Newspaper Page Text
Phcenix 10 PHCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 18S0. NEW SERIE: YOL. 6. No. 20. WHOLE No. 490. TT1 A IT 1T JL nil Pa TELEGRAPHIC Associated Press Dis patches to "Herald." I FEB WESTERN TTNIOK LI JiE. ARMY OFFICERS. CniCAGO, December 23d. Tribune "Washington Special says: Tbe in terview with General Sherman claim ins that the President cannot retire h:m, escites lively comment among army matters. The fact is that the law applies to all army officers and covers his own office equally with Second Lieutenants. The President cannot retire him until his sixty-sec ond birthday, which occurs in Feb ruary, 1S82. If Sherman's views and Grant's promotion are those ex pressed so freely here Ly him, it is too serious a compromise of their friendly relations. Grant is anxious to be made Captain-General, bnp the mainer of Sherman's attack on the proposition i3 exceeding! distaste ful. The assertion by Sherman that Ord was retired because he did not vote for Garfield, while McDowell was retained because he did, will attract more attention from army officers than any others, it is not believed that the President will over look this charge. If Sherman is correctly reported, he lias clearly vi olated the 11th Article of War, which provides for dismissal or such other punishment as court-martial may inflict for officers using disre spectful words against the President. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAMS. Mrs. Cross (George Elliott), the rreat novelist, is dead. Flora Sharon, daughter of Senator Sharon, was married to Sir Thomas Ueskcth, at San Francisco. The entire garrison of Ireland does not include the ATTing Lee Irish Regiment. The President has signed the com mission of Judge Woods as Justice of the Supreme Court. The trial of the Mussel Slough settlers has ended in a verdict of guilty, and the second Monday in January appointed for the day of sentence, with bail filed at five thousand dollars. Arguments in the case of Burke V3. Flood have closed and the matter is now before the Court for decision. LOCAL LINE Charlie Jett is back from Vulture. Buy your toys of Goldberg & Son. CHRISTMAS. In all Christian lands the world over, Christmas has been set apart for a holiday. The origin of its observance is well known to all and Cash paid for bacon and lard at I needs no repetition ficm us. The DeC.l llll rrtrkilna tf rtlianrvin rr ttifi hrlil:iv AiF- Of toys at Irvine's. Examine The best assortment Goldberg & Son's. George Brown, "the irrepressible," is back from his California trip. C. E. McClintock, editor of the Herald, is expected to arrive tomorrow. Make your little boy happy by getting him one of those fine veloci pedes at Goldberg & Son's. Geo. F. Coats 31 Thompson, B N Foster and Thomas L'lair are registered at the Phoenix Hotel. A new sign, reading "St. Louis fer in all countries, but the p-ttron saint of thm'all is Saint Nicholas, and the coming of the wonderful Santa Clans is watched for with eagerness by the children for days previous. J. he practice ot present ing tokens of love and esteem to loved ones and friends lias been in vogue for ages. The wealthy give munificently to their families, while in the wisdom of Providence thousands of our people are suffer ing the pangs of want, and whoae Christinas comes and goes as any other day in the year. To these Brewery," has been put up in front 11 13 lne aaty ' t"ose wno nave u of C'oeka fc Wurch's saloon. I m their power, to lighten their load We have received invitations to f sorrow, on even one d iy of the the Leap Year Ball of the ladies oi I year, and let a beam of happiness the Temperance Society, on New brighten up their faces, from the knowledge that they are not for DAILY PHCENIX HERALD GOSPER & McCLINTOCK. Publishers and Proprietors. Published eTery evening except Snnday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. 1 yr., $10; 6 mos., $5; per week, 25 WEEKLT. 6 Mos, S2 50; 3 Mos , St 50. I YrS5: Advertising RatcB made known on appli cauou. C. W. CRANE, Agent. San Francisco, Cal. Mn. J. II. Bates, Newspaper Adverttsin Agent. 41 Park Row, (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for adver tisements in the Phienix Heuald. PROFESSIONAL. J E Whartox, M D. R. L. Rosson, M D. U, S. Exam'ing Surgeon. Late 17. S. Army WHARTOX & UOSSOX PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Calls Promptly attended to. Billd presented monthly. Office Enst side of Plaza, 3 doors nor! h of in. 15. Hooper fc Co. 31 lCE LLA.NKO US. THE Dudley House, : SCOTT, ATAIX Ssnds Greeting to tho lie Generally. Pub- Charley to tlie Front! Jl lCKLLANKOUS. Board to Suit ?..lf--$3 and $10 per .eek. W. A. Rowe & Go Wholesale axd Rstail. Dealers is Genera! "srehandiso. The attention of buyers and consumers are call ed to our two fine stores at the VULTURE AND TIP-TOP MINES Everything needed by Miners and 1880. 1881. Year's Eve L D Norton, F II Powers, James Stewart, Chas Jett and W II Kcavis are at llie Bank Exchang It vas so, und 1 vas told you, tint Goldberg & Sou have the sheapest und best toys in town, uud don'd you vas forgot it. Stock of Toys Our yoimg friends of the'? public school will be given a weeks vaca. tion, commencing with next Mon day. Mr. Bull, catcher for the JN'orvell Base Ball Club, arrived this morning from Prescott, having come through by stage in order to here in time for the match to-morrow. gotten. If there are any such in Phoenix let us find them and make their Christmas one that they will remember for year?, and we will feel richly rewarded for so doing. In order that our employees may observe the day, we will not issue a paper to-morrow. To all our friends and patrons we wish a Mekrt, Merry CmusrMAS. Las Vegas is to hnve'gasworks and a hook and ladder Company. Santa Fe is to be incorporated as a city. The Boers of South Africa have Our old friend, Jim Monihan, is I rebelled against English rule and back home again from Chase Mills, placed Paul Krugcr as President of New York, where he has been spend- the TCepublic, ing some months. He looks hale Fifty-three vessels are under eng. and hearty and weighs more than tfgement to load wheat in San Fran ever. Cisco harbor. Charles liobiuson. an estimable Goat Island, ia SanFrancisco liar MKS. X. A PIfKEXS, PHYSICIAN, Specialty: Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women. Office and Rpsiderce, Washington St. .at 01 tne uaruner House. Patient? can be accommodated with beard and lodtmiff. 3l'all8 answered at all honrs.23 A, C. BAKEl:, Attorney at I a w. Irvine's Building Itooms, 1 and 2, Phoenix, Arizona. O. If. P. SHEET.". M. It, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Calls promptly attended to, Officer-Three doors east of Court Ilonec. Itt'SM & WELLS, Attorney sat-La w. PRESCOTT, - ARIZONA Will practice in all the Courts of the Ter ritory. - mK J. T.ALSAP, Attornevat-Law Irvine'e Building Room 3, Phoenix, A. T. K1 .Hakes a Kepata- tion. Old Bazambee had returned from the club the other evenings n-hnn. as he hunr up his overcoat on the hall hat-rack and prepared to go up stairs, he heard such strangely-excited voices in the front parlor that he , paused to listen. A voice,- that he recognized at once as belonging to that fast-looking young Snyder he had warned Maria to be careful about, said eontcmpt ously : "Peace woman, and weary me no 1y your reproaches. ,1 tell you the day of my wedding with Alice Mon tressor i3 fixed, and by heavens noth ing shall prevent our union!" Could these words be addressed to liis own daughter? Yes, it was indeed Maria'3 sob-choked voice that re plied: "This, then, is the reward for my sacrifice my devotion! Ruined and forsaken, you taunt we with your latest conquest! Monster! Coward!" It only required a second for Bazerabee to rush up stairs and get a shotgun out of the closet. .The next moment he burst into the par lor with blazing eyes, and, hurling the black-hearted betrayer to the floor, he placed the muzzle of his breech-loader at his temple, hissing; "Villain, swear to me that you will make an honest woman ot this poor duped angel or I will strew the floor with your devilish brains!" "Hooray!" shouted yonng Snyder, sitting and clapping hi3 hands. "That's way up. Magaif! Splendid!" "Beautiful, papa. Encore ! Encore ! Bravo!" added Maria, delightedly. "I never saw anything better at Baldwin's." "Ah? "What? I-er-er?" stam mered the bewildered parent, gro unding arms. "We were so afraid that you would object to my taking art in the private theatricals. Ma said you'd never listen to It. But you act better than any ot us doesn't he, Bobby?" 1"(M bet," replied Bobby, fervent ly. "Guess you must have been an amateur Macready once, sir." Then Mr. B izcnibee coughed and wiped his forehead, and mumbled about his having seen a good deal of that sort of thins when he was young, and that Maria must be sure V .-to take in the mat when her young friend had gone, and then went up "',-j:land dreamed he way playing ra:ed community to crowded all night. . Hi i ftnn win "r Chas. L. Rossiter, 195 Summit St., .T i ! t I r Ohirt ot'j T i7 n i i T . 1 ti i it j-ouug man e-f Mesa City, died at that place, of typhoid fever, yester day morning at lour o'clock, after a sickness of five weeks. He was 17 years of age. The Knights of Pythias hop to night will be no doubt a very fine af fair. The hall has been elegantly fitted up and the Knights have been working hard to make tliis hop u perfect success. Grand march com mences at 9 o'clock. The Cosmopolitan Club ball to Llllt will h, 3i.- Hnnt.t, Avrjr rn joyable affair, as we notice in the bor is to be fortified. James uoroon liennett s income is l!)0,(XK) per annum, and the Grnphie says that within the past years he has given away more than 500,000. The Xeiiie Boyd Troupe. The above troupe gave their first performance in Phoenix on Saturday night to a large audience, the major ity of whom were the best citizens of tk, nu, nlin tiiuir lainiucs. so many poor troupes, who have been list of committees, the names of accustomed to play in San Francisco many gentlemen noted for their mcr- to ten-cent houses, have visited our making qualities. Territory, thai the people are begin "We learn from Dr. Gregg thst a ning to take but little notice of trav grand ball will take place at Tempo eling dramatic troupes, but the en-to-night. If Tempe is a small settle- tertainment on 3aturday evening was nient the inhabitants manage to have so far different from any that have lake one thousand dollars for my TCxcelsior Kidney Pad, if I could not get another. I have gained in three months thirty pounds. See Ado. Belisrioua Services Sunday. Presbyterian Church. Jefferson Street, near Montezuma, Kev. Wm Mjeyer will preach at 11 a. m. and Itevi- J- -A.- Merrill at 7 p. it. next Bun'day, Union Sunday School at 04 A- M- Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 1. All are invited. 3(ethodit Eniseopal, corner or Cetter and Munroo streets, Kev. I. jl. Cox, preaching the first and third HiiLdays, and Kev. L. J. Hedrro:;i on the second aad fourth Sundays in cacl uioum. plenty of enjoyment, for hardly a week passes without a couple of balls. The Appleton Tracy watches have a splendid repu:atiou. I have a four ounce, eighteen carat gold watch of that made which is really worth 1G0, I will sell for $$4. Uncle Harris, 221 Kearny Street, between Bush and Suiter, Sau Francisco Cal. The Board of Supervisors are in session to-day receiving the accounts of the Sheriff in his office cf 'lax Collector. After this date all unpaid taxes become delinquent and five per cent, added. The accounts are now in the hands of the District Atto; ucy. Before you buy. The Base Ball match to-morrow promises to one of great interest. Both clubs are in excellent trim, and are ready to test their skill on the diamond field. AVe expect to see a closely contested game and some fine plaj-ing. Seats will be prepared for the ladies who may wish to attend. The base ball clu1) of McDowell has arrived from McDowell. They are a fine looking set of men and we think our boys will have n sharp tus sle to get away with them. The club is composed of the following: Captain and first base, Sergeant Green; pitcher, Ceppy;catcher,BrilI ; second base, J Carroll ; third base, E J Stevens; left field, Hart; center field, Donovan ; right field, Dough erty. The last of the series of dramatic entertainments by the !Nellie Boyd After killing the Mexican at Har Troupe was quite well attended on shaw the other night, Johnny Ever- last evening. Miss Boyd certainly etts loaded the corpse into a wheel is a success in Irish characters. As barrow, wheeled it up to the Jus the jolly Kathleen Mavourneen -she tice's office, gave himself up, and is immense. In the concluding farce was immediately released. Life on Mr. Hart, as Solon Shingle, proves the frontier is sometimes not atiend himself to be a successful rival of ed with much ceremony or death John Owens, who mitkes this char- either. Epitaph, acter his specialty. The Troupe left Dentistry, for Prescott this morning. They Dr. G. W. Jenkins, of San Fran will stop here one or two nights on Cisco, has taken rooms at Irvine's their return building, where he is prepared to do I all work in the lino of li is profes- lne entertainment by the jucioi sion. Decl7-tf. Class of the Phcenix High School ever before been given us, that we can truthfully say the entire audi ence were fuily repaid. As Fanchon, Miss Boyd is pc-rfael. Having seen the part as performed by Maggie Mitchell and others in the large cities, we feel inclined to give Miss Boyd the preference. Her concep tion of the character, her wonderful powers of mimicry, and her natural stage address, at once makes her the favorite. The next strongest char acter ja the play is Mr. Hart, who is a comedian of no poor order. Miss Clifford. Mis Maggie Boyd, Mr. Phileo, and in fact all who partici pated iu the drama, sustained their parts well. This troupe, on their first appearance, have certainly won the good will of the citizens of Phoenix, and crowded houses are us sured for the re.t of their stay. On last evening the beautiful drama "A case for Divorce" was given with Miss Boyd in the leading character of Helen Faraday. All the beautiful charactei which this play possesses were finely drawn out, and the tableaux at the end of each act were perfect. Miss Maggie Boyd, in the character of " Saliie " was very well cast. Mr. Phileo was perfect in the part allotted him, and is quite a favorite with the audience. The evening's entertainment concluded with the laughable farce of ' The Fool of the Family," in which Miss Boyd and Mr. Hart kept the audi ence in convulsions of laughter. The audience were highly pleased with the entire entertainment. FRAXK COX. Attorney at li a xv. Office next door to Court House. H. St. PATKiCK, Civil Knsineer Ccunty Surveyor for Jtaricopa County and Deputy U. S Mineral Surveyor for Arizona Assayer of Precious Metals. Office With W. A. Hancock Phoenix, A.T. II. Xi. COSYHfiS, Physician and Nnrgeon. (Late of Visaiia, Cal.) Oflice on Washington street, tw doers from Montezuma. C. A. TWEED. TV. A. HANCOCK.. TWKK1 A HAXCOCX. Attorney. s ttLa w. Phoenix, A. T. rPT.and business in all ii ' CnAIJI.EY OH X. has leased tho Pud lev House ami will cor'ict it on a system to suit all. The hiryf room in froi t will be lor regular bnurilere who pay SS or for tho' uo w i s ii meais at w .cents. The hac room win Do lor private parlies, and $!0 week or 73 cents per iul will bo charged BEST BOARD IN I'UESCOTT. Pr cspectcrs. DAWX EXCHANGE H3;E lVasfcinjitoa trr t j;ls E. CAKZ wan m P)M v mm mm m ilrfiriiiiii Tliis rcw hotel ! sow 07c f. r accnniinixuUioa ot tic L:a prl!ic. i lie rooms .-in? wr" tc;:-'.' handsomely frtiULtd s;i i sin Tie. M:::ir tot ti;i!ii!il.. TLe Hit I f :!;e cvii-iV ot L:s lcui.".s. DUBLI1T FEED YARD Opp. Herrick & Lufgerding's Black smith shop, i'licenix, A. T. Our Yard has the best water in own : also amtle room for stock i STOCK EOA75DED y me Jjay, week or Month at REDUCED RATES. A Bar at which mav he fonnd First-C!aa Liquors and Cigars, run in connection wits the Yard. ... YAKNELL & SMITU.h Aniinnl 3ieflinar" OFFICE GOLD HTLL COXPOI.IDAT cd .M imtii! Company. San Francisco. I., December IT). IS (The Annual Meet liiT of the Stockholders of the Gold liiil onsolidutcd Mining Companv. for the lection of a Hoard i f Dire. tors, and for !he ranaction of such other business as mav properly come before the meeting wiil lie held at their office, l!ooni r3. No. S2J San- ome street. San t ranrirco. fnliforrtin. on TUESDAY, January 4'.h, 1SS1. at three clock 1: SI. on that dav. Transfer hooks will be closed on Montiav. the third dav of auuaiy, lril. A. .1 UDSON, Sec'v. Dec. 20 in-. GEXI Con 3IASO.MC SOT1CE. ft AR1ZOXA LODGE Xo.SSTF A A.M Staled meetings on thft hird Tuesday of each month a -0 Soionrninii brethren are fraternally nvited to attend. j. t. ALSAP, TY. M J. B. CREAMER Secty. I. O. It. M. r ,t!iro?A T i 1 na. Improved O, R. M., meets every Thursday evenins at 7 o clock at the ii;- wam. Steinaker s nui.uimr, iraieiiiiy brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. C. IS A li. c it, aacuem. 2ebi Osboiis. C of li. ARIZONA CHAPTEK, -N , I : A:- M:- ST4TF.T) WlSVOCATItlJ!! .- on secoi.d and fourth .Mondays of cacu month, at 7-.:!0 p. M., at Masonic lla.l. &o- journinr companions in trooa siauu.iiy arc coruiany luvneu. i" "rua -11. If . .VXlO, LL. J. . J. B.ClSEASEIl, Sec. r H. Morgan I Go. last evening was well attended and proved to be a highly creditable affair, and reflected favorably to the ability of teachers and the persever ance and inlustry of the pupils Each and every one of the partici pants were perfect in the duties they had allotted to them, and some of them unmistakably showed talent, which, though at present is unculti vated and latent, bids fair to become in the future a mighty power in the land. The order of exercises was interlarded with music by 3Ir. Kelly and others of the Phcenix Band. Judge Lemon made some very inter esting remarks which were highly appreciated. The net receipts of the entertainment were ?73. Holiday Oifts. Before buying a Christmas or New Year's Present write to lie Merlden Purchasing Co , Mcriden, Conn., for their Catalogue of a thousand useful and ornamental articles for overy day us", suitable for such pre sents. It costs you nothing and will save you money every year as they sell only Standard goods, and by selling direct at manufacturers prices are enabled to offer reat bargains. Brewery for Sale or Jtent, At Gillett, everything template Addreis, Art: r.a. Ti-.To j CIirisman'H Superior flour. J. 31. Gregory is authorized to sell and take orders?for my flour. ClI-VULEo CllUISJIAX. "asliingtori Street, PHOENIX, A. T. Importers and Dealsrs in GROCERIES CLOTHING DRY GOODS, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Etc. At prices to suit the times. ME WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GRAND CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center & Washington. (Diagonally opposite FoBtoffiee,) r-CEEF, VEAL, 3ITJTTON, LAMB and POlilx and all meaty served as required Delivered to any part of the city free oi charge. JJALS2 & KELLY, Thocaix. EKAL LEE SILVER MfN7CG my. Looafioa of Principal Place of Husiuei-. San Fraiicisco, Taiifornia. Location of Works, Globe District, Marico- County Arizona. Notice in hc.rcbv ivcn, that at a liireti;-' of lha Hoard ol ct-ni i liare ' tevu-f( tioii Uv cipitai stock of tho Corporation, payable immedi ately in United States pitd coin, to the Secretary, at the office of tho Company, hoom JO, No. 411'i California Stn-et, San Francisco, California. Any stock upon wh ch this assessmrnt phnll remain un paid on the Twent y-lifth (2"f day of Novem ber lcS30, will be delitiuent. and advertised for pale at public auct.n; and unless pay ment is made before will be sold on Mon day the twentieth day of December 1!, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertisim and expenses of sale. By order of the BoaM of Directors. C. E. GIiXETT, Speretary. Office. Room 10, o. 4UI4 California Struct, San Francisco, California. Post'ionciuent. The delinquent d'ly of t ho ahove asses ment is her'hy postpoueil until Tut-sday, December 21st, l"t0. and the day of iuie until Thursday. January 2t'th. Uy order of the JJonrdVf Iircctor.. C. E. tllLLKT T, Serv. Office Koom 3. No. -S 1 1 ; i .California St. San Francisco, Cal. and iinini SUPPLIES, a specialty, W. A. ROWE & CO. White Man's, and not Chi nese Cheap Labor. THE PHCENIX CIGAR FACTORY fins now the facilities and is ready o fill orders for all kinds of CIGARS, Of our own mauufaelure exclusively. Dealers v.-ill find it tf tlicir'adTitn- t.iire to (ioal vit!i .is, r.s we "iiarantre stLtisf;ictioii with our ano.U. We constantly have 0:1 lia::d Uic iiueit of VTc take pleasure to inform the people of Salt Pav er Yalley that Ave are now in receipt of our immense stock of goods, the largest ever brought to theValIe Each and every department is complete in itself in ry Goods and Fancy Tho Latest Styles in the Market. T7e respectfully call special attention of tho Ladies to this fact, that we are the only house vhere you can find a general complete assortment in DIHIard Tablo end Car Only the Finest Li-Jirs & Ct- ritiVATE c.iitu noorik The principal'if-r-' Arizona i;rH:rs t. ! : i r A RhHi-e of ;h psila solicited. Goods, Havana Lt J r h rj rrr mporferl to us direct from the New York iMaikct, snrt selected for us by competent judges. 0. J. THIEODO, M. D. Druggist and Apothecary, ...Also Dealer in ... Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Bruslie?, Etc., Etc. SJavcu's Yosemite Cologne. Ilarmlci-s Yosemite Fce PowOer and Toilet Specialties. West cf ths Tost Office, PHSrViX, A. T Outfit sent frt'e to those who wih to eiiL'jiL'e in the most pleasant and profit tb'o bus!in"-sf known Kvoiy thiiitr n- w. Capital not required. v e wm nuniii you every tnmg. a flay and upward is easily made without stay ins away from home ovei nii;ht. No risk what ever. Many new workirs wanted at onc. Many are making fortunes at the busines. Toadies make as much as men, and youn boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to ivork fails to make more money every day :han can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who encage at once will lh'd a short roaii to fortune. Address II. ii aii.ett fc Co., Portland, Sluiiie. i tzi 3 1 i O Eg Q O o o i-3 S3 El (1 t3 fe! i-3 U3 m a, m 3 o - o 1 natural aroma of the Tobacco. W Onlers by mail reliably nd proinptlj- tilled. Address, SOMAS & HEIHE, PIICEXIX, A. T. B ancy Coeds Patronize Home Industry, and Build the Country. NLW jMiCEXIX BAKEEY. jT5i::i: so?; - i'rtT TTasliin -rtou s t; ct, J . onrtHons Twelve loaves of Urcail or IS All my Cakes are my o'.vn make aiid ?io: Imported. Viae aad cukes nhv.iys on hand. Ey Bread made to oritur. Nov.ll-tf. cparti ire Having just rcceircd a, very nice assortment of -WARE,- All oi winch I -will sell nt very reasonable rate3. Also, an assort mcnt of Windows, Doors Winds, Mouldings and California Lumber. I'lace of Bsines, "NVashingtrm St., opos.'.e Gardner lloie!, Phoenix A.-ilota Territory. J. M. GREGORY. iA?S. DOTJ E. ABSorr, AO EXT FOB TlfB Weed, New Home, Wilson, Florence, Eldredge, Crown, Feerless, White Saving Machines Sold on Installments or for Cash. A full supply of Attachments, Oil, etc., for all the leading machines 011 hand. For Attachments call at the residence on Jackson street. A share of the public patronage solicited. (I.KADl'ATE OP IlAUVAim UxiVE 11SITV. PRIVATE DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Call ok AuDr.Etss 11. J. Stekh, M. 1). 'o. 11 Ke.miny 5Ti;rrT, San Dry Goods, n a?1 e w en Of the very Latest Patterns and Styles. Our Clothing ana Furnishing Goods Department also complete with a larger variety, both for prices nd quality, tnan any other house in the Yalley. entlemen intending to purchase their winter supplies .u.LjixxiLijica! anj examine our extensive stock Satisfaction Guaranteed, Eoth in Prices and Quality. - - i.1 V W IX OUR p cl dial E. MATEH After this date, I will f;e 1 stock. 20 per cent, chi er than the pri-.vs I ercta fore known iu 1'ha r.ix. A largo e err::! for lL J room stock Corral rco:a frc-j cf charge. A force premises. en U.5 we are second to none. Our assortment for MEX, BOYS, WOifEX and CIIILDRE2T, is complete for stjde, quality and prices. We keep none but the very best of brands in the market. Xo Eastern made goods, but all of California make, which are known to be the best in the country. IX TIIE iat Cap we have the very latest styles for Men, Roys, Ladies and children. Our assortment in tins line is cowiplet In conclusion we beg leavo to state that our GROCERY, r XT ' s til ff-i. a AXD HARDWARE rM are as complete as the balance of our stock. Having such an enormous stock on hand we are better enabled to give lower and better prices than has ever heretofore" been olfered in this market. Far ties from the distance about to purchase their winter supply would do well to give us a call as we are conn dent we can make it to your interest to purchase of us. In connection with our numerous stock we cari a full line of Wall Paper, Carpets and OClothy Call and examine our immense stock. Xo trouble to show goods. GQLDP.1AF3 & GO. rilCEXIX A..T. m ITPJ in 'IS J , 1 V 1 MRS. R. SALAT. 1 bet- i This rrrt;lsr he ouijh'y riut'i'U a;ik! I -manager iutt :k.s to!vv ing ln.-.-l tl:is i t I- Tile rooms liaic ull '. reuovottil, auJ new ln'.i t. in eac h . Ail ti:0 r- s: t :. .iicily cari sUvi auj rlui u: rn itvlo. o Dinirs Keen tah'e luea n tables. THS Will always l e !)L-t sii;;'..k-- t'.. flmlins ail season. In tl.oit, ti e 1 rrf t v i r; ins k-an-fii :!u- i Uiv - ur ' vi!ir. will snaie r." t i':s t tlii. the l ir-l :u..l in-t c, ii.:-'tM! . hotel in the Terriiiiy. art her personal aitnit'i-u U i.u v . t xet; (Op, : C3 If V '-I v' JAVA CO !'!".' itt a -i c . r A ; CO Trt Next to llt iii-n' ittk t ! lie C ii't ll.'tie. Ti;- from llriti'i" a:'- a the ;t:test in the v:. ;. . 'j