Newspaper Page Text
-I TUB PIKEXIX HERALD. Saturday OitSf 11, SILVER KING. Report of Colonel Janus. J. R. History of the Silver King Mine, in Pinal County. Rich DsYalopmdrits tha Near Future. In R-Hient riah d:?irulp'n?at ia the Silrar Kins Hiaa wil attract r. rcd attaaliun ia that Arizona prop. tij. Blow we jive a report made lad June by Colonel J. R. Jams, who i said to be an of the best mining nginer4 ou this coast: -C ' 5a Fkakcico, Jane 19, 1879. T the Qoar4 of Trujtte an J Stock holder of the Silver King Milling 'Company: GextlemEM: ILirewith permit me t transmit to you my- report on your property, which I have made, after a thorough examination, at the re quest ot Colonel Jamtts M. Karncy: Thi property I find is situated thirty -flv miles northeast of Flor ence, Piwneer District, Pinal county, Arizona, in a range of high and rug jred mountains, known as the "IMnal Mountains," extendin; for many Millet through the Territory in a northwesterly and soutensterlr direc tion. The mine wa discovered and locatad in March, 1873, but no work waa done thereupon until July, 1S7S, when the work of development prop erly commenced, and has been con tinued up ta the present time with the most gratifying resuju I find with your property a firt-class ten utamp mill, situated at Picket Post, about four mile from the mine, from which point the or a are hauled over very. cood road by teams at an ex pea. $2.50 per ton. --DEVELOPMENTS. - "Frcfc .e out-crap of the ledgs a --' lrgcace has been excavated iu u ore wiiicti connects wun tue tun Bel level, which is eighty feet below the surface. This level is one hun. tred and sixty-eight feet long, from this level a winze his been sunk thirty feet, connecting the first and second levels. From the surface to this second level the ledge will aver age forty-eight feet in width, and from a working test, taken every half hour from the battery, I find it gives a result of f H.CJ per tun. The second level is one hundred and tweaty-nine feet long. Forty-four feel north of the winze connecting the first and second levels, is a winze onaecting .the aecond and third levels. From the third level a winee has boen sunk one hundred and fif teen feet which will connect with " the one hundred and ten" foot level of the new working shaft, which was tartelf in Februarji 1879. This shaft is now one hundred and flfty aeven feet deep, with work progress iag, with day and sight shifts, ahd as is the intention to t, rontinuo to a depth of one thousand feet without delay, which action I would respectfully recommend. The work thus far done is perfect, being well timbered, ana divided into two compartments of four feet each, and which will a fiord ample facilities tor hoisting sufficient ore to keep a forty - stamp mill constantly employed- - They have also steam hoisting ma chinery at this rhaft of sufficient ca pacity to sink and thoroughly de velop tiie mine. FORMATION A.XD COURSE OF THE VEDf. The turrerawding country is of lime and granite formation. The under lying b.tKe and body of the mountains ia this district consist of a fine grained syenite in which the walls of of the vein are encased. The course of the lode being northwest and south ast. From the cropping to the 4t.u level the dip of the vein is to tfie southwest about 45 degrees, and from the 3d level to the 4th level, about SO degrees. The walls (foot and Jianging) arc rogular and well defined ; with clay gangue, and soft porphyry. This vein beyond all question or doubt is a true fissure of vast extent ami great mineral wealth, SUGGESTIONS. From careful examination aad cal culation, I find at the mine on the dumps and killings of the mill, oro and tailings to the value of $1,416, 183, and it is safe to say that by prop er management in extracting and re ducing the ore, there is at least $600 00 to be disbursed in dividends. l would not however, recommend the com pony paying any dividends , foT at least four months for this rea- eon -. From present Indications, it is ex pected a sufficient quantity of water will bo encountered in sinking the new working shaft to enable them to run n forty-stamp mill at the mine thereby saving a large amouat of jocney in hauling the ore. r To build a forty-stamp mill, sink the shaft and open tbc.'mine in proo er shape, will cost le.s than $300, . 000, then you cgald pay a dividend of $1 per month 'and carry a largo sur plus. What work has been done on th!s mine ' nothing more than prospect, ing to ascertain the exact course and xtent of the ore channel ; yet in do ing this, I understand nearly 2,000, O0O has been realized. It has no intrinsic aid, has erected ntcessary machinery, built expensive roadvxc, besides paying $430,000 in dividends, and still leaving $1, 418,183 uncxtracted. COXCJ.UBTOX, Among the special advantages of this mine aro; The enormous rich ore in sight and measnreable, the ac. cessibility of the ores and ease of ex acting it, and the possible and proo- future vast extent of the unex--ed ore body. Inre, after thorough investiga ldnot hisitate to pronounce JBilvcr King mine, one ot un Minted wealth, (extent of devel si. considered) and to judge tho ""m the past and is I V ' ----- , " ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following real estate transac tion were recorded in the office of the County Recorder for the month of September: "VT. T. Smith to Sarah A. Smith, half interest in lot 0, block 21, for $1. Bsnjamin F. Patterson and wife to Wilson V. Jones, 16 ) acres in Mari copa county, $1050. Pedro Gonailes to Jasus Maria Madrel, lot 10, in block 37, for $33. Neil Dougherty to Henry Risbrid gr and John A. Campbell, the Dougherty and Gem mines, for $100. C harles Martin to Frank Towers, one'Ualf interest In the Bssl-two-out-of-three mine, $103. John D. Sibbald and Grorgo W. Cole to R. T. Subbart, one-half inter est in tha Sherman mining claim, for $2,200. Otto GiosenhofTor to Gustave Koucher, lots 2, , and 0, ia block 81. for $30. Enlalio Comarho to Thomas Greenshaw, lot 6, block 6J, for $200 Alexander "VTight to B. B. Tripp, one-half interest in the Summit mine, McMillan Mining District, for $500. B. W. Rjagaa to Mrs. Orena Rowe one-half interest in the Lyon Mine for $1. The United States to John t! Dennis, 183 acres of land situated in the Florenoe Land District. The United States to William B. Hellings, 160 aoies of jibe land sub ject to sale at the Prcscott Land Office, for agricultural college scrip, So. 333 issued in favor of the State of Alabama. Silver Nuggst Mining Company to D. G. Chilson, ths Silver Plate, oi Silver Nugget mine, in the Rich mond Basin, Globe District, iu con sideration of $3,003. Daniel G. Chilson to the Silver Nug get Mine and Milling company .the Sil ver Plate .mining claim, Globe Dis trict, for $300,000. D. G. Chilson to the Silver Nuggst Mining and Muling company, the Silver Nugget mine, Globe District, for $300,000. H. C. Parker to Thomas Boyd and S- li. Boyd, one-quarter interest in the Aatiller mine, ilcMillea District, ror$130. John II. 'Wear, John Sandsburg and Dan til Duppa ta A. G. Sands burg, one-quarter interest in tha Mammoth mine, in consideration of performing one fourth of the work required to develop the same. Susano Cstaand Ilcllena Martines de Cata, to Serefluo Reghetti, lots 2, 4 and 6, ia block 63, for $100. William D. Teuter to G. F. Coates, lots 1 and 3, sa block 10, for $130. Mining Locations. The locating of the following mines has tiaen recorded iu the County Record sr's fEco since Sep. tember 1st, to date: South La Platta mine, la Rich mond Basin, Globe District, ' by E. Bilderback. L. O'Neill and C. II. Bilderback. First North East Extension ot the ITannible Mine, Globe District, by James Atkia. The Fearnought, Maricopa county, four miles southwost of the Gila crossing station, Fr. Holburg. More Might, McMillen District, br Richard O'Connell, Michael" O'Conneil and Sterling Bnrwell. New York mine, McMillen Dis trict, by Joha McCormac, W. Mur phy, A. Morgan and P. Shauly. The Hiddea Treasure, Cave Creek District, by W. A. J. Jarrett. Tilden Mine, Cave Creek District, J. P. Tilden, Fred Klockow.Liuviile A Hathaway. Rebecca Mining claim. Cave Creek District, J. P. Tilden. Fred Klockow, and Linville A Hathaway. Klockaw tnine.Cave Crsek District, J. P. Tilden, Fred Klockow, and Linville A Hathaway. Carbonate Chief, Cave Creek Dis trict, by Ed. Philes. Sartor Kesarlus, Wickenberg Dis trict, by T. R. BrilK CHIT-CHAT. Dish rags and old towels are in de mand with certain youug ladies on the evenings they attend the Rink. If you desire to learn whose rela tive has arrived in town, just call on T. . . . B and take him to one siue, and he will tell you. Mr. Cox wa3 out quite late a few evenings ago We hope 4e did not catch cold. George, you were forgotten soon. This we know, as we heard your girl tell that "pretty fellow" "That she always did love him." We arc sorry that . was pre vented from enjoying the appointed buggy ride on Wednesday evening However, a month's probation is a short time, and then may all go as it should with you, is our sincere wish- What has become of Ncwil, has he exhausted hit, supply of locals, or is be enjoying a "glass-house." Lost, on Thursday evening, n chcastnut sorrel horse. Finder will please return to Dublin feed yard. S. . . .h, the next time you place a pistol under your friend's pillow, be sure its loaded, for such things are harmless unless well primed. . Johnny, did the old man scare you much Monday evening, when he in formed you that it was 3, and time boys were abed. "Call me Charley," is a favorite expressk n with some of our young ladies. Will thoy please enlighten us as to how the expression became so popular? The Tabernacle is open only one night in the week. There's a ligh in the wiudow for thec. Ten mills make one cent; ten cents one beer; one beer call for more; more beer makes two drunks; two drunks make a row; one row makes si T' : r nrrrsf 15 live (lf'ln:t TELEGRAPHIC. Summary cf Doings for the We sk. Interesting News from all Sections of the Country. Condensed from "Daily Herald " the EASTliltV. Terrible Accident, Michigan, October 3d. At the County Fair grounds to-day, some two thousand people had as sembled in the newly erected grand stand, to witness the races, when the center of the structure gave way, the front falling outward and the back into the river, precipitating the mass of people in the ruins. Seventy-five were wounded and sixteen killed. Many of the injured will die. A Bodie dispatch of the 8d inst., says; As the 6 o'clock shift was be ing lowered iu the Tioga mine, the engine, with 9 men on board, escaped from the control of the entrineer, and went down to the 530-foot level One man was killed, and all the rest in jured in such a manner as to warrant the' belief that nose will recover Following is the list of killed and wounded : John Cassity, both legs broken ; P. Brannon, dving, mashed to pieces; Sam Marston, poth legs broken and is dying; French, both legs broken ; Manuel Altavrcz, injured internally; Roderick, injured seriously; Pete PiufT, one leg broken. It is the opin ion of the physician in charge, that all of the injured men will die. The Miners' Unioa hall, in this place, again bears resemblance to the time of the Standard explosion. Fever Abatinx. MKMrnis, Oct. 4th. JNot a single death occurred to-day. Two new cases were reported. Nashville has raised the quaran tine. The Bnlooniata ot Heard from, St. Locis, Oct. 4th. No tiding3 have been received from Prof. Wise and -George Burr, journalist, who left in a balloon on Sunday last. Fears are entertained that they have met the same fate as Donaldson some years ago. New York, Oct. 5th. Tho Su preme Court in extraordinary session ordersd tho Police Board to appoint one Tammany Inspectoa in each di, trict. VIetoBlo Vauqmiahea. Chicago, October 6. General Sherman received the following this morning: Fokt LEAvrNWOimi, October 6. Major Morrow came up with Vic torio and his band on the 2Slh ult., near Ojo Caliente, and it appears, from two day's reports, inflicted severe chastisement on the Indians. lie captured sixty horses and mules, including twelve or more of Hooker's horses. Victorio is ia an almost inaccessible country, and is well fortified, but Morrow con tinues to fight. I am sending Apaches just enlisted in the Sixth Cavairv, and two companies from Stanton to him, and have lo doubt of the final result ; this relieves me, and I can at tend to the Ule country signed.) Hatch, Coloacl Comniandintf. A special from Washington says, Schurz will arrive on the 5th. It is understood that he will niako a state ment showing the Ute outbreak to have been unprovoked, so far as the conduct of his Demartment is con cerned. He assigned one of the rea sons of the outbreak to the invasions on the reservation by prospectors aad others The Hsrald publishes the co-respondence between the War and Indian Departments, and sayr they mistook tha request of the Interior Department for troops to be sent to the White River Agency. It was sent by Adjuiaut General Whipple to Pope when it should have been sent to Crook, commanding the Depart ment of the Platte. When the order for troops reached Pope, hepronoptly sent it to Crook with request to the Indian Office for troops. The Tribune is filled with news paper dispatches mentioning several excursions on tho part of minors into the Ute R;ervation. The Hjrssae Imbroglio. New Yoiik, October 6 A Provi deuce special to the World says Gov. Sprague has concluded not to recog nize Mrs. Sprague's trustee. He will hold Cuhonchet as far as the law allows for his personal benefit, at d will surrender to Mrs. Sprague with out delay, aud without reserve, what ever she proves her own, and th" re mainder he will hold for the benefit of the Spragua Manufacturing Com pany. He denounces Mrs. Sprague's trustee, and her lawyers as conspira tors, and threatens to bring action against them. This attitude will prove annoying to Mrs Sprague, who will have to fight both her husband and Chaffee, who dislikes her greatly. The affair cannot be settled without further litigatioh, and all the inter ested parties are in a state of indig nation. Senator IngalJs. Topeka, Oct. 3. The Senate Com mittee investigating the charges against Senator Ingalls, decidad to day that the charges of packing the Grand Jury in memorial, was not proper evidence of corruption, in that it was anterior to election, and could not effect it. Counsel for re spondent ctatcd that Ingalls bad in structed thom not to object to its ad mission, and they did not. Several witnesses testified they had never received offers of money or patronage for their support of Ingalls. PACIFIC COAST. Cien, Grant Killed Himself. San Fkascisco, October 4. Gen Grant's trip to the Yosemile con tinues to be an ovation. Daniel Gay, the detective who worked up the Wheatland mystery, committed suicide to-day. He lefi behind him a letter saying that as he had broken his promise not to drink, j be wc-dM ntouc fvr Lbfull wil'i i The Wheatland Jlyotory. Sax Fran-cisco, October 5. Tho case of Mr. and MrsRoddan, under examination at Wheatland for the charge of committiag an assault ou Ida Dunn and Cora IK-zIep, were yesterday discharged from custody, in consequence of ''the evidemo offered by the prnstcution wholly failing to substantiate the charge. San Francisco Oct. G. A Virginia dispatch says the north drift on the 2,200 foot level ou the Savage was reached lat night. This is where the heavy flow of v:ater was encount- J ered which tiooded the mine. It ia Cow flowingclcar, at fa temperature of 161, aud will be boxed from its source and the heat controlled. Mis Fanny Ward wag probably fitally burnsd yesterday forenoon, hy th explosion of a bottle of turpenti ne which set fire to her clothes. ABIZOXA. Maricopa, October 7lh. Owing to severe rain storms on the Colora do desert which washed the railroad track away for miles, no trains have arrived here since Sunday night, and no prospects of one before to-morrow- The train that left here, Sunday morning was ditched near Mohawk Summit by a heavy washout. Heavy rains are reported in Call foruia. The telegraph lines north of Los Angeles are interrupted. Ten thousand pounds of Silver King concentrations were forwarded to San Francisco yesterday morning the first shipment on October ac count. Messrs. Barnctt & Block completed to-day the first shipment of 100,000 pounds of Arizona wh;at to Liver pool. FIcreneo Fa,oto. Florence, October 4. E. F. Kell ncr of the firm of Kellner A Co cf Globe City passed through to day en route to Casa Grande with six thou sand dollars in silver bullion from the Milner & Watson mill. The wind is blowing a gale from the east. Aaron Mason Supt. of the Silver King Mining Co. left for San Fran cisco last night. Florence, Oct. 7th. The tota shipment of bullion from Glob Dis trict for the week oading Oct. 4th., was $23,477. Light rain last night. Col. Booth, Supt. Military Tele graph Line, leaves for Tucson to night. Irestcott. Frescott, Get. Cti, Goo. W. Cur. tis with his wifo nrrived Fitch, Churehill & Tucker dissolv ed co-partnership to-day. Fitch & Churchill will remain in Prescotl as a firm. Hon. T. J. Butler leaves for Cali. fornix, Wednesday. Miss Mattic Tucker left this morn ing for Phoenix. Every one is jubilant on account of quick mail communications now with San Fraacisco, only four days now by mail to San Francisco. Tneson. Tucsox, October 4. School-Master Horton punished a nurjil named Stanford yesterday. To-day Stanford, Sr., the boy's father, met and caned Hortoa in retaliation. Hon. A. L. Grow is about to com mence extensive operation in the de velopment of tke Butler mine, ono of Tombstone's best. The first paper published in Tomb stone, made Its first appearance yes terdsy, under the name . of the. Weekly Kugget. The Jury in the Powell murder cae has been out twenty-four hours, but has not yet been able to agree on a verdict. FOBEIGX South American ACalrs. London-, October 2. 3'he Chilian are making extensive raids into Bolivia, Peru has suspended payments from her treasury, and has prohibited the exportation of silver. Aretle Expedition. IIammersley, Norway, Oct. 3d. The Dutch Arctic Expedition re turned after reaching Francis Jo seph Land. Renewal of Trouble Quebec, October 5lh A renewal of trouble among ship laborers from Livorpool is apprehended. While a party of French Canadians were sit ting In front of their boarding house, were assaulted by a voiies of stones. It was followkd by a number of pis tol shots. The Frenchmen took to the hills and escaped. Who Kaon it John Labarr, a saioon keeper of Phoenix, Arizona; was fatally stab bed by a man named McClokv, on Thursday. JlcClosky was arrested and lodged in jail. Yesterday morn ing he and John Kellor, accused of killing a man a few days ago, were taken from the jail by a mob ot lyn chers and henged iu the public square. Pnn.ADEi.rniA, Sept. 19, 187D. Editop, Heuald: Please find eu closed a notice of the lynching of two men in Phoeni.t, on August 23, last, clipped from your paper. IVill you be kind cmu?'i to give me all Ihe information you can concerning the sad affair; particularly the first name, age, and how long he re sided in your town. I have felt un happy since first hearing of the oc cuieeuce, as I have a son in the Ter ritories, named James JlcC'loskcy, who, when I last heard from him, was iu Bismarck station on the JS'orlhern Pacific R. K., Dakota. If you can throw any light on tlw sub ject please inform me.and jjur kind ness will never be forgotten. Yours very respectfully, Joux SIcClo.skey. The labor troubles in England still continue, operators being on strikes in many parts of the country and in some places serious dis turbances have occurred. This w ill lead to an increased flow ef emi grants to America where coming in competition with American laborers, the latter will be driven west a;d aid in settling up the territories, and so the countries of the old world by their disturbances fill up and build up the wilderness nntl' unoccupied places of the new nod growing west. In the Howell mine, f-an of the Barnes, wire si LOCAL LINES. Go to Pcralta's for Blucstone. A number of loads of liy arc daily arriving in town. The lower Agua Fria station is in charge ot Mr. E.Vanderlip. Salt River bacon at Irvine's; re'iiils X3j j cts, wholesale 10 cts. Our Justice's were busy yesterday iu disposing of several cival cases. Over nine hundred inches of water are now running in the main canal Jas. Stewart the sfageman arrived Sunday morning from the south. Henry Slosser has filed his fmal account iu the administration of the estate of Ferdinand Magdeburg. Joso Maria Santa Cruz was found guilty of assault on a woman at Tem pe lately and fined thirty dollars. Ed. Glcason is in from McMillen to attend Court. Quite a Dumber from his section will he here. Sam Webb was in. town a few days since aad reports that the rain extond ed down tho Gila below his cat-.le range. Go to Peralta's for Liverpool salt. George W. Curtis, the Proscott lumbel merchant, with his wife, pass. ed through Phoenix from Saa Fran, cisco on Sunday morning. Hon. T. J. Butler. Treasurer of the Territory, will arrive in town this evening on a six months leave of ab sceuce. The ditches throughout tha town were never in a better condition thau at the present time, and water is in ahunJacce. Tho late rains having swollen the river to some four feet. At a Mexican ball at Tempe last Sunday night, a man was severely beaten by anothec with a glass bottle. The greea eysd monstor was the cause. Soman & Heine, cigar manufac turers, will soon be able to supply tho market. They have at present a few private orders from San Fran cisco parties. Ihink of Phoenix sup plying San Francisco with cigar. The circus last Monday night, was well filled by an appreciative audience. Th?y will perform again to-morrow evening, which will be their last performance in Phoenix. Our genial friend, Tom Brown, of the Tiger saloon, remembered the typos of this office last Monday night, by a generous supply of both food anddrink. Thanks, Tom, thanks Mrs Hosea Grecnhaw recently re ceived a handsome Brymer piano from the East This is the first in strument of the kind in Phtenix, and so tar irives satisiact.on. ueo iu. Mowry is agent in Phoenix. The post-office at Phoenix issued money orders durittg the quarter end ing Sept. 30lh 1ST9, to the amount $1S,537,88. And paid money ordejs during the same time to the amount of $3,014,57.. A falling of 33 per cent, from ths previous quarter. On last Sunday evening Night Officer Joha Earlc arrcsf d in the Cotton Saloon, two men named C'ov. ington and Tripp, on the charge of having been participants in the at tempt to rob General Bouton, in San Bernardino county, California, in the early part of last Julv. They are now lodged in the county jail, where they will remain until tha con dition of the railroad is such as to permit their return to California to i be tried for their crime. Mr. Earle deserves great credit for the manner in which lie made these arrests. Tnc Powell case was given to the ury Friday evening at about five o'clock, after a full charge by the court. 'When the jury went to supper they made provision for tnak ing a night of it. from which it seem ed evident that they were not entire ly harmonious. Late in the evening it was decided to shut them them up for the night, but it would not do. They came into Court this morning and reported it impossible for them to agree, as they stood just as they did last evening. After being sent back until 11 o'clock they were dis charged. The- stood eight for ac quittal and four for conviction. The further trial will go over to Novem ber. Dwight Whiting, ot Boston, who has a large circle of acquaintances in this city, visited South Africa last Fall with a view to investigating os trich farming. lie spent several months on a farm for the purpoae of attaining nil insight into the Lusin ess, and came to lUe conclusion that it might be made i profitable indus try iu this country. He proposes to return to Africa iu November and purchase twenty breeding pairs and from forty to fifty young birds, with which he will probably slart a farm in the San Joaquin Valley in this State. The demand for ostrich feathers is very great in all parts of the civilized world, and enterprise aud experiment may y.t make os trich farming an important industry in the Slate, portions of which arc thiught to be particularly well adapted for it. S. F. Call. Following is an extract from the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of" Stephen D. Hosmer vs. Wm, T. Wallace, feiv en early this year. Under the pre-emption Laws, as held in Athertou vs. Fowler, the right to make a settlement is to be exercised on unsettled lands ; the light to make improvements is to be exercised on unimproved land, and the right to erect a dwelling house is to be exercised an vacant land. None of these things can be done on land when it is used and occupied by others. Cro Blanco is warming up a good deal. Kirkpatrick, Flood & Co.'s mines, recently sold, are working be tween thirty and forty men on the Montana, Alaska and Warsaw mines running funnel, sinking shafts, put ting up whims, etc, Jlcssrs. Cook & Haskell are working ten or twelve men on two of their mines. Mr. Gage has jtut had 300 torB-.of ore taken -frjru the NoriM!'!? K.Teet cf Slodern Invention on XlSSfer Progress)- Old Si waited until the cignal bell of the telephone ceased ringing. Theu said he: You w'ite fokes is alius lamentntin' 'bout de niggers in dis cou-lry not hunipin dcrselbs an' makin' ob cr livin' like onto odder fokes how ycr 'speck dcy's gwine ter to di dat wid all sich oa dat haiigia' up on ebery wall iu de lan'?" "Well, that is a grave question fo political economy, but what has lh telephone tu do with the negroes making a living?'' "IXir now, rial opnns de martcr lor debate. I'm wid yer now. Dai's whatyer call s cr labsr-sabia' couvvu shun, Hnt hit." "Yes, it is." "An' who e l.tber do hit w! Not de w'ite fokes' l.-iber. do it? No, bit's de nigger's laber all de time. 'Fore dese tings cum 'round hyar ebery time er geni'man wanted furto-seu word ter his wife 'bout decumpany fur supper, er de young bucks wished fur to lorrerd er note to de?e sweet bearis fur ter to go ter da theatre, dey hunted up er slim, limber-jinted, flat-footed nigger ter gallop out wid de note. Dat were l.-ber dat pade de nigrer er bivr profit on de outlay ob strent but how am it now? Dc tel crfone dun saved all dat!" "Ah! I son your point ! "Well, hit's mo pinted din dat ! Hyar dey puis on n'r-brakes on de tranos and 'scharges all de nigger brakesmen; you's all turn'd dc nig gers outen du press-room down stars an ackchully dun gone for foldin' papers by niershecnrvi. an' down dar er tie toss' house Cec elder day I seed dey had er flyin' jinny on de table dat skeers off de flies by some kin' er clockwork 'rangement. He ilay tiet a Pardon. Some rears ago two soldiers in Arizona were out on leave from the barracks. They got into a row with a citizens, who- was killed. The soldiers were ntnicd Jlalcne and Leopold Eith, a German. When brought to trial Malone advised Eith to plead guilty. This he re fused to do. They were both sent tenced to death. idalone, who was hung, qn the gallows, exculpated Eith from nil participation ia the crime. Oilier circumstances favored the s inic conclasion. The Assistant Attorney, the Governor of the Tcrri- tors r.nd citizens generally, petitioned that Eilh's death sentence should be commuted to imprisonment for life. The petition was granted, and it was ordered that Eith serve his time in the penitentiary at San Quentin, Cal ifornia. It is now discovered that he still remains imprisoned at Pres cott, Arizona, and another petition has been forwarded here ia his cast this time for a pardon. The present Distrtct Attorney recommends par don, also Governor Fremont, together "vitli citizens and the military authorities. These circumstances j are recited in the petition. The case ! is now unaer consideration, ana a pardon will very likely issue. Watliington Stt'.r. A mammoth cave lias been discov ered in Tuolumne county. In this remarkable cave is a beautiful chapel a hundred feet in length, sixty feet high and eighty wide. A natural pulpit is formed at one end, and the whole chapel is ornamented with stalactites cf rare beauty. Only a portion of this cave has been ex plored, and other wonders may yet be fouid. Speaking of Grant's reply to Ihe greeting of ex-Confederates, the Augusta, Ga., Chronicle says : This is a short and sensible speech. Noth ing could have been in better taste. Grant is right. Nothing expands the mind more than going abroad. We have no.doubt Grant is in all respects a more conservative man thun ever before. Not a particle of bitterness towards the South seems to have au abiding place in his nature. Driven Oat of Sasines by the Chinese.- nop growing has ceased to be an industry in Santa Clara county. The hop field of the Odd Fellows Savings Bank and that of Mr. Bird, which combined formed the largest hop yard in the . world, has been de stroyed. The owners have taken out the vines, and are now using the land for other purposes. The reason for this course is because the Chinese have entered into hop culture, and are placing their produce on the mar kets of this State at a price which de fies coir.pclion. Hop culture with the Santa Clara producers was at one time, and ia fact until late years, a very thriving industry one which engiiged a number of men, and net ted a handioins proSt to tha owners The Chinese have learned the art of producing g od hops, and producing them cheaply. They can put them on the maiket in San Francisco, at eight cents per pound, while it costs more than that to raise them in this county, hence the cause of our county hop ruisurs going out of the business ii.ti) some other which can pay them better. Han Jose Mercnrg. A TELECiitAM from Washington states that the Government contem plates the immediate coinage of more small gold, atid the t;nallet piece turned out will be 3, no as to put in circulation, as rainy silver dollar as possible. If a step further in ad vance were to be taken it would prov beneficial. That is, if neither bank notes, rrcebacks or gold were o be furnished of a less denomina tion than $5, we could Keep afloat a large amount nf silver, which would prove of great benefit to this coast. " ITnpat-allcd. The arrival of gold from Europe in new lors continues unabated. I Ins sliows conclusively that the se- cu.ulations of wealth in the United States are marvellous. Our wheat, collon, petroleum and a hundred other commodities are required in large quantities iu Europe, and we receive ii return vast wealth. Every year our home industries swell in wealth, which renders foreiirn im ports of merchandise less and less. ' John," said a Philadelphia father to hi boy who was about to be mar rled, 'shall I buy you a nice fchot Cun?" "Oh, father," replied the e'jminjj bridegroom, "mu't you ailianieu? bhe am t that sort of a irl." A yotintr man went, into a rent mi rant the other day, and, remarking that "Time is money," added that he had half an hour to spare and if the proprietor was williuj; he'd take it o .1 in pie. A candidate thus frankly announces himself: At the earnest solicitation of tho!e to whom I owe money, I have consented to become a candi date for County Treasurer. The saddest possible news in rr. jrard to the condition of Jlrs. Judue I reach, reached here on Saturdny lsst, There is no hope of eradicating the isesse by may surcicl ppe-r.!tia f-Tr" -t r. r. c i"1 ,hrT'l - MISCELLANEOUS. Tnternaiional Hotel. SM niiil t' Jii Kearny Struct. Snn Frniicisco. $1.iiiiud l."! ijer dy. . '. P:tt rile. PropriiMti! . Two (.'onci-(l coaclu-. with the ii:nn; of the Hotel on. will alWEiyri be iu wftitiii nt tin; landini; to convey pa--enL'et- to the Hold free. He nure yon jret into the ri'ht conch; if you do not. they will chary you. tint K. 7 Me llsfdorttwr. H:lts and f jo. W'hole ile:ui;l Keiail. No. 15 Kearny street. San Francu-co. (.'in THV Hick Co- Vt-av il Ho.k Timers nntl I'.hiiik IJook M iiiiilji'-iurt'ro, No. n C!iv street, nenr Mtini-'oumrv, ha;t Francisco. 1'htnk buuks ruled, ijruiterl mid bound to order. Cm Terrv A : Place. Importer im! Uea' I Minin-' F.n-rine-. Saw Mills. Sirtsm Pmnn.. PortahV and Siali.-'iiarv hnirine. nievessors and Ttoc!: Working Machinery., 'ent on application, if Front street, San Cm STivn", Mi!'-. Ar 'o Drills. Woo l and lion etc.. etc. OUiilo'rno ! Market fdreot, head . Francisco. I.. 1ih'!t. 1. D. S.. Dentist. All s . branches of the Dental art done in the hast manner posR!e. tit re:iMmtb!i: prices, and satisfaction t;ttar:inrced. South west Corner of Third and Market sM-eets. Kntrances No. SThird street anil Market ptreet, San Fraucifco. Los An;dee. C'al. The Largest snd Most Co-"pI! Slock "Somi-Tropical and Northern Fruit Trees, Evergreens. SHRUBS, FLOWERING PLANTS, ROSES, Send for Catalogue and Price LIt. r.-e to all on application. Tree and Plants packed aud delivered at depot free of charge. 4m Tha fcJagnciia Salcci MORROW & CO.' Proprietors We trould repertfully notify Uie public tha lie haTeop.neJ a Saloon tu the ne iv FRAME Bi'iLDlXO Co th Corner of Wiishinsiton and Montezuma Streets. The verv best qaaMfy of Winee, I-lfinors and Ciars&iiray on liar.d and sold at prices to suit the timet. Give tiK n 10-feRlt. The Bradshaw rvlcuntain IS OL'K PLACE Or BUSINESS. DOX'T GO TO For we will sell you goods RIGHT AT YOUR CABIN DOO FOK ( LESS MONEY ! Than you can buy at Prcscott and transport them home. We heve depots at Gillette. Tip-Top and reck District. Mining Ken take - Notice ! And save the bother of packing, The Loh:s r- Time, and Actual C'.vsif, bv buying of ANDRES Si ROWE. TOC.OOOA YE All, or $5 toSWadav In vour own W 1 uuu in on do as well as men. Jiany make inure tnan the amount stated Above. No one can fail to mafco nitD 'y fast. Any one can do the work. You can mrtk from f-0 cent. to "2 an hour by devot ing mi evening and pparf time to the busi ness. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money-making ever oiicr ed before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable, lieader, if you want to know ail about the bvst paying business before the pnbMc. eend n your address and we w ill Peud you fitll particulars and private tcrma free: Vain pi - worth also $5 sent free: you can theu make up vour mind for votiiaei. AddrtJs, CiEO. STINSON A Crf., i'orllaad. H;iio9. tarke's Hotel, SAX BERMAEDIKO, CAL. Meals, 25 Cents. A. STAKHE. Propj-ietor. f!&iG. H. GURRY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. (Late of San Francisco.) Has established liinis!f in Phoenix and is prepared to do ull kind of Watch, Jeicolrjf and Cluck Repairing. SATISFACTION GfARANTEED Or Xo Charge. Give hint a call, ns lie intends to become a permanent refcident of Pho'.T.tx, find lK'.s tlJliirinij recoinmcndalioiifl n.s evidences til' a eood vvotkin.'u:. In tue v.'ir.du-.v of Liu vilie Wiley, on Washiuloa strtjet. Feed Ydrd and Corral. E. rACKWOOD rro'irictor This, the pioneer stable of Seymour Has at all times hnv jrrain. and all the accommodations tor boarding horses. Horses on 00 tf hand at all times to Let and for Sale. R. E. Farrington & Co., Dealers in General Eflercharsdise, AND FORWARDING & COMr'SSSJON Maricopa, - - A rizona. All freight cnnMcoid to our care will he proniptlv fonvardtd to any part of the TcrritoiT. I Bin preparer! to hard! fast freiirht and hwrv machinery n dlsan nntie. Maricopa hotel, H. W. KLEiN, Prop'r. MAKICOPA, A. T. The patrnrnsre of the travelins public is respectfully solicited. The table supplied with the best Hie niarkvt affords aud satisfaction guar t:iCP(l. T.??-. TPPtab'ioe fruit fr fealc I II. T. HEMIiOLR I it h diii by I nriD EXTRACT. BUCH TT?? 9 PHARMACEUTICAL A SrECIITC REMED1 ALL. ro: DISEASES. OF TIIE GLADDER AND KIDNEYS. Fi r De bility, Loss of Jlenio y, Indispi'Sitiou t Exer;in or. Busi n S3 thoriums of llrt-atii, Troubled with tIi0U2!:ts ot I nsease, Diiiiiii s- fV;.;n 1,.5., in ib 11 f!!,rst and Head, Rush of Blood to the Head, Palo Countenance a-.ul Diy Skin. If thesa syiuot'inn tue n! 1 iweJ to go on, very lVo uo-Hlv Kp HepficFits and cotis.nipti m Wh.-ti the ei)s:itati u ! comes af f. otcd, it requires tha hid of an in vigorating nic.tlii.iiiC ti tone an. I SLiCnthnu np the system which Horn bond's DOES IN F.VEKY CASH. Helmbold's Bachu is Unc qualed Bv nny remedy known. It is pre scribed hy the met enihiont l'iij" sici.ius all over the world, ia Iieumatim, Sprriuutorrlicca, Keuralgiu, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indiffeetion, Aches aud I'aias, Constipation, UciK-r il iJt'ijitity,-Kiduc-y Discuses, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, , Epilepsy, lleurt" Troubles. Paralysis, CTeneral HI Health, Spinal Diseases, Scinticii, Den In ess, v Decline, Lumbago, Cittarrh, All Nervous Complaints, Feui.ile Cmi'lat!)ts, Etc., ll.i.idaclie, I'aia in t!ie houl der.s, Cough, Dizziness. Sour Stoin neli, Kru)tions, Bad 'J'uste in the Month, Palpitation of the Heart, l'aiu in ths region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful pyinp toms, are the ofTciLigs of Ll'ispeti i. He?mbo!d's Euohu Ir.vifjcra' the Stomach. cs And Stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels and Kidneys to heahhv ne tion, in cl ansing the blood of all iuipuriues and imparting new life, aud vigi.r to the whole system. A fiugle trial will bu quite eient to convinee the most ht tit it- : ing of its va.:ua'. la remcdi d qualities Pries, $1 Per Boltle. cr Six Eot t!cs for $3. Delivered to any aJdrcis f.ce fi'Oin obei vatio. ratien's mi- by laftT- ; cviviujr thestunc attet.tit.o as c;;lli:ur. Cuiapetent Fiijvieians attcid to j coiTcspO!K!er.t5, be addretsed to Ail Icttjis tliOi.U DFiUGGIST AND CIIE3IIST, rniLADELIIIIIA, TA. CAUTION! bottle. the I'rivate Tro- aiiip ia on c.'.ca SOLD EVEEVWIIEEE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GHA'J3 CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center & -XVRstilnston J (Ilia, oiially opposite RuttoCiLtt.) t-r.KTTF. VEAL. 5H"TTO. LAMB anil POltlx anil : tr.t'.lts sJi-.-d a rr(j-;ir (l I:'livercd to ny j:irt of thr; city tree of f'tiirse. PAI.SZ KKl.I.V. I", r-i-ulx SEYMOUR SALOOM, joiix corv, lie who calls "n mr ' tloiuual ii:os rd in a 111 ho tr"S luiiiuurr. A FIXE BILLIARD TABLE la. e.'Miscc'.iKi with th li"u? . ' A!. CUIi'D-i.tUS I'Jtt St 11 .-.1 ;'!.:! -. I. ; .-::.".m !;! ::t- -.!.(! il I,; .-: '" --;e r.l I ca : t -.tiv r: is re?e u:. -r M. i!!n.ik R..rvi ail At -i.-V A. A. V. s,. i; tisl-.i.uvc. a to IJI-4s,Q; OTIC." I- iTia-i XilTU'- ;;;:i:::nY oivi' ' e l;ir! ti'.i ti: : t; I.- f ii." . -X - ' t- . is it :o".i 1 h ... b.!- a -s lv Tii-j;i.ia V." ll-js. :i. ... bills, ai: 1 pa .i V. Ji . i'ns XOTICK TO i nrrnToc. jn Ti'n pp.'.te ini";;r cr t is .Tt- s .r sit In th i;tu--r Jl-ixiii.-.i -.- .to is h...-:..- -ire br cd. iii::ii:i.:ni,hi ef t.o ionil n il --'.-a--.!. r-i-i.- : a?l IJC -.o. h J . - ci-:n a Ul.- s T- ..- fell i -.1. to c;:- t iL- iu , ry vonca-.-s i-.a A. .t s2 - a. ":; 4 i A " lar- j t-;ib!ic:'.'.'i:i of '. ls-1:..: i. e loh sot. a t f-:-.i uv.a; t i touajoilli::. SAr. A :T ! Att-n'R'-trer iuMli..N. d. i-Ourix. t-rl t. I-:-. a, Hra. AT' tinai entry i.itm it;tv IV m: the ti:; f..r t.:? S5 ; of 5 E S or c-r w vi,:r A I'M. F-- 1-20 ::Tt ;c-.i to c;; a:-.t i - ij-i'h at.-r 1 v . ' i:ii'. 1 til lu'.'i of a.i .;..-o- t.e i. v. ti : c il i; ! ! :.-..c..a.i: - i .'-x- ' to ' 1. HiSSOt.lTiO.1i SOTiCC "7-oti-.-e is hei:i:i;y Tf VT :!.' trra ( l-i.r Jt v j . md C. V -;U.C A t v.' ;s c :v ;m:-mi I l'v rmii: i! i;: i. . -.a r-.--3-; i T!i 6rtu vvisi h-'-all-r V k--.- - ir-- .1 HkM-k. v. all d.-b; o; i.i v..U ruMs S.-s S h- .voTtt'i: to t itt.yiru2. In lh- Pnbat i" r.:-t rf MaeUmja cvmi in the T-Triuirv of -Ti"tsj la the mattff lac i-i 1 Zi. tli LAM), d i' s- -d. V OT! A nil'.! v:z is i:E;;::;.r r. un evt i; t. tat-- ot iNnui.rT t all with ill. I'.t1;'1 mtv X.-fWr-, niuiilh" r.tVr thv tir-i pu: it-:i;..'i t:n- to Ih- iid Ad:iiiri :-.;rurr. a of ha-i:i i tU hv. u I n . 1 .- h . - k. n:v ir Adn:ii:is!rK"r t.f th, e-'..:.e vi" 1.- a r P f F 1 1. iSl1. ti' it'-"i- Fireman's Fund INSURANCE C0M.7ANY ... pi'.... SAN Fr.A-Wisu. CAL. .1. f. ?nT)to tiro. I. Kn:! Aiiifcciii i;?ilt Wiu J lu:ia I riail . . .VI ; "a.;ir.l a-l p,.s K. JiiiiL'Tr.A:-' 1.11 t ii n Chicago Ci rrth -Western IJ.111WAT. Tte Urtst Tr.tnV Llac n tk tTfsl to ( tad tb Com. :. t.n i'ln 1 . I' nix:. 1 r ".l - ra w-? 15 -H ! ;a t:i i.t' t -.Uc-oi. ... IV -r. H -- f 1 r, v .-lie: ( ' ' tu,. M'...-tt 1 - v I'AmI ;t'ii AX D ALL rOIN'TS TAT- I ifr:!.s: : ; ! t: n. t v' c? t r.-.' .t J . . . Ail A... 'k"'1 .1 t ti- 1 of il .r. T r i 't . ... V , i 'luol IV- CJ. f ICE"! ICE! I I:tv II ; Ten IVuIh Ml fK(pi:Ur' cr r ! l aif ' i r-e- Tea - r; a ..: t.-.L..'. T.i- A. SJJMT, I.- 14 W