Newspaper Page Text
0 HGENTX VOL. C No.ll . WnOLE No. 435. PHCEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1880. NEW SERIES No. 7 y m The LB. REPUBLICANS ATTEND! Tha Republican Club of Phoenix meets EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock, at their Headquarters. Let every member attend. Dr. SHEETS, Pres. C. E. MeCI.IXTOCK.ESee. TELEGRAPHIC Associated Press Dis patches to "Herald." PER WESTE21N CXION LIXE. JIESOI.TED NOT TO OJIEf. San Francsco, Oct. 21. The Dem ocratic committee resolved not to obey the mandate of the State Cen tral Committee to take off certain no minees for the legislature ann judi cial officers and substitute others, named by the State Committee on county ticket. The county commit tee says, they will ma their own tick, et, which, causes two straight Democratic tickets in the field There is more on foot to concentrate the Djmoaratic vote on George Hearst for Congress. Roscranz being retired. There were no further arrests for false registration, but a batch of fifty four additional complaints were re ceived from New City Hall and war rants are now being made out for the arrest of tha parties. According to returns furnished to the pres3 by the Bullion Department of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express dur iug the quarter ending September 30th, were over eleven millions. STOCKS. Silver King, . Tip -Top, $80,000 EMBEZZLEMENT. Examination of accounts of J. II Woodward, defaulting City Cashier, show a tola' embezzlement to be eighty thousand dollars. LOCAL LINES. Orme, the Maricopa county Road builder is bound to be beaten." The Presidential party will not ar rive iu Maricopa until Tuesday. Acting Governor Gosper arrived this inorniu irom Maricopa. Kelly for Sheriff and Hancock for Probate Judge are sure to be elected And don't you forget it. If your sweetheart angry withyou ? Then send to Uncle Harris for a nice Ring for her. 221 Kearny Street S. F. Democratic attacks through the press upon Republican speakers is not answering arguments, made by them, against the Democracy. Read what the Expositor has to say in its issue of the 2Ulh, about Stew art's connection with government contracts, and then what it says the next day on the same subject. In its issue of the 21st, it say?: "A manly and logical defense of the contractor, and the contract sys tem was made, and it lias shown to be til right. STEWART AND VICTORY. FREIGHT ARKIVALS. Grand Republican Denon- stration Last Night Arrivals by Railroad Last Night at Maricopa. Our Nixt 0eleqa!e on his Tri umphant March. Bonfires and Frevvorksl Light the Scene. An Immense crowd Enthusiasm. and nuch Hon. M. W. Stewart, accompa nied by Actiug Governor Gosper, jjved by yesterday's stage from Tip-Top, where a large demonstra tion had been held the night before. Mr. Stewart has just visirel Ari zona's three northern counties, and j Whv should the Expositor devote so much of its ppace of yesterday, in was everywhere heartly welcomed vulvar and slanderous allussions to aecre;ary Uosper? Uecause it is un able to controvert a single one of the strong points made for his party by that gentleman, and so aptly illustra ted by the pleasant stories ne told. This is the old style of answering telling arguments againt Democracy. it won t win. by his many fiiei:ds and support ers. During yesterday he visited many of our citizens, and in the evening spoke to our people from the stand on the Plaza. The meet ing was the largest yet of the cam paign, with the greatest enthusiasm. 'I he Plueuix Brass band furnished I ... . i.i AiO n'fWV p tnAni- f Tin fnl. soui-biei n:ir musio aim iiwBueue lowinz dispatch was received by was brilliant! v lichted bv several Acting Governor Gosper. . . I ell ly 11(11.3 lilrtl llup. morning. Tucson, Sunday evening, lug the intervals ot tne speakers the rockets red glare, filled the sky Presidential Fariy. tVedneMday rucxxix. G F Coats, 4 pkgs, 6S0 W B Hooper, 3d pkgs, 31G0 Sue Yuen, 30 pkgs, 1500 Saiari &; Co, 3 pkgs, 570 F Irvine & Co, 13 pkgs, 790 G E Brown, 20 pkgs, 820 G Coat 4 pkrs, 233 E Irvine & Co, 11 pkgs, 1773 W B Hooper & Co, 80 pkgs, 20,400 Roberts & Ryder. 10 pkgs. 430 M A Tyler, 2 horses, 35,000 SETJIOCR. Jas. Hunt, 2 pkgs, 223 SIGNAL. D Koshland, 1 pkg, 70 FRESCOTT. W M Buffura, 0 pkgs, 1215 P B Baannan, 7 pkgs, 17 05 wniprLE. A A Q SI, 1 pkg, 37 VERDE. A A Q 31, 13 pks, 1531 APACHE. A A Q 31, 9 pkgs, 9G3. TELECRAPHIG. DAILY PHCENIX HERALD JOOSPER & McCLINTOCK, Publishers and Proprietors. Published every eteninjr except Snndar. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. 1 yr., $10; 6 rios., $5; per week, 25 IEIK1T. t Yr., $5; 6 Mos. $2 50; 3 Mot , $1 BO. MISCELLANEOUS. Advertising Rate made known on appli cation. C. W. CRANE, A:;.nt,San Erancisco, Cat. Mr. J. H. Bat is, Nexvspaper Adverttsin Agent. 41 Park Bo.v, (Times Building) New York, is authorize! to contract for adver tisements in the Phoenix Herald. PROFESSIONAL. J E WrtARTOS, M !1. R. L. Rossow, 31 D. V, S. E.xam'ing Surgeon. Late U. 3. Army WIIAItTtfA' A KOMSOX PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Calls Promptly attSqdcd to. Billd presented monthly. Office East side of Plaza, 2 doors north ot v m. is. uooper s c o. ains. sr. a nt'KEXs, PHYSICIAN, Specialty: Oliatetries and IMs- faxes of Women. Office and Risiderce, Washington St.. Save Your Fioney, AKD EKISG YOUR Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &c., &c, to V.TRUIVIPER, Practical, Watch Maker axd Jewkler PIKENIX, ARIZONA. J. W. THOMSON". Drugeist L Ascthecarv Victorio Kiiled and his Band perseo. Dis. I will meet them at 3laricopa. O. B. Wilcox." This dispatch is from Gen. Wilcox. Let as many of our citizens as possi ble go out and show their respect to the iTcsu ent with countless fiery stara. At half past seven the meeting was called to order- Wm, Isaacs was called as chairman and introduced Dr. Sheets as the first speaker of the evening. Dr. said th3 presence ot such a large crowd to hear the poli tical issues discussed, showed that Isaac's Position. Grange Farm, 3Iar. Co.. Oct. 20 To tha Voters of M&ricop Conniy: Bellow Citizens: Owing to the long illness and death of my danght er, Sirs. JIary A. Smith, it will be impossible for me to visit the distan parts of the count' and make known to vou. in person, ray views, as ti . what Legislation is necessary to pro mote vhe welfare, and advance the best interests of the people of Slari- c pa county. Therefore I take th ruethod of ..informing ou ofj the coerse I wUTpuTgUtft n iTL'CTgr to a seat in the council, and to mention a few Acts that I will advocate the rjassaze of. Also a fejf that I will oppsse. 1st. The Republican legislative candidates nre pledged to cse all fair means to procure the repeal of the obnoxious railroad bill, introduced by C. II. Gray, and passed by the last legislature. 21. To tha passage of a law mai ing the countv treasurer cx-officio, tax collector -without additional com pensation instead of the sheriff, as at piesent, thereby saving 8 per cent to tax-payers. 3d. To the repeal of the law creat ing the office ot clerk of the Board of Supervisors; thereby saving $300 to the county. 4th. To memorialize Congress to donate to the Territorial Scho il fund twenty five percent of all monies paid into the several land offices for land entries. 2th. To memorialize Congress to restore all lands reserved for rail . road in the Territory, to the public domain. 6ch. To procure the passage of a law- prohibiting the legislature of t iis Territory from granting divorces un ler any conditions whatever. . 7:h. To procure the passage of a law making it obligatory on Till per to obtain a license to marry; from the District Clerk, before entering into themarned state. 8th. To offer no objections to, but aid in, the formation of the proposed new county of Globe. 9th. I am opposed to the creation of county courts, or the increase of county officials. 10th. I am opposed to the grant ing of subsidies, without submitting them for their decision to the voters of the county or Territory, as the case may be. 11th. I am in favor of any and all measures for the advancement of public morals and suppressing vice. 12th. I am in favor of the great est good to the greatest numLer of the people at least expense. 13th. I am in favor of su:h regu lations, distribution and economical management of the waters in the agricultural districts of the Territory as to secure the greatest public bene fit. I am permanently settled in Slari copa county and hence I am natural ly interested in the welfare and fut ure prosperity of the county, and therefore will not fail tc endeavor on all occasions to promote its best in terests. Finally, if these views meets your approbation, I respectfully ask your support at the coming election. Respectfully, Wm. Isaac. Ciood IuipretIons Wickenbctio, Oct. 22. Republi cans had a lare and inthusiastic meeting- at the Vulture City lasi night, addresses by C. A. Luke and rttlw.Ta Pvdrr livlv cnTTAfl In lip fl Republican. 3Iessers Luke, Kelly every parson was interested in the and Kirkland are now here, much ,esult, ami showed a determination interest ia uiauiii'Mi'ii uy iiiu iicjiiu i . . , here. These -rentlemen make sood w investigate uie uinorcncqaestions impressions with the people here for they are known to be staunch and" rue. District onrt. Thursday. Oct. 14th. The Grand Jury presented one in dictment for murder, to wit: Territory of Arizona vs Pemetrio Doaiinguez, Gumecindo 3Iorag:i, Fermin Fimbres, murderers f Thomas; A. Steinaker vs 31 Engas ser. Judgment ordered as pledged for in com;lainr. Territory of Arizona vs the Thomas' murderers, Demetrio Dom mguez, the one iu custody, was ar rested. Purr it- " I IT'f Even our school children all mani fested an interest, at the school house clubs representing the differ ent parties, had been formed. For himself, if he was elected to the VICTORIO KILLED. Galveston, Texas, October 20.- A "News"special from El Paso says "Intelligence reached here to-day that Victorio has been killed and most of hi3 band captured. General Buell, who crossed the river, acting in conjunction wilh the 31 ex i can forres, was notified ten days since by General Tcrepas, that his further ad vance into the interior of 3Iexico would be objected to by the 3Icxican government. General Burll imme diately withdrew to the, American ide. To-day, Pr. 3Iarlano bamanicgo, of El Paso del 3Ionte, received a let ter from his brother at Correscola, Eapt of the Gardner House. Patients can be accommodated with bard and lodging. Cs?-Calls answered at ail honrs.l A. C. P.AKKIt. Attorney at I. a w. Iiyine's Bnildii.5 Roams, 1 and 2, rhoeni:, Arizona. O. II. V. h'ltEETS, M. I, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Calls promr ;y attended to. Office Three doors ast of Court House. KIM II 4 WELIJ. Attorney h - a t - L a w. PRESCOTT, . - ARIZONA Will practice lot:! the Courts of the Ter ritory. miT J. T. AIiSAP, Attorni y-at-Law, Irvine'e Bonding Room 3, Phoei.ix. A. T. FKVXK COX. Attorney at JLa w. Offic- next door to Conrt House. II. R. PATRICK, Civil Engineer Cruiltv Snrvrvor for Maricona ConntT and Deputy IT. y Mineral Surveyor for Arizona Asayer of Precious Metuls. OrncE With W. A. Hancock Pho?nir. A. T. . .. Also Dealer in ... Perfumery, Patent Medi cines, Etc.. -hi - East side of Plaza, adjoining Drs. Jiarion k nosson. New Departure ! Having jnst received a very nice assortment of UNDERTAKERS' WARE, Consisting of BUEIAL OASES, of various styles and sizes, also TRI5I3IINGS, plain and fancy, also Society Trimmings, whirh Anvq tlial. a r.ipntpnnnt nntlpr place he seeks lie wou'd represent TerepaS) COm,ng in for supplies, our lUterests to the best Ot his broils-lit the news that General Tore- i ability. 31. W. Steward was then intro ducer? to the audience, and was re ceived with loud and prolonged cheers, and spoke as follows: It is pr3sumed that he was the Ham let iu this play and therefore take the li nlin nnf, although ! mn pas has destroyed neaily all of Vic tory's band, including Victorio. The Lieutenant gives the following particulars: On the afternoon of the 14tli, the troops overtook and sur. rounded the Indians, the latter beins in position upon two hills known as Los Castillos, one of which they Avcrc fiirrad -1--n i-rn On the II. Ei. COXYERS. Physician ana Mnreeon. (Late of Visalia, Cal.) Office on Washington street, twa doers from Montezuma. A. TWEED. " W. A. BANCUCK. TW EED A JIAXt OCK. A t to r n o y s at La w. Phoenix, A. T. t27Land business iu all denartments a specialty. JIA.S(1MC .OTICi'.. ARIZONA LODUB Ko.25TF.A.3I tated meetincrs " on the third month at 7-.W are 1'rr.ternally A ARIZ VATnefd Judje Silent hm rulel tlrrt a re gidence of six months in Arizona en titles a person to registra'iou, and Recorders in Tucvm and Prescott an acting accordingly. If six months residenters were put on here it would make a difference of fifty votes iu fiivor of the Republican ticket. Urooks vs Brooks divorce granted Dc-metrio Dominguez plead not guilty of murder and Saturday, Oct. 1G. was the day set for trial. The Grand Jury found a trne bill for grand larceny against Vicente R:ijio. and Dresetitcd their final re port as follows: To the Honorable District Court of the Second Judicial District, of Arizona, in and for the county ot 3laricopa, October term, 180: The Grand Jury for the county of 3Iaricopa respectfully submit the following report: 1st. lhat two true bills have been found. 2d. That the charges in the fol lowing cases have been ignored: 1st. The case of the Territory vs. Thos Smith. 2J. The Territory vs R. K. Pierson. 3d. The Territory vs Gar linshousc and Bover., It is with pleasure that the Grand Jury report that no charges or com plaints have been presented to them by any citizen of the notation of offi cial duty by any county officer, and that general buiet and gooil order prevails throughout ourcounfy,there being but little violation of the cri minal laws f the Territory since the adjournment ot the last Grand Jury. All of which is icspectfnllv submit ted. C. II. Gray, Foreman. The Jury was then diseharged Vicente Rajio plead guilty to the charge of grand larceaj', and will be sentenced to-morrow. Saturday, Oct. ICth. Territory vs Dominguez, upon the venire heretofore issued, the sheriff returned the following named per sons as duly summoned to serve as trial jurors,at the present term,as fol- ows: Dan "White, E. A. Copeland, II. R. Patrick, V. Seares, N. Herrick. Wm Osborn, J. S. Byers, J. T. Priest. G. H. Kelly, W. Campbell, Geo. 3Iarlar, J. Irvint, 31. A. Tyler, A. Corvels, J. B. Smith, i;. J,. Jones, S. F. "Webb, Thos. Rogers, Win. Grear, T. Gre gory. 31. P. Griffin, J G. Wentworth and "W. J. Scott. Territory vs Vicente Rajto.charged with grand larceny, was sentenctd to one year in the Territorial peniten tiary. Territory vs Demetrio Dominguez, charged with murder. The follow ing jury -was selected : Priest, Gregory, Byers. G. II. Kelly, Sears, Herrick, 3Iarlar, Grifiln, "Webb, Smith, Green and Copeland The following witnesses -were exa mined: "Win. C. Ayers, J. II. Boswick, R. H. Paul and T. J. 3Iorgan. The prisoner was examined on his own behalf. Jury returned and brought in a verdict of murder. 3IOXDAY, Oct. 18th. Court convened at 10 p. it. Demetrio Dominguez having been found guilty of murder was sen tenced to be hung, until he was dead on November 20th. Tiie Gold Hill Consolidated 3Iin- ing Co. vs the Rowe 3Iining Co. was dismissed with-costs to plaintiff. The court ordered, that the clerk invest the money in the Library fund for the purchase of books. Amount in said hind, $2?S. not a public speaker, cither by ua or training. During the past thirty da3's he has visited a large portion of our Territory to find out what was needed so that if elected he would loose no time in getting to woik as he found oux wants many, and saw two years of hard work ahead. lie wished to refer to his action in the A. C. R. R. bill, a measure that most interested tLis section, and on which he had been much abused. This bill was intro duced by a member from Maricopa county and received the tacit sup port of all the membei s. from both, Maricopa and Yavapai countieg,and not one word was raised against it, and was represented to him that tho people .uost interested desired the measure, and being a local mea sure it was not his right to interfere under such circumstances. The amendment, to submit it to the peo ple he voted,but a few moments be fore the third reading of the bill Judge Alsap, a member from Mari copa comity, and a gentleman he esteemed very highly, came to him and stated he did not think, the measure would be satisfactory to his people, but that the amendment would suit. lie was opposed to all subsidies, and his record in Colora do would show. If he was elected, should receive a petition sent him to repeal this bill, he would work with all his might to effect it. (cheers) He was very earnest in his candidacy, and wanted to be elected, and thought he would be. He had never failed in anything yet even iu elections. Hon, C. A. Luke, candidate for the Legislature, followed iu a short but eloquent speech on the principles ol the glorious Republican party and spoke in high piaise of 3Ir. Stewart and in very derogatory terms of Oury. Wm. A. Hancock, candidate for Probate Judge, spoke briefly on the issues of the campain. Governor Gosper came next in a speech of over an hour, treating our national issues in an eloquent and masterly manner. His reasons why Stewart should be elected were clear and well taken and made many a vote for that gentleman. 31r. Isaac closed the meeting with a few remarks. Space prevents ns in the above from giving anything but a mere outline of the remarks. At the termination of the meeting three cheers were given for our next delegate 31. W. Stewart. Shortly after, 3Ir. Stewart, was seranaded at the Bank Exchange Hotel, At 3 o'clock this morning 3Ir. Stewart, Goyernor Gosper and Col. Price left per the railrcad. The former two to take the train for Yuma, -where they morning of the l?th the fiht was uewed, resulting in almost complete annihilation of the whole part-. Chief Victorio and fifty warriors, women and children were killed. Seven women and children were taken prisoners. Tw'o hundred head of horses and mules were recaptured. The 3Iexicau loss was three killed and three wounded, showing lhat the Indians were almost entirely des titute of ammunition. Within the past year Victorio and his band have murdered almost 400 per3ous. A. t. s. f. it. n. Chicago, October 20 The Atchi son, Topeka & Santa Fe road have issued a circular to shippers of Cali fornia freight announcing that that road and the Southern Pacific will connect about January 1st, 1S81, thus opening up a new through route to San Irancisco from the east. IIIV invited to attend J. -L; J. B. CREAMER Secty. All Of Which I reasonable rates, mcnt of will sell at very Also, an assort- Windows, Doors' Blinds, Mouldings and California Lumber. Place of Bsiness, Washington St., op; or.te Gardner Ilotel, Phoenix A .1500 a lerritory. J. M. GREGORY. MAP na I. O. R. M. ARICOPA TRIBE, XO. 1. of ARIZO- Improved O. K. M., meets every Thursday eveninc at 7 o'clock at the Wig wam. SteinnkcT-s buiidintr. Traveling brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. C. BAKiit, bacheni. T?EIU Osboks. O. of It. ARIZONA CHAPTER, AO. 1, It:- A:- M:. OTATED i"3 VOCATION'S 0 on second and fourth Monday of each mutith. at :o0 p. x., at Masonic Hall. So journing companions in pood standing are cordially invitea. i v oraer oi J. 1-LRKAMEn, see. ap DRVSPEER (Graduate or Harvard UrvRsiTT) PRIVATE D.StASES A SPECIALTY W. J. SCOTT. CONTRACTOR ATI kinds of Masonry, Brick or Adobe, executed on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. E3"Orders left at the Herald' Office will be promptly attended to Call ok Address H. J. EPiJER, M. IX Ko. 11 "Kiarst Etpkbt. San Francisco. Ca IVe Can't Talk Without showing the condition of our teeth, i-very laugh exposes them. In order not to be ashamed of them, let ns use that standard dentifrice, SOZODONT, which is sure to keep them white and spotless. no tartar can encrust them, no ranker affect the enamel, no species of decay infest the dental bone, if SOZODONT is regularly used. It is a botanical preparation, and its beneficial effects on the teeth and gums arc marvelous, as it removes all discolorations, and renders the gums hard and rosy. Go to the Arcade Brewerv for vour ice (Joia seer. California Potatoes, Onions and Star Cheese at Geo. F. Coats'. California Fruit, received fresh hree times per week, at Geo. F. Coats'. h STOMACH fP Defensive Medication 1b S precaution which nhonld never he netr- lecieo wnen aanecr is present, and tuere fore a course of the Bitters at this season is partlcalarlj desirable, especially- for the feeble and sickly. As a remedy for billons- WcudinK and visitins cards printed ComDlint. there is nothing mmn.rhi to III bupciUSlVlU UU IUC XX.ll-VljiJ ifOU I im? nuuicewiuc ruemraLiye. Office. I Vor! bd " Druggist nd Dealers If you want envelopes with vonr business eard on call at the Hehald ofhc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lard Cans. R. B. Carley, Independent Candidate roB. Full size will be sold this year to tBe farmers tor 22 cen ts.and half size for 15 House of Representatives. cents. Lard taken in pay, and JO cts. per pound will ho nlIrTiro.) Pona mJn r. I L nele Bob" carley Has Uvea in Maricopa county 1 2 vears nnd Order of anv size. Tj5 tiprnl knows all our wants. Vote for him. discount will be made to (Election, Nov. 2, 1880.) our patrons for sealing cans, or any other work, at the PikexixTin Suop, East side of the Plaza,- FRIDAY'S DAILY HERALD will address the people of that city to, The latest teleeranhir. laral and other newn for Friday Is found in the' first three column of this page. PHCEWIX ART GAIjLEKX Southwest Corner of Plaza. THE rXTERSr05JEI, HATrSS COM pletcd his new linllery, is low pre pared to execute all work iir Ms liAe in the best style and at reasonable rates. A complete assortment of ARIZONA SCENERY always on hand. A full line of Picture Frames and Mould ings. Chromos. Stereoscopes and Albums on hand. ATieturcs framed to eder. Li. 11. KOT11JIOCK. THE BALDWIN. The Leading Hotel of San Francisco and the mud eleirantlv aimoiuteri hntr!l in the -orld, over S:1.-MX).U00 having been ex- peiniea oy .n r. isamwin m its construction and furnishing. Ileaclq urn-ten army and navy. Special ccomniodain for families and lar;e parties. Prices the same as al oiner urs-ciass note.e. From $3 to $5 Per Day. Special contracts win he mane foi perma nent boarders. The hotel coaches and car riages iu waning at all boats and railway Iiwms can bo reserved before arrival uy telegraphing the iialdwm. n. H. PIERSON, BiTsinpps Manayer, H. Morgan & Co. Washington Street, PHOENIX, - Aw T. Importers and Dentes u GROCERIES CLOTHING DKY coom, LIQtJUEgy tobaccos, CIGARS, Etc. E9 pans! ' n i. m jin i. J r1 jx.Wr -c-.- w y w. 2 " TP J L.,'..-.i3 JIISCELLASEOl". BANK EXCHANGE HOTEL. Washlastoa street rtwiM A E. GANZ - - PrtTnV.w Tais new hotel it nor o-a Rr ;S accommix'.itioa of. tit cr: public. lue rooms are wen real ." - handsomely funiLhtvl ia a4 single. Supriir for families. The aim of th rr-w of kia guests. Rooms KeserTeil y Telms Billiard Table and Car Connected witi do Iljas. 0n!y the finest Liquors 4 Cii-t PBIVATECAKD IM IV The principal Eastern. CIi.jn i ui Arizona jvpn ktttt vaS . A share ef Uts Mituc rcfviaj m solicited. maver's Liverv Stable. E. MATER rrojtWw ! Wajhin'-ton slrrvt wt of h 53 CH31 r n j After this late, I will fol stock. 20 per cent, cheap er than the pris hereto fore knenvn iu Phoenixi A large corral, 500x15 connected, with sha! room for 100 heal cf stock. .Corral room free cf charge. A force pump oa. the premises t3T KEMtSUEB THE rUCK. BAKE ESCEAirS 2 C Dining Rooms ! Wasainstoa Street, ejk. rt u. Councclcd w"trh tie pcjTar Hx4 of tan ax-sf. MRS. S. M. WESSELS, Prot- I ,V ' " 3 "ne Table supplicil with t!e bt tin I - r JS best tlK.rtarfeet t!orts. Uh Ua t-i t- ri tnree time a wer-k. aa-I c CF"verytliiri3 net nj cleaa. Jioard, $7 per Week. O. P. ItoBKBTS, n. XT. ttraa CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS At j)rices to suit tif.e; times. Furnished. F.atlmates made ann tiaaranlsx! Sbop-evulh mit ff r , . Ita:a.