Newspaper Page Text
Si PIICENIX HERALD. ! ;0SPE3 4 McCi-!ST3CK - - Proprietor! Friday,... - etober 3". 17. Ko tmrilcr-, of this oCl;, ag!?ut -,r o:b;r person is a:it!).rizT!u t mak p.irch.-ises or . -.. - .v. j r-.r .nl on account fif Ifci I tIeBAtit No bills sjrsinst the lifmin wiil lb? recoznizfd csejl. or purchans and con tract rout; by t;ic proprietor p?rsoiaj:7 or npon til 'ir writun o:-l--r. "RAiLKOAD The paper; f r th.i last few d iy. all overtha n itlon, Lave lx-en fiik-d with the above l;etd line, cu ae- culeuta which have resulted in loss of life to etuplovecs and pa-se;ig-rs. One of these ttfxouuta runa as fol- lows:- "About 8 o'clock thi3 evening. while a ewiich I'ngiiiC in the yard of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad was making up the midnight frughr, they Ftired to cioss Bunibani s'iii bridge to the wvst jya-da. The fog w,:s so thick that it was irnpo-srille to see but a fvw feft -ihcad, and the Ciigiut-rr did not discover, until within a few ft-t of it, thai the bridge v. as turuo-.l for a passing vessel. The e-.ig.ine, tcoiiT, and a car of I srd plunged into the river. The engineer and fireiua i jumped from the eiiirine.the former, Lcn Butler, was puked up out of the river, prohably fat illy injured, Th fireman escaped with severe brumes about the legs, while Harry Hill, a teh-jrr.iph operator, who was riding on the bumper loeo mo:ive, was turitd under the Je- ri?, and crushed iu:o an .unrecog nizable masB." Now, we bilicve in holt'ing rail road companies responsible for a'l lo.-ses cf U(u that can be avoided, but we think cften an injustice ia done them in these rnat!er.. It is au cijy thing toj;iti in a popular tirade against certain clasres whsther they be railroad companies tr mothers-in-law. It is a cheap raeihotl of eceming t.i be f irr-srt, but, from the foundation of the world, we bel'cve, accidents have hnppenrd. Even before r.iilroads were built, there was an occjt-vnr.l loss of life. Vi'e have for ten vc:trs past.ri'Jden many thousands of miles annually, and have, almost without exception, ftur.d railroad ui.ti courti cms, and careful of the lives of their pastcugcrs, as well as of their own property. The wonder is that with the many thousands of trains-ruutiirg daily over hundreds of thousands of hu'c?, that there are not mere cf these 'horror.." j To think that every rail must bo ' sound, every j int perfect, every j spike secure, every tie in plue?, ! every b;i 'ge string, every wheel without a fi;w, every t ngi..ccr awake, every conductor slccplc-s. every brakenjan at Iit3 post, every switch rightly turned, ice, Sec, all ever the United States and the world, the maivel is that we have ca few "horrors" instead of many more. As loner as railroad are run, we suppose streams mu3t bo crossed; - Toga"' will arise so that engineers can ''sec but a few feet ahead," and, under these circum stances, if the bridge is "turned for j a passing vessel" the er.giue will go J to the bottom. We believe in great j rare on trip nnrt nf r.-t-?rn;5 tin it ! is too much to ask thcra to disperse "fogs," or annul the l iw of gravita tion wLich plunges locomotives and traius to the bot'em of a river. The Supreme. Couit of Pennsyl vania h.:s decided that Alleghany County is liable for the damages inflicted by the Fit;sburg mob in 3 877. This La in accordance with common scare. TH2 emigration to the west svems to be much greater than ever before, Not many years moje will elapse, at the present rate, n hen there will no longer be any "frontier"' on Ameri can soil. j W-flT each longing, Friesd Maiion for the pipiog d tys .f election lime.' uosi uiyjoo o,nce ncca rc- lenishing at the ambli?iiu caiui j diitn's expeLse? - 1 i i i i ; The question as to whether )- j cred troops wiil tight, waa tffctt ; ualiy settled by the'ant ' ! ouet c-t t:ie company the recent U;e war. engaged in j TfJE erematioa of the famous Pi:. LeMovnk's remains, with i;s dis gusting accotnpariimeiits, will not i I... JiL-..l.. ,.. ,...i,..,i c .!.. . iut-.Tiueiit." Mr. itouEirr Thojiih thiuhs if Grant were nominated l.y the Kepublican jiarty he would be almost sure ofau electi..n. Two jfcxDit::i axijsixtt-seven farmers.with their families, recently left Liverpool for Texas. deed h.n been filed for record in this county of the transfer of an un divided one hahf 'interest in the first eastern exteasioa cf thr Richmond nii-ue, better knawn as the Maek Morris mine. The interest is soid to II, A. Stout and- J. F. Xavaro, of Xewlork. and C. B., of New Jerse". The consideration i- 100, l00. Tie property is located in the eastern etui of Maricona count v in Globe Mining District. We under- '-and that a mill will be immediately crwrjed- The work will .be under i L'll -;n ' , FREIGHT ARRIVALS. Fri-Jay. Oct, 21. Geo Coat. 2.5 pkgs, O'.O. Carl Sherrer, 2 pkgs, 173. J O'iipuro, 5 pkgs, 540. T.I A.!icr & Bra, 11 pkgs, pkgs, 2.j0. Ellis, Ahi-r& Co. 11 pkgs, 790; 2 (So. .1 C'"l;i.rn, 1 pfcg. 60. H Morgan & Co, 51 pkgs, 560-5. HATDES'B ferht. C T Hjydsn, 71 pkirs, 5:25:1. ritESCOTT- KX-ily &. Stephens, 2 pkgs, 130. Clias. Crocker, 2 pUg, 470. 1) Levy Co, 8 pks, 570. D rjbirpcr, 2 pkir-i, 50. X & G Eiiis, 1 pkg, SO. T C I5iy, 13 p'.;gs, 2i0. rS Hill, 10 pkgs. .'5. J GolJwaler & Bro, 87 pkgs 10 pkgs, 200. W A Rowc, 1 pkg, 55. MCIXWELL. J Y T Smith, 13 suud, 1511. WH TITLE. Q M depot, 6 pkgs, 1213. KRADHAW. Bowen, Knowles Co, 1 pk 1300; 180. Theo Lcisllon, 10 pkgs, 11E5. T APACHE. A A Q M, 2.i-my wagons, 5200. rirtE.s'iS. Mrs. ?,Iary LeBarr. 1 pkg frnit, 35. Jno R Dall & Co, 1 pkg, 2. Goo. Coats, IS p!:gs, 500; 10 pkgs, 1125. E Irvine & Co, 15 pkgs, 535; 1 pkg 1C0. pnEseoTT L BsisUfcrd, 75 cund, C030. V.'ra II Perry, 1 pkg, 70. TVm M Bulfuui, 3 sund, 1230; pkZK 10310. Jobn Campbell, 5 pkgs 300. J JIer?pring, 1 pkg, 55. J Rsible, 2 plus. 805. 1S1 Peek Mining company, 140 salt, S0G00. 1TAVDEI1S. Mr Harden, 1 pkg 70. eETMOTTK. Kimble Bros 25 pkg. 2SS0. J Duncan, 2 pkgs, 110. MOIXWFLL. J Y T Smith, 5 pkgV 110. vrLTCEE. W A Kowc, 21 pkgs, 1210. TIGEK. X Sheckies, 10 pkgs, P10. Mayor fc Co, 20 pkgs, 1C35. Snndar. Ortolcr 27. rircs.vix. G Coats, 25 sund, 25",0. Left 5s Dc Laramie, 1 pkg, 370. Mo.-itfay. October 2Sth. Ellis. A?hcr & Co, 31 pkgs 2010. X Rosenthal, 2 pkgs, 120. HATDZX'S. J T Priest, 8 pkgs 020. PRESCOTT. W F BuiTum, 1 pkz, 305. R Connell, 1 pkg.. 100. IC DOWELI- A A Q M, 1 1 pksrs, 2020. Capt J Xoi-vall, 1 pkg, 11. WHIPPLE. Chf Q M Dpt Ar, 2 pkgs, 1725. A A Q M, 43 pkgs, 4510. Depoi Q ,M. 15 pkgs, 1SS0. i I3vme, 1 psg. la. Lt C'raisue, 1 pkg, 12. K Fowler, 2 pkgs 120. TIGER. Tiger Mine, 1 steam pump, 170. Lt. King, 3 pkgs, 110. Tuesday, October 28t3i, PIIIEXIX. Gr-idherg Son, 2 pkgs (0. E Irvine. 1 pkir, 33. Georgo O. Brown, 10 pkgs 1130. M A-iher Z Bro. 61 pkgs C000. rKtsOTT. Teek 31g comp'nv, ill salt, 20,000. R Cnrnell, 6 pkes 1255. Randall .fc Cline. 20 pkgs. 500. Wm 31 Buffim, 3'pkgs, 620; 1 pkg 00. T C Bray, 5 pkgs, 6S0. W ICEEM.UK'5. E O Grant, 2 pkgs, 200. HAYDES'S FEERV. C T llaydeu 11 pkgs S20. AVedncsday. 30th. PHCEKIX. F Purcella, 5 pkrs, 800. J. R D!l & Co, 2 pks 700. Geo F Coats. 2 sund, 1,35 ; 1 pke. 50 A B Wilev, 13 pkgs. 455. E Irvine & Co, ll'pkgs 600. S Jackson. 12 pfcss, 1?80. M Asher & Bro, 13 pkgs 1295. TRSCOTT. Pisters St Joseph, 4 sund, 2-"V. J Go! luater & Bro, 1 pkar, 90. W M Bufi'um, 2 sund. 230. E Herzoir. 10 sund, 00. T Brav, 2 pk-js, 010. V,' P Hill, 1 pkg. 10. D Levy & Co, 7 pkg-. 292. D Shirpser, 1 pkg, 45. HATDEit'e. CTFI.ivden, 13 pkgs 1030; 23 pkgs. 2035. J T Piicit, 1 pkg, no. MCDOWELL. J Y T Smith, 10 pkgs, 134-0. LOCAL LIXES. F,.fim sa!ur(iay's Daily. James Stewart is back again, Vi'm. Fenter, the road commissioner is in town. Xo- pas-eugers on the Prescott ge m nicKen.wrg i-i,ig.K. .n-i m.h,ri itidt eiij, 1:1 our ei'-elient ehmate. j;,lln T. Bostwick of Tip-Top left for his mountain home this uiornhig Gaorge A. Viuzcui, connected witli mining enterprises at Cave Creek, is ia the citv . We m i- the watering cart verv i much, and would like to see it make jls re.a:.,nearance. Mrs Lowry and Mrs. Hart were tl 0 recipients of a serenade, Thursday evening. Mr. Master?n, T. W. Brown. W. Walker and . Bellya have left for Tombsloji . Four passengers by the Black Can. yon stage this moruing: C. W. Smith Prescott. J. Wr. Bostwick and Mr. Copley, Giilett and a Chinaman. Mr. Kleia returned, last evening from a short trip north, and will mve for his Lome at the railroad lonight. Vi'm. Stevenson one of the proprie tors and Dan Stevens Superintendent of the Southern Pacific stage liae ar rived last evening. ATe understand that there is some I probability of Tom Rogers going i .. latter Ji irn C' who is now in So- nora and who, when he left Phoenix took property not his own. In front (.f Smith's "restaurant, b t i.flf rrrct.-hcj hif.nfn in tr on ei we to-tlav noticed three turker. three chickens and a dozen cm whi( h will be served np for to-morrow"s dinner at 12 o'clock, at his p'p 'lur restaurant. Meals 25 cents. Oppo site Tl omson it Thibodo'sdrug store. At the annual meeting of the Gen eral Lee Silver iiininir Co. held in San Francisco last Monday the old Board of Directors wtre reelected, namely: A. Clia'iot. W. Dsitton, Q. A. Chase, C. E. Gilletl and J. A. Lyttle. Subseq'iently the Board met mid elected A. Chahot President, V. Dutton. Y;;-c-Fre?i.lcnt, Bank of Cnliforaia, Treasurer and C. E. Gil- i k!t, Secretary. From Monday's Daily. Win. B. Hellings has returned from San Francisco. The Grand Jury will likely make its report Wednesday. Wrliiam Birch from Green Valley, Tcnto Bitin, is in loin. X- Rorcn!h.:l has issued a comic advertiser. Cull at his store, opposite the express office, aod get one. To-day the wind blows and dust fills the'air miking it unpleasant for all obliged to be on the streets. Owing to the continued warm weather and demand tor ice. the factory has again started up. The IIeuald's dispatch from i -kcnl.urg si?.te that the stage to arrive this evening couti.ins- no pas sengers. Hereafter the Town Trustees will make a nominal charge to all people who u-e town water" tor irrigating I urpoiC3. Six prospectors arrived in town to day, but from what district we (lid not learn, though probably from Tonto Basin. The address of Hon. John J. Gos per, Secretary of the Territory is, for two weeks, Palmer House, Chicago, anil then for the same length of time Aurora, 111. The dinner at the United States Restaurant yefterday was a master piece of tbe culiniiry art. Sam, the boss of the kitehen, wiil continue to abide in his present place. Any person hsving about 5,500 pounds of Larky, who wishes to riis- ,.An rt iT.ii cm,i,i. t-il.-lT-xr Ta r 111 j f,jml,cr :lml hr lafancein ca.-b, "can hear of a purchaser at this olfice. Major Hooper will shortly secure n small tract of land five or tea acres and expen.cent with sugar cane, lie will plate the land under the care of a competent person, and bring his cuttings frcm the Sandwich I: lands. He feels confident o ' its successful raisins here, and would like to see ail our farmers devote a little time and labor to the purpose. John T. Bostwick, cf Tiptop, has been in town the last few days, and informs us that times ere as lively as ever in hat camp. Two gangs of men are at work on the Territorial road and appearances indicate that a rood road with easy grade will be j constructed. After the first of the coming month the mill a. Giilett will he says, be shut dcrn n for six weeks, On the 1st the contract with Sim mons, the quartz hauler, expires, ar.d hereafter the ore will be carried from mine to mill in wirors. During the stonnasre of the mill all the energies of Messrs. Webber and Brown wiil he devoted to sinking the new shaft and other work of development. The mine will be so opened that double the number now employed can be worked, and the mill when restarted, will run Ci hoard instead of 12 as at present. From Tuesday's Daily Herald. Bcu Wehrfritz, formerly brewer for Gustav Bccher ot the V. S. Brew err, has sine into the manufacture of beer at Tombstone Wm. Griffith and D.iu Steveus of the Southern Pacific Stage line left, via Black Canyon, Sunday morn'ng, for the northern country Mr. Helm, son of the Superintend ent of the Tiger mine, arrived from San Francisco this morning, and left on the Black Canyon stage. Old Kentucky Log Cabin whisky remains the favorite brand used in this Territory. Jno. R. Dall &. Co., are the r.ele agents. The following passengers arrived by Black Canyon stage yesterday morning: Robert Piummcridge, Ben Stern, Albert Wi!zen3ki' Mark Ezc kiels and Jolin LeParm. A. D. Lercon. district Attorney and Mr. McCabe have formed a co-part nership for the practice of law. The la-1 named gentleman will soon be joined by h:3 family and perma nently locate here. From Wednesday's Daily. M. L. Peralta returned home last evening. II. Ellis has returned from his Cal ifornia trip. Bread is the stafF of life, so is ad vertising the ttntf of business. Blessed arc those who do not adver. tise, for they shall rarely be troubled with a customer. You can't eat enough in a week to last yon a year, and you cau't adver tise bp. that plan either.'jss can go on without adver ti:-ing, ?o can a wagon go without greasing, but it is hard work. Mrs. Wuatworth, returned yester day from a visit to Picket Post, ac companied l.y Mrs. Whctlow. E. Ganz purchased the other even ing ot" a Mexican, a young deer caught in the neighborhood. He will raise it ns a pet. Wm. Berry, vetinary surgeori ad vertises in this issue. Ave rectmi. mend him to all persons needing his services. Mr. Strikes from Big Bug and Josio llarcourt from Giilett arrived on the Black Canon stage this morn ing. Superintendent Cushenbury and J E. Durkee arrived from Seymour yesterday afternoon bringing with them three bais of bullion valued at about 8,100. It is reported that the mine is looking as well as ever. There will be a meeting at the church on Center street next Sunday at ten o'ele k a. m. for the purpose of organizing a Sunday Sc hool. All are invited to attend; also services at same place at 7 o'clock, P. M. From Thursday's Daiiy j The Grand Jury have not reported vet. A first-class milinery store open in this city in a few days. will James Copely atid E. A. Pray were t'-'c only passengers leaving by this morning's stage. Major Hooper left t Is I morning for San Frincisco- . Mr. D.iil accom" pauies him as far as Maricopa. Dr. R. F. Ernst, Government sur geon to the Pima Indians, favored the Herald office with a call to-day The HeRALD'a b'lclt file has done service in court twice now, and in dication point to its third appear ance, in a few days. Colonel Kales has got a new hat direct trom San Francisco and the very latest, style. He never that is hardly ever wears any but the very latest out. Xothing is so nice as take vour love out riding these exquisite moon light nights, and Hamlin's livery stable is just the best place in' the world to get a fine turnout. L. Ardold, a dentist, well known to sli wir elilz-rjs (urmi-rlv re ! t-ide l in San Diego, lias arrive! -in ! ow"- an(l to open au offlee and lc.nain a few weeks. To-morrow evening there will be a social dance at Woolsey and Went worlh's Hall. All lovers of the Terp siehorean art are most cordially In vited to attend. Ticket, $1 ; no re freshments. Clark & Adams authorize us to drop the name of George E. Loring, from their advertisement, ns their agent id Plirvnix. This, we believe, leaves this lumber firm without nn agent here, but business tranmctcd with the house in Prescott, will re ceive the promptest attention. Rosfnt' has just received 20,000 Old Judirc and Vanity Fair cigar rettes and 40,000 cigars. As "his store is small and stock large, he w ill sell them at San Francisco prices to make room. Everybody knows where hi place of business is because he advertises. Patronize him. ARIZONA ITEMS. fer TELEGRAPH, j TuMon. ' Tucsox, October 30. Tho Tomb stone Mining Company have a total length of shafting in it mines of 519 feet, of cuts run 445 feet, aud of lev els and drifts 1008. A report has just been rcceiv d here of the fining of a mining towu in the Papago country, southwest of Tucson, not heretofore kuown to the whites. It created much talk, and it is thought that rich mines are there. This morning J. D. Kinnear started his daily stage to Tombstone, which wiil leave hereafter every morning at seven o'elock, and arrive at and leave Tombstone same time as now. This is gratifying and shows the great increase of travel between our city aud the livlicst miuing camp in Arizona. Colonel Stewart, the veteran stage manager passed though Tucson yes t !r."a .- n o n nz for Ton.b tone. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterdays in the Recorder's of the Promptor Gold and Silver Mining company with ?5,0:100,000 capital stock and the following Directors: Alpheus Lewis, President C. A, Pragc Sccretay, Robert A. Lewis. Also the Rumby Gold & Silver Mining Co. with $5,000,000 capital stock and the following directors: Alpheus Lewis, President, T. M. Cunningham and ! Robert A- Lewis, Secretary. These mines are iccalwl ia Tombstone d!s ! trict. Prescott. Pkescott. October 30. Consider able mining in this section and there is some talk of putting up a ten stamp custom mill. Tiiornc end others of the Silver Brit mice, have a large force of men at work, developing their property. Messrs. Kaible fc Hatz, who have es'ensions on the Silver Belt are en raged in sinking a shaft on the same Teey are down 30 feet and will go 50 feet further. Ore in tho be.-t claims assays way up. Goldwater's new building is rap idly approaching completion and will be occupied in a few weeks. Another Montezuma street saloon was closed by the SheritT last night. Joe Drew one of the Bradshaw Road ' Commissioners, arrived from the Tip-Top last night. Ho reports t'.iat they hayo 40 men at work on the road- "Wages ?10 per month and board. The Board of Supervisors have the county prisoners at work on the plaza, digging a large well. General Wilcox has consented to allow the post band to play on the Plaza once a week, if the citizens will have erected a suitable band stand. Mrs. Judge Rush returned to Pres cott this morning, alter several months visit in San Francisco. non. Clark Churchill leaves to-daj-for San Francisco, to be absent about one month. Prescott, October 9. The Lc reco mine, situated in the Bradshaw district has just been bonded by Bowen. Knowles & Co. r"""rttfTRrit-'l-uij-''""vfwmrwm rEW ADYERTISEMEXTS. Wm, E VETERINARY erry, SURGEON. Corner cf Adams and Moctxzuma pts, I nn'lorPtand all th dlpsases tba, tu horre ie heir Ui and wili treat them to the cat ibfaciionoi their owner. XFW FHlEXIX IUKEIU. Washington stccct r-pp. Court House, Twelve loaves or Itread or 12 liread Tickets, St. IMcs and c;ik.'S uhvara on band.- Itjc lrcad mad to orijer.- oct Id Tombstone Cosmopolitan Hotel C, HILICKE, rr"prictor. bare oncned thf shove new First. Clasn TTo- u-i mm am prepared to npromniodate trav with board and cohilorlable sleeping istrancrs and travelers supplied with jie .lift UL nil uonrH. This Hotel will be fonnd to be the BEST in the EV1 AREHET. V. TRUfyiPER, Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler, roatc7.tirra Street, Opposite Drug Store Watches Repaired Kavinsr hart Xeveotrcn YrarH pxpeiinco: in this bLisinet, I am pre pared to do all kinds of work entrusted to me. CALIFORNIA BAKER"?. Washington street opposite Kelly's meat Market. Best Flour, Sweetest Bread. Twelve Loaves for One Dollar. JCVK BREAD, tntllAM BK AO, TIES A CAKES, uUt.ivs on band, fT&Jlot biscuits every morning. S3 PHOiiXIX HERALD. DAILY AND WEEKLY HE RALD The Leading Paper of Southern Arizona "Will devote its columns to furthering the interests Of Phoenix and Maricopa county and the southern portion f Arizoua, It is tho intention of the pub lishers to make the HERALD a newspaper of the day, complete in all its details, and in every department FTLL ASD RELIABLE. The Editorial columns will. discuss all live topics of the day, and its local columns will contain a complete resume of all lo cal happenings, and all matters of home interest. TERRITORIAL TELEGRAMS. The HERALD will con tain the latest news occur ring in the towns and cities of Arizona. TERMS. lc -opy, oneear - J One copy, sis months, - 2 50 Delivered to any part of town, 50 cents per Month. HERALD JOB Office. ramphlrtn. Receipt Booms, BH1 Letter Heads, Legal Blanlin, Ball Tickets. All Kinds of Work for Ca nal Companies. Fixer". Programmes-, Circular, lVediHoc Cards, Business Cards, im in Labels, etc, MIS C ELLAS ECUS The Tiger! TOM BROWS, rrop (Old Stand next to Salart'a restaurant,) TTarlnir pnrctiased the - interest of Mr Daniel. I am prepared as everioaolt my pa Irons with the best of WJXES. HO.IORS A riCABU A fin billiard table fortbe use of patrons Call and see'me aud you will be treated fell. odd Jesse Jackson, (l.ute of Prescott) 1 have tessed the qnarters lonn.rly ocrrj. Elcd by Smith & Slroude, for one year, and ave opened a FIRST CLASS MA LOOS, Ivijere none bnt the best liquors and Cigars will be given to pairona. Remember tUe place, THB CAPITOL BtriLDtSS. MISS KATIE HAYWOOD'S Saloon, Keit to the Bank Exchange- FINE WINES, LIQUOHS AND CIGARS. 1 would be plead to soe all my old riend and oilier at my new saioon. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. C. H. Kelly, Shop Slootemma nret. two doors north of Magnolia saloon, I am prepared to do all kinds of SIGX PAISTIXO, nOl'SE PAISTI3SS, PAPER HAXUIXO. In the fluost style of the art, eld, S. P. R. It. OF ARIZONA. Commencing Monday, May 19th, 1879, Trains will leave Mari eopa as follows . p rr A. M. DAILY Passenger J JtJV jTruiu Westward for Yuma and l.os Aticcles and San Francisco. conneetiBif at I-nthrop with Atlantic Express train for Stockton. rHicramento. Oeden and Omaha. Sleninc car attached from Yuma, A. T., to Oakland. Cal. i P- M. DAILY PassenecT y JO Train eastward for Caea Grande, councctini? v itn stages for Tucson. T. U. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent, A- .'Towne, Gen. hupt. J. !. Castenada, -DEALER IS GROCERIES, WIXE9, PROVISIONS LIQVORS, HARDWARE, CIGARS, CROCKERY' ETC. EvrrvtMng Kresh and first-class, and as cheap as can be bought in any store in tfca city. Washington street opp. plaza. ocld CARPENTER AND BUILDER, BILLY MORRIS, w'Cfington street above Gardiner's. All kinds of jobbing work done with promptness, aud in a workmanlike man ner. FIKMTI HE AXD DESKS A Specially. ' Will build anything from a fence to a Cap itol building. John H. Burger. BLACKS M I T II AND WAGON MAKER. ShopOne block wcet of Herald OMre. Particular attention paidTto horse shoeing: Non; but the beat of Workmen employed dj rue. ARCADE BREWERY SALOON. riotcE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS We are now makinir our own malt and have reduced the iricc of beer. We will sell A l ive Gallon Ke for S3 OO. One Doien Bottled Beer. SO. S A LOOMS AXD FAMILIES En pliod at the shortest notice, itrewere supplied with MALT of a Superior quality In quantiti a to fult. We have for tsale FINE, TITHE MALT VINEGAR In.."" solicit liberal patri "HCKE, Jos x ... we eoiiclta liberal patronage. Jos. TITAt fTFIM FH GOLDM o CO o CO o o a CO to SMBl 4 V & CO. hi-" ja "v 1 A I,,, OT (WaJ f? '"'Mr'j MiscixLAxrors. Livery, Feed h Sale Stable ! CEO HAMLIN. "Washington street ailjo'.nias Ilienis Hotel. BEST OF HORSES AND M3ST ELEGANT TURNOUTS. G00DWELL FORCE PIMP AX3 HOSE LarGc Corral to turn lacsa stock in. Hay anl drain alwar oa hand and fur sale. t3IIon(s boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Satis faction gu.iraiitecd. H. Morgan & Go rilOEXIX, A. T. DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Wholesale and Retail. have oa aaaii 400,000 pounds Indian Wheat, m A55D-... 200,000 pounds Clean Barley, For sale at the lowest cash price. S. Jackson, Hnving purchased the entire stock. ilerchandise From Mr. Satnter, I sliall LereXUc Loep full assortment ef GOODS, aud w ill ecII the same to to pbH FOR CASH, at a liviug price, suoli as t &fj a2 cotupetitiou. Simon Jackson, WATER RIGHTS FOR SALE. Fxrsons desirous of puxtrhajiiii- tbiki. the Salt River Valley Canal Company. ..OB TBI HARICOIA CAXALCOJtrASlY "n d o on !." ntoi trf apft inir to th tiMdrisiifi at ia U towu of riurmaL. T Altat. 1-30 if E. T- Lowell. CARPENTER & PLASTERER All work in the above ln proa.jJtjr atteud'-il t'. MHntczama street, t.ppoaite tVe 44 Id e 111 . W. A. Rowc 6l Co WUKLESIII AND RCTAUL PtUlU Ul General Merchandise. The attention of buyers and consumers are call ed to our two fine stores at the VULTURE AND TIP-TOP MINES. Ever-thing needed by Miners and Prospectors. $1 1 nnrl Piiniri- urn dim minium surrxiES, a specialty. f" I JrprietTjr.- V. A. ROWE . CO.