VOLUME XXXV]I. Roosevelt Takes Up Arizona Delegate Smith at White House WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 12—The President is now devotion some attcn tjon to Hie consideration of Arizona affairs. Yesterday Delegate Smith was summoned to ttie White House and hud H long conference with the President. Neither the Wldte House attendants J l(ir Mr. Smith would make any state ment regarding the nature of the confer but it is regarded as suggestive that immediately after Mr. Smith re. it was announced that the 1 resi ,lnt had dadded to reappoint .lodges pavis. Sioan and Doan. It is known that there were charges filed against all three! judges, but it is cv ,lent that neither the President nor the Attorney General regarded them serious ly Tim charges in every instance were made by individual lawyers and Kemib- Itratis. Jndge l>avis was accused of nepotism and of riding on a railroad pass. PREACHER DIDH’T TOTE FAIR. (Ttu'Aoo, Dec. 12.—1 n a Federal court today a story of fact was told in which fiction writers may llnd inspiration. Two years ago an Esquimau boy discov ere«l gold on Anvil (’reek, in Nome, lie staked out two claims, but as lie could not hold the utoperty under the law, kept Ids discovery secret. Si* months later Hie lad fell ill, ami on his death-bed summoned P. 11. An derson, missionary for the Swedish Kvangelical Church. He transferred the claims to Anderson as trustee for the church in gratitude for tlie care which had been taken of him. Wen the boy died. Anderson took hold of the claims, and is said to have realised over 11.000,000 in Nicaragua Canal Bill Before the Senate. Washington, Doc. I*2. —The Penults Committee <>n Isthmian Canals today authorized a favorable re [sort on Senator Morgan's bill providing for the ao|ui aition from Nicaragua anti Costa Rica of Hie right of way, via this Nicaragua route. Senator Morgan later presented the report to the Senate, accompanying the return of the bill with the report on the subject of the canal across the isth mus. Action on the hill providing for the construction of the canal was deferred. The Senate today passed the House resolution to adjourn for the holidays from December It* io,January *i. FREE SHOW. The Old-Time Advertisers and Enter tainers with the W. \V. W. Co. w ill commence a series of open-air con certs tonight at the corner of Church and Congress streets, near Martin s drug store. ‘BEAUTY IN 1 AND BEHIND GLASSES ajjt 1 \ Sonic glasses mav he disfiguring. Clothes may he ill tilting or bc- Ej: jM aSfWTw coinin';—it depends upon who tits DnSb , yp'-" Iflk “Do they lit'" is a i|iicstion often \L.' > V/lk -Ji naked, regarding shoes or clothes. Imt O iV not always thought of, in connection K. i, Almost anyone can fit with jL H y. w glasses, hut will von tic ••fitted," ' after he has "fitted" you. Wccan assist in prolonging vour eyes' usefulness and good vision. Eyes examined absolutely free and perfect satisfaction giiaiantcti . DR. H. A- SCHELL, Century Block—lip Stairs. Howma 7an 1 PIANOS—PIANOS—PIANOS Largest Shipment of High Grade Pianos Ever Shipped to Arizona. J SPFCIAL SALE FOR ONE WFFK'— okkati.y hkihickd bricks-spkcial terml| THE ZELLNER PIANO CO. 114 E. Congress St. ( ~ ~ = EAST CONGRESSJTOEET. THE GREAT FIRE SALE— — ’ a o u.w Buiwing jq ()()() T*'' ■*" Shoos of oil /v 1 ads- m O t hire Solo 1 > i'icos* . JjM t%?a. y Goods on Solo THIS WHHIt. jmm BASKMKNT-S \ IIS HEADQUARTERS-DOLLS, TOYS, ETC.,-REaLBARGAINS. jf||M B. FELIX PEPARTMENT Arizona Daily Citizen it is believed that the name of .lames 11. MeClintock will he sent to the Senate (or Secretary of the Territory within a few days. It will not he necessary to remove Stoddard. He was appointed during the recess of the Senate, and the Hppointment lapses as soon as the I’re aident names his suceerror. There is a good deal of pressure being brought to hear on the President to con tinue (iovernor Murphy in office to the end of liis term which is nearlv a year vet. The President does not like Gov i t-mor Murphy and candidly says so and iiis disposition is to lemove him for more i reasons than one. Murphy's enemies, all Republicans, apparently continueac ■ | live and the President is not permitted to forget his existence. The President is anxious, too, to provide for his old ■ ' comrade Col. ftrodie, and it is regarded I us likely Dial lie will lind a good reason I to retire Governor Murphy early in the New Year. eighteen months, lie recently gave tie* church fstt.uoo as a gift. Now conies A. C. Strayer, lawyer, who in tiehall of himself, W. A till more ami Charles 11. McConnell, all of Seallle, sues the church and missionary society for $20,000 commission. straver alleges that Anderson worked the claims for his personal profit, that the church learned of the trusteeship ami settled with Anderson for $K0,«00, which was publicly stated to lie a "gift.'' The law firm was retained by the church and missionary society to recov er the property from Anderson and de clare tiiey were to receive 30 per cent, of all moneys recovered. The church ami society, it is asserted, refused to pay the lawyers the percentage NEW ROUTE TO ENTER SAN FRANCISCO. Oummi. Oil., Dec. 12. Articles ol incorporation of the San Eranriseo and Piedmont Railway wcr.- tiu.i today. This means the inception ol an enter prise which will revolutionise the street ear business of this city and the estab lishment of a new ferry system which will enter into active eoni|ietition with theKouthern Pacific for business with San Erancisco. It may also he the forerunner of the entree to this city of the Santa Ee Incidental to the new enterprise will lie an underground railway which is to be constructed between the West Hay Shore and Verba Rtiena Island. The projected line is to connect San Erancisco with Oakland and Leona Heights, a distance of 17 miles. l.augfi with the Circus (or! and grow fat. It will Ik* money in vour pocket. After the opera, bring vour lady down to Isidor'a up to date ease, and ask for those delicious oysters, and fine steaks CATHOLIC FAIR TO BE HELD IN FEBRUARY. The ladles of the Catholic church are making preparations to hold a fair here next Fbruary which, if expecta tions are realized, promises to eclipse the groat fair held just after the Cathedral was constructed. At that time the proceeds of the fair realized st.iMMi A three days fair was held on. e since that time at which the pro ceeds netted about $12(10. Tin- coming fair will lie held the first week in February and will continue steadily from Monday morning until Saturday night. No definite place lias as yet been secured for the fair but the committee on arrangements are looking around and expect to deter mine In a a few days on a sultabhjjo catlon On Sunday evening next at 7 o’clock a meeting will he held in the Century hall by the ladles of the church, the liishop and all outsiders interested in the fair At that time the committee on arrangements will probably be ready to make a report The ladles of the Catholic church will ask those of other denominations to assist them at. the fair and preside at tin' booths. The fair promises to be quite an attraction for Tucson as Catholics Iti Nogales, Phoenix and many other nearby towns will be ask ed to lake an interest and be present if possible. The outlook is favorable for secur ing excursion rates on the railroads The proceeds of this fair will lie devoted to decorating the interior of the church, and to providing benches and (icws. The ladles deserve eneour agenment in this undertaking, as it will mean a good deal to the church ami to tin' city Its well. * LIGHT WEIGHT ARTISTS TO SLUG TO NIGHT. Oaki. mi, Cai.., Dec, 12.—Tim Hag arty, Australian light weight, with a record of 17 victories, is to meet old •‘War Horse” George LaVigne tiefore the* New Acme Club in this city to night. Some new records are looked for. The advance sale of seats indicates the largest crowd ever in attendance at a fight in Oakland. CHILDREN DROWNED WHILE SKATING. NEW YORK, Dec 12.—Three clol dreti at Tunia pond at Compton lake, N .1., were drowned last night. They were skating ou the pond near ; home when the ice cracked and they I were plunged into the water. “Tf><> RICH TO MARRY Whoever heard of such a thing, the idea of anyone being Too Rich To Mar ry. Still there are people in the world whose riche* place them in the most complicated embarrassments. Those troubled or suffering from the above cause, can bo placed oil the road to success, tiy seeing Edwin Owens Towne” <'reat New York production of "Tiki Rich To Marry" coming at the opera ItOUHtf noon. For accident insurance go to Plumer A Steward’s. It-t 1 ' ’t’hy it's just like winning a hdnie to ai Joldtree'* up to date ease. corner * l and Congress street . TUCSON, ARIZONA, TJM’KSDAY DECEMBER 1-. H»l. The Committee on Territories Wahiiinotov, It. t , I tec. 12 —Arizona, New Mexico ami Oklahoma arc concern ed deeply in the makeup of the commit tee on territories in the senate. Ibis committee now shows more vacancies than any other committee which will !«• organised. |n the Fifty-sixtli congress Senator Slump of Idaho was chairman, and the members of the committee were Sewell of New Jersey, Carter of Montana, Kyle of Dakota, Thurston of Nebraska, Beve ridgeof Indiana, Dillingham of \ If the Circus (.ill wins vour love, don't Id.'imc her. She cun t help it Attracts Much Attention Ileitfcld ami Mallory probably will con tinue on the committee. This will make five vacancies to lie filled by the sena toriai-eancus on committees. It is believed generally that if w ill be some time before the committees are an nouneed— some say not before the Jan uary meeting—but it is possible, in view of important matters pressing for atten tion, that the senate will ls> organized fully before the Christmas holidays. Senator Clark of Wyoming is an avow - ed candidate for the chairmanship of the committee on territories He is said to be in favor of ad mitting Arizona, New Mexico and 1 >k lahnma to statehood, and for this res son possibly will have the support of those wim are working to that end. The makeup of this committee will largely govern the action of the senate upon the hills to tie presented for creat ing new states, and friends of the terri tories are awaiting with anxious interest the outcome of the struggle for place. Woman Set a Blaze In a Public Street. Dayton, 0., Dec. 12.—Mrs Emma Kastner, twenty-one years old, wifi- of a pattern-maker, was walking Irom her home to the office of a physician at ■> 'M p. m., yesterday wlien !»'• men, occu pant* of a buggy, hurriedly drove along side one of the men jumped out of the ve hicle, grabbed Mrs. Kastner by the throat and choked lief until »l*e fell un eonsriotis. The man applied the flame of a lighted match to lu r clothing and then re-entered the vehicle, when the two speeded awav. A negro was the first to discover the tinconseiotis woman lying upon the walk enveloped in slams. Draw ing Ins over coat the negro threw it alsmt the wo man ami smothered the fire, ("be jack et and waist of the woman were badly burned amt her fate is uncertain. Mrs. Kastner lias no knowledge of her assailants nor theory as to the motive for the deed, and the police are equally in ignorance. The crime t,*>k place on a street illuminated by electric lights and near the heart of the city One of iht lartjot Coniitjnmtnft of High Grade Piano* Ever Shipped to Arizona. Another proof of the unusual pro*pt- j rity of Tucson at tbe present time, is the fact of a firm stopping in a large cons gnment of strictly standard piam s ; to tw* sol.l at a special sale to last only . one week That certainly shows that! this firm has confidence in Tucson. We have reference to the well known firm of The /-diner Piano Co., who yesterday received two carloads of pianos com prising such renowned makes ns the Steak-Krakaner, Story & < lark and other popular makes. They are going to offer these piano* at greatly reduced prices and anyone that is at all consi dering purchasing a piano should sure |y call on them and look over their stork. The offers that they will make on their easy payment plan, will allow anyone to ow n a piano. Think of pav ing on a piano and Indore long owning it. There is no reason why every home in Tucson should not have a line piano ;U the prices and terms offered by tins firm. The public should remember that this site will last only one week and those that wish to take advantage of the unusual low prieeaand easy terms offered in tbi« sale should rail at once, so as to get Die Vest selection. The instruments will lie on exhibition at tie* ware rooms of The Zellner Piano Co., No. 11l E. Congress street, open evenings during the sale until I* p. in. The latest thing out for removing wrinkles from the forehead is to sre the Circus Dili. She'll make you forget your j cares. CARLOADS OF PIANOS. vsl- JQSbmgl ■ CRESCEUS, King of Trotters, 2:021 Tbl« msxiiifii'cnt horse, the grrsict trotter in 'to- world, driven l,y Its ou ii,-r, tmerge get, hum. will trot «n exhibition rut,- Hgsin.l time, st Union Driving Park, Tucson, on December 19. In Pillion to tbl« peerless fe.tnrc. ttiers will !„■ numerous other tori events ol im portance. one l.rs tor the round trip tm* ts-eii *e, ore -t from nil rsllro.,l point* to ArliolM. thn* ensMlng >!l«t»iit r- sid, nl* to witness I'T fsr the most Imporunt turf pi. lit ttml ever occurre*! in Territory. Kur further inlorrantion ml»l that at dm the dlgamtlon. AII iir