Newspaper Page Text
JL JQLJjj VOL. G. l'o.l8 -WHOLE Xo. 478. PIICEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1SS0. XEW SERIES Xo. TELEGii Associated Press Dis patches to "Herald." 1 PER WESTERN rNIO" UXE DISfiCSTED ARMY OFFICERS. Washington, December 9tli. It is uow slated positively iu hiijli official quarters that Gen. McDowell is not to be idircd. Gen. Orel's friends are much disiju-ted at the turn things have taken, for they pro. teat that Ord should not have been retired unless McDowell was, the latter being the older man of the two. It is probable that th power behind the throne is Prciilenl-elect Garfield, who has a sou named after McDow ell. Sherman's friendship for Ord dates back many years, they li iviug served in the same command togeth er in early life. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. r "Washington, December 9lh. Senator Bailcj-, who arrived fram Tennessee to-day, says there is noth ing in the talk of electing a Repub lican Senator to succeed him. liuilcy claimed a majority iu legislature and said that a Democrat would be elected Senator. Senator Cook was to day asked if ihere was any truth in the recently published statement that a scheme is bi iuij pushed by Democrats to i vide Tesas into four states, and hold j the United Xates Senate by thus ob taining iix additional Senators. Senator replied emphatically that there was not a -void of truth in any assertion of the kind. SENATE. Washington, December 9th. On motion of Pendleton, that part of the President's message referring to civil service rel'or..j was referred to select committee on the subject, with instructions to report by Bill or oth erwise at an early day. Baker, of Indiana, from Commit tee on Appropriations, repented on fortifications appropriation bill. Or dered printed. Kellcv, of Pensylva a a, introduced a bi 1 re .eating bank, slump, match and patent medicine tl es. Kcic-nvd. Oar Letter Oev This department is open for corr. municjitious discussing any subject. The real nam-i of the writer" mu.-t "accompany every communication. A en' Code. Er. Herald: The Arizona pa pers are agitating Hi? -question of the necessity Of c'.Tgtr-by-t4M? islature pointing t) the modification of our la-vs. After gain ring tne views of our local bar the conclusion is reached that our present statutes a-e deficient, badly arranged, cor. fUidd and not infrequently contradic tory; that it would be a matter of economy resulting In considerable -saviug to the Territory to cure these ertora and supply these deficiencies. To accomplish this the feeling leans itrotigly towards the appointment of a Code Commission vested with am ple powers to remedy the evil . Tie suggestion of adopting the Califor nia code entire meets with little favor. The adoption of the Califor nia codes, 3vc in number, filling thousands Cf pages and aggregating the result of years of legislation of a populous and wealthy State, notor ious for prodigal txpenditurc in leg islation, would be to saddle upon our Territ ry in its infancy, a cumberous and expensive system of laws, much of which would be useless and poor 1 adapted to our wants. It would t t burden to carry without proper compensation. The publication alone would cost more than the ex pense f a. Code Commission. Be sides this, excepting the questions of "community property," "water rights " and " mining," the interc t of our people and those of Califor nia have but little in common. The speedy connection with the East by rail will briug from that direction immigration and capital, and turn our bu.-iness to that point. Hence, in- the codification of the laws, it would not be injudicious to consider the propriety of our code, following t ic simplicity aud wisdom ot some of those of the Eastern States, whose people are to furuish our lulure pop ulaii on. This matter being ct interest we hope to see it discussed through the columns of our papers. The consecration of Rev. G. K. Dunlop, the new Episcopal Bishop nhose dii-fx- wil! c-xterd over Ari zon a and Isew Mexico, was sole mini.ed a t Christ Chapel, St. Louis, cn lott Sabbath morning. This is the first consecration of an Episcopal Bishop that ever took place in St. Louis, and the third west of the Missippi. Railway construction at the eastern end of the Southerd Pacific is neces sarily slow, owing to unexpected obstacles in the way of grading and the lack of material. The end of the track is now ZS nnlrs east of the new station of Hio Slembres. Th dis tance from Membros to El Paso is about 85 miles leaving GO miles of track to be laid to the latter point. The distance from San Francisco by the Southern I'acilic Railway to the point of junction with the Atch ison, Topeka and Santa Fe is 1,244 miles, and by the latter to the Missouri River 1,147 miles, a total distance of 2,:J!1 miles, a total dis tance of said, trains can run through id S:in Franrisr.o nvnr the new line with much greater speed and lower fares than bv the old route. J GOAL LINES. Cash paid fur bacon nnd lard at Irvine's. - Dec.l-lm Jut'ge Porter, wife nml neice re turned from 'l'u ma this aftcrno n. California Fruit, received fresh three times per week, at Geo. F. Coats. California fresh Roll Butter three times per week, by express, ul Geo. F. Coats'. Rev. J. Merrill will preach in the Presbyterian chapel, south side of the plaza, next Sunday at 11 A. M. Ilenr) Carpenter of Piescott nr. rived this morning cn routf to New York. lie will return next mouth. Ad Dyer, manager of Woodhcud & Gay's branch store at Tip-Top, is in town on his way to California on a visit. Make your children happy by pur-cha-ing them tome beautiful toys. Goldberg &. Son have the finest as sortment in Phoenix. A splendid curb gld Vest Cha'n for 25. worth .30, for sale at Un -!e Harris', 221 Kearny Street, between Bush and Sutter, San Francisco, Cal. The immense displ ay of toys at Goldberg & Son's has already had the effect 'of making the days seem as months to the little ones in anticipa tion of the arrival of Christmas. O ie of our chuch-goers offers the following gentle hint: "If tho e i who attend church would leave tin ir J cats and dogs at home, it would ta -e ; some annoyance to minister and au; dience. But if you can't come with out them, come anyway. General Kautz, commander of the D -p rtmcnt of the Departmen of Arizona before General Wilcox, nr rived in I hnenixthis morning. The General is interested in the Rowe mine in Cave Creek, north of town, and will commence active develop ment immediately. If joti want the sweetest, most! juicy and palatable bread, go to J Ileinson's bakery, opposite the Court House, lie has the only artesian well in this town aud i!ie bread he is making can't be surpassed. Try it and convince yourself. The entertainment for the benefit of "lie Union Sunliy School, la. t nigh', wis a complete success A larje audi.'iice was presrn'. who fully appreciated the exercises. The fol progi amine was presente l : Song 'y the school, -'To the work.' Solo by Mr. Clark. Song by the schoo', " Bculah Land." Pantomime Cha rade. Sonsr, " Hark t'le song," by Messrs. CJrtrk, MeXulty, Cat.ien, RoUirock, Mesdaines po'.hemus, Mi- "i. P-lltei) Rossen P. ml Miss oou. 1 auk au, bweet spirit, hear my prayer." Song by the school, ' Draw me nearer." Duett, Messrs. Clark fc McXulty. Charade, "It never rains tint it pours." Piano Duett, Mesdaines Mayer and Polhe mus. Tableau, "The Flower Girl." Parting Song, by six young ladies. General O. B. Wilcox, cemmauder of this department arrived in this city- last evening cn route to Califor nia. The Miner thinks he litis pr -motion in his eye and will ext n 1 his journey to Washington nnJ there try and further his claims to a Briga- (licr-Generalsiiip. II such is his in tention we" hope he may be success, ful. The General has been iu chsrge of the Department three years this coming March and given the best of satisfaction. The General graduated at AVest Point in 1347, was assigned to duty and remained in the regular army 11 years and then returned to civil life entering upon the practice of law. At the beginning of the late war lis enterered the army in the First Michigan Regiment of volun teers. In 1832 he was taken pris oner and with others confined in Libby prison and after his release untii the close of the wnr com manded the F.rst Division of the Ninth Army Corps- During the ab sence of General Wilcox, Col. Benja min, the new Adjutant-General of the Department, who arrived at Headquarters a few days since with his family, will be in command. liailroad tlironsh rlliern Ari zona. Four passenger coaches, three smokers and two baggage cars have arrived at Albuquerque from Boston, for the A. & P. R. R , and will be put to use soon. The company has also engines, freight cars and other roll ing stock on the way, which is ex pected to arrive iu a few days. A mile and a half of rails were laid one da3" lately and the end of the track was reported nearly ten miles beyond Laguna. All the contractors are pushing work forward rapidly, and the probabilities now are that regular trains will be running to Fort Wingate by Christmas. As Wingnte is 200 miles east of Pres cott, with a coiitiuu inre of present work the railroad w'1 ! he to a point north, ot Presco.l uts: J"ou:;h cl July -zj The Prince, and Warrior mines, adjacent to the Peck, arc being worked by the Xew York Syndicate, and the yield of rich ore is perfectly marvelous, which, iu Xevada or Cal ifornia, would create a mining sen sation scarcely ever paralleled in the history of mining, but o common has 2,000 to 3,000 ore become here in Arizona, and so remote from rail facilities, that little or no notice is taken of it. Miner. There is a Moqui Indian living in one of the Seven Villages of these people, who is said to be worth at least $25,000. He trades extensively in silver ornaments with which the M oijuis deck off their clothing, brid les and saddles. He is also an ex te nsive raiser of slier-p. Miner. GLOBE DISTRICT. NeV9 of that Section "Silver Glance." from cOKUKsrOMlKXCE OF THIS IliHALD. i Globe, November C:h, 13S1. This will inform you that I have met with a serious loss which hap pened in this way: Some time ago our young and enterprising druggist, Mr. Siicnce, went to the railroad. and on his return surprised us ali by bringing with him his intended and the wedding took place the same evening. This kind of proceeding at once started my friend and partner, Chloride, to thinking and he came to this conclu sion ' Mr. Speuce fixed up and we it to the rairoad and captured a nice, pretty, amiable young lady, now w hy can't I get a new outfit and put lots of Compound Extract of Ammonia on my hair and Simple Syrip on my handkerchief and do the same thing." The more he thought of it the more firmly he became impressed that it could be done, so he studied the labels on the drug store hollies until he was confident h? could talk drugs, and saddled Ins mule and started, leaving me he to nunirn his absence and write to the Herald iu regard to the welfare of tne district. Since the luror of election is over the improvement of the district has been very rapid and the number of s' range faces on the streets !la in creased to a large extent. The prin cipal n iw feature of the camp is the opening up of the Centennial, which has gone far ahead of all our expec tations, both in quality and quantity. At the present time they are keeping the Isabella mill as busy as a bee crushing their ore and everyone is of the opinion that they have now enough in sight to warrant the build ing of a large mill of their own. This I anl informed will soon be done. Chloride's pet mill, the Golden Eagle, started some time ago and has been running steadily on Golden Eagle ore and is. now showing to the public that when experience is com bined with good management min ing in Globe District is a paying in vestment, and here is a point that I can't understand parties after buy ing a good prospect of course waut s me one to have chargeas Superin. tjndeudeut, and, instead of sending out men of experience. I find iu manv ca.-es men imve been sent who never have been into a mine iu their J K-oiutiLiiii ing. What is the result! A general busting uji of the company wlu- em j,l-ycd them and the camp or district looked upon as unsafe to invest in, ow as this is the modus operandi in selecting managers and ollicers in railroads, niauufactuiies, etc., what show would 1 stand in securing a position on the railroad as conductor, train dispatcher, engineer, teiegraph operator, or in fact take any position that would require a man of exper ience. Vliy they would say, "Old boy take a walk ; n lew such I'cl'ows as you would make a wreck of the road within a year." Now if it lequires men of exper ience to make such companies pay, whv not anph- it to mining, but I have wanderered and I now tome back to tain of the District. The McMorris company have now at work in their mine a steam pump and they cau now send down their working shaft, which for some lime has been stopped ou account of the fljw of water. The mine is produc ing a stca'dy output ol ore w hich is being worked at the Mexican mill. The town of !!obe is building up and iu a substantial manner toe, aud everyone is satisfied IhM. the district is permanent; but must close. Silver Glance. P S. Letter from Chloride who says, "Xo young iadics coming now, think the chance good when the roads are eounccted which will be tOi'U ; shall camp here and wait." S. G, The New York and Xew Oilcans market for spot cotton remains quiet but firm at last previous quotations, as follows: Middling, 12c; lov mid dling. 11 9-10c, auvl good ordinary, 10 '8c. A prominent cotton merchant writ ing from Columbus, Georgia, i:i speaking of the outlook sh'- "The cotton crop in sections has been lireatlv shortened by the continued wet weather, and llJc j'r;vle has thus also been deteriorated. The higher grades are getting alarmingly scarce in this market, and all offerings are quickly taken at very full and ad vancing figures." Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Tifiin, Ohio, says: I have worn it'ri Improved Ex celsior Kidney Pad, and received morv relief than from all remedies I have ever tried. I cheerfully recom mend it to all sufferers. See Adv. Brewery 'trr Sae or Kent. At G',l!'.'lt, t7r:nlhin ?cm;l?'.t CltriHuiaii!! Knperlor Flour. J. M. Gregory is authorized to sell and take orders for my floL'r ClIAIII.ES ClIRISMAN. Motive. Notice is hereby given that I am not responsible for any debts con traded by Charles Kinc". Henry E. Slossej. Dec. 4th. tf. William 1.. 4'aHliman. Your widow mother is dying. Tel egraph, write or come. Shall we keep her if she passes away? If this should meet the e3-e of any of nis lriends, please let hnn know. Sister Mby. The Poor Man's 31ill. We do not often hc;r anyone say onything in praise of the burro, ytt the burro, as any miuer knows, is a most useful . little animal in his place. He will not cut the dash that a trotter will , bui he will live ou less, do more work, cost less and be more patient under adversity. lie will not go so fst as a tr. tier; but put him on a mountain trail with a pack, and he will kill half a dozen of the fran cier breed. BuUpeople do not often praise him much. Probably because we are used to him. The telegraph informs us of all the increments of Maud S. or St. Julien. and how they beat lime, etc. We never recollect having 9ecn anything or any telegram about a burro, lie is, apparently, beneath the notice ot the telegraph. But the country could get alfn very much better without Maud S., St. Julian and others of their kind, than it could without the burro. In the same way you do not often hear anyone sny much about . rastras. We hear a good deal about 10 stamp mills, and 50-stamp mills, and 8J stainp mills. They form subjects for a great many telegrams, and they have cost more thau Maud S. a dozen times over, iu many cases. 1 et for the miner, the working miner, in a S) j gold country, they never have done as much as the si mule old arastra. We are so used to these that we are apt to ignore their merits. Half the lime we do n it use them when we can; looking upon them as primi tive implements. And jet the arastra, with nil its great rudeness, is worthy of praise. It is the poor man's mill. A mule is cheaper than an engine; his grub costs less than coal, aud a club or black snake is equal to any engineer, at the same time costing less. You run your own mil! and pay no money out to mill companies. What gold comes out of I he rock you get and j-ou do not have to divide on it as some mills make yu do without your knowledge. With free gold an arastra will beat the best milt ever built, iu results. Amalgamation is more satisfactorily accomplished in an arastra than in the finest quartz mill. You do not. break dowu and have to wait for "casting," and you never have to build a big house to cover in your machfliery. Yon build your own mill ia the first place; get out the rock; hew the timber, and set the whole up. Wheu you run ityou arc your own engineer, foreman, amalgamator, feeder and superintendent. You boss the job yourself. You CSii stand at one side and break the rock, and keep the inule iroing by throwing pieces at hiir.. If anything goes wrong, a single "whoa slops all the machinery mi- atli'Ljiiiu-jjiiediaicltjind quicker han nnv en- gineer and throttle ever stopped a quartz null. If you go away a few minutes there is no danger of any thing blowing up or going wrong, for the mule will stop and the whole outfit remain quiet awaiting your return. You have no insurance to pay. There is no great loss on equipment if the ledge "peters" on you. You are independent of custom mills, au I know what is really in your rock. You haven't any very big water bills to par. Any miner of common intelligence cau le irn to run arastra easily enough. There is not much of any science about it, but a good deal of common sense. II miners in camps where tha ore will admit of it, would gd to work with their own arastras instead of waiting for capital or for mills, we would have more prosperous camps and more well-fixed miners. Mining and Scientific Press. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COFFEE SALOON (Open until Midnight.) EST" If J'ou want a fine cup of JAVA COFFEE; or ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA; or CHOCOLATE, GO TO STEVE DOLE'S, Next to ileinson's Bakery, opposi'e the Court House. The water used :s from Ileinson's artesian well and is the purest in the valley. MISCELLANEOUS. MEAT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GRAND CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center & ITasIiinston. (Din-nnsH) apposite Poetefilee,-) ta?-BKKf", VEAL, Jll'TTO??, LAMV and POKli aud all meats served a required Delivered to any part of the city free of charge. BALSZ KXT.LY, Thc-enlx. DAILY PHCEN1X HERALD GOSPER JIcCLIXTOCK. Publishers and Proprietor?. Publielied every evening exevpt Sunday TERMS CF SUBSCaiPT!0r4. DAH.T. 1 yr., $10; 6 mos., $5; per week. 25 WEKKLT. 1 Yr , 95: 6 Mos. $2 53; 3 Mas , $1 50. Advertising Rates made known on appli cation. C. V. CRANE, Aeent.Kan Eniueisco, Cal. Mr. J. If. Dates, Newspaper Adverttsin Agent. 11 Park Row, (Time liuildins) New York, is authorized to contract for ndver tisemcuts la tliePbtcnix I!cka.ld. PROFESSIONAL. J E WHin-roN. M V. R. I.. Kosiok, M D. V, S. Exaui'iug Surgeon. Late U. S. Army lVIIAIiTOX & RONSOX PHYSICIANS 4 SURGEONS, Oils Prompt lv- attcutU'd to. Bilte presented monthly. Office East fei'U- or Plaza, doors north of Win. ii. IJuoitr Co. PHYSICIAN, Kprcla!t.v: !ietri"S and eases of Won! -n. Office ar.d K'-'sidiT co, V.'M.-hin-rton Sr., Ea! of the L-ii.-iiner Houc. Patit'nTs can be a("-'or.i:nodated with barri and ldi.'imr. Cc'a!l.' answered at t. hours. A, C. SAKXS, Attorney at Ij a rv. Ii vine's linildius Rooms. 1 and 2, Phoenix. Arizona. O. II. P. SJIEKTS, .M. I, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Calls promptly attended to. Office Three do-ra east of Court Hougc. Attorney s - t - JL. a tv. PRESCOTT, - ... ARIZONA Wiil practice in all tlij Ci.urts of the Ter ritory. riiir J- T.llS.iP, Attornovet-Iiaw Irvinc'e Building T-c-o;u 3, Phtenix. A. T. fsaxh c;x. Attorney at. I. a w. Office next door to Court l!oue. II. It. I'.tTRIt lt, Civil Kntfinecr Cccnty Surveyor for Maricopa County and Deputy L'. S Mineral Sun-vor fur ArizDiu Assayer of Preciou- .Metals. Office t ;th V. A. II tneeck t'hreuil. A . T. it. i,. t'ox ?::ts. Physician and Hiirstoii. (l.ale of Yifa-ia Cal.) Office on Washington r::cet, tT doors from Montezuma. O. A. T.TEUD. 1 TWIlKS A HA Attorneys t . i. Bitycccii. vt'OCK. I. a nr. Pho-nix. A-.-T tJTT.and busiue; in ah specially. depart mentp a V if Stated tiieellnr.s on V Tuesday p. M. Sojourn in of each month a "-O brethren arc fraternall. invited to attend. J. T. J. 15. CREAMER Sectv. AI.SAP, W. M. I. O. It. M. rARICOPA TRI'SE. NO. 1. Of AKl.u- .I na. Improved O. K. M.. meets every Thursday evening at " ociockal thH warn. Steinaker's hni.dins. Traveling brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. C. IJ.VK.cK, bacheni. Neei Osnoiis. C. of U AitlZOX.l CHAPTER, SO. I, R :- A:- 31:- ST.iTF.I) COX VOCATIONS OX ou and fourth Mondays ol each nli.ntli. at T::iO p M at .Masonic !Ia 1. So jouminii in good -tandm.!; are cordially invited, tiv order f .11. V. KALES, II P J. B.Cni.AMEn. Sec at' H. ior Washington Street, PIIOEXIX, - A. T. Importers And Dealers la GROCERIES CUOTIIIXG DRY GOODS, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Ere. At prices to suit tho times. fiew Departure ! Having jii?t received a very nice assortment of UNDERTAKER! -WARE, A'.l ol wliieh I rc.-isoiialile rates, merit of will sell at very Also, an iwsort Windows, Doors Hlinds, Mouldings arid California Lumber. Flitter of l5sue-s( Washington St., opjos.te Gardner Hotel," Pheeaix A.iiolu Territory. J. M. GREGORY. Ran & Go M lSCELLANEOtS.- j W. A, Rowe & Go Wholesale ixn Retail Diilihi tx General Merchandise. The attention of buyers and consumers are call ed to our two fine stores at the VULTURE AND TIP-TOP .MINES Everything needed by Miners and Prospectors. Mil! and Miniiij SUPPLIES, a specialty, W A. ROWE &. CO, White iran'., and not Chi nese Cheap Labor. TUB h FACTORY EI;s now the facilities ?nl is Tr, j till orjurs for nil kiads of lv CIGARS, Gf ourowh in:iuuf:ieture cscldaively. Dealers will timl it to their iidvtm tnpre to deal with ns, ns we frimrantee sHtisfiietion with a!' our trooiU. We oouit:.uny linVeTJir nam! the flue.M -t Havana and Connecticut Tobacco, Imported to its direct from the XCw York Market, and selected for us by competent judges. All our CIGARS arc made on the premises, thereby containing all the natural aroma of the Tobacco. VSf Orders by mail reliably and promptly filled; Address, PIUE-NIX. A. T. Patronize Home Industry, and JJuild the Country. am Outfit f f lit frre to thor-c v. ho wis-h to Sfa..iiirni:t! in ttic m;st pU'aaiit oud T profit iblc busiiic-M. known Kve.y Wiliiiijr ni-w. Ciipitiil nut required. We will l!ir!ii.-li oil everything. S10 a dar and ujnvard is easily made without sta insj uwny from home ovei niirht. No risk what ever. Many new workers wanted at .once. Manv are making lortiu.e at tlie bubtues. t.atti'es make as much as m'iiy and yonnir lioys and triris make irieat pay. No one w ho is witling to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in n veek at any ordinary employment. who eni;ae at once will find a short roa 1 to fortune. Addres 11. Iiau-btt A Co., l'ortland, Muine. t-3 DR. S PEER , (GllAUtATK OF HAr.VAtlU UNtVEnStTT. PRIVATE D!SEASESA SPEClALrY. Cajx ok Addkefs II. J. Srrrs, M. t. No. 11 Eeahxt Stkcet, S..n r.tA.xr.s-'O. " c 11880. If S3 tz? u a u lit S-fS iJri feiVi We take pleasure to inform the people of Salt Riv - er Valley thot we are now in receipt ot our immense stock of poods, the largest ever brought to the Valley. Each and every department is complete in itself i:i Dry Goods and Fancy Goods, The Latest Styles We respectfully call special attention of the Ladies to this fact, that we are the only house where you can line rx iT.i-rioI nmn ntn convriii nrT iy t I I Dry Goods, Fancy Coeds, Ladles' and Children's Hosiery, Of the very Latest Ct;r Ciothiun and Furnishing Goods Department is also complete with a larsx and quality, taan any other Gentlemen intending to purchase their winter supplies would do well to call and examine our extensive ttoc k Satisfacticra Both in IX anu we are second to hone; Our assortment for MEX, BOYS, WOMEN" and CHILDREN, is complete for style, quality and prices. We keep none but the very best of brands in the ! goods, but ail 01 iaiuornia matte, rriucn ro nuuu -i i . ii r i i l .' to be the best m the country, IX Hat and Gap we have the very latest styles for Men, Boys. Ladies and children. Our assortment in this line is complete. In conclusion we beg leave to state that our GROG RY, AXD HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS are as complete as the balance of our stock. Having such an enormous better 'enabled to give lower and better prices has ever heretolore been ollered in this inarKet. rur ties from the distance about to purchase their winter supply would "do well to give us a call as we are confi t i ft dent we can make it to your interest to purchase; of j us. In connection with our numerous stock, we carry i a full line of Wall 1 aper, Carpets and ( Call and examine our immense stock. X to show goods. is - f v ri a m h n ea .mn n u. F l-i l-i a tl -:--! F-jVl in the Market. Fatterna and Styles. r variety, both re t- house in the Valley Cuarantesd, j OUR market.' Xo Eastern made! - 1 1 . " 1 ..... THE Department stock on hand we are . i i inan ; rv -i , i i OlOlIlS. ! troublo I CQLDFAFJ l CO. nifT-N-ir a. MISUIILL VNL"L S. BANK EXCHANGE KQTEL E. GAJiZ Pr Tliis p? tt hv'i' 1 Ti Li" i fter.'r.5UK;c;.iu j public. Tlie i Vr.! -X ! iuimioiuii v furuWhv I in single, tor l"ui Mil T!ie a'tti t !r -r - r iil te the bis elicits. of I Cilliard TabSo end Car ; 0r.5y l':e Finest Liquors 4 Cisrt t I private ris nosj-am. ipLe principal E;tcTi.O.!".fm: Arion:i ji;iprrs k : t .a : . A snare of the pul.Lic p:. j; U olicitoJ. f fslaver'i Stable, MATER r .1.:, .1 ... T -t1' V1LVI 111 IS ll.ll..-, I "i.i stock. 20 per cent. i er than the prices Iiettc fore known in Fhceiux. A larc? corral. ! connected, with i room for 1C0 heci stock. i Corral ; charge. room frta A force premises. rurr.p rr.n ca tL t i ft r."l tisfrs; t ii k ri.Jk.rm. HEN IX HOTEL. i MRS. R. SALAF.l. Thi popti'nr h. .!.! Kva '- ouriily reai-wrJ act tc ' ins; hoicl thi !- of Li A a ! Tile HH U1S liHve ;.;i Kri M-'iu : U . J iuovitcd, anJ uev Uv! li. - i ia each. All tne rvviu hiv.' nii-t-lv earictoi aa.J u; i- ui-- era stv; The Dining Room lias ttC!" i rewly cirpctc-l s-. 1 uea prvcurx-a t.r a.. tables THZ TACLE ypj ulxv SV4 If furs.:?Invl i.h l,e si;i Hit- ln.t ket a. -. . fliilll ;T ail lli;.- lUltv.uK l-i tj. '. iiti !vaol I lie p:i.-v tr tvi j vear, tt iil ;ai v u j-.ttba : j lllis the I il Htt.t iiivt ,.- i .' hot-1 in the Te si: iv, an. I '. i her penouui -tlc:i'.Lu Ij v. S A V