Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, SATTJBDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, ISO. 3 Pick oe as you would your doctor. Get the best shoes your money will buy. We have practically rev olutionized the shoe business in Washington. The dars of poor shoe leather, bad fits, and high prices are over. Our success has been phenome nal. We have probably not made as much money as we should, or would, had we asked the same prices prevailing elsewhere so much the better for 3'ou. This season we shall carry on the same policy of "fine shoes at lowest prices" and trust to your increased patronage to average up the profits. We shall lead this fall with three specials heads and shoulders in value over any elsewhere -viz.: 5 Styles Ladies' SJioes 6 Styles Children's Kino well-made School Sboes,buttoa and lace. While we have Children's Shoes at ftc good ouos-'wo recom mend those as extraordinary French Vici Kid Sboes.hand e w 1 and equal to other's ? jO bliops. This season, value. $2.48. 51.25. M oore's Shoe Palace 810 7TH ST. ta SSSSVPsXssSiiSSS Just Tell Us How 1 cu would lite to have the payments avanced weekly or monthly. Wo w 11 grade the amounts so that you Will scarcely jntea the money. YOUR PROMISE Buys all the Furniture and Carpets necessary to complete housekeeping. Vlt new fall stork is HERE six Ws double floors full, and we are going to sell every dollar's worth of it J No notes for you to sign no inter est to pay "We want your PATRON AGE, and we give credit simply as an Inducement for you to buy here. Our cred.t prices are other people's CASH rri ea I'Juhh or Haircloth Parlor Suite choice S22. SO. ft lid Oak Bed Room Suite, HZ. Splendid Brussels Carpet, 60c per yard Reliable Ingrain Carpet, 85c. per yard. 11 carpet made and laid free of cost. No charge for waste in matching figures. Bolid Oak Extension Table. $8.60. 40-jiOund Hair Mattress, JT. Woven Wire Springs, $1.76. To Pay ' GROGAN'S MAMMOTH CREDIT HOUSE, RWC1-M3 7th Street Northwest, Between H and I Streets. FUNERAL PRICES REDUCED. S. H. HINES, aud Embalmer. Main Office, 2808 8Ei.u" fourteenth btreet northwest Branch iC"-o ran Four-and-a-half street southwest. Twer.ty ve-ain' experience in the busineis, and frst- ss 'work guaranteed. Arrangements can 'e ir u Je with ue for funerals in. any part of the 1 LSvl states. To' nnihed Coffin, without class $1500 .- 4 armslied Coffin, wltli giase 25.00 " j ",arr..Bhed Casket, with glass 8500 o C i a'Tushnd Casket, better grade 45 00 7 I ia . t loth Caket. with glass 50.00 ". - Ma k Cloth Casket, with glaw ....... 86 00 r. t j Ta. k Cloth Casket, with glass 75.00 :- -'J 1'An.rk. Cloth Casket, with glass 65.00 Veto1 ie Caskets furnished in proportion when Je -"1 It will cost you nothing to investigate curj'-.-'-i seB-6mo FOE EXCHANGE. " TY T' ITY OF SS00 IX D. C UNIMPROVED ,tl t j e-ry; deferred payments without intor e", T .bur tutu lot This is a good Investment A-,---b 1 V I1AM.E. tui3 office. selMt SPECIAL NOTICE. " O T 1 NMEXT sLE F CONDEMNED MA VJ 1 1 UL AND FIRMTCXE ON WEDNES : VI I i r 1H. ltm, AT 11 OH IXK K A. M., wo w Wl nt public auction in the yard of the Pat er ' i a quantity of condemned articles, i - i g of a lot of old copper roofjuxr.matting, - a lot of old furniture, tu dx hs is used i- -i riT,aruneuL By order or Vm.TlI. Sims, V I i cve retary of the Interior Departm en t. .Jr -MAS DOWLING & CO , AueUoiWrs. eepl. 1 17. TIIi.K SCHOOLS OF THE DISTRICTOF A OOLUM1IIA. -le r.nnual teachers' meeting will he held ol S J l i , the 15th inMnnt. a& follows: J I 'h division, at the Curtis School, 9 a. m.; st i i&ion, at the Denieon. 10 a m.; Sixth Z ' , at the Franklin, 10:10 a. m.: Second .. i V, at the Seaton. 11 a. mi.: Second diri i r i it the bales, 1130 a m.; Third division, at "V.e ullaefa, 1:80 p.m.; Sixth division, II, at ' e lylrr,i!p in,: Fourth division, at the J eff er e 2. j j in ; Seventh division, at the bumner. 3 zr. 'hth dlnekm, A and B, at the High " l 1 ' p m a ils of admission to grades below the nigh i o 11 be issued at all the school buildings 'jliJUAl and SATURDAY, September 14 and I , r in R to 10 a. m. and from 4 to 6 p. m. each Ilp j rjncipals of the High Schools may bo .' -: 1 iu their respectire schools at the time ir:M aljove la'- n'c or guardians are requested to apply r " iieart school building for tickets or for I li & it n. y -1 i-r of the Board of Trustees of Public sc --it J. G. FALCK, Secretary. A Fin De Sieole Love Story. i I"n llv rather liked amateur ttipntHcnlu nnd that vas the reason she rojoiced keenly in the dramatic situation in which she found Irrsclf. She was aware that tho glaring sun light nouring in through the windows Lock I Lfr n ade the little room almost crudely I right The Are flashing on the hearth added a touch of color. The wall against which rfie leaned was white, too. If she had spent , weks In arranging it she could not have had n background against which her slight, bla-k-robed figure and her dark head would fcuv- appeared in such vivid contrast. This intense delight in picturesque eitua- Your Man 6 Styles Men's Shoes Fine Calf Shoes, hals, and congress, all stylos of toe; soft,don't creak, and equal to the "exclusive" $3.50 shoes. $2.98. SE3HE3QUiESS DR. SHADE'S DISCOVERY UNDER INVESTIGATION. Quite an Undertaking and Respon sibility. Chapter two of The Times' investigation of Dr. Sonde's treatment of consumption is des tined toirow more light upon the wonder ful cures iat ho is apparently effecting and Rive to t'je public that information which it is evident the medical fraternity is only too anxious to withhold. The Times' man yes terday called on Mrs. Wo. F. Bender, 1232 Siith street northwest Mrs. Bender Is en joying exrellent health and expressed her Eolf as willing to say anything that would tend to bring Dr. Shade's nnino into promi nence, adding that she believed that she owed her life to him. Continuing she said that she had been attracted to Dr. Shade through an announcement that had appeared some years ago in one of the -local papers. She" had been sick for about Ave years, suffering from hemorrhages of the lungs, and had been treated by seven different doctors at various times during this period. None, however, benefited her in the least, and all finally told her that they were unable to offer any en couragement or even aid her, and that the disease had become so deeply seated as to be beyond thoir help. "It was about this time that I met Dr. Shndo nt his office, 122 Fourteenth street. I was scarcely able to walk. My limbs were much swollen and the hemorrhages had be oome of such frequent occurrence that lifo was scarcely worth living. Dr. Shade told iae that he would not promise to euro mo, but would give me some comfort and would prolong life. I placed myself under his treatment, and in about three months' time the ouunge in my condition for the better was of such a marvelous nature that I my self could scarcely believe it possible. In fact 1 was well, and aside from the use of an inhaler, which the doctor had recommended for the exercise and strengthening of my lungs. I did nothing more. This was two years ago, and I am as well as I ever was and am able to do as big a day's work as any body of my size. I tell you, sir, it was really wonderful. No one expected me to live, and when you look at me now and fee a strong woman, you -nay readily imagine that I cannot say too much in praise of him who brought about this great change in my con dition. If there are any sufferers from this dread disease In Washington, who are groping about for relief. I would be glad to talk to them and recommend them to the care of Dr. Shade." The Lady Who Shops Will find here a largo assortment of the Latest Designs In AUTUMN aud FALL SHOES, at prices below all others. Here is a few of thorn, iz.: 2.85 for Shoes others will charge $100. -' 65 for Shoes others will charge 3.50. 8 00 for Shoes others will charge 4.00. 2.50 for Shoes others will charge 5.O0. 4.S5 for Shoes others will charge 6.00. Also sizes 1, !. 2, and SHI of Ladles' $2 Russia Calf Oxtords, and sizes, 2, 24, 3, and 3y. of La dies' J2 50 Hand-turn Dongola. Common Sense Oxfords for 69 CENTS. THE WARREN SHOE HOUSE, GEO. W. RICH. 919 F STREET, Remember number, as we have no branch etoro. Bpn'l Take Ghances. There is but one BR0M0S0DA and that's the one you want for head ache, bralnwork, nervous debility, and indigestion. Everybody sells It Made by W. It Warner & Co., Philadelphia and New York. tions was buoying her up now. She regnrded Mr. Frederick Allington, who had worked himself Into a state of dramatic rage, with an almost impersonal feeling. The flashes of light from tho ring he had thrown fiercely on the floor, the glitter of 'his angry, beautiful, gray-green, eyes, his ringing denunciation of her cruelty and treachery, all served to give her a sort of grim amusement Her eyes, which were black, but as inscrutable and pas sionless as eyes could be. told him something of this. So did the expression on her thin, finely formed red lips. He stopped for a mo ment in tho midst of tho denunciation and glared at her. "This Is vastly amusine to you, isn't it?" he flashed. 'I am enjoying it," acknowledged Emily, calmly "I could almost fancy myself wit nessing a tank melodrama." "He looked at her helplessly for a seoond. "V 'P THE SHOPPERS' GUIDE. As advertised in The Times. Millard Price &. Co. Eggs always in stock; grocery and hotol trade a specialty. Co-opcrativo Town Co. Lots on favor able terms. The Warren Shoe House Ladles' S2 Rus sia Calf Oxfords, only 00 cents n pair. Washington Flyer Cyclo Co. Bicycles at less than cost. "VVillctt & Ruoff Dunlap Fifth-Avenue hnts. Columbia Park Lots for S30 each. Whiting's Ladies' Felt and Straw Hats. Grocan Choice Plush or Haircloth Par lor Suite, $22.50; Solid Oak Dcdroom Suite S13. Emrich Beef Co. Special Saturday prices in meats. Win. Halin Special sale of Boys' School Shoes at 75c. to $2.50. Moore's Shoe Palace Not a Shoo abovo $2.08 in the great special salo of high quality goods. Locb A. Hirsh Full supply of reasonable priced .Men's Fall Haberdashery. Saks &. Co. Those $12.50 Suits that's enough said. Lansburgh &. Brother Four specialties at less than cost price. See adv. , Parker, Bridget &. Co. Boy's School Suits at $2.00. Garner &. Co. Kneo Pants, from 25c up. Robinson, Chcry &. Co. All Wool, perfect fitting Boys' Suits for $5.00. Droop &. Sons Pianos for $5 a month. Fcrd Frank Shoes for school children. 75c. to $1.25. II. Frlcndlandor &. Dro. Boys' School Suits, from 85c. to $2.50. James Y. Davis' Sons Vonmnn's New York Hats. George Spransy Fall and Winter Suits, $10. To-morrow's .Menu. nilEAKFAST. , Cairo's li er aud bacon Fried potatoes. Sliced cucumbers. Corn bread. Coffee. I.ENCH. Broiled oysters on toast. Potato chips. Tomato salad. Sponge cake. Peaches and cream. Tea. DINNER. Vegetable soup. Oysters on the hall shelL Ragout of Mouton. Green corn. Baked sweot potntoes. Romaino salad Steamed I'ench Pudding. Fruit Pistachio i-e cream. Coffee. Broiled Oysters with Hotel Sauce. Drain and 6eason tho oystera with salt and cayenne. Dip first in melted butter, then in bread crumbs, and broil over a clear lire un til very light brown. Servo on toast with sauce, as follows: Add to ono cup of fresh, made drawn butter tho juico of ono small lemon, chopped parsley, minced onions and thyme, cayenne pepper, and salt. Beat while simmering. "The Times'" Fashion Hints. As white Is all the rage, and according to Dame Fashion, intends to remain so. wo may expect to see it with a numbr of combina- tions for tho next two or three months. Among the prettiest is ono of white serge with dark blue braid trimmings. The jacket has flaring reverse of serge with braid an inch wido put on about a short distance from the edge, straps of tho braid cross tho bust and fasten with pearl buttons on each side. The overskirt is confined with tho straps of braid and buttons running lengthwise of tho skirt, and the small toque of rough, blue straw trimmed high in front is a flttmi; crown to a very neat dress. A Short Story. CHAFTEK I. Lonely maiden on the beach. CHAITEB IL Carried far beyond her roach. ciurrEii in. Shark attracted by tho sound. FINIS. laves the maid from being drown'd. Boston Courier. -- The Season's Novelties. Bocks for women. Shoes of brilllant-hued leather, cut in an exact oopy of those that men are wearing, and to be worn all winter. ' Hats which are trimmed with hearse plumes and bonnets which are tfio most grotesque stunned and hurt. If sho had It in her heart to mnke a remark like that when he was spoaking to her from his Tery soul well, sho was right, and the sooner the engagement ended the better. Ho walked towards a hideous, glittering, mnrble-topped tablo where his hat was lying and took it up slowly. "I think you are quite right, after all, Emily," he said, thoughtfully. "If this visit to my poor Bister's homo has convinced- you that there is too little in common between' us to permit us to marry well, Emily, your cold-blooded attitudo to-day hns convinced me of the samo thing. You don't caro to marry a man whoso sister lives in a crude new Western settlement nnd has crude new "Western ways that might shock your cul tured Eastern circle. I don't care to marry a woman whose tastes would load her to en Joy vivisection." croaturos ever conceived by tho French mind. Gloves with buttons as largo as five-cent pieces. WILL CONTEST REVIVED. Big Legal Fight Over the Estate of the Lato Allan McLnne. A great will contest was rovlved before Judge Cox yesterday. It waB ovor tho estato of Allan McLano, who lived at 1500 Vermont avenue, and Was worth hulf a million. The ulll was con tested by his daughter. Anno Croppor, and yes terday exceptions by her to the accountB ren derod by the executors wore ably argued. Coun sol for the plaintiff are Jorum ah Wilson and Blair Lee; for tho defonso. Gordon & Gordon. A decision was not reached. McLaue diod in tho wintor of 1691. His will was tiled December 22, that year, dated March 27, 1888. It gavo to his second wife, Abby K. Mc Lano, tho house in which he II vod horo and other valuable property, and in addition one-half of the reslduo of his estate; also to any child that might be born to himself and his second wife he ga o one-fourth of tho reslduo of the estate. The other fourth was to go to his daughter, Anne Croppor, wifo of John Cropper, together with his summer homo, "Gillian Lodge," nt Nnrra gnnsott Pier, and "tho San Francisco water lot proporty." which came from her grandfather, Ebon Knight. This is estimated worth about $100,000. In en bo thoro should bo no issue of his second marriage, a fourth of the roslduo of the estate was to go to the testator's brother, James L. McLnne, to bo held In trust for the use of his daughter, Anne Croppor. On Janunry 22, 1802, Anne Croppor filed a pe tition against the admission of this will to pro bate, assorting that she did not believe It was her father's will, and if it were ostensibly so it was yet procured by unduo lnUuenco exorcised by his wife, Abby K. McLnne. and hut brother, James U McLnne. John S. Wise and Blair Lee wore her attorneys. Authority to make collec tions was given on tho samo date to Blair Loe and Jnmcs L. Mt-Lnno with $.0,000 bond. After a long legal fight en February 23, lb93, the n ill was adnilttotl to probate, and within a reason able timo thereafter tho executors were t-nlled upon to ronder nu account The last papers in this wero filed Juno 11, 1891. When this was rendered Mrs. Croppor, thiough counsel, made numorous exceptions, nnd in August yesterday was set for hearing tho argument. The contest has given the lawyers some good fees Enoch Totton and Gordon Ai Oonlon got 53,000 encli, and Bernard Carter .ViOO Other legal oxpeiibes amounted to nearly $1,000. FORTUNE FOR A LOCK TENDER. George Scamnn Falls Heir to Part of Old John McCaffrey's Kstntc. Tho boatmen along tho Chosapeako and Ohio Canal are agog ovor tho windfall which It is said has coino to the children of George W. Seaman, a lock tender on tho cnimL They, with Mrs. M. I". Rico, tho wlfo of a lo.-al photographer, are said to be among tho principal heirs of John McCaffroy. an acod capitalist who died hi Chi cago iho past summer, leaving an estate of about .OjO.OOO. McCaffrey, it Is said, was a canal boatman living nt Hancock, Md., in 1812 when ho married a woman named tirnham. ho ha J soino money. It is alleged thnt ha deserted hr after gottli.g sotno of hor inoiioy. His children by his set er. I marrinces sotttrcd nnd now ntvitpy widely dif feient s clol pOMtionb. ilie tmonmo tho ulfo of tonuinn, th" runal tender, nnd nuoiherof 1'ho tograplier 1 1 a Now word has boon rocelved from Chlcneo that McCaffrey amassed n fortune there nnd that tho children ho lelt behind are the heir. Attorney Crafts, or a well known Illinois firm. Is here investigating the matter of kinship to Mc-i Caffrey. KAF.P.IED. CLARKE COLLINS On Wednesday, Septem ber 12, 18CM. by Rov Samuel M. HurtsocU, at the residence of tho bride, SiiRLLBY CURKE nnd FioitEr.CE Dale Collins, both of this city. No cards. DIED. tiATNEY Siuldonly, ou Friday morning, Seji tombei 14, liM, i.t 3.S0 oMuck. JOHN AiOYMV-, beloved sou of Patrick and Mary Galnoj, aged llu months,, eleven days. Funeral from his grandmother's residence, SI Jnckbon street northeast, to-day (Saturday) nt J o'clock p m Relatives and ftionds are invited to attend HALLORAX-On Friday, September II. 1RM, at 3 o'clock n. in., GEK ilium:, infant daughter ot Matthew F. and Mary Boadlo Hallorau, aged thiee months Funural from No. 22 K stioot northwest to-day (Saturday) nt 4 o'clock p. in. Relatives and irionds invited to attend. Helena, Mont., papers please copy. MAGINNTS Oil September 12, 16UI, at 12 p. m., William II. Maoism Ftmernl to-day (Saturday), September 15, at 8:30 o'clock, from his Into residence, 1007 Third btreet southeast Requiem mass at St Peter's Church at 9 o clock. McKENNA On Thursday, Septomber 13, 1891, nt 0:20 u. m., Gr.onnE P., eldest son of John and Margaret MoKenna, aged twenty-four years and ten months. Funeral from tho residonco of his parents, No. 1412Th1ttr-fourth street, this (Saturday) morn ing at 9 o clock Cumberland papers please copy. PUMPHREY On! hursday. September 13. 1S91. in Anne Arundol county, Md., .Mrs. G.Emma I'UJiniREY, mother of Carrie D- aud Walter Pum phroy. ROGERSON Suddenly, nt tho residonco of his parents, 1219 Linden streot uorthoast, on Thurs day, September IS, 1S91, nt 4:10 p. in , William C. Hoout-ON, Infant bon of William nnd May E. Rogerson, aged one year and ono week. Tho funeral will take place on Sunday, Sep tember 16, at 3 o'clock p. m. Friends aro re spectfully invited to nttond. SIMMONS On Thursday, Soptombor 13, 1S9I, Lester Mokuis, infant son of Charles L. andSusio It Simmons. Funeral to-tiny (Saturday), Soptembor 15, from residence of parents, 37 G streot southwest Private. SMITH Doparted this lifo Soptombor 11, 1694, LaukiS., beloved daughter of Annio Smith and mother of Louisa Smith Carson, In hor flf ty socoud year. Funeral to-day (Saturday) at 1 o'clock from Second Ilnptist Church Tent. 1021 Third street, between K aud L stroots northwest. Friends of tho family respectfully invited to attend. New York papers copy. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. "TT.OR SALE A BARGAIN A COMPLETE AND well-arranged Job printing offlco. For par ticulars nddress PRINTER, this oClce. It T70R SALE FURNITURE OF12-R0OM UOUSE; J? 7 rooms pay rent and $10 clear; would clea S100 with boarders; owner leaving city. 90 E st. nw.; cnll betweon 12 and 4. selE-3t BICYCLES AT LESS THAN COST Tho Washington Flyer Cycle Co. nro soiling out at auction prices to mnko room for thoir '35 models. 427 11th st. nw. se6-tf If You Don't Win THE- Seventh and D, Will Furnish You One at a Special Price. Emily's pale face flamed. She didn't mind being called a vlvisectiouisr, n jilt, n treach erous coquette. But she most emphutically did mind having Frederick think her a snob, a rude, ill-bred person, who indulged in in ward criticisms of the woman whose hospi tality she accepted. Hor dramatic apprecia tion of the scene departed. "I am glad," she said, cuttingly, "that wo nre so well agreed about not caring to marry each other. But I must beg you" her black eyes blazed at him and her head was haughtily orect "I must beg you not to at tribute my desire to end our engagement to anything but my indifferenco towardjyou!" Then 3Iiss Burnham swept angrily from the room, the train of her black silk gown drag ging for an inch or two the glittering dia mond loop which had beeu put upon her finger not three months boforo. And her lover felt as aharp a pang at seeing her de- Wc Guarantee 16 Ounces To the Pound. Your Saturday MARKETING Should bo done right In our stores. It's a matter of dollars and cents, time and troublo with you. No walking around looking for what you want every Kind of meat you may want, fresh eggs acd the like nil displayed beforo you priced an Item lower than the others '11 ask you. 2 pounds of. Sirloin Steak ngp 2 pounds of Tork Chop's ORo 2 pounds of " Lauib Chops O K q Prime Rib Roast, per lAp poutid IWU Hind Quarter of Lamb, per I O r pound IVL Sugar-cured Smoked Hams, Ar pouud l-rt Sugar-cured Smoked Qir, Shoulders, oound 2" 8 pounds" of Good Lard Ogp Fmrich's "Clover Cream ery," " Prints nnd "Coun try Rolls," equal to tho bost QCr butter 2Jcand -" Fresh Eggs, per dozen...... OC Now York Stato Cream IK Choeao, por pound IJL 8 pounds of Vienna Sau- nc sago or Bologua for ,J GNowMackerel UC All goods delivered promptly. Order by telepUono if you like. Our number, 817. MRICH Main Market and Grocory I306--i31232dSt. BRANCH MARKETS: 8057 31 St. N W. 5th and I Sts. N. W. 21st nnd Iv Sts. N. AV. 2nd iz Ind. ave. X. W. 20th St. & Vn. ne. N W 1718 Hth St. N. W. 13th St.& N.Y. ave WW. ,2020 ltth St. W W. 8th aud M Sts. N W. ith ami I Sts W W. PERSONA".. BEST OILS, RELIABLE PAINTS, VAPOR Uuld, stains, 31 per gallon; white and col ored lend at lowest cash market alue at YOUNG & CO.'S, 711 Kst nvr. sell-lino DO YOU WANT TO MAKE ONE DOLLAR AN swerfortwo1 Then know that you can do so by coiimii: to us for an elegant suit or over coat, slightly worn; this is tho place. JUSlll'S OLD STASH, G!.i D t. nw. selO-tf 'ROF. GUY, GIFIED CLAIRVOYANT l lilblNh-S-S .MEDIUM, Tells pnst, present, and futuro; ad!ce on lovo I attars, m.images. lases, or speculations; tells , ho to ovorcomo your, causes speedy mnrriaees, brings separated together," lellrt ' everything, settles love s' quarrels, tolls what business nest suited for stpeedy riches Don't buy, sell or go a journey until you it.nult Prof. CL.iY.i!dest n 'isietlnlvrtls mrcntroyant in this !)' Sittings, CO cents. Hours. 9 a. m. to 9 p m.; opoii Sundays. WJ II street betweon lour-anii-n-half r.ud bixth els. s.w. au5-lui H WonderfJl Woman. Dr Jnno H. Irvlig, the Creates' Sot ond -eight Seer nnd Forecastor of coming eents, liAft ittz. 10fER OF ANY Tvo Mhlli.t oL EVtR IET. DR. IR1NG tell jur loniplbto past, jour present life, your ontl e future. What you t-hould do to avoid trouble or dlj.appolatment; how to recover lost or Melon propr rty iho pre dicts important eent long be!oro tliey happen. No hidden niyMi'iiesfcoiIoejishecannui. utttoni. Come, tMvho suffer, and be healed. ('in. ye speculators, and he aavi9ed. Lt me. yo lovers, nnd win your Idols. Come, nil who nro in trou ble, and lenrn to bIcs- Hi s wonderful medium, the greatest prophetess in Vineries. iat!sfnctioit by malL bend stamp for circular. Ofllco aud residence. C1C FIFTH STREET. NW., Washington, 1) C. This iBdy is indorsed by tho press, clergy, and thu public iu genernL rpllE LADIES' FRIEND MOTTS HOM020- X pathic Pills lor all femnlo complaints, ob- ! etructions, and all dlscnsos produced Jrom irreg- I marines; no taste or smeu. t or salo only at .No y06 B street southwest sepl-Sm SANATARIUM For nervous and cutaneous disease. Scientific electrical treatmeut in acute and chronic trouDles, paralysli, rheumatism, sciatica, etc. Tumors reduced, hairs removed, etc. 707 12th st. DR. TAYLOR-U06 F ST. NW. MAKES BEAU tiful Sots of Teeth for $5.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. Fillings at low prices. auiu-lm SEA SALT, CAUINEl' VAPOR, PLAIN AND needle sDray battm; alcohol rubblhgs and scientific massage; rooms cooled by electric fans; open daily, 9 to 9.30. Mrs. ADD1E SULLI VAN, 60til3hth at. nw. aulti-lino f 1ARINET. VAPOR. PLAIN, AND MEDICATED J sea salt and sulphur baths; electric and magnolia treatment: alcohol tubbings. Dr. SARAH WAYCOTT, 722 13th st. nw. Open Sun days. .11114-1 mo CAPITAL STEAM LAU NDRY M.aT K Kli, proprietor, 512 Eighth st,nw. Telephone 1613. Laundry work in all its branches neatly exe cuted at reasonable rates. HYGIENIC HEALTHFUL. THE HARDEST THE BEST. MADE OF PURE SPRING WATER. Telophone 44. Office 1423 Fst. r-w. MRS. CARY, 1C02 7THST.NW. I GUARANTEE to convinco the most skoptical on past, pres ent, and future lifo, law suits, divorces, love, and marriage, gains the love of thoe you desire, overcomes evil intluences, gives names in -full of those you have or will marry. All information truthfully ond accurately given. Call and bo convinced, as soeing is belioviug. Hours, 9 to 9, except Sundays. JeltMimo LADIES COMFORTABLE HOMETbEFORE nnd during confinement; best medical treat, ment; babies adopted; female complaints treated by experienced physician; confidential Mrs. Dr. RENNER, 131 3d st. n. e., Washington, D. C. jelO-ly FOR RENT ROOMS. COLUMBIA HOUSE. 10th and E sts. nw. Pleasant Furnished Rooms for Rent sepll Permanent or Transient. tu,th,s on-; K STREET NORTHEAST, LARGE, OJtO nicely furnished front room on second floor; heat, gas, bath; reasonable terms. sel5-3t VJTCELY FURNISHED ROOM, 310; LARGE 1 bay window front room, 6 windows, $10;nlco back room, $7; tablo board, if desired, fl5. 231 Mass. ave. lie. sel5-3t TO RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH board, for two gentlemen. PASTORFIELD'S CAFE, meals 15 and 23a, C1G Louisiana ave. n.w. sel3-7t COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS; FIRST class bods; very reasonable rates; central location. seB-7t 706 13th st. nw. FOR RENT. Handsome office rooms in Tho Times Building; moderate rent. Apply in Counting-room, sell-tf part as though he bad not made that interest ing discovery concerning her cruel nature. Vhon Emily reached hor small bedroom and locked tho door bohind her she failed for the first time since her arrival to shudder at the stained pine furniture, the elaborate tidies and tho advertising pictures which hung on the walls. She was hot and hurt. To think that Fred had discovered beneath her remarks about "incompatible tempera ments" a dislike for inartistic lifo so strong as to be in itself inartistic! Then she sud denly nskod horself If it were not true. Wa3 it not indeed a shrinking from neat, ellusivo, utterly commonplace, somewhat poverty stricken Sister Lucy that had caused ,the gradual cooling of her liking for Sister Lucy's brother? Hnd auy mean-spirited comparison betweon the faded little woman and the bright, vivacious, well-bred, well-kept women of her own set been instrumental in making A Well-Served Dinner Sharpens tho appetite and makes the eating doubly enloyable. Wn'r fast bnHilln?vi enviable reputation on the excellence of our dinner. Best of everything exatsltKiy cooked and well served. We're making a specialty of early dinners from It a, m. to 2 p. m. A splendid dinner for only 0 cents. Late dlnaew, 50 centa. From IS to 7. Y"euoai not eat good meals and pay le-is for them anywhere. HOTEL EMRICH, Pennsylvania Avenue, Near Sixth Street Northwest. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Peerless Leicester Terrace, Upon the Pennsylvania Line, Between Washington and Baltimore. Become a lot owner and one of the proprietors, sharing pro rata all surplus earn ings. Unrivaled location, railway service, terms, or prices for home-seekers or invest ors. Money advanced to build. Agents wanted. Call or address Room 8, 482 Sixth street northwest, for literature and Information. AMUSEMENTS. TENTH ANNUAL Agricultural Fair OF THE GRANGE CAMP ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER 10 to 22, INCLUSIVE, On Thoir Beautifully Located Grounds, ALEXANDER ISLAND, U, Live Stock AND POULTRY Opens September 17. The largest exhibition of blooded stock ever held in Northern Virginia. Entries of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry have been re ceived from the most prominent breeders of Vir ginia, Mnryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, and the District of Columbia. -j-ijr: Includes ovor S00 entries from 1 nt four States; representing POULTRY eeT known variety; also , many entries of pigeons, dogs, SHOW and pet stock. $15,000 In Purses and Premiums. Special Attractions Saturday, Sept. 15. AMATEUR TOURNAMENT FOR $Z0 IN PRIZES. RIDING TO START AT 11 A. M. Grand Baby Show For priics worth 50 All moth -rs are Invited to eutor their babies in one of the following classes, and wilt be furnished with free admMkm to gtouiuls. Entries clone nt 1 o'clock p. m., and Baby Show in main building, S until A p. nt. Class ! Babies under 1 year oid. 1st prize, i. pom Bp,.t:iace nd chKrm; 2d prize, solid silver powder box. QaSe O. Babies over 1 year andunderSL . i8; prij;,,, solid silver cap. 2d pnae. handsome set of gold dress but - tons Qlpoc 3- Babies overS years and under 3. 1st prize, solid aii er child's set: 2d prize, solid silver spoon and fork. A SPEGIL PRIZE FOR BEST TWINS RATES OK ADMISSION. ' Slng'n tickets, 10 cents. Children under 16, 25 ceuts; undtr S years, frf' Fa-nily tickets, good for no'drr. h's wife, and 6 children, $1. au-h the papers, for each days programme. Trains leavo the Sixth street depot for Alexan der Island, S.40, 9:15, II 50 a. m.; 1:40, 3:2J, 4:25, ami.") p m I. D JONES, ALEX. .T. WEDDERBFRN, Prosldont. Secretary. FOE RENT HOUSES. F TOR RENT HOUSE 13CS Q ST N"W, LATELY entirely refitted,? rooms, bath, large lot,30; or with 1 room resened, J23; also stable In rear. Inquire on premises 6 p. in week days selo-3t 1?OR RENT II-KOOM HOUSE: FIRN1SHKD X1 thrr.u;hoa; all m. !.: ill health the reason for renting; retmW term-; centrally located; near Pa. ave. Addres ALONE, this ofllce sel4-3t FOR RENT 6-ROOM BRICK HOUsE. 414 f st. nw , $23.50; aho 2 4-room alley bouses, 409 nnd 411 Ilollidge court, bet 4th and 5th sts. and O and P nw., $10 per month. HARVEY SPAULDING, 631 M st. nw. se-5-lm FOR SALE HOUSES. CHOICE OF SEVERAL NICE, NEW 6 ROOMS, bath and cellar brick housesjin ne ; east front: near car lines; all m. i ; rented at 16; only 12,400; $300 cash; balance to suit. sel4-3t THOis.J STALKY, 602 F st. rpHE CHEAPEST AND BEST HOrSE IN THE X city; now, G rooms; large cellar; furnace heat; pressed brick front; handsomely papered; wide alley in rear; M SL nw ; only 1,70; 5400 cash; balance monthly sol4-3t THOS. J. STALKY, 602 F st. -f7 OR SALE 12TH ST., BET. U AND V STS. J nw.,3-siory. 12-room press brick dwelling: all mod. imp.; 2-story stable In rear: lot25xlC0 ft; price, J6,00a A. S. CAY V. OOD, 988 9th st. nw. sopl3-3t WANTED. -TirANTED-l WHITE AND 1 COLORED MAN II to solicit orders for lifo-swe pastel and crayon portraits on weekly payments; my men are making money; call at once. J. IL CON NORS, Installment Portrait House, 427 11th St. nw. se!5-2t TT7ANTED-2 GOOD, ENERGETIC AGENTS. 1 For particulars address j. a. marceron; se!5-3t .Belvedere HoteL WANTED-DESK ROOM IN OFFICE BUTLD ing where typewriting could be secured; rent to be paid in work. Address Box D, this office. sel3-!!t "YT7ANTED STAMPS; AGRICULTURE. STATE. t War, and all other departments; good collections, and old U S. for cash; if you have anything to sell write to me. W. J. WALKER, P. O. Box 237. se!4-7t WANTED TO SELL CONFECTIONERY, ICE cream, and cake stand nlso good stand for lunch business; op-i. G. P. O.: object, change of business. FRANK H. REUTH, 719 N. Cap. st. nw. se!4-3t TO INTERVIEW LIVE, ENERGETIC, KE llable. industrial insurance agents wishing to better their present arrangements. sep6-tf Address Box 33, Warder B'ld'g. WANTED IT KNOWN J. E. BRENNER, 409 Warner Street, cures smokiup chimneys, makes latrobes. ranges and furnaces. Gives sat isfaction or no charge. Spouting and fob work. Prices rock bottom. sep9-7t WANTED ALL BEER DRINKERS TO CALL nt Bush's new place, 817 7th st. nw., and get a nice bottle of beer for 5 cents. au21-lyr WANTED THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT I have opened n branch store with a full line of birds, cages, feed, aquariums, gold fish, and pet animals at 1221 Pa. ave.; main store, 712 12th st. n. w SC11MID. Je23-3nio her decide that she didn't care to enter Fred's family? There on the bureau was Fred's photograph. Its frame was a simple enough one of dark leather, but it hnd an air of elegance that mocked tho plainness of tho room. Emily went over and took it In her hand. Tho eyes looked out at her frank, steadfast, and gay. She thought of tho bitterness anil coldness in them when she had looked upon 'them Iat. Then 6he threw herself, sobbing, in one of the tidied chairs. s It was rather lato that evening when Emily had recovered sufficiently from her "sick headache" to go downstairs. She did not trail down in one of tho lovely, inappropriate gowns that made Sister Lucy's bare rooms look barer than ever. She wore a gingham, and went out to tho kitchen, humbly request- w C. M. EMRICH. Proprietor. SUBURBAN" PROPERTY. fijirsrae inwn fimnan uFy,uu,u lUHHUUIIipUIIJJ AMTISZMESTS. "VTEW NATIONAL THEATER. -La Next week. COMMENCING MONDAY SEPT. 17. Sale of seats Thursday morning: Reguar prteesi ai.S, 9 1, 75, 50, and 25c. GRAND OPERA IN ENGLISH. Special engagement of the VARTR TA VAR Y GRAND OPfcRA COMPANY. Tho Largest, Strongest, and Most Carapleto Operatic Organization in America. UNDER THK SOLE DIRECTION OF MR. CHARLHS IL PRATT- A brilliant array of artists, iarlndlng Tavary, Mariani, Kosianl, Von Doeahotf, Dorrs, Seott, Guill, Clark, Warren. Merles. Hill. Hamilton. Schuster, Dudley, ami Witt Craad Lhoraa and Orchestra, Signer JCraerieo Morreaie, Biiafeal director. Monday, "II Trovatora?" Tssday, MCanenr" Wednesday mat, "Bohemian Girh Wednesday night, double bill, "Cavalteria, RnsticaBa." -I Pagliacei;' Thursday, "Lohengrin;" Friday, "Faust:" Saturday mat., A Popular Opera; Saturday night, "Tannhaouser." seltWt 46TTTHAT A "WASHINGTON YOrNG MAN V Did with Hfa Money." wilt be talked about Sonday night y Pastor . Hez Swem. Seats free St-cond Baptist Church, Fourth. Btreet and Virginia avenue southeast. It ALBAUGITS GRAND OPKRA HOCSH Kdw. H. AHon Manager TO-DAY AT 2. TO-NIGHT AT 8. The Champion of the World, JAMES J. CORBETF, In the American Comedy Drama, GENTLEMAN JACK. Under the Personal Direction of WM. A. BRADY. Next Week "A Wild Duck," a seesic fare comedy. Seats now on sale. It BUTLER'S BIJOU THEATER THE? WKb Frkea always the same 15, 25, 59, and 71 Next Week Cora Van Taaaelt la Tenaessoo Pardner. Week of 24 John L. Sullivan. s3-76 K KENAN'S LYCETM THEATER. ALL THIS WEEK. The City Sports Big Show, Introducing the 4 NELSON SISTERS 4. The Acrobatic Wonders Pheneiaeaoes Extra ordinary. Next week C. W. WilMama Specialty Company. sepSMSs ATEW NATIONAL THEATER. L Every evening. Wed. asd Sat Matinees. Primrose &Wesfs Bi Minstrels. 48 WHITE and 30 BLACKS. N ext week Ta vary Grand Opera Co. seS-;f ACADEMY Prices. 26c, 50c., 75c., and U Every Evening, Wed. and Sat. Matinees. Our Uncle Dudley A SUPERB CAST OF METROPOLITAN FAVORITES. Next Week "On the Mississippi aeS-tf: OLD DOMINION JOCKEY CLDB on the grounds of the Grange Camp Association of Northern Virginia. Five rases will be run each day. First rac st 2.30 P. M. Trains will leave Sixth Street Depot at I2L30 and 1.40 p. m. Returning at5.M and 3. p. m. Improper characters wUI bo: be admitted. Admission - 50 Cents. GENTLEMEN'S DRIVING PARK FOOLS SOLD and BOOKING .ON ALL RACING EVENTS Train leave B and F. depot at 9:45 and 110 a. m.. 13:50. 1:40, and 338 p. m. Fifteen minutes to Alexandria D lying Paris station, near Alexandria. Va. UfTrans porta tioo. re funded to all patrons. anlS-3m MISCELLANEOUS. TTIUHET PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND AJL .harness. sepl3-lmo S. D. HOCCK. 901 10th st. rw. FOR WHITK LFTTSHS FOR WINDOWS. Mens, and numbers for booses, all shies, go to Enamel Sttnt Company, MS Pa., ave. . BURNETT Manger. A reward is offered fee all letters dropping off. eeS-ttt w ACS INN CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS, AND C3GARSL 433 Eleventh st nw. LEGAL BLANKS. LAW PRINTING. 11IE LAW REPORTER COMPANY" Printers and Stationers. CIS Fifth st. n.w. M. W. MOORK. Manages X0NEY TO I0AN. MONEY LOANED-ON STOCKS, BONDS, trusts, life insurance policies, syndicate certificates, etc No delay if you have tfce se curity. iERKES BAKEK, 17 Son ButMbuc sepia-U -TT'-SHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN COM V I pany, will lend you fai and upward oa forni ture, pianos,horses, wagons, ,tc.:ao publicity and property to remain In your undisturbed posses sion; loans paid in part or in full at any time to suit the convenience of tho borrower, aud any part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan, in proportion to the amount paid. WASHING TON MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, m f st n.w. lel-3m "rONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSBHOLD FUR niture, pianos, horses, carriages, wnsosa, &c; tho property will remain undisturbed in your possession; terms easy; lowest rates; private offices; all business strictly confidential; you can have the meaey the day you apply for it; payments can be saado on the principal at any time; each payment made will lessen the cost of carrying" & loan. Please call on CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO.. 6Q F st. nw., main floor. ty3-3mo inp: that she n.ight be allowed to wipe the dishes. Lucy protested, but finally yielded, and by and by, when Fred, white and bac-gnrd-lookmg, came in. expecting to hear that his ex-affianced had started for the East, ho found her contentedly drying tumblers. "You didn't know that I was so accom plished, did you, Fred?" she asked, a Mttfe tremulously. "It will be convenient if you ever lose all your money to have so afcle a wife, wont it?" And as Fred gasped out something: that sounded suspiciously like "my daxlisg." Sis ter Lucy ru-hed forward to reseue a glittering something which Johnny wa3 earnestly en deavoring to roll over the top of the range. "Why, Emily," sho exclaimed. "Your ring'." And Fred put it onco more on. Emily's ila ger. New York World.