Newspaper Page Text
Meiald. .1 MIL! VOL. 6. Iro.9 .WHOLE No. 423. PUCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 18S0. NEW SERIES No. 77. REPUBLICANS ATTEND! Tho'Republican Ciub of Phoenix meet 3 EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, at 7i30 o'clock, at their Headquarters. Lei every m amber attend. Or. SHKKTS.'Prcs. C E. JlrCXISTOt'tt. Ser. FREIGHT ARRIVALS. Arrivals by Railroad Last Night at Maricopa. LEORAPHSC Associated Press Dis patches to "Herald." G Brown, 10 pkg9, 433. O J Thibodo, 11 sund, lloO. Win Isaac, 1 pkg, 130. G Coats, 17 sund, 840. PUESCOTT. Bashford Ss Co, 14 sund. D Levy, 4 sund. 540. Bray & Co, 10 sund, 303. II Sots, 0 sund, 1310. TIP-TO P. W A Eowc, 1 j!:g. 53. TELEGRAPHIC. 730. ll'ERWESTEKX UXION MXK. How California wasMaveil to tlie L' ii Ion. . 7. The fol stock quota- MEXICO Citv ok Meyico,. October 1. In fi,A Uouse of Representatives by a large majority Tote there were passed resolutions declaring Gonzalez i'res jjentof the Republic, Ilia term is to begin December 1st, next. Gen. Gonzalez beinir in the interior is not -nected at the capital until the eve of his inauguration. Genera! Ramirez, leading revoltt lionist in Sonora was killed ou the 14th of September. BTOCKS. ' San Jkaxcisco, Oct lowing are the latest tions: Nevada, $10,'4'. Union, $10.'.f. Ophir. $3. Silver Kiny, $9. jlexican, i?.9.lf. Tip-Top, 4. California, SI.if. Virginia, ?2?4- About 4 o'clock, jfc.ted:iy after noen, Wm. Harrington, porter for Dickson, DeWolf & Co, and Michad G. McDonald, head - salesman' for Blake, Robbins & Co., entered a sa loon, on Ilalleck street, known as Billy Barlow, and called for drinks. While the bar keeper was preparing Ihetn Earrington drew a revolver and fired three shots at McDonald, Killing him instantly. It is rumored s the cause of the act that cDos aid had seduced one of 13arringtns daughters. XBW MEXICO. Santa. Fk, Oct. 7 On Saturday Inst Col. Buell effected a junction with the Mexican troops under Col, Lierazcfl at Santa Rio, Chihuahua tjurr witu ins cavalry 13 en camped on the line, of the Southern Pacifie, near tha frontier. . HANCOfT- KewYork, Oct. 7. In a letter published, dated May 13th, 18W, from Gen. Hancock to John B. Hos- kin. New York, in which he thanks the latter fur advocating Hancock for President; says lie knows there is a wide spread effort to make his name prominent and that the fact arose from the probable Rapubiieaj candidacy of Gen. Grant and from his share in the Southern work. He was anxious for the triumph of con servatism over radicalism but had no ambition to be President ; his po sition if nominated, would be very cmbarassing, having no profession but arms and possessing no riches, but he would not hesitate on that account if he could win and others could not. TheEveningCommercial publishes a rumor that Gen. Grant and two wealthy Cleveland friep.ds ef Garfield namely, A. Stone and S. F. Everett, will go into the Board of Directors of "Western Union Telegraph Com pany, at the next election. London-, Oct. 7th. It is stated that Admiral Seymour, Commander iR Chief of the United Forces on Turk- ish waters, has requested Admiral, commanding Russian Squadroon to l.old himself lu readiness for sailing order. LOGALUNES. Luke & Thalhcimer, of the Arcade Brewery, keep the coolest Lager Beer in town. Try them. California fresh Roll Butter three limes per week, by express, at Geo. V. Coats'. Wed -ling and visiting cards printed in superb style at the Hekalo Job Office. Shipping tags at the Herald office. California Fruit, received fresh three times per week, at Geo. F. Coats'. and JNkw ions, October 3 A mem ber of the Legislature of California in 1881 writes to the Tribune show ing how California was saved to the Union that year. He says: "Cali fornia was saved from an attempt at secession by the foresight and prompt and prudent action wf Presi dent Lincoln. Shortly after his in auguration he commissioned Gen eral E. V. Sumner and ordered him to repair to California and relieve General A. S. Johnston, then in command of the Pacific Department. Summer went aboard the steamer in New York incognito, and his depar ture was not known publicly until he reached his destination. R:iehina the GolJeu Gale at midnight, he commanded the Captain of the steam er to come to anchor in the harbor until daylight, while the General took a small boat and went ashore. Calling upon Johnston at his lode- ntrs at the Oriental Hotel, he advised the letter that he had been appointed his successor. Johnston replied that if he would call upon him at head quarters in the morning the Depart ment would be turned oyer to nim. Sumner, producing his commission. said to Johnston: 'Here is the authority under which I am directed to take command of ihe Department of the Pacific, and I insist upon be ing placed in possession here and now.' Ihe transfer was then made and the news sent by telegraph all over the State oa the following morning, and never was a set ef men so chspfallen as were the Secession ists both in and out of" the Legisla ture. Lincoln, Genera! Scott and a 1 Republican Congress were bitterlv denounced for the gross outrage upon General Johnston. Upon repairing to the barracks General Sumner found thousands of arm and accou trements stored there, of which no loyal man in the Slate had anv knowledge- The presumption was that they were the quota which had been sent to California in the grand distribution ef Buchanan's Cabinet preparatory to the organization of the Rebellion, and that General Juhu- ston hud been placed in command. with instructions to aid in carrving the State into the Rebellion. This secret was undoubtedly in the posses sion tit it Itimiiri4ti! niemliui-i't' the Legislature. General Simmer at once reshipped the surplus arms and ammunition to Washington, where they were so much needed in the early days of the war, and General Johnston went to Southern Cali fornia, where Hancock has been re ported to nave been stationed, or ganized a company of Secession sympathizers, stole an equipment of arms from the State, marched 1'cross the continent, joined the Confederate army, and was killed at the battle of Shiloh. That is how Coliforuia was saved to the Union, and in ull'air General Hancoch took no part, nir was he known there then as a mirn of prominence, it known at all." 3Ir. B. Ilellings evidently moans business at the Centennial. The Com any, who have rocently acquired this and five other properties within a radius of one-hat: mile, arc going to work systematically, and give proof of having that all essential motor, coin, necessary for the sncessful accomplishment of legitimate mining undertakings. Supplies are now en route for the camp and arrangements are on foot for the erection of needed building. Forty or fifty mines will soon be employed, and as soon as, in tlie estimation of Superintendent Ilell ings, sufficient work has been done on the Centennial to establish the extent and value of the ledge, other claims will be taken hold of. Globe Chronicle. How to Take Care or llartiesr. California Potatoes, Onions Star Cheese at Geo. F. Coats'. If you want envelopes with your "business card on call at the Herald office. Go to the Arcade Brewery for your Ice Cold Beer. - L'-ttcr heads, note heads and bill heads of every sixe aud quality at lowest prices at the Herald otlice. Armed to the Teeth.. Is a very common expression, but we think that armed to emliellish and preserve them to a ripe old age is de cidedly more appropriate. This can bo done by keeping yourself supplied with a boUle of that splendid denti trice, SOZODOXT, which will beau tify the teeth and keep them from the ravages of decay. SOZODOXT contains no acids or gritty substances which injure the enamel, but is com posed of rare and antiseptic herbs, which have a benofielal effect oa the whole economy of the mouth. Sold l.y druggists. To Uont. Two thousand acres of land, with water rights, sullicient for irrigation. The above land will be rented oh very reasonable terms in such quan tities as parties may desire. iV.m. A.. Hancock. FRIDAY'S DA'LY HERALD The latest tlexmplilc. local unit other news for Friday i junt in the rrt tierce cviaeiux California farmers know that har ness is costlv. It should be cared for. not spasmodically, but as a simple matter of routine. There are times too, when lives hang on its strength, and neglect in making repairs may prove fatal. "If my horses run," said a noted driver, "I'll stay with them as long as the lines hold to gether. If the lines break, I'm demoralized." It goes without say ing that harness should be stitched whenever needed, and worn plaecs strengthened without delay. JNow, as regard j the mere preser vation of harness, which is a much neglected art, the subject resolves itself into a few simple propositions. Three things, water, mud, and salty perspiration irom the horse, destroy harness faster than the mere wear and tear can possibly do. The reason for this is easly seen. So long 11s a piece of leather is soft and pliable it has an enormous strength under a strain, but as soon as it bee mes dry and stiff, a much les3 pull breaks the fibres. Oil and grease are used to keep the leather soft nt all times. But the three enemies mentioned, destroyed the oils in the pores of the leather. Mud, when drying takes out the oil, and opens the pores, so that water enters m .ire easily. The salty perspiration of the horse rots the stitches, destroys the fibre of the leather, aud soils the metal mount ings. These things make it neces sary to clean harness at regular in terval. Straps should be unbuckled, and the harness separated completely . Then wash with warm, soft watrr and good soap. Alkaline water is injurious. Hang in tho sun until nearly dry; apply a coaling of neatr foot oil and tallow, and let the har ness drv in a warm room. Finish by rabbins with a woolen cloth, to remove the surplus unabsorbed, which would otherwise eome off upon the hands und clothes when ever the harness is handled. Ilirness should bo kept in a wcll-litrhted-rooin. If the closet has no window, the door should be open through the day. Good vcntilatirn Is necessary to" Ihe proper care of leather. Harness should be hung so that the straps arc not tangled nor r.-sling on the floor, nor curled out of shape. Mud should lie washed nil' before it dries. Mountings can be cleaned with tripoli mid a chaaiois skit-. Cuicago, Oct. 6th.--A man under arrost at Philadelphia, for fraudul ently obtaining naturalization papers confessed that swindle ha3 been car ried on by Democrats since August, in a v?ry systematic manner. Since Virginia Republicans began to show some activity Mahone.leader of Repu diators, has made remark that if any time he shall become convinced that Hancock is in danger of losing elect oral vote of State he will withdraw his ticket in favor of regular Demo cratic uorninee. Ghass VAi.i.Ey, Cat.., Oct. 6th Tuesday night, about midnight, a mm namod llobern who lived in a cabin near the edge of town was burned to death. It is supposed the man was drunk at the time. New Yokk, Oct. (hh. A Telegram reporter, to-day, interviewed General nancock in reference to the opninion recently expressed bjGen. Grant. He said: My knowledge of Vhat Gen- Grant has actually sail is confined to what may be called hearsay evid ence. 1 have rcncl wliat lias been at tributed to him as his utterances in newspapers. X.w I shall take pains to ascertain from authority aud source just what Gen. Grant said about me. Zeportcr: Will you apply person al for information. Gen. Hancock: "That would be bet course to pursue I mean to get truth." Reporter: If yon find cx-President has made any assertions derogatory to your character will you make reply. Gen- Hancock: "Yes, if necessar-, I will certainly deny everything, unless after I hare sifted the matter to bot tom and decided to reply in full, I will prepare full and comprehensive statement for publication; I shall lose no more lime than I can help in getting at bottom of the matter Reporter: What reason have you for doubting Gen. Grant's attack on vour character. Gen. Hancock : "In the first place, he lacked good grounds upon which too attack me and in the second place, he is an old soldier and graduate of West Point, as such he could not. It seems to be far out over step bounds of truth and gentlemanly propropriety as to tempt to injure me even in private conversation. COJfDENSEO TEI.EGHAMS. At B-idie yesterday at 4 r. 11., Ben. Demons' house was burned, and his two children perished in the flames. Delaware has gonu Democratic by 1090 majority. In I'ottsville, Penn., yesterday morning Charley FliOM THURSDAy'S DAILY. GRANT AMD IVY Talk to a Small crowd last Evening. Plenty of Promises Indulged in by both Aspira .ts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESlGlsil DAILY PHCENIX HERALD GOSPER & JleCLIXTOCE. Publishers and Proprietors. then Wclthicr shot his shot himself. Mr?. wife and Colquitt has been eli-cled governor of Georgia by 4000 majority. In Lowell, Mass., Chase's mill and Falukner's mill were burnrd down. Loss, $300,000 fully insured. Gen. Grant's old regiment had a re union at Decatur, 111., yesterday, in which ex-lresidi-nt participated. The following amusing note, by Mark Twain, to the New YorK Even ing Post, 011 the last geld fraud of California, might be applied to quite a number of mining "propositions" that have reached market: 1 have just seen your dispatch from San Francisco, in Saturday's Evening, Post, about "Gold in Soiu tiun" in the Calistoga Springs, and about the proprietor's having "ex tracted 1000 in gold of the utmost fineness from ten barrels of ;he water" during the past fortnight, by a pro cess known only to himself- This will surprise many of your readers, but it docs not surprise me ; lor I once owned those springs myself. What does surprise me, however, is the falling oil' in the lichncss of the water. In my time, the yield was a dollar a dippcrful. Iain not saying this to injure the property, iu case a sale is contemplated: lam only saying it in the interest of history. It may be that this hotel proprietor's process is an inferior one yes, that may be the fault. Mine was to take my uncle 1 had an extra uncle sit that time, on account of his parents dying and leaviug him on my hands and fill him up, and let him stand fifteen minutes, to give the water a chance to settle well, then insert him in an exhausted receiver, which had the effect of sucking the gold out through his pores. I have t iken more than eleven thousand dollars out of that old man in a day and a half. I should have held on to those springs but for Ihe badness of the roads and the difficulty of getting the gold to market. I consider that gold yielding rock in many respects remarkable; and yet lint more remarkable than the goldbearing air of Catgut Canyon, up there toward the head of tlie auriferous range. This air, or this wind for it is a kind of trade-wind which blows steadily down through six hundred miles of rich quariz croppings during an hour and a quarter every day except Sunday is heavily charged with exquisitely line and impalpabl:: gold. Nothing pre cipitates and solidifies this gold so readily as contact with human rlesh heated by passion. The time that William Abrahams was disappointed in love, he used to step out doors when that wind was blowing, and come in again and begin to sigh, and his brother Andovcr J. would extract over a dollar and a half out of every sigh he sighed, right along. And the time that John Harbison anil Aleck Norton quarreled about Har bison's dog, ther stood there swear ing at each other nil they knew how and what they didn't know about swearing they couldn't learn from you and 1110, not by a good deal and at the end of every three or four minutes they had to stop and make a dividend; if they tlida't, their jaws would clog up so that they couldn't get the big nine-syllabled ones out nt all ; and wlifn the wind was done blowing, they cleaned up just a little over sixteen hundred dollars apiece. I know these facts to be absolulely truc, because I got them from a man whose mother I knew personally. I do not suppose a persou could buy a water privilege at Calistoga now at any price; but several good loca tions "along the course of the Catgut Canyon Gold-Bcaring Trade-Wind are for sale. They are going to be stocked for the New York market. They will sell, too; the people will swarm for them as thick as Hancock veteraua in tho South. Makk Twaix. llATKonn, Cosv., Sept. 11. Grant Oury, Democratic nominee for Delegate to Congress, arrived yesterday morning and was seranad ed at the Bank Exchange Hotel the early part of last evening. ; Flam mi posters aiia nonces in their organ informed the public that Oury and Cox would speak, to gether with plenty of music and three large bonfires induced a crowd of at least 200 one half whom were Republicans to fill the seats around the speakers stand on the plaza. The meeting was called to order by Judge Alsap, and then the chief actor was produced, Mr. Oury, who was received with ' very faint applause. That gentleman spoke of his acquaintance here and the fact that he was always proud to meet our people. To-night he stood before them as a Democrat and bearing the endorsement of the Democratic convention, and pro posed to talk to them on the princi ples advocaed hy his party. He did not appear as an apologist it need ed none. There is nothinc new in the principles, says the speaker, it means nothing but self government. The principles are old everybody must know; the ones promulgated in the days of Jefferson are the ones being fought for to-day. Ilow is it with the Republican party, a party that has Lad control of the govern ment for the past twenty years. Its record shows a series of acts tending to centralization. Since thecessa tioa of the rebel i n it has pursued a course tending to maintain its su premacy at all hazzards for the pur pose of spoil. Ho then prophecied the election of Hancock and the ut tyr annihilation of the Republican party. After taking a drink of wa ter he was willing to admit there was some chance of success of the Re publican party, and in case of such an event ihe third plank of the;r platform, rce.iut a secretary of Educa tion, who would employ all these liool teachers 80,000 in number of the same religious creed, and through this power inculcate the principles of the Republican party, and with such a power they would in four amation. w "TJIEREAS.UNDFR AX ACT OF TIIE Ltigisiativo Ass-'iabiy of the Terri tory of Arizona. cnlitlcd.An Act to pro vide for General and fcpec!:il Elections," it is pjoviiU-d there shall be held, through out tho Territory of Arizona, on the Tuesday, after tho urst Monday in Koember, A. D. 1SS0, an election, for members of the Legis lative Assembly, and ench other officers as may be required by lrtw; to hs chosen nt such election. And whereas, it is further provided in paid Act, that it shall bo tho duty of the Governor, at loat thirty days before any general election, to its sue hiq proclamation designating the oJlicea to be filled at such election." Now thcr3fore, I, John J. Cusper, Acting1 Governor of tha Territory of Arizona, iu pursuance of the di;ty enjoined upon me do hereby ordir a gene.iU election, to be held upon the day j inscribed in said Act to wit : The second day of Kove nber, A. D. 1830. And also designate the following as the offices to be filled at aaid election to wit: One Delegate to tho Forty-Seventh Con gress cf the United yt;;tc!. One Superin tendent of Public School, in te Territory. Twelve Members of tlie Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory. And ; twentr-four Members of the lioiue of .Rep resentatives of said Assembly, apportioned as follows to wit: :iEM0EH5 OT TIIE COtTNCTL. Pima County 5 Maricopa County Published every evening except Sanda. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DATL.T. 1 yr., $10:6 mos., $5; per week. 25 WSEKLT. 1 Yr $5; G Mos. $2 50; 3 Mos $1 50. Advertising Rates made known on appli cation. C. W. CRANE, Agent, San Erancieco, Cal. Ma. J. TT. Bat ks, Newspaper Adverttsin Agent. 41 Park Row, (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for adver tisements in the Phoenix Hehald. PROFESSIONAL. MISCELLANEOUS BANK EXCHANGE HOTEL E. GANZ Prc;rij!2P J E Wiiaiitok. 5t 7. It. L. Itossox, M D. TJ, S. Exam'ing Surgeon. Late U. SS. Army I WHARTOX KOSNOX PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, j Calls Promptly attended to. Billd presented monthly. Office East side of Plaza, 2 doors north of I ill. i. 1JUIHT .v to. BO S This new hotel is now or r t? accommodation of the tirr ai public. The rooms are well Ttnt.I . handsomely furnishrd ) ait I single. Superior accim?a.i!.u;. for families. The im of th ii. rrr- I efor will be tha comfort aa4 tL't of his guest. 3IKS. 3)T. A I'IfKEXU PHYSICIAN, Specialty: Obstetrics and oases of Women. Office and Residerco, Washington East of the Gardner House. Patients can be accommodated with barrt and lodging. jSC'all3 auswered at all honr.P3 St., Yavapai County 1 Apache Ci nnty 1 Pinal County 1 Yuma County 1 Mohave County .....1 ?:E1IBEK3 of the house. Pima County 11 Maricopa County '4 Yavapai County 3 Apache County Pinal County 2 Yuma County 2 Mohave County 1 Als in each County in the Territory two Members of the Board of Supervisor-; Sheriff, a District Attorney, a County Re corder, a Probate JinUe, a Count Treasur er, a County Surveyor, two Coroners aud a tubl'c Administrator. Also la each cloc tin precinct, in each County one. and net more than two Con two Justices of the Peace, and in each precinct contain ing a population of more tiinn eight hundred persons, to be nscert lined by tln l-o.:rd of Supervisors, one addition a I J;;tice, and also in each School Dij-.trict in cat;h Cou:ty three School Trustees. In witness whereof I have hrrvtnto set my hand and csuscil tt) amxed tins great peal of t!io Terriiurv of Aridi;;!. Dn; at rescoti til's t-ecoud day Of Oct.. A. D. 1SMX , t EAI. A. C. HAliKIt, Attorney at La w. Iivine's Building Rooms, 1 and S, Phoenix, Arizona. O. II. r. SHEKTS, 31. I, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Ciillr; promptiy attended to. Office Three doors east of Conrt Honwo. RVHil A n'KLLtj, Attorney s - a t - L a w. PRESCOTT, - ARIZONA Will practice in all the Courts of the Ter ntorr. mi; Grand Grand Clearance Clearance ylftifj I I Sale, Sale, JOES J. r;OspKtt Aciini; Governor. Attt-cl ; make future defeat impossible, hence it was necessary to overthrow them now, ami then he changed his nm-.d and said the Republicans had no show at all, and that their defeat would be so great that in four years the party would hardly be referred o. When about to close he re membered that he had said nothing about Territorial nutters and prom- ed he would do everything, etc. not necessary to specify. In regard to his voting the o00 belonging to the common schools of Pima county to the Sisters of St. Joseph, ho said he plead guilty of the charge and was glad of it and would do so again. It was iu the days when the school facilities of Pima counly were not sufficient and the Sisters took charge of 20 children and kept them for two years; "Pima county gave up her share. Hint's til." lie then took Lis seat and after snme music by the band the Chair man introduced Rev. I. II. Cox, the Democratic nominee for School Superintendent, who launched off iu a twenty minutes "go-as-you-please" lightning speech . lie said he was a friend of the public school system and a friend of education that he was not above learning. Jlr. Sher man, he said was his equal in merit perhaps higher. AVhcthcr elected or not he would ie the same loyal citizen. The Republican party claims to be the party of intelligence aud they forget there are some Dem ecratic youtli3 who are going to school and who will compare favor ably with their Republib'ican breth ren, lie, likewise, promised every thing good but did not specify. After remarking that he could talk for an hour but he felt he was tsxiug his hearers, he sat down. The Chairman. Judge Alsap, then rose and made a few remarks which will be published to-morrow. The meeting then adjourned. c- -sr.--.i-- JOHN E. AXDUTisO.V, J. T.ALSAP, Attornfy-Et-Law, Irrine'e Bnilding Itoom 3, Phoenix. A. T. FStAXK (OX. Attorney at Lair. Office next door to Conrt House. II. It . Civil PATltlfK, I'liSinf er Crcuty Snrvevor for .Maricopa Comity and uvymj o funeral surveyor lor Arizoun Aayr of Precit'ns JIftala. OrncB With W. A. Hancock Phoenix. A. 1 . j 2 Billiard Table and Oar Connected with tht IIjoa, Only the Finest Liquors & Ci:m PRIVATE CARD KOOX. ; The principal Eastern, CaUforai a4 Arizona papers kept oa ;. A share of tho nub; solicit.'-. N ROSENTHAL. Washington St., Corner Moatocut, Phoenix, Arizona Ii. Iy. COSYKKS, Physician ana Hsrteon (Lntc Of Vipalia, Cal.) Office on Washington street, tw doora ironi jiniitnzuma. C. A. TWEED. W. A. HANCOCK. TWEKD & OASCUCK. Attorneys at Las-. Pbneiiix, A. T. Q Dnsiuesi m ail departments a speciaJty. M ISCELLANEO US- Tile San Diego Democrats have nominated the following ticket: For the assembly, II J. Welley; Sherili; S.A.Mcdowell; District Attorney, M. If. Couklin: Clerk, George N. Neale: Recorder. N. Ronnie; Treas urer, AV. Korres; Coroner, T. C. Stockton ; Surveyor, G. R. Story: Su pervisors, 1). 1), Bailey, O. II. Bor den, Jos. Mannasse. The Government is shipping from Southern California, to Southern Ari zona large cruaotiUes of barley. The latest order is for five thousand sacks. It is cheaper to briug barley to Tuc son and Southern Arizona from Los Angeles county by rail thsn tc freight the same from l'hojnix by team to Maricopa and thence to Tucson by rail. The Arizona Central Railroad will remedy the evil. Miner. A petition it in circulation asking the Board of Supervisors to submit the question to thu people to autho rize the issuance of bonds of ihe county to tlie extent of 130,000 for the purpose of building a system of roads aud bridges through the county. A few weeks ago a surveying parly headed by Col. Bridges crossed the Sierras near the head of the San Joaquin and follow ins the meander of the stream came through to this valley. The paity reported that they were in the employ of the Union Pacific Rail oad C'ompan', and that they were looking out for a route to this State, tapping at the same time Bodic mining district. They reported The route they had passed over en tirely feasible. Druggist THOilSOX. & Asoth . Alo Dcalt-r in ... Perfumery, Patent Medi cines, Etc.. uiih carefully Com'Oili.ded at Pre.-?crin all hourr. East side of Plaza, adjoining M'hartou it Rossoc. Drs Washington n Street, P1TOENIX, A. T. Importers and Dcalors in GROCERIES CLOTHIXG DRY GOODS, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Etc. At prices to suit the times. P CIlISliATtS Si STOMACH ,-gf & I IlisV Iefcnsive Medication, Te a procantion which should never be neg lected when danger is present, ',i,d there fore a course of the Bitter? at this season ia particularly desirable, especially for the feeble and sickly. Asa remedy tor bilious ness, dyspepsia, nervousness, and bowel compl-iints, there is nothing comparable to thw wholesome reetorulive. For Sale bd All lit -unlets aiid Dealers gcaciiilJy. "3f stated V Tuesday VT ... A.M meetings on the third of each month at 7-30 Sojourning brethren are fraternally invited to attend. J. T. ALSAP, W. M J. B. CREAMER Secty. I. . It. 53. -T l-RlCOPA TRIBE, NO. 1. of ABTZO- it JL na. Improved O, It. -M.. meets every Tlnirs.lnv evmiisr at 7 o c ock at tnc w iir- wnm. Stuinakor's nni.dins. Traveling brethren are cordially invited to attenu. A. O., Sachem. Nem Osf.okn-, 0. of It. AUlOX. CHAi't'KU, SO. 1, It :- A:- .U: QTATEI) eUSVOCATIOSS O-V L) on second and fourth Mondays of each month, at 7 p. n jouriiinij conipai.ii cordially invited. J. B.CnrAMEU. See. at .Masonic Hall. So ns in sjood standing are By order of -M.W. KALES, II P. ap5 DR.' S PEER (3kABD"ATE CI KARVASO UjrCVERSlTT) PRIVATE DISEASES A SPECiALftr 1 JS order to make room for our Fall and Winter -a- Stock, we have this day reduced the price of our stocK wenty per Cent, to better enable us to make room for r Large Xow enroute. Immense deductions in prices have Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots, Shoes, ats, Caps, Etc, and Grocery Departments. In fact, a General Deduction m prices of our whole stock. flSN0W IS TIIE TIME F0R3r O p O 3 O c o Q c a c i - o 4 o 2 i2 fc. O '- CD . ' r - C ' o . a C O C ta S - X o 2 o O k. co 2 CJ o C o o -a- S3 2 -dozuy iuou 'cinnzDiaoi ao'uaoj "- uoi?ai 1VH1N3S0H '11 BANKESCHATGS Call or Atdres3 H. J. EFJER, M. IX Ko. 11 Esabst Strxbp. Ban Frascsoo, Ci. MM BROWS ESTAURAflT. We are better able to fill orders from the Country at Lower Prices than have ever been made in this Valley. Hear in mind that Meals Twenty five Cents. I have opeued the Best House in Arizona, at Boccher's Old Stand, next to the Court House, and solicit the custom of the Hungry. All the Dslicacfesof the Season- JgCnmc and try me once, and you willl Vie sal isfied. s CONTRACTOR All kinds of Masonry, Brick or Adobe, executed on short notice, and in a satisfactory msnncr. 3FOrders left at the IIerald Office will be promptly attended to rT-,he Lendtnsr Hotel of San Frnnclco and j the most elegantly appointed hotel In the xvorld, over S;!-"',,-OOri having been nended l-v Mr. Baldwin iu its construct!', n and furiUKlug. Headquarters amy aiid navy. Specia'. iccouimodations for families and laric parties. Prices tho eamc us ut other lira-class holes. From $3 to $5 Per Day. Special will be made foi perma nent boarders. The hotel coaches and cur riairee iu waiting at all boata and railway depot?. Rooms can be reserved before arrival by tlegraihins tbo Daldwin. n. n. pierso, Dining Rooms! "Washington Street, cpp. F! Connected with the popular ITot of that cirue. lis Saleto continue osiSy MRS.S.M. WESSELS, Prep's. The Tabl sn relied with th 11 ti best the market aUrvis- t.uu s.ea three times a et k, and Egg every nu-al. Parties in need of Goods for Winter supply, had better call, for their own interest. This is no sham to oonvince yourself of the truth, call for prices. No trouble to show goods and give prices. Each and everv deuartment is complete. Bear in mind we are the only house in the valley that carries A Full Lins of General Merchandise. Each Department is well assorted, of the Best Brands of Gcods in the .Market. GOLDMAN & CO. Everytbins neat anJchaa. Board, $7 per Week. O. I. ItonMTs, It. W. PiKExix, A. T., September 1st, 18SCL Having our Special buyer in San Francisco, we are much better enabled to lill all orders at lower figures, and prompter, than any other house in the valley ROBERTS & RYDER. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS rLAXS AND SPECIFICATION a Furnished. Estimates aimde mm4 Vmajrmatr Shop south slit if I'lii, Kl