Newspaper Page Text
The FncENrf Hekalb. YOL. 6. Xo. 21. WHOLE No. 495. PnCEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 , 1SS0. new seriesNo. TELEGRAPHIC. Associated Press Dis patches to "Herald." ( FER WESTEBS TTNION 1AX&- I'OHPliETE XJiLEUISAMt. We take pleasurj i informing our readers that anangcments hav iog been made, commencing with January 1st, the Herald will lay before its readers every afternoon the complete Associated Press re port, containing 1200 words, filling nearly two columns cf this page. Our report in the past has been incomplete, containing not more than 300 words. The Herald will be issued one hour later cch day, but eur readers will be repaid for the delay by receiving the same dispatches as contained in the San Francisco Bulletin of the same day, Although costing considerable, our subscription price will remain the same, 25 eents per week, delivered by carrier. For the next two months the report will be unusually interesting, Congress being in session. The Herald, for the next 40 days, will contain a full telegraphic, report of the proceedings of the Legislature of Arizona. THE SOCORItO TROCBLE. Denver; Dccenibct 30. Tribune's Santa Fe special says that the situa tion at Socorro remains very critical. About twenty-five men went from Albuquerque to Socorro last night to aid the citizens' party and a company of the Thirteenth Infantry is guard ing public property. Last night Anton Baca, one of the prisoners held by the citizens, procured a re volver and ishot one of the guards and was himself killed by another guard. Judge Parks of the Second Judicial District to-day released the prisoners from the custody of the citizens on heavy bail. The Ameri cans are determined that the mur derer of Conkliug shall not escape, and, as he belongs to a numerous and powerful Mexican family who are assembling to aid him, serious trouble seems imminent. TOE FXIA2 FCS3. JJrjBUN-, December 30. The State trials are rather dull, small interest being evinced. One Juryman half an hour late was threatened with one hundred pounds fine on the second effence. The Attorney-General con tinued his review of the speeches of Dillon, Biggar and others and de clared that Traverses had conspired for communistic purposes. DUTCH DYKES BREAK. Amsterdam, Holland, December 33. Dykes between iemwkwick and Kymen in the province of Xorth Brabant are broken and many vil lages are flooded. The damage done by the inundations is immense. A committee for the relief of sufferers has bean formed. PAXAMA CAXAT P.uiis,December 30. First detach ment of engineers and workmen will start January oth to prepare for the commencement of the Panama Canal. BE.TIRED. Wasaixgtox, December 30. Tie President has retired Brigadier Gea cral Randolph B. Marcy, Inspector General and Col. Jchn Barnard of the Corps of Engineers. And lon't V on Forget It" For the benefit of our young men we publish the code of hat fli ration signals, which arc in vogue in the large cities: Wearing the hat squarely on the head I love you madly; tippm? it over the right ear my little brother has the measles; wearing it on the back of the head ta, ta, awfully, awfully; taking it off and brushing it I've found another; brushing it the wrong way my heart is busted; putting it in your pocket I'll never leave you; wearing it over the left ear hardly ever; kicking it how is your mother; holding it out in your riht hand give us more taffy ; throwing it at a policeman I love your sister; using it as a fan come and see the women folks; carrying a brick in It across the street I'm eng. aged; tipping it over the left eye I carry my girl with me; over the risht eye who in thunder is that fellow; stickin your fist through the crown I die foryou; putting it on the groand and sitting on it farewell. PACIFIC COAST ITE3I3. A tramp, who was stealing a ride on a train from Arizona, was put off on the desert lately. He d-ewa pistol on the conductor, when the latter shot him. The train casre on, acd it is not known whether he was killed or not. The shooting took place be tween Dos Palmas and Walters Station. The schooner Governor Perkins, from San Luis Obispo, December 2J, is now believed to have gone down that night with all on board. She was loaded with grain and bound for San Francisco, but has not been heard from since. EA splendid plain case Gold Stem winding Waltham Watch, full chro nometer movement, patent pinioned, patent dust cap, originally cost $110, will be sold for $73,ui Uncle Harris', 221 Kearny Street, between Uu-Ii and Sutter, Suu Fraud. co. E. C. Dace. No. 170J Tnrk Street. Sun Franciffco. is mai.aircr of the commercial department of the I'uurmx IIiRm ii in thai city from this date. Ite is authorized to take orders and collect for the game. Jannory 1st. lSrl. LOCAL LINES. Buy your toys of Goldberg & Son Cash paid for bacon and lard at Irvine's. Dec.l-lm The best assortment of toys at Goldberg & Son's. The Epitaph suggests the name of Harry Woods for the speakership, There will be no paper issued from this office to-morrow. 31. W. Kales and wife arrived last evening by private conveyance from Maricopa. Make your little boy happy by getting him one of those fine veloci pedes at Goldberg & Son's. A small quantity of Early Rose Goodrich and Peerless sosd pO" tatOSS at Geo. F. Coats.' A good $io brecch-lcading gun will be sold for 35; fifty brass shells anc everything complete. Call at the Hekald office. lv It vas so, und l'vas told you, dal Goldberg & Son have the sheapest und best toys in town, und doa'd you vas lorgot it. Hon E B Gifford and wife, Geo S Wilson, Gen II G Rollins, J F Knapp, J C Perry, 31 II Calder vood and 31 W Kales and wife are registered at the Phoenix Hotel. If you want the sweetest, most uicy and palatable bread, go to J. Ileinson's bakerv, opposite the Court House. He has the only artesian well in this town and the bread he is making can't be surpassed. Try it and convince yourself. .Last evening the band serenaded the Yuma delegation who were stop ping at the Bank Exchange Hotel. The Honorable gentlemen, Dorring ton, Knapp and Xorton, brieflly re plied from the balconv, thanking the members. In the year 1S4G, Elias Howe pat ented the first sewing machine, since which date this little labor saver has been wonderfully improved, and to day 34 years later one of the best in use is the Royal St. John, for which Postmaster Mowrey is agent. Ladies, call at the PostoClce and see it. Owing to absence irom the Terri tory we have at this late day to say a few words in defense of the firm ot Harder, Luse fc Co., which was ac cused of many mean things by the paper issued at the Coroner's office, (the Expositor), on the lOth of this month. They accuse thi- firm of failing to fill their orders, aud that, too, when cash accompanied the or der. The Helald has purchased in the last three years several thousand dollars' worta of material from that firm, and in all this time touud them very prompt and reliable. We do not think the malicious statement of that paper had any injurious influ ence, but believe the above to be our duty in the matter. Appearance indicate that Coroner Keeit, who takes his office to-raoiroa-, will have his own newspaper on which to hold his first inquest. BASK KALI, The match game of Bae Ball between the Phoenix, and Xorvell clubs on Christmas day, was one of the best games ever played in the Territory. Both sides exhibited skill and esperlaess, and many players making some difficuits plays The following is the official score: 1 I ii Phoexix, O, It B NOflvELL. ORB Lji L! Helmich, 2 4 Winters I 3 0 1 K rklasd 4 1 3rill 3 111 Widmer, W- 0 2 3 Ceppi 4 1 Campbell 2 1 1 Carroll 2 3' Goldberg 3 1 1 Doherty 5 0; Kellerman... 3 2 Stevens 3 1! 1 .McXulty 4 0 1 Donavan 2 2, Widmer, F.. 3 111 Henry 4 U Patten 3' 1' 1 Hart 1' l1 2113 2T 9 IXNIXGP. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -13311 -2O20 Norveils. OO 0- Fnrenix. .0 M 1- The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company announce their intention to push the building of their road from San Diego after the first of January at the rate of three miles a day. "Work on the Mexican Central, from El Paso to the City of Mexico, will soon begin at both ends. During the last fiscal year public lands were disposed of as follows: Cash sales, 850,740,63 acres; home stead entries, 6,045,570,60; timber culture entries, 2.193,134,12; grants to railroads, 1,157,375,01 ; grants to wagon roads, 19,485,14. The stage which arrives at Mari copa at 2 o'clock in the morning is regularly searched at daylight by an employee, who looks under the cush ions and scratches over the straw in the bottom in search of treasure lost by the passengers, and his labor is often rewarded by the finding of a piece of silver. This procedure has been looked upon by one of the night drivers as an infringement on his riht, and as a preventative he adopted the plan of secluding under the straw in the bottom of the coach, a mouse trap, one of those little round ones with several holes. In due course of time the treasure hun ter appeared and commenced search, under the cushions, under the seats and in the straw. AVhilo scratching in the straw he ran one of his fingers in the straw which sprang the trap. cutting it badly. Dr. Lujhan dressed the wound. This will deter the treasure hunter for a while and give the driver a chance to search his own stae. A. U.IPPY XKW YFAB. The cycles of time again record the closing of another year. The annals of the past year are soon to be collated into another volume of our history and we enter upon the unseen and unwritten volume of the couiiig year. The year that is just closing has been fraaglit with a series of events that have sur passed any the world has ever yet seen. Peace reigns throughout the nation, irom north to south and from ocean to ocean. The country has never enjoyed the prosperity that it now does at the close ot 1S80. The future outlook is flat tering. That our own Territory La3 advanced during the past twelve months, we can only refer to the increase of population, the vast dis coveries of mineral wealte, the peace that is enjoyed on the bor ders, free from the attack of sav- . . outlook for the lerntorj. An- zona enjoys a reputation for ad- J J . vancemeni mat is a source ot envy tn tl.r other Territories of our country, Thrnovp-iranirn the S TT T? iv j..0 - IIzkIJD was started in tins valley as a small weekly. As the town and valley improved and population increased, the paper - could do naught but keep up with the spirit of advancement and for one year it was run as a weekly, once being enlarged, then for nine months as semi weekly. Fifteen months go we issued our first daily and from that thus on we have endeav ored to supply the public with a good local paper. In the coming year we Bhall endeavor to improve our paper even more than m the past and to that end shall furnish the readers with all the latest news that the wires can brin us. With hope that sorrow or distress may not enter into the family circles of ny of our readers and that pros- rity and happiness may fall to f all of them, we wish each and every one a Happy; New Year. 1S70-18SO. What a change has taken place in Arizona during the decade just clos ed ! Ten years ago the white popula tion of the Territory did not exceed ten- thousand Souls, s tiled about itilitary posts or living in the few lewns scattered over the Territary. More than half of Arizona was then an unknown coun'.rj, only penetrated occasionally by the venturous pros pector. The people of the Territory were isolated from the world, and a weekly mail to Prescolt and Tucson, was their only means of communica tion with civilization. Supplies were brought live hundred miles acros the desert from Los Angeles, the nearest shipping point. The In dians swarmed all over the Territory, and even- road lonely mountain trail was infested with these red' fiends; murder and rapine were of daily oc currence, the few whites literally carried their lives in their hands, and a reign of terror existed all over the land. The mining industry was paralvzc-d, Only one miae in tl e Territory was producing bullion the Vulture. Stock raising Tras out of the question when the red mar auders from the hills were ready to swocp down at any moment and "clean out" any one who was hazard ous enough to engage in it. The demond of isolation and the curse of Indian wars had almost destroyed every material interest, and outlook for the future was not encouraging. What a change has come over the face of the land within ten years? The savage Indian warwhoon has been stilled forever. The bonds of isolation which bound our iernlory have been bioken by that iron giant of progress, the locomotive; mines of wonderful richness have been brought to light in all parts of the Territory; mills have been erected and a stream of bullion, daily gain ing volume, is pouring out of Ari-I zona. Population is flowing in upon us from the East and from the West. Capitalists are seeking investment in our mines. Every valley is dotted wit'a happy hemes, and it can almost be said that the cattle cover "a thou sand hills." The iron rail linked us with jhe world of progress, and Ari zona is no longer a terra incognita swarming with murderous savages. Peace, progress and prosperity bless the land. Its future is bright with the silver sheen of marvelous min eral wealth, and Arizona promises to be the brightest jewel in Colum bia's crown. The past decade has wrought won ders for our Territory. What will the next not do for us? Democrat 3Ir. Jake Marks, who met 3Ir. Foreman, of the Overman mine, at Tiptop, informs us that the gentle man, who Is good authority on all mining matters, is enthusiastic in praise of the various mining proper ties he saw in the TI top section. He is of the opinion that were these bonanzas situate convenient to rail road facilities they would sell for large sums, and as the time is near at hand when the iron horse will penetrate jsorthcrn Arizona, it is only reasonable to conjecture a grand rise in mineral property in Yavapai County. Those of our prospectors who have so patiently stayed with their gold, silver and copper depos- 11s, denying themselves or uianv pleasures of life, it seems, at last, are in a fair way to be handsomely rec ompensed for all. Miner. Society Elections. The following society elections have been held in this city during the past month : F & A 31 W 3T, F 31 Shaw; S W, J B Creamer; J W, Geo Jlarlar; Sec, J T Alsap; Treas, E Rood. Royal Arch Chapter II P, R L Long; King, K Ilerrrck ; S, Geo II X Luhrs; Sec, J T Alsap ; T. J B Kelly. I O O F X G, G II X' Luhrs; V G, Wm McXulty; Sec, Wm A. Han cock ; Treas, J A Lutgcrding. I O Ii 31 S, T Greenhaw ; S S, T Brown ; J S, T Smith, Treas, X Ros enthal ; Eec, X Osborn; P, G F Coats. K of P C O, S E Patton ; v c, Han K of Geo F Coats; 31 of E, Wm A cock; 31 of r, E B Kirklaud; B and S, E I Fuller. The Phoenix Herald and the Cali- fornian have arranged to club on the below named terms. The Californian is the best and most popular monthly ever published on the Pac ific Coast. it is the only magazine west of the Mississippi Valley, and is full of the vigorous lite if the Great West. Its are filled with interesting and vain able contributions from the pens of maPi' f ablest and ost eminent writers in the Lnited States. It is universally and highly commended bJ' the local and Eastern press. It is the risinir magazine of the day, and its excellence increases with" each issue. 1 early subscription in ai vanrn. -1.0(1. Sin.rln Vnmlwr -Ar, cents. Furnished,3 Postpaid, with this paper (the price of which it 5) or s7 cash in advance. Send vour uoscripuon to tins ollice. 3IARICIKO. KALEtr WH1SLER In San Francisco. December 27th, ItsSO, bv Rev. s. F. Lines. JTaktin V. Kales to Kose Jl. Whisleu. 2"o cards. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. LOUIS rewerv 2 7 PHCENIX, A. T. We, the undersigned, are now manufacturing the finest Beer ever made in the Territory, which is equal to the St. Louis Imported Beer. MICHAEL WURCH Is a Brewer of many years experi ence, being formerly connected with breweries in St. Louis. Orders Promptly Filled. We can snnnlv Beer bv the Bottle. Barrel or Ken on short notice. At the BA.Il we keep the chcieest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. For the accommodation of onr customers we secured a fine Pigeon Hole Table, which is free for all. Come and try a game. COEKA WURCH. i-3 i wfli.?pi kH C s mil? gsfl& H3 . F-f 2. iHisi! a taS'Q s?f 2 1iHi? li syJ'tS 0. J. TEIE0D0, 1L D, DrUQgiSt and ApOthSCar' ....Also Dealer in ... Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Brushe?, .tc, -tc. Slaven's Yosemtte Cologne. Harmless Y'osemite Face Powder and Toilet Specialties. West of the Post Office, PHtENIX, A. T m m m 73 1 1 Q o CO o o o 1 1 o o 3 DAILY PHCENIX HERALD GOSPER & JIcCLINTOCK. Publishers and Proprietors. Published every evening except Snnday TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAIX.T. 1 yr.( $10; 6 mos., $5; per week, 25 WEEKLY, 1 Yr $5; 6 Mos. $2 50; 3 Hos , $1 50. Advertising Kate? made known oi appli cation. C. W. CRANE, Agent. Kan Franoir co, Cal. Mr. J. IT. Bates, Newspaper Adverttsin Agent. 41 Park Row, (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for adver tisements in the Phoenix Herald PROFESSIONAL. J E WnABTOx, M D. It. L. Rossox, M D. IT, S. Exam'ing Surgeon. Late Uy. Army n il autox & nosso.v. PHYSICIANS &. SURGEONS, Calls Promptly attended tv Billd presented monthly. Office Eayt side of Plaza, 2 dooi'3 north of V m. li. Hooper Co. IKS. .V. A PHYSICIAN, Specialty: Obstetrics and Dis eases r lVomen. Office and Residence, Washington St., ,ast 01 the bnnliier Houfp. Patients can be accommodated with beard and lodijin. C?Oalls answered at all honrs.wFj A, C. HAKEit. Attorney at La yt. Irviue's Building Itooms, 1 aud 2, Phoenix. Arizona. O. H. P. SHEETS. 31. I, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Calls promptly attended to, Office Three doors east of Court Itonse. KIMII & WELLS, Attornej -at-!.a w. PRESCOTT, - AKIZOXA Will practice in all the Courts of the Ter ntory. nil 7 J. T. ALSAP, Attornev-at-Lr.iv Irvinc'e Building Room 3, Phoonix, A. T. Fit AXIS. COX. Attorney at La tv. Office next door to Court House. II. It. PATRICK. Civil K n s I n i- e r Ccrnty Snrvrror for Maricopa Comity and Deputy U. S Mineral Surveyor for Arizona Assayer of Precions Metals. Office With W. A. Hancock Phoenix. A. T. U. L. COX VERS. Physician and Sarceou. (Late of Visa'ia. Cal.) Office on Washington street, two doors from Montezuma. C. A. TWEED. W HANCOCK. TiVELB & H.lSfOCZv. Attorney at La -.v. Phoenix, A. T. fLand business in ail uiartmcnts pecialty. JHASOXIC NOTICE. ft ARIZONA LODUE Xo.25TF &A.M Stated meetings Tuesday of each on th" hird month a 1"-:-lG M. S.tjourninff oretnrcn are lraicrnauj invited to attend. J. B. CREAMER Secty. I. O. R. 31. OPA TRIBE. NO. 1, of ARTZO iVl- na, Improved O, It. -M-. meets every Tuursdav eveninsr at 7 o'clock at the Wi'i- : 1 K..i To,-..!;,, warn. SteinaK'TS nui.uii'ir, i ru i-imsr brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. J. liAtkK, oacuem. Neiu Osboks. C of IS. ARIZONA CHAPTiUt, XO. 1, It:- A:- 31:- STATED CONVOCATIONS ON on secoi.4 and fourth Mondays of. each mouth, at 7:30 p. at Masonic Ha l. cn- jonrnniL; companions in good iiauauifl nrc cordialiy luvilea. Av oruer oi J. B.Cblameb, Sec. F H. Morgan & Washington Street, PHOEXIX, A. T. Importers aiid Deal3rs in GROCERIES CLOTHING DRY GOODS, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Etc. At prices to suit the times. y MATERIAL. The nndersined has Just received a large and complete adtiortmeut of IOOIt!!t. MASH. JILIXIJ!. und vixiiows Which are of a better quality and will be sold cheaper than at the Sash Factory in Presoott. Al! or.lcrs promntlv attended to. Adam I tre;t, ouc-half block north of t! e ileral 1 uoic;. I. tol'l A NO. i 31 ISCELL.YN'EOCS 00 EE SALOON (Open until Midnight.) E5f If you want a fine cup of JAVA COFFEE; or - EJNULISil JiKKA Kr AS i TiiA or CHOCOLATE, .... GO TO STEVE DOLE'S, Xext to Heinson's Bakery, opposite the Court House. Hie water used is from Ileinson's artesian well aud the purest in the valley. AGENCY Bank cf Arizona. rncENix, A. T. Teleffrnwhie or Sfjrht Eir sn; ir:r ii on the. Principal Cl or tlie I'nited States and Enrope. Tvrii-T. rrncitARE or make advax ees an Gold and Silver Bullion, Terr tonal and County ltomls and Warrants, Dis count Ci.mmeK'iai Paper, receive Deposits re PHvallein demand, undertake Collections and transact a general banking business. Huce hours from y a. m. to 4 p. m. 3-.f. M. W. KALES, Cashier. O. P. ItonsnTj, II. W. Eider ROBERTS & RYDER, CCNTP.ACTOHS & FLANS AXD SPECIFICATIONS Furnished. Estimates made aud Guaranteed Shop sonth side f Plaza, Pheenix. 1 fV & 0O-, ASS AYE RS, TTAV!N( eeenred 1h ?rvic: 5ir. i & tiEOii(rK K. HaLIMI. iro:u the "-ali triii:i Asai Gfiic-e. ;;n ! raucts-ro. v. c jre prepared io mnki; primt rjMiriis oi iiii ore minerals, (-old tlatt aU buiiija tubmiited lor astiiy or Quantitative or Qualitative Analysis. "Will sotic! by return stare rolt ef all painplt-s rci-:v.'d by mail or carets, whtrn accompanied by cash. Sinsrle Asfixy for Gold and Silver. ...$ 2 03 Copper 3 Lead 2 rU t;old. Silver and Copper 5 (W Special tirrms to mill men- rrcacott, -May '20, ISA). BLaKS & CO. BLACKSMITH ! JAS. LARSET, GILLETTE, ARIZONA. I AM nonr prepared to exocu!o ftll Icinda of work m mv liue.andin a workman like manner. Itep irinir done in tlie 'short -t-etpOssi hie time. Those ueedinir my yer vices will please call. JAMES LAJSOX. GILS.2TTE, Tip Top Jlilleite, A. T. FE AT, WHOLESALE A?D RETAIL, GRAND CENTRAL MARKET. Corner Center & 'Vasliiazton. (tljagonall opposite Postofiice,) t3T-lfT.r.F. VEAL. J1CTTOX. T.AMn and POKK and all meats perved as required Delivered to any part of the city tree of charge. BALSZ 4 KELLY, Pin,eaix. toW tsm Itii-i ri n VTe take pleasure to inform the people of Salt Riv er Valley that we are now in receipt of our immense stock of goods, the largest ever brought to the Valley. Each and every department is complete in itself in Dry Goods and The Latest Styles in the Market. "Wo respectfully call special attention of the Ladies o this fact, that we are the find a general complete assortment in Dry Goods, Fancy Ladies' and Children's Mcssery, Of the very Latest Fatterns and Styles. Our Cioihlvig and Furnishing Goods Department s also comralcte with a larger variety, both for prices and quAlitv, taan any Gentlemcu intending to purchase their winter supplies would do well io call and examine our extensive stock Satisfaction Both in Pi ices IX fl f- P S K b 9 J we are second to none. Our assortment for AlEX, HOYS, WOMEN and CIIILDREX, is complete for st'le, qualitj' and prices. "We keep none but the veiw best of brands in tlie . market. No Eastern made goods, but all of California make, which are known to be the best in the country. IX Hat and Gap we have the very latest styles for Men, Boys, Ladies and children. Our assortment in this line is coiuplete. In conclusion we bear leave to state that our GROG! P V t Ik B 9 GROO!C; AXD HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS are as complete as the balance of our stock. Ilavinir such an enormous stock on hand we are better enabled to give lower and better prices thai has ever heretofore been o lie red in this market. Par ties from the distance about to purchase their wintej supply would do well to give us a call as we are conli dent we can make it to your interest to purchase o us. In connection with our numerous stock we carry a fall line of Wall Paper, Carpets and Oil Cloths Call and examine our immense stock. Xo trouble to show goods. GOLDIAPJ & GO. riiu:xix" a. t. ,0 1? Fancy 0 ooos only house where you can Goods, other house in the Valley. Guaranteed, and Quality. OUR THE artment .micLL.m:"1 . i BANK EXCHAr.GS HOTEL. WsNfcii;toa street opj-c-itr Ikt E. CAX2 This Prtr lintel J pnir o:x a f t accoitnucKUvtaHi of tie tr.Ij pnl!ic. The nxms are w!! ret;:' ;-! t -I "n.miiii'tuflr ftirnUhwi i:i :. t for tsmUirS. Tin? alnt i-f Ibf-r of Lis r"t.:s. OHSIard Tab!o and Car Only the Finest LI;u:rs Si Chi.- PRIVATE f AEI IlOttV. Tlie prtnciptl Eatfr-. WUVn'i 13.4 Ar.zons patrrs ttie a c '. A share of tie r-aLiic .r'.'fc 1 j i Fwlavcr'c Ltverv Stable, E. MAYER After this date. I will UoI stock. 20 per cent. cLt a:- er than the pri- fore known in Fha::x. corral. , vit; connected, rcom for stock. 1. lie- Corral roora fre charsie. O A force premises. pump en tie HOTEL MRS. R. SALATI. Mjr:3'ir. This popular l-.ti U. i i oujliH" ticiv.iJ sr..: 1: -uiai:ajriT intiti'U to r.-.Vi- 1: : i im litci Io.- x...' 1 -V' Tlie n". !!is h ue si! ! t : rotiovott-.l. at; J u.- U.U 'Ltctiis in eaeh. AH UiC ui w v - .x. niovly cstrjtttftl atisJ t.'.ri u; -i Tho Dining Room II:s l;e-u ectvV.- csr:x:oi i:d'"e ltaeu i-..curti i.j a.. tables. 7KS TACLi: ti . !t rhulinj a'.l tle IcUvaiciv- la wr In slioit, tl. ; rt cl n t;j;v?, i. t car, tv til sjv-re c o j"4;: u this tU Inrsl act snt (ia:-.,ut ht-tt l ia tl:e T. rrr ry. .4 1 t her personal a'.lcatU'a " ti- .1 A! treacle cJrevcrv AXD SALOOX. fhvKS We in-:H;r j JKc.i: in th. i-.-:Ut f.- vile t Q'lit or il, :!: -. v bottled r.:::::; SPECIALTY. rrEn f:z.i.t:: rr.-v A ;t n.Vii l.l