Newspaper Page Text
The J jjj. - ilb J J II ft PHCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1SS0. XMW SERIES No. VrOL. 6. i!o.l5 .WHOLE No. 4o9. TELEGRAPHIC. Associated Press Dis patshss to "Herald." 1 VEK VESTERX UKIOIf LINE ) GARFIELD'S ELESTIO. Albany. Not. 18. The official re turns from ail the counties, but New York, give Garfield's electors 62,218 majority ;aad New York is estimated at 41,376 ttejority for Ilancork's electors, which makes Garfield's in a Jority 20,842. HAXCOCK ENJOTISG IN GOOD HEALTH. New York, Not. 13. The Herald - snys that Hancock is in enjoyment of splendid health.and has not looked so 11 for long time, showing con-clu-ively that he has not allowed himself to be greatly worried by his defeat. RUMORS ABOUT GRAST. A rumor says that Gen. Grant has taken tip his residence here in order to become candidate for Kernan' seat in the United S'atcs Senatv. Also another rumor says that Gen. Grant will ooo be made president of the great consolidation of railway interests, exUndine from New York to the City of Mexico and the Pacific Coast. CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. Washington, Not. 18. A report has gained circulation here that some f the presidential electors of Cali fornia and Nevada will claim that j inasmuch s the people of these States undoubtedly choose tlr; through misapprehension being df-ceived by the forged Chinese letter, t'.ey are in duty bound to vot for Garuel.1. Hen. Uarflelil will be here soon and it is expected that he will tender Jlr.Slierman the Secretaryship of the Treasury. - OFFICIAL COUNT OP CONNECTICUT. Hartford, Nov. 18. The official count in this State glvts Garfield's plurality 2.056, and a majority of 1,382. HANCOCK AHEAD. Locisri i.i.E. Nov. lSih The vote of Kentucky, lackins 'one county, Et inds, tlancick, 147.41G; Garfield, 105,931; Weaver, 11.498; Dow, 266 Hancock's majority over Gfirrield. 43,515; over all, 31,760. Tbe vote for president in 1376 was 259,614 and in 18S3. 263,102. Fine Work uT Art for All. LOCAL LINES. Sirs. Dnn Abbott is very sick. C. Slari is going; to build au ad dition to his residence. California Potatoes, Onions and Siar Cheese at Geo. F. Coals'. I you want envelopes with your business card on call at the Herald oiii"e. ' C alifornia freh Roll Bu'ter three tirm-s per week, by express, ul Geo. -F.CoatK'. California Fruit, received fresh three times per week, at Geo. F. ; . Coats'. illr. Dave Halle's residence wi.l be finished in two weeks, the painters starring in Monday. John Wear an old resiJenter was arrtic4 this afternoon on a change of insar'.ify, ihe complainant beiiig James Cntton. November 24, the Probate court will on;(ie- the pi-tition of II. II Linville afekinz for an order of sale iu tlie esliifte of Meorge W. Coats. Th iter received hv J. Ileinsrn fronv hi new artesiatf well is tin fl u?m on thi? ctkisI, ami lhe tiread he in ikisi'' with the same is un.ur ' parsed. " F-r Sale.- Two mocking birds, excellent, singers; inquire of S. H. Wartield. A meeting of the Knights of Pythian this evening. Ail members respectfully requested to attend. ilerm n Salcido and Ir. Jones have the wood contract of the Cen tral Arizona Msr. Co. (Vulture) tor 5,0 JO cords at $4. The Union Sunday School will yive a concert on the evening of Dec. 21. at W..olsey's Hall. The pro gramme will be made very interest ing. The singing et liord, every Tuesda3' evening at the Pres'iyterian church, is proving quiie popular under the management of I'rof. Clark. The at tendance last evening numbered about sixty. We have received a copy of N W. Ayer & Son's Newspaper Annual for i5J. war sp ice d-es a t admit of an extended no: ice, but we -srill say it is complete in every department, anil lie best work of the kind we have seen . Paul Reeker, Government Civil E.-ginei-r, passed through Phoenix a f(j days since returning to Precoti. Ha has iieen to Wilcox,' on the line of the railroad, where" he has survey ed a military reservation ten miles square. Mr. Hastings, owner of several claim? in south Cave Creek dis rict arrived in town vesterdav, and brought to the Herald several nice specimens of ore from several claims He stales that work of devclonment is going on several claims, showing line Jesuits. Gregory must be the mn who sells mmDjr cheap or they would not all g there lor lumber. II,. jlas tj,e co ltnct for furnishing the lii.aber an I shingh-s for our new Catholic ch ir.:h. He has also furnislied lum lsr tir two new school houses at the Mormon settlements this week. This looks like biz. Onward, improvement, progress ar the watch-words of the hour with the great American people, and in the front rank of progressive Ameri cans we find the great art Publish ing firm of Messrs. George Stiuson it Co., Portland, Maine. During the year 1879 they sold, over two million more pictures than tney ever sold be- ore iu a single year, ana the sales for 18S0 thus far are much largr than for the corresponding period in 1879. It is believed that they pay more for postage stamps than any other hcuse.not only in this country. but in the work! at large; we will give some of the figures, which we have direct I rota Aiessrs. stiusou a, Co., and therefore know are correct. During the year lbiS the amount of money that they r.airJ lor postage stamps was over fifty thousand dol lars. Duriii.c i'ic ye"r 1879 the am ount that tuey paid lor postage stamp; wis ever eigh'-seveu thou sand dollars. For th-s eight months of 1SS0 the sniouut paui for postage stamps . rises eeven'.y-five thousand dollars, ar.d will iToiibiless go considerably ever one hundred thou-and dollars for the year. While the amount paid for postage is simply enormous, must be rcmein beted in this connection, that only the small orders go by mail, all large ordeA being sent by express and fre:eht. From the above some idea of the magnitude of the business can be formed Their tnsde extends, not oniv to the most r2:i!!e parts ot tne United States and Dominion of Can ada. but ell over the cilized world Messrs. Slinson & Co. are not behind lhe limes in understanding the great power of the j;i:!ie;o'is use of print ers' ink, and in this connection we wish to state that during the last ten years they have spent lor Derso;er advertising oer two hundred and fifty thousand doila.-s. I'nterprise, induJtiv, r.nd good judgment will accomplish treat tiling, and ja the success of this great Art Publishing' House we have a striking example of that Tact, end now that they may, w5 feel fare, fairly claim to stand i'l the head of the Art Publishing business in thin country. We h".ve lat-!y re-cei--:d four eleirant stee! engravings, just published by Messrs. otinson t t'o. ' i:ze of each, J(!x40 inches. These plates were engraved in Lou don by well kaown English masters of art ar.d cost, when lh:y came Into the ov.-r.Lrs' ham's, in Portland, cus toms duty paid, lhe great sum of al- j most th 'ri 7 tliousana dollars, iiic reader shell 'save a brief glance at these majrni'ieeut works of high ar' t h rou h d escri pt i on. First. The Wek-ome Step. After a pi-intintr by G. G. Kilbiune. En- SJLTORE. Centra! Arizona Operations. !!. Co's Work Progressing on a Large Scale. The Largest Mins within Territory. th. Boing Worked by Mill. the Largest A IVSins with a S3,003,ooo Record, graved ou steel by V. H. Siniotis. ' His very step bus music ia't. As he comes up the stairs," The artist has thown in an inimit able niin.ner a mother and beautiful little child at ti e trli.d moment of ihe first sound of the welcome step of ths husband and father. The pict'ji s tells iis own story an hund.'td- t'old mora powerfully than may be po-.5bietv ai.y word descriptive of it. Second. Rustic Thou jrhts. Paintert bv V. C. T. DsbsoD, A. R. A. En- graved in steel by F. Bromley. In the niids of a brnui and liL-aufifuI ndscup?, is s'ssa, though half hid. dt-m bv fie loliacs, a cottage. A rustic little m:iclec has gone forth for a pitcher of vatiir. But, !o! "W hat has come over the f.oirit of her dreams?" She stf.r.d3 befcre you a charn.'iig picture of re.;tiij beauty, wrapped entirely in her own thoughts and :-ieditations. The whole story is plainly and truthfully told, and is comprehended at a glance. . bird. Mamma s Uirthay. 1 aim ed by W. C. T. Cobson, A. P. A. EntiraTed ou steel bv J. J. Chfint. Here is tne of the most beautiful scenes that can be imagined, shown vilh gief.t power and edict. Two hriaht ami charming little girls are making a bonoiiel for their mamma; Fourth. Ready. Tainted by S. P. Cnckc-rell. Fntrraved on ?terl bv R. Joejr. The faniE of W illiani Tell S world wine, and the ne rve. ccuragc ar.u pr werlul cMrp.oler ixLiuilta by both father md son in the ihiitii e it the upple on tl. loy't. herd, at the mandate ol ttellTitn-, las fi 1h i arts t.f tuillu at. Pen i foerlss o iUKii;.e tie fccr.i" i.iiy! every reive iss-l aired tni fji:- a nw r.u nt of terrible FUri i st--ll e arrow 1 as sped might to it.- mink. This sublime work of art must be seen to b; appreciated, for no d crip-ton, however graphic, can trtve more than a faint idea of it. It i- believed, and generally con ceded that these engravings mai;eu the finest and most elegant set i worKs ot hisrti art ever brouirht ou by American publishers. America homes should be made beautiful b refined works of art, and prices for reaby good and meritorious picture: are now so low that lucre can be n excuse lor the walls to remain cl.'.'omv, unadorned and cheerless American homes should be made beautiful, and the tendency of thi will bp to make more refine 1 an beautiful the lives of all dwellers therein. In the northwestern part of Mari copa country, CO miles northwest of Phnni j, is icwicd the uliurc aud mi!!, which is cot.- being active ly worked by lhe Central Arizona Mining Company, of New York, a well supplied with neces sary capital. TITE rHECENT COMTAXT Has had th-i property over a 'year; first working it by a20-,tsmp mill at Seymour, 11 miles :!!stant. Owing to ihc large charges in hauling ihe ore only llu highest grade ore could be worked, whiie the feature of mine :s its immense deposit of low grade ore. Such being the case, :hc owners look under consideration two propositions: one of erecting a mill st the mine and carrying the water from the ILissayampe. adis- nee of 16 miles, or build the mill on the Oila river, le OU muss south, and hike the ore by rr.ilroad. The former p'.p.n was adopted, aud a large force was Set cn to work mak ing aud la ing pipe, and an order given for Morris Lindsey, saloon. E B Tyler fiuil stand, papers and private boarders. John Barnes, boarding house, dos an excellent business and has 40 boarder?. Pceples & Stroud have a saloon business rnd corral aid are doing well. Two barbers do the tonsorial work work of tha ca atp. A washuoue ar.d .1 Chi nese bakery are a' to in Vasiness. New btnl'j'ngs are going up every where and a ntrnberor people an cons antly arriving with intentions of St irling in business- January Is. will rec this a booming carnp. ;AILY PHCENIX HERALD liOSPER A McCLITOCK, Publishers aud Proprietors. Published every evening except Sunday TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 yr., J10;6 mcs.. $5; per week. 25 TEErLT. $5:6 Mas. $2 00: 3 Mos , $1 68. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Yr A. SOtU OtKil Tiili ?IE.0 Advertlsirg Rite trmde known on appli ca'ion. C. W. CRAKE, Ai'ei-t.San Ernncisco, Cal. Mr, J. II. iJatks, Newspspr-r Adverttflin Senr. 41 Park l!ow, (Times Building) New York, is authorized lo contract for adver- li&ements in the ThcEnix Herald. PROFESSIONAL. From the tnouth of Tonto Creek to the headwaters of 'r-ult Kiver i one mass ot farms and stock I ranges, so we are luiorried by Mr. J u.ivia uaitz, wno uas ;ust returnen from .1 trip to Globe City, passing through the above section. Tin rade of a'l this section all tin supplies consumed by these people should all be brought to this city and would lie were it possible to travel the road over the Reno MYiitaiiu. 'J heir trads now all gocii to Globe City, although as one larrcor from I on to liasm re marked to Mr. Baltz, "I can buy more for $50 in Pho?nix than for $ 1 00 iu (i lobe." Considerable money has besn spent on this road clready and a few thousand dollars more would place it in a passable con anion. Whether tins money should b? appropriated by the neit Legislature or raise 1 by pri vate subscription is the qiestioti, and we would suggest a public meeting be called to talk the matter ver. It would be money in our pockets. Consider it. I E WnARTON. M 1). B. L. Romon, M D. U, S. Exam "ing Suroa. U. Army WtlAKTSSul EXOSO PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Calls Promptiy attended to. Bill priisenti'd monthly. lfTice East of Plaza, 2 doorc north of A m. B. Hooper & Co. W. A. Rovve & Co Wbolihii ihd Rstah. Dealess in General Merchandise. 1881. MR;,. V. A PICKESS, phys!c:an, Specialty: Obstetrics and Dis faf of Vt'oaivn. Office and Reside t c. Washington St., Eat of the Gardner llouie. Patients can be aeeomraodatcd with txard and tonkins. T-Calls answered at all honrj."l Mr. O. P. Ribertt ani Mis M. A. Cirr wre m irrincl hv Rev. Win M ;v;r Iat Monday, Nov. 15, at th ' ra-ii'lence of t'ae minister, the hriii arriving hv the stage of that morning from Culifornia. On Wcdnes'la. evening the happy couple were sere naded by the FIiomiIx brass band The Herald's wish is that this pal-' ace Carr uuder the conductorship of AI r. Roberts mav alwavs happilv pars everth frakor hupplni'ins. " The minion who edits the I'ouncil RluH's Nonpareil for all we know sets his paper in brevier. i-rnitic i,nri que. You ougl t to see him Sunday evening swinging ou agau wiiii a lit tle pearl lo whom he has (riven a diamond ring. Stamford Advocate. Me was ot Ijnglish descent, a'il we Knew him wliuu he learned his let ters from his great primer. Gowan. da Enterprise. Ah! We know him. No million about him: he is solid lour;rcous a regular paragon in his profession. Let the cannon boom in his honor Rome Sentinel. He must be a brilliant fellow to have such a Inns p-inier yarn written about him by such a small "pica crowd. This slick full ought to on copper -faced. Hubbard, l A. Gentlemen! Gentle men! Quit. You are im os!nr on us. ar.d you are risible to be locked tip. L't's-pica CHfiniin. though it "iM' nome isowi, or you 11 be in quod for lyin' you must not be Er ratic and Advocate its Enterprise. Wiil this Columbian inuendo to journalists? Press and Type. Gents, you are establishing a very had r-t'e by perpetrating such hor- jokes on the craft, as 3-011 invariably stick and double English out f form. As we wish to make a good impression, please overlay this and register one for us. The sound of the saw and hammer are he:ird on all sides in the town of Globe. The spirit of improvement seems to have broken out in an epidemic form. In fact, there is such a general appearance of new ness that one is almost iieran(lit i believe that the r.lace had sntinrr nr in the night as if by macic. At the present r;Ue of improvement Globe will at r.n distant d.iv nut rmMic, (ligrd'y ot a ei'y. Chronicle. AX EIGHTT STAVT" SuIiLL. The mine was ai that time deve loped by horse power aud a common whim, it be'mg too expensive to haul w.Vier fcr hoisting works.and by this primitive means 1,500 feet of short?- liP.d levels have bn b-cn opened up since last march. Since that day the wafer question is dena tely settled. The pipe, 18 miles long, has been carrying water some weeks to the cr.tira satisfaction of everyone. Ths water is pumped to an elevation of 820 feet, about half way, and is thus carried to the mill with great force. It is capable of delivering 400,000 GALLONS DAILY, Which is conveyed to reservoirs back of the mill building. The min-j will be worked through two inclines 300 feet deep, out the second hoisting works n.'tt being ready the mill will be supplied through incline No. 1. There is a double hoist to each shaft. and the hoisting works are of the m ist complete character. I he car that brings the ore from the mine de livers the ore into another car, which takes it lo a screen just back of the rock breakers. The fine falling through the screen into sch iu, thence into cars back of Ihe roi:k breakers, and carried to the bat teries. The coarse rock falling iu Iront of the reck breakers where it is fed by hand. From the rock breakers it tallr; into cars and is carried to the butters, of which there are sixteen, supplying live stamps. TUIE STAMPS WEI3II POCN'DS AND DROP 95 TIMES PEIl MINCTE, And will crush three tons in 24 hours or2j tons for the mill. The mill building is 160 feet long. All of this inacuinery is uriven by an engise 20x13, supplied by four boilers, each 4x16. The fly-wheel weighs 14 tons. All of the machinery is of the most improved, labor-saving characlcr, and machinery is also here for savins water if necessary. J. B. Hunt has been general manager since the starting of thn present company hut he soon leaves tor the East aud will be relieved by Jfr. Saville. Mr. S. II. Shinman is srctcral sunerintrn- de:it, and C Sarle is mill wriirht. VCLTL'RK CITY. Just below the mill building is lo cated Vulture City. New buildings are in course of convtruction and the population is daily increasing ivismess at this city n at present very quiet. Very few men are at present employed, but large forces will be put on as soon as the hoist ing works and mill get rucuing and work up the result of past labor. r the prese at resources of the town t is well represented in every branch f business. Below are some of the rincipal firms: W. A. Rou e & Co was the first isiness house and do a good busi- e3s in general meichandising. They :iiso run a hoarding house with 40 boarders. Messrs. Levy and ampler are do ing a big merchandising business. Mr. Levy is Postmaster. E O Grant, m irehant. Ed Kirkland, merchant. Tom Johnson h 3 opened, anew saloon, well filed up. Charlie Genung Iocs the butcher, ing business and sells 10,000 pounds of meat per month. Jesus Norego doe3 o good saloon business. Orozeo, Ilauefner & Garcia, saloon. They v, ilicoon receive a billiard tab!?, th rlf H t.- Tombstcne had the "boom" last sr.mrier, Globe has the "boom" just now aud nest summer will be old BraJshaw's turn. Comraeuc ing with pest. April, when ths snow has melted, Ioook out for a rush to the Peck, Tiger and Tip-Top Districts. General Sherman in his annual report renews Lis recommeudation of last year that Congress give 2-"5,-000 enlisted men to the line arm v. Editing Paper. Editing a paper Is a picarant bus;, cess if yon like it. If it contains much political mat ter people won't have it. If the type is large it don't contain much reading matter. If we publish telegraph reports, folks say they are nothing but lies. If we omit them they say we hsive no enterprise, or suppress them for political effect. If v have a few jokes, folks say we are nothing but ratth-hends. It we omit jokes, folks eay we are nothing but old fossils. If we publish original matters, they damn us for not giving selec tions. 11 we give selections, people snv we are lazy for not wrilintr more and and giving ihera what they have not reau in some otner paper. If we give a complimentary notice. we are censured lor beinsr partial. If we don't all hands sav we are a great hog. If we insert an article which pleases the ladic, the men become jealous, and vine rersa. If we attend church they say it is ier eueci. If we remain in our office, attend ing to our own business, folks say we are mo rrouj to mingle with ou fellows. If we got ot, they say we don't attend to our business. If we don't pay up promptly, the y say we are uot to be tru-teu. 11 we pav up promptly, they sav we stole ihe money. Ilobart Journal A. ". BAKEli. Attorney at I. a tr. Iivine's Huildtnr Itoomi, 1 and J, Phoenix, Arizona. O. II. I'. M5IKI.TM. SI. 1, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Call? promptly attended to Office Three doors eait of Court Home. JH S1I & M'KLLS, Attornej-at-Law. PRESCOTT, - ARIZONA Will practice la all the CoorU of the Ter J. T.AtSAP. Attorney-at-Liaw, Irrine'e Bnildini; Itoom S, Phrenlr. A. T. FltAXK (OX. Attorney at I. an OrncB next iloor to Conrt Houoe. II. St. PATRICK, Civil F.osinorr CrvntT Surveyor for Wnricona CountT and fVputtr V. S Miuernl Surveyor for Arizona Assayer of Precious Metals. Orrici With W". A. Hancock I'hoenix. ! h j- 9 I c I a n and M n r s c o n . (l.ate 01" Vi93:i. Cal.) Office on Washington atreet, tw doors mm Montftxrima. C. A. TfffXB. IT. a. HANCOCK. TH EKD & BlXt'OCK. Atttrmja atLn w. r5T"Lnnd bnsiues in all departments i pecialty. JIAMO.IilCSOTlC'E. ARIZONA I.ODUB NO-857F A.M meetUgs on the hird of each month a 7-30 j breitrcn are fraternally J. T. ALSAP, V. M . J. B. CRKAMEIt Kecrjr. A ABIJ X3r Stated VA Tuesday p. . s.jonrnin ted 10 attend I. O. K M. Of ARIZO- Th:iM(tfiV warn. Steiuakur' wn.lii!;. iraveiuig brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. O. BAlii.Ji, Sachem. Nehi Osbohs.U.oI K - rimrnPA JL ria. Improved O, E. M.. meets every evenins at o ciock ai iuc 3iO. 1, ARIZONA CJIAPTKtt, It : A.- M:- STATSP CDSVOCATJOXS OX on sccdi.M and four.h Mondays of cich month, at 7:30 p. M., a! Masonic Ha l. So journing companion in coodstandin" re cordially invited. Bvorder of 51. W. KALES, U P. J. B. CrtLAMKR, See. P The attention of birj-ers j and consumers are call ed to our two Gne stores at the VULTURE AND TIP-TOP MINES Everything needed by j Miners and Prospectors. fill and Minin SUPPLIES, a specialty, W. A. RCWE & CO. MISCELLAXKOL S . BANK EXCHANGE K3TEI j j riaaa. PV E. CANZ - Tliis new r;otel U eji la r.ccounuotlatioa tf Cut irnct pulilie. The rooms are- we'l Tnt:J a hanilMtuely furaliheU ia :- at finale. Sujvrior awmu. :.xl. for fault! lit. Ahfajju j ; -m---. ctorwiil be the CwcnVrtEl of Lis gueU. iMillJ M ? te rl h'?jl !fe V 1 itOtBt E''l jT ,TtCT flew Store I .AND. PJevv Coeds! ..AT.. Gillette, Yavapai county, la the tor C P Headformerloccnpied bj The undersigned has opened up and is now uiferinc to MINERS, FREIGHTERS, FARMERS, PROSPECTORS. And to the public in reneral. a new and complete. STOCK OF GOODS. Iu ityle and quality to meet the'.r wantt, consisting in part or Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Clothing. .Boot end Shoes. Mimnjr tools, etc. tc At the lowest cash price?, FLOUR AND BARLEY F03 sale in any qnantil y. f-ifCarcfnl attention riven to forwardin all k'nds of merchandise, machinery etc.. to a:y part of the surrounding camps and towns, Give meal'rial. "We take pleasure to inform the people of Salt Riv er Valley that we are now in receipt of our immense stock of goods, the largest ever brought to the Valley. Each and every department is complete in itself in Billiard Tablo and Car Connected wiii tie Uoui Only ths Finest Liqacrs & C jirj M1TATKCABB KOOS. The principM Ei?;tm.Ci:.;i.r-:. a4 Arizona psrr kt-ftoa d. A shara of the jubi;c VvaJ-rvaA. J solicited. Fsavers pistr JOJijV AXDEESO.V Justice Smith eai!, on openins his Court at Connorsville, Tenn : -Vil-liHm Henry Smith is arrnii::ietl for assaulting his futlipr." The mauis- trate hart on the previous d:iy knock ed His father down with a club, and it was himself that he was now nr. rainin!J. He continued : "The evi dence is conclu-ire. aDd I m notsnrp bnt 1 ought to send myself to jail for ten ciays. isut as this is mv first ogense. nnd I certainly had a irond deal of nforocation. I will simnlv Our people should not forn-et when they go to bin Francisco, to call on Ijiii-le Harris. We hear of a crent of people- being victimized in numerous dens in San Fran-ico that call themselves hv different namessuch ns L ncle's, and Uncle this and that. Our citizens should be pure and take a lMlle pains and see mat wnen purchasing, that thev read the name of Uncle Harris on the windows and in the stores of the two establishments of Lucie Harris, nememher the numbers, 221 and 702 Kearny Street, San Frauci co. EAT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GRAND CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center & TTaahlnf ton (Diajcaallj appetite lot2B,) Tip-Top Hotel. GILLETTE, A. T. T hotel is kent in flnt-elaB tTl. Hn-mm iare ana neatly luruiahed. Good accommodations fortransiant pa trons. TUB TABLE Cannot be snrpavsed iu the Territory, Go vouivuig aim picaiy 01 everytning. Board is per . - ou cents. oaSp AIRS. II. F. IIAUT. BLACKSMITH! JAS. LARSESVJ, GILLETTE, ARIZONA. T AM now prepared to eiecuto all kinds A. 01 worn in my liae.and in a workman like manner. K p irina done in the shurt- r.ifujMius umt. 1 lujs neeaing my ser- ticvs win piea call. JAMES LAIS ON". Gulitti, Tip Top Mlllsite, A. T. Dry Ooods and Fancy 0 OOuS, Liverv Stable, The Latest Styles in ihe Market. We respectfully call special attention of the Ladies to this fact, that we are the only" house where you can una a general complete assortment in IS, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, Of the very Latest Patterns and Styles. Out Cloihlug and Furnishing Goods Department is also complete with a larger variety, both for prices ana quality, tnan any other house in the V alley. Gentlemen intending to purchase their winter supplies would do well to call and examine our extensive stock. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Both in Prices and Quality. IN" OUR fJew Di we are second to none. Our assortment for MEN. BOYS, WOMEN" and CHILDREN", is complete for style, quality and prices. We keep none but the very best of brands in the market. Ho Eastern madf jpartur ! goods, but all of California make, which are known to be the best in the country. C?T-PEEF. VEAL. JICTTOS. LAMB and roitK and ail meats (tarred a required ucuveri-a lo any nan of the city tree of chart- BALSZ K?LLT. rhoenlx. NEW ADEKT1SEEMNTS. Grand Ball! . . FOB THE BENEFIT OF . . Mr. Ohas. Besss WILL BE GIVEX AT Woolsey & Wentworth's Hall, BT THE . PHCENIX BRASS BAND, Thursday Eve., Xov. 25th. Admission, S2.CO. Meet? the reqnirementsof themtlonsl med ical phiJoopl'y which mt present prevails. 1 1 i- a perfectly pure vegetable remedy. embrociti thv three important properties o! 11 prTontative, a tonic- and an alerative. It foriifiep the body disease, invi-oia;'- and n?-T:iali2 t ihe torpid stomach and iiTer. ard erT;ws moht aanrary j ruanre id the entire oyritem, when in a i morbid cnod-tion. Having jnst roccivcrl a assortment of very nice UNDERTAKER WARE, IN Hat and THE . Cap Department E. MATER Waaklaftea ikol saaa f iiHm. After this date, I will f.i stock. 20 per cent. er than the priced L ere to- fore known iu l"'" A large corral.' "C0xl" D connected, with La2e 100 heal cf room stock. for Corral room fr charj-e. A force premises. pump ca ti.t IZr-riEM tlV B R THE fUfl. BAITS ESCHAir32 RESTAUR AFiT All of which I reasonable rates, mcnt of win sell at rery Also, aa assort- we have the very latest styles for Men, Boys, Ladies and children. Our assortment in this line is coaiplete. Windows, Doors1 Minds, Mouldings and California Lumber. Hace of Bsine-s, Washington St.. I op; ca.te (jurdncr Hotel, PlioenU A.itocn Territory. J. M. GREGORY. NEW PUCEXIX BAKERY. Prop . Waihinton treet, opp. C ocrt tloose. In conclusion we beg leave to stato that our GROCERY, CROCKERY AND - HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS arc as complete as the balance of our stock. thank to lier fritcilj anj tltif uii a lor the liberal patron a ; betjs to state that Et-ihin? .t ca en uudi;e tu weoi. be; liou a- Kes'.aurant thouid. The Table will be cnpn;iel nrhh tie leat county aSi.nls an J -bai'l r-u..a arc. onj to noue ia tlie Teir'tcrr. Hopin? to merit a ati.l ?cfr shnre f t'ie uMic patrcaa. I w.U insure pclito ct-lla acj fwJ treatment. Trirate d-nne- r-r Va!l persocallj atte Buetl U- Twelve loaves of Bread Urcud Tickets. 81. or 12 All my Cakes an? mv own make. and not Imported. rice asd enkes alwayi on hand. Uread m:ide to order. Kov.ll-tf. Bye ANDREW J. COFFEE. NOTARY PUBLIC- No. 509 California Street, San Fran Cisco, California. Commissioner of Deeds or Arizona. Conveyancer and General Bniiifn Having such an enormous stock on hand we are tter enabled to give lower and better prices than has ever heretofore been offered in this market. Par ties from the distance about to purchase their winter supply would do well to give us a call as we are confi dent we can make it to your interest to jjurchase ol us. In connection with our numerous stock, we carry a lull lino oi wan x aper, uarpeis anu u ioins. Call and examine our immense stock. No trouble to show goods. GOLDIVSA & CO. FASHION LIVERY, FEED AMD SALE STABLE GEO. HAMLIN Tr"?. r i THCEX1X. AKIlali'