At the recent election, efforts were made by both sides to secure the success of their candidates a nd the two ho tels on the market placa of JJrzezan were filled with electors who had come in from the country to record their votes. The Kulhcniar.s mostly priests of the United Greek Church, who occupied one of these hotels determined to steal a wireh on their Opponent, by going to the place where the election was to be held, at sunrise in order to win votes for their side. Accordingly at five o'ciock on the morning of the polling day, thry called the waiter to brush their clothes "and boots The waiter came and took away the garments, bnt, although the priests wait-d neatly aa hour he did not bring them back. They rang and shouted, but in vain; all the people of the hotel seemed to be asleep. At la"5t the priests began to suspect that a trick vas being pi tyed upon them. It soon became evident than they must cii her allow theclectiot to be completed without taking part in it or go barefooted and without thtir nether garments to the voting place. They took the latfer course but here too their adversaries were too much for them. Scarcely had they came out of the hotel when a Polish policemin come up and threatened to put them in prison for improper conduct, if they did not return to their rooms at once There was nothing for it but to go back and thV Poles won the election of August, and did not in many in stances reach its destination until the latter part of the month. All of nnr representatives have acknowledged the rcreipt of it, but informs the de partment that that nt this season of IhHyear the Ministers of Foreign Af fair arc absent from their posts, on their Summer vacations, and for that they have not bean able to communi cate the contents of the letter as di- fectrd in the-order of the department Hence the recent arrival of Mormon emigrants in New York is fnot re. garded at the State Department as nny indication of an intention todefy the wishes of our govrnmcnt ex pressed in the friendly request to foreiirn Governments to warn their subjects of the penalty which will fol low a violation of our statutes. The Grand Jury meets in Salt Lake City Hcxt month, and for the first time since the decision of th United States Supreme Court in the Rey nold's case. It is understood that an examination of the Endowment House will be one of the first things presented to the Grand Jury, thi be ing the place where polygamous mar riages are consummated. The U. S. District Attorney is instructed to pro ceed with a vigorous prosecution of every case presented, and all the evi dence which can be obtained front the records of the institution will be used in support of the position of the government. At the Department of Justice it is said, 'there will be no sentimentality cn the p.-.rt of its rep resentatives in carrying out the in" structions given'to make it understood that p-jlyaamy is a well defined ... - crime, and must ie so regarnea ny sll Federal officials hereafter in Utah If neccsrary the Judiciary will be slrcnghle ned to aid ii the faithful prosecution of the law. Void Tor th United Stales. V. Trumpr, has opened a fine Jewelry establishment in the old American Hotel buildinir. He is n practical watchmaker of seventeen years experience and guarantees hi: work as first clas. A ccntleman arrived in town ve Hrday morning from the Tonto Ba- m country, with some fine spec mrn. . He states that the richness of the mines in that district are'not ex aggorated, andlhinks that there will be a lively camp in that district in a eliort time. By reference to ur telegraphic column it wilt be seen that a terrible accident occurred last Sunday after noon at Woodward's Garden, San Francisco, by which t wo men lost their lives by being thrown out of a balloon, A balloon with two occti- jaiua wontup at JsL Louis recently, and has no! been heard from since. The following number of business louses ttre in Phrvrix: Groceries and dry goods, 11 : fruit store, t ; sta. tionery, etc., 2; tinsmith, 2; jeweler. J ; shoemakers, 2V saloons, 12; brew- I fries, 2; hotels, 2; restaurants and I hoarding houses, 8: stalJes, 3; Hour ly ing mill, 1; barlers, 3";: bank, 1; If blacksmiths, 5; drug stores,. 2-;. laun ' dries 7;bnkeries, 3: cigar mnnufac tory, l;'snda, factory: 1; carpenter lions. 2: Chinese stores 3: printing offices, 2; butchers, 2; ice factory, 1 ; vholtsale liquor store, 1 ; feed yards, 8. This is an increase of over one hall in one year. You might as well forget 3'our Churches your schools, your nctida Mas as to forg' t your local paper. It 'peaks to ten times the audiences that your local minister does, and if it has any ability at all, it is read ea gerly each day and week from begin ning to end. It reaches all. Lying as it does upon every table, in almost every house, you owe it to yourselves to rally to its support. A daily news paper, published in your town, ft"d delivered at your door, is a better showing for the prosperity of your place Han all cisc combined. It at tracts the attention of ouL-iders to your town, it brinais capital ami ma: . ut'aetures in your mSd"t, and is the great boon for success. Let nil nil iy ' .to the support of your daily pap'r by 1 increusiu'-- its subscription '!-st Vend the h,rg: wvi-kly to your friends Salvador, the Indian who mur dered Paul Rieger, in Marin county. California, was executed for that ei ime in San Rafael, last Thu: sday, Salvador has only killed five men, and he talked about bis soul and bis salvation and that sort of business just as murderers usually do when they stand with, the noose around their necks. It is doubtful if such a wretch had a soul, and if be had whether it was worth paving, but we arc told that his confession was made to a Christian gentleman who. had interested himself in the salva tion of bia, Salvador,s soul. The Christian gentleman must have bad a great deal of spare time on his bands. There ought to be a place in Heaven set apart for murderers, who all go to Heaven, as there is no en couragement for decent people to try to ram their way to celestial glory when they are compelled to keep company there with all the murder ers and scoundrels who repent and find graco at the last moment. The hanging ot Salvador Has a grand SUCCL-SS. BFAITIIY 1CI Ji IIC3II f. Loxdon, October 1st. The finan cier says : Xixcnnngc on -N ew t one has again sunk to the bullion point. It is expected that the ,150,000 re maining on the market from the Aus tralian consignment of 200,000 men tioned Saturday will . go to America. Meantime the French drain of gold to the United States seems to have assumed something of its former magnitude. A large sum i3 stated to have lefl Havre yesterday, and there is reason to believe the Directors of the Bank of Franco have decided to advance the premium one mill, for the purpose of checking the outflow. This determination having obtained credence in Paris, it is being antici patcd by a large withdrawal for Lon- aoa. In a letter to Mr. Ellis, dated March 6th, 1849, Macanlay writes "ilow they settle the matter I care not, as tho Duke says, one twopenny damn" (see Life II 25", cd. 1878 In a note on the expression Mr. Trove- Ivan says: "It was the Duke of Wei lington who invented this oath, so disproportioned to the greatness of its oulhor." But perhaps the labt word should r.ot be spelled with an n. there not in India a small coin called a dam, worth about three farthings In quotation I have met vrltk from code of Gentoo laws a good; wife is one who will not expend a fingl dam witjout her husband's consent. The Duke's czpression may possibly not be an oath, but simply an asser, tion of unconcern expressed in mon etary terms. TERRITORIAL ITEMS. WHEAT. .The impoitinco of the present season's wheat crop of the United States in supplying the human race with food will be scn at a glan from the followinsr estimates of wheat production and deficiencies as furnished by J. O. Mellen of Chicago for the "Giain and Provis ion Review.' A part of the fig ures are claimed to be official and the others aro approximate esti mates. The following tabic will bo ox.imined with interest, as results are given diff.-ting materially from figures of wheat production made carlier-iii the season. States. UuthfU l,:iOO,(HH) 15,000,000 3,500.000 25,000,000 7.000,000 8.000,000 4,000,000 8.500.000 3,000,000 8,000,000 New Enzland Xew York : New Jersey aud Delaware Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia North and South Carolina Georgia ... Mississippi and Alabama.. Texas(largely short in some sections Atkansas and Indian Terri tory 2.000,000 Tennessee and Kentuckv. . 15,000,000 West Virginia ". . . 4.000.000 Ohio 40,000.000 Indiami 45,000.000 Illinois 45,000,000 Michigan 32.000.000 Iowa (crop partially short) 24,000,000 Missouri (partially a fail ure in some sections). . . . 17,000,000 Minnesota (crop larirely short in southern half. . 35,000.000 Wisconsin (partmlly short in southern half) 21,000,000 Kansas (winter wheat ma terially shortened by drought) 15.000,000 Nebraska 15.000,000 Dakota 7,000,000 California and Oregon 40,000,000 Other Territories 7,000,000 Total 441,300,000 Aecordinir to this tabic. Indiana produces as much wheat as Illinois, while tho grain producing area of the former cannot be nincb more than half as great as the latter- Hie figures for these two States, as well as those for Ohio, are strik ingly large. Heretofore it has been held that Minnesota and Califoruia led all the other wheat States in the Union. The same authority says , I make the following new estimate of European requirements of wheat according to last advices (some offi cial and others approximate), as follows: British Islands 13(5,000,000 France and depeudeucies 80,000,000 Germany and JSoith ports . Sea This subject has been written upon by writers in almost every town, call ing upon the residents to improve their homes, by the planting of trees and shrubbery. Ia our city, where all the means are at hand for per. forming such workv and; whose cost would be but a trifle compared with the profits gained, there is but a poor showing. As we pass along, every house looks deserted and bare. Some few places have a few trees, and a small showing of shrubbery but of a sickly appearance. There fa no doubt, but what nil kinds of semi tropical plants, will grow in this val ley and it only needs a little care to have them in as great abundance as hose of other locations. Every dwelling house in our town should hava fine garden of flowers and or namented trees would be attractive and pleasant and the town would be the gainer ia the end. Mud turtles can neither fly, sing gallop, laugh, . cry or go bjackberry- ing, and yet, if they are let alone, they get along just as well as the vo:tn;r man Wi;o tries, to Be luD U ai j " l'rty. ' ' - From tho Annoasn: Snow lias already fallen on the summit of San Francico Mountain- Johny Roberts captured, near town a few days ago, a beautiful gray fox cub. f.tiOO Reward. The above reward will be paid by mo for an officer who can and will arrest any rubber of the United States Mail. Snniuel Dcnnis- We learn from Messrs. John Dick son and Frank Powers that tho country between Iron Springs and Skull Valley, near Woolsey's Hill nas oeen visuea dv a destructive wa ter spout, which washed the roads badly, and delayed the arrival of the mails, etc. The San Francisco dailies of Oct 1st, came to hand yesterday morning. The contrast of the present rapid transit of our mails with those of the "old times" highly gratifying. Our mind reverts to a period wheD from throe to six weeks were consumed in making the trip from San Fran Cisco, anu nortnern Arizona was an unknown land, into whose wilds on. ! the most daring traveller had the hardihood to venture. From a letter recently received by .-i gentleman in town, we learn that Hon. Gideon Brook and Mn-and Mrs. i'. ii. Urannen, are at present stop - ping at the Hot Springs, in Califor nia. Mr. Brooke is rapidly regain ing his health and expects to return to Prescott about Christmas. Mr rirannen is also mucu improved in health. Judge Silent has lately filed decis ions in the loljowiujr cases: Luke vs. Martin Judgment for de fendant. Fargo & Co. vs. Jackson & Tomp kins New trial granted. Basford vs. Day Bondsmen order ed to pay mortgages and median, ics liens. United States vs. Dickson Demur er overruled. Bean vs. Martin Pecree quiling title tor Jirailsliaw isusin jhiii, in this case it is held that Mrs. Bean holds title to eighty one hundredths and Mrs- Luke to nineteen hundredths and lhe claims of the mechanics lien ors as against Mrs. Uean a interest ate upheld. rrnm me. -Miner, We noticed at the office of the Peck Mining Company this afternoou sev eral large bars of silver bullion from the Peck. " Arrangements have been made for a trotting race soon to come ofi, for 000, nt the Whipple Park race grounds. It i3 also stated that a run ning race will soon come off at the racecourse between several very fleer horses, 20.000.000 Holland and Bclcium... 10,000,000 Spain and Portugal 15,000,000 Italy and Mediterranean ports 15,000,000 South America and West Indies (mainly flour). . 6.0O0.000 China, flour 1,000,000 . Total ..283,000,000 It ia estimated that the United States will have about 170,000,000 bushels for export. If these figures arc approximately correct, here wil be a shortage of sixty-two million bushels of wheat, that is, the supply will be short to this extent of the aggregate demands of those coun tries depending ou foreign" supplies: Russia 20.000,000 India 10,000,000 Australia 12.000,000 Chile 3,000,000 Canada 6,000,000 TELEGRAPHIC. Tho Indian War in Colorado, Bloody Battle. A Man Kills his Wife and then is Killed Himself. A! Cold Blooded Hiurdar at Clobo. Items from 1I Nretlons of the . Country, Total 51,000,000 "What countries are to furuisl this demand? The surplus for ex port of the several countries named s set down by this statistician in this way. Ytrnir Olrl Fatally Iluraed Jtloodthlrntj- Tramps. Sax Francisco, October 5 Mis? Faunv Wright was burned so severely this afternoon that she wiil die. under the following circum stances: She was the companion of Mrs. J. A. ilson, 150G Leaven- wjrth street, who is an invalid from rheumatism. Mrs. Wilson uses a preparation of turpentine for her disease, and Miss Wright put the bottle containing it ton near a coal- oil stove in Mrs. Wilson s room, The turpentine exploded, setting Miss Wright's clothes on fire. Mrs, Wilson caught the girl, and put her in a bath tub, but she jumped out. ran into the street, and though five men caught her at different times. Miss Wright ran with her clothes in flames, until she fell with mortai urns. A tramp approached a man on the corner of Clay and Montgomery streets, at 7:30 to-night and asked for two bits. Not getting it, the tramp stubbed the man twice In the chest and escaped. Shot bj- hi Wife. A shocking tragedy occurred in Stratford, Connecticut, on the morn ing of the 24 th of September. Rev. David L. Lounsbury, rector of Christ Church, was shot by his wife as he lay asleep and was in stantly killed. A servant testified before a cor oner's jury that -the relations of the husband and wife were exception ally pleasant. Mrs. Lounsbury who was an invalid, had remarked to witness the previous night that Mr. Lounsbury desired her to have an operation performed, but she had refused and he had asked if be could make her, when he replied 'It you don 1 1 will put you out. The deed was committed at about 5.30 o'clock. j A half-dozen drugs seem to be sufficient to combat all kinds of dis ease.; During the last Turko-Eus sian war, the medical staff of the Ku.-;sian army ordered 35,000 pounds of quinine, 16,000 pounds of chloroform, 130,000 pounds, of castor oil, and several . thousand pounds of opium, gum arabic, cam phor, and carbolic acid. With these they felt prepared for all emergen cies. , ABIKOXA. Irecott. Prescott, October 8. T.J. But Icr, Territorial treasurer, paid the bank tt-day, $3,500, as interest on the prison bonds. There is considerable water in Lynx creek, and much placer gold hag been obtained. . The third quartz mill is being erected in the Big Bug Mining Dis trict. The Black Warrior mine has been sold to Xew York parties for $00,000. Treasurer Butler It aves to-morrow ior California. Items from Florence. Fujukxce, October 8. A shooting affair took place in Globe City yes terday. Thomas Kerr shot and killed bis partner, Joseph Cuneo; the latter was lying asleep, on his bed, when Kerr came up and fired two shots at him, both taking effect, nd death ensued almost instantly. Kerr has been arrested, and will arriv here to.night, in the custody Sheriff Gabriel. KASTEK.V. Louisiana Democratic Conven tion. Batox ItoroK, October 7. The Democratic State' Convention has taken a turther " recess until this evening. The indications are good for the nomination of Wilze for Gov ernor. JffwTrk Pedestrian 3Tatch. New York, October 7, 3 p.m. The score stands as follows in the contest for the O'Leary belt: Albans, 149; Broodgeist, 140; Curran, 152; Taber, 100; Fox, 140; Howard. 139; Mur phy, 103; Pierce, 141; Russell 141; Sillery, 130, and Walker 149. The Colorado Indian War. Ciietenn-e, -Oct. " 7. A courier from the front brio gs lhe following from an ofllccr of ' HaynesV com-i mand: Mn,K River Coi.., October 4. The Indians still surround us, and pour in an effective live from a com manding bluff at a distance of five hundred yards from our position, which is . also under heavy cross fires. The first day of the fight all our horses, and all the mules, with the exception of . twelve, were killed. Captain Dodge ancULieut. Hughes, with Co. D, Ninth Cavalry, came to our rescue yesterday morning after a n'mhl's forced march of thirty-five miles from; Bear River. A lull in the firing, enabled them to come in They sheltered their horses. as much as posiblc,and had barely succeeded in getting .within tho fortification when the attack was renewed with redoubled fury. Bufore dark "every horse, but three of Captain Dodge command was shot down. The In dians have usuallv left us unmo lested at night, and we have been able, although with great risk, to haul off our dead animals, otherwise the sterch would be intolerable sally is made evory night for water, two hundrod yards from our en trenchments. Night before last Pri vate Erezier, of Co. F, was shot in the face, while out with a party after water- The Indians were only a few yards away, and were driven off by a ' volley from ' the guard and trenches. PACIFIC COAST. ttaaFraarlsr Pedestrian I am. Sas Frascisco, Octoler 7. More than five thousand persons as sembled at the Pavilion to witness the finish of the six days' pedestrian contest. At five minutes past ten Mclntyre completed his five hundred miles on a run. Making his last mile in five minutes and twenty sec onds, amid fhe tremendous cheers of the crowd. A procession was then formed, headed by the band and the pedestrians, and Mclntyre, borne on the shoulders of 'his friends, and the circuit of -the track was twice made. At the close the score stood as fol lows: Mclntyre, 500; Carmichael 478 ; Scott, 455 ; Murdock,430 ; Cheno- wick, 412; Green, 402: Matterson, 401, and Bowman, 402. The receipts amount to $10, 000, half of which goes to the four contestants who have made the greatest number of miles. Gen, Grant's Jnnkettlna-. San Francisco, October 7. Gen Grant's party visited the sub-treasury to-day, and left with Senator Sharon, whose guest he will be at Belmont during the next two days. To-mor row evening bbaron will give a re ception, in honor of the General, for which over 1,500 invitations have been issued. General Grant and party- will return to -San Francisco Thursday, and' next Tuesday- will start for Portland, on the steamship St. Paul, which General Miller has placed at his disposal. Balloon Disaster. San Francisco, Oct. 8lh.--About o clock Sunday afternoon, Prof Colgrove the aeronaut, and Chas II. Williams, Manager of amusements at Woodwards Gardens, made a bal loon ascension. The wind had been blowing a gale all day, and friends of both parties urged them to give up the trip as dangerous. They would not be influenced, and there were many who witnessed their de parture with forebodings of evil. Williams was a very heavy man weighing over 200 pounds, ad th e. balloon was of the capacity to carry but two bags of ballast, besides.' the occupants. At the time appointed, Colgrove cut the rope and the bal- oon mounted upward about 150 feet,- whenagust of wind caught it and sent it whirling downward . until it struck a telegraph line on fHoward street. Several cords supporting the The balloon then struck a cUimncy and then with a rebound jumped to Folsont street, where tho basket gave way,' and both octaipauts fell head long to the ground a distance of forty feet. At the same time the balloon colapsed with a loud report. Mr. Williams was lying on the curbstone dead,.wbile Colgrove was found in the middle of the street insensible. and survived but a few miuutes after being taken ur. General Grant. Gen. Grant wa3 handsomely enter tained by Senator Sharon to-day at his Belmont mansion. A frand re ception takes place in the evening. A light rain fell this evening aud from reports roceiveu it was quite general. Domrstle Traced j-. Uriah, Cal., Oct. 5th. A man 1 y the name of McPherson, who had been living a part from his wife for some time, recently returned to Cavo- lo in thiscounty, andfuilingto induce hia wifs to live with him, killed her, after which, some parties near the scene in attempting to arrest him were firod upon, and returning the fire killed McPherson on the spot. GOLDMAN & CO. ' ....AT TH.E " Mercanfile MICELLANEOIS. Livery, Feed 9, OF ffl ll m 3 Hi H The Chinese Problem, Commencing, reat 1st. SEPTEMBER eduction With regard to the Chines ques tion the Chico Knterprixe says: It must be admittsd that in tho practi cal solution of the Chinese problem the people of California have so far failed to accomplish anything bey ond spoiling countless Quires of paper and indulging in fruitless talk home and abroad. There have been laws passed which have been torn to Crushed Sugar shreds under the judicial mlls, and rotvn Riirrnr for two yoare the leader of the Sand r , , unn - .i i - i Ajwia u.t uuuu up ii is Harangues - i (V -r with the stereotvned r.hrase. "The "luuu" o.iu.) Chinese must go." But in spite of all Japan Tea, per pound this the alien race still come and go, liice and in their quiet yet resistless march. Apples dried wiui me experience ot centuries ot a pl,og Priori jl. v yj v.t 4 ivu In Every Department. PRICE GROCEllY DEPARTMENT. best 6 pounds for $1 00 civilization that holds its followers do r , with an iron hand, bave made them- UI"rta selves felt in even- quarter of the Mailiomia 1 111K Jieans Pacific States. California Cream Cheese -K-- . , , , I V lil A V itllV Jl J III V ...... ......v.. n.i;i -rj: t a -i manently from choice. The state of VUiiiomui luuuium uruiiKUist Uitcou 4 4 8 10 8 8 15 do do do 8 bachelorhood is involuntary. Batch- bOCla Crackers elorhood may result, indeed, from Golden Syi'Up passivity, for matrimony js no more J)Q (0 possible of achievement through in- rr Q difference than are the prizes of . 1 "P. . wealth and distinction to be secured -Tickles plain Or mixed without effort. Only the brave do Do do serve tho fair, and only the brave Treston & Merrill's Yeast Powder 5 cans for X J 1 do do do do do do do per lb - pounds 1 gal. tins do do gal jars i do can win them. Analyze the char acter of the bachelor thoroughly, and his distinguishing trait will be found to be cowardice PRESCOTT. Lumber. 4 4 5 3 3 do do do do do do 00 1 00 1 00 30 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 02i 15 1 00 37 75 1 00 50 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 basket were cut and the wirc broken. New Saw Ml GEO. W. CURTIS, Two Proprietor and one-half miles south o Frescott. Having now completed, and in full operation, my new Saw Mill, I am prepared to fill or ders for Merchantable, Clear, Surfaced and Rustic Lumber Matched Flooring, Casings, Mouldings, Fanelings and bhingles OF THE FINEST QUALITY Table Fruit, jams and jellies Pie Fruit Vegetables Oysters lib tins Oysters 21b tin Salmon 21b tins - 3 do .1 00 Corned beef, Tripe, Ilead-cheese per can 37J Coal Oil, celebrated safe-guard brand, 150 degree fire test - - per gal. 8ii TOBACCOS. Six pities. Lorilliard's Tin-tag navy for 1 00 Five sacks genuine Blackwell's Durham 1 00 DUX GOODS DEPARTMENT. Calico - 15 3-ards for 1 00 Gingham Lawn Dress goods, wool plaid Flannel red and white Bleached muslin Crash Jaquonet, Marseilles and Nainsook AT HALF PKICE. Embroideries, Laces and Insertions, A3 CHEAP AS IN NEW YORK. Ladies' Calico wrappers reduced to 75 cents. Shawls Reduced from $2 to $1, Lace Curtains only $2 50 per pair, Sale Stable ! CEO. HAMLIN. Washington strct fcljoiait BEST OF HORSES AX3 HJST ELEGANT TURNOUTS. G0CDWELL FORCE PVMf 1X3 HOSE LarGe Corral to turn Isssa stock in. LTay and Grain always hand and for t5IIor?es boarxll the day, week or month at Reasonable rate. Sati faction KuirantetL H. Morgan & Co. rilOEXIX, A. T. DEALERS IX 8 do 1 00 8 do 1 00 5 do 1 00 4 do 1 00 15 do 1 00 8 do 1 00 In short, everything in my line for the construc tion of Elegant Brussels Carpet Only SI 25 Per Yard. BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies Kid-foxed balmorals for Men' Western cut brogans Boy's double sole brogans Men's screwed elastic lace shoes Men's screwed double sole lace shoes Men's screwed French calf, centennial tie Men s canva-ss balmorals Men's Tapsole O K boots Men s screwed double sole Banner boots or through the merchants Men's screwed tapsole French calf Centennial Men s lapsole scotch edge bilver King boots TEltMS; First class Build ings. Casb on DfUvery All orders sent by mail, through the n prompt attention. Geo. "W. Curtis. $1 25 1 25 1 50 2 25 2 50 2 50 1 75 8 50 3 50 4 50 5 00 r 10 00 Clipper Mill Lumber COMPANY. Prescott, - - Arizona. French calf boots only CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMFNT GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Wholesale and Retail. 400,000 pounds Indian Wheat, .... ASD-... 200,000 pounds Clean Barley, For salo at the lowest f-h price. S. Jackson, Ilaving purrUatcJ t!i er Mnk Merchandise From Mr. SamW, I lr.V kcef a foil &sartiBat of GOODS, aud will sell the imom t i!t f FOR CASH, at ajiving price, aoh M t AVS 3 conijx.iaoo. .Simon Jackson Men's Cheviot suits only .ueu s IJiasroniU suits, onlv Men's French silk mixed diagonal suit9 .ilen s overalls Men's Merino unilershirts Men's linen bosom White Shirts Men's Black Wool HaU $10 00 ir, oo 2. 00 50 1 00 1 00 WATER RIGHTS FOR SALE. ruMM drsiruas of pwvitia th. Salt River Valley Canal Cemyasy. ji n ico pa r.mifMfT Can do on Ritrantes fe-ra. V. luir Io l!u unriri;:.4 al I. town of 1'tne-nix. Jm T Ait lAMf S66 TTAVINO PURClTASED THE NTEK- ftBt of J. 1 Wiley, we bare refitted tbe above mills wiih neir ibvi and machinery, ami are now better prepared tbaa ever to furn ish all kiuds ui The above price list comprises tlie leading articles only, but we beer to say to our friends and patrons tliatwe have reduced the price of ALL oldman & Co. Merchantable. Clear, Fencing, Rus tic anil Surfaced, Matched Flooring, Beveled Siuiner, Lath, Shingles, Sash. Doors. Mouldintrs. &c. at BED ROCK PRICES. $3001 Get our tHc9 bf foreo t chalnar eUewfcere. utace cne: Oortes ana :ooaTin ?reet G. U PAKKKR, F. G. I'AHKER, A MONTH gimnintecrt. $1 aay maue hi nomu iv tue m- instrioiis. Capital not reuuir- : we will start you. Men. women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at aiivthintr else. The work is light and pleas:int, and such as any onecango right at. Those who are wie who see this, notice will send us their ad dresses at once and sea for themselves. Costly outfit aud terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laying uu large sums of money. Address, J i a s tu., AiigusTA, .Maine. SEYMOUR HOTEL. ii. A. STItlCIiLAXD, Pro'r. Situated at lhe mill site of the Cen trul Arizona Mining Company.. Stage station for the famous Vul- j tureymne. Frlccs Iteaaanable E. T. Lowell, i CARPENTER & PLASTERER All work in the above line promptly attended to. East end of Washinsrtnn street, block evou d the I'hirnix hmul. and i d ttu tuu buildiu of A. u AGENCY" OF THE Bank of Arizona, PllffiXlX, A.T. Telegraphic or Might Kxehnnge Brawn on the Principal Cities of the I'uited States and Europe. -rvrrLT. PURCHASE OR MAKE ADVAX ces on O-old and Silver Bullion. IVrri toiial and Countv Bonds and Wananta. DL- tount C mmtTcial Pait.r. receive Irrisir re payable on demand, undertake Collection and transact a general banking btlkinms. i ftioe hours from y a. in. to 4 p. ni. 73;. Jl. W. KALES, Ciliii-r A WEEK in and no capital rt&edL Tjn ilr the 0; u.-. a retAl . tt expend. T- a-.t veswt. eio-om-red Sr itiowe nus io .v. ia should trv not hi lie rl inul m la Tonrelf tou ran do al ih. . rnter Ttm. No" ro:u to. epa:a ar.- 1 can dt-vote all vour lime or ei. time to the husune-, aud maW. fa. for every hour thai voa ek make a much money a. a, special private term, and pamca ara. e we mail tree. : Otjittt rrw. 1 t aii plain of hard time Vhi . chance. HVLLEVT o SMITH'S RESTAURANT. Old Amariean Hotel b.lldinr, v fostoffic. WM. SMITH, Prop- Wf. SMITH. I well knw ttraaWM California aa a firawta. Coofc. iW wi the entire control of llii. Uepartmrnst-V Good Cooking:,, 'Will be the main feature of my rW.arwat. Freshest and Best Fruits, Vege tables, etc.. will be sirpp'Jel. on the Table. Terms Reasonable, -r tncnaetnter t fce rise.