HEW WANTED FEMALE te WANTED Young ladj to attend office Apply 8 sin Weiltuslat morning a LKDLEY 1731 Pa rcl ave nw WANTElv Nurse for two children cook male or female general workers for city and country waiter good 1013 Ne w York avc nil WANTED Three girls plain cook U nurse S10 cliaTilxrauM 12 private family Enquire 163S llih at at WASTED Reliable help booked for office work and summer resorts today 510 F U n second floor WANTED Two renins ladies for special ork 53 month must write plainly SI F st n ml WASTED llehible colored oman for general beuscuork MRS VAX VKAXKEN Chestnut ve Taleoma laik WASTED A model for an artists studio Ad dress BOX 139 this office lady maid and a gKl chambermaid with eood reference Enquire 8SS Cfh st nw WASTED Girl to lo general homework nitliout washing or une to cok wash and iron must be willing to go tliree miles out of city on electric car line- bring references Apply at 112 H st nw Wedncs ia morning 10 oclock ml WASTED A jwtllcd role red girl to cook and da houscuorL for a small family must liae ref erence d lllfr Sew Hampshire arc nw -ml WASTED For Oakland colored dishwasuers kftchen maids and RiHcr jantry fares paid tisj DICKS HOTEL AGENCY 12th and Pa ave el WANTED Vie e gooJ reliable women and girls small families plain cooks chambermaids nurss for good home srnalle1 fee enquire the OLD VIRGINIA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE lC3i lltll st nw el WASTED Iadv for cflicealso housekeeper Call 13X Sew Vorkaw I AVAXTED Two roung ladies of neat appearance for salesladies Address Dox 127 this otilce e233 AV ANTED Immediately flrst clacs sewer must be good tucker Apply C20 M st nw tl AVAKTED Cirl II or 15 to help with fight housework Call at 1013 II Jit nw el A ANTED Settled woman to nurse baby mast furnish references Call after 5 p m 520 Spruee st e- AAASTED Yowiff lady for cashier one who has some experience preferred roust come well rcc ommended Address Box 126 this office el WASTED Tliree young lady waitresses Apply cafe 133 lath st nw tl WASTED A woman to wash and iron also a girL to attend two children 626 E st nw m23 3 WASTED Settled white woman for general housework in widows family good home to ixtht party references Address Mrs PAXTOK 1251 Austin St Brookland ett 5 HELP WASTED MALE AND FBSIAIB AVASTED Pastry cook two nurse gills in rlty waiter waltrts and four women to leaTC aty S12 II St nw ml AVAKTrO AGEVr5 AVASTED By a savings hank a man to solicit savings accounts reference required salary and commission Apply UNION SAVIXCS BASK Hta it and Sew York are m SITUATIONS AVANTED FEMALE AVASTED Washing and ironing out by the day or place as good cook 119 O st nw tnl AVASTED By respectable colored girL situation of any kind Call 1833 11th st nw ml AVASTED By colored woman day work of any kind 3S Hanover place nw ml AVASTED By experienced waitress position in dining or lunchroom Address Box 130 this of fice el AAASTED By respectable colored girl place as cook or general housework go home nights 1W0 Pierce place nw el SITUATIONS TV ANTED MA1J5 WASTED By reliable colored man place as Dorter butlcc or waiter reference M B 2Z7 O crtntf - rs T M T s J k fc - AVASTED By youiur raanl place as dnver or office work AddreasBox 12o this office el AVAXTED By young colored man place to work around store 236 Oafe st nw el AVANTED By young white roan place in bar room or store or work of any kind 1389 1st st aw t23 3 AVANTED By a sober whit Soung man a position as liookkerper office help or clerk reference given Address J01IX CAMPBELL 1233 Union t sw el WASTED By reliable man of thirty responsible outside position of seme kind references For personal interview address BOX 119 this office ru23 3 AVANTED TtOOMS AVASTED In Aorthwest three or four imfur nislied rooms by married coupler no children Address BOX H3 this office m2t 3 AVASTED By settled lady furnished room no oilni roorners 5 or W Address BOX 133 this office ml I1 AVASTED One unfurnished room by a lady no other roomers man be reasonable permanent if pleased t ferences exchanged Address Box 113 this office e22 3 WANTED nOOJJS AND BOARD A ANTED Large airy room by two gentlemen near Union Buildir jr state price wiOr or without board Address BOX 11 this office m23 3 WANTED SUBURBAN mOUEIlTY AVASTED To rent small six or seven room house in the suburbs must he reasonable B K JIJCHAEL 303 7th st nw m23 3 WASTED HORSES AND VEUICXES WANTED To buy eood speedy bone also light grocer wagon Call at 10th and B sts se e22 S WANTED MICYCLES AVASTED Cents and ladis bicycle any condi tion Address BOX 137 this office DlJI 3 AAANTED MISCELLANEOUS WASTED A lunch counter about eighteen feet Ions also one show case must be in good con dition Address gX 112 this office m2l 3 AVANTED To buy tn tickets for jewelry con Cdential Address HOT 115 this office s23 3 AVASTED Flity seeond liand Llcjclesi will pay highest casli prices CYCLE EXC1IAXGE 736 10th at nw m23 3 AVASTED Carpenter work jobbing a specialty J VAX HOBS 152 K St nw c22 3 AVAifrED AVill buy second hand harness bring at once Corner of 10th and Louisiana ate nw el7 H AVASTED Highest cash prices paid for ladies and cents cast off clothing drop postal Ill call II TAflSIIES 1303 7th st nw e5 lm AVASTED All kinds of Reynolds tobacco tags wilPy tic per 109 619 and 632 D st nw JylS lnio LOST LOST About 430 July 23 on 9th st or II st cars package containinff eight lancets reward PR ELIOT 713 11 st ne ml LOST July 22 a gentlemans turquoise and diamond pin Liberal reward to anyone return lng same to 1422 C St nw ml LOST Poclxtuook marked AVM It McDOWELL Iteturn to Room 30S Department of State re ward r ml LOST Vibite and dark beagle gjp with long chain attached Return to IS CtL st sw and receive a liberal reward- in233 IjOST Chain watch ring and Masonic charm Return to 917 E st fw and receive reward eti 3 IJSTrAVJiite and black fox terrier tag 1475 Lilieral reward for return to 24 Third ne nt22 3 FOUND FOUND Brown collie dog tag 142 AppyTE TECTIVE HEADQUARTERS m23 3 ICEtCKEAU 70r gallon not made In a cellar Imt abora tround for sewer gas abounds In cl lars and breeds typhoid dlpLthcria etc moral dont eat that kind LACETS U par tat 607 K Y avs Paona gOW WALL PAPEB AVIIKX you are going to the country isnt it well to see about papering the house while yon re awayr Well maka it look like new when you return home Iloonu ptpcred 2 up T O X0LTE 82 tb at nw mlS Ss t 1 i J - HELP WAXTCD alAlJ WASTTDi A firsWlass cleaner and prcsser good wages steady work Apply at once U W MAUCBBAF C3fD St ffl nil WANTHIVTctv laborcrsVahd teamsters at once eight hours 150 per day Enquire 1033 11th st nw - w ml WANTEIV Four colored and one white cooks 10 to fW per month 1OT lalwrers L25 per fans and board advanced IIAHHELIS LMPLOYMKNT AGENCY 321 fa are nw ml U ANTEI Younglnan frljrn the country 12 per week ny experience C21 F st nw ml N ANTED A first class tinner who understand ftimaie or at MmccrApplr J II IIESCST Takeima Iark 1 C ml Yl AXTED Uthcr ml 514 Spruce St Le Droit Frk II IVTPH in nn linOaP bnlKU bos two lrll men three dishwashers four waiters SHACKUFUKirS K nw ml ml STED Drus elerk also drirer bicycle rider Ikij iuMi wlieeKsand collector 510 F st n second floor ml ei i ir l WASTED Young man with wheel bring refer ences Applj LACKXS Sew York n SvSTEIIriliwa5icr atBOTTESIlElr8J3AFE G2i E st nw ml WASTED A jwliite barber at once 19 guaran tee A pply 332 j sU nw - nil W AST P 1iv t work in factory W O IS S3 Mass aic nw r 4 t WASTED A first class Tjarber at once Call at 17irJ Pa aie nw AVAXTED A man towork on fann near city Address 12U titli st 1 AVASTED A loung white man tn work onmilk wagon must hae reference Address BOX HI tliis office ml WAXTKD DrugaitT -relict clerk for July 25 26 27 tatc saUry Call 22d and O sts nw ml AVASTED laundry wajron driicr and solicitor Address BOX 136 this cilice ni2l 3 A AVTrlD Man to distribute cards by the day A ERO DENTISTS 131 Pa ae nil AVASTED A neat man from the country must be a good milker SMITHS DAIRY 5th St near A st ne nil AVASTED Active young man 7 week chance for adtanccment CalLfluick liasement 515 12th St nw nil AANTE7 hncrunch counter man 6 week room and fare paidloAest A irginia DICKS HOTEL ACESCA fithand Pa ave 1 WANTED Two salesmen to sell a fine line of household specialties on installment rlan good plf Apply ltoom 2 303 7th st nw c23 3 AVASTED Salesman for dry goods store also driver Call lax Sew Aork ave el wAxTfcD A mechanic to construct elevators ex perienced man J PATTEKSON 22 North Capitol st t AVANTED Bov about 17 ars to work in bakery withsjrpcrjencet Ajplya IVa st sw el AVASTED Two first class carpenters wages 3 8 hours W7 lthWltiw el AANTED Colored bpy not over 16 jears of age for store and must make himself useful bout thahoue 110J F st nw el HANTEii Twjjtpoa suori oroer cooks nmsi quick white or colored to go to Norfolk Va Address Bqx 132 this Office el AVASTED Two good white waiters to leave- th eityT lair wages sooM job for steady jounj men Address Box 131 this office el AVASTED Experienced under presser on custom Vants Apply at once to L SAAACE 003 F st nwl - t el AVASTED Experienced white -boy-to feed press wock permicciit Jf satisfactory electric power EA AS S JAYNE 629 touisiana ave el WANTED rst elass light colored only need apply steady job J2 week and board FMDK 712 S J ea a AVANTED A eood barSer at once S 6OX03 C at Or el WAXTEDrrBoy from 15 to 20 years experienced insoda fountarnil 91A5th st ow el WASTED A eood white barber at once Apply G37 II St- nw m23 S WASTED Colored laborers to work on new rail road in WfeT Vtrgfalf tl50 per dayj leava Tlinrsday night cr meet jne at B O depot KOBEUT COODItUJL 179 Aio aVe nw tn23 3 i t i WASTED Sewer men to work on sewer and Hartford sta ia Brookland ni233 WJIXTEP 27 laborers for railroad in AVcst Airgina M per day free transportation- Ap ply W JVSlEllSONigu5 7th at nw m23 3 I v WAXTED Twrntr teams to haul dirt lone job Apply 2ir F St nw e223 WaNTED rTwo solicitors new proposition sal ary and commission men making from 5 to 10 S oay Apply UNION SAVIXCS BASKTllth st snd Sew York ave mil THE OLD RELIABLE CAPITAL CITY BENEFIT SOCIETY 13 LOUISIANA AVE a home Institu tion withoqt f doubOhe best siclc accident snd death society in the District of Columbia wants nrst clsss solicitors for industrial insur ance achapccfirOlrt men to nixk big money ISVnSTICATE al Sm nBj SESS CHANCES FQ11 barroom Address BOX 140 this office m2l 7 IX3R SAtElioderlri printing office in lots to suit 615 E st nw ba ment m24 3 FOR SALE Modern drug store well located and established business other businesii will sell at bargain small amount of cash easy terms Ad dress DOX 181 this office mil 3 FOR BMJiUrrli Broucry meat nd provision store in Northwest sickness no triflers or agents Address BOX 135 this oflice m2l 3 FOR SALE Orocf rr stock and fixtures 1 worth tSM DUSLAT SOU F st nd 3 EICIIT swings and irlvilc gcs fi immcr resort snap DUSLAP g F st mJI 3 FOR SALE Cigar store and poolroom cheap lor cash 610 IVi st sw C23 3 FOR SALE Confectionery daily sale J20 mate nffer ill health SEW YORK BUSISKSS BROKER 1X F e23 3 FOR SKLE Crocery dally sales 19 rent 12 price 350 SEW AORK BUSISES3 BROKER 1005 F cl FOR -SALE Grocery corner 2d and D sts will invoice e23 3 IXR ice cream and soda cheap 2117 71 h st nw c23 3 FOIt SALE Barber shop cigars business part city also shoeblack stand Address BOX 125 this office ra23 3 FOR SALE Cigar store and newstand central location Address BOX 120 this olhcc m23 3 FOR SALE Wholesale wood plant doing large busina investigate SEW YORK BUSISF SS BROKERS 1006 F st m23 3 FOR REST Iarce dining room and kitchen cen tral location suitable for caterer terms mod erate 11 Orant place nw m23 3 WASTED Man Co Invest in good paying busi ness 575 to 5100 Address BOX 116 this ofllcc m23 3 FOR SALE Barbcr shop J20O cigar store 100 confectionery 175 dinincrrooms lnYcstiaatc DUXUP WW F c22 3 FOR SALE Rooming bouse central location in Testlgate DUSLAP 900 F e22 3 FOR SALE Fifteen grocery stores 1 to 1 DUSLAP 900 F e223 FOR SALE Old established barber shop Apply Ml P it- nw C22 3 IOR SAIlv Corner grocery stock and fixtures 1th and A sts se e22 3 AVASTED Partner with 500 in wholesale liquor business vox ill tins omce e2 3 WASTED Colored partner with S5 to tale half interest and go through the country to play Columbia Home tirand Craphophone Address Box 112thls office c22 2 MISCELLANEOUS MATTRF SES JIADE OVER on I remises 150 J J FEESKA 218 4th at nw m23 3 OUR NEW HOOK sent free sealed fully illus trated lrcats of all conditions of men tells how to attain perfect manhood should be in the hands of every male -adult Address ERIE MEDI CAL CO Book Dept Buffalo S Y Jilt lulhSu 13t HAD HILLS COLLECTED or no cliarge II D CORDON Lawyer C15 llth st nw STEAM CARPET CLEAS1S0 carpets made to look like newJAMES W UcKEE Jr 1310 22d st nw phone Main 411 2 m9 lmo rRlXTINO AND BOOKBIXD1SG 500 cards 75c WO envelopes S5c 500 sUtements 75c 500 bill heads 85c all other printing equally as cheap magazines bound 7 books of all kinds bound on the shortest u iier AVILLIAUS C13 C15 7th st bw mIO BIRDS DOGS ETC TOUNO rARROTS sfnilax canaries wcklng Mills Joaa cata rabbtta fold flak tie cat losraa tics CUMIDS 1UBI STOKI lit Utk at TBIES WAHIINGTON WEDNESDAr JULY 2419 - FOR WENT llOOMS FOR REXT Xlieh furnLJiea cool room 721 East Capitol rf 2 i FOR REST Furnished cbmmunicating rooms other rooms 1 25 per week cOI K st nw ml FOR REST 1203 11th st nw furnished second story front rpom cheap gas for cooking m2l 3 FOR REST Delightful flat 727 7th st sw sec ond floor six rooms and bath dumb waiter m2l 3 FOR REST Delightful cool communicating rooms on fht and second floors single or en suite 919 I st nw m24 3 FOR REST Two delightful large rooms second floor furnished closcta lath 106 22d st nw ln2 3 FOR REST Furnished or unfinished two rooms on second floor summer ratesi also Kisc ment suitable for shop 2 per month 411 K fU nw c23 3 FOR REST Two delightful rooms furnished summer rates 3 and 10 513 12th st nw e03 3 FOR RE hirnished ST For light housekeeping two nicely rooms 12yjIerenies 1033 Sew sey are nw 123 3 FOR REST Furnished and unfurnidied rooms new housc 465 X st nw e233 FOR REST Two furnLslied rooms for light house keeping 232 st nw n23 3 FoniiEST Large secondtory rront room alo -back Tooini 221 II st TIw m23 3 FOR REST Two nicely furnished rooms second story 31 K st ne m23 3 FOR REST Furnished rooms for gentlemen only J1J3 K at mv l23 3 FOR REST Three communiiating rooms second floor single nr en suite complete for house keeping gas anfl batli on floor usc6I large yard and kitchen if required 209 1st nw m23 3 lOIl REXT Fornlshed and unfurnished rooms 715 9th St nw FOU BEST Two rooms with bath 1251 4th st nw - C22 3 FOR REST Furnished rooms T 8 J12 1118 Sew Aork ave nw m22 3 FOR REST Furnished rooms reasonable 739 3d st nw m22 3 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR REXT Office or business room 1222 O st nw 25 Apply to A C CLAXCY Bond Build inc m21 7 FOR RENT STORES FOR REST Ltrge airy store with improve ments with or without dwelling and stable 400 K st ne elS 7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Female St Bernard one year old cheap must aSPC st ne ml FOR SALE Fine Chestrr so snd six pigs one month old 17 also Jour shoats cheap 16th and Joliet sts Rrpoklaml lr m24 3 FOR SALE First claw barroom fixturci L K jr 1423 O St nw e23 3 FOR SAtE Tee crsMm oulHt mills -10-gallon freezer and large assortriient of tubs and pack ers and ice box -Address Box 129 this otnee C23 3 FOR SALE One 3 horsepower motor with shaftinc and belting wiil sell cheap Box 133 this otnee -- FOR SALE Second hand sewing machines on credit ftJq a week all Trades and stIet from M 50 up 425 4 st open evenings ra23 3 FOR SALE KBn pool taWer1 good -as new Call 09 1st st nw from 8 a m to 9 pm jnZ3 S I OR SALE One prkri piano new in perfect order at sacrifice- Apply IJ21 20th st nw mS 3 i FOR SALE Childs folding bed bed lounge sideboard spool silklwx 903 O st nw m23 3 FOR SALE At IS A Few Fme Kcr Improved Drop Leaf Sewing Machines Finished in An tique Oak Slightly Used by Renting Wheeler AWIsons Singers AYhites Domestics Standards A 5 Aears Guarantee and Complete Outfit of Nickeled Steel Attachments with Each Trial Free Send Postal C AUERBACT 7 i H Phone 772 FOR SALE Helrt oven good order 1103 Jth st nw c22 8 LOOKt50c casli25c wceliy lace curtains por tltrear tajrtc linen taVJe cpicts towels blankets comforts spreads quilts sheets pilloar cases toilet and dinner ware silver plated war lamps vases clocks albums Bibles ete Addresr Box II this ofacwjUpdlwlthbamplcs e7 7 FOR SALE Parrots mocking birds phreona rab bits guinea pigSfaU whits mice snd rata in cubators bird seeds etc SCUIUUS BIRD STORE 712 12th tf faw rozS tf FOB SALE Ooeenrly maple anilque bed terms cheap to quick purchaser 3219 Prospect are nw efl tl FOR BALE Fresh lawn rrsu Hower garden and bird aedsalso flowering bulbs of -all kinds isney poultry and egs for hatchisf BCUUlDTa BIRD grORE71i I2th st nw et tt FOR SALE Ooodtpalltylclntless malting ltVis yard floor oilcloth 25c linoleum 48c square vard reduced nrices on allstair oilcloths an4 carpets KLLEBLATTS 1Kb and II its s mhl FOR ALE Bal jprlngs sampls lots new FRIES A HOPttOOD 6th and K sts nw ra21 3 FOR SALE DORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE From country goodj driving mare Apply 303 y St sw in24 3 FOR SALE Cheap light platform Rajon will suit grocer or laundry used but one week Call before 11 am 231 7th st sw ro24 3 FOR SALE Twenty Virginia horses FRED JOHNSON 714 E st se m24 7 FOR SALE 25 to 330 having n further use 26 horses and mares suitable for fann family or general business purposes one marc In foal also wagons harness utensils Hear of 433 Pa aie nw e23 7 FOR SALE For want of use onS black mare five scars oldr sound and gentle and good driver also one sorrel horse sixteen handj high well broke and six cars old suitable for family carriage or business wagotu Call at 934 Louis iana ate el FOR SALE Cheap one black workhorse 10 years old C30 O st c23 S FOR SALE Xicc carriage and set splendid har ness 1734 14 th st nw m23 3 FOR SALE Darton wagon also cheap work horse Rear of 433 2d st sw m23 3 WANTED To buy a horse must be cheap Ap ply L J FLETCHER Wall Paper Store 23914 454 St sw m23 3 FOR SALE Ilandvjmc bay horse saddler and driver 1103 11th st nw e22 3 FOR SALE Good large gentle horse 65 Hear Of 521 II st ne - m22 3 TRUSTEES SALE DUXCAXSOS BROS Auctioneers TRUSTEES SALE OF SMALL FRAME DWELL 1XO IX BARRY FARM By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded in Liber Xo 2228 folio 258 et seq of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia we will sell at public auction in fiont of the premises on MONDAY JULY 29 1901 at 5 OCLOCK P M the folio ing desCTlbed real estate situate in the county of A asliington in said District Part of lot II section 0 of Barry Farm subdivision as said part Is described in said deed of trust to gether with the improvements Terms Cash A drKslt o 50 will be required at time of sale AH coniejancing etc at pur chasers cost Terms to tie ronnlied with within ten dajs otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell at risk and cost of the defaulting pur chaser ALBERT L HICilARDSOX Trustee CHARLES A RICHAltlON Trustee DUXCAXSOX BROS Auctioneers TRUSTEES SALE OF FRAME DVELLIXO XO 541 FOURTH STREET SOUTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded in Liber Xo 2311 folio 023 et si of the land rec ord of the District of Columbia we will sell at public auction In front of the premises on MONDAY JULY 29 1901 at 530 OCLOCK P M the following deetrlbed real estate situate in the city of Washington In said District The north 15 feet of lot nuiuWred one 1 ii square num bered 795 together with the improvements TERMS One third usli balame in equal in stallments at sne and to jears with interest at six 6 per centum pcranuuni pajsplc semi annually from day of sale secured by deed of trust upon the property sold or all esh t the option of the purchaser A deposit of 100 will be required at time of sale AH convey ancing etc at purchasers coot Terms to be complied wthjwitiillt ten dajs otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell at risk and cost Of the defaulting purchaser ALBERT L RICHARDSON Trustee JOHN IlAUM Trusto FOIt RENT UXKUrtXISIIED IIOOJU FOR REXT Urge wniiirfiished front room rea sonable 811 M sU nw m24 3 FOR REXT Second fipf with lath private home occupied b owner suitable for housekeep ing 1625 llth st ml FOR RENT- Unfurnished second floor 85 New Jersey ave nw C23 3 FOR REXT llmisekwplofc flat four rooms and bath central clean cheap- 22 p Bt nWj IOR REXT Tliree rooms on third floor l adults 219 st nw m23 3 FOR REXT Tliree unfurnished rooms cheap to desirable tenants naciiUdrcn 230 2d st ne m23 3 FOR REXT Three unfurnished rooms with heat gas and bath on same floor f950 a month 910 F et ne e22 3 FOR REXT Four unfurnished rooms for house keeping 909 8tli st nw e22 3 ROOMS AND HOARD FOR REXT Rooms and board il per week 1106 Clli st liw e23 3 FURNISHED ROOM with board for single gentle man home treatment 110H Stii 6t nw m3 3 GROCERY rent J12 established eight years daily sales price S3M XEW YORK ES HROKERS 1006 F St m23 3 FOR REXT rumi hol rooms with board 17 per month 402 10th at se e22 J FOR REXT Xicc furnished room with board 6IS C st nw e22 3 WAXTEIV Two boarders nicely furnished room good boaro bath gas 350 per week each 2037 II st nw m22 6 FOR REXT Pleasant rooms with board at sum mer rates near Capitol Census Office and Li brary 105 2d St ne elS 7 FOIt REXT Newly palntest and papered rooms with or without board evethlng first classr splendid location 412 Cth st nw e20 tl SUMMER ROARD MRS FRAXCIS CAST has opened a boirding house at Colonial Beach lot oolorcd people who desire to spend the summer at the rate of 3 per week ml FOR REXT FLATS FOR REST Three desirable unfurnished flats in family of two 222 Indiana ave nw e9 7 FOR RENT SUBURBAN FOR REST Columbia Park eight miles from Capitol flve ruom house and stables fifteen minutes from station terms moderate bargain Apply 2617 K st nw m23 J FOR SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANCE Two lots in St Elmo Vs 50x105 will be sold cheap WM 11 McCRASX 503 F st nw m21 3 SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR REXT OR SALE In and about HyattsTiUa several bes ititul bornes with lots and smalt ccreagt suitable fcr chicken runs prie modesatt and terms easy ROOEK3 ROGERS Hystta tills KM FOR SALE BICYCLES FOR SALE Wheel 3 good condition 231 7th at sw - m24 3 FOR SALE dents 6liv bicycle learchlfght all In fine condition SIS cash E CARLISLE 1103 Oth st ne m23 3 SPECIAL sale of tins -bicycles and sundries close them out heapbavcstJgate LABOFISH 717 9h st nw 17 10 I si FOREIGN MAILS AVASUIXGTOX D C D0STOFFICE XOTICE Should be read daily as changes may occur at any time -- - FOREI0X MAILS ire fcJrwardeil to the ports of sailing daily and the schedule of closings is ar ranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland tiirit Fk tin week ending July 27 1901 the last connecting doses wiU be rrsdj from this office as follows Trana Alliallle Malls WEDXESDAY thjAlWp m lor EUROPE per s XsrtbHiVUPly mouth Cherbourg Mall 13T FltAXGE must be directed Per a s ColumHs c At 915 p mfor FRANCE jwt s La Csscpgne fromXew Aork via Havre Mall for other parts cf Europe must b directed Per s s La Uascagne FHIDA A e At 1105 p m for XETIIKRLAXDS direct per a Rotterdam from Xcwr Aork Mail must be directed Per s s Rotterdjn Xc At 1103 p m for SCOTLAXD direct per s Etliiopa from Sew Aork MslI roust be directed Per s a Ethiopia e At 115 p ra for EUROPE per a s Lucanla from Xew Aork via ueenstown Mnlln lor South and CculrnI Anier n Icn AAeNtlnalea etc WEDXESIUV c At UrtS p m for BRA ZIL per s s Grecian Prince from Sew York Alail for XORTHERS BRAZIL must be directed Per s s Grecian Prince c At 1105 p m for the PR0VIXCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA per a s Ydun from Xew lork c At 1105 p m for YUCATAS per s a Daggry from New Aork THURSDAY m for JAMAICA per s s Admiral trehley from Boston c At 1105 p m lor MEXICO per s s Yu catan from Xew York a ia Tampieo Mail must be directed Per a a Aucatan FRIDAA c At 115 p m for XEWF0UXD LAXD per a s Siberian from Philadelphia FRIDAA c At 11 03 p m for PORTO RICO via San Juan CURACAO and VEXEZUELA per a s Maracaibo from Sew York Mali for SAVAXILLA and CAKTHAGEXA must be di rected Per - a Maracaibo c At 1105 p m for FOHTUXE ISLAND JAMAICA SAAANILLA and CARTHACENA pr s a Athos from Xew Aork Mail for COOTA IHCA must be directed Per a s Athos c At 1103 p m for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA per a s Adirondack from Sew Aork c At 1103 p m -for AHGENT1XE REPUBLIC URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s a Castilian Prince from New- Aork c At 1105 p m for MATAXZAS CAIBARI ES XUEVITAS GIBARA and BARAC0A per a s Curitrba from Xew Aork ordinary mail only which must be directed Per s s Curity ba c At 1105 p m for BERMUDA per s s Trinidad from New Aork Malls for NEWFOUXDLAXD by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer close here dally except Sunday at 1200 m and on Sundays only at 1130 a d h Mails for MIQUKLOS by mail to Boston and thence via steamer close here daily at 315 p m d t CUBA M AILS close here via Port Tampa Fla Mordays Wednesdays and Saturdays at 220 p tu l Malls for MEXICO overland unless specially ad dressed for despatch by steamers nailing from Sew Aork close here daily at 1025 a m and 10 M p ui Marts for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA by1 rail to New Orleans and thence ia steamer close here daily at 1025 p m the connecting closes for whtth being Mondays Mails for COSTA RICA by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here dally at 1000 p m the connecting flosses for which bcin Tuesdays TruiiN PncIflc Mails Mails for CIHSAr an JAPAX via Taooma close here daily atS3QP in up to July 27 indusite for despatch sir s a Duke of Fife - J MslU for AUSTR ALIA except West Australia viaitfpne HAWJllI via atU3ap m u wmen is lorwartieu si t rjlUAyiJ FIJI SAMOA and San Francisco close here daily up to July 27 lnclusite for despafejj ikt s i s Hails for UHlSA JAIv IIPINE ISLANDSSia San birrra o HAWAII and lrancIsco close her dally at 630 p m ip tij July 28 Inclusive for uespatcu per s s s oduc co Mails for IIAWAH vj San Franeis o close here dally at 630 p in up to August 5 for dcsiiatch per s ATsmeda o Mails for COCHIN CH1SA arc forwarded to Sew Aork for connection twitli European steamers- PHILLIPPINE ISJAXDS MlliUry Mail de sjatcleil to San Francisco at all closes for that office to connect with Jlovernment transports the sailings of whichare imgular b Registered malls close at 1 p m same day c Registered malls close at 8 p same day d Registereil mails close at 8 a m same day e Registered mails close st 1 p ni previous Saturday f Registered malts close at 1 p mu previous day 10 Registered mails close at 12 p m previous Saturday k Registered malls close at 8 m previous day o Registered mails close at 6 p m previous day JOHN A MEllRiTT Postmaster PROPOSALS l01OAI2rFOR LAyiNG CEMENT SIDEWALKS In tile District of Columbia Ofllcc of the Com missioners of tin District of Columbia Washing Ion D C July 16 1901 Scaled proposals will Is- received at this office until 12 oclock noon Saturday August 10 1901 for laying ce ment sidewalks in the District of Columbia Blank forms of proposal and specifications to gether with all necessary inlonratiou may be obtained at this olfice I1EXBY B F MAC FARLAXD JOHN W ROSS LAXSIXG IT BEACH Commissioners D a qj s STEAMBOATS Ioiol WasHngtiSa Steamboat Co Every day In the year for Norfolk Port Xeos and all points South by the superb powerful steel palsce Xewport News Norfolk snd inicton on the following schedule Lv Waahnigtoatuw pm Lr AIexandria700 pm Ar Ft Monroe 7 00 am Ar Norfolk aoo am Ar Portsmouth815 am Lv Portsmuuth500 pm Lr Sorfolk6 0O pra Lv Ft Monroc700 pm Ar Alexandria 030 Ar AVashlugtoru700 am TlekeU ub sale at 817 sve B sbd O ticket offica e9 Pcnn ave and corner 13th st and N Y ave a k O ticket of- fles st 51J Penn ave sad 609 llth at 8 A L ticket cOce 1434 N Y re and on board steamers tSTTut further Intormstlon apply at eral offices 7th at whsrf AVasUngton D a Phons 750 no2 it JOHN aALLAHAX General Manager OCEAN STEAMSHIPS AWTlBICAl aVLWeT NEW YORK SOCTHAMPTOS LOSDOf St rauIAu7 10 am at PaulAug23 10 am -it LouivAugll10anl St LtuisSept 4 10am ZeeIandAue 21 noon lhllphiaSep 11 10am BED STAB LINE NEW AOltKAXTWERP PARIIRr SmithwarkJuly 31 noon 1 ZeelandAuR 21 noon JaderlsndAos 7 noon I FriesUndA ic 23 noon hensgton Aug 14 noon I SouthwarkSrp 4 noon Xew twin screw steamers calling at Cherbourg LNTERSATIOSAL NAVIGATION COMPANY Piers II snd 13 X It New York Office 73 Rroaciwar WASHINGTON OFFICE 1306 F S N W Or 0 W Moss 1111 QSt N AV FOR SALE OK RENT HOUSES THOS E WAGGAMAN IctaU Eatata Broker atad Aaetlaaaan 917 F Stroet N W FOR SALE NORTHWEST SOU P 3 stories 17r a mI lot 70x120 ft14000 1136 1133 and 1110 2J brick houses good tenants all 7000 1159 and 1161 20th store and dg rented 520 3308 3310 3312 Q brick houses good tenants aU 4800 124 F b h 6r bath a m i 11CM 143111th b h 6r bath a m I and stable 380 1409 to 1413 3Cth St bath a m I Each 1000 1425 tth I Ii 6r let 1U94 ft 2790 801 25th b b tr water and sewer 2000 417 419 421 UolUdga Ct b hs U all 1509 SOUTHWEST 83 N b h r and bath PSM 415 10th b h 4r and back building i 270s 242 and 344 M I hs 5r each stlbls both 2509 NORTHEAST 70S Cth st f h cellar 8r bath a ro 1 35500 1B 8th b H 9r bath and a m i 4C0O 707 12th b n 7r bath ami a m I S800 HIT 12th b h 6r bath and a m I SSOO 701 15th st store and dwelling 2850 721 L b b 5r lot 21x67 ft 1600 SOUTHEAST 208 A b M1W iilhancra1rrr 3800 202 A b h I2r bath and a m 1 8800 413 to 433 2d b hs Cr a m i Each 5500 Intersection of Va ave and 1 st 5574 sq It with Improvements rented for 842 per month H 5000 701 and 703 L b hs lot 40x56 ft both 3400 333 E b h 6r bath and a m 1 3200 321 and 323 D b hsCr each Each 3000 5 L f h Or lot 25x105 It loOO 1111 N J ave Ti h 4r 1509 1207 N J are f h 5r lot 16x120 ft Offer Wanted FOR REST Se 70 D 6r and bath 1900 Se 907 8th it and bath 1430 Ne 319 1st 7r snd bath WOO Ne 1102 8th er and batb 15 30 Se 1021 II 4r k 15 00 Sec 42S 6th 6r ti 12 30 Be 110J Mb 12r 12 1101 th 19 SO Se 140 JT er 9 30 Se 628 Va avt 4r 8 00 Se 313 S C ave 7 00 Sec 847 2ds 00 Applj atefficj for Wesklf Callelia FOR RENT HOUSES FOR REST 25 per month 1525 10th at nw three story bay wrmlow brickhbusef eight rooms and batbi -newly papered inquire of M COLD SMITII 911 Pa ave nr2l S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR 8ALE Snap Northeast on 4th St six room brick all modem Imlnuvenients side and rear alley well rented cost 3509 1800 was loaoed onit price- 2509 - C BOYER SOS 214 7th at sir m23 3 FOR SALE Two brjeks on Cordon ave ne rent 100 each jeryear590aeatli will buy them cost 1250 BOYER A SOS 214 7tll st sw m23 3 FOR SILE Seven Troom brick Oth st nw lot 17x100 alley price 7000 an offer will be con sidered C DOVER SOX 214 7th st sw m23 3 FOR SALE U very nice brick house of ten rooms all modern lot 238x120 ti alley large stable cost 8000 price only 6500 no other property near for less than 8000 to 10000 that will compare location 6th at sw near E C BOYER SOX 211 7th st sw m23 3 - j FOIt SALE Two frame houses balls and vesti bules 1211 1st sf k m2I 7 FOR RENT STOKE AND DAVELLING FOR REST Store and dwelling 7 rooms rood imps JI4 0 st nw 25 store and cellar 1315 7th st nw reduced to 3250 store and dwell ing 1900 Fioridarafe wflrreht separately or to gecoer asr score anu uweiiin r ouo juia sc nw cellar 35 LOUIS SHOEMAKER 920 F St nw e22 8 COUNTRY PROPERTY BRESTWOOD Five minutes walk from District line suburban electric road lots 50x200 for 120 at 5 per month Enquire Wi A BARTLETT Loan and Trust Building ro21 lmo FOR SALE 100 down balance monthly houses farms E W PIERCE Vienna Aa m9 lmo FOR SALE SUBURBAN FOR SALE Eight miles from thi Capitol ulna lots with five room house and stables fifteen minutes from B cV P cheap 2617 K st nw m23 3 A DECIDED BARGAIN In order to close sn es tate two desirable lets In Brookland two de sirable lots at Colonial Beach Aa II interested call without delay at 1009 B st nw m3 LEGAL NOTICES IN JUSTICES COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COJUMBIA BEFORE LEWIS I ONEAL A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE THE JULIUS LANSUURGII FURNITURE AND CARPET COSIPAXA Plaintiff vs JAMES C SINCLAIR AND EXOS L IIOFFEH Defendants A summons in due form having been issued out of this court to a lawful constable of the Dis trict of Columbia for defendant lloffcr and the same having been returned Sot to be found it is hereby ordered that the said defendani cause their appearance to be entered herein oa or before the 22D DA A OF AUGUST 1901 nther wise this cause will be proceeded in as in cas of default The object of this suit Is to deter mine the title to certain goods and chattels LFWIs I 0XFAL Justice of the Peace D of C STRASBURCER k DAMMANX Attorneys IX THE SUPItEilE COUKT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA THE NINTH DAY OF JULY 1301 GKORGE J IIOLT1UN w UNKNOWN IIKIRS OF JOHN STELLMAN ET AL No 23U Equity Docket No 50 On motion of the pUintifT by Hamilton st Colbert his solicitors is is ordered that the de fendants unknown heirs alieneo and devisees of John Stelln an and Sara Ann Stellman hU wife the unknown heirs devlieen and alienees of Henry J Fbrber and Annie E Farber his wife and the unknown heirs alienee and deri secs of Christopher Henricht and Annlna Hen rictis his wife caue their appearance to be en tered herein tn or before the first rule day occurring forty days after thU day otherwise the caue vIU be proceeded with as in case of default The obJcLt of this suit is to quiet title in complainant to the noutIi twenty feet front on Third Street by the full depth thereof of lot 49 in Joel W Jones -subdivision of square W5 as per plat in Liber N K folio 2J7 one of the record in the ortice of the Surrcjor of the District of Columbia and to establish as matter of record complainants fee winple title thereto Provided a copy of this order be pu billed once a week for three successive week in the Law Reporter and in The Washington Times Hy the Court Sial AD HAGNER Jiutice etc True copi Teit J R Clerk etc Ry ALF G UUIIMAN Awt Clerk ASTIUlA AM CONSU311TION CUUEO By the Koch Lung Cure 150 Nassau Street New York And 627 E Street Washington- Popularity If Continued If baaed on merit Warners Safe Cure merit 1U popularity for dUeasea of the kldneya and llrer RAILROADS VE vS Washington Alexandria anil Mount Vernon Railway Station Pennsylvania Ave and 13 Vj St In effect May 1 1901 For Alexandria Week days 430 7 04 739 SrfO 829 859 925 1000 1101 1130 s m 1220 1245 X1KU 125 2 O0 230 JS 02 3 JO 433 454 5 08 X5 23 540 8 03 63 7 K 730 800 8 15 930 1015 ll M 1159 p m Sundiys 745 9 Oo 945 1030 MOi 1130 at m 1200 noon 1230 100 130 2KO 2 30 3t 330 4 00 430 5 00 53 flOO 7S0 730 aCO 845 930 1015 1120 ll m For Mount Vernon Week days 830 80 1000 1100 a m X12SB xl03 20 x32 SHO 359 xl15 x523 708 9J0 p m Sundsys 900am 120 noon 20 400 70 930 p ra For Arlington and Aqueduct Bridge Week days 630 704 730 80 829 85 925JO0 110 a ra -125 1220 IS IS Irf 13J 200 230 302 ia 3 33 133 154 5J3 603 630 76 80 p m Sunday 745 900 945 1030 1100 1U 120 noon UM 10 10 200 30 800 330 400 130 500 50 80 8J0 70 730 80 p ra Parcels csrried Baggage xFxpres To Arlrngton only C E ARBOT J COLVIN PERSONALS Drta SpcUlist Cor 12th aaiFSts Oldest It ro kBgestlMiUil Regular gndtttte two schools Authorizpd bf tfe District GwerBWt To treat all diseases of the Nose Throat and Lungs Htwrt Nervew Brain 8loem Skin Stomach Kldneya and Bladder Wont Losses Sesual Wealeneaa amd all Special Diseases of eivhee ses Stricture Varicocele end Hydrocele cured without cutting or opera tion No pain- No loss of time A prompt end permanent Cure guaranteed Syphina any stage CursJ for life without mercury or potash No exposure CHARGES LOW MEDICINES FURNISHED Tally Office Hoursr 10 to 1 end 3 to 530 Sunday 10 to 12 FREE CONSULTATION Dr Reed Specialist 509 12th St 51 VCADO successful Cl TLAnO practice lr th Cure of Chronic Nervous and Special Diseases of Men apd Women Means Evtrjthing to You if You Sutfar fress Catarra Ofoilty Ittsttasatlim CeaatlpaUsa rllss Taxoat lAag Brsta Ssr Blooo aaa nis CImsjss 0sjrrksa alsst Stridors Tsrteocsls Sa4 Hyarecsl cared sritjiomt deteatlea froxa DBslatss So pstaral tastrasscmu Bsse Vsrrsas sad Ssxaal Sssiiltr loss ay Srscuas er la Vrtas 8ypallla all staces Blacsl 7oiscm ad Dlcsrs cusd farltni try sais antaecs CHARGES LOW fiffiaVT CUBE EUAWbTTno ME3iaES rWfflJKiH - COS JUATKlll FatE Private Waiting Room for Ladles OFTOt HOURS 10 ta lll let Soefls yt W to 11 Dr Shades Specialist Corner 13th and 6 Electro-Medical Parlors OU T OaiS treitmcnt of lunff throat xtUrjh bnin eutou diKues ill form et ntrrotu ami ffrneral debility all b normal a eondltlons tad diseases of the atomacb bowel efcronic appendicitis llrer spleen Ud nej bladder -enlarged nroatate uterine tremble etc rheumatisni neuralgia chrcntc headache constipation Indigestion heart disease Ttrtigo paralyslrJs And all run down conditions of the physical system includicg special diseases of men women and children Consultation and trial treatment free Eclectic remedies fur nished Hours 9 to ft Closed Sundays DR CZARRA 317 6th St N W OLDEST CEBUXN SPEaAUST or Examinations DUgnosIs and XDAVV I Treatment in Skin and Blood Db easeivCancer Rheumatism Piles Stricture kc Prirate diseases and Vitality of both sexes hi old and so called incurable cases cured Urine examined Dally from 10 to 0 Tues and Satui1 till 8 jr m DR LEATHERMAN Waaklnsytona Lenrtlnc fypeelaltat On Kidnry Sladder Blood Skin and Private diseases Syphilis any stsitO sTirtsl for life Both sexes Consultation free Medicine fur nished Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Also oa Tues Thurs and Sat ctc 7 to 8 Closed Sundays COS F ST IT W DR McKEEHAN 51fl 12TII ST N W ONLY SPEHAUST IN DISEASES OF MEK Longest established largest experiene best equipment Consultation free Office hours 10 am to 5 pm Wed and Sat to S pm Sundays closed ml7 lmo LADIES NEEDING ADVICE AND TREATMENT Consult MRS M RENNER PRIVATE SANITARIUM to tr at womans ilia complaints and irregularities Home comfort for cases before and during confinement Trained nurse and expert physician In attendance at oar sanitarium Office hours from 10 a m ta 0 p to City Office 402 6tb it nw Rooms 101 102 Pione east 7S4 fKh H K FULTONS 0 Loan Offloo 1 OI4 Ninth Street N W 1 ilea Leaned on Watches DIamonrx Jentlry te OU COLD AST SILVER BOUGIIT Busioas strictly confidential No coaectioa srith any other Loan Office fn the city MME THEO Medium snd Card Reader Washingtons most fa mous dsirvoysnt and palmist Consult her on business love and family affaire rcuxites the separated removes spells causes speedy mar riage ud gives luck Open daily German spoken 25c and 60c 929 H St nw mlS 7 rving millon CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST 1221 NEW YORK AVENUE N W He tells our name object of visit and any thing jou aish to know your future and every thing revealed 9 to 9 dally jnd Sunday Ladies 1 gentlemen 2 ml ITS THE MECHANIC and laboring people that we wish to tell about our first class suits of clothes made by Washington tailors onlysIghlly used at ilat dont forget to note the place and give us a all recollect we are the poor mans friend- goods marked ip plain figures The Brotherly ILSTIlS OLD STAND 619 D it m23 7 MD BURNETT Fortune Teller ruMlJcJer em business love family affairs removes spells causes happj marriages gives good luck hours Ha till 10 p m618 O nwV eS l FOR SALB PIAJIOS PianosSKWeekly Good sriuare pianos itspeerlaV reduced summer prices and on terms as low as 1 weekly Stodart piano 15 Stein pSHHJ 25 ffote iimimr W Gabler piano 100 Chickering piano 125 Stein way piano 175 Jy2d F 0 SMITH 1225 Pa Ave- ss RAILROAD PennsyLvaaia RAILReAT 00RJT5K Or aXTHAICD B aTS laAlt DAILT PiTTSBtJRO ETPRESS Pailet and Dinlos Cars Ilsrribura to Pittsburg 1050 A SI IUILY rKNXSTLVASIA UXtttXt Pullman Sleepinc DMinf Smoking and Ob serration Cars Ilarriaburr to Chirairo Clnela natl Indisnapolls St Louis Clereland aaJ Toledo nuffet Parlor Car to Rarnsburc 1050 A 11 DAILY FAST USE Pullmsa Buffet Parlor Car to llarrisburs Buffet Parlor Cat Harrbburg to PitUtmre P H DAILT CHICAGO AKDT LOUIS EXPRESS SWpinir Car Washington io St Louis and Washington to Toledo and Sleeping ard Dining Cars rlarrisbura to Indianapolis at Louis LoulsTille ia Cincinnati and Chiewo 15 P M DAILT ST LOUIS EXPRESS Pun man Sleepins Car Harrisburi to St- Louis I P M DAILT WESTERy CXPaKea pull man Sleeping Car to Fittaburs and Chlcare DiniDjr Car to Chlcaio ri M DLr CLEVELAND JsSD CLVOX A EXPRESS Pnllmsn glerplnc Care Wasa initon to and Harrisburg to Cleie isnd and Vashtille ria Claclnnati and Louie Tille Dining Car I0O P v EAHS TACinC EITRESS PuU man Sleeping Car to Plttiburg 710 A M DAILT BUFTALO DAT EXPRESS with through Parlor Car Dining Car as4 Coaches to Buffalo yla Emporium Junction luV A X for Kane Cananualejua Rochtitersnd Niagara Falls daily except Sunday 1050 A IC for Elmira and RenoT elatly raeest Sunday For WlUUmsport daily 0 pll V1S P M DAILY BUFFALO SIGHT EXPRESS With through Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches to Buffalo Tia Emporium Junction 1ti P V DAILY for Erie for Rochester Bulla- and Niagara Falls dally nctpt Saturday wltk Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester 10 P M for Erie Canandalgua Boehesttr Buffalo and Niacin Falls daily Pullman Keeping Car Washington to Rochester Satur days only 4 00 PM COXGRESSIOVAL LIUITED dally for New York all Parlor Cars with Dininjr Car torn Baltimore For Philadelphia New York and th i Express 700 Dining Car 720 81 9X1 1009 Dming Car 102S and 1100 Dining Car from Wilmington A II J 115 430 Dining Car from Baltimore 6M 1040 and WM P M On Sundays 700 Dining Car 720 81 J S0O 10Ji 11 X Dining Car from Wilminitonj A M 1213 115 50 Dining Car from Balti more 50 1000 and 11 JO P H For Philadelphia only Express 715 A M 11S P M week days t Ol 410 and SW M dally Tor Boston wltheut change 7U A M week days and 450 P M duly Foi Baltimore 1S 70 720 745 7S5 Sil 900 1000 1023 1050 MM A M 1115 12 115 128 201 315 SO 400 Umltett 410 40 4JJ 45 540 415 H JO 715 745 10 09 1040 1155 and 1150 P M On Sun days 700 7d 750 81 9 00 9K lOS 10J0 H OO A It 1215 115 201 X15 S iM Limited 410 420 fJC 510 U 50 715 745 10 00 1040 and 1150 P - For Popes Creek Line 745 A M snd 433 P U week daya Sundays 905 A 1L For Annapolis 7 00 A M 1215 and 420 P Jf week days Sundays 900 A M and 540 P Jl Express for Florida and points on Atlantic Coast Line 430 A M SU P M daily Express for Florida and points on Seaboard Alt Line 1141 A II daily Florida and Metro politan Limited 655 P 1L daily Express for Richmond only 905 A its week days 500 P M dslly Accommodation for Quantlco 745 A U daify and ISPK week days Sesjahore Coaneetlona For Atlantic City ria Delaware Riser BrUje all rail route It -00 A 1L 410 and 1U50 1 M daily 1215 P M wek days Via Market Btreet Wharf 900 Satufday only 1040 and 114 A M 1245 P M weekdays U50 P M daily 121 P M Sundays only Atlantic City Special 12 P M week days Solid Tettibule train Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars Combined Car and Coaches through to Atlantic City Tor Cape Hay 1000 1100 A M MM P M week uayi 1150 P M daily Foe Asbury Park Ocean CrOTe and Lone Branca 1150 P M daily JOS 1100 A M and 124i P M week daya Ticket offices corner Fifteenth and O Streets and at the station Sixth aad B Streets where order aan be left for the checking of baggaga to destination from hotels end residences Telephone call 1441 for Pennayleania Ball road Cab Senrlce J B HUTCHINSOK J B- WpOD General Manager Ceneral rasamger Agent Southern Railway Schedule oetTected to Jose 1 1901 - n -Trains leare from PennaylTsnia Station 841 a nj Dally Local for Ilarrisonburg War renton Charlotte and way stations 1115 a m Dally U aV Fast MaiL Keeping can to New Orleans Columbia Saraanab anj JackaonTille uniting at Salisbury with sleeper lor Asherilie Chattanooga and Memphis and at Daneille with sleeper tor Birmingham and at Charlotte with sleeper for Augusta Solid trala Washington to New Orleans Dining car aenfcc 1147 a m JaDy Local for Warrenton and Chariot tesrille 401 p m Week Dayai Local tor Front Royal Strasburg and Uarrisonbug 430 p m Daily Local Jot Warrenton and CharlottesTille 950 p m Daily Washington and Chattanooga Limited Via Lynchburg Sleeping cars ti Roan oke SnexriUe Chattanooga Memphis and New Orleans Through coach to McraphlsDining cir err ice 955 p m Daily N T ft1 Fla Express Sleep I2g eara to Augusta with connections lor Aikes and Charleston and to SaTannah JiclesonTitlr and Port Tampa Through coaches to Jackaon Tille and Atlanta Uniting at Danville with Pull man sleepers from Richmond and Norfolk for Charlotte Tourist sleeper Washington to San Francisco Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Dining Car Service 1043 V- mt Dally Washington and Southwest exn Limited the only excluaiTtly Pullman- tram between Washington and the South Sleeping cars to Ashrille Knoxnlle Chattanooga and Nashville and to Atlanta Macon Birmingham Memphis Montgomery Mobile and New Orleans Club ear Washington to Atlanta Dining car service TRAINS ON BLUEMOST BRANCH Leave Washington S10 a nv I4 Ill d m md 449 p m week days and 941 a m and n 25 p m Sundays only for Bluemont and 625 p m week days for Leesburg Returning arrive Washington 824 a m and 8 00 p m daily and 81 a m and 245 p m week days from Bluemont and 657 a m week days from Leesburg Through trains from ttce South arrive Washing 7 15 m dally 215 ra ton -42 am 62 a m a p and 9 00 P m daily From Ilarrisonburg 11 37 a m wk days and 910 pm daily From Char lottesville 823 am and 910 pm daily Tickets sleeping ear reservations and other-Information furnished and baggage called for and checked from hotels and residences by Union Transfer Co on orders left at Ticket Office TSJ 15th St NW 511 Penns Ave NW and al Penns Station Phone 1441 for P R R Cab Service FRANK S GASNOS 3d V P and Gen Mar S H HARIiWICK General Passr Agent I 3 BROWN General Aaent CHESAPEAKE OHIOKY TRAINS LEAVE PENNSYLVANIA STATION 800 P M DAILY Cincinnati and St- Lou Special Solid train for CincinnatL Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati Lexlneton Louisville Jn diananoll and St Louis without change Con nection for Virginia Hot Springs daily Observa tion Parlor Car Washington to hite Sulphur and Htnton except Sunday Dining Car Parlor Can Cincinnati to Chicago 1110 P M DAILY F F T Limited Soli train for CincinnatL Pullman Sleepers to Cincin nati Lexington and Louisville without chanze Connection for Virginia Hot Springs daily Din ing Car Sleepers Cincinnati to Chicago and St Louis Reservation and tickets at Chesapeake and Ohio offices 513 Pennsylvania Avenue COO 14th Street near F and at the station Telephone call Main 1111 for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service 11 W FULLKIt Tlnhrn AUi V f - r Seaboard Ail Line Railway Florida and West India Short Line Leave Washington B It Station lllOl A NI FLA AND ATLANTA FAST DAILY MAIL Through Pullman Sleepers to Jacksonville connecting at Harslet nith Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta 635 P M FLA AND METROPOLITAN DAILY LIMITED Through Pullnjn Sleep ers to Jacksonville- and Atlanta These trains offer excellent schedules and service to Petersburg Raleigh Southern Pines Pine hurst Camden Columbia Savannah Jacaaon Tille and all Florida points Charlotte Athens Atlanta New Orleans Chattanooga Nashville points West anil Southwest 430 A NI LOCAL To Petersburg Raleigh DAILY Southern Pines Plnehurst Hamlet- and intermrdiatcrpolnts Office 1411 N Y ave and Pennl R TU Oflrcs R K U BUNCH W Gtnerar Paaa JLtfeat rt DOLI General Ap t CANADIAN PACIFIC IIAILAVA IMPERIAL LIMITZD Montreal to Tancourer dail 2906 miles In 100 hours Lmiunooi sleeping drawinjj room and dining car with unsurwKed Banff Lakes in the Cloud v Cnadiaa Rockfea Great Oladero the SelUrks Canons of tht Fraier VancooTer Connecting -with masiniflccnt Em press Mcqmshlps or Japan China India and around the world Canadian Australian S S tor Honolulu and Australasia For Parofihleti address Canadian Pacific HiUs irid Pa itC - JA f - ii