Newspaper Page Text
The Fhcenix BlebaSi " 1 11 . I - I.. .. - 1 VOL. VHL WHOLE NO. 83a PHCENIX, MAEICOPA COUNTY ARIZON A TEBE1TOHY, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 183a NH7 Sy TELEGRAPHIC Indignation a rarer . Tombstone, Jliiy 11. As previ ously announced, the cowl oj- itmi "their political Iriends he (1 an ia'lis tinlioo m.lii lust cijjlit. The meeting; wa a complete fizzle, i n 1 itsac.ian in r.o vritj reprtseUs iLe Miitiincuts of tho itspec.-able por tion of lUis community- Ke?olu lioiis J nouixmi; liiu Pre.iduut und .Governor were introduce J and wucn the vo c was Liken tiie ikcs bad it by six to i"e, bu! Jule R ibinaon ; it ciri;d. The uitctii'g lhaa dUpencd. It was a compete farce. " j A DratrartiTit Cjcleoe., Tcx., May 1 1. News Jrora the c jcIobc at McAllister. I.T., ays liiut the dealli, uJdud to those killed outright, -.ncreace the fulali- I Mr. Salisbury, of stage line fume, is again in the burg. Lie is largely interested in the mines in thu north ern part of the country. If y.iu wish any article of Hard- t ware, Rosenthal & Kutncr can suit you. Fresh ripe Strawberries with pure Cream every day and eeni'iir at Lonnu's. t:'. P.-c o t exchanges complain of soiiio one R iling :i.;tor to the !.-.-dian. Deal out U. S. Law to the offenders, if you can catch them. Sportsmen, Miners, ranciuien, and others wanting Guns, 1'isloU ami Aiuuiiioition, can procure ihcm of tJot-entiia; & ICutner. Loosely will have q lite a palnce when he gcis fxci up. Evt-rj icom .'rem Iront to back, w ill be carpeted. Fiue ciiwndeHers have been pur e-bused, and t! e Cabinet will l a the sporting men's favorie resort. If you want a cobby .- nd styliata Jiiri, go to UOiduian CO. tor it, as ties to twenty-one so f.-r. Fo;ty-two J ;hcy are just in rocvipl of a fine us- were wounded, but it is thought not family. Hall the killed i nd wotin cd are w. men and cIiiMn-n. All possible aid Ironi pliyslciatiS, nurses. etc., is being rendticl. Fifty-nin- Louse? were totally demolished ami renty-sevea partially. Soitl'.-ineHU Xns. 5 aad 7 of the Osae Mioinir Company w ro the ones visited. Tliry cotitaint-d about 4J0 people. A'uruberS was enliiely wipi-d out, iwl Jio. 7 reci ivtd only a partial irce ef the .-toim. Helief subscrip tions aie bciui: taken. Temporary serlnient in that line. lw Wsidrle?, tetks ct eer-Dt ora, Cot B'.-.i. elc, nmda to order nn short notice, at E. Pattou's Car penter .-hop, adjoiniag tho Telegraph oiiice. im All irtinrr and pro?pcctors who wish a perfect agay, shoul I call on Mr. It. Sieiuesci. whose advjrii-e- mcnt will be seen i.: ai.o.hcr c.iluin i. Mr. KtcineLT has had several years experience in this business, an.i the fact that he is employe 1 by the Ari- liuiluiug have been arranged for lha j zona Central Mining Company is of dead scd wouniliil. " 1 he sloims cauie fiom 'lie southwest at.d south. east in tri itigular shape and intt at these coal niiue-. three miles from LMcAliis:er, proper. Great damage was also done at Pari , Texas. Toe Will extended :enerlly through lei as, Arkansas and t.ic Indian Ter- it ry- Kailioad tr-vel suspended ii nearly ail directions by naiioms. rhcre was a great hail fall with the orm, whiili el tended as 'ar north s Fort Gibson. Irish Trub!e. LoitDi'X, Hay 11.11. Aj Irishman itselt a abilitr. sufficient guaranty of hi: It will pay yon to cxamttie the handsome md stylish stock of s-prine and summer goods just opening at GusjElIii & Co. Being tha first new goods r the season leceived in Pile nix, wiich they propose to gel at the lowe-t prices. tf. The lunch counter at ihe Phoenix S; keep-op a gtiod run of :u-lin. 'barbie Bays he can get up the bet meal in town rieht on the tpot nnd to order. We are i.i- as iniiae atement that lrt i oeueve ni-n, ior erery tirao eek, in Dublin, be refu-ad an oiier i we 'aT Inncned t here he has served 10,000 to assist in the muidtr of j up the best in tho sh ip. Parties rd Cavendish and B;rrke. The I who iTo not wish a full meal can get itement hag been communicated to i ut what they want, and only pay r Wiliinia Ilarcourt, Home Secre tor wnat they get. Tiy him a ra -ket. I o a man who has a family to sup rort or a restaurant to run, a savin o- f 20 per cent to SO per cent on the prices of groceries is an important matter. That is why so many are gom Eu-i, across the pin to r3. U'owing will not altcrtke people's tT. ihe man Iris been taken ta verpool aud still idneres to the lament of bis knowledge of the mc. Ihe man give liis state- pea, ance of t; ui h. iitc ih.'-t some. ill come of this ieroej.l.-. Tvr ?ays necau inc. i ne man g at with everfNgpe Hie police 1 y r his Lands on the assassir.s 'ihe Irish liani Qne.iian. lOaTON," April 10. Ihe He rail's le special says that it Is uuder- od that an Irish 11 1 now com- ttd, aud tlmt it provides in com cttti ways fr ref'Tin in arrears, idin i oncr8.a bet. ween land and teaj.iils with tolerable litip, and, ia this repjet, u. r'lj identical with the bill drawn Irueli ; provided the Jaudloid . siuy ob year's rent, the W-cant o pay o e year to b-j paid out of rf-huich surplus- Uithoat I'omratnt. ixgto-t, May 10. ihe Pr s .vg concluded that no ne .yMsts for defending bis ap j of the 11th and loth sectb n kne Ciiinese bill, abau loned bis r -formed inteniion of sending an lanatory message to C-mgrea. re-tricted himself to the usual of noiiSca ion, that iie had ap ed tle bill ra the day specifled. approved the bill on daturd ly. laTirin Prlener Erlrased exico. M-" 10. A messenger li the Commtnd'T of Fort Stan- who was thrown into prism by Mexican authorities and Anally ht here nnd T arrest, wai re d immediately upon presenta of the la -t by Jlinistt-r Murg io. CaaVasel Telcarrams. rs. r ruBCes -ovute arriveu in stjo Tuesday from New York. Irrivors of the Jea inetle sailed 1 Croastad'. for liiil. 1 B. Stronj, Presi.b-nt of the l Fe Toa 1. i1 con3 led to bis 1 in Xewton, Mass., with a se- t'.nc;?.'':'.' j wheit srop of Arkansas is re- 1 the bt for yar pat. I lowlay n:gh, Capt. Frank B prominent suip owner or shot and killed his nl then kilb d him e'.f. r. alldott! ha milk punch at the Cabinet. Chaffee and company are I here to-morrow. ae of Paul Iieubeu's Dew ci- t'i' l to take care of ' ft for McDowell this anived at mind, thiii fore ca'l al Rosenthal & Kutntr's biore and examine hi. C'otliing, where y. u wi.l find a com plete outfit from $4.00 io $40 00. and the lar.gc-t assortment evtr brought io town to select from. .l PiFASOLSl r.BASois!I Rosenthal i Ku'ner's P.'ace of fa. bio- d fies any composition in the al ;ve lice, and the ladies will find it to their advantage to examine onr stouk be fore ptireha-iig el e where. The ladies of Phoenix and vicinity will find it to liieir adraatage to ex amine ihe stock "f Miiiinery Goods a; Rosenthal & ICutasr's, before pur chasing elsewhere. The finest and largest assortment of Buntiiigs Bilks, fatins Grena-dii-es, etc., ever brougbj to Arizona, you will find at the Palace ot Fash ion at RoetHh! & Kutaers' store. i4it-e tho IuTlld. A few drop, of SOZODONT mix ed 'with water, and piaced in the mouth of the invalid, will refresh him. It aro oatizes what else would be dry and uncomfttrtabl, and gives infinite ;deasur, and incites appe tite. Xo nurse should neglect SOZODONT. Just "t- - ' - H. cigar. Geo. hera. 1n from Globe- Inttlmat on 3feetins- Ycma, May 10. The people of Tombst-ne having. resdves to unite in mass meeting to-night to express iheir in'iignation agdnst Uie Gov ernment for its tletermma ion to en force the laws in Cochise county, the dwellers in the Terriio.ial peni tentiary purpose holding a meeting simultaneou-ly, and will send their Tombstone brethren messaccs of gympatiiy and condolence. No one guilty of less than three murders will be permitted to address the meeting, ''"hese restrained beings are now a quiet, peaceable and law abiding people, who le d exemplary lives and they consider themselves peers to any cowboy in the Territo ry. They fed feel justly indignant at President Arthur, and regard bis proclamation us an infringement on their personal rights, and they pur poe adding their influence to that of them Cochie brethren in creaMng a national contempt for the usurper who dares command them to respect the laws, the iron hand of which is even more severly felt in the Yuma peuitentiary than they hope it will be iu Tombstone KngliMh Affair'. LorfDoy, May 9. In the House of Lords, Earl Grannlle moved an ad jOMrnment until to-mcrrow. He d Iivered a eulogy on Cavendish. A number speke of the subject of a:. sasMnation. and the House ad:ourned till to-morrow. TheJate.-t information Ehowj some X1 Washlaiffton 7 fofs. Argument on the tji l of exrep tions in tbe Guitcau c se, began this moraine before the Judges of the Supreme Court of th District, Chief Justice Caiter prsiling, und Jus tices JlcArthnr, Hag tcy slid Jamet. Col. Corkhill and Di A'idt;e appeared for the Goveramenv and Reed for Utitieau. In lirguio; Hie bill of ex cepnous, Reed held that tho day tet tor the execution of Guiieau was il loa! and s:iuu. 1 j ive been a date within SO days afa r the ft Uitu Mon day in October, 18 it. Alexander II. Eteplia:is ulipped and fell this niomjuj; wile entering j the ckpitol and f airs of serious co;:- stqutnees ure ia: ertained. foudenkw. Trlrcraais. Cuny, foiinerivr S,eci:il IieRsury Agent, has been :i3idieted for making political asessf j jjiiis. A cj'c'oue frtilick the W'eslcyau College, at War; entou, M ., at mid night, on the: 9il i, tarried a part of the n of ha; a mile. Dam-ge is about $15,'JO0. Green, ho p K petrated tiie swin dle on thecottOA mi n of Fall Rive', -Mass., has pro'-ff.biy left the country wi.h 200 ,000. The Chicago jury has convicted James B. Do rie, the bond forger, but rteominea d him to the mercy of tllC C'Hli t. Grand preparations are being rcaae for the ai:niial reunion of the army of tiie Potomr.c to be Leld in Detroit oi .Vtine 14. Grant, Sajt 1, dan an 1 11. es will be present Dallas, T tx.. May 9. A special reports a d'mstious wreck on t!ie Waco braccli of the T xas Central. Sunday night a trcight train weat through a 1 ridge, killing the fire man, two bri kemcn, and badly scal ing tbe eugi aeer nd two oiLer men. Later, the s-iine evening, t .ere wa imother wrrck on that road, killing one man, ami w-.unding several oth ers. Loth accidents caused by wash out?. C all Corn: a Do'in. Cuttis. the cLief mate of the ship Gatherer, on trial for brutal treat ment of tho cresv, was found cuirv on til? 9th. The Sonoi.ta ccun'y Democratic Convention ioet in Santa Clara on the 8th. A .resolution was parsed, with Out a titngle dtssen inn v te, riquesting tt-e State Central Com mittee to pnapone the Stale Con vcu. ion until Augut or September. The feftling Hgairst ho. ding the S:at Convey t joa Iu Jane is very stroii r. expressions as We have quoted in the face of the actual occurrences in southeastern Arizona during the lust six months. The veiy fact that the g.imblera, murderers Htaite-robber, and cattle thieve3 of that seetlo i are enough to be reresen e l in tho local adii)iiirtratlr;u of atfa'rs. and to obtatn t!.e coantenance ct" t? portion of the press tells lis own story, and needs to comment. The Tuoon editor is deeply con cerned as t the effect of the pro .1. ruction upon ' inin.l a ioi," and c.pitii" from the Ehg'. Timl ! ?op.e,'- he rem.rk. -wLI shun Arizona as If it were a Best r.f oil--laws ; property interc-s's alraidy in vested bete, will be wi'lidrawn." The ecilfra:in could ' hardly h'ive DAILY PHCENIX HERALD . J. 'HJilPER, Eilior Bui Pr.i;iritor. C'HAm.ES Cj Ji.IDlK. Local Etilir an I Fjij.l-Utsr. Aioi-t 2..;ior. T -V .i 12 Ss . V C Jj-C Putlliiiaai evrv ev.-ui WEflSS OF r.Sv-iil"T13?J. . $10; K nos.. 5; psr wosk. 25 iiKi-i. 1 Yr 14, G .Vios. iZ SO: 3 Hos- $1 50. i z. r ?"a 4 - r-. i 7 a -t . .-. yr.. stated the fac's mere concisely. It Is not, however, "Mr. A r; liar's prcc- laumNira mai win cause this !is-is- liiou result, but the crimes that culled f irt'i t.'.c pioclamsti'.n. told our Arizona friends some tim ago that if they fat still and let the cowlioys run their southeastern ro nlry they would suffer for it Eut the good mn I.vk-d the nerve to put clown the iaivle-s elem:-nr, und now ihey are t!ie nena'tv Tiicse Tombstone aud Tueon pn. p-rs will bet .ve the interests of their s lion b) recognizing the fuct- oi mc suuaiion. i uey must s op ap-ilogiziiig for crtuse, nnd must truster suftii U nt courage to demai d the enforcemeat of law and niainte nance of oder. So far us the cowb-y? arc con cerned, their expressions of inligua-n'.-in : fford a new illus'ration of the old s3 in r, "No man e'er fell th- halter draw With good oUtiinn r.f the law." Advcrusix-g rtate rnius kuona o& apii cii' inu. C. tV. CHAN'E. Aitci't.ti. Frsa-!SCO. Cat K. V. Di;;b, S3 M ch?n-n Psr":!!.-. lisn FrfirfCiC'i. 'e na-ajr-ir t;.' r:.-:f;;:i..: c' 1 !n;iuri:r,cat ot the Piiorra !) u in .at city fnai tli t-i a-iti. M tii a itii ii i sod ia;.-o ord'TS aud 6 'ileccftj. mi -iui. JaDD.ire lt L. P. Pikv""., Aa-artl-!.- i!f.r.t, ' bai t Kxchanx-, o r.-ac!-c. i- a-tth nrix'-il lortoivo ai("er::..r!nc:ut;' r.irtim cMinmun oi ia a j.ap :t. Iu U&k.'.Li .s kept uu tile at hii ik.'c i. Mb. It. BTis, Ni.i:iiiiir Afverrfiin Aginr. 41 farR Haw, i I im. 'v Vork, is auihurizd to coat:aci foraJver- To t e t,. . c:i 'y th t5 5 fa.- - wuraa w a Vtk, W W .Hm1 F.iJay Evani.ij ttiy 23, 1232. PT? f ) K ESS I f ) N A LOLA S, LiWftEY. T.TAcnsa at PtATSO PHCEN'iX. ARIZONA. Kendall's hi J t l l Concert Pico. An enclosed pVf .rni. 40x33 wi.l tie prepared fol d.iacin- J. E. WIMaTOS, U. 2 I h y s Ician and W o v r e o I; U. S. Medical EcntTdner, Xdtf 'iricopa Street. E ?t side ef t.ic riaz i. m-rais, a. T. ri!F.Fr.SIKF.! ti(Ctm Advertts- m -nrs tn rui column will intoned at lie. pBr line eath oi-ic. 1 Dr. Gladwin, De-nti-t. will return from Pie?c.itt tha fir.t of May nest. For the Kidneys Dautiana Bitters. aad Bladder For your jobbing and Furniture repairing, go O. ii Uury's. Sure Cure fir Dyspepsia, Damiana Bitters. Tonic and Appetiser, drink Dami ana liiUcr.--. .-. Datuiana makes the old young a trcng. . liirhspaib:'1 Qui' k. coinpl -te cure, ad annoy- Kid.ipy, Biad !er aad Crinarv The report f the Grsn.I Scrct: ly I "g ot tue viraml Jrf.ip I O (, y ...x.t T i ! : j . - ' " " ' : -""j a oaiio To all wiio are snnenng slows tha, .'j:r;ng tho year, turee j fr;i:n the errors and discretions if subordinate ard five Itebekah de- J yotttb. ' rr-ms weakness e irly tlecy srreo ioares instituted ano four . ... eit Hi'.fc 1 1 1 u-ire vote, i.cb i t-Ii.irge." Tnis irreat remo-ly wa diseitvered by a mi-t-ion iry in Sou h Amc-icH.- Sinti a self-ad iressed en velope i- the ;kv. Jo-tpu T. Ix.mas, S.ation D, New Yc:k C ty. .t t torn cysat. (, i!l practica in !1 ths Uou.-t" of ttia Ti- ruory. ,Dl Fkask Cox, ' 3ojra (.ANrcEtL. 'x: rAM:i;E!.L, Attorneys at I. a w. Ovrica EfXl XT to court liol!. A. ttVKED. i. nA.VXf.Ci. Ttv;:r HWiiaitK. AltorntVK at !.ax Phoe: , A. T. r-"-fl In ail dcjpr;rTTTic-m Aamisslor!, fee', Good Alfalfa Pasfm .-ig" at my ranch, onebalx a mile IV om Thoenixat the u.?uaJ rates. Milk deliv .re:.'f;i in lhoenix wovu- ' . C. A TVEED. tt. Ii. IttmtOC. 33. i. Five d ors east of PojI o:lic -. Phoenix . Ai-lrona. IT. C CM!t, 31. s. CFTWE: Co.t Eta aid- of. thj Pkn..t It tm Hebekah Ioil;es surrendared char ters. He suggests that the minimum tor initiation, and degree fees ba ma terially redtic ed. Four hundred and seventy dolli rs have been contribu ted by 77 subordinate lodges for the Porlcr monunuiit fund. Fifty-eight lodges con tri t ilted $393.25 for the Garfield Monument, fund, and 82 lodges cViilribitad t9'35.25 lor Wel come Lod?e, Jo. 203, whi-.-h lost its ball by fire. Tho present status, up to Jnu ry 1. 1S83, is 271 lodces, with 2I,8.j9 members; net gain, 390; dea hs 20o; ji.-iid for reliel a id char, l j', $174,702.53; total receip-s, $153, 929.8-3; total asets. $1,803,113.54: average asset per me.ober, $S5.05 ; number of Rctckah bullet. 53. An editorial under the above rp tion appears I in the San Diego Union of May 7. and it so well illu--trtites tiie ridiculous aUitnde in which the Democratic press of the Territory is attempting to place u n its riisgra'-.eful efforts ti curry fa vor with the cowboys for political purposes, that we reproduce it en tire: ' 'The cattle tiileves and stage rob bers of Ariz ma are in a state of vir tuous indign.i'ion. The proclama tion of the President lias seriously wouuded their feelings. As a mat ter of course, a community whi- h has furnished such a dark and blortdy page in ihe criminal records of the country where murder is one of the manly fports, and highway robbery an erciiirg pastime ca-'not be expected to take the s-tmc vicw3 of civilization as obtainj in other sections. But there are limits to everything except Arizona cheek. This is phenominal and unique hy perborean ic alti uie and tempera ture. For i.loslrai on we refer to our telegraphic colum s this morn ing. 'I he Tombstone reporter tele graphs: "Public opinion is unani mous in calling the Pie-ident's ac. lion an outrage. Cochise county is in as peaceful a slate as any section of "he country. The' o is do ouihiwry, no outrage, no resist ance offered to the execution of law! Tombstone is as peace ible a city as there is in th! Uuion!" Aud the Titc-on poope are also worsed up. One of their newspa pers, tite Star, has a lending editorial on the proclamation. Tie editor is simply shocked at th? actio i of the President. Ho declares the state ments made regarding lawle-sness in Arizona to be outrageous slan ders, which should cover their au. thors with infamy. "There has been no time," he says, ''when the laws could not have been exe cuted in Arizona, with the assistaa',e j!JLJE'r-i's....J....i' i - You will never have a Sour Sro-a a-: h it you driuk Dauiiana Bitters Fo calth sirenetU at viuor Duutiauu Bitters. Fok Sale -.Vi i'ed Si-ring Wagon, ia good ru ining condi ion. Inquire at Rothr.jck's Pnotoraph Gallery. aSlpflw XSmxhou Itat-." Clears cmt rats, mice, roaches flies, ants, bed-bugs sku.iks, chipmunks, gophers. 13-. D. uifi-iis. Skinny .-n . "Well's II-alta Ke tcwer" resto -es health n 1 vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1. OR ALE. Twelve yoke of work cattle in goo i condi.i m, and Four warvns, in per fect order. Inquire f C L. Jones, at Month jn's, or at this office. Robert Steinsggar, VULTUBE, AbIZONA. ASSAYElt. Is thoroughly acqntiut ed with assaying in all its branches. Assnyer for the Mining Company. Central Arizona E. IRVINE 6 CO. 8u- ceasars to a.E Drow DEATiEP.S IS General Merchandise WASHINGTON ST. fTavlng been in Dusines n Th.e ulx for he past sen years, we exu n i a cordial invitniimi to ail our nl'l Irte-ids and customers to call on u at our new f-tand. Onr gonds wili . rMH or IVomiT. OfTee ami Roci'l7rc. Washington St. Kat of the walner ifU!e. Or(ilnci.i 'o. 2. Th" CoTiTma-i Coaucll f i'huunix do cr- as 'OilOWfci: 9-XTION" 1. A qnnr"' r'y Tcariy !icnpr inx eVill e i'jid v nil . r-ons. cointiAnies or t rpor;i Mai fo!lo'.i:i or ei.g.i!d in .nxy jxruK bu in -e, tr fds. nfc-i;i.itijii jf e".n--l . nir-nt named in the fity of r tcc: ix, and 8 :iri licnse 'ts s 1 e a f l'o-- -: F-t v ry daairr i t z n t1 ratr hand '.fix incl di ir'drv en d. ani liquard ct whuie , a . 87.5 pix q .r:er; For ve y r tii d.tainr tn liquors and cl girs S7 pe- qriane -; F r raij in n tno bu; iaet f banhi z S7-50 pr quartor:. For -ver ral. f ed and livery stable. 7 40 pr q ia. r; F" eve y o:?I. per q iartr; For ev ry shop or sta.l S7 SO per qua t-; ; F r e-v-ry z cer or ealr in merchan dise nct ubove meiaKijedt 85 per qu irtt-r; For evenr r-tnrant or eutng hoac. -.UO er q arte ; For ev ry d' iu: or, (FTOft er qui t-r; Ti r every cl ar s:ore, per qtutte SB TION II. For every banking frame or lob' o orap para us f ,r filing oi what -ever kind, &7 ."iO . r oitm u ; For every bi.hard table. 92.50 per month ; For ever1 peVldler uem horse and wrcgon 3-$- iHT mon; h ; Fr cv:y foot podJ!er.9 3.30 per m-cib. SECTION III. For very tb at-ic U perl irm?Tice. circus or muu-t ar. S3 hr a h eshibiiit'i;, p ( vdfd ih-it ' h.s dot'rf not a j;: v m a ay . he a ncl pcl-um-u- s vtn 1 r cb-titabIo lnr ote- l- r'd.: nt - of hoe Axi F'r evet eld : hj v ti i ei c- or xue-naati-j S ' .50 for t-ach '-xhib tin: For vcry d-ii e huuao r ce.'ar, -5 per nig t. BE'JT OS IV. The Recorder i 1. procure b'aak Hcene ( B i i h prin i e i ot ih nou-1 d'uomUia nuns required, una hs .uie fhtil igued by rhe laor aud the ittcnler hall f-o.u tini t nine sii-. uuiab-r -infi e io ih-s JHa-hai ' uiatiy oi tmd bUnx ii-e-"f a fhail be uecitt.iy an c-hi 1 chnrge 'the M n wiu tuj mt Ji:)tir oi each denomination ut biaaks, and tic aaiuun. tiiereoi. SECTION V- Thi Mi sil ahuii ia us aid licn !e ni-on a p plica ou to all j enOL paying for tbe i;imii as r q or d by thi U.d nau t .und -it the ead of each w uk. uaii pay over io ihe Ire . tore; ine lui.neys fr-tved b him r-rsuca iit:e.8i-4. a d u.l tive a ri-cou-t fr m came lr.m ui Treaur-r, iu du plicate, auJ bali a a i.iuu Wiiii K'corder who atiuti maieuiuLt ly chuge hn Tr a urcr i u iuj a a aut ut bcn r c ipt. The MarrLat, tLa.i. at the unie of fi i.eff .-ai rvc l wiiii i iiro i uo , me a s.ut nicnt riiowliig itom m ue h i lOilecv ii moue - a .o.- tic :U4'b. tt-id ihe :.m .iiit co 1'cu-d from tacu, ti ior what -b or pmi-un the ra.U lic i-so was i&5 icd SE HON VI. Whenever ai per ou rail vlnlato any of taj p oitio.m 1 mis O uiaaue iy raL iiiia.n a J.ceur-u, or u. ir.iu.-ac u: auy o is:ues far whi'-u a .lcena j 1- ri -qiirei. U r-u tl uo ai 1 :or the ar h i. auU Le is here- y rtqiiea t iuirueu.a. jy be ze ai.y prop jt, real or rem- ualt o -luniug o e-ucu 'i jder ur pei?on, ami ptli ilic Biuie utu-r lu ttyK uuiio- by p etiatf i.o ice of eU'.n cilo ia iuree pub.ic' placed wituf- fni Oiy. and h Ma sui.1 cuuii i o ena I d t thj -ame foes for micu reric-M luus aol a aie fvr alJ ol piope ly nn esc uia..a irom Jn-tic-'a court and out o. th ' uioaey arising fioa ruch tal-i he saaj p y tho am uut d e for a - h licence ; U u.e reas'trer aad ai'-c dtduci-u .itw i amouiit ot hi- hj thai! r tu.n the b -Lture remaining tu tue tuer or (.uruu Uoi bu-iue. a a ore-aid, icgoa r wi.b A l.cyute ior tbe tiir.e it q -ixed Lj lw. SECTION VII. II llceaa 6 moutloned Ij th g-Vd'na- M sna 1 be uuc una arable in a iam e. aud the e s m. co.paar or ct po utio who sutll intend to carry on iruiaoiu itnv bubiue-aor he.e i before uietniouwi for whicu it ia ncca y to pr-cure a ii. con-e nude the p oviio is ot this )rd n no, iba 1 apply fo. f&d l txn! to he i we c ly, a.aiia far whnl riH. neas or occ .p 'Lion h desire a 1. cense, mi l upon fuch ap.ltrailia und payment, uy the person appiyin- ot h aaioiiul re quired ov tais Ordinance to epa d for the Mine the March A shai. i?a. 6 . uca license Vuicb bball e aumtioiu omh irity for ;ne HftftrnwintMn '" '"- ' ' 4 ' n r --. r. .. i " - If 1k- 63 Ol v V-J J-r- " Forbetiuly of tot. towh and -?.c Uvh. J hats nc et tern thuir CX.-lM LOWI-iE KELL0GL rT'I, 1 -- - " A. L. BANCROFT & CO. Ti: Market Street, S. F. Sell' Atii-ts for tl c I'r.c.tic Coi. C. J. THI33D Ot Oru3gTs!iApotn3oary iI3 DIALER IX i:i::M:i, tdilip a f.ticles rnoE.vix SAL0OX. STROUD & K1CUESOX, Pror-t, Cor. Washington" Monii-z:ima ti WIXSS, LIQUORS AXO CICAKS OI the best brand? always on lijc. :)?D VJ I I ) li V ? . ; t E GE0.VV " 0-3,3t , C'JniiS, Prcsricior mill ' 'A 4 - i Two aud oae-r.alf Eiilos"' Prcficolt. south ot Merchantable, Clear, Surface' an-: Rustic Luipber, iLitched iC or i Casings, Mouldings, l'aneling.- and Shin 'la ' Having now jipletcd, and in fu! operation, my new Ss.-iw MiJ, 1 am jircj:ioil to 1! or ders lor Or THE FINEST r ' ' 1 ! 'TV In short, everything in my "iiiio for the cuiiiu uj tion of FSrst class Bt p 3 .--. J TFIUi: - aHl on Dellwr All orders sent by maii, or through the niftrelnuitr prompt attention. Geo. Ur. CiT.iTib. 'El F. J. HsZ: -cur j i TO - A If I) nm i a J n ri o f t -f O fl a CS .ess r a A fin T a T V v c 4 i-t! 3 j " y - j y .' s Z - "3 i mac in or osition to ofre r a have concluded to con ail our pureiiases ?3 "31 tl TO tiiereoy savmg or Dateons "9 1 w J 11 T3 i)olis bnsil; ' -.15 i. t 1 a CAv 3 market, i we 5 s s-L-i-j3 reeeiTe tiie t ete ,-4- TT3 03", 4. A- ' i u m (i S li ioxne met! der to be in aj " I i from 30 to..40 j f v.:"W - r " k .Te-. j - . host f "... n .. t CUT , -v .. ;Av . . 1 j ; - N-- ifr.nvl. r;v -r .;:r.; v .: . .V. c--. f vU in j: v frav.' j Yo ; " jr " '-- i Y aimed at the Irisb gorfern- ft, n?T- nfi!VpiiTfT,prnl