OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, August 25, 1901, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-08-25/ed-1/seq-10/

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A Complaint of Foreign Matter in
the Garbage Cans
The IVaHhlnKton IVrtlllrer CiMiipnii
Oljectx In CVrtnln Imcllcvo li
Iurlln T lrorK
to ClimiKlnir Street iniie
The IncreaslnR umount of foreign mat
ter received with rrirbagre collections Is
tlic subject of n complaint ille ei with the
Co iimlsslont rs bj the Washlngton ler
tlllzlrB Company the concern nhlch has
the citv contract for the removal or jrar
lufre from the District Hie complaint
Is vockI In two letters one rrcm the pres
Iilcnt of the compan M SI larker and
the second from A J Sloree superinten
dent of the Garbage cremators
Ureiken shells tin cans crab shells and
other foreign matter is what the objection
is aimed at and Sir larker clilms that
it costs the comptny about fcfWd per an
num for extra help to remove this foreign
matter besides extense damage to press
cloths in the factor een e ereitcr loss
to the company Sir Slorse says
I bejr to agtin call vuur attention to
the large amount of fongn matter which
is dally received with the Washington
garbage uch as tin can broken crock
ery clam -hells glass and Indeed almost-
every other species of refuse mat
ter The service of two men hac been
almost constant used nt the factor en
deavoring to separate this refuse beTore
It gets into the digestors It is Impossi
ble however to fully accomplish this
and mucli of the glass crockery and
other substances gets into our presses
which as ou well know ruins our
cloths and destrovs our press racks Ihe
expense in connection with this is con
ctantly growing and becoming a very seri
ous matter A mule and cart is kept busy
carting anaj the cans and already It is a
matter of considerable moment what dis
position we sh ill be able to make of this
I have been told that in Baltimore the i
collector will not remove garbage that
has these foreign substances mixed up
with it
arner Stutler the Superintendent of
Three additional letters protesting J
against uie proposea cnange oi names xor
suburban streets have been received by the
District Commissioners One communica
tion written by Bear Admiral Thomas
Selfridge U S IS is addressed from
Jamestown R I where he now is His
letter follows
I have been informed that it Is con
templated by you to change the name
Kalorama Avenue on the corner of
which and Columbia Road I have erected
on expensive residence to Yates Street
If I am correct I wish to make an earn
est protest against such change The pres
ent name has been in use for a long time
and a change would produce confusion
of location
Kalorama is an Indian name long
applied to the locality where the avenue
ln question is found of euphonious sound
and well adapted for a long and impor
tant avenue like the one in question con
necting Eighteenth Street and Massachu
setts Avenue On the other hand the
name Tatts Is insignificant and has no
local significance nor historical to my
If the name must be changed though
I know of no good reason for such agi
tation let it be after one cf the States
or Territories not already applied
The second letter is from T A Whlt
tlnjton 2 Quincy Street transmitting an
enclosed petition representing fifteen
heads of family and others residing on
Quincy Street protesting against the pro-
fosed change of the name of that street
o Qulnn Place Sir Whlttington says
that if the change can be prev ented by the
Commissioners the petitioners will be
under lasting obligations
The third letter is an extensive com
munication from Francis SL Cox en
caged in the legal profession at 416 41
Fifth Street and an extensive owner or
Ecklngton real estate who submits his
views regarding the proposed nomencla
ture of streets in sub divisions in the
northeastern and northwestern sections
of the District He says
Being the owner of improved real es
tate at the corner of Fourth and V Streets
northeast In the Eub divlsion known as
Centre Ecklngton I beg leave to submit
very briefly some views I have regarding
the proposed nomenclature of streets as
set forth in the recent report of the As
sistant Computing Engineer
Sly suggestions relate exclusively to
Eub eliv isions in the northeastern and
northwestern sections within the original
alphabet of the city but outside of Hon
da Avenue such as Ecklngton Centre
Kckington and Bioomlngdale and le
Drolt Park and I express the views of
some other property owners of those sub
divisions as well as my own
Florida Avenue which originally form
ed the northeastern boundary of the city
takes a southeasterly direction thus bt
rectlnej a number of the lettered streets in
the northwesterly and northeasterly sec
tions of the city from V btreet north
west to F or O Streets northeast
By the proposed plan of nomenclature
it is proposed to change the names of all
these streets from the crossing or Flori
da Avenue eastward W btreet becoming
Wirt V changing to Vail U to Uhl and
to on The effect of this will unquestion
ably be not only to perpetuate Florida
Avenue as the original boundary or the
city in conflict with the spirit of recent
end contemporary legislation but to cre
ate and Increase rather than reduce con
lunlon In the asccrtainrrent of localities
It will also in the opinion of real estato
men of this section In which 1 fully con
cur tend to Impair the value of real es
tate in these sub divisions and thus oper
ate as an unfair discrimination against
them The fact of being within the origi
nal alphabet of the citv hau been deemed
to be and doubtless is an element of
to property In these favored loca
tions but this fact will no longer be seir
evident after tho proposed nomenclature
has been adopted
It must appear to your honorable
Board upon the merest inspection of the
plan of proposed alteration that there
will be a considerable element of confu
sion and Incongruity to a stranger who
starts out for a drive along that fash
ionable thoroughfare of the northwestern
ection of the city known as Q Street to
find himself suddenly in Quarrel Street
The only explanation that can be given
him is that he has crossed the original
boundary line of u century ago and is now
among what the old Bomans termed the
outside barbarians
I have buen made aware of the fact
through the courtesy of Captain New
comer Assistant Engineer Commissioner
In a pleasant interview I had with him
that It is the hope and expectation of Our
honorable Board ultimately to remove
this incongruity of nomenclature by the
application of the same monosyllabic
names to all the streets of the original
city But this hope and expectation Is
based solely on the further hope and ex
pectation of obtaining the necessary pow
er through the legislation of Congress
and may be long deferred
The practical point of my contention
Is whether it is not better to suspend the
exercise of the authority supposed to be
derived from the act of 1503 in respect of
these sub divisions above referred to
which are already within the original al
phabet of the city until such time as
Congress shall have conferred the au
thority to deal uniformly with the whole
section covered by the original alphabet
Captain Newcomer I thought ap
peared tn our talk to regard this point ns
not without force and 1 hopo Unit your
honorable Board may upon mature con
sideration be convinced of the propriity
of modifying the proposed plan forvthe
present to the extent indicated
J T lettv the Auditor to whom the
matter was referred his reported an ad
verse recommendation upon the claim of
Sirs Amelia A Sparks nee Bliss for
compensation alleged to be due to her
father the late C H Bliss as n street
cleaning contractor for the District In
her letter presenting the claim Sirs
Sparks states that she is under the Im
pression that money is due her father for
work done as street cleaning contractor
She sajs that her father was the first
one to have the contract for cleaning the
streets of Washington somewhere near
the date of 1SG5 cr ISTe
The record show Sir Petty sas
that Sir C II Hllss never held a con
tract under the consolidated govtrnment
ir the District of Columbin nor do I find
my- trace of u contract between him nnd
either of the late corporations of the Dis
trict I do lind however lint he held
the ofiice of Surveor of the lite eor
poratlon of Washington for tie fiscal
venrs ending June 91 ISIS and June 30
143 respectively I also find that he way
paid various sums at different times under
a municipal appropriation for removal of
nuisnnces I find similar entries in con
nection with the uecounts of -William
Korsth and P II Donegan also former
Surveyors of Washington which Indicate
that the service was rendered In con
nection with the surveorshlp and not In
th jenp iclty of contractors
In view of these facts I am of the
opinion that there Is no foundation for
the claim that compensation is due to
the late C H BHs for an uncompleted
contract with the District of Columbia
or either of the corporations which ante
dated the establishment of the present
form of government
Propoanls hae been submitted to the
District CommipMoner for the painting
of the Milts of the basement walls of the
school building at Fifteenth and Rom
dale Streets II Murk ward offers to do
the work for J91 75 and John G Camp
bell the onlv other bidder proposes to
take the contract for 400
The AViiNlilnKtoit IHtectlves Ciiiinc
the Capture nf Kill 1nrrrll
Prompt work on the part of Captain
Boardman and his detectives esterday
resulted in the arrest n Philadelphia of
an alleged diamond thief nnd the recovery
of the stolen property valued at over
10 It was all accomplished within
seven hours niter the robbery is supposed
to have been committed
The man under arrest is Kid Farrell
alias Diamond Dick an alleged tout
n ml wi na fi tllin ar n ml tA nnKITCUP Id
Street Cleaning Informed Commissioner
Illchard Brophv a colored Jockey who
Boss 5esterday that a printed copy I lll4 nn
- - I n haJ befriended the man who is sup
V i y WJ e robbed him of his valuables
veirSt to vuiuvivui t tvbuiaiiuuo iiuiiui
that no foreign matter shall be placed
with the garbage and also that the gar
bage collector can refuse to collect gar
bage under such conditions The regu
lations also provide for the placing of
refuse matter such as mentioned in the
letter of Sir Slorse in separate recepta
cles even from ashes The collector of
ashes takes away this refuse in sacks
and it e etlsposeei of in an entirely dif
ferent manner than the nshes
What action will be taken to enforce
the regulations in view of the complaint
has not yet been determined on by the
Detective Sergeants Home and Flather
have gone to Philadelphia to appear
against Farrell who will later be brought
back to this city in the custody of a
United States marshal
Brophy first met Tarrell about six weeks
ago while the former was riding on tile
race tracks around Cincinnati Farrell
appeared to have plenty of money and
whenever Brophy thought that he had a
winning mount he tipped off the fact
to his new friend After returning to his
home in this city Brophy again found
Farrell about the SUriboro and Brght
wood race tracks Farrell had a toom at
Ninth and P Streets northwest but told
Brophy that he was in hard luck and
for several nights was provided with
sleeping accommodations at the colored
mans home
Triday night It is said Farrell sat
up in a chair all night and early
esterday morning it is charged se
cured the key to a trunk from Bro
phys pocket and opening the trunk se
cured J309 In cash a diamond combination
pin and stud valued at 1275 a charm set
with two diamonds and two bapphlres
valued at JS a ladys solitaire diimond
brooch valued at 1115 a gold hunting case
I watch valued at r50 a gold chain worth
tie and a razor worth J350
Brophy missed his companion when he
awoke about 6 SU oclock this morning and
on looking around discovered his loss He
visited Farrell s room on Ninth btreet
but Farrell had left about ten minutes
The matter was reported to the police
and Detective Reynolds ascertained that
Farrell had bought a ticket at the Pmn
slvania Depot and taken the northbound
9 oclock train Shortly afterward Bro
phy received a message from Farrell who
instructed the messenger to say that a
colored boy gave him the message The
message was to the effect that Farrell
had been arrested by two New York de
tectives and was being taken back to that
city Telephone messages were Immedi
ately sent to the police of Baltimore
Philadelphia and New York and Brophy
accompanied Detective Sergeant Flather
to Baltimore where it was thought
Fnrrell might be found Brophy had in
tended going to Fredericksburg va es
terday to ride in the races there but was
unable to do so
Before leiving the city Detective ber
geant Flather recovered the ladys dia
mond brooch in a pawn shop where It
had been pawned for J35 and took it to
Police Headquarters Brophy told the d
tectives that Farrell had often spoken to
him of a certain house on Josephine Street
in Baltimore and it was believed that
the fugitive might go there When the
train which loft Washington at oclock
cstcrday morning over the Pennsylvania
Kailroad pulled into Pniladelphia It was
boarded bv a detective from that city
who located Farrell and placed him under
arrest When searched at the police sta
tion all of the missing property ws
found upon him and the racts were im
mediately telegraphed to Captain Board
man In this city
Detective Sergeant Home was sent over
to tho Police Court to swear out a war
rant for the man and left the city on the
3 oclock train over the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad for Philadelphia to appear
against Farrell in the preliminary hearing
before the United States commissioner
He was Joined at Baltimore by Detective
Sergeant Fiatner anu uropny wno was
much elated at the prospect of a quick
return of his valuables The detectives
will return to the city tomorrow prob
ably but It may be several days before
the prisoner Is brought back
George Jnckiion Arrested AVIth the
Document on III Icrion
Detective Watson yesterday arrested
George Jackson colored thirty ears old
and locked him up at the Twelfth Street
police station on a charge of promoting
policy In Jacksons possession was found
a complete policy book written in minia
ture figures on tissue paper which was
wrapped Into a little plll shapcd ball and
covered with tinfoil
Detective Watson had been watching
Jackson for several days and yesterday
morning was In tho waiting room of the
Slount Vernon Railroad at Pennsylvania
Avenue nnd Thirteen-and-a-half Street
when Jackson entered Jackson went to
the window and bought a ticket for the
1130 train before he noticed Watson and
as the latter Btarted for him he hurried
to the door and attempted to get away
At the same tlmo he took something
wrapped in tinfoil from between tho sec
ond and third fingers of his right hand
and put it in his mouth When the detec
tive apprehended him he endeavored to
throw away the mysterious article The
detective was too quick for him and se
curing tho tinfoil found wrapped within
the three sheets of tissue paper contain
ing policy numbers Jackson Is said to
be a son of Nettle Jackson who keeps a
cook shop on Thirteen-and-a-half Street
near D btreet northwest It is also said
that he Is a graduate or Howard Univer
The Practice Strictly forbidden lu
the Slain Offices
An order has been Issued by Major Syl
vester prohibiting smoking by members
of the police force and others in the main
offices of the several stationhouses
The practice he says should be con
fined to the sitting rooms and private of
fices for reasons apparent to the force
Women and children and well known
citizens must come to the public offices
which should be free from anything that
would partake of annoanco to them or
cause criticism on their part
i T iT T iT i TnitT
aim or a nocioii
T am just up from a hard spell of the flux
djicnterj hi Mr T A Iinnrr a ell lnon
merchant of Drummond Turn I ud one small
bottle ol Chamberlains Colic ClirUra and
Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without hav
ing a doctor I consider it the best cholera
medicine In the world There is no need of
employing a doctor when this remedy U used
for no doctor can prescribe a Letter medicine
for bowsl complaint In any form ither for
children or adults It never fiiU and Is pleas
ant to take For sale by Henry Evans wholesale
aad retail 921 F Street and all dxugguU
cuther Indication
Fir today and tomorrow light north to north
east wnds
HiKhrt temperature 2 p m
Lowest temperature 10 a m
Fun row
Moon rirs a
Jjttvr tide
Hish tide
5 23 v M I Sun Mis 639 PM
Moon Mts 135 V M
10 11 M and 10 52 P vl
3 5J AM and 111 IM
Lamps lit toilaj
Lamps out tomorrow
7 19 PM
4 31 AM
The 1ntrol WnKn Covers
I The patrol wjon ol the preci ici wo
been attrsetinn a RTeot deal of attention of late
it heme the first of tint uairon to be provided
1 t 1 fa tlin tn
Willi a OtaCh IU1 - iu i ia
tentlon of the department lo simllarlj equip all
of the patrol wagons The purpose i maiitw th
change is to render the vehicle less conspicuous
UamsRf licenses t ere iaurd csterdav to Jam
A Madison Jr and Henrietta K Moulton Minor
E Furr and Mirtls D Thomas James A Carson
William F Rob
son and Annie Laura Ilradley
ertson and Annie Xeal Thomas A ChUn and
Mildred Engle Charlus Llatttrbuck and Mattie
Lee Hifs loth of Laurel Md Arthur It
Doonc and Willie W Fall both of Pine nluff
A XoIIe Iros In tho Inmons Cnse
District Attornet Gould has ordered a nolle
pros to be entered in the eae of Handall Par
sons a local deitUt who was under indictment
charjred with inaklwr a criminal iwiult upon
llessie E Dncker one of Ins patients The al
leged offence was committed In NoemLer lstn
and Dr Parsons was put on trial in Criminal
rvi t Nn 1 fiiiaretnc Court of the Il trlet in
I June lKO Alter a trial lasting several dajs the
i Jurj which hean the failed to iirree as
i to the ruilt r initictnce of the aceuwl nnd he
1 1 1 mm fnrthr t nmlderation of the
mattir At his tr il 1 Parsons testified in his
own defence and emphatically denied the ac
cusation made aKiuvt him bv Miss Uricker
The- Dentil lte rord
The following dtaths in the District of Co
lumbia have been reixirteil to the Health De
partment durin the tuintj fnr hours expiring
at noon vretenlay Janes Holxll lirown jcars
Charles It lloiish B jear Irhn Clements
02 years brae Swavze 50 ears ce Thope 57
ars Henri Miller -ears Darin M Hcidlej
SI vesrB William sth 31 years William II
lancey 21 yetr Marjriirct FMla frMn i
years Lois I nnstron 1 war Louis E hoe
maker 1 yar rdvwnl byl 15 mouths Mich
ael E llcjnolds 5 days
colorings also good which
sold up to 23c per yard at
A Power of Strength From
Our Knit Underwear Dept
Womens White Richelieu
vests low neck no sleeves
taped In neck and arms all I
es each
Another lot of finer quality
on the same order low
neck no sleeves silk taped
neck and nrms we sell you 3 for
A Power of Strength in Dress
Suit Cases
Dress Suit Cases all leather
fitted with heavy bra s lock
straps heavily stitched all
around lapped orners made
over strong steel i
frame In every way
wonn X DOr speclnl
Imitation Alligator Dress Suit
Cases flnlBhea with neuvy
lock steel i frame 0 r p n
bowlders and J Sll
straps for
First fiooor
rf mj J
section 4 Smith
Womens Summers elcrht Union
buna low necK no sleeves and 1 fC
knee lengths these nre reduced 19
Also a special lot of odds and ends
In Womans Fine nibbed Underwear i
all ahaptc but not all sizes every
meni a cnoice article mesa we nave re
duced to
First floor section I Smith Building
Our Domestic Department Is tempo
rarily located second floor front Busy
Corner Building
A Power of Strength From
Our Hosiery Dept
WompnAJFul Seamless Hose dou
ble heels and toes fast C
black and
Per pair
lace effect
per pair
A Power of Strength from our
White Goods Dept
A case of white Victoria Lawn
40 Inches wide nice clean
sheer goods which sold 1 r
for 10 cents per yard J
Fine French Lawn 47 Inches In
width which was sold through
out the entire season at 45c per
yard we shall give our rtTT
riitnniDrc tViu lionfll ff 27
these goods atper i ard
A Power of Strength from Our Linen Department
We place on sale tomorrow one case of 60 Inch Bleached Tabic r p r
Linen extra heavy nrctty Dattems at tho srw ini Tri o nr nor IKt
Also 25 nieces of 70 lneh lerrruin silver Ttlphri ThM nnmnoir
soft finish and weiEhtr desirable oatterns at the sixx Ini nriro or np
yard y
5f pieces of 64 Inch extra heavy full Blenched Irish Table Linen strictly Afi
pure flax 12 choice patterns which are to be sold speelal at per ard TVJ
16 pieces of 72 lnch extra heaw full Kleaehed Trtnh Tnhlo r1nn sntin n 7kl
ish all new designs Imported by us and sold special at per yard J
10 pieces of extra fine heavy double Satin Table Damask ir all the latest SI 10
patterns goods which are worth 1150 per jard selling speclai nt 17
This department Is located first floor Section G Busy Corner Building
A Power of Strength from Our Wash Goods Department
Every J ard of Wash Goods which sold up to 124c per
jard Including satin raye dimities organdies batistes t7 C
and fine lawns In all good patterns and colorings will S
be closed out at w O
Every jard of Wash Poods which sold up to 25c per yard In
cluding Imported dimities English batistes nnd other
novelties representing every conceivable color and op
pattern as well as a beautiful line of black and white lf
effects V4
fvery yard of Imported Brilliants Swiss Hulls Satin Rave
and Corded effects these as well as the popular black r Or
and whites every jard new this season will be sold for X t
the balance of the week at US
Ever jard of the finest Hop Sacking this linen suit
ing we can still give jou in the natural color old rose Cif C
green and never sold for less than 75c per jard
will be closed out for
First floor section B Busy Corner Building
skirt a pretty and entirely new effect
floor section F Busy
stainless tan
stripes Choice
This has been ac
complished within the
period of eight years
a record hich stands
unparalleled in the
history of business
building in Washing
ton These very spe
cial values have been
selected to escort the
last days of August
from the calendar of
Womens Full Seamless Cotton Hose
double soles heels and toes In fast
black plain and ribbed as well as plain
unbleached and bla k with 1 c
Womens Full Regular Made Fast
Black Cotton Hose spliced soles heels
and toes Three pairs for SOc Per pr
Hosiery Dept First floor Section I
Smith Building
A Power of Strength from our
Lining Dept
1 lot of fine Lawn Unlng In
blick nnd colors which can also
be used for dresses which we
sold throughout the en- 7f
tire seaon at 12c per
yard at
An elegant quality of
fast black Percaline
regular 17c value for
AJ -
Lining- Dept First Floor sec
tion G Busy Corner Building
A Power of Strength from Our Womens Waist Department
25 dozen fine White Lawn Waists goods that are Just as fresh
and new ns at the early season trimmed with two rows ot em
broider insertion and cluster of tucks new bishop sleeves TCC
and cuffs and stock collar all neatly tucked every size
Trom 5150 they go at w
We still have a table which represents a line of Sladras and Chambray
A Power of Strength from Our Ready made Suit Dept
Fall of 1301 Walking Skirts
Black English Cheviot Walking Skirts full length five one-quarter-inch
stripes around the flounce with two m A Wf
slue straps in Keeping vvun tne same giving me vn I
Walking Skirts made of Oxford broadcloths and
new in eery particular correct cut and
flare a
one of thi
proper f i Q
very gracefully hanging garment which is A UX
prides of this department for S J
New Falln eight Jackets the very latest cut the very latest
material and the most fashionable shades made and trimmed
in the best possible manner The range of prices Is as follows
798 748 and 498
A new line of Tailor made Suits high class and up-to-date
stvies made of the very newest cloths representing the very
latest shadings the workmanship is of the very 0J O Cf
best and the fit is correct nnd perfect Special f
7 VJ
These in connection with a great many other attractive bar
gains will be found on the second floor Smith Building
Until the end of this month we close at o p m Saturdays
11 x p III
the Finish
Our August Clearance Sale is almost at an end We
have been successful in getting rid of nn immense amount
of goods which was our sole object in this sale and for
the same reason we shall endeavor to make this last vveek
the busiest of all by cutting prices lower than ever
Special bargains in IJedroom Sets
Special bargains in Parlor Sets
Special bargains in Dining Tables
Special bargains in Sideboards
Special bargains in Metal Beds
Special bargains in Refrigerators
Special bargains in Ice Chests
Special bargains in Baby Carriages
Special bargains in Go Carts
Special bai gains in Uousefurnishings
House Herrmann
901903 7th St Cor of I bye bt
Among tie Inter sllo exhibit
at the late Paris Lipusitlon was a
fine display of ltorielc Air Cushion
Truces ot all kind supporters
snd Tarlous appliances for men
women and children from lit
St V which took the high
est award oer all compel tors
American and foreign The Itorick
Air Cushion Truss Company leada
the world To weels trial Two
yttrs guarsnlee Cataloirue and
consultation free 1221 F St N
W uStltJ
UtK u s x JK
i -I I I S--I- I 1 I I I- -I Z I
GMEW lolteSdivs vl
JVV Gcsrsot tst
MaW see to suletare
ffTA ttlnafS fs van vi A t TT Pa
UtWJ AI u mm u
discharged In iittmnuitlon s
irritations or nlccrwluns
of mucous membranes
tlnlauu nnrl TV 111- IKfrin
ItheEmmsChEMICuCo Cvntorpolorkois
or eent In pUIu snipper
ui CAiyivat iirfli ivi
SI 00 or 3 bottlcf Ji7J
Circular sllt w Tn t
By the Koch Lung Cure
J50 Nassau street New sort
And ell B btrest Washington
H I 111 I III IIMII1II I I I l H Mil
Our rebuilding is a
continuation of a suc
cessful past This
chart of items shows
the power of strength
upon which this busi
ness was built Its a
monument made and
constructed of such
materials as honest
methods bona fide
values truthful state
ments efforts to
please prices the low
est and strictly the
same to one and all
A Power
These Values
A Power of Strength From Our
Domestic Dept
1 case of the famous Androscoggin
Bleached Sluslln which everyone
knows the quality and value of we
shall distribute this case by s op
allowing 10 yards to each flT
tomer at per yard
We offer you the finest French
Fcuthcr proof Ticking In fancy pat
tern which we know cannot be
bought or duplicated elsewhere nr
for less than 25c per yard sell- IX
ing this week at
We are closing- out a line of French
Sateens in figured patterns a very
fair assortment of designs Qr
Waists showing a variety of colorings and styles every one or this in
season s construction neat and pretty stripes and figured effects 40
Trom 175 they have gone to rv
10 dozen best quality Black aiercenzea aisis new euriy lau kuuus f
fuilv tucked front nnd back rjerfect fitting and well made sizes 32 to 44 fully UVI
worth J1S0 for U
In the Smith Building second floor
A Power of Strength from Our Trimming Department
We are closing out our entire stock of Fancy Braids and
Guimpes among which are several pieces of high priced
Applique also some striking effects In Persian designs gP
which we sold from SOc to Jl per yard will be offered j
Another lot but of a larger assortment fancy guimpes mr
and Jets also some plain Black Mohair Edges which for v
merlj sold from 25c to 4Sc per yard will be offered at
1 lot of superior quality Pearl Buttons in smoked Pr
white and shaded these are very fine fine high cost llw
and sold from 75c to Jl 50 per dozen will be offered for- w
An odd lot of Fancy Jet and Pearl Buttons in all rtrf
sizes these two are also very fine and have sold from
50c to 75c per dozen will be offered for
An odd lot of Buttons Including jet ivory steel gilt 1 II
etc 1 to 3 dozen on each card we shall offer for
Odds and ends in jet steel rhlnestone and pearl -4 f
Buckles which sold from 25c to 35c each will be offered
This department Is located first floor Section E Busy Cor
ner Building
Mm IluatlnH nenth Not Uue to IIux
linitdK Blow
The autopsy at the morgue yesterday
upon the body of Mlnena Bustln a col
ored worran about forty five years old
revealed the cause of death to be tuber
cular meningilU While at Freedmans
Hospital before death the woman stated
that her husband had Mruck her upon
the head nnd that she had suffered from
the blow ever since It was to settle the
direct cause of death that the autopsy
was made
Tho case attracted considerable atten
tion for a time ns the womans statement
seemed to Indicate assault and possibly
murder The sheriff of Hanover County
Va where the supposed assault was said
to have been committed has Ignored the
telegraphic request of Captain Boardman
that the circumstances be Investigated
Mrs Itustln came to Washington about
two weeks ago with her stepdaughter
Annie and secured a room at Gil New
Hampshire Avenue northwest Last Tues
day she became very 111 and when the
was removed to Treedmans Hospital in
the evening she had relapsed Into un
consciousness The following evening she
nppareatly regained the use of her men
tal facilities and in a lucid interval told
the phvticlan in charge that he had been
hit on the head by her husband After
that she again sank Into a state of coma
and died Thursday morning
The hospitul authorities at once notified
the police oflicl iIb and the Coroner di
rected that the body be removed to the
morgue The detectives learned that
Mrs Bustln was from Old Church PohI
oftlce Hanover County Va nnd that her
husband had never been in this clt Cap
tain Boardman then teleirraphid the facts
in the case to the sheriff of the county
with the request that he immediate ad
vise the Washington authorities ns to
particulars of the affair
Two days have elapsed but nothing
has yet been heard from the sheriff nnd
yesterday nn autopsy was performed upon
the body by Acting Coroner Glazebrook
with the result previously stated It hav
ing thus been bhown that death was not
due to violence but to natural causes the
case was abandoned by the police and the
body delivered to the relatives
Tbf iXJturtjtwiton Timftf
White Ash Kitchen Goal
Have Yo
ZEH 702 iltii St N W
eth and K K W 13th and D S W
11th and D S W
Phone 1254
Superior to Apiol Tansy rennvroyal or StesL
Sura Relief of Pain and Irregulari
ties Peculiar to the Sex
Aplolino Capsules for three months cost SI
Drnjrgist or P O Hoi 2081 Jfew York
12 auart bottles M
lnaton Brewing C famout
fnr Reer Golden Hop Beer lor H Be
Uverisl in unlettered waarons
mEmmxzifimmimmmmmH m
fKt BI u ria mm
avis laiu it wfs v i nr wtw
U Sam BVn in tit Mcala Eau Writ
for proofs ol cures We solicit tho most obetinatai
ca VV hara cured tha worst oases In 13 to 33 dayav
tfiDitslISMi JO lJoai book FHEE KobranchcfBcea
1651 Masonic Tempi Chicago Ill
Gonorrhoea and Urinary Discharges

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