Newspaper Page Text
G THE "WASHnsGTQK TXIMJGS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1894.' A heavy Ulster if you in tend to see the football game on Thursday. Then you'll be matter what the weather is. They don't cost much HERE. $10, $12, and $15 for coats that no man need be ashamed of. Cut right, made right, and will fit and look well, and wear satisfactorily. Finer ones at all prices up to $45. Other Over coats, the biggest vari ety of the best garments ever made. All colors; all sizes; all prices. See the new FOOT- . BALL PINS in our fur nishings department. C. A. C. and Georgetown colors. Only 10c. each. The newest pin out. Robinson, Gheru & Go,, Clothes, Hats, Furnishings, Twelfth and F Sts. DO YOU NEED ANY FOR Ve guarantee the following to be the lowest possible price for strictly first-class goods: Back-luuMHe carving set S8 00 Roger Bros.' teMpoooe, J doses 1 69 R- iger Btm.' eMpspooBS, H doeea 2 00 Roger Bros.' , $$... 2 09 Rogw Btwe. kataw, fcfc doea 1ST Roger Btm.' fruit kBfvoc, J dowa 1 75 I earl-boodle fruit knives, dowon 4 W l.ogerBroe.' Nutcrackers 75 lu.ger Brae.1 coffee spoons, H doeon.... ,. !N "-j iooe Toeot, qadru4e piste IB M I uiterdisbe. qtMdrapte jMe !M 1 uVe BMket, qnedrufrfo plate IH I ttbon dittoes, Mdrapte piste 175 2 ruit Stands, quadruple plat IM K flne Itoe of ricto cot gtaea war at special low jd os. JEWELERS, 7th and D Sts. N. W. 1 THESE ? ARE $ f $ Exceptionally ? Warm and Comfort- ?' f able. J 9 100 Wrapper Blankets. ? In Ll&hfc Blue, Fink, Gray, f and Brown Stripes. The I Regular SI. 25 quality, I For1 B7eE I "But you must hurry up." J. 420, 422, 424, and-426 7th St. f Why hide yourself n an old-slMed, ueomeuiemt, Imdty tvnHated uf lighted after but 'ditty, trhrn or Otf tmmt money pou earn rati m. roam M Ike matt pnmtutmt earner im the gtef TUtrt ortfU A FEW ROOMS for rent l THE TIMES BUILOIMG. ml$kU M-mm km, Sc Tkr arm mrm mUmMMg ItpkUi mmd mtmAmtm, rmt fmrmng mtmmt. ffceyarat fi iitt t rit ry jtjycf Fwmv CvtMttny Jmim, 14-inch Vases, Large Ma jolica Pitchers, Large Rebecca Tea Pots, Large Gold Band China Pitchers, Gold Cream Pitchers, Decorated Cuspidors GItoh -with ery pomd of Tea er tttrae aeaads of coffee toar 8 Lre Rtnaferd's Yeaet IVirder S 1 atTfca,:; yoaxer Oats........... 2Sc i ates btar boap 2Sc Johnston's, 729 7th St. N. W. (THE JOHNBTOK CO.) Telephone Sit $ Watches as Xmas Gifts. fPay us little flown newon any Watch X in stock aud tto trill lay It a war until V q Christmas. We make fluo waiohes n. A y 'ViMsdalty" have a Inrgur VHriety of y i tbetn, iorti&is, tUan ttao largest Jwalors A A in town. A i We liMMire watcbes 85 a year keep T tbem in repair. A A Geo. W. SpIor,310 9thSt. i 9 Just abero the Ave. I jiDijij i I ii n ju cyczyyy CONCERNS OF THE DISTRICT Tmcsdell Reviewinq Evidence in Gess ford's and Daley's Case. CA.R-FENDER TRIAL TO-MORROW CoL Tracey, Superintendent of Charities, Submits His Annual Report Comment Upon tho loard of Children's Guardians Hospital for Slinor Infectious Diseases. Commissioner Truesdcll was not In his offlce yesterday. It is understood that ho was engaped at his resideneo'in tho perusal of tho extensive re'port from tho police trial board in tho caso of Officers Daloy and Qess ford. Tho recommendations of the trial board vrero for dismissal. What will bo tho acion of tho Commissioners upon tho return of tho case by Col. Truesdoll Is uot yet a 'matter of publicity, it is mere conjecture. Tho supposi tion that the fludinus will be reversed. "An act to enlarge tho duties of tho sealer of weights ana measures," and for other pur poses, have been prepared for submission to Congress at its next session. It provides that It shall bo unlawful for any person to uso counter or platform scales or yardsticks with out having them properly tested and without tho certificate of tho sealer as to their accu racy attached. Examinations aro to be mado at stated intervals, for which fees aro pro vided. Tho now law also affects hucksters. Hoy. F. Hill, pastor of tho Metropolitan A. M. E. Zion Church, and C. W. Childs, 31. D., of No. 414 Four-and-a-half street southwest, have Hied a strong plea with tho Commis sioners for tho retention of Sergt. Daley on the police force and in the Fourth precinct. ilary Dabney, who claimed 5.000 damages of tho District 'for injuries sustained Novem ber 17, 1893, by falling through a faulty sewer-trap at tho corner of First and G streets northwest, brought suit before Justice O'Neal to recover. Tho justice gavo judgment iu her favor on tho 21st instant for c-109 and costs, and the Commissioners yesterday directed that tho judgment bo liquidated. Orders issued yesterday: That the following work bo dono under tho prousions of the act of August 7, 1&94, gov erning assessment and permit work. Grading and paving alleys: In square 140, pavo flitecn-foot alloy with asphalt block; square 777, pavo nil unpnvod alloys with vitrified block; square b3. sarao: squaro 4, pave all alloys with asphalt block; squaro 302. pave all alleys in south half with asphalt block: square 273, pave all alleys with vitri fled block; square 623, pavo nil alleys with asplmlt block; squaro 14. Georgetown, pavo, alleys with vitrified block, betweenta Thirty third and Thirty-fourth streets; square 112, Georgetown, pave nil alleys with vitrified block between Cambridge place and Q street, lay cmat fddewalk on east side of Eigh teenth streetinorthwe t, from N street to Mas sachusetts avenue. That a water main be laid in Eighteenth street, between Corcoran and It streets. That a pubiie pis lamp be re-erected on K street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets. Tnat a Are hydrant be erected on N stroet, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. That a water main be laid in Eighteenth street, between Oregon avenue and T street. Tnat catch-basins be constructed at the northeast and northwest corners of 15 ana Ftheenth streets southeast. That a water main be laid in Huntington place, between Fourteenth street and Univer sity place; also one In Second street, between L and M streets southeast, including a Are hydrant in each instance. The Washington and Georgetown Itailway Company officials notified the Commissioners", under date of the 22d instant, that they bavo equipped car No. 3, of their Fourteenth street line, with the Ituss automatic brake and feeder, and the Commissioners designated 1 o'clock p. m. to-morrow as tho hour for a trial trip, at which they expect to be present. Alexander McKie has been appointed an additional private on the police force for a term of three years, to serve between New Jersey avenue end Second street and 15 and E streets southeast. So much of the sum of 69,000 appropriated for the improvement of Albemarle stroet as may be necessary to grade and gravel tho dedicated portion will be expended at oaco, the improvement being very much needed. That portion of tho street that adjoins the property or citizens who arounwillinc to give the right of way, will be left unimproved. Col. John B Tracey, superintendent of charities, submitted his annual report to tho District Commissioners yesterday. Tho sunenntondent says there" aro seventy well ostabhshod charitable and' reformatory institutions in the District supDorted by philanthropic men and women. That they exist without official support is one manifes tation of tho nevor-failing charity of the peo ple. "Candid observation refutes the erroneous opinion, urged especially in connection with Congressional discussion of appropriations, that tho benevolent establishments of Wash ington constitute an imposition on the United States government. The institutions sup ported exclusively by publio funds number eleven. The appropriations for these for the coming fiscal year is estimatod at 63S5.741. Tho appropriations for those conducted by unofficial corporations in part with private funds will amount to 92,700. Tho value of tho property occupied by District institutions, exclusive of tho Government Asylum for the Insane and the Columbia Instituo for the Deaf and Dumb, is closely estimated to bs $200,000, whilo tho value of that derived from private sources is 1,100.000." Speaking of tho results achieved, tho su perintendent says: "Sinco the establishment of the superintendency, for which this is tho fourth annual report, the number of recipients of Congressional appropriations through tho District bill has been decreased. Tho aim of both superintendents has been to improve ex isting agencies, and, as far ns possible, to avoid the creation of new ones." Applications for subsidies have boon re ceived from several organhiations not now in receijtt of official aid. Among these are tho Young Women's Christian Home aud tho Home for Friendless GirU, on Erie street, be tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets northwest. "It is earnestly hoped.' said the superin tendent, "tnat success may soon attend a laudable project for vnHiur" the nnre train SC school of Waebiucrton bosptuu in one federation and under one management." Tbe estimates for the support of charitable taut reformatorr Institutions for tbe year end tatc June 30. 189o, amount to 474,7S5, as Cmfaut t4t,S75.S7 this ytwr. He recommends a reclaealfleation of the in stitution, the present schedules being open to crltkisa as lilordeal aud unscientific Hospitals are mostly in the schedules "For Charttlrs." waiie the very important hospital at the WaefainetoB Asylum comas under the bead of "Prisons and lieformatories." In like manner, the retorts school for males and that for girie are in different schedules. The supertntendfit reviews tho reports re ceived by him from the soveral institutions in his ehartffe. Spenking of tho lioard of Chil dren's Guardians, "he slates the appropria tions asked for, and says: 'About tho greater public cost of infant wards boarded under this system as com pared with those in institutions there can bo no question, and it is idlo to argue that pub lic cost is reduced by the board's methods I daring so long a time as wards aro subjects oi cuargo lor innininaanco as (iistinguisnea from inspection. Nor aro comparisons fairly to be made between tho cost of supporting othor wards of tho board and the rate paid by tho board for maintaining thoso lodged in in stitutions; that rate being flxed by the board itself. 'The question is not as ono between tho guardians' outlays in one way and in tho other, but as to the relative public expense of the methods of tho board and those of other child-carrying agencies. Tho 'placing out system,' practiced from time immemorial in I many countries, and long pursued in Wash ington Dy institutions and associations, is now enjoying a favorable for full develop ment in connection with tho regular inspec tion of wards after, as well as before, final in- DR. RIE6EL INTERVIEWED BY A RErORTEK. PRESS He Gives the Interviewer a Descrip tion Of What Is Essential to the Successful Treat ment of Catarrh, Asthma, and Bronchitis Eoporter Convinced Thore Is None Like Dr. Eiogol's Treatment. A representative of tho press callod on Dr. Elegel yesterday to loam something, if he could, of tho doctor's method and tho Instruments used In his treatment of catarrh, asthma, and bron chitis, iu which dlsoasos tho doctor is a leading specialist, and It Is well known that ho has cured many prominent people in this city. When asked concerning bis motuod of treat ment bo said: "Thoro aro four essontial requisites in the troatmentof cutarrb, asthma, bronchitis, and kiudred disoases that must bo strictly followed in order to effect a cuio. They aro "Fhst Aj.plicatiou must bo made without causing pain or irritation. Second Every portion of the disoascd sur faces within tho nasal, posterior-nasal canities, and throat, must bo treated. "1 bird Sufficient forco must bo oxorted to re move all dlspusud secretions from tho dls casort membrane. Fourth Tho instruments for making appli cation must bo so constructed that the solution can bo applied iu a warm condition. "Cold application to tboso jmssagos and cavl tlos is always Irritating. Ihe solution ghould be made sowarm that the patient will bo conscious or it. Tho warm spray cleanses more quickly and moro thoroughly. It Is much moro agreeable, and lar more likely to reduce lnllammution livery physician -who has had only a few years' experience lh tho treatment of catarrh, as hma, and bronchitis, should eeo tho necessity of avoiding everything that induces irritation "If eithor tho moans by which tho romedy Is applied, or tho remedy itself, causes Irritation, its uso bbould bo immediately discontinued. "o doubt n romedy would frequently provo beneflclal were It not for tho Irritation caused by tho rough manner of applying It. It Is evi dent that every part of tho dlsoisod membrane must bo reached, and those parts not reached will not bo bonoQtod, and yot almost every In strument or apparatus used by tho general practIUoner,-and even those usod by tho great majority of physicians who limit their practico to tbe diseases of tho noso and throat, fall far short of this objoct "Spray producers that can throw a warm stream on thowboloof tho dlsoasod surfaces, and the only ones that I think possoss tho four requisites above mentioned, ore tho spray pro ducers known as tho 'Humbold, lnveuted by Dr. Ihomas Iturabold.of fat Louis, and tho 'Do Vilblss,' invented by Dr Allen Do Ubliss, of Toledo, Ohio the difference between tho two be ing the universal tip of the latter invention. "With those instruments, tho only ones I now use, fori have discarded all other means as entirely worthless, I can reach every portion of diseased membrane, cleanso and treat it thor oughly, and do so in the mildost poaalbio man ner, causing no pain or distress to he patient and accomplishing tbe beat possible result with out cutting or the use of caustic preparations. Not only do these iustrumpnts which I use cleanse and treat at tho same moment every portion of visible mucous membrane, but they do this to tbe surfaces and cavities cannot be viewed during life, and these unseen locali ties are tho very ones tuat most need cleansing and treating, and unless the&o remote pirts aro treated no euro is possible. These instruments combine with efficacious cleansing a thorough ness and mildness in making applications that Is not equaled by any known menus. Hero aro two cuts showing the different direc tions of the sprays when used for cleansing and treating catarrh and throat diseases. Fig. 1. Antoro-postorior section of the hend, showing tho combined directions of the epray producers in tho local treatment of tho nasal and posterior-nasal cavities. r"Ig. 2 shows tho combined directions of tho sprny-producors when usod in the treatment of the diseases of tho throat, tonsilitis, soro thront, and another dibcoses of tho throat and vocal cords. 'Jho spray-producers aro tho grandest Invention over made. Aa I told you bofore, I baie used all moans for treating catarrh and throat diseases, and before I adopted thoso spray-producers I had no success; now I have no failures. I bavo mado it a rulo for tho last ten years to give free trial treatments to every ono who ap plies in person at my offlce, nnd it seldom hap pens that a porson troublod with any of these diseases doos not como back to bo cured. I givo a guaranteo to every person I tako for treat mosit. Another thing, I guarautoe to all patients taken that if 1 cannot reliovo thorn of most of their prominent and disagreeable symptoms In from ono to two woeks 1 will refund all money paid. Tho reporter loft the ofllco of Dr. Itiogcl fully couvinred that Dr Hlegel could nnd doos euro catarrh, and publishes the account ot his inter view for tbe benefit of those who aro suffering from catarrh and kindred dlst-a-os, who have tried the tratmont of different specialists with out obtaining relief. Dr. Hie?ol gives free trial treatments and con sultations every day from 10 to 12 m. aud 'i to S n. in . Sundays. 10 to 12 a. in., at his ofllco, 1281 Fourteenth stroet northwest if you are suffering from any of these diseases above mentioned call at Dr Klegol's offlcn nnd receive a consultation and trial treatmont abso lutely free, then judge for yourself whether or not tho foregoing statements are true. denture, which is a distinctive feature of the board's method. "Released from confusing complications with local institutional funds, and with means ad equate for tho oconomical transaction of tho business or cannjr for children committed to it by the criminal courts in wardship durins:' their minority, tho children's guardian bourd will bo equipped to do much Rood in its dis tinct and Interesting field, and to amply jus tify tho confidence of its friends. As to the appropriations of this board, a special advis ory responsibility devolves upon tho superin tendent of charities by tho provision of tho law of 18D2 instituting the board " In reference to tho necessity for a hospital for the proper care of sufferers from the minor infectious diseases, Col. Tracy says it has lonj; been a reproach that Washington has no such institution. For the major contagions thoro has been some provision made, though it is not nlwnys adcauate. To remedy the shameful state of affairs ex isting the nttention of tho Commissioners nnd of tho superintendent has been steadily di rected sinco the enactment by Congress of au thority to purchase a site and equip tho hos pital. The report goes elaborately into a re view of the efforts to secure a location, and cites in detail the urgent necessity for such an institution. The roport touches upon the relief work of Washington during the last winter;, gives a MoJK5&iKfc-vv o 'yi' o The mills are grinding, turning Clothing into Cash, faster and faster it comes. Every buyer begets from two to a half dozen more. This Great Retiring Sale, with its wonderful prices, is now fully underway. Its presence is felt from one end of the city to the other. Aye, even far beyond the city's limits. Suits and Overcoats in quality, style, and workmanship equal to anything the finest merchant tailor in the land can offer, are being sold at prices that show no regard for cost or value. The peo ple now thoroughly know that we're in earnest, that this tremendous stock must be sold before January 1, 1895, and that the sacrifices we are making would be ruiqous if conditions were different. THEY KNOW IT. They tell their friends that when they want Clothing to be sure and call here thatthey'll get twice as much Clothing as their money represents. Ve never disappoint them. We must be out, and this stock must be sold before January 1 , 1 895. THAT'S OUR TEXT. We've lost sight of every thingelse and are giving evidence of our determination to accomplish this task by hook or crook, cost, worth, price all left out of consideration. EVERY DAY. EVERY HOUR. LEASE AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. 311 Seventh list of tho institutions for tho caro ot depend ent juveniles nnd tho number of these de pendents, 1,952; ghes a resume of tho great work of tbo Humano Society, nnd speaks in n complimentary way of ail the institutions that constitute tho District charge. Good Riddance of Sad Rubbish Ono of the toughest cbnractors-in Georgetown, accord ing to Policemen Bradley and Mabor, is John Booth, colored, who was charged with being a suspicious character yesterday in Judgo Kimball's court. It was shown that John bad been incarcerated in No. 7 station-houso in a beastly state of intoxication flvo times since November 13. Officer Bradley stated that he was "a gambler, drunkard, and all-around hard case." Judge Kimball thought tho Dis trict should be rid of such people nnd sent Booth to the chain gang for two months. Tho Hngheses Saved the Structure Janitor James "W. Hughes, of the police court, desires it stated that his wife and himself wore tho first to discover tho hidden flames in the old Webster Law building, which was describod exclusively in Friday's Tihes. Mr. Hughes added that had they not worked as hard as they did to subduo the liames the old struc ture would most certainly have gone up in smoke. Hoover Stole Firewater For stealing two bottles of whisky from a shelf in Buckley's saloon, E street, near Seventh street north west, Arthur Hoover was fined $20 or thirty days by Judgo Miller yesterdny. I 1 1 - I I sJ 1 uvtKUUAibtnis l!7-5oS s -- i:t B 1 i A C B , 3 7-50 ?z; w 3 k& a 1 r9 tt , ea vli "A v& ?3 K m v sSsr A ,. &3 v I A OR W 1 - 1 rh i II i 1 vj L . ! 9 7-50 J2. a JL l l J , 1 f 7'5 1 . SliS 1 75 - , Tlr 1 S 7-5 I Not a shabby V If 7.50 ' I ready-made Coat " I f 7"5 out one cut anayr. liThe 5 iiiiw ow jrwva kji wui J Ik m V 7-5 I from a p-finuin Oy. I 1 7-5 1 ford or Beaver Cloth, i any style collar, any length; i 1 I lined to suit I fi II overcoats & JLIsuits Hnmnsinv i 943 Penn. Aye N. W.' 11 BBB3BEBaflBESS 8 ii . Street N. W, Surprisingwhat Cloth we can put in OVERCOATS this year at Cork Sole Shoe, $3, The "Recent" Cork Solo Shoe for mon. Can bo resoled by hand. Soe it. Far bettor than the price. EDMONSTON'S, 1334FSt.N-W. 6 tTT IS A BEAUTIFUL D PERFECT SPECI JL men of tho highest advancement In mo- chanlcnl skbl and invention" Is what J. U. O'Meara & Co., 1301 9th street n. w., mannfnetur ors of the world-famous "ROYAL GLUE," say of tho White & Middleton Gas Engines. Circulars and information of CHARLES W. JORDAN, Tolophono Xo. SCO. 6lS F street n. w. WE MAKE CABINETS FOR HOLDING Letters and Documents. Office Specialty Manufacturing Co., 1324 G STREET NORTHWEST. oc23-10t WILLIAM MUIRHEAD, 1528 Fourteenth etreot northwost Branch oSco and yard, 2100 D streot northwest Tho " "" "". ocSWma 1$& WE'LL TEMPT FURNITURE BUYERS WITH BIG HAT RACK VALUES. Our stock of Hat Racks is of the kind that pleases buyers. There are in all 75 dif ferentstyleshere. One of them is bound to suit. You can pay as little as $4.90 for a standing hat rack, or as much as $ 1 25. But no matter what the price isthe hat rack will uphold our reputa tion for handling noth ing but well looking, well constructed Furniture. Solid Oak Tint Hack, tvlth Preach Bovei Plate 3Hrror, bras trimmings aad umbrella stand. Ah handsome and as good a Hack, as 7.00 will buy anywhere Our price Solid Oak Rack, -with box seat h box seat Jilrror a stand French Plato make and finish for. Quartered Oak Rack, irfta ak Rack, irfta Oral Treneh rT -a "J 1 p heavy double-prong br&as Vk F J I umbrella stand. J13 usual- Tj 1 i Plate Jilrror J hooks seat and i ly. 2ow. The Julius Lansburgh V 7-5 J 9 7-50 even ? TO SELL "THERI f 7.50 We have bunched into one great lot about y.-Q f w two 7. en 7.50 suits km Formerly selling from $10 to S18, which we will offer to-day at the particu larly low price, Suits In CASSIMERES, BLACK THIBETS, ROUGH CHEVIOTS, WORSTEDS. Mt STORM 803 Penn. DEAD EASY It's an easy thing: to buy clothing: at REGULAR prices The TRICK Is to buy (and SELL) them CHEAPER than othrs can-WE DO IT The purchase of JORDAN, SULLIVAN it CO.'S STOCK Is an evidence of what we are always striving: to do for our customers Such startling values were never before offered to the Washington public. Men's Suits. Men's "elegant Regent Claj-Cat C"7 7C ana Vest, worth S13 vP . I O Men's Casslmoro Salts, doable Ol 7C orsinzlobreAStoa vP1-.f Men's t he vit,Vrstei and Cas simero Salt?, single or doable Cgg .75 Mn's Cutaway SulW, slaes SS to 37, In Casslmerea and rtenntC ods. real Talue, $1 vyv-' Men's IHuo Hearer Doab breustod Suite for conductors CD two sets buttons vtw Men's Pants neat bair-llno (Tl stripe a surprise for you..... 4l .75 .00 WW Children's Overcoats extra Sulu Scotch Tweeds. SL0O. Boy's long Suite Friedlander & Bro., Cor. 9th and E Streets N. W. .patient. Ur mail. 81. Results of treatment. retund the money. Book free. jpunUh,ereGrln t-..iiox.i.,aj,.jiew lorlt. FOR SALE BY S. F. WARE, EBBITT HOUSE DRUG STORE. Good Table Board Only $20 Per Month. "The Bellord" is not only admir ably located It's flrst-class in all it's apjoIntmnnt3 comfortable, cosy, tastefully furnished. Well coo&ed and well served meals. Including lunch, $S0 per month. Luncheon from 12 to 2:30, 25c fBSepnrate caf o for ladlo3. THE BELFORD, . 13th St. Bet. F and G. John H. Stewsrt, Manager. Jtfgijl $4.90 and umbrella and umbrella rp J rj 1$ article in vf Oval Treneh Nr HEW YORK AVE. Sa between- IV 13th & 14th Sts, k v&tt&tt&&& 7-50 QUICKLY nuna.rea. 7-50 9 of 7-50 f 7-50 1 7.50? 7-5Q f 7-5 ! f 7-5Q f 7-5o? 9 7-5 9 7'5o 7-50 f 7.50 f 7-50 9 7.50 9 7-5 9 7.50 $ Overcoats In KERSEYS, BEAVERS. MELTONS, CHINCHILLAS-' KINGS SAME PRICE. Ave. sPace.) Mens Overcoats. Mew's Dark Gry Kety Orr- cjt rjn ooM.caMtaMrallMd. .VJ Men's CUackilbk UrvrroatsA OJ A 7K lttti ximnt to syte ad tsJoa " ' Men's Biae and BlMfc: Beaver Oreroota, fmteel aad well tCy QC mAde in er.ry detaQ D i .J Men's elemnt Kersey Over coats, plaid weet liaiay, CQ 7K topped wltn sate S30. 1 U Men s .MeOtam-watgat Over coats, HBt and dark colors, silk ajut satiK Used, worth C 7c from J14 to 9W60 OiJ. I J Men's Patent Beaver vKer-CJlO HO I eoaia. Tcnrlh fnltv SfttOa 5 to 14 years, 31.40. About 400 ChlWrea'a double-breasted 13 to 19 years, 94JS. a " rt g$ 13 rircyaie7-50 f 7-50 y T- ft 7-50 V 7-50 Famous? DR. HODRIQUFI A Po.IUtc Written I fJC? &3 ,1 MMnfin ""f1 r SPANISH TRtATMtHT. Gaurante.d Cure for LUO 1 RlMHnUUU tendiBcail meuu. ijoth ot jguuif and middle-aged mn and women. Tne awful eirecu ot iulii.. FUL KKKOHS,ljrunkeaorundeTelopeUorpan.weakae3a.X!ryoaiiDbtilt7 lgbty Kwlmion. Consumption. Insanity. Exhausunc drains and luss of power ot the Gen eratrve Organ. unrtttlDp one for study business and raarrlaej. 1 qnlct-y cared by Or. Kodrlgncz tpanlh "erve ttraln. They not only cure brjtanjnc at the Kat ot dljeaw. but are a great EKVKT!N"IC and BLMt ' BCILDEK. brtLgirc hark tho nlnb -Iotx In n..!.. .I..l.and rMtonnir tiie FUJt t OUTII tOU UO per box or O or 5 with written i cnarantee tocure a? Don't Take Chances. Thero is but ou BR0M0S0DA and that's the one you want for head ache, br&inwork, nervous doDiHty, and indigestion. Everybody sells It. Made by W. R. Warner A Ca, Philadelphia and New Yorfc. HYGIEXIC HEALTHt'Uu THE HARDEST THE BEST. MADE OF PURE SPRING w X'i EB Telephone ik Office 1423 F st. n.Tf. 9