Newspaper Page Text
The Nil ?3 EKALB. VOL. G. No. 7. WHOLE Xo. 411. PLICEXLX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1880. NEW SERIES 7" REPUBLICANS ATTEND! The Republican Club of Phoenix meets EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock, at their (Headquarters. Let every member attend. I)r. SIIEKTS. Pres. C. E. McCLIXTOCK. Sec. LOCAL LINES. BILL BLANK. Shipping tasrs at the IIehai.d oflice. Go to the Arcade Brcwerv for vonr f H Ice Cold Beer. California Potatoes, Onions and Star Cheese at Geo. F. Coats'. TELEGRAPHIC Associated Press Dis patches to '-Herald." iPER -WKSTEttX UNION LINK. J Latest Mining Stock Quotations. Sacramento, Sept. 2:5. It is esti mnted that 10,000 people attended fair to-day. Most of the day was the review cf stock by the President and party. This took place and the Persilent expressed himself highly pleased with the fine display of stock. San Fkaxcisco, Sept. 23. The London & San Francisco Bank will reduce its capital from six hundred thousand to four hundred and twenty thousand pounds sterling. Cannot find employment for the money is the cause. According to the EuUeiin the yield cf precious metals on the Pacific Coast for August was $1,773,000. Chicago, Sept. 23 The Times says that the old parties in Indiana are seriously troubled ever the Green back vote.' It is supposed that it will not be less than 4,000, but whetber Porter or Landras will suffer most by it can only be told when the columns are footed on the 12th of Oct. Democrats have just discovered that there are 3,000 voting Cainpbellites in this State, and they are afraid that Garfield's connection with that sect will prove of benefit to him in his politcal sense. STOCKS. ... San Fuancisco, Sept 23. The fol lowing are the prices of the principal j JV.ks to-layr ! Js cvauaTTl. Union, ?2V Utah, $10'- N Belle, $12. Silver King, Mexican, $12. Tip-Top, $5. Bodic, $5)4. ?.Iono,$llJ. . Opuir, 9K- Caiifornia, $22. Virginia, 4. Yellow Jacket, $ i. Uksnison, Sept. 23. The Cheyeu nes in the Indian Territory arc mani festing great discontent and are be coming disorderly. A few days ago a band of about three hundred with war piint and well mounted visited the agency, near Fort Reno. They were very demonstrative and threat ened to slap tbe agent in the face. Another party is reported to have gone through Commissary Stoves at Wichita agency recently. Cause of tbe trouble is said to be insuffi cient food. ?evblr3 Post, Mass., Sept, 23. The members of the expedition head ed by Lieutenant Fred. Schwatka, which sailed from Xcw York, June 1st.. 1S78, for Bafflns Bay and King Williams Laud, for the purpose of i seeking further data upon the fate of Sir John Franklin, have arrived here. Although special objects of search, recovery of records of Franklin ex pedition which according to Esqui maux testimony, are known to exist at specified points, have not been at tained. Explorers have, nevertheless, obtained mjny "relics of Franklin's party, including remains of Lieuten ant Irving. They have also carried Wedding ami visit mg cards printed in superb style at the IIebai-o Job Office. If you want envelopes with your business eard on call at the Heiiald oilic. California Fruit, received fresh three times per week, at Geo. F. fonts' --x California fresh Ko!I Butter three times per week, by express, at Geo. F. Coats'. Luke & Thalheimer, of the Arcade Brewery, keep the coolest Lager Beer iu town. Try them. 1 A brush shed in the outhcrn part of the city was destroyed by tire yes terday. Contractor Cushinan left yesterday fcr Fort McDowell, which wost he is supplying with grain. The plaza well is to be cleaned and a pump ad Jed. The money was raised by subscript ion. Mr. Meyer.the Presbyterian minis ter, will arrive home in time to preach the first Sunday in October. The Quartermaster has given notice that on the 25 inst., he will sell at auction, to the highest bidder, fifcen horses and four mules. Again Comes to the Surface. But Very Much Subduod In Spirit. And Reports bu. Litt.e News in the Capital. A. Alexander, of'Aaron .t Alexan der, of the Tiger mine, was in the city a few days ago on his road to Pinal where the3r have just started a tstorp. Henry Buck, tho head of the K. of P. organization in the Territory, has arrived from Prescott to assist the new lodge of that order iu this cilv to get to work. Hon. John J. Gosper, acting gover nor of the Territory, left for Prescott this morning, after a day's stay iu the garden city ol Arizona. Dr. Thomas Robinson, of the Trea sury Department, arrived from Pres cott yesterday morning, and left f i the national capital by way of Tuc son anil New Mexico. Mr. Meyer, of the mining dis tricts south of Gila Bend, is iu the city. He is interested in some valua ble mining property in that district, and formerly owned the Ajo Copper. Mr. Bovard, of Los Angeles, was in the city yesterday. He is a minis ter of the Methedist denomination, and left with Rev. G. II. Adams this morning for his new field the Verde. Judge Tweed will address the Re publican Club to-morrow (Saturday) night. Let nil lovers of gooi govern ment (Republicans) turn out in full force and all our Democratic breth ren who want to tavor common fence and truth are respectfully invited. I A word to my friends. When you j hesitate, and think, well I will send for that hy-aml-by, or I 11 go and see it when I go to the city, but send for it immediately. Address your letters Uncle Harris, 221 or 702 Kearny Street, San Francisco. A petition nnmcrriiislv signed is I beinir circulated, asking that :i daily I mail be established between tlietown ! nf Seymour and the Vulture mine, a distance cf about twelve miles. The ! petition should be granted as it would accommodate a town of seve ral hundred people. I have received a great many let ters to describe the exact location of my branch establishment. Well, you know Kearny Street, between Bush and Sutter, on the west side, Xo. 221, you will see the name painted in gold letters on the windows "Us cr.K Hatikis." .Now, remember, you come direct to either of my stores, where you will be treated fairly and honestly. Uncle Harris, established 1851. " ll;CI.AP. MEitALD COKl'.ESI-OXrfEST.J Pkescott, A. T., Sept. 22, 18S0. . In the appropriate pigeon-hole, under the head of "Unlinished Busi ness," I found a memorandum of items headed "Apologize." ,It was a bit of a reminder put there for me to take up on aceounl of what I said concerning the tergiversations of my medical friend in former letters. My remarks and statements were not re ceived iu this commuuity as they came back iu the Heuai.d, at a!!, in the spirit in which I sent the Lat inos forth. My kind inteutioas to amuse the public by dishing on the Herald table, an occasional repast gathered from the town talk of this metropolis, unnoticed by the local paper Uariield't ICnreer. The career of General Garlield is thus briefly staled : At 14 at work at a carpenter's bench . At 10 driving a canal boat. At IS student at Chester Academy Ohio. At 21 teaching iu public school, Ohio. At 23 entered Williams college. At 20 graduated with honors of his class. At 27 tutor in Hiram college. At 28 principal of Hiram college. At 20 youngest member of the Ohio Senate. At 8! Colonel in the J-'ud Ohio Regiment. .Ct 31 Commander of Brigade; whipped the Rebs under Humphrey Marshal ; helped JSucll at Pittsburg Landing; seiire of Corinth, etc. At 32 Chief of Staff of the Army of the Cumberland. At 33 in Congress of the United States, a3 successor of Joshua R. Giddings. At 48 elected United States Sen ator, having been in Congress 15 j-ears. -At 43 Republican candidate for the Presidency. At 50 will be President of the United States. MISCELLANEOUS- DAILY PHOENIX HERALD (lOSI'EU & McCLINTOCK, Publishers and Proprietors. Published every evouing except .Sunday MISCELLANEOUS- GOLD & SON. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. IA1LV. 1 yr., 510; 6 mos.. $5; per week, 25 WKEKLY. 1 Yr., $5: 6 MuS. $2 50; 3 Mos , SI 50. Advertising Rates m't'lo known on appli cation. C. W. CRANE, grnt.Hau Erancisco. Cal. Mr., J. H. Bat r,i, Newspaper Artverttslu Agent. -11 Park Row. Time: 1'iukliu) New York, is authorize d to contract !'or adver- ) tisementd in tbe Pjj-jtiii H:-:::a:.ij. I -DEALERS IS- FREIGHT ARRIVALS. Arrivals by Railroad Last Night at Maricopa. No report received to-day. ; Han IHrso Kail road Proxpectij. were entirely misconstrued. and what I thought were delicate illusions to tender topics, were call ed slanders, lies, and other hard names. The resident proprietor of a large interest in the He:iald wajs threatened with dire deinnltion. Several subscribers said, "stop my paper." THE SCALP OF BILL BLANK Was vociferously demanded, and the writer was astonished at the hubbub he had unintentionally raised. My very carefulness to avoid any parti cularization of persons was charac terized as sneaking, back-buing,eow-ardly, anonymous detraction. I solemnly aver that I hid no further point in view than to give you a dis interested party at a distance, such dissolving views of our daily street sights, rumors and fancies, as might, even by the victims, or the suspected objects referred to, be a subject of fun. even though the mirth might be momentarily paintul. So have I waited until the tierce blast has sub sided to enter my protest against such tortuous construction of my motives, and simply say that I did not go for to do it. liesolced: Not to be so caught in any underhanded work again. I spoke of the uncle of "my nephew Charlie" by name boldly, as practic ing those litttle strategems which are universally conceded to be fair in love, war, and poliiics, and behold THE AXC'IKNT JUDGE WAXES WKOT1I AND BOILS OVElt, And then sensibly subsides again and lets the lx s lau-.'h at him, and ! sets anew trap while the jolly echoes still resound. So I cry "peceavi," an f repent me and study up new methods of ap proach .n 1 retreat, ar.d am writing a treatise e ititled "Scalping Made Painless,' of which I shall send the Herald an adv n e copy. So little h :3 occurred recently that is not hashed up by th'.i lo::al report ers, that I am really melancholy in new of the necessity of writing to you. The boss of the Dmnocroi is gone. He lit out out on Monday morning's stage. He will not return hither until alter the National election. Mr. Hamilton took possession of the editorial chair and wi-1 run the paper for the present. Tho change is a good one for the subscribers, for Tucker is old, gouty and grouty, and no good collector of local items which are the life of a daily paper, while Hamilton is untiring and warming into life AD! is Fa a E 33 PROFESSIONAL. J E Wharton. M l. R. L. r.osjos, M O. U, S. Exnm'ing Siir-'ooti. Latu L S. Army WI1.1RTOS & nOsST PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Calls Promptly attended to. VAWr presontod monthly. Office K:iPt side of Plaza, 2 doors north of Win. 15. HooiKT & Co. GENERAL MERC MANDJSE. Tbe highest price paid tor COUNTRY PRODUCE, HIDES. WOOL, ETC. II- GOLDBERG & SON. J.Vxt door to Bank Exohanse Hotel. ifKSf MISCELLANEOUS. BANK EXCHAN'GS H3TEL, HaUIl street rM-U t riua. rh Cincinnati. Sept. 22. Maud S., now acknowledged queen of the lurf will reach home at Chester Park to-morrow, where she will re main until the return of Mr. Yan dcbilt, he having cabled Capt. Stein to withdraw her from the lurf. Omaha, Sept. 22 Silas W. Wait, former President of the First Na tional Bank of Brattleboro, Vt., who absconded last June leaving a defi ciency of half a million dollars in his accounts, was arrested here. San Francisco, Sept. 22. Last evening Jessie Grant was married to Miss Lizzie, daughter of W. S. Chap man, at the Palace Hotel. The affair was very quiet, and few friends be ing present. Mining troubles, in Ohio, will pre vent Governor from participating in the campaign. Fifteen thousand people were pre sent at President Hayes' reception in Sacramento, yesterday. Grant has written to Gov. Jewell stating that it will be impossible for him to preside at any political meet ing. The Greenbackers of Massachusetts have nominated H. B. Sargent for governor. The hoisting wo:ks at Nevada City were burned. Five hundred members of the army of Cumberland were present at the man and General Garfield also were present. Memphis is jubilating of her con tinued good health- Sai Fuancisco, Sept. 22 --D?nis Kearney this afternoon sent dispatch to Solon Chase and other straight Greenback electors of Maine urging a straight fight and no fusion nil'i Blaine. PHYSICIAN, Specialty: Obstetrics and Dis eases of" Women. Ofltrc and Koaiai'i.c. Washington St.. of the Giu-tinor lions'?. r;ttifin cp.n tic aeeommortatod with banni find to'linnir. Jjg'-t.'alU ai:svrcd at all hours. a. c. stArir:::. Attorney at 1 a w. I; vine's Kui'tlin Koo:ns, 1 aud 2, rhoenir, Arizona, O. II. PHYSICIAN C SURGEON, Tally promptly attended to, 03"ce Three doors cant of Court IIoupc. ISI hll ct H KLI. .tttornej s-at-1. aw. rrtEScoTT, - arizoxa uo Courts of the Ter nlT The Plaza Stabis Having at all times the BEST OF FEED Accommodations for Horses, Of any in Northern Arizona. The under pinned denirt'? lo thank his customers for t'.iir former patronage. aul requests a con tiimancc, ne wdl as to invite all others to give him a call. J. T. SI1ULL, Eaat side Plaza, Prescott, A. T, mil J. SGOTT. Will practice iu all ritorv. A ttorney-al - s;.v, IrviuL'e Bnil.n liiior.i PlKtenix. A. T. f::.ik -c. Attorney at ! a w. Office next door Uy Co-.irt Hoine. All kinds of Masonry, Brick or Adobe, executed on short notice, and in a satisfactory nvinner. E3F Orders left at the Herald Office will be promptly attended to I E. GANZ This new hotel f no cf-.-a '. t '.' aceomuiodatioa f ih f public. The rooms are eT! rv'.r ,-,-v! u handsomely furnuh.-! ia su -i . single. S'ljv-ior mve:':.-M for fumtlir. The-n n' t w ctor will be tho ccui.vrt iai of his guest. Ream KeerTa kjr Tvtosrar Billiard Tabla and Car Connected iih th IT. -a Only the Finest Liqujrs & C:i.-t The principal Esera. r r.-n j Arizona papers kes a Sic. A share of the nubiie pir, - solicited. II. 3-:. f'ATIIU K, Civil F. n ; i n p e r i C u::tr Survr-yor for .Maricopa County and lcpuiy t. l moral MUTeyor 1-ir Aiizoii Assaytr of IVt-gioiiH MrtaW. Ofpice Wiih V.. A. Hancock 1'liwni. A. T. on Lung ! P li y s i c i a n a r. l Surseon. i of 'i-.u:a. Cul.) Onir' on Washington t:ret-i, two doors from Montir::mr.a. Chinese Goods of All Kinds. Dl'X SJNG TONG having nnn-hased the iuterest of WONG si SUN. 1:i the torf on Adams Street. e:ist of Monts Kinnn. v. ill collect all bills due the establishment. an Si Min will settle UU own persoaal Grand Clearance Sale, Grand Clearance Sale, accounts. Phcenix. A. T . August 1P?0. 1m. PliOliATK .liMHi K. A. Attorn- .''VFJUIV iCSt'K. L.OHi'H 1.ATKST. Tbe . Jk. It. Keil BoJc--Is Vs lne -is a Text-liooli f.r I'oliti-;;l Jtt'fcrnire and its KxceeUius Ueauty as a Work or Tyjosra piiieal Art. The Haltirnore & Ohio, since Lord assumed sway of the Passenger De partment, has most emphatically come to the front in taking, and at j lite saaie time elegant, advertising mutter. Recoirnizins tbe elevation p. S;:- inv'u'd i.u . J. 15 CP .ON A iX'D;;i: Xo.i"F.iA.5! :i:ed no'lf.inu'-s on the third ith at i-n; frater:'a:ly ilav of i 1 n i n -j b: -.end. : w.r.n s.- e'.Lreil are .1. T. ALS.r. -V. M. i. o. t:. .ti. T-AR1COPA 1 RIB''. M. 1. of ARIZO a'jL na, roved O. it. M., m.-ets every Thursday eveuiii" at 7 o'clock at tho Wis; wam. Steinak.;r'a ur.ildiiia. Traveling brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. C., bacllem. Neiii OsBolts, C. of ii. A'tI20A CIIAl'TElt, S O. 1, It:- A:- 3S:- ST.vTr.n i'osvorATioss ox on second and tomtit Mondays cf each m..i:tlt, at 7::S0 r. m., at iti-.sonie ii.i!!. o journiitir eoini;inions :n lmI taudiiii; are cordially invited. )v otder cf 11. W. KALES. II f. J. B.CaaxEB. Sec. ap5 of taste in matters of an THK LATENT FORCE OF AN ITEM. His control of the only Democratic j character, and the demand as paper of the couuty is not entirely t for something of more value Another boom, in San Diego real estate is threatened An Othcial of the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Kailroad states that an arrangement has been entered into bv which ?230,0O0 Is lo be expended by his Company, between the present time and January 1st, next, in building a road eastward from San Diego. Ac cording to the same authority, the embryo metropolis is to be made Si Luke-warmaeaa iu Thm. lit. ti-..--t.t-ri luniiiiinu I lin l0.1ii... out to better instructions of project, j TopeU., an(1. ailnUi Fe broad'gauge ors of expedition to make it geogra- j road. It will at first taks a uorth ;hically successful. j easterly direction, striking near Col- i ton. on the Southern Pacific, but, unlike the last named road, will not nrake its wav into Arizona tiirous;!i 1 the San Gorironio Pass. The precise Fditor Herald: Tho Expositor ; point of entrance into the Territory i-f hereby informed that my contem- j is not yet made public, but is said plated withdrawal from the Legisla- j to be de.erminc'li upon. Beyond the tivc ticket was not from fear of de- ! western boundary line of Arizona, feat, far from it, for I am assured of I the road will be constructed on the a large Democratic, vote to fully 35th parallel, and will connect with assure ray Jetection. I prefer not to J the branch from tiuaymas. Mexico, run on account of the great loss it J now under course of construction, will he to mc and my business, which ! -it San Diego, the Atchison, Topeka I have no arranged, and I nu now j and Santa Fe company will have reixly to- serve the people of this i the use of about 1,200 acre, donated county and the Territory. Therefore , for railroad purposes last year. Iu let all my triends throughout the addition, the energetic citizens have tountp work with renewed vigor for j raised $?0.000 for the purchase of my success and for the -vhole ticket, ; necessary rights of way. If the stud you will be assured of honest ! Com; nv is to act nn to its airree- AttgiMiuuon an'i amninisiraii'jn tn our county atl'airs, which heretofore have been so- stidly aiid wantonly neglected'. Xouro Ui;y, (j. A . Lu !i E. llhncuix, Sept. 24th, ltO. ment, work will soon have to begun. San Francisco Call. be Mr. A. W. Whitney, a member of the American Mining Exchange, has failed, and rumor fays that he has taken the popular advice gone West. Much sympathy is expressed for him. The only cause of his failure K that he wis n "bull" when he should have been a "bear." Of course, when a man fail on "so sit:riit a mistake, there is some To those Wc are more than pleased to see hcit our Republican friends of Mari copa county have placed the name of Hon C. A. Luke upon their Iegis 1 1 tiio ticket. Mr. L. is an old citi-Z'-n of the Territory, thoroughly identified with its every move of : foundation, for svmnathv progress, is active m all things, wise j who have been identified with the iu hts decisions, and will make a j mining t-lix-k market since the or first class legislator. Our Maricopa ganian'on of the Xew York Mining brethren cannot do Ic-s than elect Slock Kxchange, the accounts of Mr. him. if not then they will be going; Whitney's failure and the expressions against the best Interests of their j of his friends must appear iike the county and the whole Territory. ; rcproductioT of an old paragraph. ve. kdow wuereoi we spcaK. iner. w lntney tailed a few years pleasing to the nominees nu the Democratic ticket. They were the very men who choused him out of the nomination for Sheriiial the late Convention, and they cannot expect him to urge their individual claims with the same earnestness U;at Tucker might have done. Evident ly Pat is too high toned an Irishman to allow those who deceived him the pleasure of detesting any exultation in his treatment of his deceitful enemies, who must now beg of hiui those favors which an editor can so readily dispense. And perhaps he cannot realize that it is like eating crow for them to have lo cringe be fore him. Praps not betehyer life. Last week the Glee Club at the Republican headquarters sanir some songs which had the name of God iri the verses several times, aud some of our free-thinkers, atheists and unbe lievers made a great stir over it ; said the Club was turning into a pslam siiiging, Bible class, etc. However, the Glee C'iub still continues t-j be a big feu'.ure of the campaign, and II ELI'S KEEP I P A.t INTBIlKST Iii the weekly meetings which they would not otherwise possess. An adjourned term of our District Court commences oa Monday next. eriisin-r well than lue mere setting iortu 01 uie ad vantages of the road, the li. it O. has .just issued whul it terms the "Red Book." It is beyond all com parison the cleverest thing of the kind ever issued by a railroad com pany, aud not only this, but as a specimen of typographical art it is s perfect gem. The cover, designed aud engraved by the American Bank Note Company, and the book itself, from the press 01 Knight & Leonard, of this city, very many per3cus will keep it for its beauty alone. But while the artistic has be-n the aim in the external appearance, the con tents of the little work wiil be found of the utmost, value from now until the close of the present political struggle Without pretensions, and simply setting forth facts, the H. ct O. I ted Book is ihe handiest anil most compact political text-book of the campaign. Compiled results reached and arranged by an old journalist of many years' experience in political statistics, ihe status are so placed, and the detail so carefully attcuded to, that at a glance one comprehends the situation in each State. First, the vote of each party for President in 187.5 is given, with the total vote of the ctatc, the niaj ;r isy and the electoral vote. iNext come the details ot the last election .CPS PRIVATE DiSkASriS A SPiCIALrY Call or Atdf.ess II. J. EPER, il. D. KO. II KZARST SIP-BET. &AX FltASriSSO. CAfc. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. PHCSFJSX T Gr A JltlL 15 IlX j South v est C :in r of Dnza. THE rNDERSIflNKD. HAVING COM VU't'Jfl M- -." v (.iallery. in ia.w pre I'uietl to execute hi! work in his line iu the be t s(ylc ai'd ::t reasnable rates. A comtdete nsortmoiiT of AlilZONA SCE"S IZY always on hand. A full line of Picture Frames nnd Monld C'hrumos. Stereoscoiies uaid Albums on hand. PicL-r's-s framed to order. ti. H. KOTHKOCK. M ROSENTHAL Washington St, Coraer Xc PhceuLx, Ar;'. a4- 0 cx 3 o c o o a c a "3 u - - o 5; o 0 .3 5 , c s o . 5 v a flew Departure ! Havi very 11103 Washington fctreut opposite Kelly's m iliirket. Svveetsst Bread. Best FSour Twelve Loaves for Gne Crackers cl ail Descriptions ( ca Hand. RVE BEF.AB, till Dollar. onscanfly VHA31 BKi'.AIV PIES S: CAIiES, always on band, "IIol biscuits every ntorTiinjr. just received a susortmeut of TAKER WARE, Consisting of BtlKIAL CASES, cf various styles and sizes, also TP.IM-MIXGS, plain and funcy, also Society Trimmings, TTN order to make rtiom for our Fall and Winter j JL. S,tock, we have this day reduced the price of our i stock TwentY Der C&nt. to better enable us to make room for yr Large Stock Now enroute. Immense deductions in prices have this day been made in our All ol which I reas'vinhle rates, incut of will sell at very Also, an assort- Windows, I)oorsn Blinds, Mouldings and California Lumber Place cf opt OS A.lioiia Tcrritcrv. o at - a - x. w a o c ea o c TVH1N3S0H "H Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Gaps, Etc, and Grocery Departments. f Bsinej, Washington St., j jn fac a General Deduction in prices of our whole .to Gardner Hotel, Fiiccuix i . 7 -1 7 t WAX' fitSN0W 1 ining Rooms! AVashlus-toa S-Sret J. M. GREGORY. es the 27th inst., anil that will give '''' State offices', followtd by tiie po- somcthing to tails tibout, and I am in hopes to pick up an item or two. Jioth political parties are looking for their candidates for Congres sional honor? to put, in nu appear ance liere soon and give a b'm to the canvas. Any excitement would be welcomed, even an earthquake. i ins squiuuie is very tlnn. and 1 in tend to rest on my oars until the title of events changes. Hii.r, Blask. 1 went West, and received the The Texas Paeiiio railway is com ing alon westward at a lively rale. A Dallas special to the St. Louis Republican, of Saturday says: The five big bridges of the Texas and Paciiic Kailroad at the end of the track, 15'J miles from here, were fin ished to-night and trains ran beyond Palo liinlo Canyon. Immense quan tilirs of construction material are passing t0 UC front, and track-laying will he resumed to-morrow, and by Wednesday next the iron will be put down at the rate of two miles per d:'y- Dull times among newspapers in .Nevada. Says the ite Journal: The Elko Weekly Post has kreea re duced in size, and the Eureka Leader resumed with one column let-s on each page. After the election we look for the cnsmallment of several of Ihe papers, and it is not u::'i.e!'.- Le ter beads, note bead and bill h ml - of every sixc and quality at lowest prices at the IIkkai.I olticc. Full sc's of .rust;ee' blanks, for bth criminal amf civil ai li jus, for sale at the JIliialu olEcc. ago, ' . , . . r ' j - - 1 " t . ill ill. IMie r luil 111:1V sil(Mnrl 1 nil.l i patnies oi an aiiuitring circle or 1 . . i- - Jfiieiiils. lie is so Micccsslulv in j cali.m. Ibis line, that he might as well come ' " " 'liht bat k, bcpn an-w, and forget J The Pope's iiair is snow Tvftfte. lie I bis mi-f"rtiine, rather than stay has a slron j: and vibraliii Vrjjc.r, and : away for tlie p'irpo- of having bij bears liiuiel! wkh ihe uiiiiosl Uig- j clients do ao. 5t' York Paper. j nily. lilical complection of the Lcirisla. tore, willi the fact noled that a United Mates Senator is to be elect ed this winter, if such be the case. Then comes the result iu each Con gressional district, with foot notes so clear and concise that the situnfen in the different districts is at once apparent. Finally, the population of the State iu ISiO is uolcd, follow ed by the vote for President iu with the ratio of votes that year to the population of two years before. This is made the basis of a calcula tion of the total vote of each state this year, the fiiruros given of the population, 18b0, being from the latest obtainable information from the Census Bureau. As these statis tics cover every state in the Union, and the book so indexed as to permit of instant reference, the great value of the little work may readily be ap preciated. It is not on sale, nor will it be dis'ribu.ed without regard to use. All wishing a copy have but to drop a note or postal to C. K. Lord, Baltimore, JId., and it will be promptly mailed to the address given. Chicago Tribune. very E. MA YE 11 Proprietor rninsvf" r HERALD TSie latent tclesrrajLlr. loral i anl oflier ntns for Friday is 1 premi: f fonnd in the flfHt three -oIiltu- of tliis iasc. After this date, I will feed stock. 20 per cent, cheap er than the prices hereto fore known in Phoenix. A large co rral , 300x150 connected, with shade room for 100 head of stock. Corral room free of charge. A force pump on the SALARI'S REST AUK A3 T- Capita!, rite it Si. BEST EATIXG HOUSE LN The Sait River Valtey. Our Tables are always sup plied with the best to be obtained in the Market. TIIE TIME FOREST We are better able to fill orders from the Country at Lower Prices than have ever been made in this Valley. Bear in mind that MRS. S. St. WESSSLS, Prj.ts- only lllti ftACE PoHte Attofiiiua Paid to Guot C. SalaiU; Pttor'B ,e to continue Parties in need of Goods for Winter supppy, hiid better call, for their own interest. This is no sham to convince 3-ourself of the truth, call for price?. Xo trouble to show gooils and give prices. Each and every department is complete. Bear in mind we are the only house in the valley that carries A Pull Lino of General Merchandise. Each Department is well assorted, of the Best Brand; of Gcods in the Market. GOLDMAN & CO. Hie Table u-..--tl wi-fc ti. U- ti t-t the ..viviv'iJ. I'i.si4 (line iiUiO i loiu-d, $7 per T Phg-nix, A. T., September 1st, I-8SO, Having oun Special buyer in San Francisco, we are much better enabled to fill all orders, :;t lower Jigure. I and prompter, than any other house in the valle.C. MEAT, WHOLESALE AND HETA!L CRA3 CENTRAL KARXET. n.t eXKli aut .i -i si-., ta, ltTer-U l w IA