Newspaper Page Text
ri'IK nifflXIIv flERALl). 03P3S 4 HcOLiSrOCK - Pwpfisior. .Octobrr 15". JM T8H JLLTIIBJtSS TSAB2. A comniu .ity to become jirosr penius an J we:il:hy must nt ucers fity harbor i:s r-.-auur-.-e-, and keep its monev in circul.itiou its jowu citizen-. If Sartu-kw - W-id. tnonov U i rt ,f onr -t- h I'll 1o'.rs of thf f f I T ' J " 1 ' M.-nnon.- Ti.; ;a t!i ra.inn - - f, b " I." :.irl It tha lumber trade of this rcii.ui of the country. ' Sinca the niln-ad reached 3Iar:eopa this com jiuodity has hern I tiidei in our city I'nd toll for a little hsa than what uiub'T could Lc 8;ld for fro:n t'res ott. But do we g ilu by this id. ion of lumber. A f- w facts Wnswer the quost'o i. If we pur- chape from Prcscott d-.'al.-rs they r-'ecive a coiihideraLlo portioti of the proceeds in the pro-Jus's of the Valley, a trade is curled on be tween the two s "ct'on.-, such trsEc gives employment to nnre iron, and 1 e.-i Jcs the money 'u kept at home. On the other hand, if we purchase font Ualifon.i l, cash must accom pany the order, money is sent away and co good reuiro-i-t da.-ived there We have laard it stated that the lumber froia tha northern section contained a great many knot LoIjs. and that it was gener ally of a poor quality. If such i the cas- ,-,r,d we doubt it, it is a poor excuse The lumber of Preswtr iil cccipate favorably with that of California, and, at the present re duced rates, is as cheap. It is rot onr aim to pnff up any firm, or to enlarge upon the duties and rights of cit.zcns, ou'y so far a.-? it afJcTts ihe c: nmiuuity at l-irg-e, and wc- only ask that whatevtr is manu factured in the Territorv should he purchased in preference to that from uhioad. Where tloea tho "Aiizot.a'i" oh- tam its coUimu ot m a:::i.t te.c graphic new?, when tho Prcscott t. legrpph olEs-e close at 9 r.M, A dispatch from the C'i of Mex- j ico f tales that tha llexiean news papers are excited over an Atneri cin rush to a minins district named M. jaJ-i. piper calls it a Yau keu invasion, and a French news paprr is excited for fear the Amer ican Minister i g"ins to jump the whole dist ict. Vr'hca the Aai3-- E prospector sc-juta miues, luu aad Mexicans hjvc t.) t.ikz a t self. 1I would not o:;ly in vade 5Iex:c) bnt would j-ene-r.ito to the jungles of the heait of Africa if he thought he could get the coh;r. The Mojada mines threaten to c.-tufc some trouble bttween the United States and the Republic of Mexico. The celebration of the twenty fifth anriiessary of the Lit th ef the Republican party has just been held in Massachusetts. From the address of General Banks i we learn that the first Republican conveution in the Union was held in ,,. , . T , , I J'ich'rau, July 6 JSo4. O.heis 1 c ' followed rapidly in otlier stites, at.d thus that party which ia its origin, J growth coinage, s icrificvs, conflicts J end achic-vtments is the marvel of ; all fgrs was Btart;d out oa its vie torious career. Much care is beting shown in the organization of the Chicago Mining 1'oaid, and fom the manner in wfctijilj3lie!n formed, it will re sult in gn at Lent fit to the mining industry of the entire country. cr.s:tierabl: Ch:ctgo capital is 11- rcsted in mines in northern Ariz ma, mong which are the properties on li s Pug Cheiry Creek, and the V,ln-l.'nrU, .trr..t ( a i see much more. Win U the Plaza t:ot utilized in some manne-i? "If Phcenix is to jxtor to make it an ornament, let u j l e rented out f.-r a hog ranch, or nintidT" "el-e tint will give it the p earanee of hai::g been ittt .-i . -1 .1 ; forborne jmrpos, and at the same lime le a source of revenue 'o so imj oveil-hcd a towt. Tire disbursements of the leafling Comst;ck Mining Companies, for labor f,r the month of September, anion ited to n arly three hundred thousand dollars. In a v-ry few years we "expect to see the disbr.rse meuis of niinirg companies working in the Fradshaws that snnouut. The "Mining R cotd" :f New Yo;k is inforniod t!;at the Vulture niiiie is sixty-fivj miles southwest of I'rescot', and finy miles north west of Phtcnix. The transactions o. the San Fr.neLijo S.ode Board in the "IJc prt," upon the .cc;uiion of (leneral drain's vii-it, wcre illumiuated in h uor of the event. I Tub era of reeoiicil.ution seem-' p be 011 Germany ai.d France. China is p.epari.ig tor war with jJapan. Gkxkh.-.l Okant bus one to Z.I2?. 7,VS3.Ki. The l!Ar'20:ia!i :if of go J i i the ICfch instant. atrfenijiij utai ol at oar cxptmc. In an edlto.iil the chief aim of;cii was to Hume:-; reader the iinni-.-iisry of upon tiiS tha crier- prise, the a! il-ty, ami ilie exjipu-e, iiiuidonl to issuing stieh an Alf?i journal as the ''Aiizonan'' it o;i-3:.s an attack o:i us br uiuk-i g the vcry iloul.tful assertion that the m a;m- i 6VS ol l ie l.A LD Willi:- iU i IIS- I . f j t IT . ... art COit I1.-1U C'.i votvd '.is we Iearu telegraph columns m'l-tary line to tho h:is rccn.tlv cs:al I . , !'1 "ve onr ect.t lif-W tin dnily he at Phojuix." Thw is, ail w.i! see on c-;:si Jyj ing a uxxuent, a fic- t ca i!ivct:tcu Ly its cuitors :o give waning to would other wise be a meaningless article. Ls fillty is apparent. Tiie impiohal illty of ... k.k.. i pj.i.z i.j cu:imuui.iUij fsjTnsc to si nd f;cm Pi esc tt the res- ived ly us ths Sim." r.iht, via .1 tricipi, l;t-.t, even had he done fn. the ditor of tbe "" cottlJ j not by any means have be;-n ir forui ;dof the .'act, a? the only two petsons likely to know of the m li ter Would bo our in i!:ag r ard the ttlegr.ipli r.p. r.itor at Prescott, the first would not from 'policy have itif-.Ttn-'d any o:ie, and the S--C?:id would have "been forced to j:i:s;ic a si:r.i!ar cours even though ppa:n?t his nar, at I :-a6! its results inclination from tho of a conrt-iaa-ti,il and rrcslilctit litres' icod tiense. President Hayes his ncvir ap peared io bitter cdvant.ig; than during his j-iu-rCnt Western tour. He has male more than half a doz en addrcsst. s to the people, mist ol them ?iiort, and all of tbcni charac terized by modesty, pood sense and siro-.-.ij pattiotism. lie never indul ges in clap-lr.ip or rhedomoutade, but always 5-ids something of a U3e ful or hopeful na.ure to say to tho ctowcls who assemble t-j sco at;d hear him. At the j rcsunt time when business ei:t;rpri--cs ara taking a frrsh st.rt, wh -n cofi dene e is fully re-established, a-sd the i.s on the hip-h to prosperity, the President of toe Uuit;J Sjatos miglit be excused for claiming for the Aim in is! ratio n the credit of h iving done mush to bring about this great iniprovenieut i:i the con dition of sfTuhs. Tut Mr. Il.tycs docs not. On the coi.trary he tells his Ticart-rs tint it is the people th niselvt s and not the ciUcta's at Wa.-hicgion, whe have wrought tLis chanj-e. . What's in the' wind? The Cincin nati Enquirer, a Democratic author ity of the strictest tyre, and high priest in the temple, had a brig cui tc-riai lately, declaring that Griiiit is Ihe best man that can be nominated lor President next time. And t ernes the Jfew York GrorJi.c already notyd for its keen fcent of coming events and in a full pnjte cartcon represents "Democracy'' in the. person of a blooming damsel bea ing a fan, with the inscription "Solid South," and fastening upon- the of Graal' coat :l 1!orHl badge with the iuscrtption, "Prc.-n- , , . - ... :.. , .. dential omination. Closely cliag- to bis .i:.m on th..r sille ; . !in cqn.-tlly jiyoits young lady styled "Kepub'ica-iism.'who Ecctn3 toeti J:' - v tl10 ljnnor 10 hcr etcr;,t 'cvclM-d in th s offering. Can it be, a?ks the San Francisco P.-cJ, that it is in store for Grant to rcciire the call of both the Xcrth and South to tiae I'rcsi duncv? lias it been reserved for him to complete the reconciliation of the sections, and, r.t Ihe joint instance of both parties, to give an administra tion that shall obliterate sectional hate and prtjudiec? It would be just li:3 luck. Ckxekai, Biowelf, of the Chico ranch, has bc-en for some years pa?l been growing a variety of musknu lon w niei. nas u. ti aeu a uiucn anemion o:.,l 1....... ..t . , T. . . .,. . ,, ..',,. .. . The i'epartment of A.ciiculture pre -cured seed from Ionia, ia IS ji), at a cost of 51 20 per pound in ro'd. A f,.,v EeeJs were sent to the General, and though he has been very libera! disseuiin-a'Jag the sejtK yet it is uy no means Knoivn so wen as 1 merits deserve. When piire,il is the best miu-kmelon raisetl, and is pecu liarly well adapted to the valley. It ii very large, wilh ex in inely thick flesh tnd tew seeds. Tho above is frm the Sacramento i;?conl-Uni:'!i. As the climate of the Salt Hirer valley is very similar to the Sacramento valley the introduc tion of this melon would meet with Beet and 'tne Siacar. There have been eleven beet sugar factories established in the United States. No one of iLcm has been a success. But tho luanu.'acture of beet sugar is great and successful ind'istty .b jt'a in O crmanv y.nd France. I'er'.ap 1 it will be ia this ctjunlry at no distant day. Pi-obittilv the sugarcane would grow in all the vulieys'of - Arizona, as weil a in th.-irt- of Southern California. After a while the sugar plantations in those districts may asmne great importance-. The value of ihe sugar consumed in the United Stales is about lejual to the value of i.ll the precious metals annually produced. California is now making the best raisins of commerce. Now for fresh experiment in the sugar line. Oak land Tribune. If you arc a true man you w: I fin i it much ea ier to please the w n'd with jour actions than to pi ar,-- ymiraelf. Tnr; iti-es.- i;:m- 1 .-I'ev.) UfccUe says fiat sinc.i the year J ST-! b eine-ss ha no! lx'e-n asdn'l a.-, it is at the present t .'.!.- i.i it -cv ion DATA. Over the ?ins.S by Trail. j jjjg HsraJd CsrrospDndcni's Jn- tercct.r.q sue Picket Po-zt Pulp;srONDi::ci; or Hr.rA;.D Tcc?o, Ov-tr.l.rr 6, 1S;9. The trip to or from Globe City is j r,n experience without which no man atnd into the e.vpei I nces of A o:;a. The ar.;t ciht miles sti-.e to the fire made m a Tanks ranch. whara ia?scnier an.i frei-'iit are i transferrer! lo the haki of muhs foi transportation over the "trail" to the Kin;; mine. It was the fortune of your corre spondent to m:Ue this crdere.-tuig trip recently in company with others among the reet Messrs.' Eaton and C.ihv,-. of G'.ohe ciiy, who were ac companyinj tiieir lartje shij:ncnt ol huiiioa from the Rescue mine. At the poi rit of transfer from thestaje we started wilh a train of nine pack a::imls, each loaded with a silver brick, accompanied by five persons, maki.Tj altogether quite a lengthy train, and of a 7cry motley descrip tion. It was a scene which one un accustomed to t-tteh asiht wiil never forget. A? wo mounted tho rocky steeps of the I' ran.-s of moun tains the patient - rnimi's, following t!ie narrow circuitous trail, under the leadership of the foremost mule, whose tinkling bell could lie heard up on the side of some loeVy clisi, or down in so in-; dark The scene was, at tha satne time, novel and exciiin.. The yells of tha drivers urging t'-i; train oa v ird when it fal tered at some p-;i:U in the trail difd- 1- .. I...: .. . . ..1. l.n cuu ui ji.i si.;-, ccui.iujj i mountain anon inu ciiou.s of the wholo company when seme level point was reached, when the pace of the whole train wss acceler ated to a canter, made the mountains ring as with the war-whoeps of a tribe of Apache Indians. After fre rjucut repacking of the s-iiver bar?, which would not remain fixed in po sition on ihe backs of the animal-, ia reached the fatuous Pinal itauch. where an excuiieut dinner was in v,;:i;ir.. Here, in the r.-.iil -t of the mounlaiii?, rre found jL'nvitJg all ilia choicest of veiretables kawvvn to ! husbandry, with which the ranch and customers are supviieil. The distance from t'ioal ranch was made ia about three hoars, ihe dU- lance being about nine miics. I am sat-slkd A OJOD UO AD can be constructed over the moun tains at a comparatively small cost, and the wonder is that the enterprise; of filial county is not e.-tual to the necessity. I undertand, however, that rival interests between this and another route has prevented thus far the expenditure or money U1.1t has already been apprcpnut-eil in a sum oui.leient lo do tin: work. The Silver King mine was passed late in the li.'iei neon, and fickt-t Post, live miles further on, waa reached by nigliefall. Here arc lo cated the iniilo of tiie srLvr.s and the Seventy-six mining compan ies. The music of their continuous pounding. Eight and ' d y, npon the rock, fell very grate fully upon the ear as the town was entered. Tae genial Supei intendent. eif the Silver King, Mr. ilasun, under whose skilful management it is mar velously successfully, kindly fur nished all the faels in connection with its working. These c-ianot i-.!l b .: given in detail, but a few facts wiil uot be cut cf place. tixzm-ll. The mill is r-.imply a concentrator, the product of the mill being sent to Fan Francisco f jr final treatment. The mill is of peculiar construction, the blankets ha-ring a backward ro tary movement, the lighter snaieriftl running off at the front. The con centrated ore runs from nine hundred dollars upwards per ton. The tail ings are carefully preserved to be worked some time in amalgamating psns. The present accumulation is estimated at twelve thousand tons, and it I tho;i-lit thev will produce a net product cf at feast fen dollar per ton a neat little fortune in itself of $120.00'). About fiVty tons (lam are taken from the minp.all of which is treated by the company's mill. seve:;ty-x. Time was not at command to in vestigate the results of the Seventv- t titl litif T1VI-.1 ;,i.t it v-..u tt . ... ....... ..... . ...... ....v. ,t no .ljiflil. satisfactory to its owners in the re sults obtained. Both mills are kept naming to their full cap.ieity.and the town is ejuite a thriving i.i con sequence. Several new building are now in process of construction, and those too of a good class ard .'arable chara. tor, many of them be ing built of wood, chiefly the red wood of California. Among other building are a goood school-house very much nrrde 1 and a new hotel no less needed. G. II. A. The re-cent appreciation in values of some of the leading agricultural products of California is having a very buoyant effect upon the feelings and hopes of the farmers, and upon the business of the country. The ap preciation of the v, h'-at, the wool, the hop and the grape crops I ave ad ded hundred; of tuoutttinJa to the pockets of the farmers, and hi? e-n livened every other business in the State. This happy time in the busi ness. of the roil uty will bear fruit throughout the State and the United States for years to come. Indeed, we rcgfml it as a begint ing of good times for all the industries. Emigrants fr"in Europe arc- pour ing into this c uatry in great num bers. The arrivals ef emigrants at New York alone for the year ending wilh August, show the number to be 10S,S0i, which is an increase of 3i5, 472, or nearly one-third over the number of la-t year. One of the no table features of this vear's arrival is the very large ;roportion of skilled workingmeu and agriculturists among them. The failure of crops, the extortions of the large landhold ers and the stagnation of manufac ture are driving the Lest elas-es of the working-population of the old world to the United States. GLG3S DI3T&CT TEHltlTOUIAL 1TE?.:B: T'ic Jiiizwuzt is now pulilish.1 rs a nsornin newspaper.' Governor Staifurd will return t Arizona hi a!oiit two montlis. Lieut, ttoota of the Si-nal Corp?, is ia Tucson. " Thn r5s.-., coir.niisr-ioncrs held mcftiiig last Friday. J A Pteamer wiil leave Yuma next ; Suml.-iy f r Mohave. j Sixty lock boxes have been adJed j to the jio.-tufiiee at Tucson. j The District Court is in session at j Fio-renec. j Work on the Corton mil at TomU- stoneis being pushed forward very rapidly. They are going to have a lecture at Tombstone on "Hell closed for re pairs." Saw mills, in the Iluachuca and Cliircahua mountains, arc turning out considerable lumber. The Washington mining property in Patagonia District hss been bond ed to'Eastern parties for f 03,000. Six weeklies and two daily news papers in Tucson, and two weeklies ! and two dailies in Prcscott. A brother of Senator Jones has ar an ived ia Tucson on bis way to So nora on mining business. A petition to incorporate the town of Tombstone will be heard Novem ber l:t. The Signal mill ia Mohave, has boen sold to a company known as the Pea body company, ana will probably be started up soon. Mines about Clifton, in Apache county, arv attracting considerable at tention .j'.st now. One has been sold for SiO.CCO and ethers bonded for 00,000. Mr. B. A. Ficka?, Chief Clerk of the House of the last Legislature is agent tor tho now mail and stae lino, via Fort Huaclmca. at Tomb stone. Tins lino passes Charleston and Ihe Empire ranch. St. Louis parties who purchased the bonanzas iu the Swisshelm mountain, will erect a large mill at once. They have contracted with Maore & Co. for 203,000 feet of lurn-J:-cr for that John Ccstcllo relumed to Yuma this week from Scnora. He brought back a herd of cattle belonging toM r Redondo, which have bten placed on ihe Suu3over ranch 1:1 Maricopa County. II; reports considerable rain and good pasturage. Suit has been commenced in the District Court at Prcscott, by Jas. P. fiickr-y, against the Tiger Mining Company for serious injuries receiv ed bj.-plaintiff while in the employ of said company. The damages are set at $30,000, and suit commenced for thai sum. Judge Silent has rendered a ile cision in the matter of Luke (t al. vs. the. Bradshaw Banin Mill and Tvlining Company. It gives the whole property to Mrs. Marv 51.- Be-.n, wilh the exception of 13 per cent, which was decided in favor of Mrs. C. A. Luke. Un.ler the- supervision of Major Chaffee, Indians darning the Gila below its confluence with the San Carlos with a view to extensive planting next season. Tho water thus coilcteil will enable the Agency In:linns to irrigate a large body of land, some say four thousand acres as rich as a crow ever llew over. The Board of Supervijers of Fima county wereaked at what price their county would board and care for city and United States prisoners. Where upon it vrat ordered that city pris oners be provided for at 73 cents per day, hnd United Statc3 p: issuers at $1.50 per day. Ci!::t.i: Rev G. II. Adams has se cured a lot from Mr. Samuel Iluges, on Ihe coruer of Stone Aveuue and Pennington street.consideratioD. ?500. Mr. Adams statred out this morning to raisfl $:03 the firt-t payment a:;d when we last saw the paper about noon ?i;23 had already been suoseriyeil. J tic location is a gooa one it will soon contain a neat chapel all paid for. Ai-hnin,: The P. and V. Corbi lilanuf.icturing Company of New Britain.Conn., have presented to the Prescott High School, through Mr. Sherman, a handsom medallion bust of Gvernor Safford, in commemora tion of his services in promoting the free school system in this Territory. i lie picture is worthy of preserva tion, both on account of its artistic worth and as life like representa tion of Gov. Safford. It is reported, says the Tucson Cit tzni, that the Southern Pacific Rail road Company has purchased a ranche 011 the San Pedro at the point where its line crosses that river, unci the natural conclusion is that this is the sight of the great city which has been built in the iiusginalion of many. The city on the S.-.n Pedro can only be to Tombstone what Car son is to Virginia City. .9eitH.ul: Mrs. J. M. Redoude ha sold to Sir-son, Wallace & Co., about one hundred and sixty tons of wheat, at 1.90. This is the bulk of hcr share of this year's crop from Ihe San Isidro ranch. The seed used is called the Sonora wheat, is natually quite free from rust, and is a large, round and fully developed grain. Our cli mate is well adapted to the growth of this cc-re.-.l, we have no fogs and rust is unknown, we seldom have riins to lay the grain or start the grain to growing oa the stalk. Szntinel: Doc. Masters is in town and brings cheering news from Mey ers District. W rk is progressing fm.:-lj' on the Gunsig'it, the shaft is elown fifiy-seveu feet and has devel- oped a fine body of ore which wid ens as d.-pth is attained. The tunnel has struck tha ledge an-.l shows fine metal. A well has been dug read ing plenty of water aid everything bids fine for a- prosperous - camp. Meyers will begin hauling ore lo the rft'lnmd uext week. All the other lo cations are looking well aid only c ipital is needed to develop the mar velous richness of this District. "A pretty style of hair dressing for the morning," snys a fashion journal, is to wave all the hair.'' AVe agree with the above. In the morning it is not only a pretty but a useful fash ion for women to snatch all the hair off t'.e back part of the chair, where it has reposctl during the night, and wave it around the room to chase out the Hit-.. In 1S33 the new organization of the French nrsny wiil attain its full ilev-lo;mc:it. The active army will consist of 4!)7,7fi3 men. Two classfs of the reserves, numbering 313,859 j men r.uJ 2,8-TO tiHiccrs, will he calleii ut for twenty -ci.sht "lays drill. The a ! Territorial army will supply 1-19,000 men iiud -i.'OU ofliecri for a forty night's tiaininjr, so that tiOS.tjOO men will, at the eml of the year, h.ivc served with thccollors. It would be a huge mi.itake to assume that that was the number permanently under anus. Tt e number with the colors except nt such times m the reserve, and territorial men are called out tor drill, is below 30.1,090. "What is, the matter, Alfred What did you find, so interesting in the river that 3-011 stare at it so fixed ly r "My wife is in bathing and took a dive from that boat out thero, and slits li:is Ih-c.'i under such a time that I'm getting uiiensy." 'How long Ilu she been under?" "About two hour it wasn't quite S o'clock when she went in." One of the leading belles of Sara toga, dftricg the reason now come to an end, was a young lady, of Kalt: more, who petrified her dancers by offering to bet with them that she could hit a Coating barrel with n liundred-pounJor shot ten times to their once, and inviting them to come down to Fortress Monroe and sotilo the wager. Ill IIIBII I lllll. I 11.11 II Mil lipwP IHIII I MH " Tn Hscorf. Lusnber isu si GEO. W. CURTIS, PrcfriGtcr Two and ono-half miles south o Prcscott. Having now completed, and in full operation, my new Saw Mill, I am prepared to fill or ders for Merchantable, Clear, Surfaced and Rustic Lumber Matched Flooring, Casings, Mouldings, Panelings and Shingles OF THE FINEST QUALITY In short, evcrrthing in my line for the construc tion of First class Build' m TEK3IS: Cash on DpIIvrj- ' All orders sent by mail, or through the merchants j prompt attention Geo. TV. Cuktis. Clipper M e COMPANY. Freseott, - - Arizona. HAVING rtTr.enASKD THR IVTKR. of J (i Vil-r, n bave ri-no4 the ahiivn i.i lis wtib uiw can-a and mnobiTiery, noa am n: better prMparnd tbau ever to laiu iiu a.l kiuus of Merchantable. Clear, Fencing, Rus tic and Surfaced, Matched Flooring. Beveled Siding, Lath, Shingles, Bash, Doors, Mouldings, &C at" DED ROCK PRICES. Gt our prle b"fwf - fcain)r elsewhere. C2ica trie: Cortex and 3"mm1- in ref fi. R P It K Fit, F.O. lAKKER. SMITH'S RESTAURANT. Old AmericadttTotcl bnlldlns opposite the Postoflice. 5THf Prop tnt. SMITH, is well-known thronirhont California as a Una-class Cook, and assumes the enure control ol this Department. Good Cooking, Will ba the main featnre of my Restaurant. Freshest and Best Fruits, Vege tables, etc., will be supplied, on the Table. Terms Raasonable. f3TJncmncr tbe IMnc. MISCELLAN HO Yiv fiFJHif3 PUP! There will be a running race for a purse of One Hundred Dollars A Single Dash ct 4 Tdlles Free for Everything in Arizona. Entrance Closes October lOtti. AT rilCENLX ARIZONA ctober IS, 1879 Entrance F- AH boraoa to en- tfrd ai:d their r.rcii? ami th names f their owiiar nt the Mcnolia Saloon in th: city of rhcenix. on Oi t-f re that cLile. La trance fucs adiied, to the purse. RESTAURANT ! Capital Block, ftienljc. BEST GATING HOUSE In Ths Salt River Va!!sy. Our Tables are alwaj-s sup plied with the best to be obtained in tho Markot. Polite Attention Paid to Guests C. Safari, Paor'R ART GALLERY Southwest Corner of Plaza. rpiiE itxnr.nsicxED. having com JL plated hia new eiallerv. in i.oir pri pared to execnto ail work in hin line in the best style and at roainabtc rates. A comiilote assortment or AEIZOSA SCENKKY alwr.yn on han.t. A full lino of Picture Frames and Monld- IlltJH. tictnroa framed to oi der. a. u. EOTnnocic. White & Walters KEEP A F1R3T-CLAS3 Ou Washington Street, Phoenix. Imported TVines, Liquors and Cigars. The Bradshaw Mountain IS OCR PLACE OF BUSINESS. DON'T GO TO its 4b4r&&,v For we will sell you goods RIGHT AT YOUR CABIX DOO Fort . LESS MONEY ! Than j-ou can buy at Prescott anil transport them home. We have depots at Gillette, Tip-Top and feck District. Mining Men take Notice ! And save the bother of packing, The Loss ns Time, and Actual Cash, by buying of ANDRES & ROWE. Boot and Shoe Maker. Wa8liInsro:t street. adjoining the (Store of Castaucda. Fashionable Boot and Shoox of the best material made to urdvr in elegant style. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. T enve mv entire attention to enptom made w.rk. and I have every facility fitr sivin-r catire call-faction, tend tu vour oraur. lsoei MISCELLANEOUS. United Stat R ESTAURAUT Oid American Hotel Building. Cornr Wanliiurton end Center streets. WILL OPEX OH or. day, Oct'ohsr ISth- FIBST CLASS COOK, GOOD MEALS, MODERATE. RATES. -T-E RESPECTFCI.I.Y MOt.Tf tTTIIK 7 y.nxrc.nn o; th? dtuImr living, a it w ul be ct;r aim ly plca&e a ii? ooil 7.1 IT. BEECai'K . oc lid FURNITURE I The nntiersijtncd has on hand a large assortment of Furniture and Upholstery Also manufactures to order FIXE CAUIXET WARE, DOOR.S. WAINSCOATIXG. AND OFFICE FITTUSTGS Fftorn maita chain? constantly on hnnct On Washington eti-cct, adjoiuiug the bloru oi 3tuan i-o. GT-'J A. COEKA. Fhosnix Hotel. Washington St.. batweeu Maricopa and rima utreuia. Cool and elegautlj- Furnished Roorrsi Singly or cn suite. BATHS, Warm or Coid. BAR AND HEADING nOO J. J. GAEDINEK. Drix & Ca., Phxniz Arizona. SODA WATER AND S A R S A P A R ! L L A. For Salosna, Families and Everybody, Pleasant. Hcaltltfal and Cheap. Ii yon don't likn tt straight, ask for a Soda Cocktail," Saloons furuisn tttera. J3?""Orders solicited and satisfaction gnar aatced. BRICK FOR SALE. TITS rN'DEKStOSKD 'WIsnKS TO inform thv public that ho has en hand Brick of a Superior Quality, And in "y quantity desired Yard, Southeast Corner of Town. H. II. LIXVILLE. Q O C3 3 N O c a s o IE a o Be. o O SEYP.10UR HOTEL. i. A. STKIC'KLAXD, Pro"r. Situated at Ihe mill site of the Cen tral Arizona Alining Company.. Singe station for the famous Vul ture mine. Prices RcasoiiaWe. V 14 c a i-i 1 CS S ESESsJ MM GaS 3 ess n J TUCSON, A H D ALEXANDRA. Jolllf Wholesale Liquos Dealehs. COi-ncr of r.Iai-Icora and JefTcrstOB. Strrets .... F k Sole Agent for Southern Ari.ona for tho Celebrated Milton J. Hardy's Cutter WHJSICJSZS manufactured by VILTON J. LTARDYA Co., of LouI- ville, Kentucky. E. Martin and Company, Sua Frua. cisco, Sole Agents for tho Pacific Coast. Onr connections in Kentucky. Xcw York and Sa Fram-isco rVi to purchase direct from Maimlaeturei-s nasi Importers, a:it hairio li-t to always carry k large stock, the quality ot nhieh cnnautrr, m raa sell at much lower figures than any other hrne in the tnt'r icJ eta ceav fidently invito purchasers to cull and examine our goods utiVrv Luvte; cU where. Have on hand a select stock of Old 3ourbon and Rye Y.'uUkttf. BraiKji Gins, Rums, Port, Sherry, and Maderia "Wines. ChaiapagrK-, C.uUav Sauternes, Liqueurs, Eitters, aud syEBYTUiNU appertaiciag to ti LEOUOR IEV1 PORTED t'" Wc would call the attention of Wines, Liquors mid Cigars, the supplied by liiat-class houses in San IfL Lo Phcsnix and Seymour. Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Every D W'3 ID Si! AGENT FOR TIIE hington The public are re;peetfcl!y Informed that I have moved my baiber (.hop to the beiMinj; on Wapitnnton sttc-t lately occu pied by tbe dt ug store of Vl "-Oliver. ai:d that I have also opened a &ri. .lass balhiii establishuient. By Ptrict a tnntton to bntnass I hope to "warrant a fair share of vour patrontve. Vi. aTUr.isUL lte!. Late of San Francisco. Cheap Living! Board reduced to $G 00 per "week. Single Meals - cents. Board by the day $1 at ihe Cosmopolitan Restaurant. ivm. i:rM.-n. PHCEN1X, 0 III BO; . 3 ?T r APJD DOMESTIC of con.ioissure-s to our ft -ect ainwal quality of wlnh rejl Francisco or Estsra Cities. tiX t-f-3 ;J iii i.i r. Hi mn m ti i;vt 3 li LiIJ apartment Complete. lOnstantlv Arriving CELEBRATED 2 Machine THE OA The Lead'n; Hire! of Saa r-fW4 the n-.iwl el.-rttt!T Warn ti.c wort.i. ver Ji.vt'.itV ai.a' -pen-.U-rt hv Mr. K.:-:wn i 1:1 N5-a-c' anil furniiii-i. UAt-urt" - navy. s;ii.-o:.-ii aci-wi-iru--. .-'t K.-f t-. aa.i" larse part:.-. 'f:c- ti-- a otlier Cii-r:t..- h.l'"l-v t -SV.v-c;fl coutrcct- i.t .'. !f m-nt ooardi-:-- Tbe bt-t c-awv riiiro" in s:Tirat at. i-wl r. a.. dojmt. K.v-nt catt t rvi ka-V-ak artival by tv-!-:ra'-.? i - rh A". MAV ABiK. Uia-' at.aat. ARCADE BREWER Y SALOON. Coolest r.ace f Kert l Tw SALOOXS AX IMaiUVH Supplied Uh H;;Khs o iLr; IScvr. CUc WINES, LiQl'CRS AND C!CS5 A.IVKF. aJo- Tl! V! HMM ft "Hi