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LOCALS Bachelor-Benedict Reception Baria LWashihgtoa was at its height in affording entertainment for its guest; who were in the city in at tendance at the “Football Classic c the Year” during the Thanksgiving Day holiday season, at the reception given by the Bachelor-Benedict Club. Thereception was given at the Od Fellows' Hall. The ballroom was ar tistically decorated with balloons ii colors of Howard and Lincoln, the two schools contesting for football honors on Thanksgiving Day. Elec tricicaiiy operated lights were pro vided which at intervals during the dances transformed the room into a fairy like dell, and at other interva. the effect was as though snow flakes were falling upon the dazzling cos tumes of the guests. Arriagements for the reception were ni the hands of the Persona Committee of the Club composed of Dr. John K. Rector, president; Nor man L, McGhee, secretary; Dr. W. B. Garvin; Captain Arthur C. New man, Dr. R. Frank Jones; Attorney John W. Love; James E. Scott; am J. F. N. Wilkinson. Among the guests at the reception were Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Bowden, of Atlanta; Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Curtis; Dr. and Mrs. Emmett J. Scott; Dr. and Mrs. Leon Tancil, of Chicago; Miss Clarissa M. Scott; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and daughter, of Chicago, guests of Miss Mae Irwin, of Freedmen’s Hospital; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilkinson; Dr. and Mrs. Henry P. Weedon, of Lynchburg, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Francis, St. Paul, Minn., Miss Ada Brown; Miss Emily Brown, Denver, Colo.; Mr. Davis As berry, Philadelphia; Mrs. A. Curtis Daly, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace, New York; Mrs. Amy White, Baltimore; Mr. O. W. McDougad; Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Mcßae, Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Abbott, Chicago, Dr and Mrs. Hopkins, Wilmnigton, Del.; Dr. and Mrs. Maceo Morris, Phil adelphia; Dr. Roland Milburn. V, il mington, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. Winton Harris, Baltimore; Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Washington, Jersey City; Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Curtis; Dr. and Mrs. R. J Warrick, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ahnond. Philadelphia; Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Pelham, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chestnut, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Royal Weaver; Mrs. Laura Pyles; Mp and Mrs. Neil Harris; Dr. and Mrs.' Mar shall Ross; Mr. Lester Freeman, Chi cago; Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Cherry; Dr. and Mrs. Merrill Curtis; Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Daly; Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dowling; Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Harris; Mr. and Mrs. E B. Henderson; Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hunton; Dr. and Mrs. J. Hayden Johnson; Dr. and Mrs. Arthur McKinney; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Murray; Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Mit chell; Captain and Mrs. Arthur C. Newman; Dr. and Mrs. John K. Rec tor; Mr. and Mrs. James Scott; Dr and Mrs. Charles Tignor; Mr. an<’ Mrs. Samuel G. Willis; Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wilkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Glad stone Peters; Mr. and Mrs. Josiah 1 Settle; Dr. and Mrs. Walter Garvin; Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Jones; Dr. and Mrs J. E. Lowry; Dr. and Mrs. William Wethers; Dr .and Mrs. William G Lofton; Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Savoy; M«- and Mrs. Addison Scurlock; Mr. and Mrs. Emory B. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Houston; Dr. and Mrs. Miltor Francis;* Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Hous ton; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McDuffie Mr. and Mrs. Tally R. Holmes; Mi and Mrs. Stanley R. Malone; Mr. at Mrs. Jerome Osborne; Mr. and Mrs Haley Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. Rober Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Houston Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Mehlinger; D and Mrs. C. Harris; Mr. and Mrs Wendell Tucker; Dr. and Mrs. W. I Howard; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haynes; and Mr. and Mrs. Maurici Clifford. Dr. and Mrs. York D. Garrett, Jr., Mrs. Beatrice G. Parker ana m.. ard H. Parker, wife and brother of Mr. I. L. Parker, motored from Tar boro, N.C., to witness the Howard- Lincoln game. The regular monthly meeting of the Mother’s Club of the Garnet-Patter son School will be held in the Gar net School, Tuesday evening, Dee. 2nd at 8 o’clock. All members and mothers interested in their children are urged to be present. 12 St. Christian Church Pending the call of a pastor for the 12th Street Christian Church, the pul pit is being ably filled by Geo. F. Hughes, an Elder, of the Church. His discourses are inspiring and pleasing. The Magnolia Socialite Club met at the residence of Mrs. Jeremiah Haw kins, Friday, November 21st. Mr. Omega Ware and Miss Beatrice Ware entertained visit'ws f-nm r' * —- The guests were Mi» Eileanor Robinson, Miss Robinson auu I i Miss Merees. Mr. and Mis. Wm. S. Hawkins and Mrs. E. O. Allen of 309 R Street, N.W., entertained as house-guests over Thanksgiving and the week-end Miss Edward Esters and her sister, Mrs. Robt. Lewis from Atlantic City, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Mills, Bal timore, Md.; and Mr. Erskine C. Rob erts, Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Beatrice Page and Miss Jose phine McDaniels of Pittsburgh, who attended- the Howard-Lincoln game vere dinner guests of Mrs. P. A. Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman P. Socks, of Lincoln, Md. They were also accompanied by Mrs. Thomas L. Jones and her granddaughter, little Antonette Tucker of Washington, D.C. Rev. W. H. Brown, pastor of Seaton Memorial A. M. E. Church of Lin coln, Md. .received a telegram on Thanksgiving day of the sudden death of a daughter living in Boston, Mass. The body was sent home to Annapo lis for burial on last Monday. Mrs. P. A. Scott and Mrs. Julia Gibson went to Annapolis to extend the sym pathy of the church and community to the bereaved family. Metropolitan A. M. E. Church Second Choir Sings The Metropolitan A. M. E. Church Second Choir, James L. Hunt, Direc tor, gave a Sacred Song Service at Miles Memorial Church, Sunday to an appreciative audience. This choir which was recently organized, i? proving itself beneficial to the church in general. It has a membership of fifty voices. They have received* sev eral engagements to sing at different churches of the city. Mr. anil Mrs. Nelson Churchman entertained their out-of-town friends who witnessed the Howard-Lincoln game, Friday afternoon at luncheon. Among those present were the Misses Lizzie Brown and Katherine Ward of Charlottesville, Mrs. F. S. Grant of New York City; Mrs. Simmons of White Plains, New Jersey; Dr. R. W. Buckner of Newark, N. J. and Dr. J. Presley of Hot Springs, Va. Miss Grace E. Peters of 13th Street, Northeast, had as her guests on Thanksgiving day: Miss Ruth M. White of Baltimore. Md.; Mr. Hill of Trenton, N.J.; Master Burton of the same state; Miss Mabel Fields, of Baltimore; Mrs. H. Phelps of An napolis, Md.; Mr. Charles A. Wilson formerly of Trenton, N.J.; Miss E. B. Rogers of New Haven, Connecticut; and Mrs. D. W. Williams of New York City. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ross, 619 Flori da Avenue, entertained their out of town friends to the. Howard and Lin coln game, Thursday evening Novem ber 27, at dinner. Among those pres ent were Dr. and Mrs. W. Jackson of Baltimore; Dr. Perry Cheney and friend of New York; Miss T. N. Brown and Miss Katherine Ward of Charlottesville, Va.; Misses G. Brown and A. Jackson of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. S. A. Churchman. Miss Gertrude E. Winters-Gassa way of New York City, was the guest 'f her mother Mrs. Charlotte C. Robinson during the week. She re turned to her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand D. Lee, of 923 R Street, Northwest, entertained at dinner on Thanksgiving day. Their guests were: Mrs. Lillian Ruffin, of Newark, N.J.; Miss Vivian St. Mau rice, of Newark. N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. McNorton, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Elzy, of New York City; Mrs. Wm. L. Lee, of New York City; Prof, and Mrs. J. D. Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scott; Miss Cora B. Mason. Mrs. and Bishop E. D. W. Jones en tertained at their residence 1739 S Street, N.W., at luncheon, Saturday, at high noon, Dr. Mary Fitzhugh Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wat kins of Chicago, Mrs. Martha Davis of Rochester, N.Y., Mr.s. S. M. Dud ley and her sister of Norfolk and Mr. Henry Slaughter of the Odd Fellows Journal staff. The Bishop left Sunday evening for Florida to hold his far Southern Conferences. He will sail for the Virgin Islands in February. Mj^s Katherine E. Beard returned Tuesday from a month’s visit in the Carolina s where she accompanied Mrs. E. D. W. Jones, visiting the con ferences of the Bishop. She made a special trip to Salisbury, N.C. to visit Livingstope College, the guest of Mrs. J. C. Price, the widow of the great educator, Dr. Joseph C. Price, founder of Livingstone College. MRS. GARVIN AND MRS. CLRTIS HOSTESSES Mrs. Walter B. Garvin and- Mrs. Merrill H. Curtis were hostesses at » breakfast dance at the Whitelaw Hotel on Thanksgiving morning in compliment to Mrs. Charles Thomp son of Chicago, Mrs. Charles Gar rin of Cleveland and Mrs. Willard Grinnage of Phila., who were here for he Howard-Lincoln football game. William T. Benjamin, of 1815 18th Jtaeet, -Northwest, who spent the summer in Worcbeater, Mass., has re. THE WASHINGTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1924 utrned to the city. Mr. Benjamin i? employed in the office of Representa tive Samuel E. Winslow of the fourth congressional district of Massachu ! setts and actively participated in the । recent campaign. He addressed sev . eral political meetings in that district. i Trinity Baptist Church Mrs. R. C. Anderson of Chicago, 111., lectured and sang a solo at the B.Y.P.U. services on Sunday, evening, i November 30th at the Trinity*Baptist : Church. The Men’s Club is rehearsing for the big old folks’ concert and musical jubilee to be held on December 18th and 19th. The Young Ladies’ Club gave an entertainment at the’ residence of ^Mrs. Hattie Kirkland on Thursday, evening, December-4th, for the benefit of the SI,OOO rally. Mrs. Edith Davis is president of the club. The Bible Class is held each Tues day evening in the downstairs audi torium of the church - . Mr. Herbert Willis is the president and Rev. A. H. S. Johnson is the instructor. The Pastor’s Aid Club will have a 1 special sermon delivered by the Rev. I Campbell on Sunday evening, Decem : ber 7th at*J p.m. The Sunday School, B. Y. P. U. and Bible Class, jointly will present the Rev. Holloman, pastor of the Second Baptist Church in a lecture “Travels Through Africa’’ on Tuesday even ing, December 9th. Mrs. B. M. Sybot of this city was thp guest of Mrs. Lizzie I^imes dur ing Thanksgiving. The Ladies’ Social dub of Bright wood, Va. met with the president, Mrs, Johnson. A delightful session was held. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cusberd of Jer sey City were the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cabaniss of 1523 S Street, Northwest. While here they attended the Howard-Lincoln game. Among the visitors to the Thanks giving football classic were Mr. Joseph F. Trent, Mr. Royal S. Weaver and Dr. C. W. Dorsey, all of Phila delphia. Mr. Neval H. Thomas of Dunbar High School has returned from New York where he attended the meeting of the National Board of Directors of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frazier of New York City have returned to their home after a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Norman Harris of 1735 S Street, Northwest. Mrs. Frazier is the sis ter of Mrs. Harris. Ml^Roscoe Conklin Bruce has re turned from a lengthy stay in the state of West Virginia. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. McLeod of 1312 Wallach Place, Northwest, had as their guests for Thanksgiving, Mrs. R. H. Washington of Philadelphia, sister of Mrs. McLeod and Mr. Wm. F. McLeod of Brooklyn, N.Y., brother of Dr. McLeod. Lincoln Congregational Temple At Lincoln Congregational Temple I Sunday morning, Rev. R. W. Brooks will speak from the subject, “An Un-1 willingness to Pay the Price for the Best.” This is an age of short cuts; an age of bargains. The things in I life that are the most worthwhile cost, | and they cost dearly. Are we willing to pay the price? Come and let usi have a sane discussion. There will be special music by the choir. Miss Marion Wells of New York City and Samuel DeMar Wells of At lantic City, N.J., and Mrs. Hortense Biackstone and Mrs. Bertha W. Clay, both of New York, were the house guests of Mrs. Alice Clay Shaw of i4oll Church Street, Northwest. Miss Gertrude C. Peters of Arm strong High Schol is leaving the city with her aunt, Mrs. Bertha W. Clay to enter Columbia Preparatory^chool of New York City. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hobbs of Brentwood, Md., Monday morning, December 1, and left a baby boy. Mr. Lewis N. Jordan and Albert Hawkins left Saturday, November 29 for Summit, Va., where they will spend a week hunting. Miss Alice F. Peters had as her quests for Thanksgiving, her sister, Miss C. Carlotta Peters, Miss Frances Jones of West Virginia, and her cous in, Mr. Charlse Peters. Mr. Peters has recently returned from a visit to England, France and Italy. The engagement of Miss Vermil Mae King to Mr. Augustus C. Saund ers was announced this week by the father of the bride, Mr. Enon King. The ceremony will be solemnized Jan uary Ist, 1925 from the residence of the bride’s father. Miss Edna M. Smallwood enter tained a few friends at her home, 1416 12th Street, Northwest, on Sat- urday, Novmeber 29th in honor of her guest, Miss Rosa Wilson of Nor ristown, Pa. Among those present were Misses Ruth Hudnell, Ruth Sut ton, Phoebe Miles, Irene Smackum, Maude Collins, Beatrice Henderson ox Brooklyn, N.Y.; Laura Coffey, Clarks burg, Pa.; Juanita Mountain, Atlan tic City; Messrs. Hilyard Moore, James Green, Harold Halt, Maxwell Gains, Leroy Payne, De Ruyter But ler, Daniel Wilson, Norristown, Pa.; I and Thomas Lee, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Apex Club held its installation ; of officers, Monday, December Ist a. ' 1725 U Street, Northwest. Business . was well mixed with pleasure, an en i joyable time was had by all. Mr. Leon Jones acted as Master of Cere monies. Officers installed were: John F. Branch, president; Dr. Leroy F. Toliver, vice-president; Mr. F. Onley, secretary; Wm. McK. Lewis,-assistant secretary; Romeo D. Shipman, treas urer; Chas. W. Robinson, business • manager; Albert A. Pleasant, assis tant business manager Robert C. | Smith, social editor. Among the guests^ present were: Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Tolvier, Mrs. Onley, Mrs. Lewis, | Mrs. Braxton, Miss "abinson, Miss Bertha Gaunfrey, Miss Hickman and Miss Jones. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Kelley of 1755 S Street, Northwest, had as then guests for Thanksgiving, Mr. C. I. Bynum of Durham, N.C.; Dr. C. A. Kirkland, and Mr. Duvard Kelley of Chapel Hill, N.C. They came up to’ attend the Howard-Lincoln game. Mrs. Florrie Hillary, Detective and Mrs. Cassey of Atlantic City, N.J., and Miss Ella Brown of New York City, were the guests of Mrs. Emma G. Despert during Thanksgiving week. Mrs. Hillary, Miss Brown and Herbert E. Greene, motored to Arlnigton, Va., to visit Mrs. Lula Stevenson, District Ruler of Forest Temple, No. 9, I. B. P. O. E. of W. "Miss Philadelphia" “Miss Philadelphia,” Miss Renee Little Harris, who attended the How ard-Lincoln game as guest of the Philadelphia Public Journal, was a caller at The Tribune office last week. In the party was Editor and Mrs. Arthur W. Lynch, Miss Dorothea Turner, Mr. Chas. S. Johnson, and Mr. Chas. McClane, all of Philadelphia. Mr. Joseph LaCour, advertising manager of the Kansas City Call, was a visitor in the city last week. Mr. LaCour formerly lived in Washing ton. The Pittsburgh Courier was well represented here during the Thanks giving holidays. Among the mem bers of its staff were: Editor Robert L. Vann; manager Ira F, Lewis; City Editor, William G. Nunn; Assistant City Editor, Julia Bumry Jones, and T. B. Hamilton, Advertising Solicitor Mr. Henry Scott, Sr., of Stanton, Virginia, spent the week-end at the residence of his son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scott, Jr., of 1733 New Jersey Avenue, North west. Lawyer and Mrs. N. Parker of Bal timore, were the honored guests of Madam F. Butcher, one of our leading sporanos, at 516 T Street, Northwest, also the Misses Missouri Webb and Anna Jackson of New Jersey were the charming guests of Miss Eliza beth Yarger, who is residing at the above-named address. The Magnolia Social Club was very beautifully entertained at the resi dence of Mrs. Georgia Gordon, Friday, November 27th, 1924. All present en joyed a gorgeous lunch. The club ad journed to meet again at Mrs. Kate Jefferson’s. On Sunday, November 30, Rev. S. R. Wilson, pastor of the Brentwood A. M. E. Zion Church announced that he had been transferred to the North Carolina Conference, his transfer to take effect immediately. This an nouncement came as a surprise to th< congregation and friends. He ha® served in Brentwood five and one-half months. Mrs. Augustus M. Gray of 1730 S Street, Northwest, entertained at ‘ luncheon for Mrs. Naomi C. Light j foot of Pittsburgh, Pa. Among those . present: Mrs. Naomi C. Lightfoot, Mrs. Garnet C. Wilkinson, Miss Cor inne Martin, Mrs. Fannie E. Taylor, Mrs. Wm. L. Houston, Mrs. Mamie E. Jones, Mrs. Florence Neal, Mrs. Ladra M. Pace, Mrs. Alice B. Thorn ton, Mrs. Rosa B. Thornton, Miss Rosa B. Thornton, Mrs. Samuel D. Milton, Mrs. Julia Jones, Pittsburgh Courier Staff; Mrs. Jennie Baltimore and Mrs. Wm. H. McNaughton, of Cleveland; Mrs. Marie Wilson and Mrs. Berni Alston of New York; Mrs. Hugh M. Gray and Mrs. Hazel Hughes of Bal timore; Miss Thomasine Corrothers and Mrs. Wright of Newark, NJ.: Mrs. Henrietta Burwell; Mrs. Flem ing; Mrs. S. 8. Thompson and Mrs. Maxwell; Mrs. Valerie E. Chase and Mrs. Sam Powell of Philadelphia; Mrs. M. E. Tapscott, Mrs. Ada 'Battle and sister; and Mrs. Withel Mina Butler of Pittsburgh. 11th and U Sts. REID’S MUSIC STORE Phone N. 1234 J A Small Deposit Will Secure Any Article WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE. Music books for all instruments. Popular Sacred and Classical Sheet Music. Student violin outfits from SIO.OO up. Ukuleles, $1.95 up. Stringed instruments repaired. Bows Rehaired Accessories/or all musical instruments. The latest Piano Rolls, Q.R.S. $1.25 and U.S. .75 j All the latest Blues on Columbia, Vocation, Okeh, and Paramount Records C. G. Conn Instruments Sold on Easy Terms V, _ fl Mrs. Nannie Richardson of New ark, New Jersey, spent the week with Mrs. Grace N. Fulcher of 306 2nd St., S.W., to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Jane Proctor, devoted nioth er of Mrs. Fulcher. Mrs. Ratchel Carroll, widow of the late John Carroll of 327 Clarks Court, Southwest, is now confined to her bed as the result of pneumonia. Hugh Maurcie Perry for years the leader of the Ebenezer M. E. Church choir passed away last week. He was a respected citizen, an ideal home builder, a beloved father and an out standing churchman. He died, Tues day November 25th at 11:05 p.m. at his late residence, 124 Carroll Street, S.E. With what profound respect, a city bowed and wept at his passing, a church and choir for whom he had labored foi; more than 30 consecutive years, mourned at his passing. The Young Ladies’ Business Club met with Mme. Blanche Bullock, Wed nesday evening. After the usual en teresting meeting, refreshments were served and they adjourned to meet with Miss Bertie Hosby, December 17th. Madam Blanch Bullock, presi dent; Madam Mntteele Wood, secre tary. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Wright pro prietors of Wrights Hotel, Atlantic City, N.J., Mrs. Lenard Wright of New York City and Mr. J. I). Archer contractor of Norfolk, Va., and wife, Mrs. Bessie Archer, all relatives of Mr. R. C. Archer, Jr., were the Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archer, Jr., 1759 U Street, N.W. Mrs. Jeter Sears of Newport News, Va., spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her young daughter, Miss Gladys Sears, a social bud here and her uncle Mr. John Chiles, at the latter’s resi dence, 318 U Street, Northwest. Mrs. Mary Archer-Bailey of New York, N.Y., is in the city on account of the illness of her aunt, Mrs. Vic toria Archer, 1623 17th Street, North west. Mr. and Mrs. William McNorton of Cleveland, Ohio, were house-guests of Prof, and Mrs. J. D. Baltimore, 1425 S Street, Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. McNorton were honor-guests at several social functions the most brilliant one tendered by their host and hostess. Miss Hortense Tucker, a young teacher in the public schools at Nor folk, was the house-guest of Miss Gladys Sears, of U Street, Northwest, during the Thanksgiving holidays. Messrs. Herman and Ross I arrar, young sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Farrar of Bridgeport, Conn., attended the Lincoln and Howard classic. They were the house guests of their aunt, Mrs. Susan Goodrich. Dr. Joseph Ward, in charge of the Veteran’s Hospital at Tuskegee, Ala bama, spent Thanksgiving holidays in the city, the guest of Dr. Creed W. Childs. Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Donnell, from Durham, N.C., were visitors in the city during the holidays and were ex tensively entertained. Mrs. Donnell was formerly Miss Martha Merricks. Colored Dolls of real beauty, artistic Christmas cards afld novelties in the “Gift Shop - ’ Dept, at BOARDS DRUG STORE, 1912 14th St., N.W. g | | Expert Card Reader | MADAM ZARA H 10 A.M. 10 P-M- | *• E It t H When in trouble call on me. £ 701 6th Street, N.W. • • OAII foot troubles suc cessfully treated. Dr. O. E. JOHNSON 633 T Street, N.W. Phone, N. 5292 Miss Ada Hand of 1623 17th Street. Northwest, one of our most efficien teachers who has been exceedingly ill, is convalescing. Miss Hand is well known not only for her teaching ability, but her kindly deeds. Mr. and Mrs. Al Winston, 1745 T Street, Northwest .entertain'ed quite a large number of out-of-town guests during Thanksgiving. Miss Winstor was one of the beautiful and amiable Farley sisters of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Howard of Fifth Street, Northwest, entertainer many out-of-town guests. Mrs. How ard was formerly Miss Rebecca Mayo of this city. Dr. A. Foraker Evans, son of the late Mr. David Evans and Mrs. Hen rietta Evans, formerly residents of this city, attended the Howard-Lincoln game. Dr. Evans maintains offices in Lynchburg and Lexington, Va. While here he was the house-guest of hi; brother, Mr. Orpheus Evans of O St., N.W. Lawyer and Mrs. Noble T. Wed dington, entertained the latter’s young cousin, Miss Lorraine Grey, a teach er in the public schools of Jersey City. O ARE YOU PROUD g| !g OF YOUR HAIR? B OiTW] Y Olll hair u short, stubborn or ugly CFFMi <nm»alJ you can easily make it grow longer. TjßlllhM^ »°hrr, straighter and more Ix-aulu'ul iWWWk SSSllkj than ever betorc by the use of MSB issw BIHEROLIN^^ POMADE HAIR DRESSING W > BBS jtaa Start today using this marvelous prep- jdH \ fZES gSS?I gummy but will make your L.gLn U / T °" WMMLJ • .1 ■ 7 i i ,« Renowned acertss, famous UMjBNH ^==3 in the sun. It Will remove dandruff. beauty, says that v< SJ3HJ!R tetter and all scalp disorders. Thous- Herolin Preparations are lypWW ands of our race's leading men and *T M * w k* 4 kn<»» >———-- i . % , that she owes her beautiful , g? gSS ,™ “ - I —‘ c» • - IE SB WSTS *s^ Sand 28c for a can today, er you caa vet Herolin nSwSfe Ml Pomade Hair Drecaing from any druggist. LI>JMMj? gas AGENTS: Make Big Money. Write for Term*. gag feHS HeroHn Medicine CO., Atlanta, Ga. Bimm **HV< PROVEN WAY zfuilv^TO STOP FALLING Wj HAIR and DANDRUFF ■WDandruff, falling hair, itching scalp ! w "t baldness are enemies to scalp B y*' d health and the growth of long, D t ■ \ H lustrous hair. Scientists admit J R X a th ey are “germ” diseases and to ■ f ^^ cure them the germ must surely destroyed. There's no longer -'reason germ life, that they attack for having poor, unhealthy only diseased tissue^ tend ’ scalps and dull lifeless to keep the scalp free from | hair. It has been proven dandruff and itch, allay that MADAM C. J. WALK- falling hair, enrich the j ER'S WONDERFUL HAIR scalp, stimulate growth PREPARATIONS are di- and make for long lustrous t rectly opposed to harmful hair. Dorit Cxpe/utnmtZ USE MADAM C. J. WALKERS WONDERFUL HAIRjfeX PREPARATIONS ZW^IX * WORLD RENOWNLD* These and Mme. C. J. Walker’« Skin Preparations for aale by Agents, Drug Stores and by mail 'jhe Madam CJ. V^alKer Mfa / /If WtSf St. r— • Indiarmpelis '•lndiana Lx^ty^Mn PAGE THREE Dr. A. Foraker Evans, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Opheus Evans, and Dr. F. R. An derson, motored to Baltimore, Md. Messrs. W. Vernon Perkins, Lloyd Perkins, of Tenth Street, Northwest, were called to Louisa, Va., on account of the death of their uncle, Mr. Houch Perkins, father of the late John-W. Perkins of this city. Mrs. Samuel Harris of 601 T St., Northwest, entertained several • out of-town friends during the Thanks giving holidays. Mr. J. Stanley Brooks, a native of this city and a product of the public schools charmed his audience in a recital last Monday night. Miss Ce lestine Lott, accompanied. Miss Pearl Adams so 204 Flordia, Avenue, Northwest, a teacher in Arm strong Manual Training High School entertained quite a few of her friends at Five Hundred on Tuesday night. The house was beautifully decorated and the guests were beautifully at tired, befitting the occasion. The tables were filled at an early hour and much enthusiasm was displayed in hopes of winning the eight beauti ful prizes given to those receiving the highest scores.