EASY FOR THE SENATORS Washington Wins the First of the Cleveland Series HnunliiKx Men Oiitclnna In- Olilnnim nt thr lint mill III Ilclil IMtrlirr Scull DUpnifil iif In One lnnliiB CoiikIiIIiix Home Ituii Gnmca American Washington 0 CIcoIind 7 Philadelphia 8 Clilcaso C Daltlmore 13 Milwaukee 11 Detroit 8 Boston 6 National Leicue Pittsburg IS Brooklyn 2 Boston 10 St Louis Chlcapo 7 Ne York Cincinnati 5 Philadelphia 1 TodojH CniilCM American League Baltimore at Milwaukee Philadelphia at Chicago Boston at Detroit National League New York at Chicago Tomorrow Gamen American League Baltimore at Milwaukee WashinKton at Cleveland Philadelphia at Chicago Boston at Detroit National League Boston at Philadelphia Chicago at St Louis Hon- the Clnua Slnnd AMERICAN LEAGUE Wo Chicago 47 Boston 43 Baltimore M Detroit 41 Washington 31 Philadelphia M Cleeland 2 Milwaukee - Lost PCt 27 2G KS 2S 5C2 534 33 44 Si 441 43 43 3J3 KATIOXAL LEACUE Won Lost PCt Pittsburg 41 30 95 Philadelphia 40 32 562 St Louis 41 34 54 Brookln 49 3 533 New York 33 31 3 Boston 34 30 Cincinnati 32 40 444 Chicago 3S 01 331 CLEVELAND Ohio July 20 Washing ton won her llrst game of the season from CIe eland this afternoon in a hatting struggle Thlch was thoroughly en Joyed by a large Saturday crowd The Senators played by far a better fielding game and gave Patten superb support with the exception of one mlsplay while the work of the Cleveland was loose Scott started in to pitch for Cleveland but only lasted one inning and Duwiiug relieved him The latter was hit freely throughout the content being touched for a total of twenty bases Cleveland start ed off as though they would put Patten out of the business but It was not until toward the end of the contest that they were able to bunch hit on him Pickering and Waldron carried off the fielding honor both making sensational catches The one made by Waldron was in the fifth Inning when he ran in from right field to near second base to get LaChances low -fly The work of Umpire Connelly with the exception of one de cision was good Washington started to score from the start Beck made a good catch of Wal Urons fly Farrcll doubled to left field and it looked as though he was caught off second on a quick throw by McCarthy but Connelly called him safe Dungan r ngled scoring Parrell Althou h Foster also singled no more runs were soured Cleveland tied the score in her half Pickering doubled to right field Waldron and Quinn went for the ball and collided Waldron being disabled for a few min utes lickering was caught at third on McCarthys attempted sacrifice OBrien singled and McCarthy went to third coming in on Becks out In the third Waldron started off with i single Farrell followed suit Dungan attempted to sacrifice and beat out hs bunt when Dowllng failed to get the ball tilling the bases Clarke forced Waldron at the plate w hen Beck made a good stop and throw of his vicious grounder Dow ling forced in a run by giving Foster his base Coughlin struck out but Quinn singled scoring Duncan and Clarke Once more Cleveland tied the score In her half Pickering walked and went to third on McCarthys single The latter stole second On OBriens out Pickering scored Beck singled scoring McCarthy La Chance struck out but Bradley was given his base The bases were full nhru Yeager was hit by a Bitched ball Shie beck hit an easy one to Clingman who fumbled the ball long enough for Beck to score Washington took the lead in the fourth inning when Waldron singled and aidrd by Shlebecka error and Clarkes single he scored Two more were made in the sixth when Farrell tripled coming home on Dungans long fly Clarke was hit by a pitched ball and came home on Fosters triple Cleveland made one in the seventh when McCarthy started off with a double coming home on Becks single Wal drons double In the ninth and Dungans single scored one more run for the Sen ators Coughllns home run hit In the ninth inning ended the scoring for the Senators With four runs to the good the Senators felt confident but Cleveland started on a Garrison finish After Mc Carthy fouled to Clarke OBrien singled and Beck tr1 1 scoring OBrien On Ja Chances teck scored In dodging from an lnshoocthe ball struck the han dle of Bradleys bit and rolled fair and Clarke threw him out The score CLEVELAND It 1L TO A E Pickering cf 112 0 0 ilcCierthy If 3 2 10 0 OBrien rf 13 10 0 Beck 2b 2 2 5 4 0 J aClwice lb 0 1 10 0 Brad - 3b 0 0 2 2 1 Ycav r c 0 0 6 3 0 Shiebck S3 0 0 0 2 1 Scott P 0 0 0 0 0 Ing p 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 7 10 27 13 2 WASHINGTON R IL TO A E Waldron rf 2 3 10 0 Farrell cf 3 3 3 0 0 Dungan lb 13 8 10 Clarke c 2 17 10 Foster If 0 2 10 0 Coughlin 3b 112 2 0 Quinn Jb -I 0 1 3 z 0 Clingman ss 0 12 2 1 Patten p 0 0 0 4 0 Totals S 13 27 12 1 Cleveland 10300010 27 Washington 10310201 1 D Earned runs Cleveland 2 Washington 3 Two base hits Pickering McCarthy BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yoa havent a rtsulir hmtilhj movement of th towels evtrr 3jr joura III or will h Kcp your bowels open nd b well Force f the hftpcf vto tmntphrtic or flit fOlwont It dangerous Tli smooth tefiert Bwt pri rt y of keeping the bowels cletr and cU 1 to tkm CANDY CATHARTIC ft4j CAT EM LIKE CANDY rj4ff ratal rvMav w iivwu un uwm - - Vrrn or urJpr J b and m cents U MU Ivr ft uunpit and booklet on tftr44ni ttmivr eoaTsiT cmcaoo nr iorc KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN fowling Fan ill Waldron Thrw l ise hits Bc ck rarrell Poster Homo run Coughlin First base on errors Waih Ington 2 Cleveland 1 First base on bills Off Dowllng 2 off Patten 3 Stolen bases McCarthy Clarke Double play Beek to La Chance Hit by pitched ball Clarke Yeager Passed balls Yeager Left on basci Washington 6 CleelaiulS Umpire Connelly Time of game 2 hours and 10 minutes Attvndance 3200 SAVED BY SHARP FIELDING ClilcnUo Spurt Foiled lij the Iliilu lelplilnn Good Work CHICAGO July 2i Philadelphia had a commanding lead In todays same up to the seventh Inning Chicago made a strong bid for ictory in the last two innlngi but hari fielding by the Ath letics kept the runs dow n The score I1ULUKMIII R II TO A E Fultz cf 2 10 0 0 Dirii lb 2 3 15 2 1 Cross 3b 10 13 0 Lajole 2b 3 J 3 3 1 Sebold rf 0 0 0 0 Mclntvre If 0 V 3 0 0 Smith c 0 0 3 1 0 Dolan ss 0 10 3 0 Fraser p 0 1 2 2 0 Totals S S 27 14 2 CHICAGO It II TO A E Hoy cf 2 3 3 0 0 Jones rf 12 2 0 0 Mertes 2b 0 13 3 1 Isbell lb 0 1 G 1 0 McFarland If 0 0 6 0 0 Shugart ss 0 O 2 2 3 Burke 3b 0 0 12 3 Sulllwin c 2 0 3 0 0 Orillith p 0 0 12 0 Hartman 10 0 0 0 Totals C 7 27 10 7 Batted for Griffith in the ninth Philadelphia 20210300 0 S Chicago 10100002 26 Left on bases Chicago 7 Philadelphia 9 Two base hits Ho 2 Isbell Jones Lajole Dolan Three liase hit Diis Sacrifice hit Smith Stolen base Fultz Double play Dolan Lajole nnd Dais 2 Struck out By Gritllth 2 by Fraser 3 Bases on balls Off Griffith 4 oft Fraser 7 Umpire Cantlllion Time of game 1 hour nnd 35 minutes HIT BUT COTJXD NOT SCORE Tlio Itrewei N Lose tlip 1Irit ftiiiuc With he Orioles MILWAUKEE July 20 The opening game between Milwaukee nnl Baltimore this afternoon was in the nnture of a slugging match In which the local team got the best of the hits but the fewest scores and was defeated 12 to 11 The umpiring of Sheridan was ery ragged and the crowd did not hesitate to express its disapproaU The score BLTIIOHK R II 10 A E Dunn 3b 116 10 Donlin If 113 0 1 Sejmour rf 2 10 0 0 Williams 2br 2 2 2 2 1 Keister ss 4 3 2 3 0 Brodie cf 110 0 0 Hart lb 117 0 0 Bresnaiian c 116 0 0 Foreman p 0 112 0 McGinnity 1 0 10 10 Totals 13 IS 27 9 2 1UUVAUKLE It- II PO A E Hogriever cf 13 2 0 0 Hallman rf 2 10 0 0 Anderson It 2 3 3 0 0 Donohue lb 0 3 s 0 2 Conroy ss 0 0 3 4 0 Frlel 31i 2 2 0 2 0 Gilbert 2b 12 5 4 1 Maloney c 0 0 2 2 0 Sparks p 0 0 0 0 0 Coniorc 114 2 0 Ganin p 2 10 10 Duffy 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 11 16 27 13 3 Duffy batted for Garin In ninth Baltimore 08001300 113 Milwaukee 10002107 0 11 Two base hits Sevmour Anderson 2 Gilbert Three base hits Donahue Keis ter Home runs Williams Keister Bases on balls Off Sparks 3 off Foreman 3 off Garvin 4 off McGinnity 1 Stolen bases Conroy Keister Dunn Saerifice hits Brodie Hart Wild pitch Ganin Struck out By Sparks 1 by Foreman 4 by Garvin 5 by McGinnity 1 Ift on bases Milwaukee 9 Baltimore 6 Um pireSheridan Time of game 2 hours and 20 minutes THEIR HITS TOO SCATTERED lloMfun Slides Another JSoteli Kitrllier Dowii in the hrnle DETROIT July 20 The Boston team slid another notch down the scale today because It could not make the hits come consecuth ely while Detroit utilized every hit made The crowd was one of the largest for Saturday of the season The score DKTK01T R H TO A E Casey 3b 2 10 2 1 Holmes rf 2 2 0 0 0 Barrett cf 12 2 0 1 Gleason 2b 114 2 2 KIberfeld ss 0 12 11 Nance If 0 0 4 0 0 Crockett lb 0 0 12 0 0 Huelow c 113 10 Slever p 110 3 0 McAllister rf 0 0 0 0 0 Totals S 9 27 9 5 rsasTOV H II TO A E Dowd If 110 0 0 Stahl rf 1 1 2 0 0 Collins 2b 12 12 1 Hemphill cf 12 3 0 0 Parent ss 0 2 2 3 1 Ferris 2b 0 0 4 0 1 Crlger lb 0 0 9 0 0 Schreck c 112 4 1 Lewis p 110 0 0 Totals 6 10 21 9 4 Detroit 2 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 x- Boston 2 0 1 0 1 92 0 0 fi Two base hlt Dowd Stahl Parent Three base hits Gleason Home run Buelow Sacrifice hit Stahl Stolen bases Holmes Barrett Hemphill Collins Schreck Bases on balls Off Lewis 2 Hit by pitcher By Slever L First base on errors Boston 3 Detroit 2 Ieft on liases Boston 8 Detroit 1 Struck out By Slever 3 by Lewis 1 Umpires Has kell and Mannassau Time of game 1 hour and 43 minutes TROUBLE EOR CONNELLY The Umpire Prllel With Iluttle nnd CllMhlunK at CIeelnnd CLEVELAND Ohio July 20 By the timely interference of Manager McAleer and the other members of the Cleveland te am thl3 afternoon Umpire Connelly was saved from bodily harm from an enraged crowd numbering nearly 30i0 people It was in the ninth inning when the real trouble commenced Cleveland needed four runs to tie the score and two were scored when Bradley came to hat In trj Ing to dodge from an lnshoot the ball struck the handle of his bat and rolled fair Bradley neer stirred away from the plate claiming that the ball touched him Clarke threw to first and Connelly called Bradley out When Connelly said out the crowd on the uncovered bleachers made a dash for him and Manager McAleer with the Cleveland piajers hurried to his assist ance As he was nearlng the gate be tween the grandstand and the covered pa vilion some one threw a soda pop bottle at the umpire striking a boy on the leg knocking him down This was the commencement of hostil ities Pop bottles and cushions were thrown at Connellys head while the Cleveland players were protecting him In the absence of the police none of whom was in sight As Connelly passed through the gate the crowd surged after him and cushions and bottles we re thrown from above the stand on tho heads of those below Several took a punch at Connelly from the rear but did no damage He finally re ached the clubhouse with hun dreds after him Three special policemen finally arrived and dispersed the crowd Several people were Injured by the bot tles and cushions and two or threo were badly cut as the blood on the grounds showed Manager McAleer was cut on the hand with a bottle Over a hundred peo ple waited for Connelly outside the gate After a quarter of an hour ho left ac companied by Manager McAleer Presi dent Kllfoyl and a newspaper man He was not molested although the crowd urrounded him tend hurled all sorts of epithets at him Totals liltOOMA X Ke lley lb Keeler rf Sheikard If Daly lib Dahlen ss McCreery cf Irwin 3b McGulre c Newton p Carsey p Totals Pittsburg Brooklyn THE TIMES WASHINGTON -SUNDAY JULY 21 1901 NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES C NICHOLS A PUZZLE The CiiriliiuilM heore tlnlj T o Itiinx Off Ills IlelUrrj ST LOUIS July 20 Boston took to days game by a score of 10 to 2 Harper opened for the Cardinals lasting two Innings and a half then Sudhoff went In but the game was hojvelessly lost C Nichols twirled a magnificent game for the isitors the Cardinals being unable to sole his delivery St Louis failed to score until the scxenth when they made wo runs Heydons homer bringing In A Nichols Attendance 730 The score ST LOUIS II 11 TO A F Burkett If 0 110 1 Padden 2b 0 0 3 2 1 McGann lb 0 0 10 1 0 Donovan rf 0 10 0 0 Wallace ss 0 0 660 Kruger 3b 0 12 4 0 A Nichols cf 12 111 Ryan c 0 0 0 10 Heydon c 12 2 0 0 Harper p 0 0 0 0 1 Sudhoff p 0 0 0 3 1 Totals BOSTON Slagle rf Murphy If De Mont 2b Hamilton cf Iiwe 3b Long ss Klttridge c Moran lb C Nichols p 13 IS IS R II TO A E 0 13 0 0 0 110 0 1110 0 2 4 3 0 0 10 3 2 0 3 3 2 3 0 2 3 4 2 0 1 2 10 0 0 0 10 10 Totals 10 16 27 S 0 St Louis 0000002002 Boston 02521000 010 Two base hits Burkett Moran Three base hits Hamilton Long Home runs Hedon DeMont Moran Double play Wallace Padden and McGann Sacrifice hits Lowe Moran C Nichols Stolen bases Burkett Lone Left on bases St Louis 7 Boston 7 Struck out By Sud hoff 2 by C Nichols 4 Bases on halls Off C Nichols 4 Wild pitch Harper Hit by pitcher Burkett Passed ball Hey don Umpires Schriver and Crolius Time of game 1 hour and 33 minutes PHYLE UP IN THE AIR Chle iieon Lend Too Much for the Clniit CHICAGO July 20 Chicago won today Phle wont in the air in tho second in ning and before he came down Chicago had maie six runs The Giants tried hard to overcome this lead but could not do it Waddell was in fine form and kept the hits made off him well scattered The score fllicuio Hartzel If Green cf Chance rf Dexter id It II TO A E 2 3 10 0 0 13 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 8 0 0 Childs 2b 10 3 5 0 Ilaymer 3b 110 10 McCormick ss 10 3 3 2 Kahoe c 1 1 S 2 0 Waddell p 110 3 0 Totals 8 14 XKW 10KK R II TO A E Van Haltren cf 0 0 2 0 0 Sclbach If 12 2 0 0 McBride rf 0 10 0 0 DavLs ss 0 13 3 0 Ginzel Jb 0 0 8 10 Hickman 3b 0 0 2 3 0 Strang 2b 13 3 2 1 Warner c 0 14 11 Phyle p 0 0 0 4 0 Buelow 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 2 8 21 14 2 Batted for Phyle in ninth Chicago 0 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 x 7 New- York 0 0 0 1 0 0 t 0 12 Two base hits Hartzel 2 Raymer Waddell Strang McBride Three base hit Kahoe Stolen base Hartzel Left on bases Chicago 6 New York 7 Bases on balls Off Waddell 1 off Phle 6 Struck out By Waddell 8 by PhsJc 1 Umpire Cunningham Time of game 1 hour and 40 minutes HITS EFFECTIVELY BUNCHED The Iledx Win In n Game Willi Ilillatlrlphln CINCINNATI July 29 The Clnclnnatis defeated the Phlladelphlas again today in a snappy and fast game The Reds lilts were effectively bunched Phillips received eood sunoort The feature was a lightning run by Iox who made a two- lugger out of an ordinary single rne score iiiuinFfPilli It H TO A E Thomas cf 0 110 0 Wolcrtin 3b 0 2 3 11 KlleK rf - V Delehanty If 1110 0 Douglas c 0 12 10 Jennings lb 0 1 10 0 0 Hallman 2b 0 0 2 2 0 Cross ss 0 12 3 0 Dunohue p 0 113 0 Totals 9 24 10 CINLIXVVri It 1L TO A E Dobbs cf 2 3 0 0 0 Ilarley If 0 110 0 Beckley lb 0 2 la 3 0 Crawford rf 0 1 2 0 0 Mngoon ss 0 0 14 0 Hellman 3b 0 0 0 4 0 Fox 2b 1 1 2 C 0 Bergen c 10 4 10 Phillips p 1113 0 Totals 5 9 2G 21 0 Donohue out Cross Interfered Philadelphia 01000000 0 1 Cincinnati 10 100030 x 3 Two base hits Jennings Phillips Fox Stolen bases Delehanty Dobbs U Sac rifice hits Harley Douglas Thomas Dobbs Phillips Double plays Hellman Beckley and Magoon Cross Hallman and Jennings Struck out Bv Phillips 2 by Donohue 2 Bases on balls Off Phil lips 2 off Donohue 1 Passed ball Bergen Hit by pitcher By Donohue 1 Left on bases Cincinnati 5 Philadelphia 6 First base on errors Cincinnati 1 Umpire Dwyer Time of game 1 hour and 30 minutes Attendance 35M THE PIRATES BRACE UP Supcrban Hail Clinuce nt AH nt IMttburg PITTSBURG July 20 The Pittsburg team took a decided brace today and won from Brooklyn The league leader had lost four consecutive games and was In a desperate moo1 For the first time this week It played championship ball and as Brooklyn did not have steady pitching it was left far behind Dr Newton has usuallv been successful against Pittsburg and his knowlecae of this fact Induced Hanlon to try out his new pitcher here Ha lasted three Innings The fielding of Daly and Dahlen was the redeeming fea ture of Brooklyns plalng The score riTTSDbIIC II II TO A n Clarke If 12 3 0 0 Beaumont cf 10 4 0 0 Davis rf 3 14 0 0 Wagner 3b 3 3 2 2 0 Krinsfield lb 3 4 8 0 0 Rltchey 2b 2 3 1 S 0 Ely ss 0 3 13 0 Zimmcr c 114 0 0 Phlllppl p 110 10 9 R II lO A E 0 0 10 1 1 12 10 1 12 10 1 0 2 4 3 0 0 12 4 0 0 12 0 2 0 0 110 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 21 10 5 00043026 X 15 10000100 02 Stolen bases Beaumont 2 Two base hits Daly Davis Home run Wugner Double pla Daly and Kclley 2 Struck out By Phlllppl 2 by New ton 2 Bases on balls Off Newton 1 off Carsey 1 Hit by pitcher Zlmmer Umpire Emslle Time of game 1 hour and CO minutes At tendance 6000 WON BY TAYLOR He Cnptureu the Irofepnlonnl Golf ChnniiilonMlilp Prise LONDON July 20 In the professional golf tournament at Blundell Sands to day for prizes of 50 at 36 holes Taylor won first with a score of 156 The other scores were Prald 162 Herd 162 Var don 1C3 Klnnell 1C3 and Kirkcaldy 163 JUNIOE EIGHT TI3WINMR j i GoiI Sport nt tifNPdtoniac Bunt Clul KcgnMa The Ionr onrril tfhelU Cnpfnreil lij 3lnj HoiTlnml Loivc uml Mc Rnnnn Iitriun Illilen the lleln Sn liiimliiK er Cimc Win rrn The Potomac River the vicinity of Georgetown was gay with many colored flags and huntings in honor of the annual regatta of the Potomac Boat Club which took place last ccnlng at the clubhouse at the foot of Thirty first Street begin ning shortly before 7 oclock and lasting until after dark Many aquatic eents were witnessed by a large gathering of club members and friends and some ex cellent snort was enjoyed by the astfc crowd The races were run over the upper river course the start being opposite the Three Sisters about the Aqueduct Bridge and the finish at the clubhouse The Potomac was placid and as smooth as a mlllpond A slight breeze blew and conditions for water sport were excellent Six events passed off in perfect time Only one event the single canoes was scratched The programme included single sculls double sculls four oared shells shells double canoes and a relay swimming match across the rHer I The best eent of the cenlng was the clght oared race The course was one mile straight down the river and the two crafts raced down the stream side by side almost the entire distance The sight wfis greatly enjoyed by lovers of the sport and the two crews were cheered to the echo The event was between the Intermediate and Junior crews of the club It was won by the latter in the cedar boat while the older men who secured the toss and won the paper boat the better of the two were left nearly half a le ngth behind as the boats swept past the line The eight oared crews were as follows Cedar boat May stroke Daly 7 Co burn 6 Lowe3 Hccox 4 Worthlngton 3 Walker 2 Hernan 1 Sterne cox swain Paper boat Maize stroke Rowland 7 Iritt C Chase 3 Geare 4 Marean 3 Garrett 2 Bolssevain 1 Mlddlcton coxswain The race was one of the prettiest ever seen on the river Both shells kept well together In the centre of the river throughout the contest J The first event of the evening was the double sculls one mile There were four I entries three from the Potomaes and one 1 from Georgetown College The three club boats were the Saunterer May and Mc I Gowan Neriad Daly and Hernan and the Little Marie Maize and Bolssevain Elbert and Leuve represented George town The event was won after a good contest by May and McGowan In the Saunterer Little Mariei second George town third The noice single sculj racp which fol lowed was won by Chase The other con testants were McGowaniand Hernan who finished in the order named The four oared shells was won by May Rowland Lowe and McGowan from He cox Britt Maize and Daly The double canoes wefj wn by Eber hach and Siaybaugh from Whipple and Stevens j The relay swimming nice did not take place until after dark and the splendid work done by the men wasnot seen to advantage The race was won by Chase Bolssevain and Eberbarh from Gear Mlddleton and Marean -The course was across the river starting from Analostan Island and flnlshtng at the clubhouse Chase and Gear had the last relay As they neared the boathouso the oniooWers discerned the heads of the two swimmers bobbing In the water and the contestants strained every muscle In their bodies urged -on by the cheers of encouragement which were showered Ufion them The race looked as if It was Gear He was fully tjjree yards ahead of Chase on the homestretch but the latter had more reserve strength apparently and he came In an easy winner After the races a reception was held in the club parlors where the victors In the arious events received handsome gold souvenir club buttons Guests and mem bers were then Incited Into the new dance hall the first opening of which they celebrated until far into the night The officials were John II Dojle Presi dent of the club referee nd starter Cap tain Daly and Lieutenants Herman and May Mr May won more medals than any other single contestant and he was busy during the evening receiving the con gratulations of his friends THE VESPER EIGHT LOSES Chief Honor Go to the Arsonants of Canndn PHILADEIPHIA July 20 Sensations and surprises were again in order at the winding up of the national regatta on the Schulklll today Chief of the startling features was the defeat of the famous Vesper eight by two crews from across the border It Is true that De Backe and Gelger two men who rowed wheittlw crew won the championship of the world at Paris were not able to handle their sweeps today but the defeat was none the less keenly felt by the Quakers The Argonauts carried off the chief honors through the downfall of the Vespers while the WInnlpegs who onlvj graduated to the senior class by winning the intermediate eights yesterday finished a length and a quarter behind the To ronto crew and a similar distance in front of the Vespers The Canadian contingent met with an unexpected re ersil In the association sin gles where their two cracks Johnstone and Marsh were beaten after a grand race by C S Titus of the Union Boat Club of New York Oarsmen from the lclnlty of New York gained further honors during tho day Kafka and Mulcahy of the Atulantas won the Intermediate doubles Ten Eyck shuwed that he is still immeasurably the superior of any amnteur single sculler In this country by defeating Greer of Bos ton with consummate eaae Ten Eyck rowed with all the dash and stlc that he had In 1837 when he won tho diamond sculls at Henley The Vespers had some consolation to day by turning the tables on the Western Rowing Club four in the Intermediate race which was rowed over a straight away course That was the only victory credited to Philadelphia for the Detroit crew easily won the intermediate doubles and Lou Scholes brother of the amateur boxing champion won th intermediate singles in the colors of the Don Rowing Club of Toronto AMERICANS THE WINNERS K rim 71 flu nml Hniier Take Athletic Honors nt Dublin DUBLIN July 20 At tne police sports today Kranzleln or the University - of Pennslvnnia won tUe hurdle1 race in 13 2 3 seconds The high jump was won by In Ing Baxter of the New York Athletic Club He cleared the bar at six feet two Indies defeating OConnor who went over at six feet one inch DUFFYS NEWEST RECORD Hiiiim IOO Yards on Crnrni in I I- hecondM LONDON July 20 At Leicester today Duffy of Georgetown University won the 100 yard race in 9 1 3 seconds ltich beats the worlds grass record Trnl Defeated nt St Andrews LONDON July 20 At St Andrews to diy Travis the American national ama teur champion playi d the best bill against F Tullock aid Tom Morris and was defeated by three up and one to play Mnxry Defeated LONDON July 20 In a quarter mile run at Crene today R W Wadsley the English athlete defeated Maxey Long by a yard in OOi seconds SHARKEYS STRENGTH COUNTS The WreMtlliiir Mnteli With Pete r Mnher n IJrmv PHILADELPHIA July 20 Thomas ShHrkey and Teter Maher met In a wrestling match at the Athletic baseball grounds this afternoon before Cft people The first bout was catch-as-catch-can no hold birred Maher took the initiative and in the first minute apparently had the sailor in trouble The latter however saed himself by bridging and he wrig gled out of harms way just as Peter stopped to spit on his hands In order to get a fresh hold Peter reversing his tactics grabbed the bulky legs of Sharkey and endeavored to use his head for a rammer but Thomas did not seem to mind that a little bit and Maher finally gave up the task Sharkey then spread himself flat and Peter with a commendable display of energy made various attempts to secure all kinds of holds Several times he had Sharkey In trouble but on each occasion the latter saved himself by using his tremendous strength Maher was weakening himself by his own efforts to get the shoulders of tho sailorman on the floor and when tho lat ter took a hand on the offensive he was practically all in Sharkey won the fall with a half Nelson in seven minutes and ten seconds The second bout was at collar and el bow and was brief It was eident from the start that collar and elbow was Ma hers long suit so far as tho wrestling game is concerned for he sent Sharkey galley west in the first thirty seconds without however scoring a fall Peter twice dropped Sharkey to the mat and finally after being at work for two min utes and twenty five seconds he suc ceeded in getting both shoulders and one hip of the sailor flat on tho mat and was declared the winner The third and what was to have been the deciding bout was at the Graeco Roman style The two big fighters pulled and tugged away at each other for all they were worth Once after seven min utes of wrestling Maher elld secure a fall but Referee Wolf was on the wrong side of the men and failed to sec it It was a welcome relief to both men when time was called Under the conditions the bout was declared a draw RACING CALENDAR IleMultK at llrlirhton Bench BRIGHTON BEACH July 20 Results of todays races track fnsi First race The Chantilly Stakes handi cap hurdle for four-year-olds and up ward one and one half miles over six hurdles Klondyke Finneganr 2 zz Z won Magic Light Mara 3 to 1 second Passe Fartout Veitch 9 to 5 third Time 347 2 5 Second race For maiden three-year-olds and upward one mile and seventy yards Ths Black Scott L Smith 5 to 1 won Gnldilla Shaw 3 to 1 second Taveta Slack 8 to 1 third Time 146 1 5 Third race Handicap for three j ear olds and upward one and one eighth miles Monarka Shaw even won Car buncle McCue 3 to 1 second Scurry IL Michaels 3 to 1 third Time 152 Fourth race The Foxhall Stakes for two-year-olds six furlongs Compute Mounce 20 to 1 won Hyphen Walsh 10 to 1 second Goldsmith Burns 3 to 1 third Time 1131 5 Fifth race For three-year-olds and up ward selling six furlongs Annie Thomp son Wilkerson 3 to 1 won Kid H Michaels 5 to L second Gold Fox Mc Cue 5 to 1 third Time 114 1 5 Sixth race For two-year-olds five and one half furlongs Cameron U Connor I to 4 won sombrero Landry 5 to 2 sec ond Ben Howard Pickering 10 to 1 third Time 107 2 5 Kntrleii at Brighton Beach BRIGHTON BEACH July 20 Entries for Mondays races First race For two-year-olds selling five furlongs Lady Rodner 99 Tenegra 94 Gulf Stream 93 Donna Forget 102 Iridescent IDS Lord of Manor 102 Play like 101 Oclawaha Neither One 99 Gibson Light Graden 102 Clllter 104 lbold 102 Second race Steeplechase for four-year-olds and upvard the short course about two miles Eopnone 137 Intimate Salesman Musician Mjstic Shriner Charagrace 152 Pau Puk Kew Magic Light 110 Third race For two-year-olds five fur longs Montana Pioneer 10S Lady Mag 39 Belle Mllford 103 Prophetic 96 Eliza Jane 93 Step Onward 94 De Late S3 Osman Dlgna 102 Ascension 105 Lady Sterling 98 Zire 99 Hesterbury MS 106 Fourth race Glen Cove Handicap for three-year-olds six furlongs Musketeer 112 Isla 109 Stellas 107 Tower of Candles 97 Barbara Frietchie 92 Bedeck 93 Rappenecker S7 Woodsplke S5 Fifth race For three-year-olds and upward Selling one and one eighth miles Fatalist 103 Lady Chorister 91 Gold Fox Ill Whistling Con 116 Ani mosity 93 Barbetto S3 Fonsolee 101 Humboldt 107 Metcalf 101 Latson 111 Tinge 106 Sixth race For three-year-olds and up ward six furlongs Klnnlkinnlc 112 May W 110 Brigadier 112 Colonel Pad den 110 Tower of Candles 103 Waxtaper 115 Godfrey 112 Janice 103 All Gold Intrusive 115 Handwork 110 Captain January 112 Himself 110 Pincher 113 Results at Fort Erl FORT ERIE July 20 Results of to days races track fast First race ror three-year-olds and up ward selling six furlongs Royal Salute Thompson 5 to 2 won Badinage Daly 6 to 1 second Miss Shanley Alalre 5 to 2 third Time 1154 Second race For maiden two-year-olds five furlongs Concertina Daly 4 to 5 won Peronella Thompson 4 to 1 sec ond Santa Bonlta Price 8 to 1 third Time 103a Third race Handicap for three-year-olds and upward six furlongs Baronet Jackson 2 to 3 won Boer woo elerly 3 to 2 second Moor Harden 5 to 1 third Time 115 Fourth race Pan American Handicap for three-year-olds and upward one mile Khaki Daly 3 to 2 won Talala Hen dric 3 to 2 second Orontas Blake 3 to 1 third Time Fifth race For three-year-olds and up ward selling seven furlongs Pharaoh Daly een won Ruthlln Postel 10 to 1 second By George Alaire 15 to 1 third Time l2Si Sixth race For three-year-olds and up ward selling six furlongs Iola Won derly 3 to 2 won Euclaire McQuade 13 to 1 second Infellce Postel 20 to 1 third Time 115H Entries at Fort Erie FORT ERIE July 20 Entries for Mon days races First race For three-year-olds and up ward selling six furlongs St David US Young Henry 104 Bean Francis Rcid Free Play 102 Punetual Drogheda S3 Hurry 97 Anna 4 Second race For maiden two-year-olds four and one half furlongs Athelstay Peronelle Lucrusta Santa Bonlta Latch string Nlrana Artificial Impressixe Natalie II Anna Iulse Concertina Ir kutsk 110 Silver G 1 Sliver Chimes 103 Third race ror four-year-olds and up ward selling one and one slMeenth miles iter House Flag of Truce Rad ford Obstinate Simon 102 Bell Court luo Fourth race For selling five furlongs Miss Lobster Edwin Ken ton Lemuel Easy Street 10S Bvn Cotta I Patrick lo3 Bourbon King 1W in Go W Roddy Cousine 96 Fifth race For three-year-olds and up ward selling six and one half furlongs Nona B 110 Tamarin 107 By George Kittle Court Filibuster Spurs ilrt Toddy Ladle Little Sallle Raeebud 101 Eu claire 102 Ida Penzance 39 Omnibus Little Tom Tueker The Brother 1 Sixth race For four- ear olds and up ward selling seven furlong3 lto ill Sa lute Dick Warren Mamlllan Mlnuto Gun Darjl 107 Easter Lily Maloika 1IC Templar S Wi 102 Orange and Black Miss Shanley Exit Maple Magog Sauce Boat IU0 HeHiilt nt Delimir Park DELMAR July 20 Results of todays races Track fast First race For three-year-olds and up ward selling six furlongs Mound City Gilmore 5 to 1 won Sintl IL Murphy 3 to 1 second Elsie Barnes ONeill 3 to 1 third Time 115k Second race For three-year-olds and upward one mile and twenty yards Boots Dale 5 to 1 won Pirates Daugh ter Earl 5 to 3 second Clay Poynter Enos 8 to 1 third Time 145 Third race For three- ear olds and up ward selling seven furlongs Lunar Dale ecn won Sweet Dream Earrj - to 1 second Sue Johnson OBrien 9 to a third Time 1 234 Fourth race New Century handicap for two- car olds six furlongs Wyeth Enos 3 to 2 won Waklta Gilmore even second Col Stone It Murphy a tp 1 third Time 116 Fifth race Handicap for and upwnrd six nnd one half fur longs Tom Collins OBrien 5 to 7 won Northern Spy R Murphy 3 to 2 second Ieae eful Houck 3 to 1 third Time 1214 Sixth race Handicap for three-year-olds and upward one mile nnd seventy yards Ida Ledrord OBrien 9 to 5 won Belle Simpson R Murphy 3 to 1 sec ond Maxlmus Houck 7 to 5 third Time 1KJ4 Seventh race For three-year-olds and upward selling ono mile and one half Judge Steadman Snell 4 to 1 won Swordsman OBrien 3 to 2 second Eu genie S Gilmore 3 to L third Time 2is Entries nt Delninr Pnrkr DELMAR PARK July 20 Entries for Mondays races First race For three-year-olds and up ward selling one mile The Count 110 Seething Sweet Dream Kate Freeman 105 Farrbury 107 Echodale 110 Second race For four-year-olds and up ward six furlongs Wild Katie 102 Havelock 103 Miss Cooney Nance ONeill 102 101 Benham 106 Nick Lahart Floridan La Mascotta 101 Gratia 102 Weldcman Whitmore 104 Third race For two-year-olds six fur longs Hunter Ralne 103 Morgue 100 Ethylene 112 Corrinne C Terra Flrma Runnels 103 Poison 112 Fourth race For four-year-olds and up ward one mile Guide Rock 102 Maxl mus 104 Lanar 107 La Desirous 109 Hardly 1U0 Tickful 102 Lee BrunoTlO Fifth race For four-year-olds and up ward selling one mile and twenty yards Pan Charm 114 Boots Ill Tom Crom well 112 Harrie Floyd 103 Clay Poynter Ill Celeste DOr 109 Ellis 111 Coral 107 Dleudonne 109 ChlckamJuga 112 El sie Barnes 100 Zazel 107 Sixth race For four-year-olds and up ward six and one half furlongs Santa Ventura 96 Sard 9S Lord NeUIe 10S Lilly Pantland Nellie Helmuth 96 Ho bart 10S Peaceful 103 General McGm der 109 Brulare 107 Results at AVnsliIiiBton Park WASHINGTON PARK July 20 Re sults of todays races track fast First race For two-year-olds five fur longs Ed Austin Bullman 2 to 3 won South Trimble Knight 5 to 1 second J V Kirbv WInkfield 4 to 1 third Time 1013 5 Second race For three-year-olds six furlongs Burnle Bunton Robertson 6 to 1 won Canmore Mathews 9 to 5 sec ond Henry Bert Conley 5 to 1 third Time 113 2 5 Third race The Lakeview Handicap for two-year-olds six furltings Rose War Rausch8 to 1 won Jtemnon WInkfield 1 to 5 second Flora Pomona J Woods 3 to 1 third Time 113 2 5 Fourth race The Wheeler Handicap for three-year-olds and upward one and one fourth miles Pink Coat Dupee 6 to 1 won Advance Guard J oods 3 to 1 second The Conqueror II Knight 8 to 1 third Time 204 2 5 Fifth race For three-year-olds and up ward six furlongs and fifty yards Mon tanic Bullman to 2 won Vulcaln J Woods 4 to 1 second Llvadia See 20 to 1 third Time 1132 3 Sixth race For three-year-olds and up ward selling one and one half miles No result of this race reported Entries at Hawthorne HAWTHORNE July 20 Entries for Mondays races First race ror three-year-olds and up ward six furlongs George Arnold 124 Rival Dare Theory 117 Admonition 114 Posart 113 Sim W Ill Miss Bennett 103 Milt Campbell 103 Rowland Prince 103 Second race For two-year-olds five furlongs Bridge 115 Magi 112 Red Tip 110 I Samelson Hermis Marcos 103 Blessed Damozel Matin Bell Rengaw Coacoa Miss Madison The Cedars Mary Pine Hat Mitchell Dont You Dare 100 Third race Steeplechase handicap for four-year-olds and upward short course Filon DOr 153 Mazo 133 May Boy 133 Captain Conover 136 Coronatus Chan cery Corner Grey John 133 Fourth race The Prairie Selling Stakes for four-year-olds and upward one mile Headwater Ill Cambrian 110 Hard Knot 107 Major Dixon 102 Louisiille 101 W J Deboe 94 Silurian 93 Fifth race For three-year-olds and up ward one and one sixteenth miles Mar tlmas Malay 106 Star Chamber 104 Tulla Fonso 100 Argregor 93 Robert Waddell 1C9 Sixth race For three-year-olds and up ward selling one and one fourth miles Excelsis 108 Frangible Waldeck 106 Ben Chance Our Nellie 105 Tammany Chief Laureate 103 Papa Harry 101 Gelsetto 93 Golden Sceptre Little Elkln 94 Joe Collins 91 Aniatear Ilasebnll The Young Maroons defeated the Bla densburg Road team In a well played and Interesting game The winners would like to hear from all teams averaging thirteen years In and about Washington Address J Deaers G43 Twentieth Street northeast The score by Innings R H E Young Maroons 0 4 0 0 C 2 214 17 3 lrburg Road 1121010676 Batteries Happole and Morris Ward and Patten The Second B O Stars after a hard uphill fight of two umpires beat the team representing the Chicagos jesterday by the score of 3 to 4 The fe atures of the game were F Lombards backward catch and E Keanes fine drive with the bases full The Stars would like to arrange games with all teams whose average age Is fourteen Address all challenges to H Peschau Manager 404 New Jerse Aenue northwest A SnflTerer From the San Francisco Rulletin He was the walking emblem of woe He drifted up to the front stoop vritli eres search ing for the etpected bulldog Kind ladr he quirerej kin ymi help a pore Kansas bufferer who Is doin his best to escape de horrors of dat awful section Why certainly my ioor man and the sympathetic lady gale him a narm apple pie a string of doughnuM and half a fried chicken And are you escaping from the cyclones Xo kind lady from the harvest fields and he drifted down the lane Se ojie for Thought Prom the Chicago Journal Man Sandy is that ou ciclaimeil in sur prise an old man in the street the other day Ian I thocht je were dead 1 heard ye were drooncd Oh no It wasnt me returned Sandy sol emnly It was ma bnllier Dear me dear mrl murmured the old man ttliat a terrible pit There was a somen hafthouirhtful look on Sandys face as he wandered away Hill the Tub Well From the Chicago Chronicle In a little Western town the other day the mist popular citizen soundly whipped a touch cliaractcr ami to 1 indicate the jnajety of the law the offender was brought up for trial The jury was out about two minutes Well said the judge what hare the jury to sayf May It please the court responded the fore man we the jury find that the prisoner is not guilty of liittm with intent to kill but amply to paralyze and he done it A Light Repast From the Baltimore American Hungry Horace Kind lad cant ye gimme somepin ter eatf I aint ate nothm sence day be ore jesteruay hind Lady ml what did you eat tjien Hungry Horace Kotliin but de market report in an old paper Doubled Ills Word From the Drooklvu Eagle Hewitt Figures wont lie Jewett Tliats what I tell the people I meet in business but they wont believe me Hewett What is your business Jewett Im collector lor a gas company A - -v - - MT ELKS AN EASY VICTOR riuiCaaE 1 Defends Iloth JVeWon and Michael at Manhattan Beach NEW July 20 Harry Elkes at Manhattan Beach this afternoon again read his title clear as champion at mid die distance pace following There wera about 7000 spectators Elkes signally de fealed In a forty mile race John Nelson th Chicago phenomenon who was ex pected to give him a hard nib or a beat Ing and Jimmy Michael Nelson was beaten by Elkcs by 10 laps or three miles lt laps and Michael beat htm ly W laps or one and one half miles Kike was two and one half laps ahead of Michael at the finish Summary One third mile novice Final heat won by S Kohen New York J W Jordan New York second E- 1owell Brooklyn third TIt 0113 3 Two thirds mile open amateur Final heat won by M L Hurley Greenwich John Bedell Kings County second Ed ward Bllllngton third Time 117 2 5 A CLTJB RACE MEET Arllnsrton Wheelmen Plan Some Knclnir and an Kxcnrnlon At the last regular meeting of the Ar lington Wheelmen It was decided to give an excursion down the river probably on the first Tuesday In September to which the families and friends of this club will be Invited The club also considered a proposition to hold a race meet at the Coliseum In the near future A committee was ap pointed by President Mayer to look into the matter and submit a report at the next meeting on the advisability of hold ing a meet and to selct a suitable date The manager of the track assured the club that he would do all in his power to assist it and help to make the meet a success It Is the intention of the club te give as fine a meet as possible and handsome prizes will be offered to bo tompcted for Owing to the excessive heat at present Captain Moore will call no runs until about the middle of September TOMMY ATKINS LIP One Story of the Origin of the Tight Chin Strap An Englishman connected with the mule shipments from this port to South Africa told an odd story a few- dayago which has a slightly horse marine flavor but here it is The topic of conversation was the little pancake hat which Is the distin guishing eharaiterlstlc of the British sol dier and which plastered on the extreme posterior protuberance of his head Is held In place by a leathern band girding the face and hooked beneath what Is univer sally known as Tommy Atkins Lip From constant exercise of the Inferior labial muscle a remarkable development has been produced and In due course of time the prehensile quality of the British lower lip may be expected to tr insform Itself Into something ts generally useful as the trunk of the tapir But that has nothing to do with the Englishmans sto ry which concerns only the origin of the lip band Like many another fashion It Wds the result It appears of accident and vanity Time was when the Britishers in accord with common sense and the rest 01 ine universe Held Its hat on by a strap beneath the chin So It was until one of the early Indian campaigns when the At kinses of the day were having high times skinning Begums and no common soldier felt comfortable unless he was toting a Kohlnoor around in his pocket It was not always comfortable campaigning however and sometimes money was more plentiful tnan fiod One day a command which had been or dered to march from Benares to one of those places which Kipling knows how to spell had Its comlssartat cut oft and was forced to march three days with only food enough for one By the time the route was half over all the spunk had gone out of the command and on the last day demoralization was so complete that an attack would have been a very serious matter The officer In charge was a person of resources and baiting his command he ordered the men to take off their caps and shorten their chin straps six Inches When the soldiers put their hats on again the bands struck them across the lips Now all who are hun gry may shew and be blanked was his next command The Atkinses did as di rected and soon found that munching on the leather strap reduced their hunger to an astonishing degree ai d the command marched to Its destination chewing and cheerful and so proud of their adventure that they affected the short bridle and the fashion quickly spread to the rest of the army That officer must have had experience in athletics as it Is well known amonk runners that to hold something firmly bewteen the teeth Is a great assist ance in case of ilolent and sustained ef fort and mouthpieces with rubber bands made specially for the purpose are sold by dealers sporting goods New Or leans Times Democrat Sensational From the Yonkers Statesman Patience Is your preacher sensational I latrice 1 should say so Why he preached a sermon last Sunday and he took for his subject Its Hard to Keep a Good Man Down Welir Oh It was all about Jonah and the whale MEN CURED WHILE YOU SLEEP IN 15 DAYS Grni Solvtnt lNolve Stricture like miiMT lieneRth the nun CLUES VAHICOCKLK Jt EXLintJED m OS TAT K nnit strenKthens the Seminal Ducrta fttoppliifc drain and emlnglons I FIFTEEN AS No irus to ruin the stomach but a direct local and potutiTt application to the entire Urethral Tract IK AX SOLVENT is the wonder of the cen tury Dlscorered by the Chemist Fabrion it qiucUy interested the great Scientist anj Phy sician Erdman who developed it and prot Uirned that marvelous action in Urethral lilnunU wbiclt electrified the world Gran Solvent H not a liquid It is prepared in the form of Crayons or prnciU smooth and flexible and so narrow as to pais the closest stricture The St James Association ha prepared at great expense an exhaustive mustratca I Treatise upon the male sexual st I tern which ine association win enu i to any male applicant prepaid I iFREE St James Association 44 St James Building Cincinnati Ohio Bb CHICHESTERS ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills r dTTk - - OrC I isl Only flralc iwyfiiMt Ljiie ukDrozlt iot vtiitiirailfc KXiUSII In 1CEU 11 Cld metsJlLi bait rtfe vita bist nbbea Tke other Kent Unitnn f bsUlull tail In It - Bujttjoat Ongst1 ernl4r 1 lto Partlohn TntliaaUls u4 Keller for Ladle in Ir br t SfiL lODUO TnllMlil LK all ftromMa I fcl ku 4 t - Hntlo tbU pie XxUMa Mqaar IlllLU vZ EG2LEMA and silUr trouble cmn b reached only through the blood SSSneutral tzes the acid itchtn humor and Q O Q thus brings relief and a cure 7 W W MANHOOD RESTORED CUllMiffi tm r vntabl Vitaliier th nnecriBtion of a Jamtraa Fnnoh phrsleiaii sril rnucU cut roa of all unni or dlsasxeaof the inrut o Viir2ST15 I PIuidim IlBfttneaa to nrrrEllDllaf DrlijVa lel maid I Cm Iw liatimoaUl TAddrSsDATOl nEDICMK CO Ban Framolaeo Cat Tor tale br EDWAItD STEVES3 XInth Street and TennsTlTanla Ar noe Well Bred Soon O A DA I I f Wed Girls WhoUseOMr ULIU Are Quickly Married