Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 6. No.19 .WHOLE No. 484. PHCEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1S80. NEW SEI1IE; I. TEBRiTORIAL ITK3IS. Religious Services Suntlaj'. (Silver Kiuft. XEWSt XOTES. DAILY PHCENIX HERALD M1SCELLANEOUS. MISCLL.V:i:'H. Cliiricaliua City is the name of the new town in the California District, which has recently been laid out by "Wells Snicer and others. The town- site company are giving away lots to any one who will improve them If the rumors that reach us about the clean up at the Golden Eagle mine be true, it will attract more at tention Globe District than ten col umns a week of new paper fuhnina- tions. Silver Belt. W. B. Ilellings is handling the Centennial splendidly. Mr. II. is one of the most efficient industrous and popular managers in this District. There is more ore on the Centennial dumps than the mill can handle for some time to come. 2few dumps hare to be made. We want to see Palmer & Rice to work at the new mill. Silver Belt. Duncan T. George committed sui cide yesterday by takiiiK'opiuni. lie was a brother-in-law of John J. Val entine. General Superintendent of Wells. Tixtzo & Co . and was for merly in the employ of that Com cany in California. lie fell a vic tim to strong drink and during his residence ncre, about six months, lias had no employment. Yesterday morning he borrowed twenty-five cents and purchased opium with it and is supposed to have taken the whole as he was about an hour later discovered in Harry Ball's cabin in an unconscious condition. It was at first thought that he was intoxicated and medical aid was not summoned until toward evening, when Drs. Handcrsou, Seawell and Goodfellow were called in. They used every known remedy at hand but their efforts were unavailing, and the un fortunate man expired at 1 :40 o'clock xnorninr- A post-mortem will be held to-day. Xugget, 14th. The tramos lately arrested and sentenced by Recorder "Meyers to ninety days in the chain-cans are hard customers. Originally there were ten arrested, two being boys PrfubTtfrinn C'hnrch, Jefferson street, near -Montezuma, liuv- W ni Meyer, pastor, hervice at 11 A. m. and 7 p. M. Union Sunday School at 9l4 A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at ?. All are invited. MethotliNt Episcopal, -.oracr of Center and Muncoo sheets, Rev. I. H. Cox, preaching the first and third Sundays, and Rev. L. J. Iledgpeth on the second and fourth Sundays in each montn. LOCAL LINE Buy your toys of Goldberg & Son. Cash paid for bacon and lard at Irvine's. Dtc.l-lm Examine Mrs. Snider, of-Bumble Bee, is in town. Mr. E. F. Morehouse ha3 returned home from a trip to Michigan. lhe best assortment of toys at Goldberg '& Sou's. The wires being down, we are uu- able to present our readers the usual telegraphic report. Make your little boy happy by getting him one of those fine veloci pedes at Goldberg & Son's. Geo. F. Coats' Mrs. Gardiner left on to-day's Mar icopa etngc for Benson, where she will join her husband. II J Dormally, Herman Sillmaia, Guippo Merlino and Tobaccoain Cenego are at the Bank Exchange. Mrs. Uecnan and Z. P. Clark came in this morning on the Black Canyon stace, and left for the railroad at 11 o'clock. It vas so, und I vas told you, dat Goldberg & Son have the sheapesf und best toys in town, und doa'd you vas forgot it Stock of Toys From the Pinal Drill we clip the following concerning the Silver Ivin" mine: '"It is not enough that sev enty men knock down and drag' out every day ore sufficient to keep oth er sevenly men busy with 20 sfamps, pounding and concentrating, lixivi ating and selecting, bagging and shipping the precious miuer.'.l, but, as if in mockery of man's highest effort in art, nature here presents the most phantastic and beautiful speci mens of pure silver threads, cubes, tubes, little grottos, caves, caverns, in all conceivable varieties and forms. These wonders are found imbedded in the quartz over 400 feet down iu the mine. You may gaze at these natural curiosities for hours the flee threads, the delicate gossamer, interwoven in intricate beauty. They are of all sizes from a nut to a man s hand white pure silver. You can see monograms, diagrams, mathematical figures, landscapes, almost an3-thing you can fancy down to a German britzel. There are strings d rawn as if the gnomes had had a silver festival af- Barley is 00 cents per hundred in Los Angeles. The San Francisco mint has turn ed out So'G.OoS.OOO of gold and silver coin during the year. American hams are sent to Eng land re-covered, branded with new names and sold as English meat. It is asserted that James 0. Blaine has been offered the position of Sec retary of State, in Garfield's cabinet. The increased value of grapes and wine this season will add 300,000 more to the wealth of Southern California- The government issued reques- tions for one hundred and twenty tons of hay and straw, to be forward ed from Los Angeles to military posts in Arizona. The reduction of the public debt during November was about $4,000, 000. Secretary Sherman looks for a reduction of $ 8,000,000 or 10,000,000 the present month. The scaffoldings arc still up around the towers of Cologne Cat- GOSPER & JIcCLIXTOCK, Publishers and Proprietors. Published eTcrf evening except Sunday, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. 1 yr., $10; 6 mos., $5; per week, 25 WEEKLY. 1 Yr $5; 6 Mos, $2 50; 3 Mos., St 50 Advertising Rates made known on appl canon. C. W. CRANE, AjLnt, San Francisco, Cal 31 k. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Adverttsin Agent. 41 Park Row, (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for adver tisements in the Phoenix Herald. PROFESSIONAL. J E Wuakton, M I. E. L. Rosson, M D TJ, S. Exam'ing Snrireon. Late U. S. Army WHAltTOS & ROSSOX, PHYSICIAN3-&. SURGEONS, Calls Pronu. V- attended to. Billei presented monthly. Office East eidu of Plaza, 2 doora north of in. B. lJooier & Co. ter the fashion of the western candy hedral- anl "ic Cologne Gazelle says pulls. No work of art can equal these natural productions in superb beauty, flucness and finish, in com bination and texture. The Silver Kiug cabinet in the Superintendent's offine at Pinal is a rrand siflit. We took special notice of a specimen of WUcn completed at fcG.oOO.OOO, which riltn rvnr Inn 1 was aooui me cost OI oi. l'aui s in that it will be necessary to keep at work npon them all next year, and much, too, has to be done in the mat-, ter of glazing windows and forming I and fitting artistically wrought doors. The Gazette puts the whole cost 31 K. ST. A PICKEXS, PHYSICIAN, Specialty: Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women. Oflicc and Residence, Washington St. East of the Gardner House. Patients can be aeeommodalcd with barri and lodging. 57Calls answered at all honrs. 52 A, C., Attorney at Lav. Irvine's Building Rooms, 1 and 2, Phoenix. Arizona. ' Polybicide," value 20,000 per ton. Polybicide is an iron black sulphuret of silver, copper and arsenic, occur- ing in tabular crystals. I his was taken from the 408 feet level. The Superintendent's cabinet is a perfect curiosity chop of minerals all out of the King. The Company pays daily iu wages $1,000 to workmen here and at the mine that goes into circula tion and trade. Not money brought from abroad to be circulated, but new capital taken from the bowels London. On the 7th Omaha was again vis ited by fire, burning out nearly half i the town. Tho nuisance bill, one of the most stringent prohibitory laws over pro posed,has passed both houses in Ver mont. It proposes to make any sa- O. II. P. S1IKETS, at. I, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Calls promptly attended to. Office Three doors cast of Court House. ItVNII &. WELLfi, Attorney s-at-La w. PRESCOTT, - ARIZONA Will practice in all the Courts of the Ter loon or place where liquor is sold or I rltory given sway a nuisance, The contract is already cloed for building 200 miles of the Missouri, of the earth every day and paid out Kansas and Texas Railway and the J. T..V1,.V!, Attornev-at-Iiair Irvine'e Building Room 3, Phoeaix, A. T. for work. We have just returned from the Silver King village. The quiet, recrutar and unostentatious ot the earth every day and hauled off by mules but such is the fact. A couple of Mexicans were tried ... -. t rur .1 nncrn Kulan thia mnrninn fn, nmnnor in iv nr i pprrpllnnff ia rnn. were lisclargea. in nopes max ociier j 0 , ...u, ...-..-v, o associations min-ht nossiblv improve drunk ua disorderly.and fined if 15 ducted, would not indicate that over , .. . nrinnis onfl I and sentenced to seven davs in iail. 10,000 is hoisted ont cannot work, and still another is AV H Harris, "Win Daley, R S Bren sick, consequently there arc only six Dam B F Mitchell aud family. Alex who are able to do the Territory any Crawford, Michael Brennan, Z P service. 'Ihese were orciereu out Clark arc registered at the Phmnix yesterday to work, but they refused notel. work, and thev Jflatly refused to take w , wi , ouu "v t J I Mr. Wormser has srtnt snmn enrrnr cane to Major Hooper, and showed us to-day a box of Panocha thp.t he is about to forward to the same des tination. .iv vmnprnan named r-m ivcc is tip before Judge Bolan's court, for lar. work will commence forthwith at Fort AVoi th. The cost of the Suez Camd was (according to a report on the Darien Canal by Joseph Nimmo, jr.,Chief of the United States Bureau of Statis tics) 02,273,907. The receipts last last year wer $ 5,973,185, and the ex penditure, including 5 per cent in- An orange grove, embracing thirty-1 terest upon the share capital as sink- W. A. Rowe & Co Wholes alb and Rstail Dealers in General Itfsrchandise. The attention of buyers and consumers are call ed to our two fine stores at the VULTURE AND TIP-TOP MINES Everything needed by Miners and Prospectors. n r i iisa mm ana mmii SUPPLIES, a specialty, V. A. ROWE & CO. 1881. ilEISIiiif A NX EXCHANGE HOTEL. Washington trt ppit tVc riiu, rheBKiK. E. GANZ Prc-r::!i; White Man's, and not Chi nese Cheap Labor. "We take pleasure to inform the people of Salt Hir er Yalley that we are now in receipt of our immense stock ot goods, the largest ever brought to the Valley r.acn ana every department is complete in itself in This rw hotel is new e??a f,r ;i nccommudiilioa of tlia t:it. a public. Jiie rooms are well rerN ! , f handsomely fiiniialievl in Su t .iJ single. Superior accm;u--!i:.r. or families. The aim -f t. r : r . m- ctorwill be the comfort of his guests. ElllJard Tab! and C:r Connected witj ite IZza Only the Finest Liquors Z. Ci-xrs PRIVATE C.iaD COOIV The principal Eastern. Calif la aa Arizona pa-tri keit t n .". A share of the nuL-i-a rut-!..!.. ; solieited. TUE r2av 1'ltAXK COX. Attorney at I- a w. Office next door to Court House. II. It . PATRICK, Civil Engineer Ccunty Surveyor for Maricopa Coontjr and ucputy u. o -Mineral burveyor for Arizoua Assayer of Precion8 Sfetals. Office With W. A, Hancock Plicenix A.T. the tools, or go to the place out be. yond Dr. Lord's residence, where they were assigned to work. They were then bound togelhci in pairs, a shovel being tied between each pair and the whole six chained to a cart and the cart driven to the working erround. It is needless to say that the train pa arrived there about the same time thai the cart did. But the old savin? that vou miv lead a five acres contaiiiining about 3,500 trees, in Sumter county, Fla., has been purchased by a Columbus, Va., man for 31,000. lie sold the fruit now on the trees for $3,000. To eutlle tho muddle in the Sixth Congressional District of Mississip pi, it is proposed hyt one of the vcteis that General Chalmers nnd Mr. ceinc committed in stealing some I Lynch shall bo!h resign their claims flour from,Goldman & Co. His trial and run the race over again. takes place at one o'clock. The Nellie Boyd Dramatic Troupe Volcanic Activity, practice his profession lor a short time. Van Stone & Crosby, "Wholesale aud Ketail Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, say: y e have sold larcc quantities The last two months has been somewhat notable for unusual vol canic activity at various points on the earth's surface. On the evening of November 4th an earthquake shock was experienced in this city vicinity. It was very brief in dura tion, but it was also one of the sharp est felt here in many years. Twenty two hours later one of the most re markable eruptions, of the century occmred on the island of Hawii, the volcano Mauna Loa belching forlh a burro to water, but you cannot force will give a series of popular plays liim to drink," was fully venned, as for one week, commencing with Fri upon arriving there they still refused day the 17 inst. at Woolsey & Went to work, and remained there during worth's Hall. For particulars see the entire afternoon without striking posters and small bills. lw a blow, and when the time arrived Before vou buv . ,., nA.l' !f f 1 1 r wnrl" (id I luuuit " I T, T,.: t II.. 1J they refused to return to the jail on- , . . . , . , , , , , ' J .i-i dentist highly spoken of bv Judire less again chained to the cart, which - J 1 "l uuiL . 0wn, ,iil Tweed and others, has taken rooms reiiui-n to . .r in Irvine's lmiliTinrr , -n.;!! . I. Tlx,r ,li.f rnnhmip to hn PT- I ' w " " 1 ceedingly light, and they say if their sentence be commuted to thirty days they will work, but ninety days of chain-gang life breaks their hearts.- TucsonStar. . av. e. uuu soiu large quantities torrent of molten lava which at latest A new-comer who has been struck mf "s'sior Kidney Tad, and accounts, was thirty miles long and . I inVP 1PPI1 lrnriflPf at t lOimtrni-r nr, I ii- i - .1 bv numerous of the beat that infest . , . -r--- rapiuiy approacinng me sea, me our streets for fourtbits to eat on, -j Bmp iTy wnicu arriveu in porta thinks that the name of Tombstone I A true time piece, a good gold case, few days ago from New York re mast have been suggested by the an American movem nt, a perfect ported having experienced a severe number of "stiffs'' in town. Epitaph MY atch, really worth ?So, price ?3G, earthquake at sea in the middle of Billv Dearin? brought in town warranted for live years, at Uncle October, while off the coast of Chile three of the largest and fattest bear Harris,' 221 licarny Street, between Mount Vesuvius, in Italj', has been we have seen in the country. They Bush and Sutter. San Francisco, Cal. in active eruption for some time past. I This volcano has developed a new The Nellie Bo3'd Dramatic Troupe crater, the old one remaining closed were expected to arrive as we wero anl1 dormant. Ordinarily an eruption going to press. The citizens of our of Mount Vesuvius produces a dis- town will be treated with an enter- turbance, more or less marked, in tainment of a high order, and we Mount Etna, Sicily and m Mount hope that the company will receive Hecla, Iceland. On the present oc- were killed in the hills west of Thumb Butte. Bear are plentiful " in that section the present season. Democrat. The McCrackin mill is steadily at work on ore from the Signal mine, and is paying handsomely. About 13 men are employed at the mine, and a fine ore body is being opened up- Mr. Hubbard has the mine and mill leased, and is proving conclu sively that under careful manage ment the property can be made to pay well. Democrat. A rich, strike of silver ore is re ported on Bill "Wiliams Pork, near good an(1 we hope Uiat the boys wm llawhide. .Parties are taKing out ore that goes up in the thousands, and quite an excitement has been caused in the Sandy country over the new find. Democrat. a hearty welcome. Fanchon, the Cricket, will be presented to-night. "We had the pleasure, last evening of witnessing a sciopticon exhibition managed by the Jackson Bros. Be ing something quite unusual in this part of the country it attracted quite crowd. The scenes were verv make nucha phila in their exhibition. casion, however, so far as known, Etna and Hccla are quiet A Seattle, Washington Territory, dispatch re ports an earthquake at that place on Sunday evening, and it is reported also that Mount Baker, one of the volcanic cones in the Cascade range in Washington Territory, has recent ly been active, emitting flame and lava It is possible that there is an intimate relation between these vol- The William Uoat. Mary had a William goat, And he was black as jet; He followed Mary round all day, And liked her! you just bet! He went with her to school one day, The teacher kicked him out) It made the children grin, you know To have the goat about. I But though old Whackem kicked him out Yet still he lingered near; He waited just outside the door- Till Whackem did appear. iThcn William ran to meet the man He ran his level best; I And met him just bchinc", you know, Down just below the vest. iOld Whackem turned a somersault; The goat stood on his head, IVnd Mary laughed herselt so sick She had to go to bed. Last night the largest assemblage cauic couvulsions which arc occur- ever brought together in Tucson ring, it may be said, simultaneously witnessed the representation of in the four Quarters of the alobe. Fanchon by Nellie Boyd, supported The believers in planetary influences by an able troupe. The presentation will, no doubt, ascribe the pheno- was excellent, and Miss Boyd was menon to the approaching conjunc- exceedingly fortunate in her first tion in perihelion with the sun of the appearance. Her rendition of greater number of the planets to the Fanchon shows her to be an aitist of solar S3-stem. Much less important high merit. The trcupe all did ex- terrestrial phenomena have already cellent.and well merited the applause been attributed to that event, and of the large audience last evening. much more startliusr ones sir pre- Tucson Star. dieted in some Bulletin. astronomical circles. I'cntlstry. Decl7-tf. "Are yon a good rider?" asked the livery man. I am," replica the cus tomer, and then the horse snorted, !ood on his hands, carlo down and Iucked, and the-customer went on om his high seat in the hay mow. tiee haw easily I get off." Burliug- n Hawkeyc. A very touching incident, and one Dr. G. W. Jenkins, of San Fran- lual "luo""-- Cisco, lias taken rooms at Irvine's w"ui ocuuiiuu u ut. iun mi; building, where he is prepared to do I ether day. A broker who was rend all work in the lino of his profes- ered penniless by an unexpected decline in stocks broke the news to his young wife as gently as possible. The number of Jews in the world She did net faint or give way to slightly exceeds 7,000.000, distrib- tears, but, with a look of ineffable uted as follows: Russia, 2,021,000 ; sweetness, brought from her writing- Austria, 1,475,000; Germany, 512,000; desk the money she had been saving Turkey, 100,000; the Netherlands, up to buy a pair of shos with, put 70.000; Great Britain, C0,000; France ting it into his hand without a word. 50,000: Italy, 35,000; Spain and Por- Fortunately, the firm to which she ingfund, $5,415,542 leaving a bal ance of 557,085. An old man, about 70 years of age. named John C. Waldron was found dead lying in the snow last Tuesday at Columbia Hill. His body was found about twenty yards away from his cabin, aud had the appearance of havtug lain there several days when it was found. Cause of death is un known but it is supposed he was taken suddenly ill, and expired be fore he could obtain assistance. During the week Union Consoli dated has extracted 518 tons of ore, assaying $ 30, and shipped G,0SS in bullion. Drill hole No. 2 has ex tended ISO feet. California shipped to tho mills 835 tons of ore valued at $20. Consolidated Virginia shipped 891 tons "of ore valued at $20. The Alta situation is unchanged. By the Denver, Col., Tribune of December 8th, we note the prospec tus of a fifth overland railroad to be constructed iu a direct line from Denver to the Pacific Coast. The articles of incorporation were filed with capiti.1 stock of $30,000,000 and the line to go through Utah and Ne vada, the western terminus not being determined upon. John Short of New York is President of the company. MISCELLANEOUS. IE. r,. COXYKHS, Physician and Surgeon (Late of Visalia, Cal.) Office on Washington street, tw doors from Montezuma. 0. X. TWEED. W. . IlANCeCK. TVEKI & H.1XCOCK. A 1 1 o r -; a t JL a r. Phcpnlx, A. T. C3?:Lnnd business in all departments specialty. A 7tk ARIZONA LODGE Zo.257 F & A.M meetings on thn hird of each month a 7-30 ; brethren aro fraternally Stated Tuesday p. M. Sojournin invito rl tn Attend. J. T. ALSAP, w J. B. CREAMER Secty. II. 1. O. It. M. MARICOPA TRIBE, NO. 1, of ARIZO na. Improved O, It. M., meets ovi-ry Thursday cveuinsr at 7 o'clock at the Wig wam. Stcinakur'8 budding. Traveling brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. V. BAKi-lt, Sachem. Nkri OsnouN. C of R. ARIZONA CHAPTER, XO. 1, It : A:- 31:- STATF.W CONVOCATIONS OS on sccoi.d and fourth Mondays of each mouth, at 7::!0 p. M at Masonic Hall. So journing companions in rood standing are cordially iuvitcd. Bv order of .M.W. KALES, H. P. J. B. CRLAXEIi, Sec. P fl. Morgan & C Washington Street, 0. PHENIX CIGAR FACTORY Livery Stable, Dry ooiis ana Fancy Goods, E. MATES lias now the facilities and is ready! o nil orders lor nil kinua or CIGARS, Of ourown manufacture exclusively. ucaiers tvill rind it to theirnrtvnn. I j. . ii a h . a ,i i i i I . tngo to deal with us, as we guarantee LO mls laC W mal We are lne nlJ 110USG WllGre JOU Call After this date, I Will saiiMueiioii wiui an our gootis. Y e UUU It geUL'lU.1 COIlipiCLC aSSOI 1111011 6 IU V.UUaLlUtijr ilitTU II LI lldliU L11C liuuot Ul The Latest Styles in tho Market. TVc respectfully call special attention of the Ladies j Havana and: Connecticut ry Goods, Fancy iocds, Tobacco, Imported to us direct from the Ifew York Market, and selected for us by competent j ucigcs. All our CIGARS nro made on the premises, thereby containing all the natural aroma of the Tobacco. CST" Orders by mml reliably; and promptly lilJeu. Address, PIICEXIX, A. T. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, Of the very Latest Patterns and Styles. food stock. 20 per cent, cheap er than the prices hereto fore known in PhoeiaT. A lanro corral. CCCxl " ; connected, room for stock. v.-ith 100 Patronize Home Industry, and Build the Country. Oar Clothing and Furnishing Goods Department also complete with a larger variety, botli tor prices nd quality, taan any other house m the iiiie'. Gentlemen intending to purchase their winter supplies would do well to call and examine our extensive stock Satisfaction Guaranteed, Both Sn Prices and Quality. Corral roora frts cf charge. A force; premises. rump cn lis NE COFFEE SALOON (Open until Midnight.) PHOENIX, A. T. If you want a fine cup of JAVA COFFEE; or JiULliSII BKEAKFAST TExV; or CHOCOLATE, GO TO STEVE DOLE'S, Next to Ileinson's Bakery, opposite the uourt House, lhe water used is from Ileinson's artesian well and is the purest in the valley. DR. S PEER , (Graduate of Harvabd University-. PRIVATE DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Call ok Address II. J. Sl'EEB, M. D. No. 11 Keabxt Stkeet, Sax FrasoiSco. Importers and Dcaliri ia GROCERIES CLOTHING DRY GOODS, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Etc. At prices to suit the times. tugal, 4,000; Sweden and Norway, 2,000; There are 500,000 in the Unit ed Slates, of whom about 70,000 live in New York. In Asia there are aboat 200,000, of whom 20,000 are in India nnd 25,000 in Palestine. Nearly 100,000 reside in Africa, the bulk of whom arc to be found in Algeria. had let the contract for the shoes was a wealthy Chicago one, and, although the unexpected withdrawal of so much trade will make a decid ed difference in the annual commer cial showing of that city, the con sciousness of a good deed performed will more than compensate for the Iojs. fl E5E71AL LEB SILVER MIXING VX Company. Location of Principal Place ol Buiucf-n, San Francisco, California. Locution of Works, Globe District, .Marico pa County Arizona. Notice id hereby i;ivcn. that nt a meetins of the Doartl or llirectors, held on the Nineteenth day of IfLlUIHT ll U!!-t.9l?IJlCII I. O. O OI OI1C cent per Fhare was levied upon the capital etock of the Corporation, payable immedi ately in United States jrolil coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, hoom 10, No. 4114 California Street, San rranclsco, California. Any etock upon this assessment shall remain un paid on the Twenty-fifth (25) day of Novem ber lSyO, will be deliquent, and advertised for sale at public auction ; and unless pay me.t is made before will be sold on Mon day the twentieth day of December to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Hoard of Directors. C. B. GILLETT. Secretary. Office. Room 10, No. 411H JCalifornia street, sau t raucisco, cauioruia. Postponement. The delinquent day of I hd' above ases meut is hereby postponed until Tuesday, December 21st. lsO, and he day of s;ilo until Thursday, January 20th, 18JS1. By order of the Board of Director. C. E. GlLLETT, Scry. Office Uoom 3. No. 111S4 California tit. Sau l'ranciaco, C al. MB AT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GRAND CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center St Wasltiiiffton. (Plagoaallj opposite Postofilcei) tS-JEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, LAMB ami POIlii and all mcatu served as required Delivered to any part oi the city free of charge. JJALSZ & KELLY, rhocuii. C m Outfit 8cnt free to those who wish to i" enya in the most pleasant aud j ' 3 thini: new. Capital not required. We will furnish yon everything. $10 a day and upwards is easily made without staying aw::y from home ovei niirlit. No risk what ever" Manv lu-w workers waut-:d at once. F:inv are iiiakinr lortunei at the business L tidies inako as much as men, and vouiiir liovs and lmtIs make srreat pay. Wo out w ho is wil.iu'tj to work fails to make iiiorc monev everv tlnv than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who eniraire at once will find a short road to fortune' Addreui fi. Hallktt J Co., L'ortliiudj Maine. ! tt7"IlE3IE2m:il TUE rL-ltL PHENIX HOTEL, ix oun and nbL nFPflR" MRS. SALAFI, Sis-2-cr. wo are second to none. Oar assortment for MEX, BOYS, WOMEX and CHILDREN, is complete for style, qualitr and prices. "We keep none but the very best of brands in the market. No Eastern made goods, but all of California make, vrhicli aro known to be the best in the country. Tin popular lio:el lias Veca :br- OMglily rcniwcJ anil the r..-u uianngcr iutoiuU to nokc it iLc ku inij hotel this Mils tt" Liv An,'.!rs- The looms have ail biou touij'.nv'.y novototl, and new Itus ihrx-it'ti-.t l iucuch. All t tie ri i.'.s r:c ti nietljr carpeted asd ;tci u; itt uivU- cra btvic. Q ( O ES2 CO t3 Q O O ES r- m m r" n IN THE The Dlnlns Flocm Mat and Cap Department t:llTo i tables. newly carpeted jea I'roeured i-.-: we have the very latest styles for Men, Boys, Ladies and children. Our assortment m this line is complete. THE TADLH o CD In conclusion we beg leave to stato that our GROCERY, OROQKBRY AND HARDWARE DEPARTRflEPJTQ; ur as complete as the balance of our stock. Will always 1'0 furr.i-lied 1 bo ft supplies the in-ukot n'. in. .'.uuaa all the uelieaeiea iu lavir season. In thoit, the prvcr.t nviai rer, r-AT- Uiz le.lCi the plaec fcr a term t f years, will spare no paiiii t iu:vt i this the best and most cviu?' r; ; hotel in lhe Terii'.nry, v'.l ar'.vj her personal at.e:iiiou to llit e: L srr.r. Few Dent:rturo ! Ilavins i:;st rf-iVive-1 ;is.-:r.tiac::t . rt Terr CM KRS. VOU E. ABS3TT, AGENT FOlt THE "Weed, New Home, "Wilson, Florence, Eldredge, Crown, Teerless, AND White Sawing Machines Sold on Installments or for Cash. TTavinp- such an enormous stock on hand wc are better enabled to aive lower and better prices than has ever heretofore been ottered in this market. Tar ties from the distance about to purchase their winter supply would do well to give tis a call as we are confi dent we can make it to your interest to purchase of us. In connection with our numerous stock, we carrs mcut of I , -irr-ii t r 1 .1 1 . il a iLiii line OI wan i;ipci, carpets una viuin Call aud examine our immense to show sroods. Al of whit h I reas'!'.aMe r.iies- t stock. Nl tiouble Windows, Peers liliivU, MouM:rr: Cal: torn: i L i , v.., A full supply of Attachments, Oil, etc., for all tho leatlinir niaeliines on hand. Kor Ailaehinents call al l ho lesideiiecpn Jackson sired. A share of tho public patronage solkiled. CO. or t-i:ies, V.'-'. tiai-'.ier It.M A. nor.. Teiviti ry. riltEXIX A.