Newspaper Page Text
r-l 12 TBWASHTSTG-TOiN' TIMES, SUDAX, OCTOBER 21, 1894. ra. s. s. sv.vtmjcs, z d. oHDRGIES OF WASHINGTON The Wrst CoagrcgKtiQ&al and Its In tercstifis History. IT WAS AX ANTI-SLAVERY BODY It Eeqwrftd 5&r Starts ana Sard "Wark to Xsk It a Soceew rr Some Time the Homc f eprMatativs Yu Its Bogalar XeetiBg Phx Org aaiottiOE's Deisgs. "This char Is managed just as a large mercantile establtehme&t would bo," said Itev. Ir. Newman, in speaking of hte charge, the I'irst CongregtitioBal Charcti, corner of G aad Tenth street northwest. "The trustees are H' 'st carefal In their management of affairs. Tu-y hold monthiy meerioRS, everything goes through their hands nod is examined just the f ..u;Rbana:eountoiany kind would be iabusi r ss life. Then our doors are wide open always. " e weretbe first church to be thrown open to the Ha'.vatiou Army, aad most large religions Catherine are held inside oar wails. We wel i. une all, aad the more they come the more welcome taey are." Dr. Kewmaa is flDishiag his tenth year cs jastor of this church, and if the affection vi Die large congregation were the only r juisite many more tea years would roll ;iruund aad nod him still occupying the pul pit. ' He is just home from his three months' ucation, and is rested and eager for the Winter's work. He lately joined the Maine Ae-ociatioa, just lormed in this city, and this - iuo! that be comes from that tar Northern M.". At fifteen years of age he was a suc-re-blul school teacher, and in 1867 he grad uated from bowdoin College with the lirst ignore of his class. Tour years inter he had :)u:hed lu course at Andover and was called to Broadway Church, Tautau, Mass. For i-eva yearn be wee pastor of this church, and during part of the time served as a member of the board of education of Tauten. In 1B73 lie was called to the pastorate of the college ciurch of fiipon, Mis., and served there -even years. Daring the last two years be was professor of mathematics in the college. In 1H85 he was installed as pastor of the Xiksc Congregational Church of this city. iLren vcarsago his health failed, and the 'liuTch came near losing him; but an assist ant pastor and an annual vacation of three I'.ontns were given to him. and be was able to remain. At this time, too, the presidency ut Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio, was tendered him, but he felt it his doty to re lutan here. THE 8TBCOGLES OF THE CHOBCH. The church of which he is the pastor has Lad a varied and stormy existence. Back in 1S47 a Congregational church was estab l.shed here. It was founded on anti-slavery r nnciples, and claims the honor of being the I r-t churm established in the South on such & loundotiou. It is a rematkable coincidence luat the present site of the church is the last T nee of olave-operated land sold in Washiug t n, and that it was sold to the first otiurca xl. the South baring an anti-slavery govern 1.. ont. The church of 1847 lasted only a short time, and the second attempt was made in 1-3.2. The church managed to exist until 13,", and tbea the doors were closed. In 1865 the third attempt was made and the result is the congregation of to-day. i. ,. Charles H. Boyatou was its pastor, lie v us installed October 4. 18u6, the day upon w : 1 1 -h the corner-stone was hud. During his jasiorate the congregation worshipped in t.x' old building, now the police court, at the c rner of Sixth and D streets. Then it wor-;- up pod in a iittle hall on Pennsylvania avenue, and after that in the structure now i.uowa as the Columbia Law Building, on I I ft h street. While services were being held here Dr. Eoyi.ton was elected chaplain of the House. and shortly after this the hall of the House of Ji -rirreentatives was secured as a place for f- ,uaiy worship. As a consequence the First ( ungregaticnal Church, of Washington, was the first and only established church to hold rvguiar services in t.t Capitol. It was cus t .aiary in those days to refer to this body as t.iO "Congressional Church." The congrega tion also claims the honor of inaugurating tlif movement which led to Thanksgiving liar as a yearly occurrence. In 1865 a com mittee from the church called on President Anlrew Jonusou and requested him to set a: 'art a day in eah year as a day of thanks giving and prayer. This request was com l ied with. Dr. Boynton condnaed as pastor uf the church until May 1. 1869. When he ifft 101 members took letters of dismissal with the purpose of forming the Central Con gregational Church. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., became pastor of tLe church October 3, 1869, and remained un til June 13, 1881, when he became president of Howard University. The prosperity of the c hureh is largely due to the efforts of Dr. Lank in. Wneu be assumed charge the or ganization was on the brink of ruin. The church had a membership of 103 and a debt of n arly $70,000. with interest at 10 per ceur. Ho lea hi6 congregation for nearly fifteen j i ars, and placed it on a sure and successful l asis. Dr. Newman added to the success, and thu church is now free from debt. In addi tion a magnificent organ costing $12,000 has lun purchased and paid for. Besides lifting thm debt, about 880,000 has been contributed and expended through the various missionary n"d benevolent societies for charitable ob jects. TEE WOKEEBS. The church to-day has about 1,000 mem bers and the growth is steady. Its large audi cn "".. .i is filled each Sunday aad overv r'T made a worker. Dr. Newman oc-cup'-tkpalptt nearly every Sunday of the xmi" n J Ths he spends in the city, though he at t '! - ermits Rev. 1L Boss Fishburn to p-ea .' . ?Ir. Fishburn occupies the pulpit v. ith i 'i . Newman each Sunday and leads in t' c r- ,t r part of the devotional services. y-. rwi-Ourn has entire charge of theThurs c'.i i eu.jig meetings, and assists in all the vir of tne parish. He is now away on bis af'.t'on, and has received a calf to the T borate of the Mount Pleasant Church. If 1, accepts be will begin his duties in his new a -ge about November 1, aad the First Con reg itioual Church will took for a new m-e;-tant pastor. 'i'be trustees of the church, the men who so raretuiliy manage its business interests, are well known in this city. They are: Charles H. Buigo ,. H. M. Kiagsley, John Tweedale, Anron uiuner, aad Alvin M. Lothrop. The t,racon are: 1 C. Ciafiin, George J. Cum r'!)?s, Timothy F. Green (one year), S. S. Turdncr. William C. Tyler, Lendell A. Con 1. r. jr. two years), "William Laniborn, P. C. beveraace, and William T. Hughes (threo vearaj. The standing committee is composed of the pastors, deacons, Sunday-school super intendent, and Ctsrles K. Wead, Mrs. Mary L. Kewman, and 3Ilss Emily E. Bobinson. Its duties are to look after the poor and aid In all church work. The aexittarT societies are many and the rork doaa is great. As in arery church, too Lalios" A.d i-ocifty lcids. Its offlccrs aro: Prciacnt, Mr. Jolm Twoda'.P; vice presi dents. Mrs. E. loungs and Mrs. J.-B. John son; secretary, Mrs. Alfred Wood, and treas urer, Mrs. Daniel Fraser. Last yer.r this so detv raised and spent in homo expenses $448.73. It Is its duty to keep tho church In order. If a new carpet is needed the Ladies' Aid Society purchases it. It has just ilnislmd fur nishing the east parlor of the church most handsomely, and tho pastors study shows that loving hands have been at work. Tho society gives entertainments and lectures and is ablo in this way to raise funds. The ladles of the church have thrco mis sionary societies, and thoir officers are as fol lows: Woman s Foreign Missionary Society President, Mrs. J. H. Piatt; vice president, Mrs. S. H. Clark; secretary, Mrs. M. W. Loth rop; treasurer. Mrs. M. A. Pond, Eckington, D. C. The Mission Circle President, Mrs. Fred Squires; vice president, Mrs. M. Bos Fishburn; secretary, Julia M. Pond; treas urer. Ellen M. Bugg, U20 French street. Ladies1 Home Missionary Society President, Mrs. S. M. Xewmaa; vice presidents, Mrs. J. L. Eweil, Mrs. William Lamborn, secretary, Mrs. George P. Whittlesey, 1430 Stoughton street; treasurer. Mrs. G. E. Hughes, 1239 Twelfth street uorthwept. Last year tho first society contributed to lionevolenccs $278.30; the second, tiJ25.45, and tho third, $483. " bo sides clothing valued at 450. Tho Mission Circle is composed of the younger ladies of the church, and was tho outgrowth of the en thusiasm aroused twelve years ago, when Miss Hooper announced that sho was going to Japan as a missionary. She is Mrs. Dn Davis now, and is homo on a vacation. THE bDNDAV-SCKOOL. The Sunday-school is one of the largest in the city. It has over COO members. Two handsome banners ace the prize for which each class in tho school strives. These are given each quarter to the firrt and second class having the best attendance. Tho offi cers of the school are: BuponuJendent, J. F. Johnson: assistants, Londell A. Conner, jr., and H. 2L Kints; secretary, Aithur M. Hood; treasurer, Wilbur Hawxhurst; librarians. YTal ter E. Alion and Mary Hopkins. The most interesting fea'ura of the Sunda3'-school is the home department It is for the aged, in valids, and those whose domestic duties re quire their presence at home. The members are pledged to study the lesson, are supplied with leaflet, and visitors call on each of thera once a quarter to receive their report. By the first of the year it is expected thero will be 300 members in the Iwme department. The visitors are Mrs. JuMa 1L Piatt, Mis. T. P. Buck, Emily b. Kobinsou. Miss S. D. Bald win, Mrs. Emily S. Ewell, nelen M. Hughes, Miss E. Dumont. Mrs. II. V. Childs, Mrs. X. A. Marshall. Mrs. E. M. Davis. D. G. Purman, Mrs. M. B. McCormick, Miss M. Warner, Miss C. E. Marsh, Mrs. N. M. Wood. and Miss Hattio W. Birge. Tho home de partment was organized by a Congregational minister in New England some years .ago and has already extended -to England. Tho results ars most gratifying. The other societies in which the young peo ple are workers are, with the officers: Tho Y. P. S. C. E. President, Alice B. Johnson; vice president. Clifford K. Bradbury; correspond ing secretary, Frank B. Severance, 1735 riRST CONGEES 1TIOXAI. CHCRCIT. Twelfth sreet northwest; recording secre tarv. Bertha G. Davis, and treasurer. Jennie L. Bugg, 920 French street. The Y. P. S. C. E., Junior President, Harry H. Piatt; vice president, Su4e :ardner; secretary. Alico Fairfield, Howard University, and treasurer, Dempster Smith, jr., 1833 Vermont avenue. Xewman Loyal Temperance Legion Superin tendeat, Mr. Alfred Wood; president. John Reed: financial secretary. Walker Allen, aad secretary, Lydia Hughes. The Y. P. S. C. E. is 100 strong, and ono of Us members, L. A. Conner, jr., is president of the Distnet League. The Newman Loyal Temperance Legion is named in honor of tho pastor, and is composed of tho boys of tho church. Tbe legion holds its rally this after noon. Among the young men the Brother nood of Andrew and Pnilip is the society most sought. It stands to fais church in the same relation that the Brotherhood of St. Andrew does to the Trotestant Episcopal Church. Its oflScers are: President. M. Boss Fishburn; ico presidents, C. H. Ball and H. M. Kintz; corresponding secretarv. Percy W. Gibbon; leeordiug secretary, Dr. H. S. Good all, and treasurer, H. M. Kingsley. The church has a met practical method of bcetowini; Charity. It really aids instead of giving, though it does give when necessary. The relief committee luv plenty of work to do, and is composed of J. W. Browning, H. M. Kintz. Fred L. Fallback. J. F. Johnson, Mrs. K. M. Xowmon. Mis Alico H. Peabody, and Mrs. A. S. Caywood. The church aids all who come to it. It has found opportunity to help men to positions on tho cable lines, advancing the money with which they must buy the neeessary uniforms. One man is now paying back '30 so advanced and has handed in 16 of the amount. This money is immedi ately turned over to some one olso nnd so tho work goes on. Tho communion fund of the church is used by the relief committco after the expenses of the church aro mot. Poor members are aided and there havo been quite a number needing help during tho last year The library and reading room are popular features of the church. They are open each day from 7 to 9:30 p m. They aro filled with standard works anoVall the best papers. The business office of the society is in tho reading room. Tho secretary. Miss" Katharlno Lam born is in attendance each day from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m., to receive pew rents or to rent pews. In addition to his other duties, and they aro many and varied. Dr. Newman has just or ganized a reading circle. Tho work this winter will be chiofly in English history and literature. The Congregational Club, which meets Monday nights, is another interesting feature of Dr. Newman's work. It is often addressed by Justice Brewer, of the Supreme Court of the United States, and all of its meetings aro of tbe highest order. By using all these means Dr. Newman can feci that the crowth of his church is sure and that tho fact that tho church is never without a pastor must bring its reward. THE YOUNGER YVOUKERS. Tho Sunday-school Union Ready for tho Great Convention. The Sunday-school Union has nearly all the arrangements for its great convention fin ished. Thursday circulnr letters wcro sent to the various pastors in the city notifying them that their Sunday-school superintendents had been requested to havo delegates to tho con vention named. The letter says on tho matter of membership in the union: " "Whilo it is de sirable that your school should havo a mem bership in the Sunday-school Union of tho District, if it ha? not your delegates will havo the same tights in all tho deliberations of tho convention as will be enjoyed by others. It may be added also that sending delegates will not lay ny obligation on your school to eomo into the union. What is desired is to have a convention of the .Sunday-school workers of the District, out of which shall com-) tho greatest possible good to all the schools." Dr. Worden, of Philadelphia; Dr. Scudder, of Jersey City; Mrs. Crafts. Dr. Earle, of Wilmington, Del., and possibly Mr. B. F. Jacobs, of Chicago, will be ..present and ad dress the convention. Several of tho pastors of the city and many prominent laymen will also participate. The officers of tho union bavn appointed two new committees, one on statistics, tho other on credendum. The first is composed of Col. Weston Flint, chairmnu, aad L. A. Connor, jr. The second is, composed of W. B. Matthews, chairman, W. V. Everett, and B. Frank Meyers. Foundry M. E. school was the first to send in its list of delegates, composed of James L. Ewln, superintendent; Edward F. Simpson, secretary; Miss Cath erine J. Laws, William B. Matthows, Miss Ella Stinemitz. Miss Emma Teller. B-N. Tilton, Miss Ivah J. Towusend, A. 0harle3 True, and Miss M. L'. Williams. Union M. E. Sunday-school sends the followlnn list: Ed ward S. Wcseotr, superintendent; Anson S. Taylor.secn'tary;A. N. Gangwer.F. C. Linger. E. B. Hodue, M. M. Eramcrt, H. Hunter and Mrs. M, Wescott. Tho Western Presbyterian Church has chosen tho following: W. H. H. Smith, superintendent; Frank J. Blandeubnrg, secretary; Col. W. Y. Chardovoyne, W. I. Simpson, Mrs. Col. Amos Wobster, Miss Aunio B. Biscoo, Harry J. Kimball and Miss Minnlo P.iggles. Cavalry Baptist Sunday school was tho first to send in its statistics. An iuvltatiou has been sent to tho officcra of tho union of colored schools asking them to bo present a3 visitors at tho second and third davs' proceedings. The Epworth League is beginning to follow tho lead of tho Christian Endcavorors and will take an active part in temperance work. Foundry Chapel has taken tho initial stop and nppointed a committee on temperance. It is composed of Willoy 0. Ison, chairman; W. H. Kerr. Mis? Drusa" Carroll, James L. Ewin, and Mrs. M. E. Griffith. It is expected that other chapters will at onco take action. Tho Christian Endeavorers aro already pro paring for their rally for Novomber to bo hold in Mount Ternon Placo M. E. Church. AMONG THE CHURCHES. The Presbyterian ministers of tho city havo had tho synod of Baltimore to attend, and tho lay membors of tho church tho pleasure of en tertaining tho delegates, Bcv. . George 0. Liltlo, of Assembly's Church was tho modera tor. Tho delegates to tho convention of tho Brotherhood of St. Androw havo nil gone. A great many of them remained in tho city dur ing tho early part of tho week. A trip was made to Mount Ycrnon Monday, and on tho roturn trip a stop was mado at Alexandria. That evening they wcro entertained by Prof. Cabell. Many of tno delegates after seeing points of interest in tho Capital went f utthor e.'ist on a pleasure tour. Work on St. Cryprian's Catholic Cnurch parochial schoolhouso is being rapidly pushed forward; tho walls aro noarly com pleted and the roof will soon bo on. Only a part of tho new church now in ccirso of erection for tho use of St. Stephen's P. E. parish Is to bo completed. Tho com plete structure will bo in tho form of a cross, and on tho northern side a hno parish hall has been planned. Tho building at present being erected will comprise sunply the two tran septs and the eastern half of tho nave. A temporary lacing of brick will be put in to cIosh tho exposed part of tho nave. Tho chuicli is to bo of granite and trimmed with Indiana limestone. The regular semi-annual conference of tho ministers of tho now or Swedenborglau Church was held in Metzerott Hall Tues day. Tuesday night special cervices were held in tho First Methodist Protestant Church, at Fifh street and Virginia nvenuo southeast. Tho meeting was addressed by llev. Q. Bac chus and Bov. .Tiramio Cooke, tho boy orator. A largo collection was taken up to help tho young man to finish his education. Tho Eastern Prc&byterian Church gave n benefit for tho choir fund Tuesday evening. It was a great success. Srcemat Vlvelcananda Swami, the mission ary of tho Hindu faith now in this country, was in tho city Tuesday. Ho will preach for Dr. Kent uext Sunday. j-9- A YOJAAH HATER.. Ho Had Reason to Repent Asking a Ques tion About Eve. There is a crusty old bachelor on Fourth Street who is a confirmed woman hater and who never misses an opportunity for saying something sarcastic nnd disagreeable about tho fair sex. But he met more than his match tho other day in a plucky little woman, who metaphorically speaking, wiped up tho earth with him, much to tho delight of his friends, who wero greatly amused at his discom fiture, says tho Louisvillo Post. Tno oid bachelor inquired why. when Evo wa3 manufactured of a sparo rib, a servant wasn't made at tho same time to wait on her. The littlo woman responded promptly: ''Be cause Adam never read tho newspapers until the sun got down behind tho palm trees and then, strotchinn, yawned out: 'Isn't supper most ready, my dear?' Not he. Ho maao tho first lire and hung tho kettlo over it himself. I'll venture, and pulled the radishes, peeled the potatoes, and did everything olse ho ought to do. "Ho chopped tho kindling, brought in tho coal and did tho chores himself, and ho novor brought home half a dozen friends to dinner when Evo hadn't any fresh pomograuntes." Tho little woman stopped a moment for breath and went on with renewed vigor: 'And Adam never stayed out till 12 o'clock at a political meeting, hurrahing for some caudi date and then scolding because poor Evo wo3 sitting up and crying insido the gates. Ho never played billiards, rolled tenpins nnd drove fast horse3, nor choked Evo with cigar smoke. "Ho aover loafed around tho corner gro ceries and saloons while Evo w.03 rocking lit tle Cain's cradlo at home. In short, he didn't think sho was ospecially created for tho pur poso of waiting on him, nnd wasn't under tho impression that it disgraced a man to lighten the wifo's cares a little. That's the reason Evo didn't need a hired girl and with it is tho rea son that her descendants do." She drew another breath and was about to continue, when tho bachelor pulled his hat down over his eyes and sneaked away amid tho laughter of tho crowd. SHE HAD CANADIAN MONEY. The Ticket Agent Acted on Business Prin ciples and She Smiled. A young woman appeared early tho other morning at ono of the Grand Central ticket windows and asked the ticket man to givo her United States money for 620 in Canadian bills, says tho New York Sun. Ho smilingly de clined on tho ground that it was contrary to orders, but as tho bank was not yet open ho loaned her 3, taking ono of her Canadian bills as collateral. Tho young woman ap peared an hour later, after having break fasted and done somo shopping and said: "If you'll givo mo that Canadian bill I'll take it and my other Canadian money over to tho bank and get it oxchanced." "Aro you going to givo mo S5 in placo of it?" asked tho ticket man. "No," was tho simple answor. "I'vo spent the S3 you loaned mo, and if 3'ou don't givo me tho Canadian bill I left witn you I'll havo to make two trips to the bank to got my mo ney changed." Tho young woman looked perfectly honest and tho ticket man beliovod her to bo. but then herSchemo would have been so boautlful a little confidence game that ho felt sure should it turn out such ho would not only lose his 5, but be covered with ridiculo, for no man could resist telling such a tale even of himself. So ho looked grave and said ho was afraid tho young wemau would have to mako two trips to the bank. Sho smiled in a sort of bewildered way at this, but hastened oil and camo back in ten minutes with a new, crisp 5 United States note. Tho ticket man fore boro to examine it too carefully as sho handed it in with a smile and dimple, and as she do parted again to tho bank with her $5 Can adian bill ho looked sorry that he hadn't trusted her. -o-t Society Calls a Spade a Spado. It has been said, with the usual injustice of the "smart" saying, that one-half of society is flippant and tho other half morbid. Of course, this is not lru- bat there is a partial truth in it. It may at least be said that thero is quite too much frankness in society that a spade is too often called a spado, and in a way which brings a shudder to ono who has presorved somo faith in tho traditions of gra cious and stately ladyhood. Perhaps ono may look for something better soon, for thero is a rumor that tho "fad" of tho coming sea son is to bo "good manners." Now York Tribune. s A Paradox. Bolker (meditatively) My oxperionco has taught mo ono curious thing. BIobbs-Has, eh? What is it? Bolker That tho closor a man is the harder it is to touch hlra. Buffalo Courier. A German Joke Hausfrau (to dunning tradesman) If to morrow is bad weather I shall bo able to pay you. But if it is good weather you need not call, as we shall need the money to go to a picnic. Fllecndo Blaettcr wmii T L OAPT. AHSIE A. ETnnrDOB. WERE FEMININE WARRIORS Maids and Matrons Served Their Country During the Civil War. AS BOTH SOLDIERS AND SPIES Tho Illinois Women Wore Fearless Fiuhtera Hisa Ford, of Fairfax, Va., a Famous Scout, Y7as ITotod for Her Work in tho Secret Service Other Notod Names. Women of all ranks nnd positions took part in tho lato civil war, not only as spies, but also as private soldiers nnd holding honor ary commissions. It is difficult to say whether tholr motives wero like those of Joan of Arc tho salvation of their country or merely lovo of excitement. But it ia"nstouIshing to find, in talking with ex-officers, how many of tho other sex did sharo tho hardships of battlo, somo oponly confessing taolr box, others dis guised as men. Every ono knows of Belle Boyd, tho fatnons epy, but thero aro many whose names cover bocamo famous, but whoso workwasnssubtlo and us daring. Brig. Gen. Bakor, of tho secrot serrico dur ing tho civil war, tells of tho work of a Mies Ford, who was a devotod littlo rebol, and lived at Fairfax Court Houso. Ilor fathor'o homo wr.9 headquarters for the staff officers of tho Union, and Bliss Ford was quite a bollo among thorn, gho was, to nil purposes, for tho Union, and tho officers beliovod in her to tho extent o telling hor much of tho strength of tho Army. By enroful investiga tion and cioso observation olio obtnlnod in n eocminfjly careless mansor all information accessary for trn nso oi tho Confederates. Tho only frequent i;i'.or sho bad was an unpretentious, provincial youth, who would eit on tho plnnsa with hor .n tno afternoon oscitins no suoplciou. Tho "youth'' wna Mosby, tho iarmua guerrilla, and Miss Ford, who wr.3 honorary aide-de-camp to Brie;. Gen. J. E. D. L.uart, was giving him tho w'aolo sohomo arm strength of tho union forces, whero tno pickets were slntioncd. tho etror.slh o." Ibo outposts, tho names of officor3 in comrpsind. tho naturo oi general orders, tho places whoro offlconi' qunrtor? wore es tablished, nil 0. tho nuabcr ot officers pres ent. Once when sho was riding with a Union officer, Mosby joined them in his unfashion nblo cilizeus'clothes; Miss Ford introduced him under his assumed name, and joining them for a fow miles ho learned much that ho wished to know. That night Mosby was en abled through Miss Ford's information to mako tho attack upon Gen. Stoughton, carry ing officers as prisoners, also valuable prop erty, and capturing 100 fine horses. It wa3 this affair which called forth Lincoln's well known remark thnt "it was a great pity ho could mako brigadier generals, but couldn't mako horses." A WOIIAN TO CATCn A WOMAK Tho truo circumstances nnd modo of at tack, the accurato information in possession of tho Confederate leader, all pointed unmis takably to the existence of a spy within tho lines, bo a woman was sent to meet a woman. Ono of tho female detectives of tho secret servico went to Miss Ford, represented her self as a Southern woman, asking protection to rench tho Confederate lines, nnd tho two women bec&mo friends. In a burst of confi dence Miss Ford showod iho detective tho sealed commission of aide-de-camp, which sho kept between her mattresses. Sho was ar rested and sent to Old Capitol prison. There was another distinguished fomalo captive at this prison at the same time, and sho was a Southerner. Disguised in soldiers' clothes, sho had entered too far into tho lines, nnd was arrested for a spy. In telling of her Maj. Gen. Townsend says: "She had no friends in tho city to supply her with ap propriate clothing. It was at Inst reported to mo that, being greatly mortified regarding her raiment, she stayed in bed all tho time rather than appear in it after her sex had been detected. I mentioned her dilemma to that most worthy, true-hearted Presbyterian divine, Dr. John C. Smith, nnd suggested that his wifo might bo disposed to visit the little prisoner nnd provide hor with femalo apparel. "Somo timo after tho doctor told me that Mrs. Smith went to seo her. and found tho young woman in bed. But it transpired that in tho course of tho interview the little soldier expressed to Mrs. Smith so emphatically her opinion of 'Yankees' and all their doings, that tho clergyman's wifo grow indignant, and left, declnring tho woman soldier might remain in bod forover, or wear her malo garb until it dropped off, before sho would help her out." So tho brigadier-general nnd tho Presbyterian minister stood helpless between tho two women's temper. a ruxsoiiENAL oedehly sehgeaxt. Many women thero wore who shouldered tho musket, rodo until they dropped, and stood fire like a man. With dozens of these their sex was not discovered until thoy wcro carried into tho surgeou's tent wounded. Ono of tho uniquo announcements of such a caso of mistaken identity was posted in tho head-" quarters of Gen. Bosecraus. It explains itself: HeadQuaeters, Department of the Cum berland, April 17, 1863. General: Tho general commanding directs mo to call your attention to a flagrant out rage committed in your command a young person having been admitted insido' your linos without a pass, and in violation of your orders. Tho case is ono which calls for vour personal attention, and tho general com manding directs that you should deal with tno offending party according to law. The medical diroclor roports that nn or derly sorgennt in Urigadier General division was to-day delivered of a daughter, wmen is in violation oi an military law and tho Army regulations. No such caso has been known since tho days of Jupiter. Ono of tho women who distinguished her self nobly in the soldiering of tbo Army was Mrs. Annie Etheridge, of Wisconsin, who was in tho second battlo of Bull Bun, and had public recognition from Gen. Kearny of her services. His death prevented her promotion. Sho was oftnn under fire. An officer was onco shot down by hor side, nnd onco whon a rebol officer was captured Mrs. Etheridge escorted him to tho rear by tho general's command. At Spottsylvanln Hoights, whon tho soldiers wero retrenling, she remonstrated with thoin ana brought tliem back, altogether proving herself a dnring soldier. Sho received a gov ernment appointment after the war. IN AN ILLINOIS HEOIMENT. Mmo. Lurchin, another woman of high birth, fought on tho Union side. She was tho daughter of a Bussian officer, bo rn in a Bussian camp, and was the wifo of Col. Lur chin, of an Illinois regiment. During an ill ness of her husband sho took command of tho regiment and proved horsolf an intrepid leader. Neither did theso women go unrewarded. Thoro was Major Paulino Cushman, who, un like Mmo. Lurchin and Mrs. Etheridge, woro military trousers as well as coat. Miss Cush man was n renutiful nnd well-known actress when the war broke out. At tho commence ment of hostilities sho was playing in Louis villo, nnd incurring tho suspicion of being a secessionist, she wns arrested by Federal authorities. To test hor sho was nskod if sho would enter tho secret servico of tho govern ment. Sho consented nnd was nt onco em ployed to carry letters botweon Louisviilo and Nashville. Miss Cushman was omployed by Gen. Boso orans. and was for months with the Cumber land Army. Major Cushman know every road and evory houso for miles, was tho most dar ing of scouts and intrepid of fighters. Sho visited the Conredernto lines timo after time. Twice sho was suspected of being a spy and arrested, but both times she oscapedby "keen est strategy. Onco Miss Cushman was sent as scout to ward Shelbyvlllo from Nashville, which was held by Union forces, to ascertain tho strength of tho enomy. Boturniug sho ra's captured, placed on a horso in charge of two scouts and taken to Forrest's headqnartcrs. Baffled for awhile, sho rodo on, but nt last feigned sick ness nnd snid she w:is unablo to rido further. Stopping at a house, Miss Cushman found that Federal scouts had passed that way an hour before. Calling an old negro to her, sho put Eomo money Into his hand, told him to go down tho road and eomo back screaming. "Tho Yankees aro coming!" no did ns sho di rected, and. although tho Southern soldiers rofiibod to beliovo him at first, no net"d his part so wolt thoy finally mado off to hiding, leaving Miss Cushman nlone. Sho escaped, but found it was necessary to pas3 the Con ,fcdornto pickets. To the first four, when hnltod, she gave tho countersign a ennteon of whisky but the fifth was" more inauisitivo nnd sho was turned back. Sho reached Bose crans finally, but was in the end arrested. A GALLANT OFTICEIt. Capt. Taylor was another titled woman sol dier that Gen. Kirklnnd tells of. She was Miss Sarah Taylor, stepdaughter of Capt. Dowdun, and joined the First Tennessee. Sho was only olghtoen vhen sho entered tho Army, andthrough tho wholo war was tho idol of tho Tennossoo boys. Sho wore tho regulation sword and silver mounted pistols, MAT PAULINE CCSH1TAN. wa3 an expert swordswoman,asuro shot with pistol, and could rido like an Arab. Wnen tho order wa3 given to re-enforce Capt. Gar rard, Cant. Taylor galloped, cap in hand, along tho line, cheeringthe men, and marched in the van with them. They considered her as a mascot. Mrs. Beynolds, wife of Lieut. Beynolds, Company A, Seventeenth Illinois, was" mado an honoray major by Gov. Yates, of Illinois, for "meritorious conduct on tho bloody battle field of Pittsburg Landing." In the prison at Atlanta, Ga., a young wo man was discovered disguibed as "n toldier. Sho was Miss Hook, of Chicago, known in tho Nineteenth Illinois as Frank Miller. She was shot through tho leg and taken prisoner. It was said that Jeff Davis wrote to her, offering her a lieutenancy if sho would enlist on the Southern side. She refused and was finally exchanged. Gen. Kirkland also tolls of a cose of mono mnnin occurring in a young woman of Brooklyn, only nineteen years of age. She became possessed with the idea that sho was n modern Joan of Arc to lead tbo Union nrmies to victory. Sho was carried every where by her family to cure her, but sho mado her escape from Ann Arbor. Mich., went to Detroit, where sho enlisted in a drum corps of n Michigan regiment, and finally succeeded in gettitig to tho Army of the Cum berland. How sho survived the'hardships of tho Kentucky campaign is a wonder, for sho went through it all. deluacd as sho was. During the bartlo ot Lookout Mountain she was shot in tho loft side, and her sex was discovered when she was dying in tho sur geon's tent. Sho was 6uried on tho field. These aro only a few of tho most notablo instances of woman warriors in tho late war, but all officers unite in saying that there were dozens of privates who served with bravery equal to the men, and many whoso sex was not discovered until tho war wns ending. H. Hallmark. NEVER A DROP. Orphys Trolley: Havo a mnrshniallow? Slayer Boozo: No, thanks; I never touch n drop. Forgotten Quotations. What do wo owo to Beaumont and Fletcher? Homely proverbs Jn plenty, from "Beggars should bo no choosers" to "Discretion is tho better part of valor," thou;, whether they or Shnkespearo has a prior right to tho hitter is uncertain. From thoin nlso we inherit mnny nrettily-dressed bits of philosophy in "Our nets our angels aro, for good or ill" stylo and many stirring tngs liko "Deeds, not words," and "Let's meet and either do or dio." Burns uses this phrase in his great war song, nnd Campbell, who gnvo us "Distance lend3 enchnntmenrj" "Angol visits," Meteor flag of Englnnd," and "Coming events." etc., places it in "Gertrudo of Wyoming." Tho Cornhill Magazine. - The Only Way. Professor (lecturing on tho gorilln) Gen tlemen, you must givo mo your undivided nt tention. It is impossiblo for you to form n truo idea of thi3 hideous animal unless you keep your eyes fixed on me. Boston Com mercial Bulletin. VANITY OF VANITIES. no wroto hl3 namo On tho sands of fame Ana droamed 'twould pcrisfc never; But timo's gray wavo Tboso shores did lavo, And tho namo va gone foroveri With tendor guilo Sho bound a while Young lovo in o fottor of flowers; But o'en as sho dreamed Ho was true as ho seemed, Ho had flown to rosier bowers. Now youth nnd maid In tho churchyard laid, Know neither of Ioto nor glory; But many a -youth And maid, in' sooth, Toll over and over tho story. j Ltpplncott's Magazine. HE SAW DAYY CROCKETT DIE! Thrilling Experience of Capt. Schilling at the Alamo Massacre. NOW A RESIDENT OP THIS CITY As Commander of a Company of Texa3 Eangcr3 Ho "Releases" Man7 Mexican Prisoners For All Eternity Confined in an Under ground Dungeon and Terribly maltreated. "Bemembcr the Alamo!" It was with this ba:tlo cry on their lips that tho bravo soldiera of tho young republic ot Texas rushed into the fray after tho awful massacre at the old mission building, known us "tho Alamo," and many a swarthy Mexi enn wont to his dentil with the words ringing in his cars, "Bemembor the Alamo!" The ter rible vengeance of tho Tcxans on the soldiers of Santa Anna, to repay thorn in a measure for slaughtering without mercy the gallant defenders of the old Alamo structure, is a fa miliar and thrilling chapter ot American his tory nnd doos not therefore require reproduc tion in The Times. There is ono man in Washington who has good reason to "remember the Alamo." That man is Capt. Louis Charles Schilling, who resides with his wife nnd children at No. 1215 E street northwest. Tho Captain claims, nnd proudly, too. to be tho only living sur vivor of tho fateful massacre, in which brave Davy Crockett nnd bis feilow patriots gave up their lives in the cause of huii.aa freedom. At tho time of the siege and massacre at the Alamo, Schilling was a baby boy of five years, but the awful scenes enacted there mndo an impression on his young mind wbieh will bo as lasting as life itself. Ho saw tho gallant Texans as they fell, ono by one, before the murderous lire of" the Mex icans, and crouching in a corner he witnessed tho Texas rillemen as they emptied their long guns full in the faco of Santa Anna's yelling host. As tho Mexicans surged Into the mission building, a wounded Texan seized little Schilling and forced him into an old-fashioned bacon box, where he remained con ceded during all the carnage and pillage that followed their entry. He saw noble Davy Crockett fall, Jjfter ha had heaped the place about him witn dead and wounded Mexican soldiers, and also witnessed tho killing of his own relatives, sturdy Germans, who wero among tho earliest white settlers of Texas. Young Schilling remained undiscovered in the bacon box until he was rescued by tho Toxan reinforcements, who had been" hurry ing to the relief of tho beleaguered garn&on. Ho was then taken to a place ofsafety and remained as a charge cf the Lone Star State until ho reached man's estate. As a momento of his escape and experience, tho State of Texas ha3 presented him with a handsome medal, which he wears proudly on his watch chain. In addition to a Latin in scription it bears tho words: "Survivor of the Alamo. Presented by tho State of Texas." On the front and reverse of the medal appear two views of tho old Alamo building. HE BECOMES AN AVENGES. . When Capt. Schilling reached tho ago of twenty !irs. ho enlisted in tho Texas Bang ers, and was soon placed in command of a company operating along the Rio Grande. As leador of these wild riders he saw an oppor tunity of avenging the deaths of his relatives, whoso lives wero taken by Mexicans at the Alamo. "1 was sworn," said Capt. Schilling to a Times' reporter, "to either take Mexican marauders along the Bio Grande prisoners or elso roleaso them, as my judgment micht dic tate, nnd I am frank to say that during my service with tho Bangers I was instrumental in having not less tbun five hundred "greas ers' released. I had a rather peculiar way of releasing my Mexican prisoners, but i: was an effective way, and tney never bothered U3 any moroif ler being released." "How did I release them? Why, when the boys would bring one, two or three 'greasers before me and say: 'Captain, we found these fellows trying to steal cattle,' or engaged in any other sort of mischief, I would tell them that tho jail at Brownsville, or somewhere else, was fall of prisoners and we had no room for tho rascals. Then I would instruc: them to tako tho prisoners to a piece of woods or cbnpparal and 'release them, aa my sworn orders called for either release or incarcera tion. Tho boys would then lead the Mexi cans away to cover, out of my sight, aad in a few minutes a volley of rifle shots would in form mo that my orders had been obeyed and the Mexicans 'released. " Cnpt. Schilling kept a record ot tho num ber of "greasers" he had released, and he does not think the numter will fall far short of 500. Tho captain's name scon became a terror to Mexican marauders along tho muddy Rio Grande, and they fought shy ot his particular company of rangers for fear that they might some day come in for ono of Capt. Schilling's fatal releases. A year or two after his retirement from the rangers, owing to a severe attack of rheuma tism he had contracted as a result of exposure and hardship on the frontier, tho captain camo near losing his life in an underground Mexican dungeon. Tho Mexicans had such a hatred for tho "devil captain." as they were wont to call him. that when he was advised to seek relief for his ailment at tho Hot Springs of Mexico, he went thero in disguise. While returning towards Texas, a few months later, he was recognized by a Mexican as ho waspassingthrough a small town near the Rio Grande. The man who discovered his identity nt onco notified some companions and Cnpt. Schilling was wnylnid nnd shot through tho thigh. Ho was then seized by Mexican offl cera and hurried off to prison. Tho men who shot Schilling entered the false charge of ns3nult nnd battery with intent to kill against him. Without even a preliminary hearing tho captain was thrust into an un derground dungeon and kopt there for over threo months. Tho soldiers who arrested him stolo nil his mouey, something liko $1,500. and subjected him tcthe grossest indignities. LEFT TO STAItVE AND DIE ALONE. Onco in tho dungeon, ho was left to soli tude and sem-idnrkness. No food was fur nished him by tho brutal jailors, and had it not been for an old Mexican woman who secretly gave aim a few tortillas (Mexican core cakes) every day nnd tho little burro mules who camo to the pit entrance and dropped a few gr:iins of corn from their mouths a3 they munched their noon-day meal. Schilling would hnvo starved to death, as it was tho purpose of tho Mexicans that ho should. Whenever ho asked for water to drink the inhuman jailor bnnded him a jar of slop water that a hog would havo refused to touch. "So lonely was I in that underground prison," snid tho captain, "that I welcomed oven the companionship of tho little houso flies thnt buzzed about my dunseon door." Cnpt. Shilling finally feigned insanity and mnnaged to get a note, written in German, to nn ox-German consul who resided in tho town. Tho Mexicans, believing that ho had become a madman from starvation and other abuses to which he was subjected, said: "Oh, tho 'devil captain is crazy now. He cannot do us any more harm." Accordingly the German ex-consul, who understood Schilling's scheme, secured his re lease and escorted him across the Bio Grande to tho free air of Texas. On account of thee indignities the Captain now has an indemnity bill against the Mexi can government pending before Congress. Bicycle Signals. First Citizen It is not enough that bi cycles carry bells; tho law should enforce a regular system of signals that all can under stand. Second Citizen Whnt would you suggest? First Citizen Well, I don't know exactly, but it might bo something like this: Ono, stand still; two rings, dodge to the right; three rings, dive to tbj left; four rings. jumD straight up and I'll run under you; flvo rings, turn a back handspring and land bohind me, and so on. Y'ou seo, us folks who walk nro nlwnys glnd to bo accommodated, but tho trouble is to find out what tho fellow behind wants up to do. New York Weekly. nMEi i 3 S fJaLa& World's Records and Highest Honors. The Only Bicyc!e Holding Them. No Other Machine is Made with Drop ForgFngs. Ride the Best. Always in the Lead. The Universal Favorites. IQastrsted catalogo aoaQed free. JOHN P, LOWELL ARMS GO,, Dealers ia Bicycle. Tricjeies, Yvloetpedes, Gods, Kiflee. I'atiary. Flabing Tackle. A foil lino oi Baseball and porting tieods of iTery liescriptioE. BOSTON, MASS. ecplZ-tf Don't TakB GImigss. There Is Toot 4n BR0M0S0DA and that's toe one yon wast for head aebe, braiaworx, nervous debility, and indigestion. Everybody sells . Made Warner JS Co., Philadelphia and Xew York. V John G. Jtron. p. x. Dctwklzb. V V ESTABLISHED 1861 Y Kcatnew Punctuality Fair Prteea. V ? Jifdd & DBlWBilBF, I V Printers and Publishers, 1 ) 420-422 11th St N. W., f Washington, D. C. f f Printers to the Scientific Societies ot V j Washington, U. S. bnpreme and District q f Courts. y f Print anything from a viaitiag card to a y X thousand page book. A FUNERAL EXPENSES REDUCED. S. H. MINES. Undertaker and Eaabalraer, Mala OSce, 2X1 and 2205 Fourteenth street northwest Braca oCce S10 Four-and-a-half Mret southwest. Twenty years' experieace ia the besteess, and flrst-claas work guaranteed. .ArrangeineBts .-on he made -with us for foaerala ia any part of the Vailed States. ?Co. 3 Varnished Coda, -without class. ......$15 -j "So. 4 Varnished Co3a. with glass 25 1 Ko. 5 Varnished Casket, with glass......... 35. a) "o. 8 Varnished Caakot, better grade... 42 X) "o. 7 BUck Cloth Casket, with gla&a 55. 3 '. 8 Black Cloth Casket, with glass 6Z. X) 'o. 9 Black Cloth Casket, with glass 73. M Ka 10 Black Cloth Casket, with glass 85.00 Motalllc Caskets furnished in proportion, whea desired. It wilt cost you nothing to mvesusate our prices. BelMrao Miss Maria Parloa Strongly Becommends the use of Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef And she has written a neat COOK BOOK, which will bo seat free on application to Dauchvfc Co.. 27 Park Place, New York. BAIL5QABS. nsisfifania RAILROAD. STATION COF.NEP. OF SIXTH AND B STREETS. Ia Effect Juaa 24, 189i 10:30 A. iT. FENSTLVAXtA LmiTSD Pult man Compartment Sleeping, Dialog. Smoking, and Observation Cara liarnsbarg to Chicago, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Cleveland, aad To ledo. Buffet Parlor Car to Harristrar? lh83A.M. FAST LISK Pullman KaBe: Parlor Car to Harrtebnrs, Parlor and Dining Cars, llarrisburg to Pittsburg: 3:15 P. -M. CH1CAUO A2TD ST. LOC1S EX PRESS Pullman Buttet Parlor Car toHar risbursr, Sleepln? and Dinlnc Cars, Harr j bnrg to St. Louis, Cincinnati, LouiSTiU, aad Chicago. 7:10 P. JL WESTHtX EXPRESS Pullmaa Sleeping Cars to Chicago, and Harrisburs to Cleveland. Dining Car to Chicago. 7:10 P. 31. SOl'THVTESTEie EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars to St Louis, and Sleeping Car HarrUbnrg to Cin cinnati 10:40 P. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS. Pullman sleeping Car to Pittsburg: 720 a. m. lor Kane, Canandaigaa. Rochester, aad Niagara Falls daily, except Sunday. 10.80 a. au for tlrnira and Renova daily, except Sunday. For Williaaisport daily, 3:13 p. ra. 7:10 p. m. for Williaimport, Rochester, Buffalo, nnd Niagara Falls daily, except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester. 10:10 P. 31. for Erie, Canandaigaa. Rochester, and Buffalo dally, and Niagara Fall daily, escept Saturday, with Sleeping Car Washington to Elmira, and Saturdays only aahington to Rochester. For Philadelphia, ow York, and the East 4.00 P. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED" All Parlor Cara, with Dining Car frora.iku.i more, forew York dally, f or Pailadelph.a weekdays. 7:20, 755 (Dining Car), 90, 9:i (Dining Car), and 11:00 ttn:n$ Car. a. m , 1L:15, 3:15, 4:20, KhoO, and 1135 p. m. On Sun day, 7120, 753 (Dining Car). ifcOU, 11:00 r lnmg Car a.m.. 12:15. 3:15, 4SJO. MfctW. and 1I.J3 p. m. Jror rhiladelphia only. Fast Express 7 jO a. m. wek days. Express. 21 and 3:40 p. m. dally For Boston, without change, 750 a. m. week davs, and 3:15 p. in. dailv. For Baltimore 6., 7J, 7 50. 738, WO, 9M0, 10:30, 11.00, and IliO a. m., 1215. or, 3d5,4.rt tUm iten. 4.20, 4.38, 3-40, tS:M. 7:10. Willi, 10:4J. 11 !1, and 11S3& u. jb. On Sunday. 7.30, 7:fti, '). ' ', lfr.., 11:00 a. m., 12:15. 1:15. 2 , .U5. 4:00 lin Hed), 4-20, 5:40, 6:14, 7:10, Ifcflft, 1W. and U 3 p. m. ' For Pop" Creek Line, 7:20 a. m. and 436 p. re daily, except Sunday. For Annapolia, 7sa, tf0, a : 1130 a na.and 4:20 p. rc. daily, except ur Jay. Sundays, 9.M a. m., and 4.2u p. m. Atlantic Coast Line Express fr Richmond, Jack&oimUe and Tampa, 1 ) a. m.,&30 p. m. daily. Richmond aad Atlanta, iJOp. m. uaiiji Richmond only, 10 a; a. ra. vtek daya. Accommodation for Vrantno, i.4S . m. daily. and 4sS5 p. m. week dys. For Alexandria, 4 , &:., 745, 8rf0, fc45. lu TT, 11:50 a nt. 120. 1:t0, L20, 4J25. 5.0k. 5-7. b S:OS, 1O.-06, and 11:39 p. m Ob Stnday at 4-iJ, 7.-15, 0:43 a. ra.. 2 45, ii:13; 9-.0S, aad 10.05 p m. Lenvo Alexaadna tor Waihrngton 6:06, 6.43, 7:03, S.00, U:10, 10:1, IOCS a. re, 1.-C0, 2:15, 3.-00. 353, 6:60, 5:30. &13, 7.00. 7:20, 9:15. I&3S. and 11 CS p. m. Or; Sunday at k43. 9:10, 103 a. m , 2:15, 5SJ0, 7:00, 7:20, 9:15, and 10-.52 p. m. Ticket offices aortheast corner of Thirteeata street and Pennsylvania avenue, and at the sta tion. Sixth and 1! streets, where orders can b loft for the checking of baggage to destination from hotels. aad real encea. J. R. WOOD, General Passenger AgaaX a il. PEEV03T, General Manager .