Newspaper Page Text
i' "if ipwiwiw PW-f,1fJ' " " ' THE WASHINGTON TOTES. THUESDAT, JTEBRTJARY 7,1895. Gapt . Powell and Gol. Elliott Tell of Plans for Testing. EXPERTS RErORT DISCREDITED Both Officials Believe That the Throe Enzi neors Were Mistaken and Tbcr Snggcs ticns Are Uncertain and Unreliable Dsflgsr of Contamination by Drainage from tho'Qraves in Oak Hill Cemetery. Tha history ol the construction of the great tunnel from Georgetown to Howard Univer sity, gi von in Tin: Tmvb. recently, attracted general attention to tho project for spending $20,000 in testing it to soo whether the $1,000, 000 and more put into it cannot bo made avail able to help supply water to the city. In that caw it might be hoped to get water above tho second st orv and to escape general distress in unusually dry seasons, suoh as last summer, when a number of trees in 'Washington died for laek of water. It Kbould have been slated that tho frauds which caused the abandonment of tho tunnel j were discovered In "some discontented briek nwteORS." It is vndorstood that their diseon tOHt vws caused by the faet that they baa UeaaU&ebarged. To fltMl out ia what tho plan for testing tho tunnel for which -jrSC.OOO is askod, a reorter of The Times callod on CoinmisMoner Powell at tin District building, and on Col. Elliott, of the War Br-imrlment, at bis oflico near Boek Creek, on M trot. in Georgetown. To tbe first quo-tiou Capt. Powell replied that toe matter was m the hands of tho War Department. But yo had some fUen of what was pro posed before you made the recommendation. Yob intend to have it inspected by ougiueors, of course," said the reporter. TO HAVE THE WATBU l'tWP-D IK. -Tebiud then to havo the water pumped in t Sfte whether it will do to use." "Ia its present condition?" "Y6." "Bat what about tho report or tho three en-j-hwsers, Wilson. Fld and Graff? They say plainly fiat tbe tuune m its piesoat conditio- cannot jKssibly be used. Do you thiak tuw ere mistaken?' Ifbev may have been. Thoy said the wator woald leak out and injure surrounding prop erly, bat it never bn. although the tunnel i- fuM. Tbey sefa to have been mistaken about tbtrt. We want to try the tunnel under pr?s sar and if it Jeaks s as to lose 40 per cent., say, of water seat into it, of courso it can't bo used." "But it had been tilled beforo it wns in speeied by the Senate board of experts, hhtta't JtV Jo, I think not." "flic benate report says it took a month to pump it oat. It is now lull of water at any rate.'" "Xes. water that leaked in." CoL said wbeu asked about the plan: "I lwve known very little of tbe tunnel. It was abaudttued beiore I came here in I960. "What is desired now i. to nil it with water uader tbe pressure due to ttio head of watt-r ju Ute diSiriUmin:-n-ssrvoir, that is to &y 346 feet above low water at the Navy Yard, and see whether it would leak to suou an ex teat as to render it usoloss." KXPEETfi' K10T UXBELIABLE. "Doesn't tbe report already made to the Edmunds committee show that the work is worthless in its present condition?" "Weil, that report Is not exactly infallible. We eaa't entirely roly on whut the board of exierts said. One of their suggestions, for lucutnee. to make tbe tunnel nvailublo, was to jt ia a six-foot steel pipe. This you know would b liable to break us our mams ooeHMonaliy do. and then I don't know how we should go to work :o rejmir it. It would be Jtnj'OSsiuie m lhut narrow tunnel, w:th long distances between the shaits, some ol unw a lui.e wax, 10 ul one section oi me pipe out and put another in, as in ordinary repairs. That suggestion appears to me im practicable and with others like it stamps the report as uncertain and unreliable.'" -They say that no tuuuol was eversuc cesetul for carrying water under such a pres sure as this would be subjected to. Is that true?" "I tbiuk so. The only tunnel of anything like tho depth of this is" the Kreat Sutro tun nel for draining the Comstock mine, and it mAe no difference whether that leaked, as it was only intended to draw off w.'iMo water. The Croton tunnel is not nearly so deep. The head hero would be about 270 leet. giving an enormous pressure." 'If it should prove to be as bad as the board of experts supposed, hate you any idea what it would cost to put it in condition to be ser viceable.'"' ''Ko; I have made no investigation." "The exports placed the figures at emooe." ''I should think that would be largely in "excess of the need." An objection to the tunnel not noticed by the Senate exjierts is that it runs almost under one side of Oak Hill Cemetery, and the water might be contaminated by draiunjre from tho graes. It is noticeable, also, that a tunnel into "which water seems to loak Ireely almost without pressure may bo expected to leak much more rapidly when subjected to a pressure of flity pounds to the square inch. COULDN'T CUKE HER: Mrs. Slaughter Therefore Caused His Ar rest on the Charge of False Pretenses. A ease which will bo of more than usual intcroat to the medical fraternity in this Dis trict wilj bo heard in Judge Miller's branch of the police court to-daj. It will involve Besides a probable violation of tho law sev eral points of dispute between tho several medical schools here. Mi. Maria Slaughter, of "No. 812 K street northwest, swore out a warrant yesterday afternoon for the arrest or ''Dr." George JJiley, of Xo. -339H street southwest. She charges that Lilley obtained 40 from her by falbe pretenses. It is particularly specified that Sirs. -Slaughter is a sufferer from cancer of tho stooiacn and has been for some time past She received one of Lillet's pamphlet recit ing bis ability to cure cancers and employed lute, paying the above named amount forbis services. The false pretense, she alleges, is that "Lilley represented to her that ho wa3 a regu lar graduate of modieine, properly registered with the Distric Medical bociety, and health officer of such, when in fact he is not a regu lar bona tide physician, but a so-called "can cer donor." Mr. Slaughter vilso alleges that Dr. Lil lys treatment failed to give her relief, as ho lmd promised it would. Dr. Lilley was ar retted la-t oouing by Detectives Carter and GaMaghnr. and gave bonds in the sum of 63B Tor his appearance in the police court this morning. Real I;tate Transfers. Deods of real estate were tiled yesterday for record as follows: Dora Bosendale to J. W. Oooksey. executor, part o iglnal lot 1, square 9G. SL John W. Watts and wife to J. W. (Joeksey. oxecutor, part original lot 7, square 206. v'l. John W. Watts and wife and and -J. W. Cooksey. executor, to Dora Bosen dale. right of way lot 7, square SG, 10. J. W. Cooksey, executor, to Dora Bosendale and J. W. Watts alleyway lot 5, square 23G, $10. B. L. Wills to George T. Huff, lot 39, square fi, subject to $500 trut-t, 10. Edward T. Benton, jr., to Cornelius Alexander, lots 20 nnd 21, block 4, bection S, Burrville. 610. Abraham Fisher and A. Behrend, trustees, to G. W. Linkins. parts original lots 13. and 14, square 4SH. Slfi.350. William B. Frisbie and wife to William Finn, part 213f acres on Queen Chapel road, S10. H. H. Bergman and C. G. Lederer, trustees, to Katharine Downs, lot 405, Anaconta, 450. W. H. Acker, et ux. to William L. Bramhall, lots 142, 148, 154, and 156, square 69; lots 173 and 175, square G9, 10. E. B. Jackson and C. J. Weedon to Louisa Gordon, lot 115, Douglas, $200. LjCAL hews of all sorts The Weather To-dav. Heavy snow; north to northeast winds. Wheelor Caught in tho Law's DrsgNot Edward Wheelor, a hunchback who has been Iloa ing about Washington on suspicion for several months pitbt, and has boon several times behind the bars, was sent to jail for sixty days by Judgo Miller yesterday for the larceny bf a card caso from Attorney J. Blair Lee. On a caso of second offense petty larcens. the thft of a s-ot of surgical instru ments from the rocidenco of Dr. J. W. Boveo, Wheelor wns held for the grand jury in 500 bonds. Pccketbook Snatchor Held Jnmcs Clark, tho colored pocketbook suatcher, who re lic cd Mrs. Alida MeP. James of a card caso, which she was carrying in her hand at Seventh and D streets, was committed to jail in default of 500 bonds for tho grand jury by Judgo Miller yesterday. Jailed for a Bruta1 Offense Howard Hill, tho sevcnteen-yar-oId colored youth, who attempted to criminally assault Ada Bird, colon-d, agud six yiars. several days ago, was sent to jail for threo months by Judgo Miller. S iw 0-dinanco Violators Punishpd Thirty vio'ators of the ordinauco requiring the removal or snow from 'sidewalks in frout of residences woro lined up before Judgo Ivimbal yesterday. Many or the defendants wore business men of prominence and, with a few exceptions, they all plead guilty. In si von cases fines wero imposed, while per sonal bonds wero taken in tho others. Prose cutor I'ugh, speaking of tho affair, said, "Hereafter I will waste no more time serving or prosecuting snow warrants, if violators aro to bo reloased when they deliberately and with impunity ignore tho law." Cansed bv a Esd-hot La robe Tho drapery in tho house of Mrs. Jenuio C. Greemvall, Xo. 1102 Thirteenth street northwest, caught flro from an overheatoJ latrobo about six o'cloek yesterday alteruoon, and caused 50 of damage. Work of the Police Court Judges-Tho caso of John W. West, colored, charged with the ombezz'emeut of 10 from William Ilill on December 3, was continued until to-morrow in tho polieo court yesterday. Beverly Dyer, colored, wns scnleueed to sixty days in Jail for the larceny of a coat valued at 8 from Major Brown, also colored. John Thomas was fined 10 for stealing a box of cigars "from Patrick Ward. Alexander C. Shorter, colored, for tho larceny of twelve brooms from the store of Edgar Hogau &, Son was sent to jail for two monttis. Johu M. Green, colored, was giva four months in ttio "pig" for desperately nscau ting Maurico Greou. bis brother. Frodenck W. Murray, charged with breaking into tho residence of Michael Jarger, of 910 C slroet southeast; caso continued un til Friday. Tiba cini3t Bo't Assigns David G. Bolt, tobacconist, at No. C22 Ninth, Htroet north west, yesterday mado an assignment for his creditors to T. P. Myers. His assets, consist ing niainlv of fixtures nnd stock, aro esti mated at1.215; liabilities, 2,077. The Drmci al Washington creditors aro C. S. itichardson & Co.. 422; William L. Belt. 1,0 A: hcott & Bro., 314; Chaudleo fc Bovrzeo, S7: M. J. Keane, 78, and F. W. Burkart, 43. Death Ba's Dropped Notwithstanding tho sovcro winter weather for the last week a condition of good health prevailed through out tho District. As shown by the reiTUS of mortality to tho health departmcat there wus one less death than in the previous report. The death rate for the whole population fell to as low a figure a- 15.CG as compared with 20.43 for the corresponding week of last year. There was a slight increase in tho number of fatal casus of chronic affections, accompanied by a relative dei-r -ae iu acute lung attacks. There seems to be no malignant fevers preva lent and mortality among the aged over sixty years aud children under fivo years is at a minimum and below the average. Tho effort to limit aud eradicate smnllpox is apparently proving successful. Bo da to ?e Be-arrested Judgo Cox yes terday, in compliance with the mandato of the court of appeals, issue 1 a warrant for the re arrest of Waiter A. Bodda, tho young Eng lishman, whose libetatiou from a polieo court commitment Mr. Calderon Carlisle obtained last November on a writ of haleas corpus. Mr. Car.Mo is on Bodda s bond for 300, aud it is supposed tho English government to protect him will, if uecesary. join the United States in bringing Bodda back tojserveout h.s sentence. Poor School Children to Ba Holned The charity fand will bo largely increased by tho proceeis of au excelleut entertainment given last night at Odd F Hows' Hall, on Soventh stt eel northwest. The entertainment was for the benefit of school children, nnd tho pro gramme was rendered the following: Can ton Potomac Drum Corps. Montrc-so Mando lin, Banjo, and Crintar Club, MacLeod s Or chestra, Misses Yiigiuia Beiplingcr, Lula Boberts. Ella Straus, Florence Mayer, Daisy Cohen, and Messrs. Aaron Stern, Lynwood Taylor, Harry Wolf, Sol Goldsmith, H. Hill , Waiter Burk. Levi L. Slaver, Barton Miller, Bobcrt Lowe, II. W. Weber, H. A. Graham, and Harry Leigh. Ginuon Bmainod Unconscions Frank Gnuuou. who was taken to tho Emergency Ho-pital bleeding and unconscious at 4:30 o'clock Tuesdaj afternoon, had not regained consciousness at 1 o'clock this morning, and tho physicians said ho could not last longer than daylight. His injuries were received by falling into an areaway near tho Central Union Mission building on Louisiana avenue He had been a lodger at theMissiou, aad tho members of that body in addition to tho police nnd Bricklayers' Union are trying to locate bis family. Papprs in his pockets" show him to bo Frank Gannon. He had a bricklayer's working card also, and was latterlyemployed iu Brooklyn, New York, New Jersey, nud New York city. S&ccensioi Catt3r's AnnivrsaT Ascen sion Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Au drow celebrated the fifth anniversary of its organization last nightgit tho Church of tho Ascension, corner of Massachusetts avenue and Twelfth street. Tho regular evening Episcopal service was read by tholtov. Boi,ert Wood, of St Joha's Church, after which ad dresses wero mado by Bev. J. H. Elliott: subject, on tho "History of tho chapter." Bev. Alfred Harding, of St. Paul's, his subject being "Tho brotherhood man in the church." and Mr. P. B. Piereo, of Epiphany, president of the local council of tho District of Colum bia, "The brotherhood man in business." After the adjournment of the meeting a re ception was held in tho Sunday-school room by tho members of Ascension Chapter, as sisted by the Daughters of the King, of the same parish. 4 Cold Wcuthcr Thieves Arc Active. Seven cases of theft; wero entered on the blotter at police headquarters yesterday. John P. Noonan, of No. 1202 Pennsylvania avenue northwest reports that thieves en tered his offico Tuesday afternoon and do parted with a pa r of shoes. Solomon Peyeser, living at 1502 Seventh street north west, reports that 275 yard- of calico disap pfared from in front of his clothing store Tuesday. Michael Yager reports that his residence, at No. 910 C street southeast, was entered via his baaroom window and a watch chain and charm, lady's gold necklace and locket, and a diamond nnd plain gold ring stolen. Samuel Livingston had n brown beaver overcoat taken from in front of his store, at No. 100G Seventh street northwest Monday evening. Frederick Spanuagel, of Philadelphia, reports tho loss of a hand satcho!, containing clothing, which he left in the smoking room at the Baltimore aud Po tomac Bailroad depot, Tuesdaj. Frank Dailey, residing at Seeoud and F streets northwest, was relieved of a valuable car riage robe, which he loft iu his sleigh Satur day night. John McGregor, of Tenth nnd B streets northwest, had a case of egg3 taken from in front of his storo Tuesday. It Is, an III Wind That Blows Nobody Good. Tho continued cold weatherthrotighont the East and West and in this locality is taxing the Southern Bailway's icvr York aud Flor ida short line limited to its utmost capacity to care for the large number of passengers fleeing from "snowballs" to "oranges." The train leaving Washington last night'had every berth taken, and it was necessary to attach an extra sltfooer to Jacksonville to "accommo date tho travel. - O-fr Harry Von dcr Horst's Wife Wants .Money. Baltimore, Feb. G. Whenever Treasurer Harry B. von der Horst, of the Baltimore Baseball Club, can bo found notice will bo served on him of a suit instituted by bis wife for alimony for tho support ot herself and J children. No divorce is asked for. TURNED OUT ALL RIGHT, Although at One Time Mr. Conway Thought He Must Die. Testimony of a "Washington Man "Who "Was Strangely Bolioved of His Troubles. "About a year and n bnlf ago," writes C. D. Conway, ehq., of Patkorsburg, W. Ya., "I began to suffer irom a combination oi ail ments that finally settled on my lungs. Chills and fiHcr, loss of appetito nod loss of sloiqi from continued coughing, nights swoats, and homorrhago of tl o lungs -these wero tho ;Jwsfe. syufptoms that scared .-rjjtr iijo uuu iiiuuu ( -. r. stand that I waa suffer ing from consumption. I consulted physi cians, traveled a good deal, but in spilo of tho change of air aud medicine, I grow wonto rather than bettor. At last I heard of Dr. Walker, tho specialist. "I went to Washington and began to take his treatment. That was loss than two months ago. From the very start I noticed an improvement, which has beon coustant from that day to this. To-day my cough i3 gone; I sleep well, have a good appetite, have gained in liosh, no more n get sweats, in fact, although I am still in Dr. Walker's bauds. I feel liko a well mau." Mr. John L. Brower says: "I havo suffered from aggravated const! ation, piles, and kidney trouble lor several years unable to 'bbiaiu roliof. A ft lend persuaded mo to placo mjsolf in Dr. alkers bauds-his treatment has been wonderful; from tho very first t ay my improvemont has been steady and con tinuous. My homo is iu fllilesburg, Center county. Pa., but am at present residing at 27 E street northwest. Disorders of tho brain aud nervous system and wasting of long standing diseases of any kind a lecting any of tho organs of tho body are safely aud pormauently cured by Dr. Walker's" treatment. Many men ars sufferers from nervous debility, impaired memory, low spirits, irritablo temper, aud tho various de rangements of mind and body that result from unnatural, pernicous habits contracted in youth or from later excesses, culminating In a loss of manly power, wrecked constitutions, and not infrequently iu softening of the brain, epilepsy, paralysis, and oven insanity. To roach aud leclaim such sufferers is one of Dr. Walker's aims, aud he I1113 been tho means of restoring hundreds of them to health and happiness. , Dr. Walker's well-known sanitarium Is lo cate 1 al 1411 Pennsylvania avenuo, adjoining Willard s Hotel, wnere ho may bo consulted either personally or by letter. Offico hours, 10 a. m. to 5p. m.; Saturday evening, 7 to 8; Sunday. 10 to 12 a. m. Charges for treat ment reasonablo; consultation free. Alt in terviews are sacredly confident nl. The tes timonials publ'shed are always with consent of the parly named. MR. FICK NEARLY LOST HIS LIFE Lockwood .Meant to Murder Him Judge Miller's Opinion of Negroes. Basil Lockwood, tho colored man who fig ured, it is said, as a horo at tho terrible Ford's Theater disaster ny rescuing a number of tho panic-stricken clerks, was a prisoner in Judge Miller's pohco court yesterday aft ernoon charged with the serious offense of assault to kill. Tho complainant was Ed ward Pick, who keeps a restaurant at 2o. 520 Teuth street nor hwest and by whom Lock' wood was employed as a waiter. . .. . . According to the testimony of Mr. Fick nnd his wife, tho former ontno as near being butchered to death by tho drunken and infu riated negro as any man ever did. About niiduightMonduy night Mr. Fick heard Lock wood cursing nnd nbusiug a customer in an upper room. Ho called to tho colored man to come down stairs aud ho did so, and en tering tho bar with an oath demanded, his wages. Mr. Fick told Lockwood to come back Thursday for his money. This enraged the partly intoxicated colored mnn and call ing Fick n vile nnmo he pouudod on the counter aud declared that If Fick would come, from behind it. ho would murder him. Mr. Fick cleared the obstruction at a leap nud dealt Lockwood a blow ou tho breast which staggered him. Lockwood rushed into the kitchen aad returned with a long-bladed carving-knife. Fick fled into tho hallway, when Lockwood pursued him. and seizing him by the foot as ho was nearly at tho head of the stairs, throw his employer heavily to the floor. Then pressing his knees on Mr. Fiek's chest tho colored man made several jabs at him with the ugly looking weapon, but Pick's thick clothing prevented tho knife ifrom reaching his flesh. Lockwood then ralsod tho knifo above Pick's throat aud brought it half way down, but hesitated, aud with an oath raised it aloft again. At this critical juncture Mrs. Frick came to her husband's rescue, and throwing herself on Loskwood forced him backwards and caus"d him to tumble headlong down tho stairs. When the bottom of the stops wns reachod Lockwood lied through tho door. Ho was arrested, and iu tho police court yesterday alternoou tho charge of assault to kill was proferrod against him. Lawyer Bicks, colored, defended Lockwood. When ho sought to cross-question Mrs. Frick sno answered him hotly. "Was it not imagination on your part?" nsked tho colored attorney. "Address me as a man of your color should. I will not answer your impertinent ques tions," sho replied. Later when Mr. Fick alluded toEockwood as a "nigger," Lawyer Bicks remarked sar castically: "If our 'niggers, as you call them, woro treated more civilly, such cases as this would bo few aud far between." Judge Miller then took n hand nnd said in his long career ho had never found a com munity where the colored rnco enjoyed as many privileges as they do in this District, but in return thoy gao only blovsand mur ders. Lawyer Bicks then resumod his examina tion of Mrs. Fick. "Did you witness tho fight?" ho asked. "Nono of your black business." was her boated reply as sho stepped from tho witness box. "I'll get both of you in a placo whore you will be compelled to nnswor mo," said tho colored lawyer. Never mind insinuations." romnrkedJ. Judge Miller. "I will hold Lockwood fortho grand jury in 2,000 bonds." s "Doesn't ccet much if you buy Ill BE. All "tron's Suits that woro $lS!.5u, $15, $18, and $0, rcduectl to -.SS.90. All of new, handsomo' cloth, stylishly nrndo, and perfect flttiug. Cutaways or backs in Blue, Black, or Fancy Mixtures. Just tho thing for oflico and stroct v. car. I2r-Greon cable cars pass tho door, WHEN DOUBT As to where to Lunch, como here to Walsh's. You will never bo in doubt again. That little word "BJiST" characterizes everything wo serve, tho btyle of its service as well as tho "got up" of our hand some dining-room. A first-class Restaurant. WalSn S Restaurant!) St. n.w. w e Print Everything And do It wolL McGILL & WALLACE, 8ffiffiEH "Nothing too largo, nothing too -small for us." mi -r K - I MS. riZrVS' yj fiWtt)um&02fi S. BSEBEK, 1 903 to 909 Sth St. S. E. All Uncertain as to the Outcome of tlie' Currency Problem. 13LAND OPFERS A SILVER BILL Bopnblican,. Opposition to Beod's Substitute Crystallizing His Measure Horo in Favor "With tho Silver Men Than With Others Pro3ident Withholding tho Bond Issue So as Not to Appear as Forestalling Congress. "No, I don't think tho Hottso will pass any currency bill,'" wa3 tho roply Bopresofitntivo Tyler, of Virginia, mado to a question on this subject yosterdny.- "Yes, I suppose tho Houso- will do some thing, though I don't know what," was what Beprosentative Coffin, of Maryland, said. That's about it. Nobody knows. What is worso, nobody seoms to care. What stands out in bold relief is the fact that each school of financiers insists stubbornly upon what it ndvocatos, and shows no disposition to mako auy concessions to tho opinions of tho other. Thoro is no lack of mntorial. - Anothor Blchmond has come iuto tho field. Mr. Bland has brought in a bill, as ovorybody expectod ho would. ran. bla:d's bill. It provides in brief that all coin obliga tions of tho government shall bo paid in standard gold or eihor coins, and that such payments shall bo mado in such coins as may bo most advantageous to tho government For tho purpose of providing tho Treasury with suoh coin3, tho duties on imports nro to bo paid one half in gold aud ono nan in stan dard siher coins. To redeem tho Treasury notes issued under tho Sherman net the bul lion purchased thereunder is to bo coined not less than 10.000,000 every month. Tho Troasury notes redeemed ro to bo paid into tho Treasury. Tho fieo coinago act of 1837 is rovived and all authority to issue bouds or to increase tho interest-bea'rlng debt is revoked. To meet tho dellcloncy accruing in tho Treasury nnd to eiiabH tho Secrotary to sot apart coin to meet obligations of that character tho Secre tary is authorized to is.suo Treasury notes which aro to bo leeoivablo for all demands of the United Stntcs, except duties on imports and otuor coin demrfnds. ohositiox to JtEcn's sui'stitutk. The opposition in the Bepublican ranks tp Mr. Beod's substitute, which was referred to in TueTisies yesterday, is beginning to crys tallize. Three, if not more, mon prominont on that side of the Houso have undertaken to arouso sentiment agaiast it, and were ac tively engaged yesterday in thoir propaganda. How far they will succeed it 13 not easy to say. Singular to "relate, tho ev-speaker's amendment is not at all obnoxious to tho sil ver mon. cithor on tho Democratic or Bepub lican side, for that he has proposed to redeem his Treasury certificates in coin, which would ltnvo it at fio Secretary's discretion to use silver or gold. Mr. Beed s substituto is somowhat aKin to tho bill offered byMr. Voorheos atlast week's meeting of the Finance Committee, which se curod several votes, and it is agreed, there fore, by tho advocates of tho ex-Speaker's proposition that it would not lack friends in tho Senate, but would staud at onco upon vantngo ground. " As trfr Mr. Binnd's amendment. its fato may bo prognosticated by ill) remark ol n leading Doraocrati "It's neither fish, ilesh nor fowl and will satisfy nobody." llOXB ISSUE KVR AT ITASD. In the Senato mnUcrs financial aro nuies eeat No meeting of tho Finance-' Committoo was hold yestorday aud no formal conferences of auy sort took place. It -was tho opinion yestorday of somo Con gressmen who aro supposed to enjoy tho con fidence of tho administration that tho Presi dent will take action as soon as the Houso shall havo disposed of the pending measure. As stated in The Times yesterday Mr. Clove laud is merely waiting with the bond i-suo so as not to give himself the appearance of having forestalled or discounted legislative action. Tho gentlemon roferred to believe thnt tho bond issue will bo announced Satur day morning, though it is not improbablo thiit tho Prosident may wait until after tho next meeting of tho Finance Committee to see what it will do with tho House bill. . The bond isuo is a foregone conclusion, boenuso no bill passed by the Houso can hope to pass the Senate. CONGRESSMEN .MUCH PLEASED. They Arc Glad Tlsut a Vexatious Ques tion Is Taken Out of Politics. Senator Morgan's faco fairly beamed when ho wns shown tho Associated Press Dispatch announcing that Queen Liluokalnui had ab dicated. "That is good news," ho ropliod, "very good news indeed." Other Democratic Senators wero of opinion that this would tend to settle all Hawaiian problems. Tho Bepublican Senators woro also pleased. They behoved that tho Hawaiian government will deal leniently with those en gngod in tho rnbelion. but they aro also of tho opinion that it mav bo expedient to have tho ox-Queen removed from tho islands if her supporters continuo to ninke trouble. Tho dispatch was read with Interest by both Democrats nnd Bepublicans In tho Houso, but excited littlo surprise. No mem ber wns beard to express regret that tho queen had withdrawn, and most of them said it was the w.sest thing she could have done. Chairman McCroary, of tho Committoo on Foroigu Affairs, said that ho hoped this ac tion would end the Hawaiian troubles, which had already occasioned moro Congressional comment than their importance warranted. Beprosentative Boutelle. of Mttino, said: "That is tho most sensible thing sho could do. No doubt tho government bn3 provided for her in a financial way. If sho has re linquished her claims iu good faith there will be no excuso for any ono to inspiro rev olutions in her behalf in the future. I am incliued to beliove that tho revolutionists wil1, ,b,. trea.ed lcniout.v, although no ono could blame tho government if it should da- cido to oxecute V ileox. Had the revolution succeeded;! havo not the slightest doubt it would hayii been followed by a massacre." DISTRICT IN CO.NGKESS. Senator (Sherman yostorday presented the petition of a largo number of business men of Washington praying for Jlie passage of tho silver bond bill. Senator Hunton has offered an amondment to tho general deficiency bill appropriating 11,500.22 to pay Emmart and Dnnbar for work dono in 1871 on tho 3G-inch water main. Senator Wolcott introduced tho Washing ton aud Marlboro' Electric Bailwny bill. Senator MiOIilian mado a favorablo report from-the District committee on tho bill es tablishing harbor regulations. At the meeting of tho r ouse District Com mittee tho Williams bill providing fortho sale of street railway franchises to tho high est bidder was reported adversely, but or dorod to bo placed on tho Houso calendar for the purpose of getting a vote uptfn it if the Houso so desires. Tho Houso Committee reported favorably tho bill increasing tho number of school trus tees from nine to eleven, and provides for tho appointment of two women on the board The Houso Committee defeated a motion to sot noxt Tuesday for a vote on the Baltimore and Ohio viaduct bill. Senator Call yesterday reintroduced as an amendment to th6 sundry civil bill his propo sition to appropriate 100,0000 for tho desti tute poor of tho District. Mr. Frelder has iatroducod in tho Houso a bill providing that tho chiof inspector of plumbing in tho District nnd tho assistant inspectors shall bo practical plumbers who havo been engaged in the business for not less than ten nnd fivo years, respectively, and shall give bond m tho sums ot 5,000 aud 2,000. respectively. The "Columbia ' Is The Wheel They're All Going" to Ride This Season. The new price in creases its re markable popu larity three-fold. s 9 Washington Agents, 452 Pa. Ave. SPECIAL NOTICES. QPIMTUALISM MRS E. McNEIL WILL HOLD O a developing and teat cirvlo on THLR.SDAY' BVENINO nt 1014 i emi!ylv.inia av e.; attendance limited; pilvato sittings dully. It BOABDING. -IA 11 ST. '. E.-IN PRIVATE FAMILY; A x) nowly-iuf? front room with fitst-closs bpard; donghttul location; opposite Capitol: near Govt. Priming Office; rofa. given and required; price, S20;,no tublu boarders accommodated. fo7-3t FOB BENT-BOOMS. FDKN1SIIED ROO North Capitol Bt ROOM TO LET AT NO. IMG fc-3 EOOMS TOR BUSINESS OFFICES, i nt Tuny oflico. 1NQDIRE -YT-E STILL HAVE BOOMS FOR A FEW MORE V boardurs at $r 00 por week. Taule board, S4.00. Parlors for rent, frout or back. WINS'! ON HOTEj., 815 Pa. avo. n.w. no'.0-3iao FOR KENT-TUG BEST ROOMS FOR UUSI nesa ofllees in tho city. Inquire ut Tijies oflico. ALEXANDRA HAITENIXGS. Tho Oxen Hill mansion, one of the colonial country soats in Prince George's county, Md opposite this city, was destroyed by fire about daylight yesterday. It was occupied bv Mr. William Allan and was owned iy a syndicate of Washington men, among whom are Frank Hume, Lindsay Coleman, und Thomas Havenner. Joseph Jones,, David Thompson, and James Colcmauf Washington negroes, who had been given long terms in the Biehmond penitentiary for robbing Josephus Blouse's barroom, tried to break jail Tuesday night by forcing open the old Jnsbioned coll door, nnd had liberated George Boston and George Johnson, two other convicts, but wero dis co vereu in lime. - The Oceoquan Telephone line is to Jbe ex tended to this city. Dr. John S. Powell, of Occoqunn, is now in Biehmond arranging with tho Postal Telegraph Company - for tbe privilege of using their poles in tho extension of tho wires. It in expectod that tho lino wilt bo into this citj by about tho middle of April. Capt William H. Black, an old sea captain, who had in the course of an adventurous sea life visited n arly every corner of tho globe, died at his homo on West street, near Cam eron, last night, in tho seventy-sixth year of his age. SIGHT OF OLD OCEAN. That's "VVhat Washington Delegates to Boston C. V. Convention May Hayc. Tho Washington delegates to the Interna tional Christian Endeavor convention which will bo held at Boston next July will probably have the pleasure of a ride on Long Island Sound and a sight nt least of the Atlantic Ocean beforo they reach tho Hub. Mr. W. n. H. Smith, chairman of the com mittee of '93. yesterday afternoon received a letter from Mr. Josmh B. Wray. chairman of tho New York City Endeavor Union trans portation committee of '95, in which that gentleman said tho New York delegates to Boston would bo pleased to charter a big sound steamer jointly with the local delegates for tho ride f-om New York up the sound. Tho minimum number of passengers would bo COO, with tho privilege of carrying several hundred more. There is no doubt that tho idea will meet the approval of every Endeavorer who anticipates going to Boston. Tho fare will be about tho samo as by rail. Mr. Smith is enthusiastio over tho plan. Percy Foster thinks it is a good thing. Aud as ho is chair man of the local transportation committee of '95 the New Yorkers' proposition will proba bly be promptly accepted. LIEUT. GEN. SCHOFIELD, Act Reviving the Rank Signed and Nomi nation Scut to the Senate. The President has signed tho act reviving the grado of lieutenant gonoral of tho Army, last filled by Gen. Sheridan. Ho almost simultaneously sent to tho Senate the nomi nation of Major Gen. SchofioTd to be lieu tenant general. In Sheridan's case tho honor was bestowed -on him while he lay upon his deathbed. No move can be mado toward filling the vacancies that will ensue intho grades of major general aud brigadier general until Gen. Scbofleld's nomination has been con firmed, but already tho applicants aro coming forward. Gon. Sehofleld himself was unablo vester day to receive the congratulations "of his friends, being confined to his homo by a severe cold. BASKET-BALL LEAGUE. C. A. C. Wins n Game from "V. A. Interesting Contest. C Tho unbeaten basket-ball team of Columbia Athletic Club ndded another victory to its string last night by defeating tho Washington Athletic Club team by tho score of 8 to 0. Tho contest was full of interest and oxcite mont from the start to tho finish of tho threo innings of fifteen minutes each, and was uoted by tho largo aud ence and tho players tho cleanest, best-played game of the whole series. But three fouls were called oa plays that had thosemblance of roughness, which was of the excusable order. C. A. C. played a scientific open passing game, nud was especially lucky and nCcurato in for goal. Oue goal of tho phe nomenal order was made by Hoakor from center of field in one minute after tho Lull was put in play. Magoe, Wells, and Beall played brilliantly. W. A.--C. was somewhat hampered in Its otherwiso good playing by three substitutes and was unlucky in passing for gual, tho players thro vying wildly because of laoko.f in terference. Sandorson, Briukloy. and Akers played a noticeably good passing game. Tho next game will be played on Saturday evening in the Infantry Armory between tho homo aad Carroll lustitute teams. Tho teams lined up as tollows: c. a. c. 'positions. w. a. c. Mngeo En o infos' goal , Bradley Keall Right forward Brinkloy Wells Loft forward Akors Looker Center Sanderson .vl oQurule Right back...." Mullen Tallmadgo Lef. back llfis Hough Homo goal Robey Scoro: C. A. C 8; W. A. C, 0. Goals: C. A. C, Magoe, 1; Beall, 'J; Wells. 2; Hooker, J!; McQuade, 1. Umpiro: Sid Eiober. Beferee: Oscar Schmidt. Scoro r: Air. Gh en, C. A. C. rROOKLYN HANDICAP. t-3 Send for particulars, odds, etc.. to GfcORGE SAVILLE, feC-lw 763 Sixth avenue, New York, N. Y. DISTRICT CYCLE CO AMUSEMENTS. GlMi QE5 HlLSB- LDWARD II. ALLEN. Manager. Official HflnoUnGBment Mcssre Abboy. Schoeff el & Grau beg leave to nnnouneo a season ot TtiKEE NIOliTS AND ONE'MATINEfc. of 0RHND 0PERR fin Itol an and French.) With tho cntiro Company, Chorus. Ballot, nnd Entire Orchestra from tuo 'Metropolitan Opcia House, New York. Thursday Evening, Feb, At 8 o'CIock. , "WAGNER'S OPERA, 21. LOHENGRIN. Elsa Dl lirabantc . JImo. Nordica and Ortrnda Mine. Mantelll Kourico 1)1 Tolramoado Sig. i mona Eurico L'L'ccoltatoro M. Plancon JAaraldo Bel Re Sig. Abrainoil and Lohengrin i. Jean deBeszke Conductor ,Sig. MaaclaolIL "Friday Evening, Feb."22. At S o'C ock. VERDI'S OPKItA, OTELLO. Dojdomona. Emolia Mine. EmraaEnmes llme.OIantolII and Otollo Slg. Tnmagno Lodovico fcig. Aiartuui Cnssio M. Mauguieru Itodorego big. Rlnaldinl Montano Sig. do Vneuhottl Araldo fcig. Wvlaui and Iago M. Maurel Conductor big. MancinellL Saturday Matinee, Feb. 23. At 2 o'ClocK. GOUNOD'S OPERA. FAUST. (In Frenoh.) .T. ..Mmo. 3relbfi Mile. Bauerme ster Marguerite. Marta and Stebel Mmft Scatchi MephistopQOles M. Edouard ileKeazke Valentiuo Sig. Aa.-onft Wagner big. Vivian! aud Faust ,M. Joan do Roszke Conductor Sig. ilaa ineUL Saturday Evening, Feb. 23. At 8 o'clock. MASSENET'S OPERA, MANON. Manon Lescant Mile, blbyl Sandorson Ro-iette ... Mile. De Viene Poussotte , Mite, llauormelster .Tnvotte Mine. Van Cameron Lescaut Stj:. Bensaude I.e de Grieux M. Wanton Gu Lot Sig. Carbono BoBretigny..... Sig. Gronizlaki and Lo Chevalier do Grieux .M. Mauguiore Conductor. big. Bevignan. PltlCtS: Orchestra and 4 rows of orchestra, circle $5 00 Orchestra circ e, remiinder. 4 00 Balcony, first three rovrs. 5 60 Balcony, next threo rows . 4 GO Balcony, remainder 3 00 Gallery, all reserved 00 General admission 2 00 Gallery admission 1 03 Boxes 40 00 and 60 00 SPECIAL NOTICE. r-In conseiuence of the great Uomand for private boxes the ninnageinen nas decided lo Bell the same at public auction. The sale will take place at the Grand Opera House, Saturday mori.lng, February 9, at 11 o'clock. ABBEY, SCHOEFFEL&GRAU. ' fe.7,8,3 ' RAND OPERA HOUSE. i'EEK COMMENCING MONDAY, F2BBAKY1L The Favorite Singing Comedian, CHAUXCEY 0LC0TT, In tho New Comedy Drama, "THE IRISH ARTIST." Undr r the management of Mr. Augustus Pitoo. During tbe performance Mr. OLCOIT will sing "My beautiful Irish Maid," "Lookln My Heart," "Olcott Irish Serenade. "Katie Mahene." and "Bolievo Me, if AU Those Endearing Young Churins." beats now On sale. fe7-3t GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Edward 11. Alien, Manager. .Mrs. POTTER. Mr. BELLEW. TO-NIGHT. FRANCILLON. Friday, OUAULOT1 ii CORDAY. baturday Matinee, CHARLOTTE CORDAY. Saturday night, TUEKE E. Next week Chauncey Olcott, "Tho Irish Ar tist " beats now on sale. "VIEW NATIONAL THEATER-TIDS WEEE. xV Every evening and Saturdny .Matinee. JUlia Marlowe-Tabsr To-night-INGOMAR. Next week THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. Specials to-day. Pardcularly lino ones, too ours. Roses that live long perfect specimens ot their Kind. Frosh cut and very fragrant. A. Gude & Bro., ?ElTlv. iMETZEIyOTT music hall, D23 TWELFTH ST.N W., Fi IDAY EVENING, FEB S, Lite rary. Musical and Dramatic Entertainment, by tho Studen's and Graduates of SPENCEKIAN BL's-INrSS COL-EGE, Assisted by the 1 n marmrnic Quartet and Mrs. Mills, R. C inton bcl.uger.aud Percys. Foster. Debate on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic by Twelve Students and Graduates of the Col lege. xn invitation of tho W C T. U. of D. C. Tickets, 25 cents, at MeUorolt's Music Store, 1110 F st Ueaervcd scats at same place, 10 cents addi tional fe7-2t THEATER. SEATS 3, 50, AND 73c Matinees Tues., Thura. and fcat This week, RIP ROARING 1ARCE COMEDY, THE PRODIGAL FATHER. A aotnpany of players licensed to produce fun. Oh, piomlbo meyou will bo in the push ivben your Prodigal Pop shows up Next Week HI HENRY--. PREMIUM MLN-TEELS. THE POPULAR TUXEDO MAND0L1N-GUI-tarQuartette Is in Washington again for tho season. Messrs. Ramsoyer, Yundt, Currier, and Ram spyer. Cnen for engagements for CONCERTS, MUoICALti, HLCErTlUNS. BANQUETS, ot 'terms reasonable. Address, HENRY J. RAMMSYER, M'g'r , ja31-tf La Normandie Hotel. KERNAN'S LYCEUM THEATER, All'lhisWiek. The s-ausoni Sistora. Living Pictures, Ivilpatrick, In Conjunction with THE NIGHT OW S. Next Week? ROSE HILL FOLLY CO. fc-l-6t A CADEM1" PRICES, Kc.. 53c , 75c, S1.00. " Wed. and Sat "Pops,"3 and 50c ICes'd. Aad Tho TROCADERO VAUDEVILLES fel-6t FOB BENT HOUSES. FOR BENT SIX-BOOM BRICK, O STREET northeast, near Twelfth; range; Botand cold water; latrobe ,heat; large yard; now; oulr $13.00. COLLINS & GAUDIS, 511 11th st nw ft3-7t pOR RENT BEDUCED BENT. No. 101G L st nw (cor), IS rs, mod imp $75 00 lG17J2Ist st nw, 0 rs, handsomely iiuiahed.. 03 00 182 st nw, 8 rs, med imp, only 40 00 Sto e and UwT: 1:230 7ih at nw, 9 rs, only-- 63 00 W31 Corcoran st, H rs, Just naiuted and papered .1 33 50 1809 "jth stnvfS'rs. all imp 00 1811 Sth st nw, C rs, all imp. 22 50 lf21 Cth st nw, ti is, all imp 20 00 1718 Florida avo nw.Ors, all Imp.., 19 W 823 N. H. ave. 0 rs, gas and water.. 27 00 2410 1 st nw, 0 rs, gas and water 15 00 Storo and dwellin Gi5 -1J4 st bw, C rooms... 20 00 1st nw, lire, all imp 40 00 7C0(ithstsw,10rs. al imp 23 CO Small houses from SI- to 20 in all sections of tho cy. CLARENCE F. NORMENT, f8-lw 31 Cthst nw. If you need help, either male or female, in pert an ad. in The Times. It wBl be pub lished freo of chargo. OOSES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ALL BEER DRINKERS TO CALL at Budh s new place, 81T 7th st, nf , ami get a nice cold bottle of beer for 5 cents. au21-lyr WantedTry Rubber Roof Paint. WE ST'P ALL LEAKS FREE. And charge only for painting; work guarantead. NAT. RUBBER ROOF 1'AI.VP CO.. 10CJ Sth nw. FOB SALE HOUSES. I? OR SALE DECIDED BAROABS'S IX N. W. INSTALLMENT PLAN. $;o-i'ASfl. FM payment each month will buythedeslrabla now brick and stone dweitiug on Elm at.. La Droit Park. Prlt e only 3,-JW ,. WfiSlCUTT, WILCOX Jfc HIESTON. 1S07 Pa. avo. and 6th and La. nve. fe-Un FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. -pOR SALB-A LUNCH ROOM ON PA. AVE, J. no rtat nw., doiat; a good business: good reasons lor selling. JOHN BARTUXU !Z& 3& street nw. t&?t FOR SALE BARP.O-JM; NEW. LICEN ; stock, fixtures, nias-hhio fcouies, ho&o ta 03 strainers; all complete. Addroos J. A. J tfud onlce. tua-Zt MISCELLANEOUS. f SrpHEltE ARE OTUBKts ' IN TJIK PKINTESa JL bbetnese. but few concerns like The r -r Reporter Company, of 5ls Fifth street cra wegt. You'll And It a poeitlye relief to'-Ua there. Doit M. f. M00RE, 5fg- TOP. BENT-OFFICE BOOM. DJ. H yourself In an obeenre. badly rentHatec', oTl fsshtoned offica fcuiklingirhealtco.a no more for an office on the moot prominent corner in Wa9hlQien.1T : elevator serme night and day. ste .ra heat, and all other mcdereo en fences, as weU as plenty ot Hght a treeb air. There are silll afowdesIraWeo'"- rooms for rent in THE TlMBo BlILD 1XG at very -moderate rent Tito Vill be subdivided to suit teaants. Apply at Buinii OfBes, The Washington Time, TF YOU WANT TO RENT A FFRT-CLASS .-. W --- - VIU. -lT14 4-fc -t -J- - 4 & MONEY TO LOAN. X AND 5fc PER CENT. Money to loan oa real estate la any sums from S1JW3 to 59.floa WESCOTT, WILCOX & HIKSTO.N, ISO? Pa. ave. nw. fet-lm rUIONEYTOLOANON APPBOVBD REAL ES ,T, tst at 5 and 8 per cent No delay PLANT & TU-PJN. National Safe Deport tMrihlinc. 15.U t and New York ae. i&Vlm rui OXEY TO LOAN A I I.OWBST RATES OF IS lY tarest on Washington real estate. J.V.N HIYCK Ja22-l m 1306Pa.-ve. JWjONEYTO LOAN. 1 v ' 5, 5J4- and 6 par orat on real estate. Liberal terms and ha deter. jaSS-lm UM. it. faALNPgWfr & CO . 7F3 TONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FLRNU tare, piano, horses, carriages. wage3, &c ; th property will remain undfaturbed in your poa eeulon: terms easy; lowest rates; private offices; all buslnraa strictly confidential: yen can have tie money the day you apply for Iu payments csn bo made on the principal at any tune; each payment rcado will lesson the cos: of carryvn. tbaloan. Plese call on CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CC C0 F st n ., main floor. TVASniNGTONMOSTGAGELOANCO TANr 1 wiH lend yn $SB and upward a tv r u Aire, pianos, horaes. wagons, etc; so publ. - v an proper y to rem.n m your undisturbed es sioo; ki s 1 aid m oart or in mil at any to soft tho convenience ef the borrower. . any part paid I educes the voit of tarrying t loan in proportion to tho amount paid. W.' fTINo TO.N MORTGAGE UAN COMPANY, 6. ) i st MONEY LOANED ON Approved Collateral, such as stocks, bonds, trusts, syndicate certificates and obi line 1 fe poSeie; no delay YERKtS & BAlvEK, 40 to-IS Metzetett iiuildin- MONEY To Ian. If yon desire to borrow ea real estata cents direct to my efSce; interest 5 per t taSg-3m THOS. F. BARRETT.5ta 12t s' -ff MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PJR C-NT. O . aK proved real estate. P. n. SMITH &, ia2y-lm Hid 3t 50NEYTOLOAN. M IN SUMS FROM 31.690 UPWARD. AT LOWEST ItATg QF INTEREST, ON REAL ESTATE IN THB DISTRICT K. O. hOLTZMAN, Ja27-tf COR. MTH AND - S 1 a N W MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT 5 and C per cent Loans made without delay. DANES & iIPbON, 3a27-lmo TBOHth st nw MONEY TO LOAN TWO UMS OF $2,000 OR one of 24,000 oil iraprood property or va cant ground in tha northwest eeetioii. THOS. O. LENSEY A CO JnS7-lmo Na 20F st nw THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRCST COM pany. Pakl np Capital. 81,000.000. LOANS MONEY on real estate secnritl3 In I sums to suit, without unnecessary delay or ex- -pense. x. oaus made lor building perpose s vwien needed. 'Ihose desiring loans nre inwe.1 to call; we are sure oar terms, prempr attent a, jvud effort to accommodate will Drove a it s- L factory. OFFICE, cor 9th and V sis. j.x-K-tt "S ONEY TO LOAN ALL CLASSES Oi EEA! 1 esno loans made with promptness Tt. rent rates THE McLACnLfcN REjiL LI 1 AND LOAN COMPANY, cor. lib. and G st n Ja-3-I IiONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTAT !" !nw raf nf intrt Tin rlnlar i t ?-i "transactions. O. C vREN Jh-3u: JXB 7th. s: nw MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY SUMb DLSIR At 5 and G nor cent WALTER IL ACKER, 7tH Wth at nw. Ja?I-3mo 110NEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTVTE AT 1YI andO percent Loans made withot. Cz" CnAnLES'W. HDY Ja21-lmo 610 13th st MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND CO property at 5 and 6 ner cent. DAVIDaON & DAVTDSO Ja2i-3mo 183S I 3 MONEY TO LOAN. WILSON & HOUGH, Real Estate and Insurance Age Ja23-lm MB Est MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGK AMOT NT- AUSTIN P. BROWN A t , Real Estate and Insjran-e J2clmo KeRogg BaJktteg. I. Rl ONEY TO LOAN. 3 AND 8 PER CENI , 1 or. Districrpreiierty. J. B. W1MBR, Real Estate, EOiiathst loir JWIONEY TO LOAN ON APPRiVi5 ' real .estate at 5 percent interea s privileges with respect to prior pnyme -3 amounts a specialty. TYLER & RU1HE t " ia!-Imo 1- . i. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 AND 8 PE - t on approved District reat estate; n 1 A. D. ADDIM ja-J-lni- !' MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Security At Lowest Rales f Interest HILL & JUHNSTC jaSi-lm No. 1508 Pa. ave it ft! ONEY ALWAYS INLAND IN SIMS 131 suit on approved DlstriiTCreal est- e LOUIS P.bUOEMAKFR. Ja22-lm 30) 1 - MONEY ALWAYS ON HAND TO LO IN ON approved real estate; nominal comm s.-Ijn. ALB RTF FIX., fo2-lm No. 020 F st rw JW5 0NEY TO LOAN TN ANY SUMS DESIRED at o ana o per cent. MiYJERS & ANDERSON JaSO-Imo 1823 G sr w. JWIONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE " of borrower insured for amount ad easy poymonts; about equal to rent K. L. GOODM , -ja30-3mo 603 18th si aw. MONEY TO LOAN-FIRST TRUST ur property only, to be paid back 1 monthly payments on$l,Ci, monthly payment..... On 52.000, - r " . On $3,a0, ... IZIIIim 2T. Al overpayments include Interest Ja27-3mo JAMES G. JESTER, 639 F st Q.W. 1 ,krm-