Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1S94. SPfflDEAGLED HIS HORSES Scstus Galloped Home Far in Advance of the Other Starters. FURSE TEMPORARILY WITHHELD Alexander Island Officials Want Owner Kel ly to Prove the Identity of Eoxtns Before Paying Over the Winnings The Crowd andBettine Were Good Tract Very Fast. BIr Holds Svere the rule yestordny at the Alexander Island course, and the attendance was good, with betting lively. . The track was fast, Bextus winning the first race in a gallop, going the half mile in 47 seconds. If be had been pressodno doubt he would have broken the timer's watch, let alono Geraldine's world's mark of 46 eeconds. Owing to tne consummate oase with which Eextus won the officials withhold the purse until the owner of the horse, Mr. Eolly, can prove the horse's identity. Mr. Holly has sent for William Hayward. the former owner, to corroborate his statement Soxtus' pre vious start was at Jerome Park. He is a bay seldiag, six years old, by Long Taw out of Belle of the Meade. Summaries: How the Horses Ran. Track fast m i First race One-half of a mile. SolHng. i U 4r Put so, JS09. Time, 0:47 Ini. Herie ana wt at Sestue, 111 .6 679 Charlie R,. M7.. , Sweetmeats, 110. 2 rS7 Ericsson, 107.... 1 VB1 LoVg Hoart, 111. B Intor Ocean, lift 4 f VicUsntMO V lT04 MtUe John, 187.. 9 ?K7 Qr'jro Camo. 110. 8 Hit rL .Totbw. , IS IsOTetter. 2 2 okTaykr 4 6 8i CorMey. 8 8 V-i Ham 7 4 S DeUMBty. 5 6 6 SeibeL 6 3 7 Carter. 8 7 8 McL'ghlin. B 9 9 Burns. Start fair. "Won pulled up. Betting Sextus, It; Charlie It., 10: Sweet meal, S: Eriosaon,; Loving Heart. Jfc later Ocean, fi; Vigilant, IS; Little John, 80, and Grange Camp, 80. r-n fceoond race Six and one-quarter f ur ivD loage. Purse, $208. Tlaie, 1:224. Ind. Some emd teL St , TOO Riensi, 108 8 Meoarob, 106.... 6 765 Ev'nCarrt,l02 6 780 Nota Beuec., 102 1 738 John Ruddtn.llO 4 Bessie llinle. lOfi 8 Do Know, 105..-- 2 780 Simplicity t, 105. 10 760 KefiUoaa.lO 7 Jd St Pm. Jeekeg. 4 4. 1J4 Tayior. S !'. M'Ds'tt 7 M sntuoroier. 1W. IUj 4 Hem. 2t.SU 5 lloodet Duffy. Neary. Carter. S'anebary. Flynn. 6 6 6 9 9 7 S S 8 io io e 5 7 10 TSO Br Parfc'rst, 102. S KtR.rt.feir. Wn drivinc Besting Rlensl, 8; Monarch, 7; Evelyn Carter filly, 10: Not Bene colt 6: John Rudden, : Betel o Hiakle, 20; Do Know. S; Simplicity Ally, 10: Rest less, 10. and Dr. Parkaurst, 16. rrCif Third race Six and one-half furlongs. I UO Purse, $908. Selling. Time. 1:2S& InA.Srr&aniict. St Ji St Vm. Joebeg. 708 Blue Bird, 104... 6 78 FroMc Lass, 119.. 4 (780) Fredericks, d... 8 789 Marguerite, 107.. 6 7s 1 7S7 Tioga, 101 8 ,798 B. of Feraaoy.lOl 7 7S6 Adjourn. 10! S 798 Hazel. 96 9 4 8. 1 Cartr. X 8 7 jjL Fiueim'ns. 4 Sfe Duffy. 790 4 Cole. 1U lS 5 6 6 6 6 7 S 8 8 9 9 9 Iturpfay. Ham. Oorfeley. Git .eon. K. King. Andrews. Bela.101 10 10 10 Start good. on handily. Betting Blue Bird, 8; Frolic Laes, 2-Fredericks, 10; Marguerite, JO; Ontario. 4; Tioga, 6; Belle of Fermoy, Sfl; Adjourn, 50; Haeel, 60, and ela,lu0. f"Q7 Fourth race Four and one-hair furlongs. I V I Parse, 200. Soiling. Time, 0:56L In 4 Sare and wt St H B7 Forest, 109 2 St 778 Detroit, 189...... 5 0 767 Benjamin, 114... 4 2 'SSI Brichtwood. 10L. 6 5 St Jhn. Jotkev. 4 1U Kaalov. 5 OS iiurpfay. 2LS 8i II. Lewis. 4 4 Carter. 7 5 Fiti'lm'o's. r70 NyGirl o,118... 6 8 7 rVBO Jennie T., 110... 11 9 6 T69 Free Press. 95... 8 lW ll 769 L. Water, i.t ... 7 10 10 W3 Elmstone.ll.... 18 18 18 JDS8 Imp. Nora. 104.. 9 7 11 774 Gola Jigger, 16.-."W 11 12 (767) Sonora, 109 .1 4 8 HS L Charlie, 109... 14 14 14 786 SilTer Queen, 109 12 12 9 Yetter. Ham. Paneoy. Job neon. I. Joar't TaylfflET" Flyan. Corbloy. start lair, w on easur. Betting Forest, 2; Detroit, 6; Benjamin, 6; Brigbrwooa, 84; My Girl, 20: Jennie T., 80; Fre Eress, 80: Laughlnjt "Water, SO; Elmsume, 80; Imp Kora, 80: Odddicger, 20; Sonora, 2; Little Charlie, 50, and Mirer Queen, 50. Ban Fifth race. One mile. Purse, 5200. Sell yOing. Time,l:?Ji. lad. Borf and trf. XL T69) Grand Prls. 104. 4 -791 Pirate Chief, 82.. 1 798 Billy Boy, 104 ... 5 771 "Westchester. 118. 8 785 Headlight, 104... 8 770 Uno Grande, 101. 7 766 Q'termaBtK", 104. 2 TBS Bright Eyes, 101. 6 766 May .. 104 8 LS St Pm. Jtokrit. lh li lakXanlorK. 8 85. SS Donnelly. 5 4 8 Cole. 7 6 4 Bonder 4 7 5 Xeary 2a 2S 6 JohBSon. 6 6 7 Murphy. 6 8 8 Andrews. 8 b 8 CorUey. Start fair. on driving. Bettinc Grand Prix, 3 to 6: Pirate Chief, E; Billy Boy, &; Westchester, 8; Headlight, 40; Uao Grande, 80: Quartermaster, 10; Bright Byas, 60. and Hay E., 80. Card for To-day. Firat race Seven furiongfi. Index, Boric Wt Index. Iloroe. Wt. 784 Ktocwood 86 750 Elizabeth 106 787 L'gfac Wator.. 85 061 Way D 85 ISC Larry K 108 768 McCormick.... 10e 79G Adteurn. 95 Tfi" JohuDuCFy.... 109 rm Bolliw. 108 70 Bed Star 101 775 Salisbury 85 776 Watch Charm S 781 Ada Blue 8S 778 3tay Bird 108 768 Wyoming 95 Second race Four and one-half furlongs. Index. Uoree. WL Index. florae. WL 736 "William Penn. 98 785 OataWer.. 90 777 Fencer. 89 780 Irene. 100 (745)Boetia. 100 786 Castanet 106 71 Classic 80 793 Lura. 99 736 TSin. 80 Dow. 105 746 Jolly Boy. 98 765 Lillian L 90 Coulter 86 (70S) Siberia 90 704 Little Jim..... 108 Third race Six and one-half furlODgs. JndeK. Horm. Wt. Index. Ilorie. JTt 786 Prince Kla'th. 10 78 Flushing 89 C78 Potowsttmie. 99 778 Irene K. JG 789 Bert Ml 775 J McGarrigle. 107 (515) Kadiast 110 79S Fr'nk. It Hart 111 798 Camden- 102 Fourth raoe Four aud one-half furlongs. Index. Hers W I 1 -Jer. IIorc Wt, 798 JactLoveH... 1 xM HyTay 122 767 BqoaMr. 1 Jllas P'm'ae g. 10S 7fi8 The Fo 116 Bert "Wilbur... 12 789 D'sh's Cbarllo S17 775 Pagan. 180 (754) Tedd Go... 784 Clansman..... 114 787 Benjamin..... 182 747 Keedmoro .... 116 778 Keranes. 1GS (784) Sextos. 119 7B7 Detroit 110 Fiftfo raoe Sir and a half furlongs. Index. liorM. W't Index. IJortc Wt. hS The Snake.-.. 105 774 Venusberg.... 116 7M Srao II.... UC W Amsterdam... 105 T85 Brogan 102 780 Finwater 102 790 Tytura, 10S 779 A'erioan Lady 121 792 Maggie Beck.. 181 766 J. McLaughlin 121 788 Leigh 181 768 J.James 105 7SS Belgravia 182 Selections. First race "Wyoming; Bed Star. Seoond race Siberia; Classic Third rase Frank R. Harl; Flushing. Fourth, raca Sextus; Detroit Fifth race Finnwaton Jimmle James. Pointers from the Paddock. The question is how last oould Sextus run the first race. Sweefcneats was played almost off the boards. Monarch will beat all such as he met yester day the next time out. Bienzi'B win was due to Taylor's good ef forts. AU the talent were down to n man on John Budden, it being reportod that tho horse had the "dope."" FroUosomo lass was out iooso again yes terday, but this time failed to land tho coin for her owners. Ontario looked all over a winner until tho Stretch when he chuokod it and finished flftlu, Blue Bird won easily and It will taken good one to beat him just now. tThe track and day must have suited Forest, Underwood and Hanlore, as Forest won in a band gallop. bo nora'6 race was extromely bad consider ing he r previous appearance in public Orlando -Tones bet heavily on Sonora and Grand Frix. Tom "Woodford had down a swell bet on Forest. Detroit came very fast at the finish. Pfxalo Chief showed big improvement over t(Say a little but say it strong" Take that 12.50 you intended pajang drop in and see the $7.50 Beaver or Kersey Over coat we're selling. Why, man, it's a clear gain of $5 if it's a cent. Cut long doep silk volvot col lar well-flttlng and splendidly made of a good quality, smooth faced Kersey or Beayor. Has a 15 appearance and you'll pay $12X0 to get as gocd. One word more; d-o-n-'t fail to look at those $10 suits (in our corner win dow.) They're beauties. Kaufman's Cor. 8th and I Sts.S.E, his last race. Hi ownor must have had n bet down yesterday. Uno Grando was sailing part of tho way but tho journey proved too long. Wflstohestor sulked and would not try. On his raco yesterday Soxtui looks a cinch to-dny. AMATEUR BOWLING LEAGUE. Bucna Vista Wins Three Straight Car roll Institute Continues to Win. The Young Men's Catholic Club team paid a visit to the alleys of tho Buena Vista Club last night to play its first 6t of games thcro in tho District Amateur Bowling Leaguo series, and lost three game3. Several difficult spares wero made by mem bers of both teams. W. F. Meyers, of Bucna Vista, mado a spare of 7-9-10 and another of 7-9, and Lansdale, of Y. M. 0. C, the diffi cult one of 4-9-10. Tho Carroll Institute team visited tho Washington Athletic Club last night and won two out of the turoo game?. A special 'mooting of tho LcaKUO will be held at C. A. C. on Saturday oveulng next at S o'clock. The following aro the results of last night's games: v. ir. c. c Platers. Lanedalo .... H. Lehman... Trapp O'Couuor.... It. Lehman.- 1st 181 15 96 140 109 Sd 121 1S1 10 ISO l-ja 3d lit Stks. Spr& 10S us 102 Team totals.. 001 CSO S03 BCENA VISTA. 1st lfi-l 1SS i ISO 116 2d. 140 185 110 140 115 Sd. 161 145 140 118 IIS Stfcs. Sprs. Lane KlttK Meyers Sptaes Uude Team totals.. CT5 640 WA9HIK0T0S ATHLETIC CLUB. let Kidd ITS Puller 1SS ja.irtin 189 Tolly 14S 1L Story 1S6 Team totals.. 743 2d. 1SS !M 177 10S 101 740 3d. 171 HR IIS 151 141 StUs. Sprs. 7 13 5 15 4 11 G G 0 12 CABROLL INSTITUTE. l&t 112 135 141 156 127 2d. 1 1S7 160 126 14S 3d. 131 151 152 165 165 Stks. Sprs. 5 10 6 12 7 12 G 10 T r ShuUies. B. Locraft Bloa Downey.... Armstrong... Team totals.. 701 702 Standing of clubs to date: Per To Won. Lost cent. play. Buena Vistas., G 3 Car.-olls G 3 "Washingtons. G G Catholic Club 3 0 Columbias 3 6 .063 .G6G .000 .833 .333 High School Football Game To-day. The first of a scries of throe games for the high school football championship between the Business and Central schools will bo played at 3:80 o'clock thfa afternoon at Na tional Tark. There is great interest in tho outcome of the series, and tho teams will lino up to-day as follows: Business. Position. Central. JUayes Center Sladdrow Proctor Riiht cuard Dc Silver EetUer. Gardner... Lett guard Campbell Oertlcy Hipat tickle Saunders Lyman, Claxton.. Left tackle Bright. Shustor Cotter Ri;ht nd Exley Carr Left end Keys. Bright Saars Quarter back...Brawnor(capt) Eerr (capt) Left half tack Avis Compton Ricfct halt back Tindall Weaver Full back Cockrcll Sitostitutes: For Bnsiness Raub, Bradford, Morris, and Wimsatt For Central lloore and Smith. o Miscellaneous Sporting Notes. The Yale faculty deny tho report that tho game Tbankgivlng Day with Princeton will not Do allowed. Preparations aro complete for tho sparring exhibition Thursday evening in the arena of the Eureka Athletic Club. There is no doubt that Lord Dunraven's new yacht to compete for the America's cup will be a keel boat. ROCK CREEK PARK TRANSFER. It Will Probably Bo Turned Over Next Week to the Permanent Commission. It is probable that Bock Creek Park will shortly be turned over to tho permanent com mission which is to have charge of it. Tho Commissioners now in control will probably hold their last meeting next week and form ally transfer the park to tho now managers. Tho present commission will then proceed as a board of assessors to determine th6 value of benefits to owners of property adjoining the park. Thero is a balance of ?4,541.G9 from tho fund assisrned for roadways, and the amount was yesterday turned over to tho commission by Clerk Young, of tho supreme court. The overplus arose from tho fact that many of tho park roads already belonged to the United States. --o Where and When to Shoot Quail. The lovers of field sports will find great In terest in an admirably prepared pamphlet of the Southern Ballway Company on the subject of "Quail Shooting in Virginia nnd North Carolina." The work therefore includes a compilation of the game lawt in Yirginia and a list and description of all tho pieces on or near tho trunk line and branch lines of the Southern Ballway where tho hunting can bo recommended. Quite av number of lllmtra tions add to the valuo v and interest of tho book. Tho pamphUt is certainly one of tho best yet published, and npart from iti con nection with tho Southern Ballway makes good reading for the public generally. It was compilod by Major J. 31. Taylor, and may be had on application to "W. S. Turk, general passenger agent Southern Eailway Company, BoxL, Washington. D. C. In this connec tion should be mentioned tho handsomely equipped and appointed train of this railway company running betwtn New York and Jacksonville, Fla. It leaves "Wathlngton at 10:05 p. m. dally, and in point of speed and comfort is among the best leaving this city or the South. Hearly Beady for the "Giant Killer" Sev eral now members wero initiated at tho regular meeting of tho Legion of Loyal "Women last evening. The committees re ported that very satisfactory progress is being made in the arrangements for the presenta tion of "Jack the Giant Killer." To-morrow aftrnoon a rehearsal will b held at Albaugh's Opera House. Yesterday the subscription tickets wero exchanged, and to-day the sala of regular tickets will bo begun. Mies Julia Paulino Leavens, of tho Chicago Women's Club, delivered a lecture on "Dress reform," which she illustrated with charts and models, showing the evil effect of ciose-fltling cloth ing and heels on shoes. Dr. S. A. Forman, of Baltimore, will deliver a lecture at tho next meeting of the legion, Monday, December 3. SLftuGHTER OF THE'TALENT Not-& Favorite Finished in Front at the St. Asaph Course. $&,, FIRST LIGHT A BIG SURPRISE At tho long Prico of 100 to 1 W. Steele's Filly Captured the Sixth Raco by a Short Margin The Public Mot With a Waterloo, Sovou Favoritos Being Boaten To-day's Entries. Long faces wero noticeable at the St. Asaph courso yesterday afternoon, nnd it was no wonder, as all seven raco3 wero won by non favorites. Just as soon as tho talent landed nnd made a horse tho choico, just as regular the choico would be beaten. Tho slxteon bookmakers mado up their losses of last week and had a Held day. In tho opening race Pretense foil in tho back-stretch, broko a leg and had to bo de stroyed. Sims, who rodo Equity in tho third, clnlmed Snedokor on Marshall had fouled him but no action was takon. Marshall boro in on Equity which ciuaed tho making of tho com plaint. Tho match raco was a good hotting affair, Jack nnd Buen Whito losing heavily on Whseloskl. i'lnt Lljrht at 100 to l was me surprise. The atundaaca and betting woro good. Summaries: First race Htlf a mile. Maldon two-year-olds. Selling. Purse, $230. TIme,0:194. Miniver, 103, 16 to 6 (Lamley) .". 1 Auitln, 10l.7tol (X. Tribe) 2 EHbs Morrlion filly, 10, 8 to 5 (Sims) 3 Flash, lfS (Keefe), 10 to 1: Iroelen gelding, 103 (Burrell), 15 to 1; lUteor. 10.3 (Penn),30 to 1; AUringo, 112 (Carrifan), 20 to 1; Josophine Saliznac, 1Q3 (It Doeastt), 7 to 1: Asia, 111 (Len drura), 8 to 1, and Boothroyd. 100 (Sheedy), 100 to 1, nlio ran. Prstense, 103 (Kacy), 12 to 1, fell soon after tho start Fair start Won cleverly by a neck, a head botrcorn second and third. Austin showed in front from tho start, and was only headed in tho last sixteenth by Miniver, tho latter winning by a neck. Socond raco One mile. Non-winners Boiling. Purse, JJ250. Time, 1:43Hj. Jnck Hose, 10S:, 7 to 2 (Sims) 1 Bluo Garter. 93, 100 to 1 (F. O'Loary) 2 Tiny Tim, 107, 20 to 1 (E. Tribe) 3 Thurstcu, 107 (Griffin), 9 to 20; Uncle Jim. 107 (F. Finnegan), SO to l: BonaVenturc, 10G (Bur roll). 10 to 1; Clarus, IS (H. Brown): Willie -Mc-Auliffe, 107 (Carrigan), 300 to 1, and Sam Wellir. 107 (Lamloy). 25 to 1, also ran. Fair start Won handily by a half length, two lengths betweon second and third. Tjiuruon and Tiny Tin mado all tho running to thostretch, when Sims bi ought Jack Hose through and won rather easily by a ha'f longth. Third raco Ono mile. Handicap for all ages. Purse, f250. TIma; 1:4:. Assignee, 103. 3 to 1 (Lamley) -.. 1 Marshall. 113. Gtol (Suodekor) 3 Equity, IDS, 11 to 20 (Sims) 3 Prig, 102 (Penn). 15 to 1. also ran. GoSd tttart on t nsily by a longth, a head between second and third. Assigueo was always in ironi and held tho others safo from start to finish. Fourth raco Six furlongs. Beaten threo-yoar-olds .'elling. Purse, ?250 Time, 1:17)4 F.lberon, 101,5 to2(Lamloy) 1 Half Miuo. 101. 12 to 1 (E. Tribe) 2 Equation, 110,7 tol vPeun) 3 Major General, 110 (Griffin), 4 to 5: Nlnoty Sovon, OS (Kecfe), 20 to 1: Galloping Kincr, 114 (Londrum),0 to Land Commodore Koughan, 101 (It Docgett), 20 to 1, also ran. Strapglint start Won easily by two longths: four longths botwoen second nnd third. Half Mine opened up a big gap nud looked to havo the race at his mercy, but in tho strotch Blberon cams through and won eislly. Fifth ra-e Five and a halt furlongs. Soiling. Purse, 250. Tlmo, 1:C8. Derfargllla, 101, 0 to5 'Grinin) 1 Wernberc, 1CS.2 to5Mms). 2 Ilullnut, 92, 100 to 1 (Naccyj 3 Panway, 02 (II. Brown 100 to 1, also ran. Good start Won easily by three parts of a icntth, eight lengths between second and third. Wernberc was in front to th stretch, when Dcr farsilla closed and won well In hand. Sixth race Six furlonjs. Beaton two-year-olds. Pura, 5250. Time, 1:17. First Light, 1C5, 100 to 1 (K. Finnegan) 1 Jloderoclo. 103. 13 to-'o (oriinn) - Bucktye.lC. 20 to 1 (Penn) 8 Enchanter 109 (Sims 2 to I; Red Tod. 103 (Lr.mly), JO to 1; Chprry Blossom colt, 110 (.-ned-eter), 10 to 1; Carnation. 105 (F. O'l.enry), 100 to 1, and VelTet rose, 103 (Helta). 2(0 tol, also ran. Thyra, 105 (E. 'iribe), 60 to 1, left at pout Fair start Won driving by a head, a head be tween second and third. Buckoyo and Mod proclo wero the leaders to tho strotch, when in a driTlnj finish First Light won by a head, tho same between teeoad and third. Seventh race FIto furlongs. Mntch 5100 a side. Time, 1:01. Romping Girl. 103, G to3 (Bergen) 1 Wheeloskl, 110, 7 to 10 (Dosgftt) 2 Good start Won easily by a longth. hcel oski was a hoad in front to th strotch, when the Romping Girl took command and the raco was over. Entries for To-day. First race Soven-oighths of a mile. Ilerma nlta, 103; Lobengula, 103; Maurico (lato Maurino c), 1C5 and Htllstonn, 100. Second race Three-quarters of a mile. Tor mentor, 110; Elberou, C7: fcappho, 91; Hnmmlo, 10B; Senator Vt, ?7: Anxlsty, 01; Gov. Fifor and Void. 103 each. nd Polydora, 105. Third race One nnd one-eighth miles Econo mist, 90; Baroness. 100; Fidello and Bess Mac duff. PD each, and Warpeak, 105. Fourth race One-half of a mile. Southsldo, 9C; Van Brunt, OS; Lady Richmond, 100; Vocality and Boothroyd, 90 each; Maringo, 96; Sydo, 10J; Fannie B., 90, and Sir John, 105. Fifth race Six and one-half f urlonga. Assignco and Prig, 102 each; Mclntyre. Ill; Mockbarron and Unrdy Fox, 104 each, nnd Bluo Mats, SO. Sixth race One mile. Indrn, 109; Star Actress, 100; Flirt, 90; Major General. 99; Little Tcin, 90; Gallatin, 100, and Leonardo, 99. Selections. First race Lobengula: Maurico. Second race Void; Polydora. Third race Baroness; Fid-iio. Fourth race Lndy Richmond; Vocality. Fifth ra"o AsMgneo; Slclntyre. Sixth raco Flirt; Indra. AlonR tho Line. Sixteen books wore on. Pittsburg Phil fell on Thurston. Wheolock played Morciner both ways. Billy Davis and Hike Dwyor lost on Equity. Jack White plnyed Marshall straight. Col. Pulsifer backed Half Mino straight and place. Fred. Cowan lost a swell bet on Wernberg. Enchanter pulled up very lame. Pretense fell and broke, a leg being do stroyed. Smiling John Kelly had 8200 on Romping Girl. Buen Whito lost heavily on Whoelodki's de feat. nttsburjr Phil ignored his more Derfargllla and bet $1,500 on Wernberg. Doc Shipsoy played Austin both ways, Jack Hose straight, and Marshall a place. MIko Dwyer, Pittsburg Phil, Wheelock, and Bob Aitkins wcro down on Major Geuernl. Wheolock again got a heat on Pittsburg Phil by cashing on Derfargllla. Fred Cowan, Cad Irish, Wheolock, Pitts burg Phil, and C. Nelson won on Asslgnoe. Ike Thompson laid against Wheeloski and won heavily on tho raco. B. Tan Brunt has bought FIdelio and Charter and will raco them at tho Alexander Island track.. After Duffargilla's victory she was bid up ?200 over hor entered celling price of 8800, and bid ln'by her owner. Jockey Snedekor, who rodo Marshall In the third race, was set down for bad riding in the etrotch. i Results on Other Tracks. Lexington, Ky.: Equator, Brownoll, The Com moner. CassSummer Coon, and Isabel St. Louis: Halpin. Dot Dimple, LeonwellPob ble Rock, and Snowball. San Francisco: Duchess of Milpita, Pnsha, Sis ter Mary, Miss Caley, and Commissioner. luazimnni Jail Soatonc Imposed A jail sentence of 3S1 days was imposed yesterday by Judge Miller "on John Bebly, after his honor had overruled the motion for a now trial. Bebly was found Ruilty of attempting an assault upon Lucy Jenkins, an elderly womnu, near Third and E streets, several days ugo. SPECIAL NOTICES. Office hours Women, 1 to 3 p.m.; Men, 8 to 5 p.m. DR. WILLIAM II. LOPP. Practice limited to GENITO-URI- NARY Dlaeaees. Ohio Nat Bank Building, cor. 12th and G sts. Boom 41, , 48. (EloTator.) FBEE DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD PISH THE Elsh Commission have decided not to glvo away nh thl sson, but during tho flrat irook InDecemborto cyery purchasor of goods to tho vnluo of 81.00 and upward In my stores, I will rlva away four beautiful Chinese gold flsh. SCHMID'S BIRD STORKS, 713 12th Bt. n. w. and lSSl Ponn sylranla aronuo. no27-2rr CONTAGIOUS DISEASE HOSPITAL, A MASS-MEETING OF CITIZENS, under the Joint auspices of tho Mount Ploasant, Columbia llelzhts, and Brlghtwood Avenuo Cltiiam' Asso ciations, will be held at Central Union Mission Hall, No. 2S02 14th Bt nw., on TUESDAY EVEN ING. 27th Instant, at 7:80 o'clock, to protei t against and consldor and deviie mosni to pre vent tho proposed establishment of a Contagious Disoaso Hospital on the site recently selected by tho Commissioners for this purppea. Every per son interested in the matorlal development and welfaro of Mount Pleoiaut and vicinity Is earnestly invited to be pretont at the mooting. J. W. SOMBHVILLK, President Mount Floaaant CltUens' Association. GILBERT B. TOWLES, President Columbia Heights Citlzons' Aso'tlon. WILLIAM A. OATLEY, President Brlghtwood Avenuo Citlzons' Associa tion. It IF YOU WANT YOUR HORSE CLIPPED EOlt S go to TATE & TKOGLER. Horso Clipping by electric power. Shop: 1007 B st nw., Wash ington. D. 0. Satisfaction guaranteod. Telo phone,1331. nolG-lm TIN, SHEET-IRON AND CORNICE-WORKERS, attention. Local Union, No. 99, of tho L A., will hereafter meet Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. In hall at T37 Sevonth stroet northwost All members aro requested to attend. Secrotary. nol4.2w HEAL ESTATE. 17 OR SALE $4, 000 THE BEST HOUSES IN Washington for tho monoy; B at. no., brick houso, 6 rooms and bath. a. in. L, lot 18 by 90 to wldo alloy; R st. nw.. brick house, 6 rooms and bath, a. m. 1., brpwn stono to parlor floor, lot 10x90 to alley; Maryland avenuo ue., brick house, G rooms and bath, a. in. t, lot lfixlOO to alley. E. Q. GUNSON & CO., Room 24, Atlantic Building. no23-tf Site at S30 UP 51 Down and 51 Per Week. Warranty deed free. 10 per cent off for cash. Tuxedo Is on the Ponu. H.R., adjacent ! to Washington, on nign ground, over looking Sasuington. tommutatlon faro 6 Utoiio. station on tho grounns. tfiau in goia givon away Christmas any. iou may be the lucKy ono. .excur sions daily, circulars, ota. at omco, kh .FSt nw. LOST. LOST WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, A FOX torrior, white, with liver-colored faco; an swers to nauio of Tommy. Llboral reward If re turned to 404 Thirteenth st uw. uo27-3t P22S3XAL. MANY HAVE GONE: YET STILL THERE'S many more. We allude to tho olegnnt suits and ovorcoats slightly worn that wo aro soiling at prices unheard of beforo. Strictly ono prico. JCSTH'S OLD STAND, 619 D st nw. A MERICA'S GREATEST MEDIUM, IX Mrs. Eltie McNeil. 1914 Ponn. avo. nw. Those dcslrlug reliable spiritual advico on matters of business, peronal or domestic inter est, w 111 flnda visit to this pntnomenal medium a satisfactory and profltible experionc. Sit tings $1 Business examinations a specialty nnd satisfaction guaranteed. All communica tions strictly confidential. It MME. BROOKE TEI.L3 ALL THE EVENTS 07 life. All business confidential. Ladles and ficntlmen,0c. each. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. X. Y. are. nw., near fith st. no27-2w MRS. DR. BINNIR, FEMALE SPECIALIST Gold medal rewarded for the scionco of obstetrics: assistant of tho Royal Women't Hos pital, of Munich, Bararlo; treated all female complaints, tumor, cancer, nervous, chronic, private, blood diseaes, and childlessness. Separate rjonn for confinement cases. Strictly confidential. 31 B street northeast, no27-lm Washington, D. C. MAGNETIC TREATMENT at your home by A Lady of Refinement no20-7t 715 12th straot northwest f,f ARAVILLA" IS A PrRKLY VEGETABLE IVi compound and is on of the very best remedies in cases of dysppla, iadigestion or stomach troubles. Mr. Jacob Xander is the ole proprietor ol the wouderful medicine. For sale either with him, at 1317 7th street nw., or by all leading drug stores, groceries and restaurants. uo25-7t MARY STAY AND FINISn YOrR VISIT. Hare sent my own and thochildren's mend ing to tho Universal Mending Co , room 4, 1114 1110 F st, wxere it will bo dono Just as you would doit JOHN. no25-3t CARPETS CLEANED. Tho Continental Carpet Cleaning Co. is devot ing its whole time to expert work any other wouldn't pay. Carpets and rugs cleaned and disinfocted. re moving dust, moths, organic matter, otc. Car pets taken up, relaid, fitted, and sowed. Reno vating carpets on tho floor, feathers renorated, and mattresses mad orer. Send postal and we wui can, giving prices. Alain omce 1411 .5. 1. ave. oc2S-8m I am not a countess, not a gypsy queeu, am not a seventh daughtor, was not born with a caul, am not something new and Just arrived, but am MME FRANCIS, ono of the oldest estab lished mediums, nnd am here to stay. Am not indorsed by the clergy, but am indorsed by some of tho most learned and influential peoplo of our city and many others; am here to help all thoso that are in trouble. Life given from cradla to grave. Cards, 25; trance, 50. Hours, 9 to 9. 406 East Capitol street. Thoso that aro In trouble call and be con vinced. no22-7t DR. S. IX HICKS, SPECIALIST. EYE. EAR, and Throat; No. 355 F st. nw., Room 2; no chargowlll be made to determine if your sight may be improved; hours, 11 to 4. nell-Smo npflP I AV WONDERFUL CLAIR Jirvvr. VL-rll ,voyant and medium; tells your life from cradle to grave; every hidden mystery revealed; tells the business that will bring you greatest success; in love affairs ho never falls; unitas separated; recovers lossa; causes speedy marriages; removes evil influ ences; for tells with a certainty all commaroial and business trantactlona; twelve years stab llshed. Ladles aad gentlemen, 50 cents each. Hours 9 to 9; epen Sunday. 489 H St., bot 4 and fith sts. sw. no7-lm No charge for examining tho oyes. Your headache may bo relieved or eyesight improTed. The Finest Freach lenses In nickle mounting, earns in steel mounting, 50c. Cheap spectacles and eyeglasses properly ad Justed from I5c. up. oclfi-Smo. A. KAHN, 085 F st nw. LADIES COMFORTABLE HOME BEFORE and during confinement; btst medical treat raont; babies adopted; famalo complaints treated by experienced physlelan; confidential. Mrs. Dr. REXNER, at B st n. e., Washington, D. C. jelO-iy FREE DENTAL INFIRMARY DENTAL DE partment of ColumbianUnlverslty, 1323 H st. nw. Open daily from 1 until 6 p.m. AH operations atcost of material used. Xxtractlug free. ocl9-3m Mines. Washington & Briggs, 604 Twelfth street northwest, Wish to Inform their customers and the ladles of Washington that they aro prepared to make elegant costumes, Dinner, Walking, Riding Habits, Tailor-made Suits, Etc. They havo secured the serrlces of the best art ists, and made arrangements with the lending houses of London, Paris, aad Berlin for styles, nnd will execute all orders with promptness. Their customeis havo been the elite of this country, whom thoy havo always pleased, and will guarantee to suit tho most fastidious. J1MES. WASHINGTON & BRIGGS, c-3in 604 Twelfth st nw. DR. LEON, 4C7 C Street Northwest OFFICE HOURS, 10TO1, GTOS, SI. Tho Order Your Coal. By 'Phone. Wo make prompt detivory a. "feature" of our buslnsss. A postal will bring it Pea Coal $4.50aton. Shamokin I $5.75 a ton. ARTHUR B. SMITH, 4TH AND I ST& N. E. 1 MASS. AVE and F ST. N. E. S-'Phono 1077 OTH AND K ST3. N. W. J VASTS 3. w AKTED-IMMEDIATELT BY TWO YOUNG gentlemen fur. room In nrlvate family: mutt Dt near lima omce ana not oxceea ?i- per 12 pe 7-2t month. Address FRANK, this office. no3' FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, NO. 2201 1ST. nw.; water, gas, and latrobes; running wator closet in yard: $20 per month. inquire at no27-7t corner store, 2200 I st. uw. G? 1 AH A MONTH-DO YOU WANT TO MAKE flip J-U J It? Let mo teach you crayon portrait making; it is easily, quickly, choaply learned. Address "ARTIST," 606 Eletenth St. n. w. no27-7t TXTANTBD-SEWING IN FAMILIES. APPLY by lettor. Miss C, 2400 H strcot northwest no. 27-1 1 WANTED-TUAVELINU OROCEKY, LIQUOR, household novelty eoods aud chemical salesmen for Ylrglala aud North Carolina terri tory: also experienced furrier, hotel watchman, single farm foreman, gluts aud tinware clerks, 3 trunk makers, and 4 non-uulon Iron raouldors at tho Exchange, OH IStk st. nw. no27-tf WANTED-DRT GOODS AND NOTIONS AID confectionery salesladies, 5 paper box mak ers, and 3 good knitters to take positions out of th city. Apply at the Ladles' Exchange, G14 13th st. ay. no-.T-tt WANTBD-EMPLOTEHS TO LHAYS THEIR orcor for any class of mala or female com mercial, profesiional or mechanical help at the Exchange; only tku best class of help with in vestigated rots, aro Introduced. Office 614 ISth st. nw. no27-tf HOUSEKEEPERS IN NEED OF 8EIIVANTS will be supplied promptly and satiifactorlly at the Ladles' Exchange, Oli 13th st nw. noJT-tt TTTANTBD-RELIALE BOYS, NOT NOW T I telling papery to sell Tho Times under special arrangamant Call this evening betwaen 8:0 and T:80. nc2T-tf ANTED GUARANTEED PAINLESS AND vv pennaasnt cure for Morphine Habit of 12 or 15 years' standing, .address, giving references and terms, SUFFERER, this offlco. no25-3t A ANTED IT KNOWN J. E. BRENNER, 409 v Warner st, makes latrobes, ranges, and furnaces; gives satisfaction or no charge; spout ing and Job work; prices rock bottom. uo25-7t TT7ANTED-U. S. POSTAUE STAMPS, DE V V partment stamps, such as War, Interior, Post-office, State, Treasury, Justice, Agriculture, Executive, and Navy; used or unused; in any quantity; for spot cash at highest prices. Also Rovenue and collections of U. S. and foreign stamps and proof sets. no25-3t C. F. KOTSFUCHS, 359 Penn. avo. PLUMBING, GAS, AND STEAM FITTING; remodeling dofectlTe plumbing a specialty; first-class work only.and guarantee It WILLHAI KOUU, 724 13th st nw. Fhone, bC5. nol5,2w TT7 ANTED FREE DELIVERY 100 BUSINESS V nards printed on good board, 60c.; 1,000, $1.50; other printing low; drop mo a postal. B. L. HAYS, 1221 M kt n.e. noiu-3w Wanted Try Rubber Roof Paint. WE STOP ALL LEAKS FREE. And charge only for painting; work guaranteed. NAT. RUBBER ROOF PAINT CO., 10 8th nw. noS-lmo TT7ANTED LADIES TO LEARN MME. WASH l ington's Ladiet' Tailor System: drafts di rect on tho material; call and Investigate; this system is so thoroughly taught that scholars, after finishing, are fully competent to take charge of business for themselves or take lead ing positions for others. Fositlons at 004 12th st nw secured after learning. ocT-3eio WANTED-ALL BEER DRINKERS TO CALL at Bush's new place, 817 7th st nw., and get a nice cold bottle ot beer for 5 cents. au21-lyr FOR BENT BOOKS. FOR RENT 1117 I ST. NW., NICEUY FUR room en 2d floor; south front; central loca. tlon; also on Sd finer; conven. ent to departments and car lines; rent reasonable. nc27-2t TOR RENT-3 NEWLY -FUR. ROOMS; HOD- J? em improvements: 1 back parlor and front and back oi second noor. no25-3t 742 3d Bt nw. T7"E STILL HAVE ROOMS FOR A TEW MORE boarders at aXOO pr wek. Table board, 54.00. Tarlors for rnt, front or back. WINSTON HOTEl 845 Pa. av. u. w. no'.0-3mo E0ABD. EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD, GOOD HOME cooking; everything flrst-claw; terms rea son abl. no27-7t 1125 Tsntast. nw. F0S SALE anSCSLLAKEOUS. CHEAP IF SOLD AT ONCE CASH DYEING nd cleauins: buiines with good trade; good reason for sailing. aoJ7-7t Addresi M. C, this offlce. FOR SALE PRIVATE TARTY. WILL SELL majniflcent upright piano, nearly new and lcdy' safety bicycle. Addres C. C. C. this offlce. nc-lt LOUNGES. S2.50; COOK! STOVE?, S3; HEATERS, 3'j.50; oak desk, to; 31 per weok for bsdroom and parlor suite. REDMOND'S CASS AND CREDIT HOUSE, S13 7th st. nw. no25-7t JTOR SALE GOLD FISHES. FANCY PIGEONS. . rinsing Canaries, Mocking Birds. Parrots, Monkeys, Fnnoy Poultry, Mxltrso and Angora Kltuns. SCHMID'S Bird Stores, No. 712 12:h st. nw. nd 1231 Pa. rv. nw. oc8-Sm F02 2ENT H0US2S. FOR RENT BRICK DWELLING, 123 F ST. ne.; 7 rooms, bath, hall, Istrobo, range, etc.; In first-class condition. no27-2t J. B. GRAFF, 1S31 F St. nw. T70R RENT. JL' 123 1234Massavnw 11113 Sth st nw.... 7 17.30 mi. lB'JIOl.Oi 1219 D st sw 7 10 37 1747 ISth stnwml 15 75.00 1635 Superior st 1701PstnwmL. 13 07.C0 nw 815.00 11209thstnwmil3 60.?0124 7th stne.... 5 15.00 1708 L st nw m I 12 50.55 2525 M st nw. ... 6 15.00 0238th stnwinL 10 50 4S 2820 12th st nw 90S 12th stnwmL 10 40.00 2d floor. 4 13.00 1422 33d stnwml. 10 35.50 2107 12th stnw.. 5 14.00 231 Sd stnwml.. 7 23.39 24 Whitney av 723 Irvln st nw ' nw 814.00 ml 9 25.00 842 Nstsw. .... 7 14.00 Cor.9thandHst 314 13th stsw..r. 0 14.00 swml 10 23.001002N. J. avnw.. 6 14.00 1740 6th stnw mi 7 22.50 2010 H stnw 3d t 3 13.00 18 Est so ml.... 9 22.50 25CS 6th stnw... 6 13.00 Ilir9thstnwmi7 S1.C0 121 K st ne 6 12.50 005 4th stnw, 2d fl 6 20.50 921 Fat aw GliOO 1622 Madison nw C03 11th stne.... 5 12.00 mi 7 20.80635 9th st ne.... 5 11.80 1426 T st nw m L 6 20.30 Keating ave no. 5 11.00 S06 E st nw 2d t. 3 20.00 1208 Sth stnw 2 f 3 11.C0 033 G st sw m I... 7 18.80 024UFst sw.... 4 11.00 C03Lst noml... 9 18.00 1629 13th t no.. 510.30 811Estswmi.. T 19.C0 Hartford st S. Brook- 4S2Fst swinl.. 7 19.001 land 6 10.00 Corner 9th and streets n w., unfurnished rooms. STORES. 620 Whltnoy avnw SS5.00 31S0 Sth et nw .... 7.00 STABLES. 1S2S loth st nw stable and shop.$12.40 Rear 1313 13th st nw 10.00 Hear 849 Wilsonst nw Rear 215 ii stnw.. 4.00 8.00 no25-3t A. S. CAYWOOD, 933 9th st nw. FOH RENT BRICC HOUSE; FOUR ROOMS; ,water, sewer, and range: In rear of 1413 S street northwest, between Fourteenth, Fif teenth. 8 street and Fierce Place; $10 per month. Apply 1S16 8 stroet northwest. nov2S-3t FOE SALE S0U8E3. FOR SALE THE BUSINESS PROPERTY 912 E st. n. w Further particulars can bo lenrnod by applying to Mrs. J. B. PORTER, at theFredonla Hotel, H st. n. w. no7-lm JOE SALE BICYCLES. FOR SALE CENTURY COLUMBIA PNEU inatlr, in prime condition; $43 cash or 150 time. Address or call 335 2 Cap. sL no23-3t HOTEL DIEKCT0EY. CONGRESSIONAL HOTEL, CAPITOL HILL. Cor. New Jorsyave. and B st. ee. no27-lm HENRY SHOCK, Proprietor. THE LITCHFIELD, WEST FRANKLIN Square, 906 14h st. nw. L50 to 52 50 per day. Special rates by the month. noll-tf THE GRAMERCY, 828, 825 AND 827 VT. AVE. $1.800 $2.50 per day Special rates by tho month. Mrs. D B. STOCKHaM, Prop, noll-tf COR. 13TH AND G STS. NW. THE ROCHES tor Rooms, 57 to !25; table b'd, $20: tran sients, $L25 to $1.50 por day. oc27-mo EBBITTHOUSE, Washington, D. C. H. C. BURCH, Manager. WILLARD'S HOTEL, Pennsylvania avonuo and 14th st nw. O. G. STAPLES, PROPRIETOR, aulWa If you want a 50c. Dinner for 50c. then our SOc.DInner will afford you that satisfaction that only an exquisitely cooked and served meal can give. Try It. HOTEL EM RICH, The Avenue, Bet. 4 1-2 and 6th Sts. Illlywy i! AHUS2K2NIS. METZEROTT MUSIG HALL, To-night and every night this week at 8 sharp. Thanksgiv ing matinee at 2. Marcus BALDWINS wTHh,!o MA HAT MAS Prices, - 25, 50,75c, and SI. OO. Roserved seats at Motzerott's Mucic Store. Reduced Price OGupon. In ordor to accommodato our patrons tcho wuh to m this uunderfulpervrmanee repeatedly re itaao this coupon.whlch you can cut out and present at BOX OFFICE AT NIGHT and get a Sl.OO TIcketfor75c, 75c. Ticket for 50c, 50c. Ticket for 35c. Good every day thli weok excopt Thurs day. FOOTBALL Thanksgiving Day COLUMBIA GEORGETOWN ATHLETIC vs. CLUB UNIVERSITY. NATIONAL BASEBALL PARK Gamo called 2 p. m., Thursday, November 20. Admission, 50c; roservod seats. 50c extra. First row carriage spaces, reserved. $3 each. Tickets for spares at C. A. C. Admission and reserved seat tickets now on sale at Metzerott's, Columbia Athletic Club, and Georgetown University. no27-3t VIRGINIA JOCKEY CLDB. ST. ASAPH, VA. Six Races Daily. Trains, direct to Grand Stand, leave Baltimore and Potomac Station at 1 and 1:20. no5-tf OLD DOMINION JOCKEY CLDB ' en the grounds of ths Grange Camp Association o! Northern Virginia. FIvo races will be run each day. First raca it 2.15 P. M. Trains wttl leave Suth Street Depot at 1131 and 1.40 p.m. Returning at C10 and 5.40 p. tn. Improper characters will not be admitted. Admission - 50 Cents. FOB XEHT OFFICE S00MS. BETTER OFFICE ROOMS THAN those in Tho Times Building are not to bo found in any office building in Washington. There aro still a few rooms for rent at very moderate prices, which will be subdivided to suit tenants. Rent includes light, steam heat and elevator serrice nigh: and dy. Apply at counting, room. no25-tf EDUCATIONAL. $Eaton, Burnett & Curling, Business Collego and School of Shorthand and Typewriting. 12th and F Streets N. W. Superior Advantages at Moderate Cost. DAY SCHOOL for thoso who can attend. NIGJIT SCHOOL for those who are busy during the day. oc7-eod3m tsyyis B! SELECT SCHOOL 1TOR YOUNG LADIES AND CIHLDREN. Address, MRS. WM. D. 1435 K St. n.w. CABELL, Principal, tf Soecial VOCAL. VIOLIN, PLNO Lessons. J. F. RUECKERT, I4E9 Fourteenth st. n. w. Terms liberal no3-lma KINDERGARTEN AND SCIIOOL, 1426 Q street northwest Miss Susan Pollock, prin cipal Training class for teachers. Refer ences. ociWmo 1A school nnd the Elisabeth Peabody Kinder garten Normal Training School, 1918 Sunderland place, will begin fall and winter sessions Octo ber 1, 1S94. oc2-2mo OCEAN STEAHSHIPS. German Mediterranean Service. NORTH GERMAN .HAMBURG-AMERICAN LLOYD S. S. Co. i LINE Fast steamers between New York and Azores. Gibraltar. Algiers, Naples, and Genoa. Kaiser W. II, Dec. 1. 1U a. m., for Genci. F. Bismarck, DeaS, 1:30 p. m.,forAlg.,Nap,Gen. Fulda. Dec 13, 10 a. in., for Genoa. Kormannia, Jan. 5, m., Alg., Gen., Alexandria. Kaiser W. II. Jan. 19. 1 p. m., for Alg., Nap., Gon. Werra, Feb. 2, 10 a m., Alg., Nap., Gen., Azores. Normnnnia, Feb. 16. 11 a. m., Alg., Nap., Gen. Kaiser W II, Feb. 23, 7 a. m. , for Alg., Nap., Gen. Werra, Men. 9, 9 a. m., for Alg., Nap , Gen. Fulda, Men. 23,7 a. m, Algiers. Npl. Genoa. All steamers stop at Girbraltar. Return tickets available fer the steamers ot either lino from Naples, Genoa, Gibraltar, Ham burg, Bremen, London, and Southampton. Di rect connection from Genoa, Naples, to Egypt by N. G. Lloyd S. 3. Co.' Imp. Mall Strs. North German Lloyd, Hamburg-American Oelrich Co., G. Arts.,! Line. 2 Bowling Green, N.Y.I S7 Broadway. N. Y. E. F Droop, 925 Pennsylvania avenue, agent for Washington,!), a H0KEY TO LOAU. MONEY LOANED-ON STOCKS, BONDS, trusts, life insurance policies, syndicate certificate!, etc. No delay if you have tho se curity. YERKE3 & B4JCER. 17 Sun Building. Alter December 1st at 40, 42 and 44 Metzerott Building. MONE insv, surauco policies, deed of trust notes, or other collateral. BARRETT & CO., 323 13th st. n. w., 1st floor. nolO-lmo O LOAN AT 5 and 6 PER CENT.; CITY property at 6 per cent; suburban property; large or small loans to builders; money ad vanced while buildings go up; prompt BAR RETT i CO., 523 ISth st n. w. nolO-lmo "VT ONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture, pianos, horses, carriages, wagons, &c; tho property will remain undisturbed In your pos session: terms easy; lowest ratos; private offices; all business strictly confidential; you can havo the money the day you apply for it: paymanta can be mado on the principal at any time; oach payment mado will lessen tho cost of carrying the lean. Please call on CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO . 602 F st. nw., main floor ocl3-lmo WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN COM pany,wlll lend you 120 and upward on furni ture, planos.horses, wagons, c,;no publicity and property to remain in your undisturbed posses sion; loans paid in part or in full at any time to suit the convenience of tho borrower, aud any part uald reduces the cost of carrying the loan in proportion to the amount paid. WASHING- TOttMOKTGAGS LOAN. COilPANT, 610 Jr st I v in AMUSEMENTS. BISGHOFF GOURSE, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF . Dr. J. W. Bischoff. Five Concerts, $1.00. a CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 10Tn AND G STS. SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH SUCCEEDING MONTH. BEGINNING FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. Sale of season tickets will open nest HONDA'S? MORNING, DECEMEER3, at ELLIS MUSIC STORE, no27-tr 037 PA. AVE. Our Roses. No little attention has been attracted ' by the magnificent rosea wo show all thd time Raro varieties that others ges at certain seasons are always here flno, per feet specimens. See us for your flowers. Roses from SO cents to 25 a dozen. A. Gude & Bro., ?fSw, Last Week of the Great Exposition Subject of to-day's lecture by itisa Joas4 son, at 3 o'clock. THE FEEDING OF CHILDREN. Wednesday from 4 to 5 o'clock Mr. Thoa. Ji Murry. of tho House Restaurant, will give aq exhibition in the "Art of carvlnt; turkey. Kama &cf '"The us of the chafing- dish," and "How la prepare simple salads.' Students and clubmen especially invited. Pro ceeds to go to Emergency HoapitaL Tickets 2SCY ALBAUGH'S GRAND OPERA HOUSE, EnwjLBD H Allejt, 3ianagerf Eve. at 8; Wed. and Sat. matinee at 2; pricey $1.50. $1, 75. 50. and 25 cents. THE PLAY OF THE BAY. Joseph Grismeu THE Phcsbe Daties NETV SOUTH. Special Matinee Thanksgiving Day. Next Week MISS OLGA NBTHERSOLE. C ALBAUGH'S OPERA HOUSE Friday afternoon, 3 o'clock, November 30, 1S04. Harry Wheaton Howard's Juvenile Opera, JACK THE GIANT KILLER, Under tho auspices of THE LEGION OF LOYAL WOMEN. Reserved seats 73c and $X. Admission. 50a BOX OFFICE AT ALBAUGH'S NOW OPEN4 no5-flt ACADEMY. Mats. Wed. . Thurs. and Sat 1 Special prices, 25, 50, 73, SI and 3L5Q. Reserved seats Wednesday Matinee, 25c and 50cJ Canary and Lederer's COLOSSAL EXTRAVAGANZA, THE PASSING SHOW. The New York Casino Production (Intact) Next Week Lew Dockstader'a Minstrels. 25tf VTEW NATIONAL THEATER. -L Every Evening. Wed. and Sat. Matinees, Special Thanksgiving Matinee Thursday. HOYT'S A TEMPERANCE TOWN. Next Week Delia Fox Opera Company. 26-tf BUTLBB'S PI mil THEATER. LilJUl 3IatTuea..Thura&Sat This Thanksgiving Week the Great Novelty, THE SPAN OF LIFE. See the Bridge of Human Bodies. Next week JOS. J. DOWLTNG. 4 KERNAN'S LYCEUM. THEATER. ALL TB2S WEES C. A. SAMPSON, THE STRONGEST MAN ON EARTH, In Conjunction with WALDMANN'S OWN COMPANY. NEXT WEEK ReiUy and Woods' Big Show. KISGEXLAJTEOUS. LEG&i BLANKS. LAW PRINTINGii THE LAW REPORTER COMPANY Printers asd Stationers. 51E Fif thjt n-w. M. W. MCIORE. Jklaaagea. CAPITAL STEAM LAUNDRY MXwEAVER proprietor, 512 Eighth stnw. Telephone 1813L Laundry work in all its branches neatly axse rated at reasonable rates. f KAILS0AD3. nnsynrama RAILROAD. STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AND B- STREETS. In Effect 4 P. M. Noyember 25, 1894. 10:30 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LTMITED Pull man Sleeping, Dining. Smoking, and Obser vation Cars, Harrisburg to Chicago, Cincin nati, Indianapolis, Cleveland, and Toledo. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 10-.30A.M. FAST LTNE. PuUman Buffet ParloJ Car to Harrisburg. Parlor and Dining Cars, Harrisburg to Pittsburg; 3:10 P.M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS, Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg, Sleeping and Dining Cars. Harrisburg toSS. Louis, Cincinnati. Louisville, and Chicago. 7:10 P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS Pullman Sleep ing to Chicago, and Harrisburg to Cleveland Dining Cnr to Chicago. 7:10 P. M. SOUTH-WESTERN EXPRESS. Pull man Sleeping and Dining Cars to St. Loulai and Sleeping Car Harrisburg to Cincinnati. 10:40 P.M. PACIFIC EXFRESa Pullman Sleep Ing Car to Pittsburg. 7:50 n. m. for Kane, Canandaigua, Rochester! and Niagara Falls daily, except Sunday 10-.S0 a. m. for Elmira and Renovo daily, except Sunday. For Willlamsport daily, 3:15 p. m 7:10 p. m. for Willlamsport, Rochester. BuH.iIo, and Niagara. Falls daily, except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester. 10:40 p. m. for ne. Canandaigua, Rochester and Buffalo daily, and Niagara Falls daily, except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Wash ington to Elmira, and Saturdays only Wash ington to Rochester For Philadelphia. New York, and the East. 4:00 P. 1. ' CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED, All Parlor Cars, with Dining Car from Baltl more, for New York daily, for Philadelphia week days. Regular at .:05 (Dining Car), 7:20, 80 (Dining Car), 9:00, 10:00 (Dining Can, and 11:00 (Dining Car) a. m.,12U5, 3:15. 4:20. 6:40, 10:00, and 41:35 p. m. On Sunday 7-03 (Dining Car). 7:20, S.-00 (Dining Carl. 950, 11:00 (Dining Car) a. m., 12:15. 3:15. 4:20, 6.40i 10:00, and 11:25 p. in. For Philadelphia only. Fast Express. 7:30 a. m. week days. Express, 2:01 and 3:40 p. m. dally. For Boston without change, 7:J0 A. Ml week-dayf and 3:15 p. m. dally. For Baltimore, 655, 7:05, 7:20, 7:50. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 10:30. 11:00, and 11:50 a. m., 12:15, 2tfl. 3.13, 3:40. (4.-C0 Limited), 4:20, 4:88, 5:40, 6:05, 6:40,7:10, 10.C0, 10SO. 11:15. and 11:35 p. ni. On Sunday, 7:03, 720. 8:00, S:0O, 9.05, 10:30, 11.-00 a. m. , 12.-:5, 1:15, 2.-01,8:13, 2:40. (4:C0 Limited). 4:20, 5:40, 6:03, 6:40. 7:10, 10:00. 10:40, and 11:33 p m. For Pope's Creek line. 7:20 a. m. and 4S38 p. nt, dally, except Sunday. For Annapolis, 7:20, 9:00, and 11:50 a. m.. aad 430 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Sundays, 9:03 a. ra. and 4:20 p. m, Atlantic Coast Lino Express for Richmond, Jack convllle. and Tampa. 4:30 a. m., 3:30 p. m. dally. Richmond and Atlanta, 8:40 p. nj. daily. Richmond only, 10:57 a. m. week days. Accommodation for Qu&ntico, 7:15 a. m. dally, and 4:23 p. m. week days. For Alexandria, 4:30, 6:35. 7:43, S:40, 9:13, 10-.57, 11.50, a. m., 1230, 1:40. 3:20, 425, 5:00. 5.37, 6:15, 8:02, 10:10, and 1L30 p. m. On Sundav at 450, 7:13, 9:43 a. m. , 2:45, 6:15, 8:02, and lOUt p. m. Leavo Alexandria for Washington, 5:05, 6.43, 7.03. 8.00. 9:10, 10J3, 10.23 a. m., 10. 2:15. 3:00, 3:28,5.00,5:30,6:13.7.00, 7:20. 0:10, 10-.52. and ll:0Sp. m. On Sunday at 6:43. 9:10, 10 28 a.m., 2:15, 530, 7:00, 7:20. 9:10, and 10:52 p. m. Ticket ofilces, northeast corner of Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue, and at the sta, tion. Sixth and B streets, where orders can ba left for the checking of baggage to destlnatlos i from hotels and residences. j. it ttUOU, General Passen2er Aztat S. M, PREYOST, General Manager.