Newspaper Page Text
17 H vl The Fhcenix ju. -WHOLE NO. 845. PHCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1SS2. NEW SERIES NO I?:. TELEGRAPHIC independent Repol)!ieaii. 1'niuBH.fHu. May 25. The t'eje-Mh-m IirpuMican Stt C Dven. iim net yesti rdy moraine. Uni'ed States Scuatiir MitcheM whs chosen temj-'Tury hairinan by aeclum-iti"n amidst -.Teat jplau.-e. In reium- insr tti'inltR, Scnut r Mitvhell said the tvork of the convention was n 1o i-oinna e a ti- J e: tnat would hel the Dtmiri:c pwrty or ciefi-ut il Kc; ublicMi. hi.t to i!oi: ii.att- a tickc- iha' '' wi'iiW rd five the r. speit m.ti aid supper of (hi Rcr.unlircn pi . 1 Lt n- n-ntt he c. d.-i in j-oli i. ti ir g- ltnc i-r, hut i.i.t to se. I vri uld lewdl lor t lie convention to ?ccl; rc Bg:iint this -ysinn. Tbi praker sh'ki he would be 1h1 to a'&i.d before the convention and de- clairliU desire lo support the -id'ion of the President, if the latter is ispM.' . .w. . rvice itfirm, but h" was soiry- lo aav there were yt no stxli indica tio s.n the pari of President Ar thur. He trusted the Republican of the State would assist in rinding of barnacle and all cor- . . . . s. 1 nipt atmosphere ny wmw n i , ln,.. currnnnile The ro.l Ol deleg.ucs w is tiun eailcd. THE PLAT 1'ORH- Philadei-phia, May 25 The com uiittcc ou pl.itfoim of the Independ ent Iepiibiican Convention, rep rte a pla form ilelarinsr in strong terms against the spoiissystem ; Denounces the "Ixits" rule in politics; declare their attachment to the principle of the Republican party; and declares the nomination and elc-lion ol Ja: A. G tificlda triumph of true refo.m iu civil service; it is demanded in j la. e of the spoils svsteni, a refornin- tion of the civil service by l w; it i demanded, instead of prost ilulinj i nlli teivice to private J-e , its rec- t-jTiitiin as a high and hon-Tabb- tru.-t to be adminutcied tor t .e peo- j h-'s hinerits with eflic.ency. econ- ou.y, and integrity ; it b dema .deti, ii.steiid f ins lence pros rip- tion. and tyrannv of lx sism ano m.chii.i.-m, free and euscicnliou (jen i.-e .f pr.vute judg eni iu po. liiical uffai'S and a fai liful ci- clire y tho?e who assume repre- eit:tive irutts of the expressed will ol the people. n t'ntniiil Eihn. Sv FmCI rn Ml)T 8i T'1 jTuTe-t-XeheTaC. .rtine ve-lrily morning, ver the qiuti n f a ni nilx r-f piomineiit , in,n,5tt- .ctkim: t j"dn the B.e Uer' Grain i-xchings, air.oug vlii-ni ate sm h will known o, eia tois as Geo. W. M Jseiis, Win. T. C. I. an, II L- Emyer, A Bannis ter.of the btar S.'il:s Ci ntpa y; R. Br. cc, tf ba ll ur. Guthne & Co.: jiLd i ti.ers- It was .cciied to eu 1 kc the rule thai any members of ij.t Ptu'we hxcliiiiie joining :hc Gia n Exchs ute or any fcin.iiar o- 1 garizatkn, tith. r iu I erson t D proxi, will ie mspenaea on ieu tlMt' nrti-e. A l.vely rivalry has arisen l e wern the two exchante-. The Grain Exe.hi ge th .ws greater dash and fsuniliarity with the call butines, and the Produce Exchange inunds to n ake a vigorous fight for the snpiemi' y, and will hold an in formal after; con ca 1 on on ail after June 1st, in addition o the ie-ular morning's ca l. A lively fl-eculative busin ps in graiu is pio pi ed in ti e near futnie. Th - qa -r.nt'ard Stra. t-iN FKASCI6CO. May 23. Thr e new i -es i.f smallpox are reported jo-r'yy on the steamer Altoiuw. r. A the smnliiox patients liave been iei..oved trom this sieamer to the losjital, the consignees tavirg agreed to pay all expenses of re moval and t are. An u spection of the slei.nur StraMisirley, dinsV-ses the f ct that the has on bi aid about "i.GOO i B'tei-perp, instead of 814 as at lejM-rud. As soon bs Ihe steamer is ovt of quarantine, a measurement v ili be tal cn ly t ie cu-n m htmse fti ils, ai d il will be ascertained whether the passenger act ha been t o'a ed. The ps;s-engers na ti e Altinwir have I eea vaccinated, and no new cases are reported. Tlte Overflow. Little Rixjk, May 5. General Jlungiim, Sta'e agent for tha listri of supplies on the Arkansa side of ihe M isti-sij pi river during the late overflow, writes to Governor Churchill that a second ovt-rflow has occurred nearly as disas'rom as the firs1. The nesrocs are wit'a no means of f btaini: g the .lecessitie-i of lire, and if the government does not feed them un i! ihey can get work, many wP darye. Co 'dcuae I Tzt-gvm. T, i, MitT.ored that tnie win oe a nJe will jifTlan and "Oullet ink. me Al des- with Ts,o J 'tioh. Ior- Chi W!.. 11 rtbur tor Wned V of Vthe tam H.lKiii, whi.e, and J Kt j s, colored, imprisoned for n derous assiiult oq a deputy slier'fi. t Be'tjn, were hung by a liundied masked men. Gen. Geo. D. Ramesy is dead The arreura of nut hill parsed second renrlintr in the House of Com mon; rn llcr.d.'ir. In - fun Francisco ladies are Tisirin'r Costle Garden, New York, on Hirivnl of emiprants, to ol tain vants in lieu of Chinnmurt. Win. J I. Brown has been confirroad as Sumy. r-General of ORliforrru. Theie is btronsr hopes of t-tuat' Ben Hili's rccoverir. c Flicks hws. They all do it ! Do wh ? Drink milk ,-ancii at the Cabinet W. M. Lisge:t took the ue for Yu'ture this uioini'ig. If you have timr," trv one ef lhoe E- M. H. cigars at the Palac e Saloon Sirawberries to-nj-ht at Lorin Oh ! those E. M. II. cigars. Gjo E Loriug ke-p-i them. Ripe Cherries at Loring's. We call attention to the advertise ment of Al Wortnell, which appe irs ,n to-day's is-u. Al has one of t;,e finest alfaifn pastures in the valley. If y.iu wish any ar'icl of Flar'--vare, RseatUal & Kulner can Euit you. Damiana m.ikes the old vnn? and the weak strong tizd healthy. porfsmen, Miners, rancumcn, and others waMtinsr Guns Pi-tol am! Ammunition, can procure them of liosenthaT & Kutncr. Lorin exhibit urine fine bananas in his show wind ws. The case of Wormser vs. Sol id e is being tried by jury t'vday. The i'S-; comes up exe;-ui 'on i- s led for possesiio.i of fteigh ttam-. If you want a nobby nnd stylish shirt, go to Go!lman & Co. for it, as they are just in t e. eipt of a tin as sortment in that liae. lw Fres'i ripe strawberries every day at Loring's. Wardrobe, Desk S.reen-T) wrs, Cot B -ds, etc., niMile to order on hort notice, at E. P.itton's Car- Ienter rho , adjoining the Telegraph Ifiice. ltti c,nh tPhren x mine, cane jn t),.s morning from Cae Creek. H ' e ports irreat progress on the -ros.c it They a--e now iu fifty feet fro n the foot of the shft. h ive struck the edge and are working in a plemiid ore In hi.i judgment Ibis is one of me cominsr mine. Mr Mck h-ts di overed a fire lede in the same di-trict which shows Iree gold He has two ntei working on it. The Cave Creek district is coming o.t a ast, and w 11 prove a l-onai za. no only to the owners of the mines, but t Goldman & Co. have received a lanre assortm- nt of oil piu,tngs. Tl-ey are el worh examining. The finest and lariret asortmei cf Buntir.g-, Si ks, Satin -. Grena di e, etc.. ever brouirhi to Arizi ia. ou will find at the I'abu-e ot Fash ion at Rosenthal & Kutners sto-e. The ladies of Phasnlx and vicinity will find it to their advantage to ex amine he s'ock of Mil'inery Goods a' Rosen: hal i Kutnar's, bjforj p ir Tl'ising elsewhere. Abnut nine o'clock this Thnrsla- morninL', as Mr. J. A. Whi'mo---. one of ihe proprietors of the Citizen, was coming out of ths Po 'ter H.i tel, to whi. 'i pla' e he had been to breakfast, he met hy-Chas. D. Po-t'n, who drew a revolver and fired at him, but the b.i let we t amis the mark, and did him no harm. Mr. Whitniore then stepped Lack tne office, pa.-ed out at inother door, went before Jude Brugsr and snore out a warrsnt fe the arrest of Poston on the harce ol attemp.ed m jrder. Poslon was ar. rested and gave bond to keep tlie peace. Citizen. It will pay jou to examtne the handsome md stylish s ock of sprint ind futumer goods j-ist opening ! GussEl.i& Co. Being the firs new goods of ihe season icceived i.. Phoenix, which they propese to nei at the l-.we t prices. tf. Fo:i RimIIk b i 1 Ha; formerly occupied by Carl Sh' rrer as a bakery Apply at IIekald Office. "tf fabasols! pabasoi-s!! Rosenthal 6e Kuiner's Palace of la.liio- d lies any competition in the above liue, and the ladies will find it to their advantage lo examine our btok be fore purcha-i-g elewhe:e. The l itMt in regard to the mush ralked of new paper, whi di w .s t have been st -rte I m I hoznn, is lo the effect that the affiir has fallen thr-juiih. This, is as it should be lOr lUO lUeH Ul 11 uiui ia acomiiiinity ihi scirjely -!U,-lrts two, wys not a very sro d o ie. The baekert of this new pap -r the ory have evidently co ns t the wis V,nilus!Oi thit '"too micU ot TTTfiw1 t'linS ' ,b"n nothing.' I seems tha llomor Mi:JNeiI n to buj ihe materi i- that was in ende t lor the new paper, and the Gazet'.e will very shortly come out as a De n cr.di iheet. McNeil i a thor u ntwcpnper mm an I wd- with'nt - mes mur Win. B. Hooper & Co. are agent for D-.nnana Bitieis. Blowiojr will not -Iter the people- mind, then-fore call ai. Rosenthal & KuiiiLT's Siore and examine his o Clothing, where you wiil find a - coin plettt cmltl'i from $4-50 lo f 40 00, tin- large t assortment aver br. - u"1ii 10 town to select from. the I o a n n ,n 1 r. a family to gi - r port or a restaurant to run, a savin i 6-j per cent lo SU per cent on Driees of jrrocerics is an importan manor. I iit - W',v to mv r goin:; at ross tha plaza to Iloo, era . 1 HE MEXICAN REM7D7 for di eri .,( the Kidneys awl BladJer is-inutina timers. A tos tive cure for dyspepsia Damian.t Bitten. Titrpe d.-ut. rnn.ADFt.i-ui a, May 24. Proba bly two llnrds of the diilates io t. e Independent Republican Con vention are now here. Slate Chair man McB.-c says he ha. lette-s iind telegrams from which ha gathers i!it most of the other delegates wili be !.eie in the momimr .,.,! ti... eu:.n i . oe opened .Marshall's witl.drawi.l from the regubir ticki t givei great satisfaction to the c'elt- gu'es. I'ittsburo, May 24 Tlios. M. Ma. shall in an interview s-iid he would not atte :d the Independent Convention. He did not desire of. Hoe and wouid not accept an Inde pendent nomination if tendered to him. He would sunp rt Ge e-a Weaver for Governor, but cannot sup. pon itcwen tor Supreme Julo-,.. r . . . . -mu,ago, aiay24 A letter t-. the I inns from Carrizzi Pass, Texa about fiOO miles rst of Dallas and' I 1 '3 mi.'e eat of El Paso, sav tlmt ...u, iu.inii is iei mere oti account f the close proximity of J;irire ,,ir. ties of Hostile Apaches going north west a distance of fiom three to fif. nines irom tue camp of ti e hunters, miners, an'i pros .e. tors near Carrezzi Pass and in full siglit of them. The hostile are fletPig fiom Mexico loXcw'Meiico, bavi g been dtiven fro u the south of the t .e Ri , Unnde hy the Mexicans Mj-r B ivlcr and riftee i of his Tex- a-Ra.-igers h.ive anived at C.r y Pass, and were to depart this morn ing for a scou through the Gm i. lup-- Mount in; after the hosl.les keeping togctbe-. prea .re.l for -.ner- gencie-. As yet no d.;,ued .tions aje reported. The Forge ! 8 a .iflM leiah- to give fu ther in formation al pre ent regard:.. it the forged bonds, and are keeping t;,e matter very quiet. fjiretib.w-Ic 4'ldrexg. St. Lou S, 31 y 24 The Green backNa'iouai Convention have pio mu gated an nd.ire s t tlie Amen- can people leveled araiust bank. railroaii, teh grpii, land a ..I mouied mono, oli s. It charges the Repub lican a -d Democratic parties wi'h b d legislation, iu extension of bank cln rter-; it declares against na ioual banks, high railroad fares and tele graph tolls; i i favor of land for a- t ua! settler; for greuUacks and t v if in ihe in e e?t of the national debt and aga'nst refunding il; for equal rights for allp'eqial pnvi leges for none; and ends uy c 'llirtg on all indu.-ti ial organtzat ns to j 'ia them. The ArUansss Trnado. Hot Spkixos, Ark., May 2a. Re. por a of the deottu tiou by the ler ritic tornadj, la&t week, in Polk conn y are coming in. The res. dence of Mr. Turner, at Iron Fors, sras demolished, iwoehildren kil'cd, Mr. Tu 'der badly injured, and his wife fatally i.ijurel while trying t escape. Some of tiie n.n-ats had their c'othes torn from tl eir bucks. Dr. McOjn el's residence was lorn t i ieces and his w ife seriously hur'. The entile fam ly of Mr. Llndscy was badly hun and Mrs. James Da vis, a visitor, probably fa'ally in jured. Mr. B rber lo?-t every bui'd- iig on his farm, and McKnight's n-sidenne was destroyed. Jose h I e;iper's lit tie daughter was killed. Mr Holmes and wife are family in jured. The B:ipti.-i Church ot Garl ner's is destroyed. It is es iiuated that fifty farms are devastated, and tho dest uction in "he county ntvrr had a precident. The damage is not less than $180,000 in Iciil and Polk counties. A Mnrlerer Captured. M on nt VtRNox, 111., May 23. Roliert A. Smith, who killed Char ley Yost, was captured by a pos e aft -r b-ing hhot at veral times and feriously wounded. Tliere are fears of mob violence. White county. Nebraska LlXCOTJ, Nell., He is- now in May 23. The B appor ionment bill has pa-sed tlie Senate. It -divide Nebnska in to three congressional disricta. It is very p easant to I he south-eastern eou ;tiej but displease Lincoln and O uiiha. iroiibtx tmoii: Iron Workers. PittsbDRO, Pa., Mny 23. Ihe con-erttue b iwet-n the iron mnnu facturers and wi rUmen's associations on a new scale f wage Iniled to each an agresment. A general irlke on Ju- e lsi is thougl t ncvi ibie. t hrowii g 30,0'JO mo e men ot t work. I'ennnyl vania Pollttra. PiiiLADKbi-HtA, May 2-i. The Times ;as: Marshall's letlcr de lining the nomination for congress-nan-at-'ari;e, will be racy and iin--ent, and will leave no doubt in fie iiiblic uiiud as t l's or nt pol : e 1 St I li y to the elder Cameron more ihvn twenty years nsro. late Telegram A dispatc!) f. oru Collirgwood," Ont tays the lntest advices from the wreekei am burned near Killan.ey, places nuuii er of persons loot from twen ty to twenty -five. The purser not have time to register al! on board, and the lost are not recorded. sup and -robab!y the. name of all victims will never hi known. the When Postma-ter Pe;rs n of New 8re York, reaehe l his o'Hce M rid tv, fiund a post ii card ad.ires-d to President Arthur, i-otifiinj- him il - is h.- did not all r Lowe:l from nr'uiid and ask ihe i :i,-c. n, 1 1 t i, .,. n ' urreuder of all Am.': i -an citizens in British dungeon without Irinl, ne would be assuastuated. Th,- writer will bj .-ojhi for. Jerht. SclJom, if ever befnre, have we seen tne do whose wa- wonh writing up, bin withi i the last few days, death dealt out by cold poisou. ha taken from -ur midst some dogs wl.o-.e lives were pn cious to iheir owLrs and li-e prc.-ence will lie misled by many a friend. Chief among the canines was Jerry. From hi infaucy he has been reared and trai e l by Johnny Packer, aud was a iiog value was not coun'ed by dollars aud cents. Of r.iyal par- mage. his blood wa of 'he best, his father batng a wa'er spaniel a:nl his mother ai imported E ig:ish set er. J:rrywas bun iu Sn Dietro on lh 18th day of Ju y, !878. Fro n his infancy, he has shown remarka ble traits. While Johnny was living in Cave Cree'j, he wou d tend Juny regularly for his mail once a week. distance of ten mile-. At o-it time, he was down sick with lever. and Hi taithfu, Jerry was entrusted wi h-a note lo Frank Riwa, who lived nine mi s disi int. The cote was faithfully delivered and assist ance rendered his ma ter. which, in ail probability, saveu his life, fcdnce living bete in town, Jerry has taken the maikst bsuet and regularly ev ery morning, would do the markets. In 1879, h lawsuit for pos.-esi m of Ihe d -g was held in thijcitj-. S-.tUi ne stole Ihe ao - and sold him, but Johnny gained the ownership. Fab ulous prices have been ottered for him, b-. t refuse I. Some one, cither out of pure mann:ss or spite, tlirew poison int his room, att.l, thiniiin g Jj. h id tintn fi-il I-- " failing to sava Lim. Yester-lsy , nio nin a coda "xs i:ide, a grave d- g. a..d the ltt ot poorJir y was1 giVati a Cliristiin bu.ia! fo -io-Ved to hi grave by innny 1'hus ihe Le-t dog in the 'territory bay rassedfrotn sight. Out he wiil al ways be remtmbe eJ by all who knew him. lie as.. This welt kaivn dog, former! oned by Sher ff Thomas, b it lr by Koei 1 1 I, fell a victim to tryc'i nine on Sunday morning. He was a dog possessed of great aftVc lionate powers and was a general favorite in town. Faults he had but few, good trails ma iv. ToWSEK. Thia morning. Tow er, the post- olli- e d2. tell a v'ctim lo do t-i's j i old a nbrace. Toser was ten y nrs Id, harmless and quiet, and was liked by all. Children played with nim wi;U impunity and in-a cn joyed his auii :s. His 1 fewai!iOrt, at b-l ajd it w mid have -en much be t'T for lu:n to hve die 1 a natu ral doith li t lo nve lieeu iaku as Le a. Fare -well.! Charles J. GutrBAU. The subject ol this etoli was u -known to fu e, but wi.oae li t ry forms an im,iorta.t 1 n iu the eve of i be dy. But i.bout ten mon lis .l I, le displayed rare iift. His father aud moiuer both beloi?ed to .he I'aji.iiis llr. Hj lai d's trained dours, bul all he knew was mischief. Formerly, he was cailed -'Cricket," liui ci t ie night on which the vcr dii t was re.idercd a:ain-t Guiiem be showed unniistakable grief by putting on mourning by placin bis head iu an ink pot. Si. ice then, he has been named Gu'resu. He was ranky, his weakness being Ihef d lowing of ctlebiated mi n. lie was for a long lime, an ardent d.sciple of Dr. Tanner, and his death is dir- c -ly due to a departure from that school. Latterly, he joined tne O -car Wihle party, ins p a-try being expres e I in an ce ihetie w.ig ol the tall, said waebeg nn.ngat th-kh- ul ders an I i.ndu aMug along hi I a -bone Ike ihe grand smell aud tall f an oeean biiio, terminat n in a cur: of the tail li .e a que tio i mark askla.-: "Whi t aiethe w.ld wav s snymg?" lie ha- been in Ibis c-fll.-e itice infam y and, although oi cr riniiaily doing mischief, he was liked by all. It w is originally in tended lo execute him June 3 Hh, contemporaneously with the rxecu lijn of the arch-a-gar-bi'... but some wret. h hs talen the job off our ban 1. The s;ddet u all is that il l devil Vi ' ,vte la-t hold on poor oi)i:cn, :.ii ' him aay u .de. the b on..,ing cat i law, wi aout box or buril unhon- red and unsung. , Ll'dos. Under this he d we caa only say. rtqvineat in puce to the score of nameless !nga whose bod e-. lay b' aching in the sun. on Sabbath mornin-r. a'l fd n linm '.''uH to tllHA Advertised Irttera. Unclaimed letters in the pojtofflea at Arizona, May T2, 183 J. Camplin, John D Park", James steamer llaid oulin, I alderwc-d, Ji s Slirivcr, Sarah the Hi 1, Chsij. (;-e) Billa'ies. Toiras Lord, Robiusoa Pieein t -, Ygi.auio L flus. John t l?a! 1 , .Msntiel Livinste:-, W E Biih e;s, Pi'c Call ior 'Mdverlised" idlers. did the Geo. E. HowitiiY, P. AI. he i it i: vk it it i: i t,n r a i. Ailvurtls m m iuurieil al IJl. jer in iu,c-iiTOa will Hue cacii ! For heal h, s;r,n:h drink Damiana Bi iters. atn! vi. A Card To all who "re snttermsr from Hit-errors and dls. . '.,ns of youth, nervous weikuess, e i-iv d;ey liissol' manhood ifcc , I v. dl " cud a ie- cipe tm.t will c.ire yo.i, "rtee f charge." This great resns-ly was discovered by u mission u oi S iudi America. tjuud u self-a.!,!r! .e.l eu velojie l.i the IJkv. Jo-.ti-i: I". i.iia.s. b;alion D, New Ycrfe Oly. Bui'uiiUiiiK." Qtiiek. coniph te cure, ng Kid.iey, Bind ier aud iscuses. $1. Druggists. nnnoy Urinarv You wnx neve have a nr stom ach if you drink Dainiana Bitters. "Rmslioii .tat'.', Clears out ruts, mice, roache-', flies, ants, bed-bugs, sktinks, chipmunks, gophers. 13e. Druj-cists. 'f ynu wi-nt a good npp.tiie, drin Damiaua Bitters. SI-limy VT -n. "V.'eli' Henliii Ke-icwr r'' restores bculiii an 1 vig T. cures Dy.nep: ia, Impotence, Sexual Deiiht. !. V. B. IIooPKa Js Co. are ageiit- for D.iuiiuna Bitters. I'nrl Siercr has moved rroin hi? old stand next to Loo,eI, 's saloon ami will hereafter keep his bakerv at his new place, tliree do: rs totilli ot Hie iclegrnpu O.Lire. " All nspe.-luble dialers. keep Da udana Buiers. .Vr'rr. li. II r per & Co arc for D:iuiiiiiia Bitu-rs. agents I'ltl 'l'K.S.-iil. .VL. LOLA n. LAW.lEy. TtiCHIS Of TOS Y. II. BLt .Ti'. 2i. I.. Physician audKurceoa. Co. ton' Eiii-ilng, p;:HNIX,- ARIZONA, e- itryj i! fine s:K-k of Drivis con stant, j uj h.iiiUlurpieb.i'iyiio.i purposes J. K. VIIlltTl, M. o I'll yslflan and S n r ; e o n U. S. Medical ExaiTiiner, 2T" Maricopa Street, East side of t ic Plazt. I'ii enix, A. T. jt. l it ;.- .. 31. e. OKFICE-W t WaJiia rton t. Five diors fast of Post o'Hc Phoenix - - Ariioia. PHYS!C!Ar4, iperlatty: Obrttetrtex and IIs rasri of Woium. n? ,H R-sirie n-. Warthineton St. East of the Clarduer Honpe. nils ailsivereu alull cunra.wdtj it i is 1 1 A wr.i-i.H. ,ttti)riiey-it-t w rRESCOTT, - AKIZOXA Will practice in all the Court" ot the IV r toiy. nil F,ass Cox, Joseph LUFBiU. COX 'AMI4tKljl. Atmr-i )9 at Law. Oreics next lor to Court House. O. A. TWrKD- V. A. TIANCOOK.. "lVrii IIU'ilMa. A 1 1 o r n v t l' Ph.Ki ,A. T. W?I.An(l usioeg In all departraentu a IV. . cook, si. l. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE; Kat si I- of tho Plaia, at Ilastoa & C.s Drnj hto e. It. W. M O O K E. Atto rney a: - Lav 'o 14 (.torcoraa Ba'ldi-ig, Washington, ------- D. WILL at':ul t b is n w of ev-ry !" cintio : i!i tlw fjrl :in4' i. ij.t tc-i. C iiii!s r .r itiv-nfion- :iroc ir -d, d 'funded and iri.ecai -d. .'.orr le-poa Ijuc o i-jit ia f t c . PntENix, . T , Hay 2t. 1833. I have this day sold t Jos beimer n y en'ire s o -k of fj:q iors, also leas.-d him the Gee S do -n fo. c neyear. In retiti '-' -foti 'iusi.isS, I wi h to thank all my fri.-ads for their liberal patronage in the n it. and also nsk them o poniinue their pa'rona'je to my siveessor witil tao S im liberality. Good live. ui26-2v " J. M. I 'ott-s. Pasturaise!! Good Aifilfa Pasturags, One-halt' mile South of V ais Flouring Mill, and three miles east of Phje nix. Al. Wos.met.l. pi Tit V V HORSKS. rame to the pi u-.e ..f I ii-llirivi i3if uhu W Q Jii BY TL'R i w i ts Cur friends and ho pnl'T luiiV liivitii t Coli tt)! e: just received front lim i tit. ;Vt-ry article i.-t figiiuib o tiial w stiitinr iliat f r Lsto. aa'i:i:' a -c C7 ' X prices, it st:i p-i.'-fri- any Uni: ) !..- c : - i 1 - . 'plete a3ortn;etit ot Grass, nncy aioj We have added a beautiful lias cf Hats and rSISinery Goods. LLSO Late Eastern Novelties Oar assortment of Bents Furnisniiig Is complete in all its dct ils and c n i .t b3 equalled anywhere. We have also received complete lines of tho follow ing, and and are prepared to olfer th.m to ou- patr-im at20 per cjnt. liss than any other house in i hueaix: Hardware. J til a -rrr7 jTS ?- Crockery, Carpets, TrunKS ana Tf "V pe r- ir w - s a A car lot! of Furniture from the iast. Tlease call and julgo for Agents Sti.cUb ik.-r "af?'.' Anheu.-er B isch 3i't:wi Domestic Scwi g Ma I ' M 1 I , fey sV - ' -ia oft 'i ' it W C & hi . '4 Tl 1 SrXG OF in ! 1 T ii s 11 ' or rer e"t 11 I'S ' R t 'C1 ' c: I ' : i.-'f- lj! s .ae in -.r I tr llfiV 1 'Pi- ft i i.s 3.' n mo uGoas. 3, t3 4 Paints, VS.? 9 3 1F cz 7 Ciii'o'iJn j llresses. wrap sr .-s 9 a 9 e i' v. 11 ai- ivc in a ft v days yoursnlvi Ha jiiiuo v iiJ puny. i rn C: T A "d n 5 as V I E I -itr, pop" x -, Pur.ti- .i. arni.- m, V urlL'tii r. ' .',:i'vnu-; ? 'n- mf '.'...hiKS v mifi - wit! iiOM:riv'Iv iHi Cvt ev -v sp''is ( f XorV';i f;r r.'inurftm nt, un i tnv - slu m iu'iy fro-u wh iCftli ciimo iivort ri'?iir!ta -;iiti It utter y ro s lit a xern r" i'i-'ft" br -uiiMl zi x the h r' ;i r t i r t"'i" in h svtii ai, I tiioroutrMy rr.iiiK-aur in;i (iJaiOUat. Uil' I tl S- trovy tin:, c.ine. I'vros Fcma'e Woukn ss. irnoml fh I-t-. i i-u ..rr H r H Itita I' jnjtil v'ii stni;Ui n. f-'c at'd . of hn I teru . I. -t'-rn i lira. - a i, 1,11 iiniimt i ofiho Uln-Mcr. i:riT::.i-lLv of ;l ? V'. cr wtiicciu ut :ih . iu 10 13 n.- better r inedr. Purine the elm. jf 11 -. n r '. bn-iUi-t he wiifiod! i!. 1 qut t- the ne; vouk Bjht tm nnl "ivus ro&i c-'Uif ft ad iiuru'ei wo 'i ew. Samaritan Henrino Cure a lot;h;i--i,i. linink- int.--r te! the na'nt ot viu n t.: t na. The-; d h-ibirx- : r hy tar tn-. w-ir.-t e that hav ever b- fal en 6U!fmig h'-.rniiiiry. Th.i wii .d di unriiiail- irom tu-.1 uo-Lu. ilrMjfs. The iira iJ ard dnti!i liq'M;, b. ! hfcniiach lik-iib 4t. f r tb" nifHiure o di.'-kin a id trre tin hi -4 friendn, limp Ibinkll thnt be in on Iim vnv to ruin T-ikj ihe opi'tm K er. he fir; ac- ihe d ng in t-m ,'I.q nr.ti'i s tis a h .1 i.iie- . .dota. 1 h soo h.iisf iiifl'.e. cj ( f the dru (rtA-e f tron ir iu d til Oil :r. v.ftini, him cn 'o i i iw!i de-U'ic'.inn. '(he til 1 ot Onuim E-rnr a ci L-u -t lii.jir Ji 5 tre j-rcisid tviint t-nuiiL' is ni! :!e.t der, aa ovsr-eu iug i:rst i;. flame. iht- i'i-r..acri. incn rcuouhfi b its criUNtr no vt- tins 01 q .or 01 i:n?e vi tit '.iiu. iK-tatioT HiiSi.irsr. oLly rdd I it-fie. c t4 s, .1: t;l :t ocn.-rm h viial 4'c am rti n itio"f L k tlrw iuE-on mpi vmui 1 criud G- e! civ . irie" bu; lwt uut.l tf own ra;j .c ty ilt- 1 . S ::tt:rjtrtn 2n vine gie inl.-t. t r li f ii i.ll t-it:li ci.Kfc . it pr-jC'ice- -i:-fj n-iiet.- til n'-rY-.'s, buiid- u th t n rvo;.f tfyvtein . ud re-fre b dy aud iniud u a wtsa.thy oou:iitK'n. Samaritan Fdervino rur.i? SecYi,ui i y(-p.'t?t 1 f ipi...t.o.'i of he Hert. A-tliuia. iron. hUis. fc)orfuiH. Nvi-hiii. di- aacs of the Knin-yf, ana ull uiyi'His f the u i:iivrv i;:i'ih. NV'Y'-Us d oi ity, caused y the ir.Ui-cetio.--3 vf y u.h, pt-rtuunentiy cured byttis u.-e ii Lin vaiuabe reuirdv. To ou. c tj, !n:ddt"-n't-rt old m-n wh-Var.- coveriu'a oa. tfuttuiiiic- as w: namau ie by, look u(. y u c iu be s va by time y eflorij. a id ruae oitmin -nt to eu-i;-t , iit.d j --1 ii tiit itowu oi'yvir il'yo' wili Do n.t k t.ii a 's" crot lon- r uccil .tpa ouj- ia:s. ai:d Qfsrnvs b- tii bci.iy Jii;:so-'rr if yo t :e imir faftlUt ,ia - ir. ii ctim .11 'IV Sa.Raritai' N-'j-.i;;c. lu .11 x-.z-ji ro .ir ! i ;t ru i n jrv -, rr o iiic wiiie sy W'ui. SAMARITAN JTi.VIE care 4 mv i.t a ir f 8!ie v.a- a!- "d d ml. brv ii .'. 1 i,er. she c itt.k alia heji 1 v.'. - i.a a- y'-odr. 1 I Y - if .-. S; M-ii ii. ,. ..r Wi J. li. i'LETcaaa, Ft Col,i:.i, :!. 6?1 V1IITAX KEP.VI.VE Burj cvre ot n ;a-e o: dfi tnr ia li. B. Itx.M-'. Iiuiii'iile, Kao. SAilAKITAN' NEIIVC.S ma-le cn-id ni ni" v i r;, tu'ttdCiij. -b. V.' li.-. ;s.... V - j.-u, 1-1 SAXIAP.IT AX StKHNE was the mcaLs jI ruriuy mv wire -f .ism Etv. .1 .A. ii . ie, heavct, 1' 8 AM AK IT AN M-iVlXS erred, me ol asth a. nficr fcieaJi:ig ov ti. li. tiL"B..ox, Ver ib-iuy, Ijt.. SAMARITAN SKHVIXli eHectually cur- d nic i;f pani :i"S JkNMi: V'arb-x. 710 Vest V.iu iln. u st C'li:cijo, Ii! 6AMAIIITAX NllVIIiH lnrdotir riiild or li s ixi r triven i-.o to die b. o-r lamilv. It lia-1 1 g" o.trl- i iu s huj:S. I f K MIT KE , Vfciyi-lu, iVarren '1211X1. 8AMAKITAN NEKVIXE, Cnrd e f ncofaU after sn!ii-rii!r for eibi jtara. AxiiiHX SIS. 'lO . i'eolia. Ill - 6AMAKITAX NERVINE Cn -d mv s. n "f lies aft ". H-ni-inj: J3.400 villi c-tii-r UuCEorb, J . . 1 :loa T'lS , SAMARITAN NERVINE 0nr"d n perm li- ntiy of epileptic fl'oof a a.ubboru cUiraciur. Ukv w Si -t:s, ..ech nicsiowa, .Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE fured my son of rtss a'tc- 1. iviu - bid 3.5'J0 iu cibtJeu iiioaih- .Mi s fci. Fuuks, W st fod-iiu, -N. 1. SAMAHITAN SKUVIXE Cured oie of epil P-y !' iiiue ye-r stand ing. AilsS UKLKf A AB.-U-IU, Oiauby, Ntrt'tua -'... ilo. SAMARITAN NERVINE tfM perminc!tlv cured me -f epi'piT ol mauy eui daraiiju. Jaooh hcii-K, gt. Jcbeybt 3io. SAMARITAN NERVINE C ire4 ms of bronchitis, a hma aid gen. ; eral dooility. Oi i p Mtki-s. Irontou, uliio. 8AMAKITAS NERVINE IT:? cured mi of nst-una ; ais.j rmf:ila of mny years sta)Jiug. Isaac Jlivl-li-. C .xi.iir.oa Kj. SAMAKITXN J.r.UVt.E Cared me . fJil-s. Have hu -n II f r over Utar v-drs C"ABI.-8 E t'-UKTt-. SAMAiilTA.V NKRVIXE. is ttr ffilrt bv d . nc:',r everrvh"-e, or -v be had d.r.j: :ii u-. Tiioe "h wNh t b..iu further evidence of ih: cu a ive pto rie ? t itu .ri an e:V n wiii (dea- e ctio -o a H c.-iu p..'i,;iq' t-tauip ior a c i o if li:i-:r td -uciPiial i Jleai-h, ivi.jj ti.'iid.vd-i of te-.-iuia.ii.:l o! c:ire iriu ;e i.s . h.i h-i- ui-tti m -diciii", uii-i j:lt their ictines p.,ou ?r .pn -d ntcr rbvir c&u;ati a to poncct iijattU. Add; uoo VR. S. A. 1IC;1 MOXD & CO., Win Id's Epi!i p!ic Insti uti, Si'. Jv)Si-;PH, Mo. P. ii.C-JTsll.l tsl C:TY I'KtEXIX. A. II A fi a jrMCrrtl tr nfer l)ni- es-, i-ahiti r far iiiul i. live iiiT twic. ls. iiu.Kic2 .&. io any part of ti e i i v. Oi'ders ly aitemlel to rilOi.YIX SJL0OX. TH 0 VD & MCZE . OX, r. cr.iVasbin!nr.!;3iIont zunia ft RJIOEXIX.A-'Jl M ji ? 1 '-1 V -1 I am DEVARE OF - trr r ,1 i j U.'siiii-i' s.u i I .1 i is ills ciiiy j. s. Hi iJ GrapG CrearaUjii't SnOlisk-bicarabc cr!rt'T-r;r,;!''' r?-'v . r n r:iiLi.iii' i rrm.s9 ikTrh."." 'A r- fi--l l. -:CT- - - - X'S-iC- - ' 3 j .. i . j.i'le-, -. -'- T-L-af. tx .ic-c"..t-.sA-C:JiHr-J -.L 1 ja. V I . "V VIE GREAT 1 f if i n f .""3 -" '- M . f... i. ? -4 :5',-l- -ajat? . --'" J-1 - - 'i-."i' C- s.i; ; "? ,.t ;-. i v- ii tJ' t - i :-- r a . -'t:i - I . s ' ; ua .- - . .- " - . I s, l , il,, 1 . - I A...-' --iis-,' t. rn . .v'iin- '-J - tTETTr- .isc?. r- VLrr'.-tlAi.-, t donbt run the bet Demo r t'cpir in the cm.