Newspaper Page Text
rr TO" M M 8"! ILLJ vol. C No.S .WHOLE Jl Xu. -117. PIKEXIX, MAPJCOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1SS0. NEW SERIES No. To. REPUBLICANS ATTEND! The Republican C!ub cf Phoenix meets EVERY SATUHDAY EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock, at their Hsadquartera. .Let every mamber attend. Ir. 8HKKTH, 'res. E. Mfl'tlXTOCR. er. -Associated Press Dis patches to "HsraSd." IPEK WliSTKKX IMU' LINK.) Latest EJinin'3 Ctock Quotations. Chicago, Sept. 30 It is reported that McOoie, the heavy weight pugilUt of America, was drowned from a Mississippi River strains. Was3i:suton Sent. 30. Depart, ncnt to-day purchased 3"i,0iiD,0i)9 ounces of fine silver for delivery to New Orleans mint. SitARTlISVILLE, Cal.., Sept. 30. The Gras Valley stage was stopied i.bout three miles from here by a masked man, will armed. Passen gers were relieved of .")0v), aud a. traveler of asm ill amount. , IIAYKS. Sax FnASCts'-O, Sept. 33. -V dis patch from Roseburg, Oregon, s-ys ilint the President and party arrived there at 4:30 p. M , auil were met by a reception committee, from Port land, at Salem, where a reception was held. Last evening ai Roseburg an address was delivered by General Joseph Lane, which was responded to bv the President- A very large crowd was present, gnd much cnthu- siasui prevailed. The cu:ire party i ' left this morning, and will proceed directly to Portland. STOCKS. Ci " Tj2 f dlowia is t'l-; clodnj ti ns of slocks to-day : Silver Kiajc. $$' 4-Tip-Top, ?3,'. A7hcat active and higher; No. 1, $1 ZG. M.W YoKi. New Yo&k, Sept. 30. The cfTeet ive organization of the Republican lirirtv iu thi3 State has alarmed the Ieniocr;iU, who arc not so sanguine Jf -stiA-fsi iufc-i"Vi;i s t!i y were len davs ao. Thev complain that lie National Dem. Com. lias spent tio much time and money in Indiana ... 1 x- -- 1. n. 1 wiil remain in Indiana until after tlectioD, which takes place Oct. 11. A Tribune's AVashiuglon letter has b?en received Jiera stating that Sena tor Coukling had tai l to intimate friends Sunday that New York would, in liis opinion, be carried by lha Republicans in November. This, would sc-em to have been sent to this city within few past, by Democrats. 1o raise all the money possible, aud Mr. Corcoran is reported to h'tve sent large sums into the State last week for to be used. Judge Porter of Indiana, writes to this city, in an encouraging strain, i jih.m l.i- R ! A Times ppecial savs Col. I'rissen who has just returned from a stump ing tour through Indiana, says the Democrats wiil carry that State by from 10,000 to 20,000 majority, v. iiit chances iu favor of the litter ligute3. ITALY. Komk, Sept. 30. General Gari baldi will leave for Genua next ISatnrdav. Rumors are rife in re gard to bis intentions, and also of j -,,.ii; ,...,,- ,,....., t ' A ULlVJini 1 lllll tUl'. III?. 1. lltlJtl the rumors are true or false ,bei e arc no reasons to believe. However, the Government has adopted vigorous precautions with reference to them The ironclad Italia, 14.000 covered throughout w ith armor feet thick, has been successfully l.aunched, in the presence ot King Humboldt and an immense crowd of people. The Italia is the most pow erful ironclad ever constructed. UHL LSiiL i ne t.imilv ot J. aicNcil will a i rive here ou Tiles'! ay. Judge ".Vilke will address the Re publican Club to-morrow night. Water has lieen turned on in the main ditch, ami will be in thetoi.n ditches by evening. Remember yoa can s':l anyhinz vou want by express, by just seudmi- to ciLher of L ncle JfarrU' store. No. 2'2l or 70;J Kearney Street, S. P. T, r. . t, , . neSan I rancisco c.a'.l copies our aruete rcciri 1 1 n coiton arown in this va!le3 by llnry Orme. Il sl-.ows the interest taken by outsiders on tuts sn'jje it. Dive I?i!tz left !ast jiiglit for Yuma, and after setlliug uj his biisi-nee.-s in that town will return to PhfEtix, with his family, and make ' his per.rtnueal home. - .. m?etinr ot tiie j-.nij-lits ol Pythias will b held to-night ai Red "len s ;I.i!l, f.r t:i3 trmsactiou of imp i.'Unt bu-iaess. All ln.-miieis are respectfallv requested to attend. O. W. VUITE. IC. of :l. it S . Cipt. Hancock Maricopa's nest Probate Judire has returned from n trip to the north wc tern pi.l or' the I county. W'e have uot had an op- p muaitylo iiiicrvie.-ied him ve. ! , . Tuf B-n.-L-teaavge d.uing rooms . Change. I w liters this imrinng, and id lijsi UtiUt hai i-h trju of the j ib-rf,. l. -a is we!! known la this , parto. An. i .. a-i.l r;w m ikes ; flic pic'iirc ..iiipM-t.taf ibis Ji.uf-- i'-i-d -.tiia-z -uiK-d gl wii:w C. TELEGRAPHIC. Messr. Wonn.-U and Kendall l!av eonlribtited ."iOU to ill? comity half of which iioes to the school filml and have b;'e:i given peruii.-t-imi t et up the tiirer lor the nest tlm-o mouths. and are now rc:u! toamsr-c those desiring, i.t the s iloon n.-xt Sala-i's rcstatirant. Arizora ChapScr No. 1. U. A. M. was instituted last uitrht, with the following o.licers: M. W. Kales, II. 1. : 13. L'. Comers. K. ; ). F. Haih- awav, S.;J. !5. Kelly, 'J'reas. ; J. 15. Creamer, See. ; A. C. IJaker, C. J oi U. : J. T . Alsaji. P. S. : K. Ganz, ; 1". A. C. : 1 . A. Shaw, M . ot 3 . ; (.:.. JI. N. L-dirs. M. of J V. ; 11. L. Lon, .M. of 1 V. : .1 . G. iVmp-kin-S G. Tliis is the tirt and only Chapter of U Ac'.i -M as-.ins In Arizona. At the aim: I"Tli:!l Sllllf 1:1 V il clitdi'-m r-f the S.-hoo!, Sept. i-S.S' tho i'olio'.vhic .ftiee! r. '. : .1 . J M elecleo tor the eii.-mii year. V t i irke. S'.iporintendenf ; en iorv. Assistant bunenntend L R Shaw. Secretary: Henry Whar. H.-nrv ton, A-istau! S-.-cretarv: R.'der. Librarian: P. A. Shaw. Trc.! siit 'r; Mrs. Geo. P. Vats, Ortrani..! Then: v.'erv seven v-!i".o in atieiid ;i:;r, nr.'! thv- best of stnn.l feelliur , prevail.-;!. The s.diool is fr.."? to all ci::cens of i lie pia'e. a.'id a!! are cor i!:aiiy ii; " i ; e-.i luromi un i partici. j pate with lis. A rare o;ii ortii ii;y is j now oil'ered to all w!i.) desire to study vooal ni;ie. .1. Vv". Clarke propo-es ! teach one niirht in each wee!;, all v,-;o vi:l att n l in jood faith. This a liberal oiler of Mr. f'lnrke, and Ihe pOj)le Cirla::i!y ouht to avail themselves of lliis c!ia:i;-e to culiividc their musiiv-U talent. THE LAST DEAL. A Leaf From .h . Expsrisnss a Pscin'c Gost Gambler. 1 I.aalle tCt I.j Cur.jrtH'U-: j "'I .'iinr dealt again I" ! Tho words t li from t!i j a s:-iitlema!i well known i.i liiis of Lead- I viiie. Vet lew recognize in the eie ! gant. e. -g'iing man wlio now co:n- mauds the uc. p respect of his feiiow ! citizens the once cool-headed, :::i 1 pel 'tin b;: hie gambler who in hU d iv figure 1 prominently along I Ii F; acilic si vei v.lest I Coast, ana who was idmosl sailv recognized as tiie faro dealer iu the west. j "As tiie game'.s morality, that's . neilhti here nor there. When ue.iil ! upon the square it is much ii::e any i other game. It is ri-jt to b.- l! ..".eht i that the law writ hin-k-r men a bit if ! :ney want I.j play, and ol'Jen they are ! forever ciire-l lr.-uii pl t iag w lun ; they hud it tl ie-u I pay. 1 ve ileall ! the g ia:e for twenty years, but Pe ! unit i.!v I nt!i:l. n,,r anything, an 1 but for a sight I once ! saw 1 suo.ild prooaoly He a gemoler I still. 'J'heree' hangs a tale. Let me i li-il it : I "some iuree years ago I ran a high toned g rae at a ceriaia p. .see you probuid,' liiM'.v, for it strikes me 1 aw vou in le. !l was a .scruare game, as i wiil leave any one io s.iv a ! l!iriviiij game for I ie ait for half ; tin: blooj in town, and often had as !ji:1'jv as live layouts at a time, with too much business ou hand lo even get time io rest. cvoiuiiir, a i voting chap .-'.rolieJ in, v.iiii a sort of i curious stare in ins lace, and I cou- ..i.,.r,..i .:,. ii...... n.-.i i... I He was fair-headed, and h .d r,.,;r i ana u id a n.iir .,r t. in, . .....s eft ;-f.-.i f,..n. ....... ..r i ... . i ... . I an iiiii.e.:t-lo:i!.:g fellow i!' ever I Two hnn jred an! fifty thousand NiK out'. It only lecpiiied a glance .j pounds of freight have just been to convince you tbat he was a slmnger I lauded at Sunset- Crossing, Apache iti the gamiliing ro.mi. He soon vv ;is I county, by the A. & P. li. R. Co. at bono-, tin. tigii. for I taw in his This p;;e of freight includes every blue eyes the love of piay, and tii'ter j thing re-iuired iu the building ol the that evening he was a con.-t ,i:t visj. j road- tools, provisions.eai ts, scrapers, tor. He plavcd his pile n 'lit uo.iiu 1 I never urowled if his luck w-is haul. ' ::nd tin ever1.- second card he'd s the I. mils up iu blue. Ta.Me it aiin gether his luck was hard sometimes me hardest 1 ever saw. I'v known fciin to lose on a doubie siiots. single d:'.;l seven "Basmcs for me, of course, bat somehow it almost seemed too bail. 1 couldn't say a word though and yet 1 liked the boy. He had lots of the tihhy. I think from tiie way he be gan ne must have dropped a cool siOO.UOO on the game, au.l he never growled . "We both quit gambling the same night he, po .r lad for sullicieut rea sons, and I because 1 loathed ihe game. It was in this wise: "His coin gave out in a deal or tw o nd he put up a diamond ring.jusl to Eee his lucK out, you know. i he I chips soon went, tie bad a pin, a ii tiiiiULr stone in massive metal, lie passed that in vvHnont a worJ, and drew .') i:i gold, fcio help me God! i i v. i.sueii nun iiiiit. neariiiv as anv . . tw ti . i i .. -n i hem. j i ,. . , ii... i Irice. SOZiJDO.i t , vi hu ll w ;i ljcnu Ion P';0irt..eSe;b..l no his la-t Make tif tCL.;h kccp ., from tons, j went my ay on a lomg nee lte , VJ ; o ,k(.av sj!)ZODONT lhr,e,drew ..M more, I th.tik, oj ; C.u.ainno a,i;,s (.rU! v s;ibsta,.ces 1 v. '.sljcfl mm iueic as llearil v as anv ' Ids ':lll-il 1111,1 rbiil find tried hia line bets again, but his was g'me. My God! I'll never foi rret ihe pale, haggard look that crossed his face, but he was game, lie never utteitd a word, and kept bis chair like a pillar of sione. For i a moment he seemed dazed at his re I verses, but stiddcuty his eve canght I the lii'm, worn circlet of dull gold oil ; his little tinjrer. lie looked at it a i line while, find a dark wave ol hot i crimson blood passed over hi face, ; i'or Liie circlet seemed to cliuy; eve.i i faster than the li :sliing gem he iir.d i passed in oeiuie. i te ai last stripped . i! oil Ins linger ana minded it, to me. ! It came r. loei ili.'iv this waqj old ' :ing. 'WbaL can 1 have on this':' he ' asked. "1 den t know what its value ! is, but I'll redeem it first of a!!.' It ; l'.utriit have cost S3 new. but it was I wonhle-s then. "Still I passed out a i fifty stack iu return, just to let him try airain. He : planked il all down iu the pot, and ' then low upon the table lie laid his lai 1.1 IN: I'H'it.i ...iu-,. 'iu . 1-1 .....,,.. hu ,i!tk 5l;,.,i .d he r :.. i.:, v..ii 4-.. won three times. I.e tool; no notice of me as I t..dd him tiie l'.mil b?rr-'d and s., we jdayed tw fifty oil each card. Would vou believe it? In the leal the pot won out and never lost '. And rlili he lay with his f lee in IiU arms. The deal was out. and I shook him up. but not a muscle moved, ami I r.iiiuir hi- la:'e 1 started back in horror at the g!a:y expression ot his eves, for the bov wa tlt ad. "1 vc oliea woudt-red to myself since that night what thoughts went fiillingthrough his brain ashe bowed I ins in an ami niu ins I. tee rrom our j sight: what pledges of a better life, ! regrets for a fortunn he had thrown w'ty with lavish ban 1. and loathing f ir his li iTvocabJe course. Who cm t'-Ji? v e can but guess at iheiii. but '"''" never feel. iii- face .showed: years f Jieil endured in tint brief i g iin. bat il vv.ih not im'il Lie. cor- oufr., j.irv .at that I leurn-.-.l ail. it; : ,-.,,. lri m oev.-loLvd the lot. ,.,t lIL-'rlt,Jr which ba.i ch it.ged hisj jUek. as it did his vi,j,.tV, a, given htm bv UU d -nr. d.-cl moihcr i,:tr, l,.!;.. p.,.ir I,,..-; l ;,.-,. i -j j - ad :-. ,. ' i FREIGHT ARRIVALS. TS"! FCifiRmiW MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS- gflSPPp ---I-L ' , itt-h, icLfcbilMlfiib. : te?! Arrivals by Raurcad Last Night DAILY PHOENIX HERALD Hflf i alf!!!fa- .oxoo, Savo Your money. WmS bank exchange hotel ' Thursday. :!!. niiE.viv. E Irvine, 2 sand, 3-":; S sunt), oGj 1' L Waters, 1 pUg, ."i'.'fl. Luke .t Thalhcimcr, 1 pg, S5 M L Peralta, 1 p!g, 10 II Golditcrtr ii Son, 4 uutl sund, 17 20, 3 sunt', 5 !0. pkescott. 3i:;o. Il.m-js & Spencer, 53 sund. T Hray, 2 sund, KM. " lie I ley & Co. 3 sisnd, 2cS0. AT.fXANDltA, Vm M Hum. suud, 3oi0. SIGNAL. Kimble Bros, 7 suir.l, wiirpri.H. Lt Co! R LaMotte, (i sund, Gi 3. TirTor. V.' A R'jwc, Si snnd, 3ST3. WK'KENBfllll. EO Giant, 3 snnd, 0-iO. TKMPK. C T Harden. 4 sen !. ia5. GIIXETTE. John Anderson, 1 pkg, 30. VEHDE. Lieut A Abbot, 17 suud, 261S. Capt A RCJiaffie, 4 sund, -i-i'l. I smith, 1 sund. - FI.OISEXCE. Line! OHIce, 1 pkij, 111. I'harnix Wesiitier Ki-povt. Tho fidlcwing t!ie rainfall to September 1st, lf:S0: .January l.liJ. Februarv .38, March .'-!'. April .13, Mav 0..".jHn .40. Jtilv 1.1S. Auitnst j .7. tmal -1.31. Total rainfall during j 270, C 02. The mean temperature to September 1st, 15S), is a1; iol!vs: I Januarv 31 3. Feiimarv 50.1, Iarch 1 37 3. April 0 -b, .Mav t'0. -Tune SS.3. ilv 87.0, A'.i 'U.-'i .:3. J. The prevail j inir wind was f ouihwest ; mean ba ! ninie'.cr, ;ri.30; bisuest temperature, j 1 11, June 17th : bw.:st temperature, 25, Jan. 30:h, Feb. Cih and G;h- Ii.ii5jr!:!--i or Pythian. Fii;!:Nix, Sept. 23, 1S3J. A meeting of the Knights of Pythias will 1 e held at half past seven o'clock, sharp. Ibis evening, at Red Men's Hall. All members aie rcspccifu'.ly rcij'.icsttd to attend. O.'W. White, Secretary. ; ?Jr. J. JJ. Kelly, the Kepuliltcan ; nominee far Sheriff of Hai icopa i Coiiaiy, i? a man of iinr-x'.-eptio:ial j qualiiic I'ions, aud a l.el'.er seiection I could not have been made had our friends seirci.'-d the entire Terriioiy j ever. In Oakland where he formerly j r;-idcd, be was highly respected for 1 his gentlemanly deportment and ! honest dealings. In his departure i from CuHfonnr. the State lost one of the- prize. IVescott 3Iiuer. ' Pcisoas aun.ived by mosT:;itoes, t'.ics aud other insects can abate the nuisance by l.iirnintr aiKiut a tea spoon full of Pre'.iii e:n. ro-eum. r Persian - camomile, p'ivdered very i tine :n die roam, lt is ot a tiruii' mm coi ir, rea-ttiv burned, and uives a pleisa it tea-like lragr ttice. 11 is Buret eatb let i: iiUi'e'.ealti lr insects. etc. A Iartrc lorce ot men have come on. and are now at -work Trading in this directioti ; track layers are com ing ou at t!:e rate of a mile a day; gangs of workmen are constantly ar riving at Aihutpieiq'.ie, and being forwarded to the front. This is to bo a roa.l built by white men, not a Mongolian being employed in any capacity. Democrat. In San Diego, in the yard of Mr. Hiscock, is a Miscion gr ipe-vine live years o!d, which has a lentrlh of forty-two feti. The circumference of the main stem is ten inches. It is loaded with grapes. The vine has never received any care, having flourished in the face of drouth and neglect. A rnietl to tiie Teiii. Is a very common expression, but we liiiuk that armed to embellish and preserve them to a ripe old age is de- ; eiae-.ny mure appropriate, i his can be done bv keeping j-ourselt supplied v.-'ilh abotileof t lial splendid dciili which injure tiie ciiame!, but is com pi'Sed of rare and antiseptic herbs, ", Inch have a benell'Mul effect on tiie whole economy of the mouth. Sol ! by thustiists. FOIt SAIE, CHEAl'. One Finedl scconti hand Safe McNeill it I'rbun make: one Force Pump ami Hose; also, ;j00 feet of inch and 100 feet of l'. inch Iron Pipe. A bargain is ollered ou the above. R. E. ;SUf Fakiusstox & Co an: Maricopa, A. 'I.i To Kent. Two thotts ind acres of land, with water rights, sufficient for irrigation. 1 ne above land win be rented on very reasonable tem: in such quan- ities as parties may nesire. tV-M. A. Haxcock. Lulie it Thalkeimer, of the Arcade Brewery, keep the coolest Lager Beer iu town. Try them. California fre-'i Roll liu'.ter three times per wee!;, by express, at Geo. F. Coats'. California Fruit, received fresh throe times per week, at Geo. F. Coats'. California Potatoes, Onions nnd Star Cheese at Geo. P. Coats'. Go to the Arcade Brewery for your Ice Cold Beer. " Letter heads, heads of everv note heads and bill ixe and quality at lov.e-t prices at the Hkuai.ij oflice. Full sets of Justice's blanks, for boMi criminal und civil actions, for sale at the Hiialu otiiee. It"3-.-.u want envelopes with your business tard on c.iil at the IltiiAt.u o.'li'e. Wer! !iu'-an 1 vibitingcards printcil in superb s; vie at the Ui.K.ii.u Job Uilice. lug ta; d the Uluald oflice. PKEscorr. f ;V.;.... , T ... r.zr., lt. v . a ir wiisr iisxk, J . t. bh,, - - .-j-r.4ur I It Lew. "2 ! sund. 31.;",. ., 0 . . o- eation. Pn actii-a t. V a rr ir Mivct I at.Yxandka, ihoasaiul versotu attended, tiuei.ioat? in the-rimmis IlruALo. n m r, n ti' n tv . . AC .US ;,r ' Tri !! ' ' - 1 I CvMr-Gn.vsT.Sept. 23. Hon. M. Publishers and rrr-pvietors. A I W. Stewart, lt-publicta candidate every t. , CSJ,pt SunUay AND BRING YOUR MPJ ! fordeiesate to Con are?, left here I , . , f ,... . . .. . vesterdav lor a ciiuuaizn lour. lie will leave Camp Thomas on IheSOili, and arrive at.Prescott 011 He will laake a thorougli .the Territory. lit.ANCY's I'L'Ni::' S.VNTA iiAKSAKA, Seit vie;s over the remains of Glancy were held this afternoon at the Presbyterian church, and more 1 than a thousand persons atteudeil. The local clergy took part in the ex ercises, which were very affecting. An imposing procession v.a3 formed, and escorted the body to the wharf to betaken to San Franc! scO, ou the Orizaba, to-morrow morning. The stoics and places of business w ere closed, with d igs at half mast. Sad ness and gloom pvrvades the whole city. Or.KKXllACXIsM. M.vxciiKSTHi:, N. JL. Sept CO The National Greenback Stale conven tion met to day, with sixty-three del egates present; resolutions were passed re-afuimiug the platform of the National Greenback L.vb-jr party adopted in Chicago, June 0th, and condemning fusion. Warren S. Brown vras nominated for Governor, aud the convention pledged itself, by a standing vote, to vote the Green back ticket straight. STOCKS. Sax Fkan.iisco, Sept 2J. The fol lowing are the prices ot the principal Arizona stor ks to-day .- Tip-Top, s?3. Silver King, ft3'2'. GUN". TOiiTK'IiT. -General F. A. Torbert's body arrived from Flor ida by steamer this morning, and was interred with tilting ceremony. Tvrn;i out. Kxiciit's Raxch, N 31, Sept. CO Generi! Carr ran upon a small party of Indians, numbering seventeen or eighteen, iu the Hatchet mountains, and in a tight of twenty minutes suc ceeded iu killing thcni all. onto. Ci.t:vei.axd, September CO. Grant, Logan, Coukling, L. P. Morton and ot'i -rs having spent an hour in so ciable talk at Garfield's home, ar rived here by special train to-night; and Conkling will speak here. Grant and Conkling made a few remark; to the villagers at Mentor, which were well received. A club committee paid their respects to General Gar field, and to them he saii that while established usaj-i an! good taste for b ide hU discussing political stii.-j jcts ou such occasions, he thought it foiiv for him to as-mtnt: ati altitude of in- t'.iuerai.c to any proper eii'orts lo in crease the intelligence or strength of the Republicau party. He was not ashamed to say that he sincerely hoped for the success of the Repub lican party. IXMAXA. Clltc.vco, Sepi ember 2P. A sjiefial from Indianapolis says Stumor D r- sey aad General Gorham, of the Na tional R;public:ui Committee, arc here, an! will remain until after el ection. M'JttuER AXO SflCIME. Wausaw, lndiaua, Sept '23 Three weeks ago Anuie C. Chapine, daugh ter of a director of the First National Bank, secure! three hundred dollars on a forged check. Her father, who immediately made the discovery, thougLt it best to have her arrested for forgery. Three (Jays after being jailed she confessed that G. L. Smith, a married man, wss the forger; he was arrested, but gave bail, and has since been trying to secure bail for Annie. He failed, and this .ftcr noon went to the jail and shot him and Annie dead. '.V!K VS. S'tAUOX. Nf.w Yor.K, September 23. A World special says that Senator Jones of Neva la, has written a let ter to a friend of his, stating that he would support Faii-as against Sharon. MISCELLANLOCS. DAJA CALIFORNIA ! itte: KLSTORATIVF, ISVIGOiiATOB Anil XKItYIX. THE STOMACH GREAT REGULATOR And Ij sncpsia Care. THE MEXICAN REMEDY r:jI- Diseasss of tho Kidneys & Bladder Itntiiana in a ?2ex2can I?it. suit conies from S.a Pas. DAJIIANActs first made and dranTc by ih;r .Mt-xit-ans as a Tonic for ihe Stomach ami lilf.l'lil.5. DAMIAX.V is ackiiowledgu by thos that h;ivr used it to- lie u great lxvitjiutAToi: and N tiitvfXB. DAM1A N A uets tiirecMy upou the Kiuneys, theiu ttranr' V. DAM 1 ANA is a npieiidid J.axatiye for Ihe P.otvp.LS. Itin- keeping tiie Livtill 1'roiu bt'comtn Tor.rlo. I3ff-DAM1.XA CIVKS APPETITE.I V.'M. D. HOOPER & C3.. Sole A-onts for Arizona and New Mexico. in the U.S. a:id Souora, Mexico. aug'.'ly iye.terd.rfor.ici.upaisa toar. He TERSIS OF SU3SC1KP7SCSI. atCIWS, lOCS j ?? will leave Camp Thomas on tkeShh, vatlt. Jeweiiy. iVTC., JCC. s I I t . I and arrive at Preseott on Oc'ober C. 1 yr., $10:6 roos., $5; par week, 25 .. ' l I I ritjia.rii.rutt. "tf: ";) i He will uuCto a tb,;rotSSi canvass of , .. e, rn K I . .. f Yr.. S5: S KOS. S3 53: S Kos . $1 SO. i . , a mo w m n ie r mom I Ift I 1 333. V. :. . 7 -A - , ... If. W.CHASE. AsonLSanErancIseo. Cat. Avn .rOTrrr, . vie: over Lie reaiaiu i i.oeoau.c Mp j n ci!.XvSnaporAflvotHln I his new hotel is now f -r - . Glancy were held this aiternoon at A 4, rark now. ( KaH.liii-r) Xew PUCE XIX, ' AEIZOXA. accommotlauoa of the lrj..:;j j 1 1-,. TV.h'.-f iv'iii r.linridi. and more t.-. , ;- -a . . tn rm-; -nrt for niter. ' " j ptibltc. PROFESSIONAL. os rUU lid U H H W?4q k& W4 Mm U Ul '' fam-Kes. The zU ,C : r: : i ns Psaza Stalls y i a h$ mm tin km MB UamM con j e whabton. it v. v.. Ttos.sox, :-.r n. V, S. Eam'iiis Sarcon. j -to U. S. Amy W1IAETOI &. cshsax. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Cfll! rromptiy aticndoJ to. iiii!- presented :uor;:':!y. Oflk-o 'E:'.t of TI;iza, c1oor north of 1. IlOOptT & CO. PHYSICIAN, cialty: OIstetfIrsj and ftwes cf Wonrn. O(t:ro Hi-.i I??sfctera-c, 'Vastdnon Ea.l )l" t'u t-anbier lliai. St., PnVnts c;in be accor.;aiOiiat.'iI l2rii nail lOvlL'iliil. vit!i .-Calls auvc.fd at all ho A. f. t!A! Attorney at I. a tv. liviae's ISuililin Iaon??, 1 and 2, rhoenix, Arizona. -. ii. V. K PHYSICIAN 1. C Ctlp TO 1 C; bliliuLei,;, I.s promptiy r.ttemted :o, Oflir' Throe doors e;;st of Cctut Itnnse. Ktornejs-at-I. a iv. rtESCOTT, - Ar.IiOX'A Will practice in nil tho Conrt. oftlte Trr J. T.AW V At(ornPT-&t-lan, IrviacV Balkan Ttooni 3, rlireuix. A. T. Fit AX St. COX. Attorney at I. a "vv. Office nexr iloor to f'om-t !tra.o. U.K. PATittt'X, Civil E n c i n f c r Cc-rety Snrveyor fr M::riropa l our.IT Deputy L". S i:i!0nti .sia-vfyt.r ltr Arii:oaa Assay..r of I'recleiis Mt-til?. OFrieE With Vv'. A. Hancock I'htenix. A . T. Ii. Ii. COX VF-IItS, ?Iivsiri2D n n ti Sni'seoo. (l.utc ir Visalia, Ciii.) Ottcr on A'rsliiai;;ua street, two doors from Aloalen:aa. ,v. T',vrL. v,'. a. n .v:;cc TTi'J-tKi & II.VXCOCIS. A ttorneyx t t a w. riiu-'Tits. a -T:lld Ucpartmonts :i .'OSJ('. ARIZONA LOT jit .c sr.; Slfll-vl mM'Tlrrs on tno t.iirn of r?ir'a cionMi r.t (--'-I . i. Sa'oaniHig bi'citii'en are li-aitaaiuiit ii i:t ti lt at tend. .7. T. ALSAT, V. M. ,1. B. CUBAMSS S-oty. I. . II. 7,1. M.mCOV TRIBK. SO. 1. of ARI70 "n a. Improve.! O, It. -M.. ui-t evfiy Thtirs-dav cv.-ni!!? at ' o'cioek at lia' Wi,;- in. Stchiiikr's biiiaiing, Travelinij lireliiren arc ct'rti'.n'ty inviu-o to atfa-.d. A. C. I! Vli.11, baeiieai. Nsra Osoax, Ct. of ii. AltS z.js.t'T:ii, rvt. j, It:- A:- ?1 - S: TATr.l) ltSVM'AT18AS O.y cor. a a.iu :oii:t.i .v.-aicinys o, i-aca i t:;'lp, m r.t Al jtieic 'tin 1. oo- ioar::iu ' e imaaci'ie ui ii 'o-l -iautiiag are ciia'aaity invite:! llv o:iiiT cf AI. . KALES, 5te. n r. J. li.C,::..'.MEll, apti Ham B fl (SwsriTE cr EiRVATD Vjcvsrsitt) PBiVATE DiStASHS A S?EC:ALrr" Call oa ArraEss II. J. SPli'ER. if. U Ko. II Keaest Srnzz?. as Vca:;csco. Cii a. J- VJ HF 1 DEALERS IS GENERAL ?.1CR CKANCJSE. Tht histtit price paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE, HIDES. V.'OOL, ETC. II- GOLDBERG S: SON. x;est door to Itank Exohanse Ii i cj. RESTAURANT Meals Twenty five Cents. I have opened ti c Best Eating House iu Arizona, at i?eecher's Old Stand, next to the Court House, aud solicit the custom of the Hungrv. AH tho Delicacies-of the Season- '"Come and try nic once, aud you will! be saliaiicdr . ;r h t: .-i i-s ss tajii s-a sj k a fj,. ti ts jj r w . v- - Hiving r.ta'-l times the I i BEST OF FEED fivrx a !1 fs tom.n, a Isss ia M M Cii.'iard Tcblo end Car AccsRiraodaiions for Horses, ;.-Jv--.ij j Sfc n 4 3 n R Coattcctci wi.i tie lioea. Of any in Xorthern Arizona. Tim unil-T-sine'tl desires to thank li's ctifteiiifrs for their fona-.T pairtmae. and rt'qnfsls r. coa tiauKnoc, r.s wll us lo invite all otiiers to givo bira a call. .1. T. SIX I'LL, East sidn riaza, Prccott. A. T, mil tvtLii llii Vy Ila t rrepivetl a ssottinent of very nice eft 3 It? it ts WAKE, Ccnsistin- of BURIAL OAS of various stvlcs and sizes, ft'; THJMMIXC-5 fancy, nisi !ain and fc-ociety X nuiiiiings, A'.l d whic h T reasonable rates, meut of will sell at very Also, an assort- Windows, Doors jilinds, Mouldings and California Lumber. 'hie of E-duiVs, tVasliington St., epi cs.e Gardner Hotel, Phtxnis A., xui j. i'erritciT. GREGORY. Llverv Stable, E. MAYER Pronrictor Washington street west of ill postoEce. After this- date, I will feed stock. 20 per cent, cheap er than the prices hereto fore known in Phoenix. . A large corral, 300x1-50 connected, with shade room stock for 100 head of Corral room free of! charoe. A force reraises. pump en the HESTATJRANT. Capital Rlocli, Phenix. BEST EATING HOUSE IN Th3 Salt River Valley. Our Tables are alwaj's sup plied with the best to be obtained in the Market. Folife Attention I'aitl to Cueist, Grand Clearance . Clearance JI. st r. a airif order to make room Stock, we have this stock Twenty per CSHt, to better enable us to make room for H ft a Now enroute. Immense this day been made in our Dry Good 1 r 4- Mats, Caps, rocery uepartm In fact, a General Deduction m prices of cur whole stock. IjSXOW IS THE TIME FOR-ST We are better able to at Lower Prices than have Valley. Bear in mind that only Parties iu need of Goods better call, for their own interest. This is no sham to convince yourself of the truth, call for prices. Xo trouble to show goods and give prices. Each and every department is complete. IJear in mind we are the only house in the valley that carries A Full LIns of General Merchandise. Each Department is well assorted, of the Best Brand: of Gc ods in the Market. LDMAN & CO. PiKKNix, A- T,, fcjeptember Having ouu Special bu'er much better enabled to nil aud prompter, than any other -house iu the vallei". P1TITATE CAUD COOl . p. Sale. 4U IMp I T QH ft fins. IS) for our Fall and YTintcr day reduced tho price of our mm. deductions in prices have J ooxs9 noes, Etc, and fill orders from the Country! ever been made in this j IOC Sf" for Winter supply, had 1st, 1SS0. in San Francisco, we are all orders, at lower ipjrure The principal E-i5:,ra.C.'.:tr."t:! i s :A Arizona ;if..'r keri .a tV A share id' puL.iv.- ;'i.:.ti.3j t ' solicited. J r N ROSENTHAL). c-aix, Ai S 2 3 o c a s3 C o b c- 1- c zr. - o o (4 c " a O O o O t- 5 ? S 2 I - o 1VH1K3S0U bait: Boom lining IS TTashia - a ;reo Connected with ct" ilia ItlSC. (KRS.S.M. ViS:!.S. Tin- Table supplied best the market a: three ti a "V I h t ' ? " s; . T U. V. 'u-.'ktSl t t i, i Lgs every r-v- 7Evcryihinj lv-vt - and cl it Board, 7 per Yf'ec! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GP.AND CENTRAL KinKIT. Corner Center Vs-iijt, tliaonal'v . tT-I '!-. VEU, Mt ; ; ; . V ' I), lhrr-a to a... :; :- V""'' ! i V. SALAitr, Pitor'ii V