Lansburgh Bro
Store Closes 5 oclock Saturdays Excepted
Bargain Opportunities Without Preceflent
Sheer IVlourning
Blacks Reduced
grade of fine black Batiste
reduced Sheer and made of best
combed yarn warranted to launder
and retain color -
2 Inch sold regularly at 17c onr
price llic
32 inch sold regularly at 20c our
price 15c
32 lnch sold regularly at 23c our
price 20c
36 inch sold regularly -at 33c our
price 23c
36 lnch sold regularly at 39c our
price 30c
On AH QoCarts
And Baby Carriages
First comers will hae a choice
from a complete stock and one
that contains the newest patterns
and upholsteries of the season
Original selling prices are marked
in plain figures Make jour own
deductions Lace coered parasol
with e erj chicle Notwithstanding
the unusual discount credit will be
given as usual
17 19 621 825 Itl St It W
Eet H and 1 Sta
lour plates made in the oldjrar d PT
hish rncn when youan b the latrat and
tare raorqr We restore tlie Iot facial ei
presan and icaie you look jounjeT with our
plstu They contain the Vero doube sr tion
liih prerents them from fiflirwr out Ex
trictice absolutely painless I had
teeth extracted br the Aero Dentists and felt
no pain whatever JNO E HAMMOND US
K street northeast-
Hememlier it will pay you to call now as
cur rate ae greatly reduced dunn summer
1201 Pa are Opp Raleuh
New cnlre hours 8 a m to G p m So
cays 9 o la i p d
Pianos For Rent t
durirr th summer months from s
S3 per month up AH money paid O
in rent eppue d on purchase d s
desired O
sod Other Pianos
925 Pa Ave
Perhaps you would like to laugh
If so you wxit perfect teeth You can
have anything in DhNTIJTRV at the lowest
prices iatlafaction guaranteed 1ainlcas op
riectrlcal appliances for evening work
Consultation free
Invalids visited at their homes by compe
tent dentist 15 years experience
Weekly or monthly payments
OSce and Tlestdence 1011 11 St X V
CO Mala Store corner 7th and B
Streets Branches all over the city
and In all markets
bvisho The Fian tlenta Parlnrs
We will make yoti a special
set of teeth beautiful life
like and as natural as skill
can make them V e have Ui
time experience and ability
for doing the best all ruund
dental work and at th least
cost that can be found
T T T True Tooth Talk Dy
1309 r ST N w
No Branch Office
VIZ 8I4 Tk it TIB Harks Svara
Wash Goods9
i Prices i Prices i Prices and Less
Batiste 7cyd
Tak our pick of lH c and 15c
rigurt d Batiste white or black
ground with stripes dots scrolls fig
ures buds etc Fast colors all of
them te quick
Dimity IOc yd
30 inch la all the latest shades
of pink nile light biue nc blue
navv hello yellow red tan Mack
This Is a nice sheer cloth and raiJe of
woll corabed yarn Sold regularly at
liHc Our price IOc
Organdie I2cyd
Imported Organdies at one half for
mer price in all the latest printings of
dots stripes scrolls vines ribbon ef
fects flowers lace efTects and black
on white and white on black Sold
regularly at 25c Reduced to liia
Dimity 5c yd
Look thee Dimities oer compare
them with others Sc goods You 11 note
no differ nee onlv that our assortment
is more vnricel We pud as much for
ours as other merchants did onl
were willing to suffer a loss hence
instead of Sc these figured Dimities go
for 5c
Crepes He yd
Our entire stock of these Dainty
Cotton Crepes are Included in this
lvr h goods sacrifice We hue a vcrv
select assortment to choose from
Colored and black grounds with novel
and unique design Weve sold thou
sands of jards of these and we want
to make a quick clearance of what s
left One point we want to stronglj
emphasize they are guarantied to
waii and retain color and no ironing
is required Worth 25c All to go at
lie yard
Lawn IOc yd
10 inch plain Lawn fine and sheer
warranted to wash In nile olie lem
on heliotrope navy red 3 shades of
pink light blue cadet cerise tan
rose watermelon grey and black
Regular 15c value Our price Wc
Dimity 9c yd
A real g irden of stjles One hand
somer than the other imagin
able up-to-date Ktle in this vast as
sortment Some have soli as high as
19c none lower than 124c AH to go
at 9c yard
Lansburgh Bro
420 to 426 Seventh Street
Judging from the crowds daily makiLg
their nay to Chesapeake Beach that re
sort must be rapidly growing in favor
with the excursionists of Washington
They are evidently beginning to find out
what a splendid place there is so close
at hand at which the can spend a day
or part of a day or an evening and be cool
and comfortable to say nothing of tne
various attractions to be found there for
their amusement and recreation The
salt water bathing of course is a special
feature and every- day sees hundreds
and sometimes thousands of men women
and children splashing and swimming in
the cool waters of the baj A new fea
ture which the management of the rail
way company has Just announced is a fast
week day train which leaves the Dis
trict Line Station at 5 p m and makes
the trip to the Beach in an hour no stops
whatev er being made This train has been
appropriately called the Department Lim
ited as it is very convenient for the de
partment people who leave their desks at
p m thus landing them at the Iieach
at 6 oclock where thej are allowed
plenty of time for a fine salt water bath
and a good dinner as the trains do not
return until 7 and 1J p m One of the
greatest attractions offered at the- Beach
this season Is the splendid hand concert
rendered every afternoon and evening by
Halej s full concert band personally
led bj llr Haley There Is not a finer or
better iiand in the country than the one
at the Beach a fact which is well attested
by the generous applause and earnest at
tention given the selections rendered
The large metal music shell In which the
band is stationed situated Just off the
board walk Is a great addition and
wonderfully helps to throw the sound of
the muslcover the entire Beach The
perfect order which Is maintained at this
prt is a very commendable feature
which should not be overlooked when one
is casting about for a place at which to
spend the day or evening A well trained
and thoroughly efficient of
corps uni
formed police are constantly on duty and
tho slightest infraction of the rules of
good behavior or an attempt 1 1 rowdjlsm
is instantly quelled in the most thorough
There are few spots around Washington
as favored by nature for a pleasure re
sort as Marshall Hall Music is rendered
throughout the afternoon and evening by
Prof Schroeders band largely augment
ed on Suntlijs The green lawns and
shady corners In and around the Hall are
especiaiij beautiful at this time of year
and there is alwajs a breeze blowing
fresh from the river All the amusements
t 113 In ft 1 1 KAIn frl iM M 1 -
muuii iinu excellent tame
dhole dinners are served The steamer
harles Macalestor will make three trips
to Marsh ill Hall today Ieavli at 11
7t rMand m turning leave
thJaI1 at 5 an1 9 o clock v m In
aJ n V6 Jay tr are made to Mar
shall Hall at 10 a in 2 JO and C 30 p m
The twinty clghth annual excursion of
Carroll Institute will bej held Thursday
of this week at Hivcr View AH of the
regular amusements provide d at the re
sort win be In operation and a special
programme for the occasion has been ar
ranged by the- Entertainment Committee
An excellent time is assured and it is ex
pecteil that the attendance will be excep
tionally large The steamer Tentz will
convey the excursionists from her wharf
at the foot of Seventh Street leaving at
10 a m and at 215 and C t p m return
ing boats will leave for the citv at 12 13
415 and 1030 p m
The cool trip to Arlington via the swift
safe and comfortable electric trains of
the Washington Alexandria and Mount
Vernon Railway Company should not be
overlooked by those who desire to spend
a few cool and pleasant hours away from
the heated streets on Sunday Within the
sacred precincts of this honored Bpot na
ture and the landscape girdener vie with
cc another In maklrg the resting place
of the 20 0 buried heroes Including the
tnilors of the Maine i place of everlast
ing beauty The reduced rate on Sunday
vie trains leaving Pennsvivnla Avenue
and Thlrteen and it half Street every half
hour Induce thousands to take this en
joable ojtlng
A hummer
To get the Rrratest enjoyment from your trip
to the hxpoKition return br the
ideal scenic route from Itunalo vW the St Law
rence Itiver and Itapidj Montreal Lake CUam
plain Lake George haratoga Springs and 1
banr This inirmv of uninterrupted Jthiht is
a fitting sutplemeiit to the glorit of the Ex
Kisition fctop over privileges are pe rmitted at
all points cnabline luuruu to make side trips
to AuSable CItasm Adironiatk Mountain rc
sorts etc v Summer Paradise i4ued by the
Delaware and Hudson Italiroail a beautiful il
liMtratjsl and descriptive directory of hoteU and
hoarding hoUM at the famous resorts reached by
that line sent free on receipt o 4 cents postage
J U nurdick General Pas icmrer Autnt tl
bany N Y
I car Admiral I5radfoil Advocates
Tlioir Superiority
IilHirlt Itpifrt if file Ilonril nil
CoiiMtruclion ln firing iiMrioed
triietureas fur llntterit t Ctineiueiit
on lleur Adiulrnl Ociln Piisitlein
Bear Admiral R B Bradford Chief of
the Bureau of Equipment iesterda sub
mitted to the Sccrettrv of the Navy a
mlnorltv report of the Xaval Board on
Construction ndvocatlng a battery which
shall contain superposi turrets on the
two battleships for which plans are to be
submitted to Congress at its neit session
He treats at consTJerable length of the
superiority of this class of construction
and assrts that the Alabama and Maine
which have armament similar to the ma
joritv of ships have weak batteries As
for the 7 inch gun -adv ocateel b the ma
jority and embraces in its battery plan
In place of tho S inch gun he savs there
is nj such gun In existence and the cal
culations as to its po vvr are merely theo
Admiral Bradforel calls attention to the
fact that Bear Admiral Melville
of the Navy who voted
with the majority of tho board agslnst i
the superposed turret had heretofore t
been a warm advocate of that turret He
also quotes a letter written a little more i
than a year ago bv Bear Admiral OXeil i
Chief of Bureau of Ordnance and I
President of tho Board on Construction
who voted with the majority for the use
of the 7 inch gun in preference to the S
Ineh and who prepar sl the boards report
stronglj advoe atlng the weapon of small
er calibre in whleh Admiral O Neil sajs
that the S inch is preferable to the 7 inch
for battleships nd the latter would be a
more suitable weapon for the superstruct
ure guns of the armored cruisers
If It was unwise to assign 7 inch guns
to battleships one j ear ago says Admi
ral Bradford in commenting on Admiral
O Nells letter it is unwise to do soj
As to Rear Admiral Bowles xhe Chief
Naval Constructor the third member of
the board who votml against the surper
losed turret aind fuvored 7 inch guns for
auxllaries Admiral Bradford suggests
that a corps policj of prejdd ce against
tlie superposed turret exists in the con
struction corps Attention is called to the
fact tbnt all of Admiral ONeil s prede
cessors In the Bureau of Ordnance for the
past sixteen years Admirals Sicard and
Sampson and Captain roiger were In
rvor of the suixrposed turret In conclud
ing Admiral Bradford sounds a note of
frnrTi fiii tl mn ltrtt a hlna tn trie
It superposed turret after it had been adopt
ed by a special board acting in conjunc
tion with the Board on Construction He
sajs that he isr afraid that the effect of
the majority action will be a loss of con
fidenee in the board s knowledge as to the
typo of battleship best suited for naval
The batten- advocated by Admiral
Bradford was designed by Captain Slgs
bee the Junior member of the board who
was too ill however to sign the minori
ty report This battery consists of the
usud two 12 inch turrets with two 8 inch
turrets superposed on them and four
additional S Inch turrets arranged In the
form of a quadrilateral There are In ad
dition on the main deck twelve 6 inch
rapld flre guns The entire battery con
sists of twamty eight guns dlv idee as fol
lows Four twelves twelve eights and
twelve sixes The battery of
Rear Admirals- O Nell Melville and
Bowles has no S lnch guns and no su
perposed turrets It consists of four
twelves in two turrets and twenty sevens
none protected by turrets the latter be
ing located as described by Admiral
Bradford as follows Sixteen orithe
main deck behind casemato ormorf ar
ranged largely in accordance with the
battery on -an old frigates gun deck on
the deck above at the corners of the su
perstructure are installed four more 7
Inch guns for the purpose of Increasing
the lire ahead and astern
To demonstrate the claimed superiority
of the batters urrangement of Captain
Slgsbee and himself Admiral Bradford
submits with his report a lithographic il
lustration of the batteries of hve differ
ent tvnes of Dattlesiups ana uevoies
much space to an explanation of them
One arrangement illustrated was that
adopted by a board of thirteen ollicers
Including the members of the Board on
Construction after a majority of the
Board on Construction had adopted an
other arrangement This design Included
superposed turrets the majority of the
Board on construction having voted
against them Twelve of the thirteen
otllcers signed a report recommending
that three ships with superposed turrets
and two ships with ordinary turrets be
built Another design in the illustration
was that referred to 1 committee consist
ing of the live members of the Board on
Construction and seven other members
This committee by a vote of 10 to 2 rc
endorsed the superposed turret ship pre
viously recomende d by the board of thir
teen Tlie committee Admiral Bradford
sas strongly favored the 8 lnch gun
and would not submit to a reduction in
In presenting the majority plan and
that of Captain Sigsbee and himself to
Secretary Longs attention Admiral
Bradford sajs that the absence of turret
protection and the reduction In calibre
are marked features of the majority de
sign to which otllcers have heretofore
shown a marked disapproval The Illus
trations submitted are Intended to show
by means of pink shading that to quote
Admiral Bradford the maximum broad
side lire of the 7 inch battery in the ma
jority design extends over an arc of only
tA degrees with an average muzzle ener
gy of 230ca foot tons over that arc while
in the minority s tjpc ir extenus over an
arc of W degrees with an average muzzle
energy of 2o3I71 foot tons both vessels
assumed to be engaged on one side onl
Admiral Bradford admits that the ma
jorrtjs battery is able to deliver at the
same time the urae energy of tire on both
Eldes while his battery can deliver on
both sides at tho same time but 220 530
foot tons which Is a little less than In
the case of tjpe 1 the majoritys He
claims for his battery however a great
advantage over the majoritj s in that It
delivers a maximum fire over 1GJ degrees
of arc while the latter delivers It over
only 01 degrees
It will thus be seen he aids that
tpe 5 minoritjs will still have the
advantage even while engaged on both
Figures are produced by Admiral Brad
ford to show the campartive rapidity of
tire muzzle energy and weignt of metal
thrown of 8 7 and G Inch guns but he
says thit the lire of the 7 Inch gun
which Is superior to that of the S lnch
is assumed bv the Chief of the Bureau of
Ordn ince Admiral Oell for the rea
son that no 7 Inch gun exists The fig
ures show that the S lnch gun can lire
1 2 rounds a minute and the 7 lneh 25
rounds the 8 Inch gun h is a muzzle en
ergy per minute of H322 foot tons and the
7 Inch 23 0H foot tons the 8 inch throws
per minute 3W pounds of metal and the
7 Inch 4125 pounds The 6 Inch gun which
is provided for in Admiral Bradfords bat
tery fires IS rounds has a muzzle energj
of 20133 foot tons and throws 350 pounds
of metal in one minute
Attention is called to the greatly su
perior tactical advantages of the min
oritys battery the illustration clearly
showing that this type of ship can be
fought advantageously in any formation
oiuncttc Complexion Powder is
the color of brown skin it re
moves freckles and keepj the
atm soil Sample free
J A Pozzoni St Louis Ma
Admiral Bradford orgaies that his battery
should lie adopted topreserve the homo
genletv of the fleet He svs that the ma
jorits battery rdrreJonds only with the
Alabama and thev Aalue classes and does
not hesitate to uiert that these shL i
possiss a weak Battery and th omlssiPii i
ot guns iromstnir armament l
much regretted to the best Informed of
ficers of tho navy There are six vessels
of these rasres tirrnd enly with 12 lnch
and -Inch guns the latter In b oadslde
there art eleven Snips buiit and building
having -inch gims rriountcd in turrets
A revicv of foreign naval construction
is giv en to show that the European naval
Powers adhere to large calibres and then
fcJoi 3 this atatemeirti
To anf rcr ssional mind it might
perb ips ayrat tc ba a good plan te build
vari Ins types of ships jn ordi r to miko
sure tint tome on tvpe shall be the best
this would be a great error sirce nothing
is wirse than a patchwork ilett some of
one kind and otlieiy of another The wls
elnm of ndcptiag the- gun as part
of the bittery or our battleships lias been
clearly Jcnoraitraltd and is being rapid
ly fclo vei foreign natliiis No reduc
tion ia calibre should b entertained
Seme snacu Is devoted In Ui 7 lncn gun
in vhicu attention as called to the fact
that there is no such weapon Admiral
B adloiel then takes up the Important
eiuestlon of suprrp3sel turrets He In
vites attention to the ret that Admiral
O Nll vott for the armament Including
guns In superposed turrets adopted for
the nvo battleships of the Virginia class
anJ io the opinion of the orflctrs of the
Ktars irgand the Kentucky which have
superposed turrets in favor of that tvpe
lhe unfavorable criticisms of the su
perposed turret are thus far purely the
oretical sajs Admiral Bradford In
practice they have fullllled every expec
tation of their advocates
the installation of the twenty 7 Inch
guns of the maJuriljV batten lhlnd
cist incuts and separated by splinter bulk
heads Is criticised as being directly at va
riance with the present system abroad
Attention Is calleel to the crowded condi
tion of the guns on the main de c of the
majoritv s ship aiid the probable effect
ot a 12 inch melinite or lvddite shell ex
ploding anjwhere in the Vicinity of the
Admiral Bradford Concurs with tho ma
Jorltj as to the general tpe of ship rec
ommended In conclusion he sajs
The armament of tho ships of the Vir
ginia class was assigned only after the
most careful corsideratlon and discussion
by many of the ablest ollicers of the
n ivy 1 consider it verj unfortunate that
the majurityof the Board on Construction
should now recommend an armament for
additional battleships so different in cali
bre and so differently disposed protected
and mounted Tho natural effect will bo
a loss of confidence in the knowledge of
the board as to the tvpe of battleship best
suited for naval purposes
I therefore recommend the most care
ful consideration of the subject by the
Ixst authorities the department Is able to
Tlioiismiil Islnuds
Alexandria Baj N T July 13 The
Increasing number of guests has given an
Impetus to the social life at the Thousand
Island House Card and driving parties
have begun iishlng picnics are a part of
each dajs chronicle and yacht races
and tennis tournaments add jet another
to the varied amusements prepared for
the idler the pleasure seeker and the
tired man and woman seeking relaxation
from the rush and Tiuitj of American
business life IJ n
On Thursday evening Miss Julia De
Witt gave at her brothers cottage a
charming six lnhanJ Euchre parti td
Mrs Thomas E JWajsaman Mrs W G
Wcggaman andJAIiss Julia Waggaman
and on Friday ev eniig a delightful driv
ing was glventMlsa Julia Wagga
man t I
On Saturday Colonel Staples gave a
yachting p with thampagne luncheon
served on boardiheiiereld to Mr and
Mrs Aj L Capeliirt Mr and Mrs Gates
Mrs J CL lloblnpon and Dr and Mrs
HiMlgkinson Cape VJncent the objective
poiut is twenty eighfr miles distant and
the sail covered some the most pictur
esque scenerj onthairivec On Tuesday
evening a tSUled with Colonel
Staples to Ganonarique Island Refresh
ments were served at the hotel Mrs
Thomas E wag amaflrMrs W G ag
gaman and the Misses Waggaman were
of the party
Among the fishing picnics on Wednes
daj nine tnoit given Mr A L Cape
inrt Dr and Mrs Hodgkinson and Dr
Colonel and Mrs Staples will go to the
Tan American Exposition In their pri
vitu jacht the Nereid
lhe eighth regatta of the Chippewa
J3ay Yacht Club began on Tridaj after
noon with the first of the three sweep
stake races to be sailed The yachts
sailing were W B Haj dens Akabo and
C M Enclis Challenger both twenty
footers The Akabo won by seven min
utes covering the triangular course of
twelve miles In one hour and twenty nine
Among recent arrivals are F retrola
J M Hulse and M MulIIns Washing
ton E Kejser J M Bond and Miss
Amy Bond Baltimore C L McCullough
The SeuKuu nl Oceun Cltj
Ocean City Md July 13 It may truth
fully be said that Ocean Citys four hun
dred are fast arriving on the scene of
action and are settling down to the fas
cinating pursuit ot perfect enjojmenL
lhe weather has been all that the most
capricious could wish and the crowd Is
largo enough by now to allow birds of
even feather quite a good sized flock to
chose from Besides the people who come
to sLay some time with us there are
excursionists who spread our fame
abroad The B C A rood Sunday
and the M YP N Tuesdaj landed some
50H pleasure seekers among us for a
and a general excursion train
and a special one from Wilmington
brought many more
Much excitement and sport has been
caused this week by the nineteenth an
nual meeting of the Maryland Pharma
ceutical As soclatlon held here Swim
ming matches egg races dances sails
etc have been scheduled for even hour
ot their stay They are a mighty jolly
croAd and have lent much life to the
A slight damper was thrown over the
general enjojment bunday afternoon
when the body of a man was washeil
up to the wharf of the It proved to
be that of Iesha Collins a m in of some
former wealth and Influence In Bhop
vllle Last Saturelaj evening a verj
pretty and successful German was given
in the Pllnhlmmon ballroom and Mon
day night the children surprised us a
bright little programme oi uances
Interspersed with musical and dramatic
numbers The s comI of the series of
shirt waist dances was held in the sime
theerlul room Wednesday night and was
greeted with an almost unanimous at
tendance I think these will pnwe the
most papular oi thi summers enter
tainments because the men sans
coat sans vest and the girls sans
their troublesomo trains can all beT
hapjij and comfortable at the same time
Next Saturday night tne Atlantic contrib
utes the first formal German to our sched
ule of pleasures artdit Is scarvelj lo be
conceived how it can fail to be a suc
cess L i
MuHical talent has been added to the
Utraetions of tie little chapel of St
laul with Mls Hlrzberg of
Baltimore as contralto Miss Ethel Smith
of Washington W soprano Mr Hamil
ton of Ocean Citj as bass and Miss
Dlrrity as organist i
A cottage has bfen taken for the season
by Mr It J Tracewell and famllj of
Washington Mr right of Washing
ton Is making tb m a visit and l uy stay
for the entire season-
Mr Dtiane E ltx and family also of
Washington arentcely settled In another
cottage far downr the beach
The respective hotels register the fol
lowing list of Washington guest3
The Atlantic Mr David Moore three
children and maid Mrs James T Ojs
teTr three children and maid Mrs L II
New Congress Hall Mr H Newel
The Mount Ple fsant Mr J IL
brycke Mr Joseph It I Isko and two
daughteis Mr Walter II Aker and fam
ilj Mr James I North Mr O M M ly
nm Mrs M I Willlims and son Mrs
T II Martin
Neptune ilia Dr Thomas II Ham
mond and wife the Misses Adellae and
Virgin l Hammond and the Messrs Vic
tor and Hopkins Hammond Miss Harglss
Miss Hattle J Shacklctte Miss Eva
Sliacklctte Miss Snjder Mr Farquar
Mr Philip Baltlnger Mr George J Bow
ers and wife
The Colonial Mr and Mrs C F Carter
M M E Danforth Mrs M E Dinforth
Ml s Chandler
The lalmhimmon II M and
The Glenmore Mrs Searles
Sister Dorothea Miss S K Edwards
Mien Barbara Page
-- v
Palais Royal Price Surprises
The Palnce Itoval policy for nearly a quarter Centnry has been the offering of only reliable I
roots and quo ting the lowest possible prices for such jroods We remind you of this now and then t
in eiimeiiiic oi sales break out It seems from the reports of many visitors
who hae been a shopping that our reminder is opportune at the present time
a 2F vsssPa
r i swj jvvsbjjb bs9isv9HHb
Rosier- famous Sihe Vare Only 44c for Sir Teaspoons in the best patterns known as La
Ieile and Hancioft Jnly 73c for Six Dinner Knives First tloor near elevator
Iaseinent Floor1
Babbitts Soap 5c value 3c
Floating Soap he value 2c
Household Ammonia 5c bottles 3c
Celling Dusters 15c value 9c
Scrub Brushes 8c value 5c
Toilet Paper 5c rolls 2c
Petermans Roach Food Sc
Powdered Borax 7c package 4c
Chinawnie various pieces
various 20c
On Second Floor
9c for 12ic Towels
Standard 12 c Huclc Towels at 9c
Almost as well known as 2c postage
stamps Thej II sell like postage
stamps offered at a reduced price Not
for dealers the right is reserved to
limit the quantity allowed each pur
Ou Fourth Floor
Ruded Curtains JL50 value 73c
Ruined Curtains 2 value 9Sc
Figured SUknllne 124c value Ttte
Figured Denim ISc value loc
Swiss Draperies 15c value w 10c
Hammocks Jl value - Oc
Mosquito Canopies 13 value Jl 33
Window Shades ISc value IDc
China Matting 18c value He
Go Carts W value JtW
10 per cent discount tomor row on all Trunks all Rags all Refrigerators all Ice Cream
Fieezers all Lawn Movveis and all Garden Hose Everything maiked in plain figures at lowest
cash prices One tenth deducted from these lowest prices tomorrow
59c for 1 Silks
Not remnants all the best designs
and sh ides In best ot tl qualitj Satin
and Silk Foulard Silks
4c for IOc Laces
Not remnants ample quantities la
all widths ot edges and insertings
Best ash Laces
9c for Embroideries
Not remnants plenty of best Cam
bric Insertings and Edges up to 5
inches wide Some worth 19c yard
24c for 35c Hose
AH sizes in aU over lace effect Lisle
Hose in fast black Yale blue and red
Ladies and mens
17c for 25c Hose
The usual 25c Black Lisle Hose with
double soles heels and toes All sizes
17c lor tomorrow
33c for 50c Corssts
Best of hair dollar Ventilating Cor
sets All sizes Lateststyle low- bust
and short hips
33c for 50c Gowns
Lace and Embroidery trimmed
Gowns Corset Covers etc Superior
garments made to fit well and wash
well All sizes
74c for 151 Garments
Nainsook Ctmbrle anel Summer
Muslin Corset Covers Drawers Che
mese Gowns and Skirts See first an3
third 4oor tables
49c for 1 Waists
These are colored Shirt Waists None
were less thin 75c some were Jl All
are this seasons stjles Third floor
98c for 225 Waists
Tomorrow morning various small
lots of SL5X to J225 W hlte India Llnon
Shirt Waists are to go at OSc for
149 for 3 Waists
Best Shirt Waists for large sailor
collar and embroidery Inserting front
and back Sizes 22 to 41
169 for 2 Skirts
Linen skirts with cut flounce and
deep hem A saving of 31 cents to
morrow Third floor
79c for 1 Skirts
Duck Skirts blue and black Correct
seven gore flare Best 51 Skirts for
298 for 5 Suits -
Shirt Waist Suits or Mercerized
plain and striped In all
colors Tucked waist Jlared skirt
7c for 15c Fans
Japanese Fans In attractive styles
7c instead of Only lc for large
Parchment Fans -
8c for 50c Books
English History In Rhyme 5c cloth
bound edition for Sc Only 13c for
Gilbert Parkers Hill of Pains
5c for IOc Paper
Writing Paper made to sell at IOc
12c and 15c per pound for 5c
150 for 3 Parasols
Regular patrons will know these
Parasols And note that the Sun
rain Umbrellas are to be Included
19c for 25c Gloves
Best of 25c Taffeta Silk Gloves for
13c And 59c Wash Suede Gloves for
only 49c
15c for 150 Hats
Best of Trimmed Sailors and best
of Untrlmmed Fanci Braid Hats Ear
ly visitors will get SL50 Hats for 15c
19c for 40c Ribbons
The wide soft finish SHlc Ribbons In
plain colors woven polka dots etc
Not remnants ample qualities In all
the best shades
10c for 25c Notions and Toilet Articles
Two great compartments contribute all their odds and ends of 25c articles which are to be
offered at 10c for choice See special -tables in room adjoining e levator on first tloor And note
the following prices for other goods
Pears Soap IOc
Packers Tar Soap 15c
Rlckscckers Skin Soap 14c
Pozisonrs Complexion Powder 25c
Bourjois Rice Powder 23c
La Belle PouJre de RIz 5c
Talcutlne for
Amolin Powder 15c
Malvina Cream SGc
Cornells Benzoin Lotion 50c
Pateys Cold Cream 15c
Phosphate bottle 2Sc
Murray Lanmans Florida WatcrISc
Crown Lavender Salts
Michelsons Rum
Cokes Dandruff Cure
Barkers Hirsutus
Dr Bells Hair Food
Sanltol Tooth Powder
RIckseckers Toothpowder
1711 Cologne
Maria Cologne
Caswell Massejs Cologne
Colgates Toilet Waters
Oakleys Toilet Waters
Roger Gct Toilet Waters
Pears Shaving StleJcs
Mlchclsens Shaving Foam
Williams Shaving sucks
Hudnuts Extracts oz 50c Llebigs Beef Iron and Wine
Plnauds Extracts oz 35c Foot Ease
Crown Extracts oz 65c Seidlitz Panders box
The Palais Uoyal a G and 11th Sts
Summer In Natures Playjrrouml
Among the most popular resorts of the
country are th03e of Maine New Hamp
shire part of Vermont and the coast sec
tions of Massachusetts reached by the
Boston and Maine Railroad Attractivelj
lllustrated books descriptive of these re
gions arc published bj the passenger de
partment of the road A full portraj al of
the beautiful scenery which may be en
joyed and tac various points of Interest
to be seen could not be embodied In a sin
gle book and the companj accordingly
issues annually several booklets hand
somelj Illustrated each one specifically
devoted to the section thus described
Each of these is and convenient
not too large to be carried in ones pocket
and can be secured without charge at the
Boston and Maine station or at the city
ticket office In Boston or will be forward
ed by the passenger department Boston
to any addressIiy mall upon receipt of
postage j cents eacn ttacn contains
complete maps and their tltesare as fol
lows All Along Shore Among the
Mountains Lakes and Streams Fish
ing and Hunting Merrimack Valley
Lake Memphremagog The Monadnock
Region Lake Sunapee Southeast
New Hampshire Southw est New
Hampshire Central Massachusetts
Valley of the Connecticut and
NorthTn Vermont In addition five
series of exquisite portfolios entitled
New England Lakes Rivers of New
Englami Mountains of New England
Seashore of New England and Pic
turesque New England are published
and will also be sent to anj address upon
receipt of C cents for eacli These are
beautiful and should be procured bj
The booklets inform prospective
patrons of the road and all Who once
read the handsome books arc forever
thereafter patrons of the Jojs which maj
be had by a summer trip to Nature s
Plaj ground as this beautiful section of
thf United Sta ts has been appropriated
called The N hlte Mountains the north
shore of Massachuse tts Cape Ann the
picturesque coast of Maine the hills and
mmininlna if NTmi Unmnohlpn i ml tri
Green Mountains are among the most
beautiful wota pn tho continent ami
those who love nature of a peaceful
and cultivated character as well as those
who nrefer her In the wild and rugged
aspects will be satisfied ami more than
satisfied with a visit to the breeze swept
mountains and the charming coast re
sorts reached the Boston and Maine
The railroad is thoroughly identified
with even thing pertaining to the entire
picturesque section it has been a factor
In the building of some of the finest coun
try roads In the world with the estab
lishment of hotels and boarding houses
anil each year It transports not New
Englanders but people from all sections
from the hot cities to the cool and at
tractive resorts along Its route The road
is probablj the greatest route for holldaj
travcl in the worid
Anv Orde rs
Lieutenant Commander S Cook to Mare
Island Yard August L
Assistant Surgeon E O Huntington de
tached Newark when placed out of com
mission to home and wait orders
Chief Gunner F 1L Whitnej detached
naval magazine Chelsea Mass upon re
porting of relief to naval magazine lona
island N Y
Gunner J T Roach detacheil Newark
when placed out of commission to naval
magazine Chelsea Mass
as relief of Chief Gunner Whitney
Warrint Machinist J F Green addi
tional temporary duty Puget Sound sta
Movement of Nnvill V iirl
The collier Lertnidas has arrived at
Lamberts Point Vu the cruiser Mich
igan at Erie Pa the training ship Buffa
lo at Gardiners Bay the despatch boat
Dolphin at Portland Me and the
Mayflower at Boston The col
lier Nanshaw has sailed from Shanghai
for Kobe
Iuillun Ueoiipcrnte
Gen William Ludlow who was In
valided home from the Philippines has
arrived at Convent N J where he will
remain for some time Ke stood the long
journej well and It Is believed that rest
and careful medical attention will restore
him to health
CapL Herbert A White First Cavalry
now at Bradley S D is ordered to Fort
Meade S C for duty pertaining to the
reorganization of the Thirteenth Cavalry-
Second Lieut William Ashbridge Four
teenth Infantry Is ordered to Fort
Wayne Mich
Capt William A Raibourn Twenty
ninth Infantry and Capt Robert II Al
len are relieved of their present duties
and ordered to join their regiments
First Lieut Samuel F Dallam Fifth
is ordered to Tort Duchesne
Major Charles Shaler Ordnance Depart
ment is ordered from Columbus Ohio to
the works of the National Steel Casting
Company Montpelier Ind for the in
spection of seacoast gun carriages being
made there
Capt Hugh D Wise Ninth Infantry
now at San Francisco Cal Ls ordered to
Fort McPherson Ga
The transfer the President April IS
1901 of Second Lieut Dan T Moore from
the Fifteenth Infantry to tho Artillery
Corps with rank from April 10 1Sj9 Is
announced by the Acting Secretary of
War Lieutenant Moore is assigned to
the Ninety sixth Company Coast Artil
lery and will proceed to Join that com
pany at Fort Warren Mass
The following named oflicers are de
tailed for duty at the United States Mili
tary Academj and will proceed to West
Point N Y and report to the Superin
tendent jf the Academy on Ausust TO Ml
Capt Thcmas G Hanson Nineteenth
First Lieut Robert C Davis Sev
enteenth Infantry First Lieut Thcmas
A Roberts Tenth Cavalry First Lieut
Frank C Jewell Artillery Corps
Major Tranklln A Meacham surgeon
I S V having tendered his resignation
ls honorably discharged from the
to take effect July 19
Major Robert Burns surgeon U S V
is ordered to San Francisco for transpor
tation to Manila and duty there
first Lieut Llojd LelL Krebs assist
ant surgeon recently- appointed is or
dered from Kansas Citj to Fort Leaven-
worm ior temporary there
i irst taeut KODert V latterson assist-
utit siirMkn mrnrn nun n
saddled up his mnles and with two can
teens of water started out alone
When he got down Into the valley he
lest the trail but kept traveling all that
day and the following nighL Some time
the next morning when the sun got
pretty hot and he became almost ex
hausted he stopped to make some coffee
having still one canteen of water IefL He
was holding his mules by the bridle when
along came a desert whirlwind and envel
oped them frightening the mule which
dragged him through a cactus plant and
breaking away from him started back
over the trail He followed the mule for
a couple of miles then gave up the chase
and again started toward the Virgin Riv
er on foot and without water or anything
else save an unquenched thirst
Just now long he wandered he does not
know but before night he began to get
derillous and after that he remembered
nothing except the hallucinations that
passed through his mind before he became
unconscious He was oh so thirsty It
seemed as If his throat was literally on
fire and he was aching alUover his body
He tried every method he knew of mois
tening his throat but the relief was but
temporary He tore open the cactus
plants and everything that gave promise
of containing the slightestbit of moist
ure but his thirst seemed to be an ever
increasing one He could think of noth
ing but water
1 mally as his strength gave way pleas
ant dreams began to lilt through his
mind iie fancied he saw the Niagara
Falls and the vastness of the great river
that flows over the rapids below
them Then he seemed to face the broad
expanse of a great fresh water lake He
could not see across it It looked so cool
and refreshing he could not restrain him
self and waded into it clear uu to his
neck Then he fancied he could feel the
fish cavorting about his feet and every
thing seemed so peaceful He was perfectly-
happy and contented did not know
whether he was alive or dead and did not
Ab jut a week later when he recovered
consciousness he found himself in the
camp of some cattlemen who had found
him some hours after he lost track of
himself His lips were swollen and full
of cactus thorns where he had chewed up
the prickly pear In hlsr desperate thirst
The cattlemen said that when they found
him he was stark naked doubtless having
dered from Baltimore to Fort McHenry disrobed and thrown his clothes away
Md whn hp funded he was iroinir down Into
Tirst Lieut William II Brooks nssit
ant surgeon Is relieved of duty In the
Department of California and ordered to
Fort St Michael Alaska
Capt George R Plummer assistant sur
geon U S V Is relieved of further duty
In the Department of Cuba
Contract Dental Surgeon Hugh G Voor
hies now- at Mount Vernon Mo is or
dered to Governors Island N Y for as
signment to duty in Porto Rico
of n Man vVlio experi
enced Deaths Horrors
J A Porterlc Is probably the only man
In Phoenix who ever perisheel on the des
ert and after being practically dead fora
week returned to life and vigor so he
could tell about It He sajs that he has
fully realized every sensation of a man
who perishes of thirst with the burning
sunshine beating down on him He was
found and resuscitated but he had long
passed bejonl the period of consciousness
bfore help came
It was In th summer of 1S77 and Mr
Porterie was working at the Grand Gulch
copper mine on Grand Wash as It 13 now
called north of the Colorado on the Supal
plateau In the northwestern part of this
The mines are being worked by a Mor
mon company from St George Utah The
could not get the proper fluxes
for Its ore and therefore did not make a
success of the enterprise It closed down
the mine and all who were emplojed there
wanted to go back to Utah except Mr
Porterie who desired t come south into
central Arizona He knew there was a
good road down the Virgin River and to
Mineral Park but It was some distance
west of Grand Wash and over a desert
country he had never traversed and was
the lake His rragcrs were raw and bleed
ing from wounds made while digging In
the sand for water-
He ays that the agony that comes over
one when he first begins to realize that he
is about to perish for water is simply in
describable and it increases everj min
ute till he begins to lose consciousness
But when tlie body gives up the struggles
the mind seems to become unnaturallj ac
tive in Its efforts to soothe by seemingly
furnishing that for which the body suf
fers and the final hours of the thirst vic
tim are hours of sweetest anticipation
Arizona Republican
Salt Rheum
You may call it eczema tetter or mJUr
But no matter what you call It this skin
disease which comes In patches that burn
Itch discharge a watery matter dry and
scale owes Its existence to the presence or
humors in the system
It will continue to exist annoy and per
haps agonize as long as these humors
It Is always radically and permanently
cured by
Hoods Sarsaparilla
which expels all humors and 13 positively
unequalled for all cutaneous eruptions
8 Set 5
1j5BiIl Including Painless
Ouarantredi Extraction
Hours B 30 toG
Sundays 10 1 GOICJ CrOWl D
Dr Patton 910 F St
Second floor LtJy aawstant
not familiar with He was taken up Into j
a high mountain by an old man named
Pierce and shown the general direction of I PAUPCD CB11KD AT HOME by Internal
the road to the Virgin River He was told I UrUlULll trritmcnt no knife pluttr r
where he could find water half way along I pain BoolwajJil Testimonials mailed FREE CAS
the trail at a well known spring He CEK ttSTrrUTE Ill V d St S Y 7Su S2t