Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, SATTJR DAT, SEPTEMBER 15, 1894. We are Ready lor tbo Boys. Bring them In to !tay. Let us St tbom-wkh one ol our now and- nobby School Suits, and you'li be proud el them Monday when tlwy start lor sobooL It costs very little tl3 season Ho dress boys won. The abort punts wearers, from i to 16" years, oon got an olegant ALLVW00L, well naia, parfeot-fitting, fashionable suit ior 35, one -which -will give ENTIRE SA33SFACTT0N, and that "WE'LL bo 1TBBPQNSIBLE for to the last thread. & big assortment of them. AVI new !46 as& patterns. Hats and Furnlsh lasg.400, of every description, bat in -'r ibe reHable qualities. Robinson, Cherub Bo., Gfothes, Hats, Furnishings, Twelfth and F Streets. Furnishings Cannot be bouprht to better advantage anywhere thaa uere. You'll get noth ing that isn't stylish and you'll pay less than an equal quality would ooet you at any other bouse. Fall Hats. Several new styles to choose from. Soft Hats. Derbys, and Silk Hate at every price Hats that took well, wear well, and keep ibeir eolor. Colored Shirts Are ia TOgue. Unlimited chance for a tasty choice here. Neat patterns. Some have cuffs attached, others separate; some 'with collars, others without, l'noes, 1.00, L25. and $1.50. Fall Neckwear. A splendid assortment of the latest productions ju Four-in-Hands, Made up Ties, and Club Ties, in our 50-cent assortment. Loeb & Hirslio Men's Hatters and Outfitters. 912 F St N. W. SHOES FOR f SCHOOL CHILDREN T Sumld be rtrouR, stylish, Y ftsbaptity, well-made, well-fit- A ting, and durable. V fe VS. HA E THEM AT TdKSE PRICES; fy a TScMtaees' Grain Butt on Boots. T TOc kUaee' Domgola, Pat lip. Button. V . c Misewi' t-prttig Heel Kid Boots A US Mimes' Indestructible Button or V Narrow, Broad or Square Toes y fT5o lto6 "Ironclad" Bate a K i Boys' -Wearwell" Bate or Button. y f!i 25 Hove" "Nonesuch" Button or Bate. a :te Ol-ildB Button Boot. y f75 UikSs' "Tn4rfoot" Boots. A 1 lui :n p this week our little friends V at will be preenld with a large, A Y useful tatflpt and pencil. $ l FERD. FRANK, $ J 1606 Fourteenth St. 7S. W. J f 333 Pcnn. Ave. S. E. f GIVEN AWAY! IN EVERY DOZEN Months, at tbe rat? of 5 00 per rooath, will kh e yob a title to a Flue Square Piano Ijook at that t , f A A I Knbe" we've got for w-wu i Droop Sl Sons, STEIXWAY WAXO WAKEROOMS, 921 Pa. Ave. x i "Treaty Tree" 5e Gigar. ? Best for the Money. T It's a ctar Ravanna fHler and 1 ft ponuine Sutnmarra wrapier a w T wirb Binokt) equals many 30c X At cigars W T rtvery clear you buy entitles ' A 5u 1 a wuion a wundred ton 8 f bandcotiM ptcturn of the tutttlet&ip ' A "w York" or "1'hUadrtptna " 9 7 t9Ti your par man don"t ban- j A dU tbfin drop us a postal we'll W ? ee tbat you are supplied. ' J JAS, L BARBOUR & SOH, L JlIPOKTESb AST) JOCSEBS, C14, 616 Pa. Ave ft &&&&'&&&' g-D--gS- Dunlap 5th Ave. Hats. First In the field first in quality flrwt in atylfl first in the hearts of imetaeae and professional men. MUtB," "eoft" and "derby" blocks. Other Derbies, $LS0 up. WillBt & RUoff, 905 Pa. Ave. HEADQUARTERS -OH- Shannon LettBr Files, Filing Cabinets and Binding Cases. ALL OFFICE SUPPLIES. Office Specialty Manufacturing Co,, 1324 G STREET N. W.f TYASHIXUTON, D. C. tu,th,t JACKSON'S FAREWELL SHOT Colored Piiflilist Docs Not Think Cor uctt's Manifesto Worth Anstvcring. LEAVES CORBETT THE FIELD Peter Goes to tho West Indies and Is Uncer tain "When Ha "Will Return to This Conn try Ho Is Glad Brady's Scheme Did Not Pan Out Satisfactorily. New Your, Sopt, 14. Peter Jackson -will sail to-morrow morning for tho "West Indies and was given a farewell banquet to-niht by several friends. He does not know when bo v,lll return to thi3 country, and in an inter view said: "I onnuot see what tboro Is to say. Cor bott may bavo it all bis own way now, for I'm oil to tbo West Indies. I am glad I broko up Ilrady's scheme. That will al ways be n source of satisfaction to mo. I leave the whole field to the great champion. ne ann talk. I shall not reply. I nm classed ns a brokon-down fighter and acoused of ilsh iug for a go with Slavin, also called another broken-down lighter. It is proper thereforo that broken-down fighters should class with themselves. So I Ieao Corbett in full charge. "I shall -think mjiuo when I-ara away of that island ia tho Jlissouri River where the light was to have been held. They say tho tides are wonderfully stroug out there. AYhat if we had been squaring off nt high tide? Roth Drowned' would havo been tho news paper headlines. I shall never again answor anything Corbett may say. Ho has tho Held to himself. I certainly do not think his oilor to light in a room, etc., ifa worth nnswering." Result of Yesterday's Games. St. Louis, 1; Kkw 1 ore. 0. 2Co other games scheduled. i The Championship Record. v. i jvt i w. Tj. ret. Baltimore.. 78 96 .fiCT Pilteburg.. S3 69 .40G New York.. ?S -W .faMl Chicago.... fit GS .:?. Boston. 76 .644 Cincinnati.. M OS .-Jiii J'ltlla'pm.. 88 SO ..'7 t Louis. .. 4S 70 .407 Cleveland.. 5 M .646 Waoh'ton... 4'-2 70 .356 Brooklyn... 53 51 .51S Louisville.. i b5 .2S0 hogan savi:d Tin: day. Giants "Were Prccntcd from Scoring by the Browns' Right Fielder. St. Loos, Sept. 14. In the eighth inning Hogan made a wonderful catch and shot tho ball down to first, putting out Davis, who was returning from second. This double play shut out a ruu for the Giants and lost themthe game. Jloekin kept the homo team down to three hits, ono of which was turned into a run, and an earned one at mat. JJrf it enstein was reinstated to-day and will pitch in the last game pf tho series to-morrow. At tendance, 1,400. K. H. E. New York 0 6 0 Sl Louis. 13 3 Batteries Clarkson and Miller for SL Louis, and ileekin and Farrell for New York. Karned runs 1st. Louis, 7. Stolon bases Da vis and Hogau. Double plnys ljuinn, Ely ami Connor. First base on balls Oft ClnrKson, S; off Mctkm,2. Hit by pitched ball By Clntkson, 1. Struck out By Meekiu, 4. Time 1 hour and 53 minutes. Umpire Mr Hurst ..Miscellaneous Sporting "otcs. Senators to-day at Pittsburg. A. A. U. championships to-day nt New York. Almas Temple, Mystic Shriners, leave for Philadelphia this morning for a return ball game with Lulu Temple. The Kentucky Derby distance has been re duced to a mile and a quarter and the Oaks to a mile and a sixteenth. A feed dealer named Gibbons wns fatally injured at the Latoaia track yesterday by a horse exercising. At Graveseod yesterday Taral. on Connois seur, bumped into Owlet and Havoc, tne tlrst named being disqualified. Results on the Running Turf. At Graveoend: Oily Gamin, Knlula colt, Diabolua, Hurlinsltam, Galilee, Owlet, and Yictorious. ntris fir to-day: First race One and oiie-smrenth miles. Dob bins, 12; Kd Kearney and 1'eter tho Great, 107 eacb; llarnnptoii, i.eunville, Antipode, btone liellie, ajul 'lliuiston, 301 each, and Lire Uuk.107. Second ra-e Hm and oue-half furlouga Rubicon. 116; Jack of Spades, 112; .Maid .Mat ion and Armitage, 109 each; toreerer. 103; fet. Felix, 98; Wernbere, 1M; Chattanooga, 100; ilelba, 102, and Wlen, 8. 3"hird racfl Sis furlongs. Ltsnk, 125; Flylnt: Dutchman. 116; Gutta 1'eroha, 110; sah aiion and Dotabra, 107 each; hhawdow Itanco colt and Favor oolt, V eacli; liarry Boed, 117; Counter Tenor, 118; The Coin, 111; Mr Gilahnd, 107; Handapuu, 105; Kenuel, 95. and Henuanita, 02 lounli race One aud ont-fourtU miles, blr Walter, 122. and Banquvt. 119. Filth race One mile and a furlong. Hatch. Domino and Henry of Natarre, 122 oacli. Mxtb race Five furIons- Manchester, 113; Th BluCer, 107; Second Attempt, 102, Ir DIson, Jr.. Kinp Gold, and J-ouise filly, OS each; Bizarre, Si; C herry HIosmhh colt, 157; Mosquito, 103. Lollle Kastun, 102, aud Bartow King, Franklin, Chicot, and finite, 95 er o'. beventh race ne and one-aixteenth milea Gallopinc Kinp. 112; Illume, Kmin Bey, and Co quette, 100 each; ur and Dance, U7; Madrid, 107; .Jack lSe nnd Harry Alonzo, 100 each; l'lenty, 87. and i c.utyro, 87. At Latouia: Tariff Kwform, llonry Young, Whin", t lemenline, All Ot er, and j:iva. Lntrios for to-day: Fir-t rac' Six furlongs. Jlary Allco Law rence, i-hawnee. Charm, -Marie V, olsli, and hosi nette, 9 eaca; Boyal Ladj- and Dollle, 101 each: HtidcwHi, Cavlein lip. Buth V., and Glidaga, 103 eac-h; Flutella, 104; Harry Lyman, 105; Lyons and isanooap, Iflo each; Annex, 107; Balk Lino, ion. and hcotland, 109. elndrae Fiw furlongs. .Tulla O , Sovillo, Brtha, ttehen, Ctaijecture, Furo Bolicht, and Annie M., 103 each; Suifty, Bridget, and Linet tin, lOTi as-u. Third rac One and one-eighth miles. Sell ing. Kli and Behploudpjit, 100 each; Darevela, 102; Lehmau, 111: Oak.tod, 115; Hums; 112, and Henry Young, 120 l'ourth tacc One mile nnd seventy yards. Xewjiort alakes. 1 hree-ycar-uldss. Soiling. olt. 9G; Trt-inona, 87; King Charley, 09: Flore iiiiua and George l!eok, 1IW each; I'ovtunla, 102; Kgbart.lOi; Bhett Good. 105; J'oarl'i-ong, 107; BuckwaandSelila, 111 each, and Bey El Santa Anita. 127 Fifth race On mile. Selling. Tom Elmoro, Sibter Aidta, Charlie McDonald aud Arapnhoo, 97 ch; l'enrli-ong, Uight More, King Charley, 1'eytonia aud M. Maxim, 100 each; tlinty a, 107; KusselK-ra, W; Wighlman, Bolivar, llucknor aud syntax, 110nch . blxtti race Five furlongs. Julia Arthur, Mountain Madge, Isalrel, Gurgle, Lily of tho West. Poytoiiia aud Lillian C, 105 each; Cathe rine, 307; rayue llellii and Jane, 110 each. At Harlem: 1 ciiius. Lulu T., Madeline, Englo Bird, bailie Calvert, and Highland. Entries for lo-lay: Firfct raco Seven furlongs. Miss Bowett, Artie Fern, Mrs. BradsUaw, Bnnton, Hillsboro, Florry JSyerb, (Jill Curry. James V. Carter, Ha cienda, Hampton, nnd Maggie Smallwood, 102 each, and Nephow, Buenos Ayres, and Housa tonic, Jr , 105 each. fecond race Ono milo and soventy yards. Jmp. Wolsey, Ki; Kvanntus, Kr2; Linda, 101, and Debracy and Wahatchie, 105 each. Tliird race Two and one-quarter miles. Tho Hrrlem Cup. Billy McKeiizie, 7S; Paulus, 00; Kinp Mac 97; Wild wood, 109; Bessie Bisland, 10G, aud Blue Banner, 107. Fourth race Six furlongs. Katie B., 85; Made Hue, 8S: Jsebuchaduczxar, lie Jure, ami Miss Alice, 97 each; Midah, 105, and Monterey, 114. Fifth race Six furlongs. at, I'nncras, 9i; Madge Doree, Vancluse, and Gold Dust, 85 each; V rren Lnlnnd, 87; BeKe Koster, 8S; Levenac, 91; Kico, 96; Goialdluo, 100; Highland, 303; Lll5e,107; Senator irby, 115, and CnptainBrown, 117. GOOD THINGS "WENT .WRONG. Ada Blue and Lum Upset the Calculations of the Island Talent. But for the defeat of Snap and Ynruna tho Alexander Island talent would havo had a good day, asTexatioa Ally, Classic, and Ben jamin filly wore the winning faorites. Tho only drawback was the very short prices at which these three were held. A very re markable sight wns tbo riding of Slack' on the Manola gelding. The jockey's skillful handling of his whip nnd his apparently des perate efforts in the saddle to do something or nothing resulted in Presiding Judge Oyster giving Slack a timely word of caution. Tho nttendnnco was largo and betting fairly active. Summaries: How the Horses Run. Track fair. A Q I First race Five furlongs. Solllne. fc04: Purse, 9100. Time, 1:05. Jnn. JIort and tot St. AX Fin. Joektn. 41S Ada Blue. 110.... 4 4 3 It Burns. 474 Snap, 110 1 Wi Verhla. 112.... 8 U0 ltadiaut, 110 5 45(i Craftsman. 110.. 2 4 1 Fno Bovurly, 110. 7 It 2 4 21 McKnight 3S Kuchen. 5 4 0 0 7 7 I'arson. Johnson. Stansmiry. Koblnaon. 403 MollioDavis.llO. 0 l'"nlr stnrL Won handily. Betting Ada Bluo, 15; Snap, 2; Vorbla, 6 to 3; Badiant, 10; Crafutnan, 10; Fanulo Beverly, 10, aud Mollio Davis, 12. i Q K. Second race Four furlongs. Maidens. "'J-OO Purbe, $100. Time, 0i3i Iud.Horc ana tec St H St- Fin. Jockty. 4m Vexation nily.HS 1 1J IS 15 Robinson. 475 Manolagolu.,117 2 2 8 24 Slack. Why Kot, 119.... 8 3 ih 3 Stansbury. Good start. Won enslly. Scratched Vorso, 113; News, 113, and Plcka diuo, 110. Jlotting Vexation filly, 1 to 3; Manola gelding, 4, and Why Not, 10. I Q Third raco Four-and-one-half fur iOO longs. Selling. Purse, $120. Time .57i. hid. Uoree and tct St. St. Fin. Jocley. 400 Lum, 102. 3 li PaxEon. (470) Varunn, 98 1 (474) Ctiteriou, 101 3 3.50 Imp. Jone, 90.... 4 1 In 21 Murphy. m 04 uonnson. 3 4 4 McKnight. 5 6 5 King. 477 Xeedmoro, 102... Good start. Won handily. Betting Lum, 30; Varuna, 2 to 0; Criterion. 6; Imported Jeno, 0, and Needmore, 40. 4rrQ Fourth raco-Slx furlongs. SellinB. IQ Purse, $120. Tlmo, 1:16$. Jnd. Horn and ici. St. H St. Fin. Jockey. (401) Classic, 88 2 1 It 1 Donnelly. (472) Mayor ., 99 1 25 23 2 McKnight. 472 B. Blackburn, 93. 3 8' P !fi Murphy. 453 Hemet, 102 4 4 4 4 King. Fine Btart. Won galloping. Scratched Gloster, 99, and Daybreak, 92. Betting Classic, 1 to 4; Mayor B.,7; Belle Blackburn, 7, aud Hemot, 30. 1QQ Fifth race Four furlongs. Sailing 00 Purse, $120. Tlme,0j49. Jnd. JInne awttcL SL M St. Fin. Joeley. (4S2) Bonjnmln, 102.... 1 11WU V, Johnson. 470 Trixy Gardnor,93 3 4C2 Speedwell, 93.... 2 2 25 M Donnelly. 35 84 3S Murphy. G 5 41 King. 4 4 6 McKnight. (4G9)SeIah, 93 5 439 Pr. Bohlda, 99.... 4 J air start. Won easily. Betting Beniamlu, 7 to 10; Trlxy Gardner, 7 to 5; Speedwell, 10; Selah, 40, and Princess JKhelda, 60. Card for To-dny- First race Four furlong. Index. Hone. 117. 395 Haytlenne gld 111 479 Pathway...... 114 453 Verncity filly. 103 4S1 Mollio Davis.. 131 352 Majorlluges.. Ill 409 Prince Albert. Ill Jndes. EoriK WL 474 Soprano 105 474 Garnett colt.. 105 4C0 Columbus 105 478 D. of Glouces'r 105 431 Little Captain. Ill 431 Lithograph 111 Second race Six furlongs. Index. Horte. VTt. 445 Jolly Boy 91 470 Suspense geld 95 473 Brogan. fc8 Index. Horte. JTt (470) Miss Modred.. 100 (450) Lura 100 470 Windgate 89 Third race Six furlongs. Index. Horte. H't (451) Gloster. 1C0 477 Mamie B.B.... 90 450 Tom'y Brophy 'JO 451 Wild H'ntress 90 132 Lady Gay 300 Index. Horte. Wt. (477) Tedd Gegg.... 95 (404) Benvolio 95 4bfl McKeever.... 90 467 Quartermas'r. 95 4S7 llemet. DO Fourth race Four nne one-half furlongs. J Index. Horte. Wt. 4S2 Kessomer 92 4S1 Snooks 95 Judge Post 95 Index. Horte. Wt. (452) Mary B 92 4S3 Black Child.... 92 Fifth raco Four furlongs. Index. Hone. Wt. (4fiS) Meadows 99 (4Ss) Benjnmin 99 400 Masher 102 4b0 Flagrant 94 Index. Horte. Wt. (483) John M'Gar'gle 109 473 Honest Tom 94 486 eedmore 97 Selections. First race Columbus; Garnett colt Second race Miss Modred; Lura. Third race Tedd Ocgg; Benvolio. Fourth race Bessemer; Mary B. Fifth tace Bonjamln; Meadows. A Reminder of the Wire Tappers. The only reminder the Western Union officials have of the attempt of wire tappers to nmko a haul" Thursday on the St. Asaph poolroom Is a coil of wire cable valued nt about 6100. Tho tappers aro considerably out on their enterprise and have nothing to show for it. It was the general opinion yes terday that the telegraph people wore not particularly anxious to catch the tappers or they would have gone about the attempt to capture in a more effective way. Scvr oik Stock Exchange. Furnished by Silsby A Co.. bankers and brokers. Metropolitan Bank Building. FIftoenth street, opposite Treasury, Washington, D. 0. On. Hich Low Closing Atchison, TopeKn & is. if.. c. c c Chesapeake & Ohio C, B. .fcOuincy Chicago Gas Del. Lack, and W M 7M 40 40 295h 3tyi 20 20J M2 20$ 75-4 76 75I 75W 73 73 70J6 709 173.2 17:4 1737J 173j1 Delaware & Hudson .. JSO'X. is, 13o 137 Distillers & Cattle F'drs.. 33-Jg 13J VM 13$ Demer &. Bio Grande 35 .$ 35$ 35H 35H 15M 157d 15?4 1556 3S 39 SSig 33$ ofiM 5tt5 66 56U Krie Geunral Klectric Co.... Louisville & Nashville Manhattan, Ex, ltpercL. HSij Jlb4 118$ 11814 MibSOuriPncinc OT 30J6 2956 2956 New Lugiand. 3d ass. pd.. 23 23 274 '? Korthwcstern 30ij 104J; 30 1044 Northern Pacillc b by 5a 6 Northern Pacific pfd 21 21 39U 39 National i.ead. 42 42i 41 42 It 113W untaiio a esiorn. y,y uyt 1, 1 Beading 22Js 2S& - ttnriinr' . t'rU. 9 i, T 21t J(ock island bi4 61 04 Southern l'acinc 20,i 201 20) .Southern Hallway. 14Jfi 14 14 St. Paul C0i My Co Sugar Trust IK 105j 303 Tennessee Coat & Iron.... 38 31 18-1 61H 20 GO 14 105K, 19 10V4 Texas Pacific 30 10W 101 Union Pacific. 13 13$$ 33j, Vi L". fc. Cordage, opd. 15. 15 13 15 35$ Western Union 9156 91jj M 90Jfc Wabash preierroC 16 I0W 15? 15 Aheel.&L.JL 15 13 lM 12? WheeL & I. E. preferred 46 4G 40 46 Bichmond Terminal 19 19M 19g 39 -- Baltimore Markets. Baltimore, Sept. 14. Flour dull, unchanged receipts, 14,032 barrels; shipments, 0,177 bar rels; sales, 250 barrels. Wheat weak spot, 55a 53Ht; September, 556a53; October, 5556a55J4; December, 5SMn5!556: May, 63& steamer No. 2 red, Ii24ft.r2j receiptu, (3 bushels; exports. 2 bushels, btock, 1,251,953 bushels; sales, 303,000 bushels; milling ihoat by sample, 5fia50. Corn dull spot, 59. bid; September, 59. bid; year, 5i4 bid receipts, 820 bushels; stock, "(19,895 bush elb; southern white corn, t0a61; do. yellow, Kia. Wt.. Oats steady No. 2 white western, 35a35; No. 2 mixed western, 33a38 receipts, 4,133 bushels; stock, 221,b4G bushels. Rye flrrn No. 2, 53 receipts, 122 bushels; stock, 12,724 bush els. Hay steady good to choice timothy, S12 50 a$13.00 Grnin freights quiet. Inclined to be easy, unchanged. Sugar firm, unchanged. But ter firm, higher fancy creamery, 24a5: da iml- ! tation, 19a20; ladle, 17al8; good ladle, 35al6; store packed. 12al5 Eggs Ann, higher fresh, 16al7. Cheese nrm, active; uncuanged. Washington Stock Exchange. Sales regular coll 32 o'clock m. Belt Rail road 5s, $500 at 85. Eckington Kail-oad 6s, 5500 at 100. Government bonds TJ. S. 4s, reg., 1907, 113 bid, 114 asked. U. a 4s, coupon, 1907, 115 bid, 1154 asked. U. S. 6s, 119 bid. Insirict o Columbia Honds 20-year fund. 5s, 1CS bid. 30-year fund (is, gold, 312$ bid. Water stock 7s, 1901, currency, 114 bid. Water stock 7s, 1903, curroncy, lib bid. 3.65s, funding, currency, 114 bid. Miscellaneous JJonds Washington and George town Railroad conv. 6a, 1st, 130 bid, 140 asked. Washington aud Georgetown Ballroad conv. bs, 2d, 330 bid, 140 asked. Metropolitan Railroad conv. Gs, 90 bid, 100 asked. Belt Railroad 5s, 80 bid, 90 asked. Eckington Railroad 6s, 99 bid. Washington Gas Company 6s, series A, 114 bid. Washington Gas Company 6s, series B, 116 bid. Washington Ga Company conv. Gs, 130 bid, 135 asked V. 8. Electric Light conv. 5s. 124 bid. Cheaspeake nnd Potomac Tele phone 5s, 904 bid, 105 asked. American Se curity and Trust 5s, F. and A., 100 Lid. American Security and Trust 5s, A. aud O., 100 bid. Washington Market Company 1st 63, 300 bid. Washington Market Company Imp. 0s, 300 bid. Washington Market Company ext. Gs, 304 bid. Masonic Hall Association Ss, 300 bid, Washington Light Infantry 1st 6s, 301 bid. Washington Light Infantry 2d 7s, 301 bid. National Bank Stocks Bank or Washington, 300 bid. 330 asked. Bank of the Republic, 236 bid, 275 asked. Metropolitan. 230 bid, 2U7 asked. Cen tral, 2S0 bid. Second, 33S& bid, 350 askod. Citi zens'. 3314 bid, 340 asked. Columbia 137 bid, 150 asked. Capital. 314 bid. West End, 103 bid. Traders', 100 bid. Lincoln, 97 bid. Ohio, 83 asked. Safe Deposit and Trust Companies National Safe Deposit and Trust, 127 bid, 132$ asked. Washington Loan and Trust, 121 bid, 124 asked. American Security and Trust, 131 bid, 184 asked. Washington Safe Dnposit, 100 asked. RailroadStocks Washington and Goortgeown, 280 bid, 811 asked. Metropolitan, 80 bid, 90 asked. Columbia, 70 asked. Belt, 25 bid, 30 asked. Eckington. 30 bid. 40 asked. Goorce- town and Tennnllytown, 85 asked. jiia uuu x.iuuLiiu x.iub oiwjitB wasmngion Gas,494 hid, 49 asked. Georgetown Gas, 60 bid. V. S. Electric Light, 125 bid, 130 asked. Insurance Stocks Firemen's 47 asked. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, $2 UP At Parker, Bridget & Go.'s. Ready with the beat val- ues In Boys Short PantB Suits yet offered In Wash ington. Strongly sewod, re-enforced non-wear- ' outable. (2 up. Parker, Bridget & Co., 315 7th Si THE NEWEST TYPES, The best Presses, professional type setters and brains all tend to put us in the lead ot tho printing profession. Prices right? Of coursk. Quick Work a Specialty. McGILL & WALLACE, Printers, 1107 E Street Northwest. NOW 18 THE TIME To buy your Boys the Cheapest School Suit ever offered In the District of Columbia. aturday OUR BARGAIN DAY. Boys' School Suits (special) 65c Boys' School Suits, strictly all wool. - 41.50 Boys' School Suits, strictly all wool S2.00 Boys' School bulls, strictly all wool....! 82.50 Knee Pants. 2 pairs for 25c Boya' Hats and Caps from 25c up In our Furnishing Department we have all the latest novelties for Men and Boys. in our Hat Department we have only the latest styles. Our Fall Stock of Clothing for Mon and Boys is complete and wo would be pleased to show you through. Fned8anderS&8ro. 9TH AND E STS. N. W. Franklin, 45 bid, 65 asked. Metropolitan, 70 bid. Arlington. 145 bid. 160 asked German American, 158 bid. National Union, 14t askea. Columbia, 134 bid. 15H asked. Biggs, 7Wbid, 8 asked. People's, 5g bid, 5J$ askod. Lincoln, 1 bid, 8 asked. Commercial. G asked. Title Insurance Stocks rtealEstato Title, 110 bid. Columbia Title, 7 bid. District Title, 10 bid, 13 asked. Telephone Stocks Pennsylvania, 34 bid. Chesapeake and Potomac. 50 bid, 55 asked. American Graphophone, S3g bid. Pneumatic Gun Carriage, .35 bid. Miscellaneous Stocks Washington Market, 12 bid, 35 asked. Bull Run Panorama, 20 asked. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat, 95 bid. Washington Brick Machine, 100 bid. Lincoln Hall, 85 bid, 100 asked. Inter-Ocean Building, 300 asked. COUPONS POURING IN. Ono Contestant Jumps Nearly 1,000 Votes nnd Another Over 000. Another change in the great coupon race for the watch has taken place with the pass ing of another day. Llout. Kelly's friends aro hot in his behalf, and yesterday deposited G59 votes for their favorite, giving him a leRd of 350 over Sergt. Daley, who yesterday re ceived nearly n thousand votes. Private C. C. EJtes, of tho 81xth, shows a gain of over GOO. Thero aro several other important changes. It is necessary that packages of coupons should be correctly countod before turning them in, for it saves much time in verifyine. Ono package received yestorday wns sixteen votes short, nnd another twelve short. All coupons are carefully counted in the office, but it will save much confusion if senders will also make a careful enumeration. Candidates and their friends are reminded that all votes received after 6 o'clock will not be included In the score published the fol lowing morning, but will be held over for ono da j. At the closing of the polls the scoro stood: Lieutenant Kelly 1,596 Sergeant Daley 3,216 Private Charles G. Nnuck (Eighth Precinct) 1,122 Privato C. C. Estes (Sixth Precinct) 711 Frivate James Ciscle (Fitth Procinct) 599 Private John A. 1 earson (Ninth Precinct).- 418 Inspector Holllnborger. 274 Prlvnte Daniel Sullivan (Sixth Precinct) 232 Private Auldridge (Socoud) 66 Private Gelabert (Eighth Precinct) 53 Private W. RIloy (Ninth Precinct) 50 Capt. Austlu 50 Private Goss (Eighth Precinct) 47 Private Crawford (mounted) 39 Lieutenant Gessford 38 Sergeant Montgomery 29 Lieutennnt Amiss 27 Private J. E. Soars (First Precinct) 24 Private R. E. Doyle (Eighth Precinct) 22 Private J. D. Sutton (First Precinct) 19 Sergeant Falvey 35 Trivate G. R. F. Smith (Fifth Precinct) 12 Sergeant Joseph Aetqn. 9 Private Samuel Murp'hy (Second Precinct). 9 Private J. Mulvey (Sixth Precinct) 9 Privato Wm. Vermillion(NInth Precinct).... 6 Private Henry (Fourth Precinct) 5 Privato Kimmel (Sixth Precinct) 4 Private Oney Geegan 4 Private J. E. Preston (Third Procinct) 3 Prlvt. Chnrlos W. Skinner (Eighth Procinct) 2 Private William Bateman (Sixth Precinct).. 2 Private J. J. Smith (Eighth Procinct) 1 Private Dennis Loftus 1 Private Barney (Ninth Procinct) 1 Sergeant Smith (Fourth Precinct) 1 Private Shannon 3 Lieutenant McCathran -.... 1 na most roruLAB roucEMAN is: Name. Precinct.. Tavary Is a Drawing Card. WhenMme. Tavary makes her appearance at the head of the Tavary Graud English .Opora Company at the National Theater in this city next week she will have reason to feel proud 0? the warm manner In which she is ceitaintobe received. Yesterday the demand for seats was eTen greater than on Thursday, and should tho run last another day tho house will easily be sold out. "II Trovatcre" appears to bo the opera most favorod. The other pieces to bo sung and which include "Cavalleria Jtusticana," f'Pag llaccl," "Bohemian Girl," "Faust," "Carmen," "TaunhauBer," and "Lohengrin" are also ex tremely popular, and with such au unequaled cast as Manager Charles H. Pratt is bringing to Washington crowded bouses are assured. In Brooklyn, whire the company is singing this week, Btanding-room has been at a premium since the opening night, and the ovations which have been tendered Mrae. Tavary aro a tribute whi:h f ow have ever received. Wonders Will Never WDMEH'S KNIT SKIRTS, Splendid Texture, Worth 60c, To-day's Price, 25 o 25c TRIPLE EXTRACTS, AH tne Best Odors, nfil 9 To-night, ii SPERM SEWING MACHINE OIL, Large Size Bottles, Until 9 To-night, Be $1.00 and $1.25 GOOD QUALITY KID GLOYES, Sizes Si 5 ani 6, Until 9 To-night, 5oc Pair. Lanshurgh & Bro., 420,422,424,426711181, SCHOOL OUTFITS. The beginning of school days will cause loving parents to think about what "our boy" shall wear. Getting him ready for school is an interesting piece of business. It is only natural that you should want him to appear as well as his schoolmates. It is not a hard thing to do, and it need not necessarily be expensive. For Saturday only we will offer be tween 500 and 600 Children's good, durable School Suits in neat dark colors. New fall styles, double breasted, well made in every respect, exceed ingfy neat in appearance, yet just the thing for rough-and-tumble wear. Beyond a doubt the best values ever shown in Washington, and never worth less than $2.25, $2.50, and $3.00. Your choice of several styles for only $L48- KNEE PANTS From 25c Pair Up. Our exhibit of Men's Suits in all the latest fall styles now ready for inspection. GKRNER & GO,, N. E. Cor. 7th and H Sts. N. W. WHITE FROST. Miss Maria Parloa Strongly Recommends the use of Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef And sho has written a neat COOK BOOK, which will be sent free on application to Daucby & Co., 27 Park Place, New York. Robert J.'s Great Performance. Term Haute, Sept 14. Robert J. to-day es tablished a new world's pacing record, going a mile In 2.01 $4. The time by quarters was 0:80f , 1:00 1:30H. and 2:01& Carbonate beat the two-year-old mark for a mile, doing the distance in 2.-00 flat. The other races resulted: 2:14 trot: Major; best time, 2:11. Free-for-all pace: John R. Gentry: best time, 2.-03& Clark's consolida tion purse: Baron uiuom f f A : mo Aro the talk of the town. Handsomer footwear than ours has never before been shown ; certainly not at aa low prices as wa are selling them at thl3 falL Men's New Fall Shoes. We have neer befow had such a run on 3Ien's shoe3 as we are bavin;: this falL That should speak for itself. For a starter coll and see a pair of our Eoyal $2 Gen uine Welt-sold Shoes. WM. HAHN & CO.'S S RELIABLE SHOE HOUSES, 930 and 932 7th St, 1914 and 1916 Pa. Ave., 231 Pa. Ave. S. E. MILLARD PRICE & CO. Best T7 f f Q Grocery Trade Quality JQj:jro our Specialty, W4 LOUISIANA AVEfUE. Special Inducement For the next five days only we will give you the pick of any of tha choice lots left at beautiful COLUMBIA PARK for $30 each. Cash or Installments. Don't mlsa this Grand Opportunity. Just think, a lot for $30 da. two railroads, the great and only Pennsylvania, within fifteen minutes' ndo of the city, and with 6K cents com mutation fare. All high ground. o Swamps. No Malaria. Pure water and air. Large shade trees. Only a few blocks from station. THIS IS YOUB LAST CHAN03, so don't be too late and for ever afterwards be sorry for it. Grand Excursion to-day at 4:36 P. 3L from Sixth Street Depot. Circulars and tickets at office, 623 F St. N. W.f and from Our Agents at Depot. rS&tt&tt&tt& Mr. Familyman, Dear Sir: Are you dissatisfied with your present mode of living paying rent lor a few rooms that in no way represent value for tbe money Rlvon? The remedy lays In secur- ing one of those choice lots now to be had on East Washington Heights the prettiest, healthiest suburban home site in theDis- trict. Wo advance money to build any desired style ot house, and clve long, easy terms. Ample school facilities, bewer. Gas. and Water Mains now being laid. If Interested write or call on grounds to OVERLOOK 1X2T, James F. Bohon, Manager. East Washington Heights. Buck's Dining Room, 930 Pa. Ave. N. W. Dinner, 15c. 21 .Meal Tickets, $3.00. Menu Blue Fish, Rice Soup, Lamb Pot Fie, Roast Beof, Corn Beef and Cabbage. Vege tablesBaked Beans, Banana Fritters, Sliced Tomatoes, Potatoes, mashed. (Oysters, all styles. Charges extra.) French Pudding, with raisins. Pies. CoSee, Tea, and Milk, fcnbject to change daily. sel3-lmo We Take the Risk of your injuring your watch, and repair It every time It gets out of order for $2 a year. That's the end ot the expense yet you might drop it Ave times during that year Geo. W. Spier, 310 9th St. "Expert Watch Repairer." John G. Judd. f. m. "Detwzileb. ESTABLISHED 1S61 Neatness Punctuality Fair Prices. JUdd Jfc DBtweiler, Printers and Publishers, 420-422 Ilth St N. W., Washington, D. C. Printers to the Scientific Societies of Washington, TJ. S. Supreme and District Courts. Print anything from a visiting card to a " thousand page book. LOVELL World's Records and Highest Honors. The Only Bicycle Holding Them. No Other Machine is Made with Drop Forgings. Ride the Best. Always in the Lead. The Universal Favorites. Illustrated catalogue mailed free. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS GO,, Dealers In Bicycles, Trlcyo'es, Velocipedes, Guns, Rlnes, Cutlery, i ishlng Tackle. A full line of Baseball and Sporting Goods of Every Description. BOSTON, MASS. DIAMOND 'CYCLES opl2-tf f f f GREAT SHOE f f t f f t ? f t t f f t t i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FOR Yoifng Kickers; OUR "LONG-WEAR" Wire-quilted Soled Boys' Shoes will out-wear aay ttow pairs ordinary shoes. AH Sizes, $2 a Pair. Wo shoe more children than are shod by any other six Washington houses, because our shoes are AliWAYS re liable, no matter how low their price. Prices, 75c to S2.50. ur Ladles9 New Fal 1 Shoes 4 4 TELEPHONE, 283. KENNEBEC1CE f Reaches More Homes f than all other kinds of ice together m because it's the purest because It ua- T parts the greatest degreeofo old nance M is the cheapest We guarantee constant T suoply, prompt and proper delivery, and lowest prices. Order from drivers ft of yellow wagons lettered "Indepead- ent." Write or telephone. ft Independent Ice Co., Office, 910 Fa. Ave. Telephone, 531-2. X Depots 9th St. Wharf , and 3103 Water St ? I For Outside Lighting T the Slemens-Lungrea Gas Lamp ?is certainly the best. Best be cause the light Is cheaper than t& electricity and because it gives a steadier and a mora brilliant ft light. Rented orsold. f I Gas Appliance Exchange, f 1428 N. Y.Ave. All the Fall Shapes Ready for reflnlshing Ladles' Felt and Straw Hats. Also a full line of Milli nery and Trimmings at WHITING'S, 518 Tenth Street Northwest. sell-Tt What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright com plexion For it use POZZONTS POWDER. PABST BREWING GO.'S t Milwaukee Bbbt ? ISTSE BEST MADE. ESPECIALLY GOOD TOR FAMILT USE a Washington Branch, f W 703-705 'orth Capitol Street. I THONE,SS3. au: t Utica Hand Laundry. Srictly All Ironing Done by Hand. 801 R St. N. W. jBy25-tf W.3.S GOO EST PLAGE IN TOWN, Kain's Sample Rooms, 606 Thirteenth Street 2T. W. New, Neat, First-Class sat.m.&v. CAN YOU WALK WITH EASE? If not, give na a call. In stant and permanent re lief. Our specialty. Corns,25c3a.m.to5 p. m. jf CHlROPoaj Snn- days, j m jJjgTjfTl ) Nartlastaa.1 vmm v . . m 139,1 -T-v 1U5PS.ATMU11.V. S X.C vj i to wavwrfKssssa & 12. ThftHi jftgi -hiim-, f A