OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, August 15, 1901, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-08-15/ed-1/seq-8/

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The Busy Comer The Smith Building
We Close Every Evening at 5 oclock Saturdays Excepted
Our RebuHdin
g Sab
If jou should in estimate our rebuilding it rnlKht Em to jou like a lit
tle Babjlon The onl diflcrciico Is thit the carpenters the Iron men the brick
artists the eleator exp rts and all helpers understand each ether to well
that there Isnt a single hitch or a particle of coifusion refiiirdlng the pro
gress of their -work and to it is with thi sale Hcr Imver aJid otry oes st
ant knows that the speedy clearance of their resptcthe stocks is demanded by
thl firm Consider nothing cost profit or an thing -else was the
commandmade a few dajsagob the held of this concern What we want is
emptv hheUes and counters so that when the fall season dawns upon the
pjlilic a scene of new- and attracts e goods will irect their gaze at tiery turn
so here goes for another dav of sacriPccs
PercaSe and Lawn Wrappers-
Here Is a stock which shows that good judgment his been used In buying
There Isn t a single stle pattern or color which shows that Indifference has
been used In selecting them To buy right is to sell quick Here are three
splendid Items which are specially priced
Twent fle dozen percale wrappers the ery newest colorings and pat
terns rmde with full cut flounce rulllcs oer the shoulder and linld SC
trimmed they hae separate fitted waist linings and arc splendid fli
alucs at 1W which we shall sell for T5 X
Thirty fhc elozen lawn and percale wrappers Including some pi iln white
lawns the fancy ones are all good colors nnd patterns they are made rtrtf
with ery deep flounce braid trimming perfect fitting and neatly X v
finished JIM alue which we shill sell for W
Fifteen dozen fine lawn wrappers light and dark colorings extra deep
flounce ruffle and lace trimmed made In the- best possible man- O g f p
ner cut ery full oer the hips every size the real worth is s 1
J00 we shall sell for
This department Is located second floor front Busy Corner Building
Taffeta Silk Waists at 393
hae git en jou some beautiful values within the pirt week In the line of
Si k Waists which we know were appreciated because they sole without anv
effort Xow we come forward again and this time we gUe sou the greatest
alue of all The quantity Is large enough to give 300 women the choice bf SW
They are made of handsome staunch all silk Taffeta the material Is or the
icry best qualltj they are elaborately tucked and hemstitched they come In
every conceivable nnd desirable shade as well as plain black thej are cut with
that popular dip front which gives the figure style and grace e have also
included a limited quantity wmen nro handsomely emuroiaerca ana nnisnea
with line Valenciennes lace and Inserting To realize the Im
portance of this offering your own eyes must feast upon these
grand values You buy the choice at
Second floor Smith Building
Extraordinary Sale of Refrigerators- -
The regular cold storage Kind lou might term them the ice man s enemy
because it takes but little of the frozenhnrd to do effective work We have In
stock all told about Refrigerators and Ice Chests some with coolers others
without which we- wish la close out at once Everyone still retains the mark
ings of their former Felling
All Refrigerators and Ice Chests
w hich we sold for 51295 can S 7 Q Q
now be Irought for 7 0
All Refrigerators which sold ror
J15S5 can now bo bought SO flC
fer 7V3
All Refrigerators which sold for
117 W can now be bought 5 -11 A r
All Refrigerators which sold for
119 CO can now be bought 10 QC
All Refrigerators which sold for
2000 can now be bought 1 a QC
All Refrigerators which sold for
CI 00 can now be bought 1 L CA
All Refrigerators which sold for
21 5 can now be bought 99 C fl
Our Housefurnlshlng Department
third floor Busy- Corner Building
To the Traveling Public
Canvas covered trunks made with iron bottoms tray and hat box
2S nch 30 Inch 22 Inch 31 inch CWnch
Worth 225 250 J27I 1300 cB
Selling at 175 200 225 2 50 275
Canvas covcrea trunKs nuue witn iron douuiho no u ua
lock Eizes
2S Inch 30 Inch 32 Inch 34 inch CG Inch 3S Inch 40 inch
Worth 425 475 525 575 023 JG75 725
Selling at 33 4 00 4 M 5 CO KM C00 JG50
All linen lined two tray canvas covered trunks sheet iron bottom and hard
wood slats
2S nch 30 inch
Worth 5 00 5 50
-Selling at 4 25 4 75
32 inch
5 25
34 inch
3C lnch
7 00
5 25
Steamer trunks made with Excelsior lock heavy leather handles and trayi
23 lnch 30 inch 32 inch 34 inch
Worth 223 275 100 32
Selling at H3S 225 1250 275
A full line of fine sample trunks one of a number at half price
Third floor Smith Building
Summer Knit Underwear
Youll need them for the next six
weeks yet to come We told you In our
Introductory what we were commanded
to do Therefore the remaining stock of
Womens and Childrens Underwear Is
to go at less than the cost of the mak
ers prices
We shall sell today and as long
as they last the balance of our Wom
ens low neck no sleeves Richelieu
ribbed Vests finished with taped fQ
neck and arms each v
We shall sell Womens Richelieu
ribbed and fancy vests made low neck
and no slteves silk taped at 10JC
neck and arms at 12
We Ehall sell another choice lot of
Women s Vests some are low neck
no sleeves some are high neck short
sleeves In both ribbed and 1QC
plain they are worth 35c for 7
We shall also sell a line of Child
rens summer Vests low neck ribbed
and high neck long sleeves gauze
odds and tilths of various 1AC
Ities they- go at 1U
Boys fine balbriggan shirts high
neck long sleeves the drawers are
ankle length the quality which
has been selling for COc close t rr
out cither at J
Tlrst floor section I Smith Build
To be without handkerchiefs Is like
being without a home They are ery
recessary and no one can do without
them If you can appreciate tlvc good
value here they are
A choice assortment of white cam
bric handkerchiefs with fancy printed
borders In assorted sizes also In xilaln
white hemstitched and fancy em
broidered corners the choice of re
which Is J
Japoncttc Handkerchiefs hemstitch
ed with silk initials In the corners
every letter these we can sell Q Jjc
you 3 for J
A very special offer In lace trimmed
embroidery scalloped edges
drawn work etc fine cam- 10LC
brie worth up to 25c for 12
Another lot of choice patterns In
fine sheer Linen lace trimmed also
scalloped edge and hand FftC
broidered regular 76c value for J
Fine sheer Linen Handkerchiefs line
lace trimmed- also scalloped edgo and
hand embroidered which sold CI
for 150 offered at 1UU
First floor Section J Smith Build
Another Grand Umbrella Item
A rousing good value The quantity
only represents 150 They are 24 and 25
Inch and are strictly all silk They con
sist of plain changeable and border
ed effects mounted on feather weight
paragon frames which are stanch and
light The handles are of the new
princess effect wlchse natural and
boxwood The value of these SI DO
Is up to 150 Closing out at 17 O
Leather Traveling Bags
and Leather Belts
Patent Leather Curved Bells which
sold for 25c reduced to 13c
Pleated Satin Belts with dip buckles
25c and 39c value for 21c and 15c
Imitation Alligator Traveling Bags
10 Inch 75c
12 Inch S3c
H lnch J3c
JG lnch 105
IS lnch 113
Real Alligator Traveling Bags
10 Inch JUS
12 Inch 193
14 Inch 2 48
11 Inch JiSS
18 Inch 3 48
Russet Leather Dres Suit Case
brass trimming with shirt strips steel
frame leather lined for 4 9i
Cowhide Leather Suit Cases hand
sewed seams very high grade size 21
Inches CSS
Krt nor Sections 3 and 4 Smith
Toilet and Health Articles Priced
to Suit the Occasion
Munyons large slz Witch Hazel
sop 35c kind for loc Unr
ated Talcum Powd r half pound
boxes 8c Woodworths Nlni Violet
Toilet Powder ber box 10c Import
ed Castile Soap 254 pound biers for
25c Park K Tilfords Bay Rum per
bottle 25c Murray Ac Lehmans
Florida water large bottles 42c
Rublfoam for the teeth per bottle 17c
Lirterine the great antiseptic
large bottle S9c small bottles 19c
Mme Yales Hair Tonic per bottle
ic Pinaud s Fine Perfume tier bot
tle 10c long handle Bath Brashes
First floor Section A opposite ele
Market Space
The Busy Corner The Smith Building
IerKOuul InJorleH Alleged
Snit vu flnj In the ruprcm Court of the
District 3ilerJaj against the Urightwood Hall
way Oomjuny by Ilo tle McManua to recover
jl 0000 claimed as damage for personal Injuries
ftic iites that on April 1 Ut the wis a pas
teojcr aboard one of the cars of the defendant
Company and that hfle aUjjhtins therefrom at
the terra in u near Florida Atnue she i e
tioasly Injured Edimrd G XHes is named as
jCcuuscl lor the plaintiff
Incl of n Ierttilt Ciuim nn Arri M
Grant Campbell a drir fur Iatrkk ltnn
was charged In tit- Police Court jeatrrday with
hauling a dead hone through the ttmti ot
Washington without having flrt obtained a it
mit to do so from the lUalth Department There
vcre no witnesses S T Thimiai ar ruing the cae
for the dt fence and A Ixftwich Sinclair for the
Government Judge Mills revned his ihiUion
nv tkvt 114S ruovEx ijcst
CrQKs TattUws CbUI Tonic
An Exception to tliu JJejriitntioiis
for Acsiii Water Jtent
An Old IlulltiK f tlie HiiKineer Com
mlNslciiier ltetl4i iarlmec Ceini
jiliilntM Miotild lie AeldreHHvd Ut
Mllieriiitentleiit if Streel Clennlni
J 11 McCnlley of 123 Seenlh Street
northeast recently complilnejl of the ex
cesshe water rent uion hfs premies He
j tated that the house Is 23 fp wide and
10 feet In depth and that It is a two
story and basement house with two rooms
onlv on each lloor He said that when he
purchiMd the house the water rent wa3
J3S0 but now he sns It has betn In
creased to 11 33 a car
The matter was referred to the Water
Walter A Brown acting as attorney
for Braxton Jordan trustees of a tract
of land on the north side of Nebraska Ave
nue has entered a protest against the
riiMng of the grade on Nebraska Avenue
some six or seven feet and he says that
this grade has materially injured the val
ue of the land in question
The matter wis referred to the Street
Department and Moirls Hacker Superin
tendent of County Koads has reported
that the grade on Nebrapka Avenue was
fixed November 4 1J0S and that no change
has been made since that time He re
ports that the reason for making the
grade of Nebraska Avenue as It is Is
manifest upon examining grades of the
street extension plan for that section of
the District J W Dare Acting Cumput
Ing Engineer states that the grade on
Nebraska Avenue was established only
ufter the most careful consideration of nil
the circumstances and that to change It
now would be Inadvisable
A large part of the residents of the Dis
trict appear to be under the misappre
hension that communications relating to
the removal of garbage dead animals
etc fahould be addressed to the Health
Department Such Is not the case Under
an order of the Cemmlsioners of more
than a year ago the supervision over the
garbage service and the removal of refuse
from the city was turned over to the
Department of Street and Alley Clean
Notwithstanding this fict the mails of
the Health Department contain several
complaints dally about the collection of
gerbagc ashes or dead animals and
these ull have to be turned over to the
Department of Street Cleaning It often
happens that notices of dead animals are
sent to the Health Ollice thus causing
delay In their removal
At the suggestion of the Health Officer
yesterday Commissioner Boss requested
the publication of the above facts for the
information and guidance of the people
of the District
Senior Assistant Chief Engineer Belt of
the Tire Department har arranged to test
the utility of stanelpipcs and h is selected
the business establishment of Messrs W
B Moses Sons Eleventh nnd F Streets
for the purpose This building Is equipped
with stindplpes running to the roof of
the structure and Chief Belt proposes to
attach one of the Fire Departments
steam engines to the standplpes noting
the time required to make the connections
anl the force of water when It reaches
the roof of the building and also at the
different floors Then he will have the
hose running from the plug and steamer
run up to the top of the building compar
ing the time required as well as the feirce
of water nt the different points with the
results obtained from the use of stand
The trial will take place Trlday morn
ing next at 5 JO thit hour being selected
as the one which will least Interfere with
traltlc on the streets Chief Belt Is of
the opinion that bitter time tan be made
with and better results obtalne d from the
use of the hose than from standplpes and
believes Fridays trial will demon
George II Diamond has made applica
tion for permission to operate a merry-go-round
on vacant lot In square 1
bounded by I K Twenty stvcnth and
lewnty elghth Streets northwest With
his application Mr Diamond submits the
signatured of the sutllcltnt number of
residents In the vicinity The npplleitlon
has ben referred to the Police Depart
ment for consideration and action
Hie Superintendent of Sewers his for
warded to the Commissioners a list of
sewers proposed for construction under
tho assessment system and has requeHeel
the advertisement for objection to the
Mulnrlu CIiIIIh anil Fever
Qulcllv cured by Uklo Lilxcr Babek
Pnrtticrn Gu Into Court te fecttlc n
Rtfus K Bovd esterday filed suit In
the 5upreme Court of the District against
Kie 1 Scott for the purpose of hating
the court compel the latter to specifically
perform a contract entered into between
Boyd and Scott In February UM en
tered into partnership it Is state d for
conductliR n lunchroom at 430 Elcenth
Street northwest According to the terms
of the agreement Bod states that in the
ent that cither part should desire to
withdraw from the business he should
be required to give slt daR notice to
the other It was also agreed In the
event of a dissolution of partnership be
Inu asked the part offering the greater
price for the good will and business
should be allowed to ciny It on without
interruption or hindrance from the other
Botel further states th U on June 10
last he notilltd Scott of his desire to dis
Department and George I Green tno contituc the partnership and made an
I neslstrar announces that last month he offer of JJ50 for the purchase of the
I reported aderselv upon an application
from Mr McCuIIey to refund a portion of
I the rent paid for 33 foot frontage
because the bill as then stated was In
conformity with the regulations Con
tinuing Jlr Green sals
It appears that this Is a case where
the water rent according to the regula
tions is greatly In excess of what it
should lv for which reason I recommend
I mat tne oiuce oe auenunzeu i iwnc mi-
rating upon a frontage of fifteen uet on
the alley with the distinct understanding
that such action is not Intended to gie
any ground for action for the refunding
of any sum already paid in excess of such
Capt Chester Harding assistant to
the Engineer Commissioner In forwarding
the aboe report to the Commissioners
calls attention to the practice of the En
gineer Department under a ruling of the
Engineer Commissioner of several ears
standing that the water rent is to be
basd upon the least dimensions of the
general plan vt the house He sae that j
in conformitj with that ruling the bills
for the present ear and for the two years
1 Immediately preceding are erroneous and
Captain Harding recommends that bills
based upon the llfteen feet depth of the
i house be rendered and that the amount
paid In excess of the true amounts be rc
This recommendation has receKcd the
I approal of the Engineer Commissioner
Capt II C JCtwcomei acting nnd has
been forwarded to the Board
r E Cleaveland Secretary of the Co
lumbia Polytechnic Institute for the
Blind 1S03 H Street northwest recently
vrote to the Commissioners relative to
the water rent of the Institution He en
closed a bill for the rent and asked what
steps were necessary to secure exemption
from the assessment on the ground that
the Institute Is in the nature of r charit
able institution
The letter was referred to the Water
Department and George I Green the
Registrar has reported calling attention
to the language used in the appropriation
act of June 30 1S which provides
The Commissioners of the District of
Columbia are hereby authorized to fur
nish Potomac water without charge to or-
phan asylums and charity schools
j to an amount to be llxed in each case
by the said Commissioners not to exceed
the rate of 100 gallons per average
capita of inmates per diem and for all
water thus used in excess of such an
amount the Institution shall be charged
at the prevailing rate for the use of wa
ter in the District of Columbia
The Columbia Polytechnic Institute for
the Blind says Sir Green has six in
mates and Leing a charity school comes
within the purview of the above cited
act As the number of inmates will doubt
less be Increased In the near future I
respectfully recommend the maximum al
lowance be allowed to said institution
Capt Chester Harding the Engineer
Commissioner In forwarding the above
reitui L iu lue twUjiiiiJiiuiit io vrfba th
t recommendation that the officials of the
institution be Informed that In order to
I secure exemption from water taxes It
I will be necessary to have the water ser
vice metered under which circumstances
the Commissioners are authorized te fur
nish water free to an amount not exceed
ing 1W gallons per diem to each Inmate
Captain Hareling i ays that the meter
should be of an approved type and that
it must be furnished and installed by the
Au Comnintiitioii of Trnve
Scott he sars refused eitner to
puichise his share of the business or to
sell his own Interest for the amount
n imeel
lcnding the determination of the mat
ter the court Is asked to restrain bcott
from selling or ottering to sell the busi
ness or In an way encumbering it It Is
further asked that Scott be Epeciflcally
compelled to perform the terms of his
contract with the complainant and that
a decree be pisiel that upon the pay
ment of J3W m Scott by Uojil the latter
shall be declared the exclusive eiwner ot
the lunchroom
It is also asked that a receiver be ap
pointed to take charge of the business
during the pendency of the proceedings
Carl J V Graft is named as counsel for
the complainant
Pny for
n Trip ut Tsikcn
S S Kimball Acting Comptroller of
the Trcasurv held yesterday that a sol
dier discharged In our island possessions
may receive transportation and subsist
ence In kind without cost to him for the
sea portion of the journey on his actual
return to the United States If for any
reason however he does not accept the
transportation and subsistence offered
him or does not make the journey at all
there is no authority of law for the pay
ment to him of commutation of such
travil allowances for the sea travel
This opinion was rendere d on the appeal
of James Smith from the action of the
Auditor for the War Department Smith
claimed travel pay as principal musician
Eighth United States Cavalry from Camp
It S Mackenzie near Puerto Principe
Cuba to Havana place of embarkation
for Xcw Orleans La Tho Auditor al-
lowed for travel pay from Camp Mac
kenzie to Neuvltas Cuoa amounting to
11 SO and disallowed claim for further
travel pay on the ground that Smith was
paid travel allowances from New Orleans
to Fort Jleade South Dakota place of
enlistment In full
The Auditor said that there Is no law
authorlzlng payment of travel allowances
for the sea portion of Journey from Neu
vltas Cuba to New Orleans Iji and
In passing and sustaining the Auditors
action Mr Kimball said As the sol
dier did not actually make the Journey It
Is Immaterial whether or not the route
via Neuvitas and New Orleans was prac
ticable at the exact time of discharge
Tlic llnte One fourth Ienx Than the
Preceding AVeeU
The deaths in the District during the
week ended on Saturday last declined
over 24 per cent as compared with those
of the previous week falling from 115 to
1C0 Of these decedents 55 were white
giving a death rate ot 11 SG nnd 54 were
colored death rate 3247 For the total
i popuation the rate was 2u32 by the last
I report it was 27 05 per thousand From
apoplexy deaths increased from 4 to 7
and from kidney affections from 6 to 10
j illnpa disenaea there was a de-
I crease from 32 to 20 The mortality amonc
children under five years of age decreased
from 52 to 43 Of tWs class of decedevits
30 were less than one year old Thsre
were 9 fatal cases of whooping cough fi
ot typhoid fever and 1 of measles Theie
were three deaths from external causes
by drowning 1 burning by Ignited cloth-
Ing 1 street railway Injuries 1 Deaths
by heat stroke 2
At the close of last report there were
9 cases of diphtheria in quarantine Dur
ing the week S new cases developed and
1 was discharged leaving 1G cases under
treatment In 8 premises
Of scarlet fever there were 13 cases in
quarantine at the close of last report
uuring tne wcck i new cases were re
ported and 3 were discharged leaving 19
cases with warning carts In 13 premises
The mean weather conditions prevalent
during the week were Temperature of the
atmosphere 75 degrees relative humidity
2 and barometer 2991 The rainfall was
1 C5 Inches with south winds averaging
5 miles per hour The maximum register
of the thermometer was 91 degrees on the
10th nnd minimum 61 degrees on the Cth
The following were the deaths clasfcifeil
accorillng to their causes Apoplexy 7
bronchitis 3 consumption h convul
sions 1 diarrhoeal diseases 2j diseases
of brain 1 diseases of heart 7 diseases
of kidneys 10 malarial fevers 2 malig
nant growths 1 measles 1 pneumonia
1 typhoid fever G whooping cough 9
miscellaneous 21 Total 109
The name
tells the story
at once
It stands for
all that
is best in the
Shoe making
Regent Shoes
the peers of
any 350
or 4 Shoes
A test
will prove this
Every style
and shape for
the hard to fit
943 Pa Ave
individual la responsible for nay -fever
AM and 9 00 PM
Lamps lit today 7S3 PM
Lamps out tomorrow 422 AM
Kemana Tops Tuny Burlesquers after
noon and evening-
AccustU of a Flftveii Cent Theft
Samuel Troctor a twtntv yoar old colored nun
13 held at o 3 precinct on a charge of lumng
stolen a pocictbook containing 15 cents from
George Harris of 1543 M Street northwest
The parties arc understood tu be related
PenIoiiH tu DNtrlet RcHlilenti
lensons to local residents were issued es
terdaj as follous Iwue cl Jul 30 1901 In
crease restoration reK etc William K thne
dead VI John A Mazce dead 50 Original
widows etc Harriet II Miney 15 Harriet
O Magec 12
Mr CnlliilinnU ruiirrnl
The funeral of Sirs Grace Callahan who died
Tuesday afternoon at the residence of her
Andrew Hicdon TIG Fourth Street louth
eajt will tale place at 10 oclock this morning-
irtead of 11 oclock as was stated in the local
newspapers jekUrdai aftirnoon The tenicca
will be held at Mr lligtlons residence
The Dentil llecnril
The follow incc deaths for twenty four hours were
reported at the Health Uciurtment up to noon jes
terdaj Hobcrt William 61 jeara ran
cis H Sutler 8 iars Mrs Jane Harban 7o
liars Fusanni Kttiwtn TJ years George Joluwin
J7 jears lltnrittti Sacltnnau 53 ears Annie
Gertrude Murray 25 irars Mary Gorman a
months Allium Jlchmlej West 9 montln
Clancc llalducci 3 ironlla
lee lee Cnnt Oiiitlnucil
At the request ol the Troseciitor for the Dis
trict Jude O Donncll in the United Slate
branch of tie Voluc Court joterdaj continued
indchniteh the case cf I ec lee iharcd with
itulinz a criminal assault on Vphia The
Clnmiiun deposited i5 collateral to cnure hu
appearance for trJl when wanted The allesed
asvinlt is fail ftr Iwtc been made on fcaturda
nlKlit in the laundry of the defendant at TJ7
Ninth Street northwest
A Heeeler Asked for a loen
rrocecdins in dimly were filed yesterday by
Tdnard Iticlurd Joseph xhiltmaim and ahailor
s likbard tndms as ltichard i Co asainst
ilapln Davis and others tor the purpose of
1 mnr tli court a point a icieivr or rtcTiiim
to take elarre f the saloon and ntiurant con
ducted b the dilinlant at 227 Nc Jtrnj Ave
nue northwett The complainants allece that
tho defendant lis H indebted to them ill the
sum ol i753 for which tiny have seemed Judu
iiimt Joseph A Ilurlhart is named as counel
for the complainants
Croies TasteUiS Chill Tonic cures Malaria
s - fij
A stuffed up feeling In tho head will de
velop in from a few minutes to several
hours or days followed by storms of con
vulsive and repeated sneezing profuse
watering of the eyes excessive running
at the nose Intense Itching redness and
swelling of tho affected organs With
these svmptoms there Is apt to be more
or less peevishness headache loss of ap
petite sleeplessness depression of spirits
and general all over feelings of inde
scribable wretchedness
The above symptoms continue with
short rteiusive Intervals of relief for lays
or weeks genriiv until jifter some hard
frots and when thty begin to abate the
sufferer Is apt to find the disease is work
ing down toward the lungs and causing
asthma cough and bronchitis
Although hay fever seems to be excited
or Irritated Into activity by the pollen
of certain plants the real cause Is a con
stitutional predisposition All people who
breathe the same air are alike exposed to
these floating irritants yet only a small
number In each community have hay
fever This fact should be satisfactory
proof that the systemic condition of the
affecting constitutionally- predisposed peo
ple Local applications never did and
never will cure It Most local remedies
that give relief contain cocaine that sim
ply lulls the more distressing symptoms
to sleep for a few- brief moments and
must be resorted to so freeiuently as to
often fasten the cocaine habit upoft the
poor hay fever victim and subject him
to the thraldom of a drug that enslaves
The only real cure for nay fevtr at the
only true cure for catarrh consists In so
Influencing the system by internal or con
stitutional treatment as to enable it to
withstand and be immune tp all plant
dust Irritants Correct the constitutional
irwktwetf thAf allows of the dleease by
the proper internal anu hkj
healthy folks you will not have hay
f ev er
There is one remedy that will do this
will so alter strengthen and fortify the
system that It will not be susceptible to
Irritants that have no effect on tho3e who
are constitutionally right It is the same
remedy that has cured many thousands
of cntarrh by building them up out of a
systemic weakness that permitted of
catarrhal conditions
Stuarts Catarrh Tablets if taken in
Hoy fever is a hot weather disease only time will render the system resistant to
Zfit iUnsJtiinflton Timetf
Weather Indications
Cloudr unsettled weather with occasional
rains today and jrotublv tomorrow rising tern
xraturc tomorrow freh cast to southeast wmdi
Highest temperature 1 p ra 3
Lowest Uropcrature b am OS
Sun rose 523 A M 1 Sun sets
lie on rics Moon nts
C 55 PM
719 PM
Low tide 22S AM and 3 00
NIsh tide
Cruelty Alleged in n Divorce Snlt
Elua E Shearer yesterday filed suit for di
vorce ipainst her husband Joseph T Shearer
on the ground of cruelty It Is stated that the
parties were married in Douglas County Kan
in 1592 In the last twb or three years Mrs
Shearer declares her husband has often assaulted
her and threatened her life She ftlao ofks to
he awarded the custody of her child George W
Drew is named as counsel for the petitioner
Will of Johnmia Iioerr Piled
The mil of Johanna Loew dated March 21
ISiN was filed for probate yesterday She leaves
to her sen Jot n Locw 5 in gold and no more
in cash and one half cf her real estate To her
son William Loew m left the remainder of her
real and personal estate because pi his care of
her since the death of her husband The real
estate left bj the testatrix is known as 2121
Ninth Street northwest
Mnrringe Licences ImnuccI
Marriage licenses were issued jcsterclay to Robert
It Ilodd and Ann e YounR both of Altoona ri
Jocph II Wilson and Ulhe M Mglitinzill Ber
nard G Ijdd and Kdith I Gosnell lames F
Carter Richmond Aa and Minnie Yate Dis
trict of Columbia Howard ritzhuxh and Delia
Iftndce Marwn W Bear and Rose Byrnes
Zach Hilt and tssie Jones James T Moulton
and Flsie It Iierett James II Mapanty and
Bertha B Tolly both of Baltimore Andrew
Washington and Sallie Wet both of Fairfax
County a Hylus Osborn and Margaret Dore
Robert Lcvicr Baltimore and Annie MaJoy Dis
trict of Columba
lose Ageacv
424 Ninth Street
flOW Keatins Bicycles
1501 Monarch Biciclcs fitted
with liartlord and Goodrich S 0 Qfi
Monarch Chainlcss O
Strlng 2148
IlOO Fclipse fitted with 0 7 Qfi
Morrow Coaster Goodrich tires J y V
1101 Dajton
Secoid hand Bicycles
Hartford 7 1 300
2 70
Hartford 70
53 00
51 45
High grade Seconds -
Ilaie a Morrow Coaster put on our C
whel JVJV
424 Ninth Street N W
mi nr I 12 ouart bottles rt theWash
1 HUIIs IWI m Brewine Cs famous
for Beer
Golden Hop Beer Icr St De-
li ered In unletterej wacn
A Dreadful
Crying Cold
Of Interest and Value to Those Who AnniP
ally Suffer From Hay Fever
About the Middle of August Some 400000 Citizens of the United States
Will Experience A Dreadful Crying Cold
irf ri
hay fever and you will no more havlt
than do other people who equally with
y ou are exposed to a plant-dust-laden at
If you wish to wholly escape hay fever
jou must begin to use the tablets early
enough In the season to afford them a
chance to correct the constitutional weak
ness that permits plant dust to affect you
If you wait till the disease is already on
you the tablets will only relieve to some
degree and render you In a measure re
sistant to the irritating plant dust
Begin early get your system thoroughly
under the Influence of the tablets and In
perfect condition to resist Influences that
do not affect healthy and constitutionally
right people stay at home among your
friends and enjoy the beautiful summer
and fall months when all nature- rejoices
and normal folks are happy and content
All druggists sell Stuarts Catarrh Tab
lets at 5o cents a box They contain no
cocaine or opiates so common to catarrh
and hay fever remedies and are safe as
they are reliable and satisfactory- Try
them and be convinced
A little folder and booklet on the cause
end cure of hay fever and catarrh mailed
free to all who apply AUdresv i A
Stuart Co Marshall Mich
A largo full tufted velour
Couch oak frame heavy
velour covering cost you
812 anywhere Our price
iawr Pel
4 1 5 4 1 7 Seventh Street
oa 5 Per Ton
New River Red Ash Tes Coal suitable for
range grate steam hot water or hot air fur
Give It a trial
702 11th St S W
fth and K Sts it W 13th ind D Sts g W
Am on 5 th fnttrnuns exhibits
it the late Paris Exposition was a
fine display of H arUit Air Cushion
Trusses ot all kinus supporters
dJ various appliance for men
women and children from 1221
F St N A vhich took the hijh
tst award or all competituiSw
American and foreign The Rorick
Air Cushion Truss Company lead
the world TVo ceks truL Two
years guarantee Catalogue and
consultation free 1224 F St X
lartlrii rnhiiMnwi
SaSwSjw -

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