Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornelius Webb,
1773 T Street, Northwest, have issued
cards to their many friends to cele
b*-ate with them on November 12th
the twentj'-fiffh anniversary of their
Mr. James E. Lee of 120 Seaton
Place, Northwest, spent five days of
last week at Jeatesville, Va.. attend
iig a series of religious meetings,
Mr. Rufus I. Moore of 1329 First
Street, Northwest, left Thursday
November 6th for Danville, Va.,
vhere he will spend five or six days
vith his wife, family and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith left
Saturday evening on the Niagara
Falls excursion.
Next Sunday, November 9th at 11
a.m. at Second Baptist Church, the
pastor, Rev. J. L. S. Holloman will
preach on “The Gospel of the Autumn
Days.” At 4 p.m. the church will ob
serve the monthly communion-service.
At 8 p.m. the pastor will have for his
subject: “God, the Great Provider.”
Second Baptist Church will celebrate
it; seventy-sixth anniversary on No
vember 30, at which time the fall
rally will be concluded.
Rev. R. H. Walker, converted gamb
ler- of New York City will preach
Sunday 11:00 a.m., at Zion Baptist
Church, F Street between 3rd and
4Streets, Southwest.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Pogue, of 5012
F»tch Place, Northeast, will—enter
tain their friends informally at their
borne, Friday, November 28th, in cele
ebration of their 20th wedding anni
Mrs. George E. Banks of 1725 Third
Street, Northwest, Apartment 3, is
sow employed as assistant manag
e-ess of Manor'Club in Norbeck, Md.
Announcement was made this w6ek
of the coming wedding of Miss Bessie
V. Christian and Mr. L. Leßoy Mit
chell, both members of the younger
ret of this city. The wedding will be
solemnized December 3rd. The bride
and groom will make their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickerson of
(413 A Street, Southeast, entertained
; - ■ / ...
20 cents for First 2-5 Mile
20 cents per Mile Thereafter
stations . j stations
No. 1, Whitelaw Hotel . ^7.^. No. 5,7 & R St. Garage
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No.4,NewLibertyHotel Irving St., N. W.
Above is the picture of the new RED CABS representing the latest New York design from Broadway
We are proud of the service we can now give the public. SERVICE the same as that afforded guests at the New Willard and other Washing
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If you appreciate the Best, show it by giving the RED CAB your trade. This is a Race Concern with seventy-odd race employees. Our
continued growth means a bigger opportunity for your sons and daughters. Help us to helpjyou.
M. T. Malvan, Manager THE RED CAB SERVICE A. D. Schey, Assistant Manager
a number of their friends at a hallo
ween party Friday evening. The
house was beautifully decorated ap
propriately for the occasion. Every
one was masked and spent a very
‘pleasant evening dancing, after which
a delicious repast was served. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. F. Slade;
Mr. and Mrs. C. Atkinson, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Queenan, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. P. Barnes,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnes, Dr. and Mrs.
C. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Epps, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. E. Eggleston,
Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. L. Giles,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Giles, Mr. and Mrs.
Foote, Mr. and Mrs. M. Barnes, Dr.
and Mrs. Leod, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ash
ton, Mr. and Mrs. I. Greenlease, Mr.
, and Mrs. P. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Ackers, Mr. and Mrs. Neal,
Mr. and Mrs. Minor, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Cole, Mrs. F. Winthrope, Mrs. V.
Middleton, Mrs. C. Bouldin, Mrs.
Cook, Mrs. B. Miles, Mrs. L. Topp
man, Mrs. E. Gray; Misses H. Shnms,
N. Proctor, J. Cole, M. Cole, M.
Greene, G. Stokes, S. Mason; Messrs.
W. Simms, E. Gross, C. Smith, C. F.
Harriston, R. Mason, Dr. Nicholson,
Dr. K. Jones, H. Cook, L. Powell, G.
Carter; Misses E. King and R. Mason;
I Mrs. Henry, of Bowie, Md.
On Sunday October 26th a sermon
was preached to the Helping Hand
Club of 19th Street Baptist Church
by Rev. Walter H. Brooks, pastor.
Members of the club were beautifully
attired in white and marched up to
the main auditorium at 8 p.m. Guests
of the club included all clubs and or
ganizations in the church. The sermon
as usual was eloquent and instructive.
The club was organized seventeen
years ago for work among the aged
and needy. Mr. Harrison Marshall
has been one of the our best workers
in assisting at our Old Folks’ Din
ners. *
Mrs. M. E. Cabaniss is the presi
dent. The members of the clubs pres
ent were:
Miss V. Ashby; Miss M. Ashby;
Mrs. A. Adams; Mrs. R. Alexander;
Mrs. M. Allen; Mrs. S. Adams; Mrs.
L. Beasley; Mrs. L. Barbour; Miss D.
Burruss; Mrs. M. Bailey; Miss M.
Brartin; Mrs. L. R Cabaniss; Mrs.
M. H. Carr; Mrs. J. Collier; Mrs. C.
H. Curtis; Miss E. Copeland; Mrs. L.
Campbell; Mrs. B. Churchill; Mr. G.
Cook; L. V. Davis; M. Diggs; L. Dav
idson; W. A. Davis; B. D. Dean; M.
Everman; J. Fleming; S. A. Frank
lin; Mr. and Mrs. S. Germillon; Mr.
and Mrs. T. Henderson; M. S. Hayes;
S. Harris; L. T. Hall; G. P. Howard;
G. E. Hill; S. Jenkins; B. Jefferson;
A. Jackson; E. Jackson; E. Jackson;
M. G. Jones; J. Kenney; C. J. Kenney;
D. Lowe; T. E. Ledbeter; J. J. Lee;
A. Lucas; J. Muse; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mitchell; M. E. McEntree; M. B.
Madison; L. F. Mickens; F. H. Minor;
M. L. Matthews; L. Marshall; B. A.
Mormon; M E. Mitchell; J. T. Powell;
L. Payne; B. V. Rhone; Mr. and Mrs.
H. Smith; L. V. Scipio; J. Scott; D.
Smith; L. Swift; L. Sutton; I. M.
Tignor; A. D. Tucker; G. E. Tibbs;
A. B. Terrell; Z. Wormley; M. E.
White; Mr. and Mrs. J. Washington;
F. Walker; B. E. Worrell; L. V. Ware;
B. M. Williams; "E. Washington; and
M. Washington and J. W. Lee.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William
M. Jumper, 940 T Street, Northwest,
was the scene of a beautfiul celebra
tion, on Thursday, October. 23, 1924,
the occasion being the fiftieth anni
versary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles N. Sellers.
The house was artistically decorated
with autumn leaves and flowers. An
orchestra, led by Mr. Aubrey An
derson rendered the music.
The lovely dresses worn by the
bride and her attendants, Mrs. M.
Jumper, Miss Amanda Monroe and
Mrs. Florence Collins were designed
and brought from San Francisco,
Cal., by a qieee, Mrs. Alice Reece.
Four generations of the family were
present and many friends tendered
their congratulations to the happy
A novel feature was the shower of
gold coins from relatives and friends
which was presented by two little
great-nieces Edna Mae Collins and
1 Everine Reese. A splendid repast
was served.
“It matters not how far you go
There’s a Red Cab Station at your door”
Among the guests and contributors
were: Mr. and Mrs. George Reese,
Augusta Springs, Va.; Mr. and Mrs.
J. Diggs, Baltimore, Md.; Mr. James
Thomas, San Francisco, Cal.; Mad
ames Martha Hill, Eva Lucas Brown,
Alice Lucas, Georgiana Rogers, Ethel
Gibbons Murray, Georgia L. ’Hails
talks, Laura S. Pyles, Florence Mayo,
Annie Hickman, Fred Miller, Bertha
Anderson, Mildred Dyer, and A. D.
Price of Richmond, Va„ Misses, Mary
Carr, Mary Harris, Jennie Rogers,
Florence Brown, Nettie Jones, Isabelle
Miller, Josephine Mason, and Carrie
Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Stew
art, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Williams. Messrs. James
Monroe, John Simms and many oth
At Lincoln Congregational Temple
Sunday morning, Rev. R. W. Brooks
will speak from the subject, “Doing
The Job.’ In whatever station of life
we find ourselves, the one great
passion is for success. Two things
are absolutely necessary for this at
tainment, viz., pursue the right
course, and have faith that it can be
done. Come and lend a sympathetic
ear. ~ 1
Prominent Men to
Speak at Asbury
M. E. Church
Attorneys Ashby Hawkins of Bal
timore, Md., and Hon. T. R. Tenney,
Probation Officer, of Philadelphia, Pa.,
will be the principal speakers at the
Men’s Day exercises to be held at As
bury M. E. Church, Sunday, Novem
ber, 9th, at 8:00 p.m. Special music
will be rendered by the Male Chorus.
The public is invited to attend. Mr.
A. W. Dangerfield is president of the
Men’s Club, Mr. P. S. Hall, chairman
and G. H. Morris, secretary; Rev. J.
U. King, D.D., pastor.
Miss Leona Taliaferro, was married
to Mr. James Turner last Wednesday,
November sth. The newly-weds will
be at-home at 1398 Morris Read, An
acostia, Sunday, November 9th.
The Daniel School of Music ’ Club
will meet Sunday, November 9th,T924
at 4 o’clock p.m.’, at the residence of
Mrs. Helen Robinson, 760 Hobart
Place, Northwest.
Mrs. James L. Whitehead, 1733 New
Jersey Avenue, Northwest, has re
turned to the city after a three-weeks’
visit to her former home, West Palm
Beach, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. John Banks, 1804 S
Street, Northwest, received the W. H.
and F. Missionary Society Tuesday
night. The Men’s Usher Board met
A Challenge to the Members and
Friends of Lincoln Congregational
For more than a half century the
present building of Lincoln Congre
gational Temple has stood. Two gen
erations have passed in and out of
this building having left upon them
the impress of those early consecrated
Shall we allow the accomplishments
of the past to suffice for the needs
of the present? Shall we satisfy our
selves by worshipping at the shrine
of tradition, or shall we justify our
existence by forging ahead to greater
heights ?
“New occasions teach new duties;
time makes ancient good uncouth;
They must upward still, and onward,
who would keep abreast of Truth.
■. ; ’ ■
JO u
I ‘ .1 p
....... I
at the Church Thursday night.
Special praise has been accorded
Miss Alice Lomack for the artistic
beauty of her bridal party, in the
recent Paper Wedding staged at
John Wesley A. M. E. Z. Church.
O. T. Burrell has resigned from the
Pullman company after twenty years
service. Mr. Burrell is nowYngaged
in the automobile business.
B. C. Massey is very sick.
“ • The old building has served its day.
■; Its walls are crumbling and its space
- is inadequate. In order to meet the
' unmet needs of today we are going
i to erect an adequate building which
I will make possible a comprehensvie
program, that will challenge the in
i terest of the young as well as the
i old.
It shall be an institution for the
' preaching of the Gospel, for the wor
ship of God in Christ, for the study of
th^ Bible, for Christian fellowship,
and for service to all mankind. Will
you not make an investment in the
spiritual uplift of Washington?
35 cents for 14 Blocks
65c for City Proper
$1,75 to $2.50 per hour
Est elleEtelkaPinkney
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