Newspaper Page Text
THE VOL. 6. No.lG . TVHO.E No. 464. PHCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1880. NEW SERIES No. SI. HUN G ! Demeirio Dominoues Dan gles Downward, And Pays the Penalty His Crime. of The Murderer of Thomas Executed ndjf Uis murder I am accused. Wbu 1 can swear without coudem natu of my soul that I did not kill hie The man who killed him Finin Finhraa. The driver says tin I vas the murderer, but if the ot'jT3 had been arrested I am sure tin one of them wouidj have been prven to be the guilty party. What I id wag U unhitch the horses. To other man who attacked the s'.ge was Unidienda iloraja. Ho is ONE YEAR AFTER CRIME. Maricopa County's Firs Legal Hanging Conducted In a Planner. Quiet Scene at the Gallows Full Account of Previous Hangings in the Yalle;. Demeirio Dorningnes, one of the three Mexicans who murdered Mr. Thomas two miles above Gill.ct, last November 27th, died on the gjjows lo-dny 3 penalty of hi3 crime. "Mr. Thomas was coming from Piseolt, in the stage, which was attalcd and robbed, had he received ijuries from which he died. IJe h j pre viously been foreman of the Tp.'fop, and it was thought tne turc-r was committed on spite. A full .ccouDt was published in the HekaIj at the time. His part of the crimi8 fully set forth in his confession. hich we to-day publish. It was writUj by the prisoner yestcrJ iy afieruo,Q at tuc request of the H srtALD.ajd tnslatcd for us. Domingues was a young looking man, said to beabout 17 years. He h:is passed m-st of his time Itttlr in writing leters to his countrymen, asking a reeue from bis fate Tire letter of Xiurse kck J not delivered. The ga'o.vs were erected about a half mle west of town nar the Lurking fremiti, his grave being dug nest to licse of Mc- man who took the pistol from te driver of the stage and bayonet- 'i the deceased twice, and after the ibbery was oyer he told me that he "J that to make sure of his dcatb. lien I went with them as far as res Alamos When this side of Tres hmiis, I wished to separate from jeni. because I did not with to be with them after having committed HIS such a deed, against my will, as they j had forced me to do. lam now going to the gallows; my partners in crime can be arrested. Fermin Fierabres lives in Suaqui Grande, Sonora, and Unidienda Mo. rag lives Babiaerra, Sonora. Now, friends and countrymen, Mexicans and Americans, I, like a friend, give you advice to keep out of bad com pany, and do not as I have done, and even if you are forced it is better to resist than to violate the law. This is the advice of a friend. I am a native of the State of Chihuahua, El Paso del Norte. I now confess to the public, ns I would confess to God, that I did not kill that .nan and the witness who testified againsi m is aiislaki n. Now nothing bu dealh is left to me. A great weigh is upon me that I have to die and th other two going at large. But in this way, God, according to his Holy Will, so decrees. I am resigned. have nothing else to write and noth ins mere to s iy. DojiTsorrss. P. S. Gentlemen : I did commi the crime. It is a bad example. was seduced by those bad men and now I repent of the bad example I have (riven to Ihe world. I want to be pardoned of law wrong and bad example I have set, and want you to believe that I have repented f all mv crimes and bad acts. I offer my ife as a ransom. I have no more to say. Demetiuo Domixgces Closky pud Kelier nod na more than fifly feet from (he galioTs. He left the jail about half past tvelve, being conveyed in, a carriag; in which tbera was seated lesides him self. Father Gerard, Shfriff Thomas, under-Sheriff McDonall and Depu ty Blankership. A gtitrd of about twenty men, under the command ot Sergeant S. E. Pattej, armed with shot guns, escorted th: carriage. A crowd, to the number if at least 200 witnessed the executicn. The guard formed a square arouid the frame. Everything was conducted very qui etly. The deaih wfrrant was read by the Sheriff, and a ter the doomed man muttered a fev -words, which were unintelligible, he was strapped at ihe knees, the e bows, and each wrist to the leg, the black cap was drawn over his hfad find the trap sprung and the doonecl man was on his long journey, a.'ter a lew convul sions of the body. After remaining the lawful time he was cut down and buried. HIS CONFESSION. me iouowirg confession was made by the doomed man ezpressly for the HtitALU and is the ouly one m ide. It was tianslated by Judge S. K. Warfield fir the Herald: Phcenix, Novkmbbk, 25, 1880. Gextlemen The charge against me of having violated the human law. My statement in regard to the affair 16 as follows: I was cutting wood at a wood camp for the Gillett mining company - when two men came to my camp. At time I was absent cording up wood at the mill, when my employer arrived from my camp ami told me that two men were at my camp. When I learned this I went to the camp with my friend to set. if I could recognize them and vben I got to the camp I did not cognize either of them, but my p-iner knew one of them and they -remained in camp about as near as I can remember for about three hojrs. At the same time they told my partner that this night they wanted to go and rob the Prescott stage and, when they said that, my partner rebuke! them for it. After that those men remained for an hour and a half longer. My partner had to go to Gillett to buy provisions, that he bad forgotten to buy. On that acr-ount I was left alone with the twei men and when they saw that I was tlone in the camp they pro. po e-l that I go with them and rob the stage. I replied to them that there -as no need of my doing so, and hen they asked me what I woubS rfo, if would go or not, but if I refilled to go they would compel me to o so and at the game time oi e of them came up on one side and the other on; the olbei side and then one of thein drew a revolver and the other a; bayonet and wanted to kill me. I waa afraid they would do so and went w;ln them to rob the stage. But I had n-, arms bu: a small knife and that I din not even wish to use to rob the-, stnjjrC When we had i attacked llies-ai?, maa wag killed, rnEViccs iiangixgs is this valley. Although, as above stated, this is lie first legal hangicg in this county. the citizens haTc si various time taken the law into their own hands. The first iufctance is, we believe, the hanging of a Mexiena for the theft iif a cow. in 1873. The animal be- whose farm adiomea tne town on he east. One Riornlng, missing the uuiinal, search was commenced and the tracks easily followed by a crowd who had been infoimed of the theft, to a butcher sh.vp in Phoenix, when evidenc es thst the animal had been slaushlered were there found. The butcher disclosed the name of the person of whom be mace his pur chase, who was quickly tracked down by the crowd and taken to the west side of Moniuao s corral anl was drawn up to the beam, over the gate. This beam is still standing. A guard remained until life was extinct and then returned to the butcher shop and siiTgested that he pay the right ful owner for the cow. This he re- fushd to do, and the now infuriated crowd surrounded him and com menced shoving him in the direction of the hanging Mexican, it being frequently suggested to him that the proper thing to do was to pay for that cow. Continuing to refuse he was continually nearing thcgsllows, being in the midst of a mad crowd and shoved with them, althcugh no hands were placed on him. At last coming to the conclusion, when within sight of the hanging thief, tint he wouid share the same fate, he offered to make any payment de sired, and was then released. A few minules more df lay would have been detrimental to his health. The peo ple only rescrted to this mode of righting their wrongs after a long time of suffering. During that season horse and cat tle stealing continued very lrcquent, tue valley being infested with a number of hard characters, and scarcely a week passed but news was received of a fresh cr:me. Growing bold with their success they carried on their operations with a high hand ; still more quick and de cisive action on the part of tha citi zens was needed, and a company of ItlXUTK MEIT Under the direciion of an executive committee of eight was formed. The 'ynching of their Mexican brother in crime was not sufficient. Fifteen miles below Phoe nix, where the Gila and Salt rivers join, had at this date been long used as a rendesvous, and news one day was received that nine ot the worst characters were in camp at that point. A party was formed, went there and in due course of time returned. but made no report. It is known however that the men in that camp were never heard of afterwards. What ever became of them the rcadt-r is left to guess. Sufficient to say that the valley was thoroughly rid of them. Atala'er d;ty two men, tough characters, who were camped on the river about four miles from town suddenly disappeared. It was pre sumed at the time that they had gone to join the nine above spoken of. Quiet wos then restored and the valley was peaceful for a period of two year3. New Years Eve lSTo a baM was being held in the old stage building, but now occupied by th? Phoenix Herald printing establish ment. A w hile man who was slight ly under the influence of liquor, fanciexJ that he had been instiltedbr j not being introduced to a lady who was present, left the room, secured a shot gun and fired through the last window on the alley 6ide into a crowd sitting around the fire-place, and sorely wovnded Lew Baily, now of Florence. After ccmimitting the deed, be started in the iirectia of Washington street sad was punned by a number present at tb dance. He was captured at a point where uow slauds the mercantile stabl:sh ment of M. L-Peralla. A rope was nut around his nock and he was led down Center street to Adams Btreet, j thence out that street to ijid east siae of town. What was then done floes not appear a matter of record, but his body was found next morning hanging to the limb of a cottenwood tree The result of his shot was not known at the time be was hung, but it was thought to be more disastrous than it turned out to be. It w-as not the man's.fault that he did not kill several persons. He richly deserved his punishment. THE SEXTrLTKCHISC In this town was on August 22, 1879, when two men named Keller and McCloskey were hung to the colten wood trees on the plaza, at about 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Tuesday evening, August 19, Luke M on ill an was foully murdered while on hi way home, and within f-ight of his home and fami!y. He lived a few miles soutb-west of town and about a ;sct on the evening above men tioned, while quietly driving along the road, was shot in the back by some one hidden in the brushes that line the road. He fell out of the wagon oa being shot and his team went home empty, which caused im mediate search and the wounded man was found where he fell. lie was taken to his house and passed away at 10 o'clock that evening, re maining un conscieui to the last. The officers soon tracked down aud conclusively proved that a man named John Heller, living on an ad joining farm, had committed the deed. The particulars were all pub lished in the Herald at the time. and arc still fresh in the minds of our readers. Keller was lodged in jail to await his trial. A. J. Wil cox son was arrested as an accomplice. The following Thursday, Jesus Romero, better known as the SABER SLASIIBK, Shot in lh5 jail yard while' attempt ing to escape. Later in the same evening news rcschcu town or lue killing of a Mexican cn the Gila, and the same r.ight, Mr. John Le Barr, a well known citizen, was, 3W MEXiCa ITE1X8. Red River prectact terribly end awfully Uepublican. Out of 220 votes cast only 12 were Democratic. The ladies of Ike Presbyterian fhurch of Las Vegas will net about $130 from their recent entertainment. This is a good showiag. Large numbers of coantericit silver dolUrs ere iu circulation in Las Vegss. 3o many people have been takea ia that there is some some sus picioa that a gang of counterfeiters are operating ia the Territory if not rijht in Vegae- There is abundant work for rev enue officers in New Mexicco. The Gazette, Las Vegas, has positive in formation that seventy five miles to the south of Las Vegas is an illicit still, and farther to the north are two others, wherl potato whisky is man ufactured. There is undoubtedly J much crooked wuissy maautactureu in the Territory. A man who has just come into Santa Fe from Prescott writing to the N"ew Mexican, states that while riding through the Nayajo country he met three Indians who were drunk and inclined to talk. From them he learned that Victorio was not dead and has recently made over, tures to the Navajos to join him and that a big fight will soon take place. TELEGRAPHIC Associated Press Dis patches to "Herald." DAILY PHCENIX HERALD GOSPER & McCLINTOCK, Publishers aud Proprietors. I PER WESTERN UNION LIKE ) Terrible Collision between Ocean Steamers. Two Ilundred and Lives Lost. Fifty Murderg in California this Week. i'ubushed every evjraiug except Sunday TESKS OF SUESCRIPTICB. DAILI. , 1 yr., $10; 6 mos., $5; per week. 25 1 Yr $5: 6 Mos, $2 50; 3 M03-, 55 E0. 1881. MISCELLANEOUS. Advertising Rate made cutiou. kaown 00 appli es. W. CKAXE, Agent, San Eranciaco, Cat. Ma. J. II. Bates, Newppaper Adverttsia Agent. 41 Perk Row, (Times Building) Mew York, U authorized to contract rcradrer tlsemecti in the PucEnii Hhild. PROFESSIOXAL. A Fresno Man Murdered For his Money. Six prisoners recently escaped from the Las Vegas jail, ns follows: J. J. Webb was tried, convicted and sen tenced to be hung for the murder of Michael Keliiiier in Vegas last spring. He took an appeal, which was to have been heard at this session of the Supreme Santa Fo in January. George Davidson was awaiting triiil for the murder of Star bird, the hack driver, iu April last. John Allen took an appeal from a death sentence, for the brutal murder of James MoreheaJ at the St. Nicho las hotel last March. Wm. Mulien, under indictment tar complicity in a train robbery about a year ago. Gsorge Davis, under indictment for stealing mules. John Murry, under indictment for murdering a grader near Tecolole, about a year ago. TeJilusr the Chase. Among the visitors at a Wall street broker's office one day last wesk was a village person whose flock is not more than fifty miles away. He re proved the broker for the sin of stock gambling, warned the clerk that they were tiaveling the broad and narrow road, and filially said: "I have some certificates of slocks bv a rough character named McClos- kcy. Mr. LcBarr was carried home and lingered in great agony until next nirtrfiing at C o'clock, when death released him from his sutler- is. The law would have been al- owed to take its course in the case of Keller, but this last deed was too much for a peaceful community, and it was seen that PROMPT AD DECISIVE ACTIOH was needed, the town was mien with rough characters, and this bloody work once started, there would be no telling where it would end. The following account is re- copied from the Phcenix Heuald of August 2a, 1S79: Early yesterday morning, quietly but determinedly, a law and order committee was organized, aud at 10 o'clock proceeded to the jail and de manded the keys of the cells contain- ; the murd rers Keller and Mc- Closky. These were surrendered at the point of the pistol. Quietly, and without excitement, the two men were brought out and told their time had come. Hopes were tied around their necks and they were led forth through the main street to the plaza n i tl:ere hanged to limbs of cotton wood trees. Keller made no further confessions than simply statiug that the killing of Monihon resulted from an old grudge that had existed be teew Ihem. McClosky's only excuse for his cold blooded assault on was that he was drunk when lie com mitted the deed. Persons who wit nessed the hanging, and who had been spectators at similar occurrences state thill they never witnessed a lynchin? conducted in so quiet and orderly a manner. After the execu tion the capitan of the Committee made a speech to those who bad as sembled there, numbering between four or five hundred. He Stated that the law was too slow in this cases. nd that justice the manded oft! act. He also gave notice to all rough haraciers to leave town cr it might prove unhealty for them. This now we believe brings the reccrd up to the present, when for the first time the law will take it course. The particulars of to-day's business are in full at the beginning of this article. Atlantic and l'f ci.ic It. H. The commissioners appointed to nspect the first fifty-two miles of trnck laid of the Atlantic and Pacific U.K., have given the suprrintendent to understand that ihe road is entire ly satisfactory, and will be accepted on their report The track is now aid and the road in operation to Laguna, 55 miles from the junction. When the track reaches Fort Win- ate, which will be by the first of anuary, passenger trains wiU be put on a:id the L. S. mails taken. Las egas Gazette. though I am opposed to this ungodly business of speculating in slouks for profit, these were a present to me from an old friend, and I may be forjriiren for disposing of them at their face value." "You will hardly be able to do ihat," replied the broker, as be look ed un the quotations. "I hey are quoted at nine cents on the dollar.1 "Dear lands, butis that possible!'' grasped the holder. '"As I said be lore, I am utterly opposed to stock speculations, but nine cents on the dollar is preposterous." 'Well, the slock may take a boom after a while. Some ring may run it to 5 or SO within a week." "But rings ore wicked." "Y-e-s, I suppose so." "And in selling out at an advanced figure I would be defrauding some innocent buyers." "Like as not." The parson was silent for some time, and then he a3ked: "Is there a chance that I wouldn't?" "Well, about one iu five hundred. Where one gains another must lose, von know." Th Te was another interval of sileu e and deep thiDking, and then the visitor laid down the certificates with the remark : "I'm going to take that one chance in five hundred and ask the Lord to help me through, for nine cents on the dollar for any sort of stock is something that no Christian man was expecied to put up wiih, even when the stock was a tri ft- Please give me a receipt, and let me hope that in the ninlst ot this liasie to get ncli you will not forget that there is a world beyond this." Wall Street News. LOCAL LIN! Sail fora Irvine's. packing purposes at Xotice. Tha party who was so smart and walked off witU a wheelbarrow fnd 1 box hardware, marked L. K. & Co, ignal, had better return them as we ave them spotted No questions ill be asked.. Lnless same 13 re- urned, we shall co for them our selves as we know where they are. GLIf Jf Co. The ball last night was a grand success. To-day3 locals are crowded out by our full report of the hanging. Everything on the first page to-day is fresh to our daily readers. The base ball match yesterday was won by the 11 fe ilx Club. Thanksgiviug Day, yesterday, was properly observed. The Ked Men will give a hop at their hall on AVe Inesday evening. The ITorvell Base Ball Club of McDowell and the Phcsmx Club will play a match game on Christmas at this place. Pythias hop this evening. Grand march to commence at 7:50 p. M. All ineembrs of the order, in cood stand ing, are coidial'y invited. The elegant new establishment of Uncle Harris, Xo. 221 Kearny Street, San Francisco, west side, between Bush and Sutter Streets, has been opened, it was a great necessity to the many thousand customers, who since 1851, have given their patronage to him. His motto has always been fair dealing to all, and thus bis stores are crowded daily with the best of our citizens. The water received by J. Ileinson from his new artesian well is the finest on the coast, and ihe bread he is making with the same is unsur STEAlIEIt COLLISION. Leghorn, November 25. The Steamer Ontegia came iu collision tliis morning wi'li the French stenmer Uncle Joseph near Speasia, Uncle Joseph was so much injured she soon aank. She had 300 per sons on board, only fifty of whom were saved. The Ortegia has ar rived at Leghorn being also se verely damaged. ML'RDEK. Williams, Nov. 25. On Sun-j day night at 11 o'clock Win. Bait-j lett killed James Uedgpeth. They met in a saloon, Hedgepath being under the influence of liquor, quar- raled with Buitlett, concerning some trouble nearly a vear ago. Barlett went liome and was followed by LTedgpeth, who attempted to force an entrance in the house, and was shot under the right ear. The cor oners jury jutifii;d the act. iiurDKr INITESXO. Fiesxo, Gal. Not. L. Boachham, a native of Tennessee, aged 70 years, was murdered at his home ou the S.iu Joaquin river.near Jones' store, either Sunday or Mon day night. The murder is sup posed 'to have Lecu ccmuiittt-d f t robbery. J E Wharton, M 1. R. L. Kosson, M D. V, S. Exam'ing Surgeon. Late IT. 3. Army FHYS1CIANS & SURGEONS, Calls Promptly attended to. Bills presented monthly. Office East side of Plaza, S doora north ot Win. 11. Ilooner X Co. FPIUi Oil ft II 11 BANK EXCHANGE HOTEL. Vajhlnjloa atreet n.e Flua. rhuralx. E. ChllZ r.-s?rii!;r This a;w hol i Pow i-3 , -v. accommodation tf lie tnTv;i:i public. Ihe rooms are well v ?' .,-, I iir.mtoomcly fnrnUhr.! ia ;;, j single. Superior ' for families. The aim J" t-r : r : etor will 1- the comfort auj of his guests. ! HKS. X. A PICKEX8, PHYSICJAN, Specialty: Obstetric and Dis eases of tVonen. Office and Iteiderc;, Washington St., East of the Gardner House. Patients can be aeeommodated vriLh uarn nnd lodiinir. CS'-Calls answered at all honn.FS A, C. BAKE!!, Attorney at Lair. Irvine's Uuildin- Rooms, and S, Phoenix, Arizona. O. II. I. SliKETS, 3J. I, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Calls promptly attended to, Office Three doors east of Court Home.- IJI Sil & WELLS, A t( orneysnt-LsiT. PRESCOTT, - ARIZONA Will practice in all the Courts of tha Ter Ccorns "We take pleasure to inform ho people of Salt Riv er Yalley that we are now in receipt of our immense stock of goods, the largest ever brought to the Valley. Each and every department is complete in itself in Billiard Tabic end Car Connected wiia lUe c Only the Finest Liquors & C:?zrs PRIVATE CAItO HOOSS. The principal Eastern. CaUfoTs: &a4 Arizona papers kt-tt us tie. A share of the r-uLUe rrvaa U solicited. Drv 0 ritory. mi: J. T.ALSA1. AttoriicT-at-Lasr Irvine' Building R00S2 S, Phoenix. A. T. FKASR COX. Attorney at I, a w. Ofticb next door to Conrt House. oqqs ana rancv Bonus. The Latest Styles in the Market. eft aver II. It. PATRICK, Civil Enelnetr Ccuilty Surveyor for Maricopa County and Deputy U. S Mineral Surveyor for Arizona Assayer of Precious Metals. OrricE With W. A. Hancock Phosnix. A . T. re. 1. t osYcss, Physician n n fl $nrjron. (Late of Viea'.ia, Cel.) Office on Washington street, tw doors from Monteznzna. A.TWEED. . i. HASCOCi. TtVEED &. JTASICOCX. Attorneys at Li rr. Thconix. A. T. Arizona, 1S0. We respectfully call special attention of the Ladies to this fact, that we are the only house where you can find a general complete assortment in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, Of the very Latest Patterns and Styles. Liverv Stable, a HATER Gur Clothing and Furnishing Goods Departmsnt 4, Say, Greaser, whose hops is that? e tr you art' mount'-'d due. Look-a-liere I'll bet a hat That that 'ere crittor'a mine! "No! Why dm n your nly skin. Yon mu-in to say 1 lie? Bniiht itl Come, nou , that's too thin. The likes ot you don't buy. " Oit risht down and no back talk; Hand me the halter here! Gues you'd better take a. walk. The boundary line is near. Won't 1 Take that, yon Greaser cuss! hay, boys, I piugfred him then. Reckon aftorthis uere muaa He'll never tteal again. "Mishijos! What's that he said? He's raving 'bout hid kldn. Give him one more doe of lwad There, now, he'll close his lids I " Ilovs, look here, this ain't my h;; Wol , now, I've raised a stink! B-tt a dead Greaser ain't no loj?s - Come, all n.nds tnke a drink! " Stock Exchange. Louisiana Oranges. .ti.vauMs; aoTiCk:. ft ARIZONA LODGE Xo.257F & OvTue1" taled meetings on the hird day of each month a --iU r. M. Sojourning brethren are iraiernauy invited to attend. J. T. ALSAP, W. if. J. B. CREAMER Secty. I. O. St. 3i. MARICOPA TRIBE, O. 1. of ARIZO na. Improved O, R. M., meets every Thursdnv cvenins at 7 o'clock at the W i? wam. Steinake'r's bui. diner. Traveling brethren are cordiailv invited to attend. A. C. 15-AIin.K, Sachsm. Ivkri OsnonK. C. of It. AHIZOSA CMAPTEI5, SO. 1, K:- Ar- 51: nf tTF.!) t OSVOOATIflSS OS on cc--k.! am! fourth Mondays of each m.intii. at T-.aOv. m at Masonic Hall. So jiiuriiiii'j companion in nod standing are cordiiuiy invited. Bv order of 1 M.W. KALES, H. if. J. B-CitLAXX. Sec- P There are not many persons who appreciate the extent of our orange trade, or who realize what an enor mous anurcc of revenue the culture of this delicious fruit may be made On the 30th of this month there were shipped from here on the Chicago. St. Louis and Ncvr Orleans tailroad, eleven cur-loads of oranges, destined the Denver, St. Louis, Cincinnati. Chicago and EvansTille. There were in this shipment 1320 barrels, and averaging the barrel at 300, we have a total of 390,000 oranges sent in one day by one railway to supply the in crcasia-r demand in the West for Louisiana's juicy and luscious fruit, which is fr superior to th? oranges ot Cuba, and ven the much vaunted fruit of Florida. Between the 1st of October and the 2Cth there were shipped by the same road to the Western cities 21,000 barrels, an aggregate of 6,300.000 oranges. The demand f-.r this health ful and universally favorite fruit ic such that it can never be fully sup. plied, so that there is every induce ment for our people to go largely into orange culture, which, when pursued v.'ith iatelligncnce, will yield a much larger return for the capital invested than cither cotton cr sugar. The orange crop cf Florida will soon assume enormous proportions. Owing to judicious advertising, it became the fashion for northern pen- pie to go t Florida for their health, and they seeing what a mine of wealth was in tha culture of oranges in that State, invested largely in groves, which arc n:w rapidly, bear ing and from which are supplied almost exclusively the cities of the North and East. The State is be- comiug a ast orange grove ana mil lions of dollars of Northern capila! are invested there in orange farms. The Louisiana orange,' as we have said, is finer than either the Florida or Cuban marge, aud our dilute is peculiarly favorable to the growih of the trees, hence we should either our selves increase our production ol the fruit or else invite Western or Northern capital here to plant new groves and make Louisiana what she should be the riv;d of F'orida. If that Stale supplies the North and East with oranges, Louisiana should certainly be equal to supplying the West and Northwest. New Or- lr i Democrat. and quality, taan .any other house -in the Valley Gentlemen intending to purchase their winter supplies would do well to call and examine our extensive stock Satisfaction Guaranteed, Both in Prices and Quality. Wasklsfta street west vi to pa;. IN OUR .ViEAT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GRAND CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center Jt "VYaehiastoii. (Diagonally oppss'tc PostsSee,) t-BEEF, VEAL, J1CTTOS, LAMB ant! POltii and all meal sarvetl 4 required lielivered to any part of the city irce ot charge. BALSZ & KELLY. Thaaaix. S8 & cu:bi:a.tcq Met the requirements of med ical philosophy which at proecrt p'Yails. 11 l a perlecliy pine vegetable r'niotlr. embracing the three important properties ot a prrvemative, a touic and an alc:ii;ivc. it fortifies the body against disease, invig orates and re-vitafizvs the torpid stomach and liver, and eft'ects a mofct sa u ary change in the entire system, vhen in c morbid condition. F3r al hr all Drwrcisti n1 lnlr er rally, we are second to none. Our assortment for MEN, BOYS, WOMEN and CHILDREN, is complete for style, quality and prices. Vie keep none but the very best of brands in the market. No Eastern made goods, but all of California make, which are known to be the best in the country. IN THE Hat and Cap Department we have the very latest styles for Men, Boys, Ladies and children. Our assortment in this line is coaiplete. In conclusion we be leave to stato that our GROCE CROCKERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS are as complete as the balance of our stock. After this date, I will fti stock. 20 per cent, cheap er than the prices luTeto- A large corral. 00x1 connected, with skad room for 100 head of Corral room fres c! A force premises. pump cn tl ESTAURAfJT MRS. TWESS'EL'n in r:urr?-; hanks to her ft sends thr piS. or the libera! patronace N!rc egs to stato that iitthii! fc t oft undoue to kwp her tou a Uestauruui houid. The Table will be supplied with thr Vm county affimls nrid rcuita c- ond to none m the TtirUorv. Hoping to merit a ttt'I fcrhrr -hare of the public ;ras:' je. 1 insure polite at'.CLticu i-J x-vJ treatment. Having such an enormous stock on hand we are better 'enabled to give lower and better prices than has ever heretofore been offered in this market. Par ties from the distance about to purchase their winter supply would do well to give us a call as we are confi dent we can make it to your interest to purchase of us. In connection with our numerous stock, we carry a lull line oi wan raper, carpets ana (JUiotns. Call -and examine cur immense stock. No trouble to show goods. GOLDMAN & CO. Trirate dinners cr Val personally lilti-tut-d to. jms.wrs?: Grand Ball . . rtK TUB BENaJIT OS" . . Mr. Ghas. Bess 1 .. WILL 11 K CtVi.X AT i Woclsey &. Wenl.vsrlh s K i:r TiiK . PHCEM1X E3AS3 CAJO. Hmradav Eve., Nov. 23 tit. Admission, - S2.C3.