Mrs. Johnsie Turner, wife 'of Mr.
Fred J. Turner of 1341 U Street, N.W.
departed this life Tuesday, December
2, 1924, at 10:00 o’clock A.M. She is
survived by a mother, husband,
brother and a host of friends. She
was a member of 19th Street Baptist
Church, and loved bj all who knew
tier. Her remains will be sent to
Norfolk, Va., for burial, the funeral ■
to take place Sunday from the Queen
Street Baptist Church.
M nd Mrs. E. J. Allen of Prince
on, N.J., spent their honey-moon in
Washington, attending the Howard-
Lincoln game. Mrs. Allen is the sis
ter of Clifton F., and Joseph H. Nel
son of Howard University and is well
known in Washington society.
harmonious Quartette is Big Hit at
the President Theatre
" The Famous Harmonious Quartette
v- appearing with “Uncle Sam’s Fol
lies’’ this week at the President Thea
tre, under the direction of “Brooke
Johns’’ late star of Ziegfield Follies.
The Quartette is one of the biggest
hits in the entire show, answering to
three and four encores at every per
bird Annual Christmas Vespers at
Howard University
The third annual reading of Van
.■tyke’s “The Other Wise Man” will
be given in the Rankin Memorial
Chapel of Howard University Sunday,
December 21, 1924, at 4:30 P.M., by
Miss Mary Burrill, teacher of Dra
• latic Art at Dunbar High School.
Two hundred University women
will take part in the Candle Light
procession, led by the Vested Choir,
under the leadership of Lulu Vere
Buy Now for Xmas
Pay Next Year
Xmas Special
I iWSwwX Ir®®
$37.50 ladies’ or men’s 18-kt.
solid white gold mounting, set
with genuine full cut blue-white
diamond. Latest designrt»-| f*
price .t- 1 -”
Kilter J
Special for Xmas Only gE^
Ladies Wrist (jtC $16.00 white Gold
Watch Only <PO ^ e . .... $9.50
Several shapes to select from _ Cushion, Octagon or
Tonneau shape. 25-year
— _ white gold; 16-jewel ad-
r Gents justed movements.
Watches filing
J||s3hgS£' ‘ w »m» B~~«H ci K
' R«t.ngular»hiuFoW
^J|SF Movements Lady’s wrist watch. En-
* graved cases; guaranteed
Ay n/v 25 years; 16-jewel mo>e
tpOeW f ments and fancy dials.
Childers, Dean of the Conservatory of
John Meshy A. M. E. Zion Church
Bishop C. C. Alleyne of New York
City was heard by an appreciative au
dience in the delivery of a fine ser
mon, at the evening service. A spe
cial offering was given Bishop Al
leyne in hi* drive for the African Mis
! sion Conferences of which he is the
presiding Bishop.
Among the out-of-town visitors was
noticed the presence of Mrs. W. O.
I Carrington, New Rochelle, N.Y.; Mrs.
D. G. Denowa, Atlantic City, NJ.,
and Mr. Harry White, Columbus,
Mr. J. W. Charleston, Mrs. Sarah
Thomas, Mrs. Lucy Butler and the
mother of Mrs. Mary C. Johnson are
reported on the sick list this week.
The 75th Anniversary of the Church
will be observed in the afternoon of
December 21st. Bishop E. D. W. Jones
will deliver the sermon. The Pas-i
tors, a choir, usher board or other
organized bodies from the several A.
M. E. Zion Chuches of the city will be
asked to participate in the program
of the occasion.
Mortimer G. Weaver, Jr., leads Wil
liams Debating Team
Mortimer G. Weaver, Jr., of Wash
ington, D.C., won first place on the
Williams College Debating Team, as
a result of recent trials. This team
debates Yale on Dec. 6. Weaver is
the first speaker and rebuttal man.
The Williams schedule calls for de
bates with some of the largst col
leges and Universities in the East,
including Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth,
Columbia. Wesleyan, Amherst, Penn
and Brown.
A Deposit Reserves Any Article For Christmas Delivery
The Talladega Club met with Rev.
and Mrs. Battle of 49 C St., S.E., last
Saturday evening.
Mrs. John W. Martin of Houston,!
Texas and Mrs. Lionel L. Jaquet of
LaFayette, La., have just rturned to
their home after spending ten days
very pleasantly with their cousin,
Miss Corilla E. Hill of 733 Harvard
Street, N.W.
They attended many pleasant events
in the city, including the big Foot
Ball game between Howard and Lin
coln Teams.
Drs. W. E. Tayler, G. S. Perry and
Mr. Young, of Raleigh, N.C., were
visitors in the city this week to attend
the big game.
Mrs. Wynder Taliafeuo, Mrs. Web
ster Drake, Miss B. Mason; Mr. Ro
chelle Drake, Mr. Leslie Faulk, Mrs.
Mrs. J. E. Puryear and Dr. John A.
Robinson, all of Newport News, Va.,
motored here for the Howard-Lincoln
I game Thanksgiving They were the
guests of Mrs. Pattie Bailey, of 1735
Oregon Ave., N.W. While in the city
they were the recipients of many so
cial courtesies. They party left for
their home Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Scott of
Staunton, Virginia were the Thanks
giving guests of Recorder of Deeds,
Arthur G. Froe and wife of 1724 S
Street, N.W.
Dr. Elwood Downing of Roanoke,
Virginia was a visitor for the “clas
Prominent Women Visit the Capitol
Among the many visitors who spent
Thanksgiving week in the city attend
ing the Howard-Lincoln football game
Geo. W. Taylor Jewelry Co.
1025 You Street, N. W.
Open Evenings until Christmas 9 a. m. to 12 m.
For Xmas Buyers We Are Offering
SPECIAL BARGAINS in our large stock of jewelry and silverware. Our stock is com
plete and our creations are nobby and will please the most fastidious.
GIVE JEWELRY this year—nothing you can give will be so much appreciated—a gift of
lasting value that carries with it fond remembrance.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO DOWN TOWN FOR CREDIT because we can give you all you
want right on U Street. N.W. Gifts purchased now will be gladly stored until Christmas
Our Prices are 50 per cent to 75 per cent lower than the stores down town. Come in and
be convinced.
-r■■-- ■ - - - - -
Diamond Stick Pins
have a
S Comple ‘ e
line of these
Pins. They
make Ideal
Gifts For Men
Some are priced d*E AA
as low as M>O.UU
An unusually large as
sortment of beautifully fin- iSgEESK
ggffjaaaSSsßZ ished Fraternal Rings. Wide
^§l irange in price to insure you pggfr*3ggjsftlJw
a satisfactory selection. BHsIrKSgSgSS
$5 to SSO WSP
and other social functions, were, Mme.
May Becks Cofer of New York City,
Mrs. H. Miller of Bridgeport, Conn.,
Mrs. Mamie St. Clair of Cambridge,
Md. The trio, with Mr. D. W. Taylor,
Orange, N.J., traveled in Mme.
Cofer’s beautiful car. The party,
' chaperoned by Mrs. H. Louise Wil
! Hams, 1722 13th Street, visited the
principal places of interest during the
mornings. The afternoons and nights
were a continuous round of enter
tainment showered upon them by
their friends, old and newly acquired.
Monday morning, on leaving, the par
ty was escorted by three cars of at
tentative friends beyond the disrtict
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lacey, Miss
Mae Walker and Mr. George W.
i Fountain motored to Warrenton, Vir
ginia, to spend the Thanksgiving
1 holiday.
i Mr. J. y. Hank.:, 'S32 Uth Street,
1 N.W., and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hardy,
j motored from Denver, Colorado to
Washington, in time for the Howard-
Lincoln game, after which Mrs. Pau
line C. Hanks, had a Thanksgiving
dinner prepared for the party. Cov
ers were laid for eight.
Miss Eula L. Wade of Durham,
i N.C., is the fortnight guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles S. Walker of 720
Kastle Street, N.E.
An entertainment was given in
honor of Miss Eula L. Wade of Dur
ham, N.C., on Monday evening at the
beautiful residence of Mrs. S. A.
Franklin, 720 Kastle St.. N.E. Whist
and dancing were the features of the
. evening. During the course of the
games beautiful music was ren-
I dered after which prizes were award
ied. Miss Eugenia Jackson winning
1 first prize, a beautiful box of sta
tionery and Miss Wade receiving the
guest prize, a unique perfume ato
mizer. Those present were: Messrs.
L. H. B. Foote, Dr. E. Mavritte, C. F.
Nelson, Jno. Edwards, Douglass
Shorts, Geo. Adams, H. Gray, and C.
jS. Walker. Misses Eula Wade, Lil
lian Burwell, Eugenia Jackson, Vi
vian Walker, Susie Franklin, Mae
Thornton, Charlotte Knight, Josie
Shumate, and Mrs. Chas. S. Walker
Miss Wade will return to her home
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris Murray of
420 T Street, N.W., entertained last
Friday evening, Nov. 28th, with a
Dutch Supper, in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. C. Brown of Newport
News, Va., who were their house
guests. Among those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. C. Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. E. Puryear, and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. O. Walker.
Miss Ethel Ray who has been the
house guest of Miss Esther Pope!, has
returned to her home in New York
Miss Margaret Taylor of Baltimore
and Miss Rebecca Murphy were the
house guests of Mrs. M. E. Armistead
during the holidays.
Miss Ruby West of Baltimore, was
the guest of Miss Janet Foster, dur
ing the holidays.
Miss Viola Williams and her sister
Mrs. Ralph Webster, of 1946 2nd
Street, N.W., had with them, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Brown of New York City,
as their guests for Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton and
mother-in-law Mrs. Eva Thomas, were
the company of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Smith on a motor trip Sunday, Nov.
23, to Moganzia, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bayley of
Sheepshead Bay, N.Y., and West
Palm Beach, Fla., arrived in Wash
ington, Wednesday, Nov. 26, to attend
the Howard-Uincoln Football Classic,
while here they were the guests of
Miss Mary E. Saunders of, 1900 6th
Street. N.W.
Mrs. Eunice Rutledge and Miss
Grace Miller, popular school teachers
A Gift that Every Woman
Will Appreciate -
We Have
" Brooches ^3^
in^^ (-A
” $lO to SSO « ^I.OV $7.00
. ...... Sterling Silver Bracelets $ .76
Birth stone rings $2.50 Gold Bracelets
Gold Lockets $1.50
Gold Chains $1.50 ■■
Pearls, 34 inch string $1.50 °L’R STORE 7<l)C
Clocks $2.50 is OPEN
AU kinds of Beads 50 „ VB „ INr , Vour choke TT
V V O K n EVENINGS of solid gold IJU
Fancy Ear Rings 50 ®
cuff buttons *■
of Roanoke, Va.. were the week-end
guests of their cousin Miss Isabelle
Miller, 1815 T Street, N.W.. during
Thanksgiving. Many social courtesies
were extended the popular young la
dies. while in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crisp, Mrs.
Herbert Green and Master George La
vere, all of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr.
Henry Dudley of Chicago, 111., were
the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Webb, 1773 T Street, N.W., dur
ing Thanksgiving week. While here
they were extended many social cour
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Rudisill, had
Which Funeral
Director Would
You Choose?
The One Who
Combines Ser
vice with Sym
pathetic Under
A Complete
Funeral for SIOO
John T. Rhines & Co.
Funeral Directors & Embalmer*
901 3rd Street. S.W.
Private Ambulance
Phone, Franklin 3108
We Have Gifts for
Your Every Need
Our line of Carving sets
will attract those who de
sire to give something use
ful. We have some as low
188 $2.50
Toilet Sets,
$7.50 to SIOO Bargaiß Price
• • • « 1
as their guests during the Howard-
Lincoln game: Mrs. Delacy Rudisill
Grecian-Donawe, whose husband is
pastor of Price Memorial A. M. E.
Church, Atlantic City, NJ., Miss Lil
lian L. Rudisill and Mrs. Joreatha
Rudisill Isler of Charlotte, N.C.
Est elleEtelkaPinkney
Teacher of Piano and Singing
Studio 1937, 13th Street, N.W.
Phone, North 10082
Relief from the Anxiety of
Funeral Arrangements
The people
realize the in-
S® numerable de
tails connected
V with the direc
. tion of a fu-
neral. No de
■ tail, however
sßla 11 • e a i’*' ~
» jFSMBR' < ur careful at
■ tention. It i>
care that
makes our Fu
nerals run quietly and smooth
ly, with an atmosphere of quiet
Funeral up
Funeral Director
When in need of our service
Call North 5750
Private Ambulance