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LOCALS Bishop J. S. Caldwell, of Philadel pbia. Pa., was in the city last week the guest of Union Wesley and Gal braith A. M. E. Zion Churches. Messrs. Roy Nelson, Oliver Pugh, Charies Cornish, and Otto Scruggs were Sunday visitors to Niagara Falls and Canada. The Mount Jezreel Baptist Church, stb and E Streets, Southeast, will have a special musical treat Sunday night under the auspices of their splendid choir. Mrs. Anna Chandler Brooks will sing a group of Sacred Numbers. Rev. Arthur D. Chandler, her father, will preach for them morning and night. Subjects: 11 a.m. “Building up the Church"; 8 p.m., “Christ Precious to Believers.” Tiie Wage Earners of Brentwood, Md., with Mrs. L. Holmes, chairman and- Mrs. C. Wheeler, secretary, gave a concert, November 3rd to a capacity heuse at the Fireman’s Hall. Both local and out of town talent was used. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the National Wage Earners Asso ciation. The Trio Beauty Culture School, 1U44 9th Street, N.W., has opened its books for enrollment; day and night Hasses. Madam Pauline C. Hanks, Instr acting. N. Richardson and party will motor to New York City for Thanksgiving also visiting relatives in New Rochelle and White Plains, N.Y. Mrs. Alexander Richardson is con fined in Roosevelt Hospital, New York City for an operatioil. Miss Marie. DuVaul has returned from Hamilton, Va. Mr. Henry Hall of 1219 T Street, N.W., has returned from Raleigh, N. C., where he attended the State Fair and visitea his mother. Mr. Harvey R. Williams, real estate dealer, with offices in the Lewis Build ing. is confined to home on account of illness. Mrs. Ruth Long, from Charlottes ville. Va., spent ten days vacation with her sister, Mrs. Annie Johnson, of 337 Maryland Avenue, Southwest, enroute to Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Jefferson of 331 M Street, S. W is now confined to her bed with a nervous breakdown. Mrs. Wallace of 117 Seaton Place. N.W.. has been confined to her bed with an attack of lagnppe, but is now out again. The Grand and Subordinate ‘Chap ters of Holy Royal Arch Masons of the District of Columbia over whom the Most Excellent Grand High Priest Herbert Lancaster presides, will have their anniversary services next Sun day night (Nov. 9) at the Metropoli tan A. M. E. Church, M Street, be tween 15th and 16th Streets, North west. A suitable program has been prepared for the occasion. The Magnolia Socialite Embroid ery Club of North Brentwood was en tertained Friday evening, October 31 by Mrs. Hattie Green with a masked social and luncheon. t The table was beautifully decorated in gala colors, the dishes were taste fully arranged, the repast was delic ious and good. The entertainment wks a splendid affair enjoyed by all present. Twenty-five Men and Women L Wanted to represent a firm establishing ageriices throughout the coun ^.try for the distribution of a new discovery of unusual merit —a universal product for every Home, Office, Laundry, Factory, Dairy, Hospital and Educational Insti tution. Pleasant, dignified and profitable employment. Only sub stantial men or women with in itiative will be considered. No Urge selling experience ^eces , -irv. Write at once — Box 15, Tribune Office 11-8-22-12-6-20. Rheumatism ELECTRICITY at once banishes pains of rheumatism, headaches, neuralgia, sciatica, toothache, and'heuritis; brings quick relief from insomnia, nervousness, colds, grippe, fevers, womens pains, etc. One or two treat ments and the pain vanishes. Free Demonstration and Trial At Your Horn? Any Time Write at once to— G. W. SOUTHERN CO„ P. O. Box 217. Washington. D.C. ADVOCATES FEDERAL EMPLOY MENT AGENCIES New York City, Nov. 6—The es tablishment of a free nation-wide i public employment service, to be i maintained by. the states in co-opera- । tion with the federal and local gov- i ernments, for the benefit of men, । women, and juniors in all walks of life, is recommeded by the Russell- Sage Foundation in a 600-page. report । on employment methods, needs, and ’ agencies which was made public here today as the result of a five year i study which took the Foundations । investigators into more than 70 cities of the United States and Kanada. 1 The full report is Ijeing submitted to President Coolidge and to the gov ernors of the states. The outstand ing facts in the Foundation’s findings and its recommendations will be brought to the attention also of muni cipal and county officials,. employers associations, labor organizations, civic and social agencies and the executives of other organizations concerned with the general problems of employment or employment. After discussing the great va riety of administrative systems which have been proposed for a na tional public employment service, the Foundation says: “The balance of weight belongs on the side of a com- „ means 0® Success .gw “Play-acting” is merely the mirror in which we see life. I'he \! (xj y actors are reflections of ourselves. Personality is nothing less P j than attractive appearance coupled with good manners. Beauty o is only skin deep, but oh, how important is the skin to beauty! / & iSi / \ BEAUTY means SUCCESS; success to the actress, success to / | I the singer, success to the debutante, success to mother, success I | \ I to ^ an d m °ther. I I fen Goldenßnmdt pin ' beauty t 0 YOU. A clear, smooth skin is always beautiful. Soft, silky hair 4116 s °ft wave will make you more attractive than will flashing jewels. / / M I 5 My famous beauty treatment will do wonders for a muddy, sallow complexion / v* JR in 24 hours. My Golden Brown Hair Dressing will enable you to dress your s hair in any style. My Golden Brown Beauty Preparations are the most exclusive, high grade and aristocratic toilette creations de luxe made for our race or any other. This I / p ' guarantee personally. Write me for my own Beauty Book FREE. Y>ur Druggist Has All My Preparations V 4 * Golden Brown Beauty Soap ....25 cents Golden Brown Beauty Ointment 25 cents I ' Golden Brown Hair Dressing 50 cents rC k - - In Golden Brown Rouge, all shades (in a beautifully gold fin- f fH «• ishe d box with mirror and puff) 50 cents J® i' 4 O’ (H Golden Brown Talcum (in crystal bottle) 50 cents * f * li V ^l^ '' y\ Golden Brown Face Powder (delightfully scented; doesn’t ) 1 H - 1 < Goldenßrow/v Chemical Co. a Memphis ^.Tenn. Golden ZSII M S ( JbvM BrowS . | lb"- I FREE to You— Hand-Colored Photo of Your Favorite Actress 11 lyflAIR DPFSSIiIf B ] ChMk Ya nr Fa V tfita I have secured hand-colored photographs of famous stage y/ r ^ IB 111 B » I >’s ■* . c J 1 * ■\\ C >< S: I OUr * beauties who use my preparations. These photos arc suit- Ip[ ■ I I B B 1| 1 Lnrniii \ •□ / / I: □ “Bobby” Holmes able for framing. This coupon entitles you to one photo i « ™ B^lll / GOLOWW^ fENN. y|| y. (“t ( IQ □ Rosa Henderson free, also samples of Golden Brown. If your druggist can’t KI / x-* ■ E COLPf If | |K — HE* ph LI- HM ■ k\ \ i ( U □ Josephine Leggett supply you send coupon to me. Address Madame Mamie , / / IbL m cmpm7o ®| |||jr/ Mt ■IB■I B■ J- aA 1 I I X O Edna Young Hightower, Golden Brown Chemical Co., Memphis Tenn.; * / / 41 ' B BB* M-W * II I S D Marjorie Jackson U.S.A. 1/ yr || B B » L-M ® I li □ Madame Hightowet'. * „ -- \ 7 MB I v■— w - ..... — II I BHp I □ Hazel Meyers \ Your Name A - /J \MW I O Theodore McDonald Address llUlZj . V» B O Ethel Water* — ** U VT B □ Lina Gray City- state |g^ Take TH* Cm,m t« T«or Drvgsiat at Once _ THE WASHINGTON TRIBUNE ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1924 yined federal-state-local administra bion. • “The idea of a nation-wide system of exclusively municipal employment | offices seems little less than chimeri cal-- Our observations indicate that the choice of staff in employment offices administered by ' the munici pality has been more influenced by political considerations than that in offices operated either by the state or by the federal government. Too of ten they have been relegated to the charities department of the city gov ernment and their connection with muicipal houses and woodyards has been too intimate.” JEANESLEIiND EXPENDS HIGH SUM Charlottesville, Va. — The Jeanes Fund, for the improvement of Negro Rural Schools, cooperated during the session ending June 30, 1924 with pub lic school superintendents in' 2891 counties in 15 states, according to a reporb just issued. The 302 Supervising Teachers, paid partly by the counties and partly through the Jeanes Fund, visited reg ularly in these counties 9,928 country schools, making in all 41,212 visits, and raising for the purpose of school improvement $502,72. The total amount of salary paid to the Super- vising Teacher- as $252,574, of which the sum of $144,423 was-jfaid by the public .'<hool authorities and , $108,151 through the Jeanes Fund. IVINS SIOOO FELLOWSHIP . New York City, N.Y.—On Wednes day morning, October 22nd, Miss Ly dia Mason, of 45 West 66th Street, received notice that she had been awarded one of the SI,OOO Fellowships in music by the Juilliard Musical Foundation. Miss Mason, it is be lieved, was the only Colored Appli cant to be examined by the Board of Directors of that society. She began her pianoforte course on Monday, Oc tober 27th under the instruction of the famous Russian Pianist, Olga Samaroff. Miss Mason won a place in the heart of Washington music lovers five years ago, when she appeared in concert here with the Martin Boys, Eugene, ! violinist, and David, Jr., Cellist, at that time known as the Martin-Mason 1 Trio. Just after the completion of that trip she was awarded a free scholarship to Fisk Unversity by the Fisk Club of Greater New York. Miss ’ Mason just completed her five year ^course this past June, having been j successful ir% being awarded the । scholarship five years in succession. ( Mr. Paul Mason, former newspaper man here, and who also was the re cipient of a scholarship in music to Howard. University, is her brother. WILEY GETS NEW BUILDING Marshall, Tex.—President M. W. Dogan of Wiley University has re ceived authority from the Board of Education for Negroes of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, through the i 11th and U Sts. REID’S MUSIC STORE Phone N. 1234 I WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE. Music books for all instruments. Popular Sacred and Classical Sheet Music. Student violin outfits from $12.50 up. Ukuleles, $1.95 up. z Stringed instruments repaired. Bows Rehaired * Accessories for all musical instruments. | The latest Q. R. S, and W. S. Piano Roll^ 1 1 j All the latest Blues on Columbia, Vocation, Okeh, and Paramount Records s ■ C. G. Conn Instruments Sold on Easy Terms • Secretary, Dr. I. Garland Penn, to > proceed with plans for construction of a girls’ new dormintory. This comes as the restult of letters from General Education Board of New York to Dr. Dogan agreeing to remove all restric tions on the twenty-five thousand dol lar gift by that board to W’iley which ; makes the entire amount available for immediate use on this dormitory, the ’ cost of which will approximate SIOO,- ■ 000 when finished, the balance of the PAGE THREE > money having been appropriated by ’ the Board of Education of the Meth i odist Episcopal Church primarily up- I on the recommendation of Dr. Penn. ; • Advertise in ©it 'Wastongfon ^Tribune