OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, August 25, 1901, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-08-25/ed-1/seq-9/

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I I I III i i M MM I I I
Opening of the Arnilcmj Tomorrotv
The opening of the Academy of Music
tomorrow- nlsht will very lively prove the
most successful In Its lilstorj as an un
usually larjje advance sale of seats ears
witness to the amount of public Interest
that Is felt A new treasurer A V Her
man has presided oer the box office
since last Tuesday and he has been kept
busy night and dabv the calls for seats
The thorough renrjation that has been
glcn the Academy has made It practi
cally new and it is now worthy to rank
with the more pretentious playl rmses
with nspect to beiuty cleanliness and
comfort Tha new management has
thrown a great deal of cnerrjr Into the
work this s immer Ind has added a read
ing table and current literature a free
checking room for hats etc toilet room
attendants and accessories ice water dis
tributors and other conveniences to add
to an audiences comfort
The nrst attraction beginning tomor
row night with the customary matinee
and prices will be TLe Koad to Iluin
which 1 described as a sensational melo
drama that shows the life of the inhab
itant of New Yorks notorious quarter
the Tenderloin it is said there is plen
ty of corned intcrwoen in this play to
keep the spectators happy The scenic
effects in the arious scenes are claimed
to be among the most realistic eer at
tempted In a melodrama Iromincntamong
them are the famous Xew Tork Tombs
showing the escape of one of the inmates
Another realistic picture is an under
ground tunnel with the cable cars in full
operation One of the incidents in con
nection with this scene is the collision of
two cars running at full speed Another
scene presents a badger gme In full
blast showing the workings of this game
The cat selected to present the play here
Is the same that appeared in the original
production and should ghc a good per
KernanV The Innocent Maids
The attraction at Kernans this week
commencing with the matliue tomorro
will be The Innocent Maids burlesque
company under the management of T
W Oinklns who promises a performance
much bptter than the average of its kind
According to the claims of the manage
ment the organization will introduce a
number of excellent audellle perform
ers a large and well dressed chorus and
several comedians whose work should
contribute much to the success of tho
burlesques the opening one of which is
termed A Wooden Woman and the one
which Is used to close the show en
titled A Lottery Ticket
The cllo portion of the bill will be pro
vided bj the Carl Dimmann troupe of
acrobats who appeared at Chases Thea
tre as headllners last season Madden
and Jess Irish comedians Anna Tale and
Rose Carlin vocalists Bartell and Morite
In a new comedy musical act Bennett
and Itich in their popular turn At Camp
In the Philippines and Constance i In
dom who Is said to possess a good voice
which she will display la a number of new
feongs There will be a daily matinee dur
ing the engagement of the Innocent
Maids company at Kernans
The Orcnt Dinmond
The Great White Diamond will be
presented at tho Academy of Music for
the week of September 2 with a special
matinee I abor Day It is a melodrama
of the purest- type differing mainly from
like efforts In that field In preserving the
unity of the play As a spectacle The
Grrnt White Diamond is a novelty Sev
eral sensational happenings enliven the
action There Is the of the heroine
from the Overlard Fiver the Swing
for Life over a chasm and a cave scene
of the most realistic type The sale of
reserved seats will begin tomorrow
There will be many surprised persons
at the Academy of Music when it opens
tomorrow- night They will marvel at the
change that has been wrought within
and without the theatre this summer It
will be difficult for them to recognize any
old feature about It so completely has
it been redecorated and renovated The
plav house has never looked more Inviting
and wholesome Paint soap and water
and muscle have been the magicians that
have transformed dlnginess Into bright
ness and dirtiness Into cleanliness The
marble lobby and stairwavs are milky
white the brass ratlings and rods shin
like mirrors and the woodwork looks
spick and span with white enamel Not
a spot around the theatre has escaped the
hands of the busy cleaners and dirt and
dust seem to have become unknown
quantities The interior of the theatre
has been painted a rich warm color
while the boxes and proscenium arch
have a delicate combination of pink and
lilac that forms a charming frame for the
The ceilings have been made ornate
with lloral designs while a deep dado
encircles the walls The chairs have been
put in more comfortable condition than
ever and there is not a single bad seat
In the house They have been stained
afresh and given a rubbing with prepared
oil The main lobby has been paints a
pure white that Is well set oft by the
gleaming marble floor This part of the
theatre has been- made conspicuously at
tractive in this manner and by the ad
dition also of several banks of ferns
p ilms and flowering plants A checking
room has been built off the lobby and a
new toilet room for gentlemen construct
ed down stairs The toilet and retiring
rooms for ladles have been entirely done
over and rendered more inviting than for
mcrlv Their ventilation has been vastly
improved too A new grand drapery
border a dust border and tormentors
havo been put on the stage and their
colors harmonize- admirably with the
great arch around thorn
1 he front of the Academy has not
missed attention and presents a most
cleanly appearance in eviry respect the
hous seems to hav e been lifted far above
the dead level of the past Architectur
ally it has alwavs been a model play
house without a single scat that docj not
have a clear view of the stage and what
It Tias alwavs lacked In other respects has
now been added The sum total laa beau
tiful theatre that looks as clean as a
Holland housewifes kitchen
It is several years since Washington
has posed as the scene of a play The last
conspicuous instance was The Senator
About the same time Iloyt Introduced the
Capital Into farce In A Texas Steer
Both these plaj s were record breakers In
point of enjoyment and endurance They
are both plajed occasionally to this
Curiously enough the example has not
been followed by others Trom that lime
to this the constant playgoer got the
geography of his drama from all other
cities save ki ashlngton And going be-
Ulna the date or these successes It la
Impossible to remember many pLiys in
which the Capital City figured
This cason however presents an ex
ception Tim Murph has prepared an
elaborate production of a Washington
play by a Washington writer A Capitol
Comedj by Paul Wllstach The come
dian gave the piece a trial while on tour
last spring and Its reception was of such
u character tliat he has felt Justified In
discarding- all other material in favor of
the Wllstach play Ha has surrounded
himself with a carefully prep ireil produc
tion representing characteristl Washing
ton scenes and a company selected with
u view to their fitness for the local tjpes
The play has a rlous plot with on em
broidery of humor the serious and the
lighter moods being balanced In about the
proportion found In dramas like The
Henrietta and The Senator
Mr Murphy and Mr Wllstach spent a
portion of last week In Washington mak
lntr further notes on local color and secur
ing some of the Capitol furniture discard
ed during the present refurnishing of the
chambers The season of A Capitol
Ccmedj will begin early In September
th opening being scheduled for the Olym
pic lheatr St 1 ouls after a week of
trial performances en route from New
The following beautiful talc of how an
unknown actress scaled the heights of
dramatic ambition is well worth the peru
sal of all women who antici
pate Bolmrctrthe stage The utorj comes
to The Times from the management of
I I I H I I i I i i l i I l n I H t I I I I t l IT
Minn ill I I I I i I
II I t I M I
The Lat Appeal a new production that
will soon be seen in this cl
There are many struggling v oung as
pirants for stage honors that may cither
some Inspiration from the following story
of a joung woman Miss Kate Hassett
an actress who last season quite un
known Jumps this season into a hading
role described as great in opportunity In
one of the biggest theatrical productions
o the v ear
When Mr Henry H Harris contracted
to produce this now pit of Mr Ditrich
steln s in Chicago last spring Mr Ditrich
stem Insisted that the whole success or
failure of the play depended upon the
woman who should be engaged to plav
Militta Arendt the leading feminine role
Mr Harris stated that neither money nor
pains should be spared to engage the best
available woman in the profession Cor
respondence was freely indulged in and
the diniculty of securing Just the right
woman soon became apparent It was
then dtcjded upon between the manager
and author actor to hold sort of an open
competition during Mr Dltrlchstelng long
engaiftinert with Are lou a Mason at
Powers- Theatre in Chicago Tips were
acooidingly dropped in New Tork Phila
delphia Utile igu San Francisco and oth
er eilies which soon resulted in hurried
arrivals of e ceited actresses from all the
leading theatrical centres of the country
As soon as thev arrived Mr Dltrichstein
would hand them a couple of scenes fram
the plaj many duplications of which had
been prepared in advance and the stage
at Powers Theatre was kent busy with
their rthearsiugs under the direction of
One dav Jin Henry li Harris who is
to produce The Last Appeal was sit
ting in his olflce in the ffljou Theatre
New York where as manager of Amelia
Bingham he was busilj engaged with
other duties when In tripped a voung
and beautiful woman who announced her
self as a contestant for the role of Mcilt
ta Arerdt Mr Harris said 1 think
there is little chance for you as I have
already sent no fewer than twenty ac
tresses to Chicago and as man more are
trj lug for the part from other cities The
joung lady was persistent and said she
would gladly pay her own fare to Chicago
and undertake all expenses of her stay
there If he would give her a letter of in
troduction to Mr Dltrichstein So im
pressed was Mr Harris by the confidence
and charming personality of the joung
lady that he flnallj give her a letter of
introduction to Mr Dltrichstein Well
In a word she came was seen rehearsed
the part and conquered Mr Dltrichstein
was enthusiastic over the latest appli
cant He Immediately wrote Mr Har
ris that they had secured that rarest
of theatrical treasures- a rent Jlnd bo
satisfied was Mr Dltrichstein that he im
mediately gnve all the other aspirants for
the role their conge and Miss Hassett
was left in undisputed possession of the
manuscript of the leading role in The
Last Appeal
Thus it was that by sheer merit alone
and In competition with some of the best
known leading women or tho country
Miss Hassett won this splendid oppor
tunity for the coming season The part
Is described aj all sorts of
dramatic virtuosity as well as beauty In
an exceptional degree Miss Hassett ar
rives in New Yorlc Wednesday to com
mence rehearsals at the Uarrlck Theatre
and will be seen for the first time in the
role at the Broad Street Theatre Phila
delphia when Mr Dltrlchstelns new
play will be presented for the first time
on any stage the night of September 9
After the production ot the play tn Phila
delphia where It remains for two weeks
The Last Appeal will be presented at
the National Theatre Washington com
mencing September 23 and then Journeys
to the Grand Opera House Chicago
where after an engagement of three
weeks commencing- October li ft goes
DacK to lorn lor an extended run
It will thus be seen that about all the
vourg actress nowadavs needs do to get
a position that will at once make her the
envy of all her acquaintances and at the
same time make her the central figure In
tho beautiful press stories dreamed by
Manager Harris press agent is to pos-
arss a wonurous oeauty De persistent
and above all things keep her shell like
ear close to the ground and listen ror
tips that may be dropped even though
these tips may strike the mother mrth as
far away from home as San Francisco
A Xew York dramatic paper which
makes the boastful claim of being the
authorized organ of the theatrical sjndl
cate prints the following remarkable
statement The theatrical sj ndlcate
has nothing to do with plajs or plajers
but confines Its attention solely to the
management of theatres and the bookings
of first class attractions but the news
papers will continue to go on praising and
blaming them for all things which occur
Irrespective of tho fact that are In no
way an interested party Gathering to
gether the bulk of new plas which ae
produced each season will demonstrate
that they are In the hands of managers
who simply book their routes through
Klaw v Krlancer and who quickly seek
the sjndicatu threatres where they are
sure ot the best class of theatregoers
with the largest profits
The theatrical syndicate Is composed of
Klaw At Frlanger Charles Frohman Al
Ha man Nlion Ac Zimmerman and Rich
jviaw l i rlanger own and manage
jjen uur in -injunction with Joseph
Brooks The Liberty Belles Foxy
Oulller and The Rogers Brothers
Charles Frohman presents John Drew
Annie- Russell William Faversham the
Empire Theatre stock company Maude
Adams kthcl Barrjmore Mrs Carter In
conjunction with David Belasco Virginia
Harned William Gillette William H
Crane Are You a Mason and during
the winter will direct the tours of all of
the visiting English stars Mr Froh
mans brother Daniel manages E II
Sothern Bertha Galland and the stock
company from Daljs Theatre headed by
Hilda Spong Nixon Zimmerman man
ape Trancls Wilson The Messenger
Bov and Miss Bob White- while the
Boston end of the syndicate Rich Har
ris controls the tours of Louis Mann and
Clara Ilpman and that popular Celtic
nightingale Andrew Mack
It will thus be seen that the members
of the syndicate have absolutely nothing
to ilowlth plays orplacrs notwithstand
ing all the absurd rumors to the contrary
rathetlc Indeed Is the fate of the dra
matist Lorlmer Stoddard who made over
In the Palace of the King for Viola
Allens use last J ear and heroically pa
thetic It seems to those who are familiar
with the brave fight he has made against
the assaults of a disease which has rare
ly known a conqueror For some months
past he Ins sought benefit at a sanita
rium at Liberty N Y which locillty
boasts a climate scarcely surpassed in
the East for weik lungs but neither
climate nor medical kIU availed and Sat
urday nsi ne was Drought to the old
Stoddard home In East fifteenth sirwt
N Y to await the end
There seemed a future nf itnnsitii nmm
Isc before the oung dramatist and a le
gion oi irienus win regret tint It may
not bf- permitted him to enjoy the honors
so bravely won
The BIJou Theatre wilt throw open Its
doors September 10 and will have for its
opening attraction the Howard and Em
erson company which lias been one of
the features of theatrical Ufa at the Pan
American Exposition during the rummer
In connection with this show there will
be offered a vaudeville performance ot
much more than ordinary merit The
chief performer will be Charmlon who cn
Jojs an American and foreign reputation
ok one of the most daring and sensational
trapeze artists In the world The act
crowded Koster S Blal s New York mu
sic hall for several months when first
brought to Gotham and her successes
abroad were as pronounced as In ht r na
tive countiy l uira Comstoelc and hei
company an Important feature of
Sfmager Chases vaudeville bills In
the spring will also appear with
tlio Howard and Emerson organ
ization and there will he In
addition such well known performers as
Klilds Harris and Fields tho Johnson
brothers Livingston family 1Krre nnd
Egbert Tho Amerlcus tiuartttte und
Howard an1 Emerson
Manager Sshcslngcr who will be In con-
trc at the Bijou during the season writes
to The Times that John Grciv es w ho will
superintend the work of the stock bur
lesque company that will tenant the Bijou
stage nfter the first week of combination
burlesque is In New York engaging the
members of his companj There will be
forty joung women in the chorus and
each week there will be five or six vaude
ville acts to round out the performance
The of the- management will be
practically tho same as first showed to
Washiigtonians by Mr Greives three sea
sons ago when the Bijou held some of the
largest audiences in Its history An effort
will be made to make the burlesque por
tions of the entertainment bright clean
and clever affairs Tho will be modeled
to a certain extent after the Weber and
Fields productions In New York Besides
the Howard and Kmerson show nnd per
haps The Devils Daughter there will
be no travelings buricsquo organizations
booked at the UIJou during the season
Kjrle Bellew terminated his long jour
nej from Australia to England on Thurs
dav On Saturday last Miss Harriet Tonl
tho dramatist sailed on the Umbrli for
England with the completed manuscript
of A Gentleman of Trance with which
Mr Bellew Is to open his starring
engagement In America Mr Bellew will
not have seen the completed manuscript
of the play until Miss Fords arrival In
London although he Is familiar with the
scenario and the first and second acts
which have been forwarded to him Mr
Bellew Is a diligent student and he Is
naturally anxious to get to work upon his
part which seems to offer greater possi
bilities than an role tendered a romantic
actor In recent jears Miss Ford will re
main in London until tho sailing of the
Servli September 17 on which vessel she
will return to New York
It was Dion Bouclcault who discovered
Kjrle Bellew who was then playing with
an obscure provincial company in Dub
lin where the Irish press universally pro
claimed tho joung actors performance of
George de Lesparre In Boucicaults Led
Astray as remarkable Bouclcault
then at the zenith of power telegraphed
for Mr Bellew to come to London and
placed him at once In the then celebrated
Haymarket compan Within three years
Mr Bellew was plajlng the leading busi
ness In the theatre he had entered as
utility man at 10 10s per week Mn
Bellew plajcd under his Christian name
Harold Kjrle up to tho time ho Joined
Irv lags company- at the Ljceum where
he stajed only two seasons a far more
brilliant opening being offered him as
leading man of Marie LIttons company
at the Imperial Theatre
Mrs Sarah Cowcll Le- Moyne will open
her season with the Charles Henry Melt
zer historic drama The First Duchess
of Marlboro Mr Meltzer has put in
a years labor on the play and in
respects the result has surpassed
all hope and expectation and promises to
prove a revelation both In Its originality
and in the excellence shown in the treat
ment of material
No reader of English history will doubt
the abundance of dramatic material not
only In the character of John Churchill
and the circumstances that environed his
active public- life but will be able also to
appreciate the Judgment ot the dramatist
in giving preference even over England s
military hero to tho wife who was
a greater soldier and statesman than
Marlboro and in the presence of whose
imperious will soldiers and statesmen be
came mere puppets and roj alty Itself
stood tremblingly suppliant Mr Melt
zers play finds its atmosphere In an Im
portant epoch and deals largely with his
toric people and events seldom or never
before portraed on the mimic stage The
conception is described as daring the plot
well wrought and the dialogue and by
play worthy of the theme The First
Duchess of Marlboro will have its Initial
presentation In Atlantic City N J Mon
day September 23
Blanche Walsh will beginher annual
starling tour in Detroit producing at tha
Detroit Opera House September 1G a
dramatization by Jeanetto L Glider ot
S R Crocketts romantic novel Joan
ot the Sword Hand The story Is thrll
lingly romantic with a strong love in
terest and excellent characterization
The title role of Joan which will be as
sumed by Miss Walsh is that of a head
strong fifteenth centurj princess who has
had a husband selected for her by her
father The husband elect is a neighboring
prince Joan has a natural curiosity
to seen her betrothed before the wedding
day so she sallies forth garbed as a aage
and visits incog her noble lover With
womanly Inconsistency she fails in love
with his brother and then the trouble be
gins In the adventures which follow
Joan has recourse several times to her
sword which will call Into play Miss
Walshs well known cleverness as a
fencer The fact that Miss Walsh In a
portion of this play will appear In the
habiliment of a boj will naturally excite
much interest
Miss Walshs company will number
thirty four people and will Include Rob
ert Lowe Errol Dunbar Mason Mitchell
Rajmord Whlttaker R Paton Gibbs
Ellis Rjse Robert Harold Bertram
Brown Frederick Harris Thomas Law
rence Maude Granger und Charlotte
The Roger Brothers began their tour
In John J McNaIIs new vaudeville
farce The Rogers Brothers In Washing
ton at the btar Theatre In Buffalo last
Monday night After a two weeks en
gagement thre it will begin a run at the
Knickerbocker Theatre tn New York
opening Monday cptember 2 the
present production Is the largest and
really the most meritorious In which this
company has et been seen iho com
pany numbers over seventy people vvltn
a chorus of thirty seven Tho principals
are Eugene Jepson Gus A Welnburg
William West Pat Rooney Jr James
Cherry John B Hendricks William
Torpey Hattle Williams Grace Freeman
Emma I rancis jeannetto uagearu rjaiin
fat Clair May Taylor Isora Bayes
Georgia Irving and Elsie Davis
The storv is told In three scenes first
the reception room of the Democratic
Club on Fifth Avenue rew ork re
producing In a most effective waj the
striking features of this- famous club
house second a section of the Botanical
Gardens In Washington with the Capitol
as a background and third the Court of
Fountains at the Pan American Exposi
tion In Buffalo showing the great electric
The piece Is a broadly humorous Ml
on practical politics constructed In a
skeleton form to allow lh Introduction
of a large number of specialties Alfred
Ilarrlinan lows Maude the daughttruf
an old New York politician who objects
to the match Dying he leaves a will
permitting the marrl on condition tint
Hariiman secures his election to Congress
as a Hcsuhlictn in an overwhelmingly
strong Democratic district In New York
City Ilarriman calls Fuller Guile a poli
tician to his aid and he conceives tho
scheme of splitting the Democratic vote
in the district by running two ignorant
Germans Carlos Chaufts and Louis
LaufTs igalnst the regular nominee and
Hanlman Chauffs and Iauffs mike their
first af aearaned as politicians at a la
dies night reception at the Democratic
Club In the scene laid In Washington
the Rogers Brothers appear as contest
ants for the seat in Congress cliimtd by
jiarnman in one ot tncir inimitable
conversations the- tell bow will
conduct thtmslvcs ami what thiy will
do for this courtrywhen thej are seated
in Congnss the storv a ho constructed
that thj movement to Buffalo Is a nat
ural sequence of the events In the second
act and here tire fun continues apace till
tic final discovery tint llarrim in Is en
titled to his election brciuse the Ger
mans have never been naturalized
Several of the musical nuirbers arc not
ably clever inrtlcularlv The Girl of
Greater New York Git Next to the
M in ith a Pull and Ma Lbon Bi lie
In the flrt act Diplomacy and The
WuhHng of tlie Reuben and the M lid in
the cecond and At the Pan Amcric in
Amortcin Ompilgn Criis and My
Iunco Queen in the third
Peter T Dalle and tre company that
will support him In Augustus Thomas
new comedy Champagne Charley be
gan rehearsals at the Mudlsnn Squ ire
Theatre Inst Monday under the direction
of the nuthor The new pUce will be pre
sented In three acts T13 scene of the
first act Is the verinda of a summer hotil
at Shelter Island the cond the recep
tion room In the Fit raid Squnru Theatre
New York and the third the restaurant
of tl e Grind Tnlon Hotel 1J C0 a in The
characteis are Charles Carey a wine
agentr Admiril Drlavan F S N retired
Will A AlcConnell n thentiital
John Mal o a bandmaster Stetson Hall
a merchant Mr Gibbons a lawyer
Adolph Kritter anil Charli j Bostwick
musicians Sand Edwards a small
bo JVrothj Williams the admirals
nlecer Nelll Markn Msrtns wife Faj
Eduards u wldew Mrs Gibboi s a
writer and a matineo girl
Christie McDonald will plaj Dorothy
the admiral s niece She and Mr Dulley
as the wine agent will carry both comedy
and sentimental interest
Mmo Lillian Ulanvclt the concert
singer who has spent the summer In tha
woods of Maine 6ais for Europe early
In September Hert concert tour abroad
begins In Dusseldorf Germany October
16 She will sing in Germany and Groat
Britain till December SI January 1 she
will sail for America and remain here till
the following April when she will again
go to Europe
Speaking of returning- to opera Mmo
Blauvelt sajs the temptations to do so
the past three jcars have been very many
but she Ins resisted them all as sho pre
fers tho freedom of tho concert staet In
opera an artiste Is confined to a few cities
each ear while In concert one may travel
the world over Besides this consideration
tho latter field is less fatiguing to tho
uil u anu irturu remunerative Aimc
Blauvelt also announces that In future
she will bo her own manager In Amerlcv
as sho has been In Europe Sho has noth
ing to complain or in reference to Amer
ican m inagers but believes that with
concert engagements an artiste can do
lietter dealing directly with tho singing
Cldo ritch is fast proving himself one
of the most prolific of American drama
tists and one of the chief attributes of his
plas and one which readily recom
mends itself to theatregoers Is the spice
of novelty which always distinguishes his
productions One ot his latest and best
efforts Is said to be Tile Marriage
Game in which Loula Nethersole will
present Sadie Martinet as a star during
tho coming season apd although little Is
known of the plot the title Is suggestive
of many possibilities In treatment
Tho play has for Its model a strong
Trench work by M Emile Augler which
that author wrote and dedicated to his
life long frierd Melssonlcr the cele
brated artist The Marriage Game is
saidito contain situations of intense dra
matic interest novel and thrilling In their
conception while through the entire play
runs a vein ot ueiigniiui comedy which
Is distinctively characteristic of the au
thors brilliant mind hen Interpreted
by Miss Martlnot and the company which
has been selected to support her The
Marriage Garao should be among the
successes of the new season and much
interest is being manifested ii the pre
miere production which will occur at the
Broad Street Theatre Philadelphia Sep
tember 23
Edwin Arden has been engaged for tho
role oprosite to that plajcd by Miss Mar
tinot Mr Ardens splendid work as
Prince Metternlch in LAlglon last jear
in support of Maude Adams is still re
membered as O 1C Of the most artislfp ere-
ations of the season and his engagement
for tho leading role with Miss Martlnot
will be of local interest In view of his re
cent association with the Lafajette stock
The roles In The Mnrriatre flume nnil
the pi lyers who have been engaged to In
terpret them are as follows Lady
ny aadle Martlnot Duke of Montrose
Ldwln Arden Lord Mafalr Al S Lip
man Lord Carnby Trank S Ivcster Faj
Hawklns Mrs McKee Rankin Duchess
of Montrose Jeffreys Lewis Johnny Big
gins J B Boothx Penelope Mabel
Tills season Paul Gllmoro will be seen
In the leading roln qtLost River Jo
seph Arthurs pastoral melodrama which
was one of the successes In New York
last j ear Mr Gllmore Is a joung ro
mantic actor who Js steadily working his
way to the front having starred In Tne
Musketeers and previously appeared in
many of the plas with which the joung
er Salvini had been Identified When
Henrietta played rer second
New York engagement In Mistress Nell
last season Mn Gllmore was specially en
gaged for the role of King Charles II and
scored a success
Like many other actors Mr Gllmore
has had his share at misfortunes which
seem to overtake members of the profes
sion at one time or anpther While in
Phoenix Ariz last ytar he wa3 shot In
the foot through the accidental dtscharge
of a pistol In the hands of a careless
property man and wns obliged to cancel
bis engagements for the following three
months Close upon this unfortunate oc
currence all ot his effects to the value of
over 0 000 were destroyed by lire
Mr Gllmores capabilities should fit
themselves easily to the leading role In
Lost River which will be under the
direction or Jules Murry who has pur
chased all the accessories of both com
panies which presented the play last year
and will combine them into a single pro
Dan Daly and company began re
hearsals last week
This week will be Francis Wilsons last
In New York In Th Strollers
The garden scene from raust is being
utilized in vaudeville by John Griffith
Charlotte Deine has been re engaged
for E II Sothern s company next season
Samuel Freedman has been engaged as
business manager of Stuart Robsons
Augustus Thomas comedy On the
Quiet will be given in London next
Ada Cell of this city is plang ingenue
roles with the Hopkins stock company of
Odell Williams will be In the cast of
The Auctioneer in support of David
E H Sothern will bo his own stage
director for the production of Richard
Gertrude Coghlan has begun rehearsals
for Vanity Fair under the direction of
John Reed
Anita Austin lato of the Anna Held
companv his been engaged for The Lib
erty Belles -
Grace George begins her season at
Hammersteins Theatre Republic New
York in November
Madame Hermann will play a spec ii
engigcmcnt at the Wlntergartcn Berlin
beginning September L
Primrose cS Dockstaders Minstrels will
continue to entertain lovers of that form
of amusement this season
Ethel Hornlck has been assigned the
role in Mrs Danes Defence which
Jessie Millward originated
It Is stateel that Ada Rehan will appear
In Martha Mortons play The Fascinat
ing Miss Ford next spring
Up to the present time one hundred and
twenty European vaudeville acts havo
been booke d for this country
Adele Block has been engaged to play
the Duchess of Portsmouth in Mistress
Nell with Henrietta Crosman
It Is rumored that Wilton Lacka e will
agiln become a stnrin the fall under the
management of William A Brad
Pecks Bad Boy wMll take the road
this season The etrtrtpany will lie under
the management ot George He ith
Siilnt Sacns will furbish the score for
Victor Husos lurrAves which will
be given at the Theatre Trancaise
Blanche lloman mid her compan will
present a new vatideville sketch called
The Broadwaj Girl In Gay Paree
Richard Strauss has -written a oneMict
opera entitled Foui rmoth which will
hive an enrly production In Dresden
EJgar L Davenportasslsteil b Poll
Steickwell is plalng vaudeville d ites
using a sketch called Oust a Man
Becky Sharpe- has been produced In
London at the Prince of Wales Theatre
with Marie Tempest injthc title role
The Telephone GliJ will take the road
igain this season Gustav Kerkcr has
supplied 3cveril new- musical numbers
M Hide Adams stepfather instituted eli
vnrce proceedings list week against the
acticss mother on the grounds of deser
Eben Hoden has been dramatized by
R E Rose- and relic irsas villi begin Im
mullitcl n M Holland will enact the
title role
Willam Brown Smith his been added
to the east or Clyde Fitch s la The
Mnrrl ige Game In which Sadie Martlnot
will star
Flora Znholle hi been engaged for
The Messenger Boy Miss Zabelle was
-Hen here last iar in the title- role of
Pin To
A ilr imatlzifnn of Vanity Fair under
the title or lie cicy Sharp wjs flven re
cently In London with Annie Hughes in
the- title role
Qulnc Aelams Stwcr i story rf
New England life lies been dn r ltlzcd
arc A 11 Chimbfrljn is i igotlatim for
the rights tu produce It
Robert Iitzsl nmiins has written a book
bearing the t tie Phjsrcal Culture ind
fc elf D feme Can It lis pojsltli thit tlc
liter try bee Is huzzlmr in the pjgillst
nctors vf liltv aril Hint the rt igt Is li
dinger of losing one of itssM Ing UMh
If so the next work from tho joung
author s pen may be looked for In Tho
Art of Acting
Frederick Paulding will be a member
of Mrs LeMoynes companv He will
enact the character role In The First
Duchess of Marlborough
September 2 will see the opening of The
oolng of Prlscllla with Eftie Ellsler as
the star Providence has been selected
for the Initial performance
J M Barrie will come to America next
fall He will berin Washington to witness
his now play In which Charles Frohman
will present Maude Adams
Geoffrey Stein has returned to New
Jerk where ho will direct the rehearsals
of Henrietta Crosmans company Ho
will also enact a prominent role
Seymour Hicks has written a new play
and disposed of It to Charles Frohman
who will give It a holiday production at
the Vaudeville Theatre London
Henry Arthur Jones will visit America
this fall for the purpose of looking after
rai ui ms pnjs wnicn will receive
their first production on this side
AIlco Nielsen will study in Italy for
grand opera She recently slgneel a con
tract fh London with It Russell to ap
pear In Faust and Romeo and Juliet
The new play in which Wagenfalts
Kemper will star Arthur Byron Is called
Petticoats nnd Bavonets The first
duction will be given In Boston In Octo
Vincent Serrano who was seen here as
Lieutenant Denton in Arizona has been
engaged aa lending man with Elsie De
Wolfe when she becomes a star in the
aioujesica is again In America from a
visit to found after an exile of twenty
onojears She has gone to her California
ranch for a brief rest before opening her
Silver Mounted Hnrness which was
recently proeluced by a San Francisco
stock company Is the work of Char
lotte M Thompson a dramatic critic o
that city
Helena Mora the female baritone Is
astonishing the Britishers by- her marvel
ous voice She Is now at the Tlvoll Mu
sic Hall where she receives half a dozen
encores nightly
Arthur Forrest appeared with Daniel
Frohmans stock company In San Fran
cisco last week enacting the role in Lady
Huntworths Experiment formerly play
ed by Jehn Mason
The Casino Girl will Inaugurate Its
season at Scranton September 16 under
the management of Samuel Rork The
musical comedv was recently produced In I
Australia for the first time
The opening buricsquo lo be presentee
by Weber and Fields will he a travestj
on Diplomacy taking for its model
tho Empire Theatre companys produc
tion of the play last spring
The new opera which Leoncavallo has
dedicated to the Emperor of Germany
under the title of Roland will have Its
Initial production at the Roal Opera
House In Berlin In March 1302
N S Northrup last season with Hciry
Miller and now a member ot the Miller
Sin Francisco stock company will have
an important role In Janico Meredith
with Mary Mannerlng this season
Jessie Millward has returned to England
and will Inaugurate her starring tour in
September She will appear through the
English provinces In the leading role of
Clyde Fitchs play The Climbers
Anna Held says that her husband Flor
enz Ziegfeld Jr will build a theatre for
her in Pars and that she will act there
hereafter The forthcemlng American
tour she says will be her final one
Miriam Lawrence who placd Carmc
nita In A Runaway Girl for several
seasons has been engaged by George Etl
wardes tho London manager for the role
of Mrs Bang In The Messenger Boy
Steve Brodies will has been broken aril
his fortune of JS30OO will be shared equal
ly by his son and daughter The former
was disinherited by his father but broke
the will and thi estate will be dlviltd
Margaret Robinson will play Peggy the
leading feminine role in A Brace of
Partridges In support of II Reeves
Smith Miss Rcblnson enacted this role
in the London production of the comedy
A spectacular production of Around
the World in Eighty Das will be pre
sentetl at the Boston Theatre Boston
and It Is probable that Wilton Lackaye
w ill be seen In the- role ot Phineas Fogg
Adeli ia Pattl sang at a benefit given In
Pari3 recently for Madame Marie Lau
rent The famous prima donna was roy
ally received and with M Alvarez gave
tho fourth act from Romeo and Juliet
Kenneth Lee will write a new play for
Auguste Van Biene tho actor celllst He
has Just sailed for London where he will
play the leading character role In Van
Blenes production of The Broken Mel
Harry Corson Clarke who has been
starring In a comedy caned What Did
Tompkins Do has beerr engageel for
one of the principal roles In The Ladies
Paradise at the Metropolitan Opera
Frank Pixley and Gustav Luders com
posers of King Dodo and The Burgo
master are busy In Chicago writing a
new musical comedv on which it is said
the managerv of King Dodo have an
James K Hackett will produce a new
play during hs forthcoming season at
Hallacks Theatre New York The title
has not been divulged but it Is under
stood that the play is by an American
Laura Millard daughter of Harrison
Millard whose music Is familiar to the
public has been engaged for the Tola ot
Dolores In the Western Florodora com
pany She is now in Paris pursuing her
vocal studies
Edmund Audran the composer died In
Paris last week He was best known
through his operas The Mascot and
Olivette but was responsible for many
lesser works and for many brilliant re
ligious c impositions
William Semour who was the stage
director of tho Lafaette stock company
before Edwin Arden assumed the posi
tion has been engaged to direct the re
harsaJs ot Sadie Mnrtinots new play
The Marriage Game
Manager Brady will next season produce
new plas by Clelo Eitcii author of
Lorers Lane and Blair Parker
who wrote Way Down East Their
present successes will continue to be seen
In ever section of the country
Amelia Fields the contralto who was
last heard locally with the Strakosch
Company at Chases has Joined the Lulu
Glaser Company for the production of the
new musical comedy the title ot which
Dolly Varden Is In dispute
Ciptaln Impudence Edwin Milton
Ro le s play has been secureel by an
English manager who will have the piece
rewritten and the principal characters
made Into English and Boer soldiers in
stead ol American and Mexican
Messaline Isidore tie Laras new
opera was recently given at Covent Gar
den England with Calve and Tamagno
In the lending roles The work will be
among those to be offered at the Metro
politan Opera House next winter
Ia Prc sa the much heralded lightning
change artist hailing from Cuba has
returned to his home after meeting with
sent success in New York His inabllity
to master the English language is said
to have been his chief drawback
White Whittlesey is winning succc is in
lemling iulcs with the Alcizir sock com
pan San rrancisco He will be re
numbered for hi excellent portraval of
the o1p of Kinc Charles II in Atli Ite
hai Sweet Neil of Old Drury
I1I Ilanburj and Lily Bnij ton two
KngUfch act res who hive wide rrptiti
tions for btiutj In idditio i ro htstriome
ihllit hive been cnsnsrd hy Bnerbohm
Tree for hU production of Clde Fitch 3
pli Tlit Uist of the Dandles
Nnd l Helron has bteii engraved Dy
Daniel lYohmau to 1 the eccentric
role in Lidy Iltintworths nxnertirent
which was origin Ued b May Kohion
Miss Hefron lttt last week for the Ia
cillc Coat to Join ihe 1rohnxin company
Jennie r ustaee of the Henry Miller
company has been engaged tor tha rrle
of the i rlncess In In the of the
KIiik m supnort 31 viola Aiftu I no
role was origin itfd bv Mareii Van
Drcssir who joins Otis Sklnntr thw sea
1 lie Ivl iw K Erlanger production of
The Sleeping He uity aniF the Peast will
occur at th Hrnadway Theitre Novem
ber II and It Ij expected that Arthur Col
lins maniRcr of the Drury Iano Theatn
Tondnn will come to Arrtrlca for the oc
TrtdcricK Wardes repertoire for the
coring season will Include VirKlniu r
Iror UluV Kinjr I arfr aril Tha
Moiintibink ihe tour will optn In Sep
triTibrrnt Tords Opn House Itiltlmore
ird wil be under the mmaKfemuit of
r Randall
Ko stand Siniaritatne Is a failure
Til ply his win Riven in Rome lh
story deals with the Scriptures and foi
low- them ao clustlv ns to be sacrilegious
llu Christ furrrs tho central figure ami
I m ide to appe rr and offer hlw teach
lnfr The 1 xtin roll of the Samaritan
woman and tho Christ w re emtcted by
Tina dl and Ando rcsptUeI
who did th fir best with the pirta cut
the wort is said to be Impossible- aa a
dramatic offering
Free This
Reading Table
Ice Water
To I lot Attend
ance Etc
Phone Main
B M Ul i 9
Remodeled at Great Expense
New the Cleanest Prettiest and Best
Vent latetl Family Theatre
Opening Tomorrow Night
Special Ftse Attraction
bin John Bridi
Clreato at and only Umcjcle Stair Rider- Tliu
afternoon at 5 This cicmm at 9 Monj B re tun
will ride a across the copimrof thtr stone
Lndffc at Cahm John after which he retum3
to the ffnwnd and perform the thrilling feat
of a urucyele ride duwn a three hundred foot
Ktair Xlmc IIoLand accompanied In Profc
Concert Hand will render afternoon-
4 ml evrninir during the wepk Other at
tractions as irua
Montgomery County Fair
LLST 27 M 2 3v
Tuelijr UeIne ua TUurdJa Irtdjy
iuces nntv du
25G0 I nlnci m show Oramfest Mock
Giuw her Ml IrceiU Reprenti
Silal Tram 12 13 lm lied Tlur Kn
liillND T1I1L 1 Tin 11 t liT II I iwluilin
ailirusifln Round Triv A via electric cj j ail
o ime c xti re vt i co r m
VflmlHslon -I rmiil Mnutl iOc
Take II Strret Caw ilirect to A nencan Fcssud
M YT CIoelmil Viianht 27 an J 2S
Free Vaudeville
Hvptt nislit wcalc iizl 19 by welt knnun artltf
hvery Mr idar lRUl II Ul DWCE lliilo hu
Hawaiian Hare Dance Knilaj i HOUuTI II
Columbia Pleasure Park
Termnuj Catumtila n R
cunnn at
UOUK by Internal
knlle planter or
Ereniigs 815
25 50c
Mats 215
qe All Seats
OC Reserved
Gallery 15c
The Unsurpassed Popular Melodramatic Sensation
ESvH BE k9
Four Acts
Ten Scenes
The Underground Tunnel
The Fajne Moore Badger Game
The Thrilling Car Collision
The Daring Escape from Prison
The Tenderloin Raid
The Hand-to-hand Mid air Conflict
bejts aiouu lie aecurcu uny
Good Re- OCn
served Seat
KVEXITG Lower rioor IlcserT etl 23r nntl i
AFTniUOOX Ill tire Loner Floor Rexertctl
Seats on Sale at Box Office lO A M to lO P M
Main 234 5
Week Commencing
Tomorrow Matinee
Main 234 5
The Innocent Maids
Effervescent Sparkling and New in Ideas I
Introducing for tha First Time in This Country
The Carl Dammann Troupe f
Six Marvelous European Acrobats I
t Two Big Burlesques Full of fiiew and
Catchy Music
Halftvs FnJI fnnrert Rand
3 AH FIjiv and FvpnTner
Fine Salt Wafer Bathing
Amusements for All
Trains Leai District EIn Station 3 30 10 30 1130 a m U 310 515 7C p m
Returning Leave the Beach 2 3 Cr S ana 10 p m
Only 50 Cents Round Trip Children Half Fare
Chesfipeaks Beaofi
Trains Leaie District Iks Statioi
TTcet Dajs 10 30 a ra 2 30 p m 5 CO p m
iTuDiilj 3 S30 10 30 and JIJJ a i 2 30 3W
3 15 aad r 13 p m
Returning Ian thj Beasi
uer t SO 7 and U p m
Sundays 2 S 6 S and 10 p m
Onlv 50c Round Trip
Cclr mMa electric ears bearing red jijnj rns
throuU ta District Use nation without
Way train fGr local staitona leave Ditrict tins
Station week days ill in and iJX pm
Sundays 0 30 a m and 5 13 pnv
ia r Jc O route LGrST 31 IUOf under
auspirw of Capital V Zi ami Caldwell
Corrpanr No V Intforra Kank Iniht3 of
Round trip -20
pi3l excursion trim will Ieare Uuhmron
from 0th st and JUrjIand avir aw Satunhy
nichr uuujt ZU at II 30 p neturoinir
special tram will IrxiTe Eletimowl Monday
utiiirr z at i p ro am sine atninioa -dame
Stn JlacaFcscr leaves at 10 a ra
2 SO btJ GJ U p m Indian lied trp3 CTerx
cTtnHr Sun lays txcepted at 6 p n
Sun Airs It a m iiiSQ and C 30 p m
riCE EOUIYD TTlir J5 Cent
Wines that cool
irslna Ports and Clarctg Oranst Wine
and Uavb etry byrup are especially adapted
fcr summer use Otdj the high grada
here Itico list on application
o nut
rhon Uii
lain Book andTcutimcnijIftnaild FULL CAV n tans ocd bealh The greatest Liver BeguUtir
CM INSTITUTE Ui W 5tX V oc7 Sualt in the ncrld is Warner t S tf Cure Try It today

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