OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington, D.C.) 1894-1895, April 21, 1895, Image 8

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Prof. Langley's
What Our Local Savant Has Contributed to Aero
nauticsComparisons with Some of the
Other Famous Inventions.
Bhall -we take unto ourselves wings aud
Tie "with tho eagle in his trackless course,
or -wHl the 'wentieth century come upon
us still grovelling in the dust?
The problem of aerial navigation has
been takon from the hands of 'flying ma
chine cranks" by men -who have studied the
question from a scientific standpoint, and
their experiments are fast convincing even
the sceptical that tvo are nearing its prac
tical solution.
Four distinct lines of investigation, each
Ttfth its ardent champions, are being pur-
enod by eminent inventors In as many coun
tries, and each method has its points of
superiority over its rivals.
TJpon the theory of flotation, i. e., the
employment of a gas bag of whatever
slfape to overcome tbe effects of gravity,
many inventors are still working.
The uss of aeroplanes m conjunction with
prop&llPrs to sustain and inovo forward
the air ship, finds favor with Maxim,
Langley and others.
Soaring, which has been accomplished by
means of a modification of the aeroplane
form, has reached its Inchest develop
ment through the persistent efforts of
LfHonthal, the "Flying Man of Germany,"
as he is called.
And lastly tbe complete imitation of the
flying bird by the use of wings to beat the
air, is occupying the attention of a score of
Let us see what has been accomplished by
those various moUiods.
Prof. S. P. LaiKjley, of the Smithsonian
Institution, lias been experimenting with
'sssur-i&. y&
aeroplanes and other apparatus pertain
ing to mechanical flight for the past eight
years. He is naturally very reticent In re
gard to the progress he is making, pre
ferring, as he says, to emerge from the ex
perimental stage berore asking a critical
public to pass jud-nient upon his work. He
bas made such substantial headway, how
ever, that a description of Ins machine and
its method of flying is here given. Near
Quantico, Md., half hidden by rushes, floats,
what appears to be an old scow, surmounted
Ijy a shed.
In Tealityit is floating workshop ofProf.
Langley. When not in use a big padlock
guards the secret within, but of late tbe
sounds o fh ammerand filehave betokened the
near approach of another trial of the great
Bhimlulum bird, which now hangs suspended
rroni the roof of this mechanical ark.
Aroand the side of the room are to be seen
various forms of propellers, some of wood,
Eonie of thin metal, representing stages of
development which 1 ed up to the present
perfected blades now used.
But the center of attraction is the flying
rnachlneitself. Inshape itsome what resem
bles a porpoise, though the upwardly in
clined wings, four in number, tend to dis
pel the illusion.
Although Uiin plates of aluminium were
used in constructing the body, that over-,
rated metal was not used for the framework
and driving mechanism. Steel, taken
weight for weight, is stronger than alum
inium, and was used accordingly.
The wings, or aeroplanes, are of silk,
varnished to render them water-proof,
The motive power is steam. Prof. Lang
ley says that no hystem of electrical accu
mulators and motor can be used, owing to
their great weight, aud even the steam en
gine of Lis early experiments weighed
twenty pounds per horse power developed.
His present engine weighs less than half
that amount per horse power, and is
capable of rotating the two propellers at a
fearful speed.
So great is the velocity that the pro
pellers would be torn to pieces were they
not made taut by tbe use of piano wire.
A vertical rudder forms the steering ap
paratus, and a rope through a ring on the
under side ot the body serves to retain the
I v ,?r)
machine during experiments till Uie requi
site po wer Is attaiued.
At the last trial, which was conducted In
a rain storm, the huge automaton slowly
rose and sailed away in the face of the
wind, finally alighting upon Uie water and
floating there uninjured.
This test made evident some minor
weaknesses (which have since been cor
rected), but proves conclusively that the
Maxim's experiments hud culminated in
oml llicht only a n onth or so before the
Langloy trial, though the actual flight
was not pruLeditnicd, and proved disas
trous to the apparatus. Ilis airship is
full working size, being 200 feet wide,
he aeroplanes haviug a total area of 1, -100
square feet.
Its weight, including water, fuel, and
crew of three n.en, is 8,000 pounds. It
is p.-ovided with two screws of Foventeen
feet diameter, capable, when driven at
a speed of -100 revolutions per iLinute, to
develop a lateral thrust of 2,000 pounds.
The engines, operated by vaporized
gasoline, developed 363 horse-power,
which drove the uachine along the track
at the rate of thirty-six rules per hour for
a distance of GG0 feet, when the upward
tendency became too great for the re
straining side rails to withstand, and the
rronster aeroplane tore itself free from
one rail and pitched headlong from the
track, doing considerable damage to the
n achiuery.
That the full weight was upborne by the
air was conclusively proven by the giving
away of the upper guardrail. Another
trial Is conttir plated in the near future,
which is looked lorward to by the entire
scientific world.
The advance of the so-called dirigible
balloon, from which so,much was expected
at one time, lias been slow and uncertain,
with no recent slaitling developments.
In 1884, Renard andKrebs. two French
men, in their initial trip succeeded In
traversing the air for about four miles at
the rate of fourteen miles per hour return
ing to the point, of departure with a
cigar-sbaped dirigible balloon, 165 feet
long, equipped with propeller, rudder, and
batteries, but thE was accomplished in a
calm atmosphere. In a high wind it would
have drifted windward liko any other
balloon which depends upon gas Tor its
Gas, by the way, is not the only agent
deemed capable of overcoming gravity.
In 1690 Mr. De Bausset, of Chicago, pro
posed to navigate tho air with a 4C0-foot
cylinder with cone-shaped ends, built of
thin steel plates and exhausted of air to an
almost complete vacum. Ho made tbe
fatal mistake of at-kmg Congress to appro
priate $200,000 to defray tho costolthc ex
periment. The bill was referred to the Committee on
Acoustics and Ventilation, and thus died a
natural death. The whole thing was an
atmospheric Impossibility, anyhow.
It is through the use of aeroplanes, how
ever, that the greatest advances have been
Otto Lilienthal. the German experi
menter, has accomplished some wonderful
flights with his soaring apparatus which
give an Idea of the sustaining power of the
His device consists of a framework of
light bamboo, outspread like the wings ot a
bat and covered with closely woven cotton.
A rearward extension, shaped somewhat
like a shoe horn, concave side down, serves
for a rudder. A seat is secured between the
wings which have a spread of twenty-three
feet- Tho wings have no motion, being
rigid, the intent being to imitate the soaring
The subject of aerial navigation Is
"in the air," so to speak, and surely
from the many experiments now being
made, the proper solution will be evolved
in tbe near future.
o r
Planked shad dinners every week day at
Marshall HalL Steamer Macalcsler leaves
at 10 a. m.
x --i- -C J ""
Sam T. Jack's Extravaganza Company,
greatest and gayest of all burlesquo attrac
tions, has returned rom its triumphal tour
of Spanish America, and will delight tho
eager multitudes at the Lyceum Theater
Monday evening.
Snm T. Jack, theNmaster mind of bur
lesque nmusemment, has been In the busi
ness of entertaining the public for many
years, and has learned the art ot pleasing
and gratifying the hearts and eyes of men
who like such pleasures as few other man
agers have or ever will.
His Extravaganza Company Is his most
recent venture, and to Judgo by tho crit
icisms of press aud public, ono of tho best
of all ids long career. It was first tried
on the Southern circuit, nnd reaped an im
mediate harvest of success.
"When the company appeared in Havana
last November tho dons and donnas went
wild. The whole show was bo new, eo
unique, so unparelloled in all their previous
experience, that tho Spaniards were cap
tured as if by-storm, and the unqualified
success of tho tour was assured immedi
ately. The company went through Mexiico
with equal happiness, and now, improved by
experience aud travel, is once more on
native soil.
The show at this theater will be the same
ife.all respects that lately pleased the proud
hidalgos. Thoro will bo a Spanish ro
mance, outlined and embellished in bur
lesque; the elements of melodrama, farce
comedy and good variety will be given
free latitude; handsome women by the
ucore will exhibit their merry faces and
captivating forms; cheery comedians will
spring jokes that brought equal mirth in Illi
nois aud Mexico, and a splendid series
of living pictures will furnish artistic di
version and an unrivalled altitude of sen
uuous luxuriousuecs.
The announcement ot the return engage
ment of Hinrich's Grand Opera Company
to the Academy, on Monday, April 29, re
calls many pleasant memories of their first
engagement in this city last spring.
Tho season is limited to four weeks, dur
ing which time the company will be heard
In a varied Tepertoire. Mine. Sclma Koert
Kronold, Mine. Marie Von Cnuteren, S!g.
Fernando Miehelena, Sig. Ludovico VI
viam will be remembered tor their excellent
work la6t season. The newcomer- e Slg.
Guiseppe Campanari and Sig. Dnmtu Del
Papa. Campanari has been specially en
gaged for the baritone roles. Del Papathe
tenor, was eLgaged for the Metropolitan
Opera Company, and did excellent work
with that organization; it is claimed for
Win that he has a rich pure tenor voice, and
it is oxpocted that he will at once become a
The repertoire for the opening week has
been arranged as follows: Monday and
Saturday nights, "Cnrmoir," Tuesday,
"Masked Ball;" Wednesday night and Sat
urday matinee. "Romeo and Juliet;" Thurs
day, "Aida;" Friday night, "La Giscouda."
To-morrow evening Stuart Robson and his
supporting company will begin an engage
ment of one week with usual Wednesday
and Saturday matinees at the Grand Opera
During his engagement Mr. Robson will
be sen in a penes of old and modern
comedies aud his fctay should prove an event
of the first importance to people who have
become satiated with the idiocies of mod
ern farce comedy and melo-drnma.
Monday Mr. Robson will appear for the
Tirst time in this city as Mr. Dionysius
Dimple, a husband on trial, in John Baldwin
Buckbtone's famous ccmedy, "Leap Year,
or the Ladies' Privilege. It will be re
peated Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs
day evemngs and at t ho Wednesday matinee.
Friday evening and at tho Saturday mati
nee Mr. Robson w ill bo seen as Tony Lump
kin in "She Stoops to Conquer."
The coming engagement of Miss Ada
Rchan at the National Theater on Monday
evening is looked upon a& one of the most
important of the Ecason. She will be sup
ported by the fctrougth of Mr. Daly's
company, including Mr Frank Worthing,
Mr. George Clnrko, Mr. William Owens,
Mr. Sydney Herbert, Mr. John Craig, Mr.
William Sampson, Mr. Thomas Bridgland,
Mr. Hobart Bosworth, Mr. Tyrone Power,
Mr. Georlc Lesoir, Miss Sybil Carlisle, Mifs
Laura Hansen, Mrs. Thomas Barry, Misfcs
Conron, Bryant. Mallon, Brophy, Hoff
mau, Nelson, and Loraine.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendal are now on their
last American tour, and will make their
farewell appearance in this city at the
New National Theater week beginning
Monday, April CO, ror which a reper
toire of exceptional interest has been ar
ranged. "She" will be the attraction this week
at Butler's Bijou Theater. The play Is
said to be the greatest dramatization of
Rider Haggard's story ever presented to
the public. The scenery carried for the
?lay compr.ses about 1 6,000 fot of canvas.
The electrical and mechanical effects are
Old Tuylor'H Gumti uiid the Smart Dealer
Were Too Much for Them.
"The greatest snap I ever had," re
marked the broken-down sport, "was when
I dealt the bank for old Taylor up at Butte.
He paid me S8 a day, and I used to knock
down from $10 np every time.
"Old Taylor knew it, too, but he fi.-Wt
care. He was a cheerful cuss, and he usi-.l
to say that a man who didn't have sense
enough to ki.ock down didn't have sense
enough to deal. He'd come around once in
a while and say, 'Leave a little for me,
won't you, Jim?'
"Well," he continued, "the greatest
time we ever had was when four sharks
came down from Tacoma to break the
town. They went up to old Pete's place
first and broke the little man on a tap the
first thing."
"What's a tap?"
"Why, where they bet as much as the
bank can show up, and if they win it
breaks the bank. Some banks won't take
a lap.
"Well, as I started to ray, the experts
came into our place next and sat down at
my table. I mixed the deck and gave
them sight o,the second card. They
thought they had me sure, and one of them
said. 'Will you take a tap?'
" 'Yes,' said I, and I commenced to pull
money out ot the drawer. Taylor saw ma
and came over. 'What are you doing, Jim?'
says he. 'Taking a top,' eays I. 'Well,
then,' says he, 'go over to the drawer be
hind the bar and get what you can find.'
So I got all I could find and put it up.
The old sports were wild. They thought
they had me sure, and put up all they had.
Old Taylor was worth fifty or sixty thou
sand then, and ho would have put up every
cent if it had teen necessary.
"I commenced to turn the cards, and
when I turned the fourth old Taylor jumped
about four feet in the air and gave a yell
like a Conimancbo Indian. 'We've done it;
we've done it; the pile is ours, Jim!' The
four (sharks were white as ghosts. I turned
to them and said, 'You fellows don't know
a living thing about faro. You'd better go
into a cattle camp nnd have tho boys
teach you how to play.'
"They pawned their watches to Taylor
for money enough to get home. I knocked
down $125 that night. I would havo
taken more only Taylor was watching
me." New York Herald.
Itlver View's Season.
Capt. E. S. Randall has engaged Prof.
Chris. Arth, jr., and his orchestra to
furnish the muBic at River View the coming
summer. The ninth season of this beau
tiful resort will open Sunday, April 28.
River View, so dear to thousands of excur
sionists, is now budding in Its spring ver
dure, and a more lovely spot on the Potomac
River would be hard to find. The steamer
Samuel J.Pcntz has returned to tbe Seventh
street wborf completely repainted and
refurnished, and is the pride ot Capt. Ran
dall, as the flagship of his fleet of steam
"boats. All the Same.
Blngs What did you giveme this key for?
It isn't my latch-key.
Mrs. Bings You won't have any more
trouble with that key than yon usually do.
New York World.
Opera Costuming
Is Her M
Tlie Wife- rjf Abbey's Property
Master Successful at Stage
Dressing aud Painting.
P ON a level with
the files of the
Metropolitan Op
era House are tho
property work
shops, with their
atmosphere of
paint and papier
mache. In one cor
ner, half hidden by
an immense drag
on's head, and
wielding a brush with which she was adorn
ing the sleigh of La Perichole, tho Grand
Duchess, was a woman painting chubby
Mrs. Edward Seidle has developed a
genius for designing comic opera bouffo
and character opera costumes, aud is tak
ing a leading place where men have hith
erto reigned supreme. As soon as women
artists learn about Mrs, Seidle others will
no doubt try to imitate her, but stage
costuming has reached such a point that it
Is an art in Itself, for which special knowl
edge is required, and the very few men who
have mnde permanent successes in It in
New Yoik can be counted on one hand.
London artists have been accustomed
to getting many American orders, but
Mrs. Seidle has kept more than one order
in this country In the last year which might
otherwise been sent to England. She is
English herself. That doesn't need tell
ing In so many words after bearing her Invi
tation to etepncross the hall into the of
fice of her husband, who Is property master
of the Metropolitan Opera House, and of
all of Mr. Abbey's productions.
"Tell you about my work? I don't think
there Is very much to tell. Simply at one
time tills winter there were three light
operas on New York stages for which I
had designed all the costumes, three others
playing in large eastern cities, and a num
ber of leading people, men and women,
on other New York stages, wearing cos
tumes from my designs.
"Of course I enjoy being successful.
What woman wouldn't? There was
'Rob Roy.' That was the most difficult
thing I have done yet, because, if you
knowanythlngabout the tartans, you know
the Scots never designed them with an eye
to stage effects, especially the plaids of
the most Important clans that figured in
the opera. Those plaids were too somber.
They didn't light up well on the stage,
and, if you would believe it, there was
hardly more than one containing white,
which is so necessary a color and gives
value to all color combinations.
" 'Prince Ananias' was mine also, nnd
'Pnquita,' the Mexican opera. 'Princess
Bonnie was running in Philadelphia and
'Madelaiue In Boston. I am satisfied
because It is only about two years since
my first attempt with 'The Knickerbock
ers,' aud 'The Maid of Plymouth that fol
lowed. "Do I think it Is desirable work for
women? Certainly; but it requires a
special class of knowledge that Is not
easy for the average art student to secure.
I studied In the art school at Kensington,
in England, and it happened that from
girlhood I designed costumes for lending
fashion publications. My father was
a leading English wood engraver; one
brother is au engineer, also, and another
is an artist. When I married Mr. Seidle
I became more or less familiar with the
stage workings. I found I could work
with him, and when there was decorating
to do I used oftcn'to help him. I am just
painting that feleigh now for Lillian Rus
sell in the 'Grand Duchesse.'
In that work1 I became familiar with
the valuo of Various colors on tho stage.
That is very necessary to costumo de
signers, becauso a color that in itself might
be very effective before the footlights, be
hind them, in a stage group, would be abso
lutely fatal to tho picture. I'll tell you
one thing that always is pleasing: It is to
have opera stars follow every item ot a
design made for them. Miss Russell is
such a conscientious person in that way that
it is a delight io design for her. In
'The Princess Nicotine she adhered to the
sketch, oven to tho rose she wore. Yes,
the Princess Nicotino hat, which has been
the rage bore in New oYrk, was part of tho
Mr. and Mrs. Seidle have one ot the
prettiest homes in the theatrical colony
at Ludlow, aboutlialf an hour's ride from
New York city. The houso is on the bank
ot the Hudson and from the droll llttlo
studio where Mrs. Seidle works tho view
is up and down tho HudBon and tho Pali
sades for miles. It isn't like other studios,
because it is a studio without an easel.
ft? hp
'JWllwSiM jii
i Iwm
Tho chief articlo of furniture Is a largo
bookcase filled with costumo books for
the wild plunges into all ages and countries
required by tho modern stago.
Mrs. Seidle has just finished designs
for a Russian opera, "Tho Fortuno Teller,1'
relics ot which are still to bo seen in theshape
ot flimsy tracings hanging to a door,
gome are tinted with water colors, as they
wcro in tho finished sketches that have
just gone in to the costumer, with little
samples ot colors and matorials and trim
mings fastened to them. Here is a chorus
girl from Lapland, another from Iceland.
Hero is a costumo for Miss Russell, another
for a group of four chorus girls and an
other for twelve. It is a inoBt important
part of tho business to know how many ot
each group aro to bo on the stage at cer
tain times, forthedosignsmustbosoarrauged
that one dress shall not loso its effect be
cause another of less importance is of a
color that holds more stago light and at
tracts the eyes ot tho audience more quick
ly. The colors in a stage picture must not
swear at each other, and Mrs. Seidle has
In her mind all these costumes grouped be
fore tho designs aro sent out of ber hands.
As many as forty or fifty different designs
are made from one opera usually, and then
the men often wear masculine editions of
feminine designs.
Hanging on the ever useful door aro a
couple ot folded sheets of paper. "That
is the way the opera comes to me," says
Mrs. Seidle. "Those arc the lists ot what
is wanted. The nextonelshallattacklsan
Egyptian affair. 111 go browsing around
through all our books and through libraries
until I get Into an atmosphere of lotus and.
mummies. Then I shall go to work, and if
necessary, can -get through an opera In
three weeks, but a month is better."
Any one who is minting for a new collec
tion fad might take a hint here. When the
designs are completed and sent to the pur
chaser, every one of them Is a little water
color gem of a figure, and so full of action
that often they aro preferred to portraits
as foundations for tho posters of a company.
What becomes of all these sketches isn't
stated, but if they could be secured they
would make an immensely interesting
Among the other things in which Mrs.
Seidle has had experience Is Fcene paint
ing. When Mr. Si-idle was with a
former manager in New York, Mrs.
Seidle more than once mounted the scaf
fold and laid on quarts ot paint over
good canvas, especially for tapestry set
tings. The Raphael cartoons which E.
S. Willard uses in "Judah" were done by
Mrs. Seidle, aud Willard happening In one
day while she was at work, declared that
it was the first time in his experience,
either In England or tills country, that
he had seen a woman'scene painting.
Mrs. Seidle is decidedly petite, bright,
energetic, and a model housekeeper. She
is Uie mother ot au Interesting small
boy, and has both the sympathy and en
couragement of her husband, who is de
cidedly proud of the use to which his
wife has turned her artistic training and
Gootho on Street-Clennlnx-
On entering a town one can judge the au
thorities' fitness, A
For where the towers and walls are fall
ing, where in the ditches
Dirt is collected, and dirt ill every street
is seen lying,
Where the stones come out ot their groove,
and are not replaced there,
There, surely, that town is known to be
wretchedly managed.
For where order and cleanliness reign
not supreme In high places.
Then to dirt aud decay the citizens soon
get accustomed.
Just as the beggar's accustomed to wear
his clothes, full of tatters.
Therefore I have often wished that Her
man would start In his travels,
Ere he's much older, and visit, at any rate,
Strasburg and Frankfort
And that pleasant town, Mannheim, so
evenly built and so cheerful.
He who has seen such large and cleanly
cities Tests never
Till his own i ativo town, however small,
he sees bettered.
Do not all praise our pavements? Our
well-arranged covered-ln conduits.
Always well lurnished with water, utility
blending with safety?
Six times in council I superintended tbe
town works, receiving
Hearty thanks and assistance from every
well-disposed burgher.
Chicago Record.
4 o m
The Retort Courteous.
A Prussian officer quartered in Alsace one
day visited a chapel in the outskirts of the
town. Greatly surprised at seeing a silver
mouse among the votive offerings, he de
manded an explanation from an "intelligent
native" who was showing him round.
"An entire quarter of the town," the Al
satianproceeded to relate, " wasonceinfested
JOyauarmyormice, whichconstituteda verit
able plague. Then a kind-hearted lady took
it into her head to get a silver mouse made
and toprcsentitto the Virgin. Aweekafter
ward all the mice had disappeared."
The officer burst out laughing and
exclaimed: "What! Are the people in tliis
country so stupid as to bolievesuch things?"
"Oh, no!" promptly replied tbe Alsatian;
"for if we did we should long since have of
fered the Virgin a silver Prussian." Le
Petit Parisian.
a o !-
iix queen;
He loves not well whose love is bold,
I wouldnothavetheo cometoonigh,
The sun's gold would hot seem pure gold
Unless tho sun were in the sky,
To take him thence and chain him near
Would make his beauty disappear.
He keeps his state. Do thou keep thino
And shine upon mo afar,
So shall I bask in light divine
That falls from love's own guiding star;
So shall thy eminence bo high,
And so thy passion shall not die.
But all my lire will reach its hands
Of lofty longing toward thy face
And be as ono who speechless stands
In rapture at some speechless grace,,
Mv love, mv bone, mv all -will bo
'"Tolook to heaven andlookto thee!
Thy eyes will bo the heavenly lights.
Thy voice the gentle summer breeze,
Whattime itswayaonmoonlitnights
The murmuring tops ot leafy trees,
And I will touch thy beauteous form
In June's red roso3, rich aud warm.
But thou thyself shalt come not down
From that pure region far abovo,
But keep thy throne and wear thy crown,
Queen of my heart and queen of lovo,
A monarch in thy realm complete,
And I a monarch at thv feet!
X William Winter.
Grand Opera Company,
Presenting a Brilliant and Extensive
Interpreted by Such Fomou3 Artists &s
Mme. Sclma Koert-Kronold,
Mme. Mario Van Cautcrcn,
Sig. Dante Del Papa
Sig. Fcrnand .MichcIcna,
Sig. Ludovico Viviani, and
Sig. Giuseppe Campanari.
Especially engaged from the Metropolitan
Opera (Joinpany, Now Yorlt
Monday and Saturday CARMEN
Wod. Evo. and Sat Mat.. R O M EO &. J U LI ET
Thursday FAUST
Efficient Chorus and Grand Orchestra under
the personal direction of Mr. GUbTAV HIN
RICHS. Subscription sale opens Tuesday morning.
Seats for single nlgnta opens Wednesday.
Regular Academy Prices.
First Presentation of
Comic Opera, in Three Acts by Messrs.
Fort, Hub Smith and MacLeod.
The Ciiiita's Country Home,
APRIL 25 AND 26.
Under the auspices of the following named
Mrs. Calvin Bricc, Mrs.RandolphMcKim
Mrs. JohnS Billings, Mrs. Fred'k McGuire
Mrs. Buckingham, Mra.EdwardllcCauley
Mrs.F.E.ChadwIek, Mrs. Riehd Mulligan
Mrs. Bancroft Davis, Mrs.FrancesNash,
Mrs.RozierDulaney, Mrs.CarlislePatterson
Mrs.JohnW Foster, Mrs.J.G. Parke,
Mrs. Chas. Glover, Mrs. JoMah. Pierce,
Mrs. Horace Gray, Mrs. Pellew,.
Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, Mrs. J.D Patten,
Mrs. Reynolds Hitt, Mrs.R.S.Phenlx,
Mrs. Arch. Hopkins, Mrs.T NelsonPage,
Mrs.MayoIIazeltine, Mrs.John F.Rogers,
Miss Herbert, Mrs.R. G. Rutherford,
Mrs.DanielS.Lamont.Mrs. J.M Schofield,
Mr8.W.S. Lincoln, The Misses Schenck,
Mrs. Blair Lee, Mrs. Wm. Wmthrop,
Mrs. Alex. B Legare.Mrs. Westmghouse,
Mrs. L. Z. Letter, The ilises Wilkes.
Mrs. Richard C. Fellows.
Tickets may be obtained from tho lady pa
tronesses and atiletzerott's Music Store, 1110 F
street ncrthwcsU
Tbe managers, encouraged by the largo sale
of tickets, announce a second terfonnanco on
tho 2Gth Prices for this night, S5e , 3Ua, 75c.
and SI.00. Tickets for sale at box office of Acad
emyof Music.
The Capital Glee Club Concert,
and a Miscellaneous Program.
Under the direction of Mr N Da Mian e Clo ward.
Seats 75 and 50c, on ealo at Metzeroii's
Wednesday, April 17.
"WmODAUHsi3 Krrcncr and dining
Tuesday. Wednesday and Tbur&day, April 23,
21, and i5, 1 r -m 10 a. m. to 10 p. in. Admission,
10c. Season ticket. ito cook book, 23c a21-JC
A member of the Arena staff and founder of
tho New York Society for Paries and Play
grounds for C hildren, will deliver two lectures
ou "Tho Wonders of Our Civilization," A prilJ
nnd 23, at MASONIC HALL The lectures will
be splendidly Illustrated with dissolving stere
opticon viows.
Admission, 23 cents.
nut Uio Cur Driver Failed to Connect
"Wita Them.
A prosperous iookingbusmess manboarded
the front platform of a cross-town car and,
drawing a well-filled cigar case from his
pocket, selected a choree looking Havana.
The driver "sized up" the man and the cigar
case, and his mouth began to water. The
smoker, after biting off the end ot his cigar,
began fumbling for a match. Fading to
find one he turned to the driver and asked
him if he had a match.
'Yes, sir," responded tho driver witb alac
rity; "here you are, sir."
"Thank you," said the business man,
lighting his cigar and sending the fragrant
smoke swiftly across the driver's face.
"Very convenient to have matches around,
Bir. I allers make a point of carrying 'em."
"Indeed?" .
"Yes, so many gentlemen pull out a cigar
and then find they ain't got a match."
Puff, puf f andsilence.
"I am quite a smoker myself. 'Course
I can't smoke on the car, but then I enjoy
it all the moro when I get off."
"I suppose bo," said the smoker, absent
mindedly. "Many gentlemen makes a point of giving
rae a cigar, especially when they rides reg
"lar. I ain't had my after dinner smoko
"Oh." said the business man, in a preoc
cupiedmanner. "Yes, sir; I allera carry matches, as I said
before, 'causo when a gentleman has a cigar
and no light he alius seems so thankful
for it. Generally gives mo a cigar, too.
Seems kinder fair to exchange a cigar for a
match, 'cause the weed ain't no good with
out a light."
"Ah," said the smoker, evidently busy in
his mind with something connected with
The driver looked despalringlyathim, and
after clearing his throat, said:
"You don't happen to have another cigar
in your pocket, do you, sir?"
"Certainly, I have two or three," said the
business man, testily. "But what has that
to do with what you have been talking
The rest of tho Journey was made in
silence. New York Tribune.
Eo Whs So Considerate.
A story is told or a certain young society
man in Germantown, who is an enthusiastic
equestrian as well as being fond of the
society of the gentlersex. One afternoon he
called upon a young woman at the afternoon
tea hour, attired in his riding boots and car
rying his whip in his hand. He had been on
very intimate terms with her, but recently a
slight quarrel had cloded the social atmos
phere. So she took advantage ot the opportunity
to give him a good Ehot. As soon as he
entered the room the hostess arose, and, ad
vancing, smilingly, toward the young man,
said s weetly by way of greeting: "I am ex
tremely obliged to you, Mr. X."
"What what for, pray?" stammered the
guileless youth.
"Why for not bringing your horse in with
you!" Philadelphia Call.
From Xntnro's Standpoint.
An English clergyman waspreacbing in a
country town in Scotland. He bad as his
subject "The Prodigal Son." "And the
prodigal son went away from his poor old
father and remained in a far country for
years and years and years, and his father
mourned Mb absence for years and years.
But after years and years he came back to
hia poor old father, and bis poor old father
said unto his sreVants, 'Bring forth the
fatted calf which has been kept for my son
these years andyears.' "
An old farmer in the audience could con
tain himself no longer. "Yer a le'er, it wud
hao bin a coo," he exclaimed. TJtica Ob
server. Tho Philuntnroplrtt Heard From.
A foolish philanthropist is willing to pay
the passage of the starving poor to the
Sandwich Islands. There, ho says, they can
help themselves. Truth.
e E
S1.25 Excursion to BtUtlnioro vln Penn
sylvania Railroad 91.25.
Excursion tickets to Baltimore, Saturday,
April 20 and Suday,the21st,good returning
until Monday, tbe 22d. "ia Pennsylvania
road at $1.25.
in w incucn.
Beginning To-morrow Night
at 8.
With a complete cast of BEAUTY and TALENT.
The SWJXO French Beauty.
12-NW and ORIGINAL 12
Next Week Peter Mailer's Athletic and
Vaudeville Company-
Eve Ing;
Romantic Opra by Garland and Grimes
Given under auspices DAISY CHAIN OLILD
for Contagious Hospital Fund-
Prices 1 10. SL00.75& and 50c,
QraM Qpera poilse
One Week, Beginning TO-MORKOW NIGHT
Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.
Engagement of
ITndertoe Management of WiniamR. Haydea
Presenting Uie Follo-aring Repertoires
Wed. Matinee,
Or, the Ladies Privilege.
bat. Matinee,
She Stoops to Conquer
April 2 Third comedy season of Prederic
Bond and Company, presenting
meat entitled
At Academy of Music,
April 21, 1S95, at 7:30 o'clock.
Under the auspkrea ot the Accte&t Order ot
Hibernians, of the District of CefuiuMa. Ad
dresoes by Key. D. J. Stafford. D. D.,Rer T J
bhaban. D. B., Hon. Wm. MeAdoo. Solo-dts,
Miss Anita Cluss. Harpist: Mrs. Pauline Mama,
Miss Mary Helen He vfj. Miss Mamie Donneuy,
Mrs. Forney, Mr A m. D. McF rlcnd, Mr H.
G Mcem, l'rof. M. Mains, Mr. T. P. McNu.ry,
Mr. Delevicrie. Accompanists. Miss Emily
Howlett, Prof IL W Howard. Musk: under di
rection of Prof. Maina. Admission. 25 cents.
Reserved seats, 23c extra. Reserved seats are
now on sale at Ellis Music &tore, 9S" Pa. are.,
and at Box Ofllce eTening ot entertainment.
JL Every Evening and Saturday Matinee.
Engagement Extraordinary of MISS
Under the "faaagement ot Me. Angustia Daly.
Miss Rehan as Ann is
Wednesday UEAUT OF RUBT.
Friday Evening and Saturday Matinee
Saturday Evening NANCY & CO.
Prices Si. 31.50. 31. 50c. and St
Mext Week MR. and MRS. KENDAL.
.OME and hear, M 22,
8 OME and see
OLUMBIA Athletic Club
NNUAL Music and
THLETIC Entertainment,
PRIL22, IS95.
OME and see Strength
OMBINED with Science.
OME and hear Good Music
OME Enjoy Yourself.
Reserved Seats now on sale at the
Theater, 75c? and SI.
General Admission 50c
Gallery Admission 25a
APRIL 22 natalnrisess
ni iiiu cl. carriage call 10:30.
April 15 to April 25,
At Naval Lodge Hall,
Jourth and Pa. Ave. S.E. Special Attractions
and Dancing every evening.
Season Tickets, 55a Single Admission, 10c
BUTLER'S THEATER Seat 23 and 50c
IJOU Mat. Tubs., Thura. & Sat 15. 23 & 33.
Saturday, May 4, 1895.
Train -will leave B. JtP. depot Saturday night.
May 4, at 11 p. m. Returning, will leave Rich
mond Monday evening at 6 p. m.
CHILDREN (under twelve) SL30
SUNDAY, APRIL 21,1503.
And every Sunday nnd 'reefc day daring April
and May.
10 A.M.
Ladies aro especially Invited on these ex-
On Sundays Steamer Chas. Macalester -will
leae SeTenth-street Wharf at II a. m and 20
p. nu Leaving Marshall Hall 1U0 and5:2Q p m
DINNER. -- 75c
( b lalti0 Pi ifiS HI
ffiWStf KmPQ M
Ui?Ci liSiiod lail

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