OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, August 30, 1901, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-08-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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Publication Oflce
mm ircrrciiizsrs iiuirxKsc
Snbscrlptton by Mall Ono Year
1 ajlB UMUY
BumjatOmy loo
Monthly by Carrier
MnnMMiEiMo AxususnAY CTzii cent
lloiuno An Sunday Thlrtu jice coil
UimmjaidSumhv Thirty five cents
Washington 1 C
Ore illation tatciiiclit
The clrrulatfon of The Times for the week end
ing August 21 Vl uas as follows
fcundat Vujrttet IS ISSCI
Mends August 13 SS71
Tucsdav ucut 20 39 30J
Vcdnefdar uust II 3a 670
Thursdav uitu t 22 33100
Kridav URiia 23 31240
fcaturday August 24 30
ToUl 255111
Daily aierace Sunday 1S9GI excepted 3J335
e Mrlle Scltlciiciil
A despatch yesterday frorrclndianap
olls stated that Simon Burns Grand
Master Workman of the Knights of La
bor had returned to that city and an
nounced that the plan of arbitration
to settle the steel strike had been re
jected by President Schwab of the
Steel Trust and that there would be no
further effort to secure peace by means
of arbitration or compromise
Such a result was to be expected
Whether their view be well founded or
not there is no doubt that the steel
magnates regard the strike as a failure
and hence are In no mood to make con
cessions There is too much reason for
believing that thej will force the light
ing from thU time on and either com
pel tle strikers to resume work on non
union trust terms or wait patiently
until they can And outside labor enough
to run their plants on a non union
This development will be a rource of
disappointment to thousands of men
identified with labor organizations be
cause if the Steel Trust should succeed
fully in carry irg out Its programme the
Amalgamated Association of Iron
Steel and Tin AVorkers would receive
almost If not quite Its death blow and
that disaster would reflect Itself dan
gerously upon organized labor in gen
eral But whatever may be the Indi
rect effects the truth remains that the
movement has not been intelligently
handled by Fresldent Shaffer His
blunder In calling out the Western
workers who had contracts with their
employers has forfeited confidence on
the partjof many prominent labor lead
ers and of the country
There is a probability that the Joliet
and Bay View Amalgamated people
may return to work and a possibility
that the McKeesport strikers may se
cede from the association and make
sepatate terms with the trust Mean
while tne latter is Increasing non union
production and promises next vek to
Leve a number of plants now idle in op
eration again The consensus of
opinion at Pi tsburg where more is
known 6f th inside conditions than
elsewhere appears to be that the strike
will fall by Its own weight within the
neit two weeks
Tlint Undecided Philippine nc
There Is considerable speculation as
to v hat the decision of the Supreme
Court will be In the Philippine case
which the law officers of the Govern
ment have at all times claimed is ex
actly parallel with the Downes case
In the Philippine case a returned sol
dier brought with him a number of dia
mond rings which were seized by cus
toms officials for the non payment of
duties The question is whether arti
cles coming from the Philippines are
subject to duties as foreign goods
It is in no way remarkable that there
should be a great deal of uncertainty
as to what the action of the court will
be If the case were not distinguished
in some way from those decided at the
last term of the court there Is no ap
parent reason why It should not have
been passed upon along with the others
Courts sometimes do things that are
v holly Inexplicable to outsiders and
particularly to the laity Still It Is a
perfectly obv lous proposition that w hen
several cases are lumped together and
Eubmitted In a batch if they all In
volve exact the same principles they
naturally would all be decided together
Hut the Philippine case was held over
and notwithstanding the Governments
contention that it is the same as the
Downes case we are forced to conclude
that the court is Inclined to differen
tiate It from any of those that were
The division of the court was of such
a character and the reasoning by which
different Justices reached the same con
clusion so varied saying nothing of
the fact that one Justices mental pro
cesses seemed to place him on both
sides of the same question that It is al
together unsafe to attempt to forecast
the probable decision In the Philipplno
case from the conclusions reached in
the others Upon its face the Philippine
case seems more like the De Lima case
than that of Downes In the De Lima
case duties were collected upon mer
chandise Imported from Porto Itlco
prior to any Congressional action on
the subject of revenue The court held
that Porto Itlco became American ter
ritory by the Treaty of Paris and hence
that the duties were Illegal In the
Downes case the duties were collected
under the Foraker Payne tariff and the
court item tnat tne lsianu was neither
strictly foreign nor strictly American
territory but territory over which the
Unlfed States had Jurisdiction that
Congress was not bound by the unifor
mity clause of the Constitution In en
acting a revenue law for the Island
and that the Foraker Payne act was
Pour of the Justices seemed to be of
the opinion that regardless of the spe
cial tariff act Porto Itlco was foreign
territory within the meaning of the
customs laws of the United States for
they held that goods coming from Por
to Hko prior to the enactment of the
Foraker Payne tariff were dutiable as
foreign but after the passage of that
act the duties collected must conform
thereto But Justice Brow n w hose vote
was decisive in both cases held In the
De Lima case that no duties were col
lectible because the Island was Ameri
can territory nnd In the Downes case
the same Justice held that the dutl j
collected under the roraker Payne act
were lawful because the Island was not
American territory The Justice did not
put It In exactly these terms but what
he said amounted to the same thing
It may be entirely clear in Justice
Brow ns mind how certain territory can
iPWiJPPtlWliWWSWPWlllWJl4WIWW mhiiii w
be American before Congress legislates either Justifiable or necessary but there
concerning It and cense to be American j can be no dissent from the view that
just as soon as Congress ennets u law the story of Maximilian and poor Car
wlth reference to It but nobody else lotta is one of the saddest and most
seems capable of underbtanc ing how t touching to be found In the pages of all
such a thing can be Not one of his as
sociates in the court is nble to grasp the
Idea and so far is we have seen no
outside commentator seems to have
tried Those who are opposed to the
later decision have riddled the Idea with
merciless satire while those who want
ed such a Judgment have been quite
content to take it and say nothing with
respect to the reasoning which he of
fers in support of it
But apart from all this If Justice
Brown remains consistent with himself
In either case it would seem that he
must hold that the duties collected w ere
unlawful The Philippines were ceded
to us by tilt Treaty of Paris just as
Porto Rico was and Congress had not
undertaken to legislate for them
Therefore whether the De Lima or the
Dow net case is taken as a precedent
the decision must be adverse to the Gov
ernment It all appears to depend upon
Justice Brown That Is to say if the
case is to be considered parallel with
either of the two upon which we have
been commenting But as before re
marked the court may see something
in the case which distinguishes it from
both If not the failure to decide it
with the others can only be accounted
for upon the supposition that there was
some special reason for holding up the
The rtuu rnlnxtf Arbitration Invt
The grave injury to the general busi
ness of the country and to labor which
has lesulted from the steel strike ren
ders discussion of means to avert such
conllicts between capital and labor not
only timely but almost necessary We
are daily tieated to the theories of doc
trinaires who offer specifics for the
strike and lockout disease and some of
them may be as good as the intentions
that underlie theh postulation but as
a tule they are unconvincing because
they have not been practically tested
It Is not so with the New Zealand
compulsory arbitration system gov
erned by well defined law which has
given such satisfactory results during
the seven years it has been in operation
that neither the employing nor the
ployed class in that British colony
would for a moment think of abolishing
or materially changing It In a letter
to the New York Evening Post Mr
Henry Demarest Lloyd gives some In
teresting Information concerning the
workings of the New Zealand arbitra
tion law for the six jears ending June
30 lflOO He writes
I hare recently received a volume of four hun
dred and seventy oce pages published by the ev
Zealand Government and entitled Auards
Itccoromcndatioiis etc Ma le Lndcr the Indus
trial Conciliation and vrbitration Vet from Aug
ust 1S34 W hen the Act Came into Force to June
30 1900 It slious that during the six years
ct the law in the first of uhich nothing was
done t ao hundred and fire cases hare been before
it triliunals Of these one hundred and six
were initiated before the board of concilia
tion wheh have no power of enforcing
awards and in paly thirty one of tlem were
ths findings accepted seventy five were taken
np to the court of arbitration which lias tho
power of enforcing if needed as it seldom is
and there settled and usuallv the decisions of the
conciliation board were reaffirmed Otnrr cases
to the number ot fifty seven were initiated direct
ly in the arbitration court as the disputants felt
that time ipent in the boards with no euoruna
powers was time v asted Of these one hundred
and sixty -three cases only twelve came up after
ward in applications for enforcement in six
the application cf the HKKriered party for en
forcement was denied but In the others where
the violation of awards was clearly proved tho
court ignoring its perhaps too distant critics
proved that it was entirely practical to enforce
the enforcement
Perhaps a wcrd about tlie compulsion may
dear away a tumbuo bocL o workiiurman
can be brought before these tribunals nor appeal
to them unless lie belongs to a trades union nor
unle s that trades union tuts legally registered
for the purpose of summoning or being summoned
in euch proceed ngs and such worlanzmen can
withdraw their registration and pat out from
under the law If they wih Froployers and em
ployes can keep out of the reach of the arbitra
tion law by the simple device of arranging with
each other not to report to it They can then
strike and lockout to their hearts content if
such war does come from the heart Here is the
compulsion If one part to a labor dispute
wants to arbitrate instead of fighting the other
party if summoned by it must come into court
and arbitrate It is the compulsion ot our civil
courts which guard us with lawsuits instead of
suits of armor vnd under the ew Zealand
law no business man or workingman who does
not like the award is compelled to work They
can stay home or go lulling only if they do
work it must be under the terms of the award
Tlie practical result is that both employers and
employes all over the country have formed un
ions to take advantage of the law they could
withdraw but they do not do so the law is so
popular that its scope is widened every year
and during the past year was amended to include
several classes not before given the privilege of
arbitration such as clerks tram car men and
As we understand It the Idea of
compulsory arbitration supposed to
be included In the New Zealand law has
met with strong opposition from the
labor organizations rather than from
employers In the United States Very
likely this opposition has resulted more
from a misunderstanding of the actual
practice under the law than from any
Inherent objection to the principles em
bodied In it Possibly because they
have felt themselves to be in a forma
tive state and not quite sure of their
ground the great labor unions of this
country have shown a disposition to
avoid the assumption of legal responsi
bility while generally striving to hold
capital to the highest responsibility
This has been illustrated In the avoid
ance of legal Incorporation by the
various national organizations which
If resorted to would give them a stand
ing in court that they do not now pos
sess but which on the other hand
nould bind them In respect of their cor
porate acts
Provisions such as are contained In
the New Zealand Industrial concilia
tion and arbitration act might remove
many labor objections to the plan of
compulsory arbitration As Mr
Lloyd explains in the above statement
arbitration Is not compulsory in the
broad sense in New Zealand Both em
ployers and cmplojes are at liberty to
free themselves from the operation of
the law by agreements to that effect
and under It no man Is compelled to
work unless he so elects The point Is
that once a case has been adjudicated
in the court of arbitration the capital
ist Is bound by its decision and so are
the oiieratlves aifected by it If they
choose- to work It would be hard to
find anything more impartial or equita
ble and the system deserves more ear
nest attention and study than so far
it has tecelved In this country
AuMtrJit mill Mexico
The resumption of diplomatic tela
tions between Austria and Mexico re
cently consummated furnishes an ad
mirable illustration of how time heals
tho ugliest of wounds and soothes the
angriest of human ptssions Many
there are who do not know that since
the execution of Maximilian Austria
and Mexico have been nationally
sneaking strangers having no diplo
matic relations with each other Max
imilian was a brother of Frnnz Josef
nnd the execution of the former deeply
wounded the Kmperor both In his af
fections and ills pride Opinions ma
differ as to whether this execution was
Maximilian was a kindly and well
meanlng man and when In the midst
of our own great civil war Louis Napo
leon determined to set up an Kmpire In
Mexico the Austrian Archduke was se
lected as the first Emperor A sort of
election was held and Maximilian was
Induced to believe that he was actually
the choice of the people for the imperial
station So he probably was of those
who w anted an Empire but as the event
proved these constituted but a small
fraction of the Mexican people From
the very fir t the maintenance of his
authoilty depended almost entirely
upon the French army b which he
was supported
But with the clcse of the American
war the United States asserted the
Monroe Doctrine in a mannei that
amazed the world The French Govern
ment was advised that the longer con
tinuance of its army in Mexico would
be regarded as an act of hostility to the
American Itepuulic and the withdrawal
of the fotce that was sustaining the
power of Maximilian was requested in
terms that could not be misunderstood
Had the language Itself been in the
least ambiguous there was nothing
doubtful in the despatching of Sheri
dan with a powerful army of veterans
to the American side of the Rio Grande
Ambitious though he was Louis Napo
leon felt no Inclination to join Issue
with a million American bayonets
Very reluctantly the French army was
withdrawn and tho fate of Maximilian
was sealed His devoted wife went to
Europe vainly seeking for help in lieu
of that which had been taken away by
the action of Trance But no country
of the Old World was prepared to haz
ard a conflict with the United States
a conflict which could have but one
ending Carlotta failed everywhere In
her efforts her heart broke and her
mind gave way Soon Maximilian was
captured court martialed and shot
He was not executed for his usurpa
tion but for an Indiscreet proclama
tion In which he characterized the
Mexican revolutionists as brigands and
not entitled to be treated as belligerents
in war
The execution opened a diplomatic
gulf betweei Austria and Mexico that
for a third of a century was never
closed But as the years have come
and gone they have had their soften
ing influence Nations cannot afford to
treasure up hatreds forever and It Is
not natural for them to do so Touched
by the hand of still deeper sorrows and
himself standing almost In the shadow
of the grave the Austrian Emperor Is
said to have made the first advance
However this may be the chasm has
been bridged between the two nations
and the representative of the Mexican
Republic has been welcomed to the im
perial Court of the Hapsburgs Thus
passes from view the last political re
minder of the tragedy of Maximilian
which was the Indirect cause of the
downfall of the last great Empire In
France the lonely widowhood of Eu
genie and the death of the Prince Im
perial In the military service of Great
Dr AnelrcvtH on Verocitj
Dr E Benjamin Andrews Chancellor
of the University of Nebraska has been
lecturing on Veracity and giving
voice to arguments which are some
what extraordinary considered from an
ethical point of view He says that de
ception is permissible when tho motive
Is good and that a clergyman has a
perfect right to preach and teach doc
trines which he does not believe He
also defends what he calls the white
lies of society as for example the
message of the society woman that she
Is not at home or the conventional end
ing of a letter Yours truly He
maintains that the latter Is technically
a lie because we do not mean what Is
said and the recipient knows that wc
do not
To take the last argument first the
Justice of Its claim may be doubted Of
course the writer of a letter does not
mean that he belongs body and soul to
his correspondent The pronoun
jours does not mean that in any
other relation unless the context Im
plies It When the lover says I am
yours he Implies that he Is at the ser
vice of his beloved But he may also
say I am your fathers lawyer and
yours without implying anything but
a business relation So Yours truly
becomes a synonym of Yours sincere
ly and conveys simply the idea that
the vvrlter has been sincere in what he
has written
A great deal of breath has been un
necessarily wasted over the conven
tional phrase not at home The
words at home have an acquired
meaning distinct from the literal one
When Mrs Brown says that she Is at
home on Thursdays she does not of
course mean that on the other six days
of the week she is absent At home
in certain connections has come to
mean merely that one is ready to re
ceive visitors and only a very stupid
servant or child would be incapable of
perceiving the distinction If the lady
In question told her servant to tell the
visitor that she had gone to the thea
tre or was out of town when she was
really in the house there would be an
intention to deceive and therefore a lie
and there is practically no emergency
in ordinary life when any such decep
tion is necessary
In stating that deception is excusable
If the motive is good Dr Andrews
opens the door to a most dangerous lib
erty of Judgment Who Is to decide
whether the motive is good or not And
who wants to be deceived with the
best intentions Even a child resents
that sort of thing Deceptions are al
ways likely to be discovered sooner or
later for the act of false representation
is artificial and therefore contrary to
the laws of nature Often the liar Is
not believed even when he thinks he is
About two thirds of his acquaintances
are shaip enough to see that he Is not
telling the truth There seems to be
some sort of mental atmosphere which
surrounds an Insincere person and
arouses doubt In tha minds of those
with whom he comes In contact
One of the most embarrassing situa
tions in life Is the one created by a so
called diplomatic Individual who lies
with the best intentions This diplomat
Is likely to be a woman She has a
neighbor whom she secretly ellsilkes
but to avoid trouble she appears most
friendly The neighbor Instinctively
perceives Insincerity but what can she
do To decline the proffered advances
Is ungrnclou to accept them may be
disastrous There Is trouble In both
directions Nobody can find out what
the diplomat really jralRs because sh
is so careful to applartlccommodatln r
By and by the continual fencing and
misunderstanding create a quarrel
when with frankness and honesty the
neighbors might havp been friendly if
not intimate It Is time that sensible
people should weed this sort
out of their Intercourse
AelultrrutcMl Foch1
There is an intereating display of pure
and adulterated food products at the
Pan American Exosiiion It Is the
work of the Department of Agriculture
and shows the dyes impurities nnd
poisons used by unscrupulous manufac
turers It is likely to arouse the feeling
of the public on the subject nnd may
in future cause the passing of laws to
prevent this sort of thing
But there Is one essential defect In the
exhibit and that is that no clew is
given to the spectator as to the particu
lar brand of food in which the adulter
ations weie found The labels are re
moved from the specimens analyzed so
as not to hurt the feelings of the man
ufacturer The person who sees this
exhibit therefore and Is convinced that
there are dangerous adulterations In
canned goods has no ay of escape but
to refuse to use canned goods at all If
out ot ten samples of canned fruit seven
contain salicylic acid the all important
thing is to discover which three do not
contain the pernicious substance and
this nobody can discover without tak
ing every separate brand to a chemist
and having it analyzed
There is not much doubt that in time
we shall have legislation on this sub
ject and adulteration of canned goods
will be forbidden by law Until recent
years there has been no great need of
such legislation according to the
opinion of the masses of the people be
cause most housewives who were par
ticular about their canned fruit did the
work themselves after the manner of
their mothers But nowadays the can
ning factories are able to supply the
public with fruit and vegetables at les3
than the cost of the materials when the
work Is done at home and the house
wife is saved the trouble and worry of
doing the work herself It Is not neces
sary for the factories to use salicylic
acid and other deleterious things any
more than it was for the old fashioned
housekeeper to do It Their profit
comes from the doing of the work at
wholesale as they do They can buy
sugar fruit and cans at the minimum
price and when tin cans are used the
cost Is next to nothing They can af
ford to give the public good fruit and
vegetables safely put up and out of
such a business they can get all the
profit that a reasonable firm could
want Those whojise pernicious adul
terations do It to save- bother and In
crease their profits beyond the reason
able point For the safety ot the public
this thing should be stopped
Perhaps the easiest way to stop It
would be to make a grocer liable for
selling adulterated goods and send a
food inspector around at intervals to
test his wares There ought so to be
offices where suspicious food could be
analyzed at the request of customers
ii CVC1JT UCU1C1 All - vw u j u
place where his customers could take a
can of peaches oriomatoes and have It
analyzed and that If it were found to
be adulterated with any deleterious
substance he would lie subject to a
fine he would soon be veiy careful
about buying such goods When he
found an honest manufacturer he would
stick to the products of that factory
and he dealer would find it profitable
to be honest
Director General Kosnes in charge of
the Department of Posts in Cuba Is re
ported as saying that the Neely trial will
begin about October 1 If this statement
he verified by events tho people wllj re
joice but they are not inclined to go Into
ecstasies prematurely There are some
things connected with the Cuban postal
scandal that Mr Fosnts may thoroughly
understand but there may be others
that he only thinks he understands Tho
Times Is throwing no obstacles in the
way of the trial of either Ntely or Rath
bore and will welcome both trials when
they come but we Bhall extend no ad
vance welcomes Both men ought to have
been tried many months ago But they
ever will be They may never be tried
at all and if tried may escape on tech
nical quibbles We regard It as in every
way safer to withhold our rejoicing until
a later day
Secretary Root Is lit and has gone to his
home In Southampton Long Island with
out solving the mvstery of the lost Signal
Service despatches Probably their fate
cannot be unraveled If at all until after
Lthe return of General Greely from Mnnila
which will be some time In November
aid by then Sampsons friends hope that
the Court ot Enquiry will have rtported
its findings and dissolved
The latest advices from the Isthmus are
to the effect tliat the patriot party in
Colombia Is rtpldly drawing a net around
Marroquin at Bogota and has forces else
where The Liberal army is reported as
having occupied a strong position not far
from Colon and as having uttacked
Buena Ventura on the Bay of Chocn
with good prospects of taking It As here
tofore noted General Uribe Uribes lines
are dally approaching closer to the capi
tal the cirly fall of which Is freely pre
dicted at Colon and Panama
Queen Alexandra has onlered a special
volturette to be mad for presentation
to the Dowager Empress of Russia The
car Is to be of elght horsc power and Is
to be of the spider typej finished and fur
nished in a most luxurious maimer
John D Rockefeller jr Is an expert
horseman and Judge of horseflesh He Is
at present Interested in the breeding of
valuable rohs and has also Imported sev
eral from England tb his place at Pocin
tico hills
Austin Dnbson who recently gave up
his olllco as prlnclisil of the fisheries
and harbor department of the Loudon
Board of Trade by his resignation term
inated a public- scrljce of forty -live years
Mr Dobeon x 111 go abroad for several
mouths ami on his return to England
will devote hims if to a life of Samuel
Richardson for which he has collectid
a large store of material
Admiral Sir Edmund Iremantle who
has Just reached the age limit and been
retired from the British navy was in that
servlrrt lonirer than almost any other liv
ing English olllccr Ilei entered It fifty
years ago ana served tnrougn tne isur
mese campaign of 1852
Mr V C Whitneys great pirk In th
Adlronelacks has nctr b en lumbered
He Is setting a good example to forest
owners and also preserving Its value by
rutting off the trees over ten Inches in
diameter leaving all the smaller outs to
In an address recently delivered in Lon
don Mr Asqulth the well known mem
ber of Parliament m ide felicitous use of
English when pleading for betti r linguis
tic culture He took ovenssfon to con
demn the uncouth anil ps udo classical
terminology of tie mn nf science the
tortuous and nebulous phrase s of philoso
phers the pretentious conventionalities
of the art critic and the slipshod slap
elash of the newest school of Journalists
Experiments are at present beirg made
between Berlin nnd Hamburg with a new
rapid tehgrjph rystcm Invented by nn
American Mr Rowland who died re
cently With this system four telegrams
can be sent in bcth directions simultan
eously over tho same wire The Baudot
If graph employed b tween Berlin and
larls works excellently but Is only cap
able of sending two messages simultan
eously in either direction Experiments
with the rapid telegraph system of Pol
lak and Virag will soon be made on the
line between Berlin and Cologre
An exodus of Swiss Mennonltts is be
ginning The creed of the Mennonltes or
old Anabaptists prohibits them from car
rying arms or shedding blood and they
trv by i cry possible means to escape
mlllltary service Sometimes they enter
cne army medical service and the ambu
lance corps A pood number of wealthy
Tanners have sold their property and
gone to America These properties have
been sold for less than half their value
but thr have decided to eml
pate and will soon establish new homes
m some agricultural country on the other
side of the Atlantic
No fewer than twenty three new sub
marines are being built in the French
naval dockyards The orders were sent
out by the Admiralty a few months ago
and twenty of the boats have now been
laid down These are all approximately
of the same type Their displacement Is
6S tons They measure 77 feet between
perpendiculars and 7 feet 5 inches amid
ships The draft of each boat when on
the surface is 7 feet 10 inches aft The
motor Is an electric machine propelling
one screw The speed will not exceed
eight knots Each boat will carry an of
ficer and four men The price of the new
submarines will be considerably less than
that of similar craft already In commis
sion namly 14C00 each as compared
with the previous figures ranging from
20u0 to J32XHJ The three submarines
shortly to bo laid down will each be of
a distinct type and will be constructed on
novel plans drawn by three different engi
neers No particulars regarding the de
signs of these new boats are to be al
lowed to leak out by the French Ad
mlraltv The cost nf eseh will ranee
from 20000 to 7000 When the tw enty -three
boats are completed the French
submarine flotilla will number thirty five
The whole of the official returns of the
census taken throughout France on
March 24 last have now been received and
classified at the Ministry of tho Interior
The figures show a more satisfactory sit
uation than had been expected The total
population of the country was at that
date 3S0U333 as against 3S22S9S In
March J806 The Increase during tlie last
five years was therefore 412364 whereas
In the preceding period of five years from
ISO to 1696 the Increase had been only
The augmentation Is yet more striking
by a comparison between tho ten years
from ISM to 1SSS During that period tho
increase In the population had been but
209072 The Increase which took place in
the following live years from 1S0 to 1901
is therefore more than one third greater
than that ot the previous ten years As
was noted In 1S96 It Is the towns which
show an Increase of population Since 1S3S
the population has Increased In Paris by
14SC04 in Marseilles by 47428 Nice 13833
Havre 11067 Brest 9324 Limoges 7130
70S0 Angers 6634
Nantes 6381 Toulon 6531 Nancy 6315
Nlmes 6045 Tourpolnir 5731 el innes
5 5C0 St Denis 5431 Rennes 5241 and
Cllchy 5 OSS Nevertheless while an in
crease took place In twenty eight depart-
iiieiiu mere was a aeenne In ntty mne
The late Bishop of Oxford was general
ly recognized as a v ery serious man Only
his intimate friends know that he had a
fine sense of humor though some stories
have been told of him which went to In
dicate the fact Many will recollect for
example how he once brought down the
house at an Oxford High School prlze
gl lng by an astonishing antl cllmax He
spoke with solemnity of a book which It
was necessary that every Bishop should
have about him adding It begins with
a B Everybody waited to hear that he
was about to Insist on the value of the
Bible when he suddenly exclaimed Its
Bradshew The new number of the
Church Quarterly Review In an article
on the Bishops iifv and work tells an
other story which we believe the writer
Is correct In thinking Is now printed for
the first time Dr Stubbs was perhaps
able like St Paul to suffer fools gladly
but he could not abide a bore and on one
occasion he relieved his feelings by the
construction of the following epigram at
the expense of tl e wiseacres with whom
he was sitting at a diocesan board
To the letat eest moi of Louis le roi
A taralel case I aHorl
Something like it you see may be said about me
Am I not the Diocesan Cored
The Bishops remark when ho was
translated from Chebter to Oxford has
been more than once reported but not
always correctly What he actually said
was Like Homer 1 lose so much Dy
translation and the point of the saying
i tJf h ay ot course in tne iact mat as nis
cir iu um e - i predecessor Dr Mackarness had a re-
tiring pension Stubbs only enjoyed
portion of the revenue or tne bee
There will shortly be unveiled at
Elabonga a monument to the famous
Russian heroine NadeJda Dourova orob
ably the only woman who bore an officers
commission In arms Her father was a
cavalry captain and sie In 1S05 being
then twenty three years of age enlisted
In a regiment of lancers under the mas
culine name of Sokoloff After a time
her secret leaked out but thes were the
stirring times of the Napoleonic wars
when a good soldier was not to be frown
ed upon for trifles and Sokoloff the
Lancer had proved himself so good a
lancer that he vas sent to St Peters
buig where the Czar Alexander personal
sly rc cognlzeel the masculine assumption
but changed the name to AlexandrofT
and gnvo the young soldier a commission
in a regiment of husaars From that time
forward AlexandrofT saw much hard
service and at the bloody battle of Boro
dino received a severe wound and won
the St Georges Crosa AlexandrofT re
tired In 1817 with the grael of captain
and settling dovn at Elabonga died there
at the patriarchial age ot eighty -three
Ho was buried in the uniform of a
captain of the Lltovsk Dragoons Tlie of
ficers of this regiment havM contributed
liberally to tho monument of their unique
The Russians have always been cele
brated for their courtesy and hopltallty
and a curious example of these attributes
has just occurred In Constantinople Many
years ago some Englih children living
in a house in a prominent position on the
Bosphonis wed to wave to an officer on a
Russian volunteer ship whenever she
passed Gradually other Russian vessels
took it up till eery nival or volunteer
ship made a point on passing the house
of whistling until someone came out and
waved As the children In time grew up
the custom wis dropped until one day the
Russian Ambassador Mr Nelloff sent a
message asking that It might be contin
ued ns all the Russian sailors thought
the welcome brought them good luck and
looked forward to it on arriving or leav
ing the Bospliorus So it begin again the
Russian Amb issador himself being most
particular never to piss the house with
out exchanging the usual salutations
Curiously enough during the m iny
V ears this had gone on the Russians had
never met any of the English fimlly List
week when the Grand Duke Alexander
Mlchilovlch was passing down the Bos
pliorus In the gunboit Toliernomorltz the
captain asked ids permission to whNtle as
usual nnd the grand duke tntcred into
the proceedings waving heartily himself
On finding that none of the officers were
acquainted with the English family he
told them they ought to call and think
them niiel do something- to show how
much they appreciated the welcome Two
or three days afterward a deputation of
officers In uniform arrncd at the house
nnd b gged the Indies to spend a day on
the gunboat When they went they had
a most enjoy able time and were enter
talned in the most royal manner by the
officers nnd their wives In the ward room
the opt tin and his wife being guests also
After dinner the captain made a speech
and referred to the friendly salutes
which he deciired had cheered many a
sailors heart when going out Into the
Black Sea and helind to generate a kind
ly feeling toward the whole English I
M r
Tho Department of Agriculture will soon
Issue a bulletin on the subject of wages
of farm labor In the United States from
1M to ISM inclusive Eleven statistical
Investigations of this subject including
one Jujt completed have been made but
the forthcoming report will be the first
issued since 10
The bulletin refers to the financial
stringency In 1SW as having had a direct
Influence upon wages through several
years and continues
The failure of winter wheat for a sc
ries of years depressed rates In Kentucky
ouio ucnignn Indiana ami Illinois
The Pacific Stntes Washington Oregon
and California are subject to financial
experiences especially related to their
particular products and the conditions in
Alaska and other regions with which they
have direct traffic
The return of public confidence and
the general renewal of individual activlty
ln productive and commercial occupations
ore evidently mainly responsible for ad
vances In the years MS and IsSO Men
Idle for want of work In dull years were
fully occupied In 1S9S and 1S39
Taking Into account tho great changes
that have occurred in the general condi
tions of the country there has been a
marked steadiness of farm wages with
often in the nature of emergency costs
to save results of previous labor espe
cially In former years when hand labor
was the chief dependence
In the United States as a whole
wages per month by the year or season
both without board and with board had
their maximum in 1SC6 and their minimum
In 1S7D For wages per month without
board Maryland Alabama Mississippi
Louisiana Arkansas Iowa and Califor
nia had highest wages In 1S69 South Car
olina and Oregon in 1S73 Texas in 1SS2
Virginia in 1SSS In Florida the rate ot
1SC0 was reached In 1S JS and the culmina
tion was In 1S90 The minimum for Ala
bama Texas and Ohio was in 1S3I for
South Carolina Georgia Mississippi
Louisiana Arkansas Michigan Colorado
Oregon and California In 1SJ3 Wages
per month by the year or season with
board surpassed those of 1SGG In Maine In
1S30 The culmination In Vermont New
Jersey Alabama Arkansas and Georgia
was Ir l63 South Carolina nnd Oregon
1S75 Louisiana and Texas 1SS2 North
Carolina 1SS3 Florida 1W Iowa 1S93
For wages per day in harvest without
board the maximum for the country was
in 1S06 and 1SC9 for which y ears the wages
were the same There was a low rate in
1S75 but the minimum was in 1S34 There
were exceptional Instances The maxi
mum for New Hampshire Vermont
Rhode Island New York Maryland Vir
ginia same in 1873 Florida Tennessee-
Michigan Minnesota Iowa Missouri and
California was in ISO Tho minimum for
New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts
Rhode Island Connecticut New York
New Jersey and Pennsylvania was In 1879
for Florida in 1S83 North Carolina 1890
Delaware 1892 Virginia South Carolina
Georgia Louisiana Michlsran Kansas
Nebraska Colorado Oregon and Califor
nia 1595 Maryland 1838
For wages per day in harvest with
board the maximum for the country was
in 1866 and 1S63 the same for both years
With a low rate for 1879 the minimum
was In 1S9 Exceptional cases were a
maximum in all New England States ex
cept Connecticut in New York West
Virginia Michigan Indiana Wisconsin
Minnesota Iowa and Missouri for 1SGD
only The minimum for each of the New
England States except Connecticut for
New York New Jersey Pennsylvania
Georgia Illinois was In 1879 for Mary
land in ISM for Delaware In 192 for
Virginia Mississippi Arkansas Tennes
see Kentucky same in l9o Minnesota
Iowa Missouri Kansas Nebraska same
in 1S93 and Colorado In 1894 Florida had
tho same minimum In 18S5 as In 1895
Maryland had the same minimum In 189S
as In 195
Wages per day for ordliary farm la-
oor Dotn without Board and with board
The minimum without board
also it 1891 and 1895 Exceptional cases
were a maximum without board In New
Hampshire Vermont same as 1S0G Mas
sachusetts Connecticut North Carolina
Alabama Louisiana Arkansas Missouri
same as 18CKJ in 1869 South Carolina in
1S7L There were minimum rates In Con
necticut and In Florida in 18S2 In North
Carolina same in 1893 South Carolina
Arkansas Tennessee same In 1893 West
Virgin i Ohio Wisconsin same In 1D5
Minnesota Kansas Colorado and Utah
In U94 in Georgia Alabama Mississippi
Louisiana Texas Kentucky Oregon and
California in 1893
Wages per day for ordinary farm la
bor with board were at a maximum in
New Hampshire Connecticut and Dela
ware in 1SC9 in South Carolina In 1875
They were at a minimum in Arkansas
Tennessee same in 1895 Ohio Minnesota
Nebraska and Colorado In 1S9I In Ala
bama Mlssissiprl Louisiana Texas
Kentucky same as 1875 Michigan Utah
uregon anu cauiorma in 189j
It Is reported that President Castro of
Venezuela wants Washington to give him
some friendly advice regarding his trou
ble with Colombia Secretary Hay should
refer Signor Castro to the commander
of one of Uncle Sams warships now due
in the vicinity of Panama bt Paul Pio
neer Press
Uncle Saras receipts from tho sale of
lots in the new town in Oklahoma will
amount to 5700000 The way to make
money In the real estate business is to
grab land bv the square mile from tho
Indians and sell It out by the foot to
farmers Boston Globe
Whatever else It may do the Hanna
boom In Virginia will not be likely to
break the solid South St Louis
Cen Fred Grant says the Filipinos are
quick to see a Joke As tho principle of
joking is surprises considering the sur
prises they have had and those In store
it i re eiy to nao plenty
use for the faculty Philadelphia Times
The Steel Trust may feel more like con
ferring again when It has worked off its
products on the rising market So far
probably It has not lost much Indian
apolis News
An unfortunate fact in that connection
is that Mr Knox stands for the Admin
istration He is placing it before the
country in an exceedingly unfortunate at
titude The probability is he ought nev er
to have been appointed to the position
which he holts He Is recognized as a
fine lawyer and a good felldn but he has
been a corporation attorney for a long
time and that he has been influenced by
tho corporation atmosphere in which he
has lived for so long Is plain enough
Minneapolis Journal
The Sultans first move In the affair
with France closely resembles the studied
policy oi a man wno is stacking up
against four aces with nothing stronger
iiiun a pair oi crey s r nuaueipnia In
Colombias greenbacks arc now worth 4
cents on the dollar The greenback party
Isnt likely to stand much of a show In
Colombia after they get things straight
ened out again Chicago Record Herald
Genera Urlbe Uribe has to take a back
seat while Sidt tn Abdul Hamid makes an
other exhibition of himself Pittsburg
The grandfather clause in the Alabama
constitution will be a great incentive to
thu study of genealogy Memphis Appeal
A despatch from Manila yesterday said
Owing to the heavy rains active opera
tions atilnst the Insurgents in the Island
of Samar have been temporarily suspend
ed Is this iierh ips a belated cablegram
It Is very like the desp itches that came
from Otis tvo years ago and from his
successor last year Isn t the war over
New York World
Pension Commissioner Evans Is not go
ing to resign The report that he was
appeirs to have been merely a case of
the wish father to the thought Boston
As one result of the strike the price of
tin has gone up 3 a box from which it
mny be Inferred that the trust Is able
to regard the present situation with a
greater degree of complacency than either
the public which pays the advance or
the strikers who lose their wages W ith
out the protection of the Dinglev tariff
tlie situation would not be so comfortable
I for the trust Baltimore News
S2 fLr
Mr John D Rockefeller
jr whose en
gagement to MUx Aldrich is quite the
most Interesting topic for societys dis
cussion Just now can offer evidence that
ousht to forever down the superstitious
doctrine that 13 is as unlucky number
The story goes that his rather to find out
whether or not his young son had Inher
ited the financial Instinct offered when
he was a lad at homo on the family estate
near Clevclinrt to give him a penny for
every picket he found out of place on the
farm fencing It was a days walk around
the place but the little felMw -made the
trip earning IS cents His father found
him at dusk In a far off part of the
grounds still on the hunt for misplaced
pickets It is said that the IS cents has
oecn so Judiciously Invested that It has
earned so far llit for the oil kings
Count Boson de Talleyrand Perigord
whose engagement to Miss Helen Morton
daughter or ex VIco President Morton
has Just been announced abroad was at
one time reported to bo affianced to the
Princess Catherine Yourlewskl He is a
well known figure in Parisian society and
is a cousin of Count de Castellane who
married Anna Gould His family la one
of the oldest In France and like his
then the younc man Is noted fur hi
the exception of day wages in harvest dress and wit The Talleyrand
uiiiuiy navo immense estates In Silesia
over which they have fought and wran
gled with the German Government for
years The contest was settled finally in
1W when Emperor William granted the
estate in fief to the French Hue de
who swore allegiance
to Germany before he received the award
of the revenues of the duchy Count Bo
son has always ben his mothers favorite
son She Is enormously wealthy and will
undoubtedly see that her son Is royally
provided for Miss Helen Morton is re
garded by those who know her as the
most attractlvo of Mr Mortons daugh
ters She is very tall and slender a typ
ical American girl much of whose life
ha3 been spent cut of doors She Is re
garded as the best all around athlete In
her set- She Is an expert at golf and ten
nis Is a line whip and a good cross
country rider after tho hounds
Capt J B Anderson and his daughter
Mrs George E Belt left yesterday for a
weeks visit to Buffalo before sailing for
a year of travel abroad
Senator Depew Is visiting Mr and Mrs
McK Twombley at Newport
Miss Mary E Hegarty and Charles J
Eggers of Oakland Md were quietly
married Wednesday afternoon at 1 oclock
at Trinity Church the ceremony being
performed by the Rev Father Cahill S
J assistant pastor The bride is the
daughter Of Mr Dennla Trefrarti
Thlrtyfourth Street and has a large
wc - siteisuiuidiices in cms city me
groom is In business at Oakland lid
After ceremony the couple left for a
Northern trip before going to their future
home at Oakland
Mrs F L Pagenstecher of Brooklyn
N Y has issued cards announcing the
marriage of her daughter Olga to Mr
D Louis Shoemaker of this city After
a trip to the Buffalo Exposition Mr and
Mrs Shoemaker will reside at 153 DeKalb
Avenue Brooklyn
The Junior League Social and Literary
Club of Epworth M E Church South
gave a straw ride Tjesday evening to
Falls Church Vawhere the members
were the guests of Mr and Mrs Veltch
The party was met at Falls Church by a
number of their friends and a pleasant
evening was passed Refreshments were
served shortly after the arrival Among
those who participated In the straw ride
were the Misses Katie Thompson Lena
Brooks Frances Bethune Delia Chaney
NIssle Moore Irene Rodler Gussle Be
thune Vola Chaney Julia Warren Lotta
rtt nnVs Tthol Plnav Qnl Dmlta e
were at their maximum for the country nle Brooks Lillian Glascock and
iii isvi aim ai ineir minimum in isia rine iincitng ana Messrs ciulirorcl wnite
jjictuueu I naiuiu SJaiiiuarc jvouier riamnion xoung
Arthur Paynne S E Gaither Roy
trile A V Gale Lawrence Staubbs Ron-
aid Holmes C Willis Walter Medalry
Edgar Robinson Willie Morton and
Henry T Rodier cf Washington unu tne
Misses Myrtle Veitch Mice Davis and
Katherlne Merry and Messrs Benjamin
Elliott and Doc Wells of TalU Church
the Misses Goldle Elliott Pearl Veltch
and Jennie Hodgson and Messrs John
Seay Will and Frank Mahen Lester
Brunner Remington Jlerry Wilbur Don
aldson Frank llankln Ed Putnam Hen
ry Elliott Man Thorne and A P Boyd
Mrs B R Foey wife of Chief En
gineer B R Foley aud family who have
been spending the summer at Lower Ce
dar Point will return to their home 2431
I Street Sunday
Mr Harry Lehrs bow wow party took
place yesterday afternoon at Ar
Ieigh his place at Newport at
i oclock and all the canine pets belonging-
to the friends and acquaintances of
Mrs Lfhr and of himself were on hand
chaperoned by their respective masters
and mistresses There was a special
table set for the doggies after which
they performed their various tricks and
Mrs T J Spiker and family have gone
to Richmond County Virginia to spend
several weeks
Dr Cf W Scott has gone to Atlantlo
City for a two weeks stay
Commissioner and Mrs Macfarland are
home from a two week3 trip to Maine
They will leave tomorrow for Buffalo
The special ervent or the season at Larch
mom Long Island was the harvest
dance given last night at tho Victoria
Cottagers from all the neighboring re
sorts attended the dance which was a
unique as well as a novel affair Liter
ally speaking the big white and gold
ballroom was transformed Into a barn
and decorated with cornstalks cabbages
pumpkins corn husks red and green pep
pers and other vegetables
The Invitations written In Old English
on corn colored paper requested the wo
men to wear hayseed frocks and each
Reuben to appear In jeans They did
it so thoroughly- that It seemed as If ev
ery gold brick victim in the country hod
found his way to the barn accompanied
by an eenialiy green and guileless partner
Mrs James E Burroughs and son Mas
ter Frank Wyman accompanied by Mr
and Mrs McCabe left the city Wednes
ray for Colonial Beach where they will
spend two weeks
Mr Alger the ex Secretary of War
Is about the publish a book relating
to the war with Spain In which he will
defend his administration of the War
Department and give his version or the
various controversies In which he was
engaged If the rule which the Acting
Secretary of tho Navy enforced upon
Rear Admiral Evans thit naval officers
may not speak disrespectfully of a for
mer Secretary applies equally In the
army Mr Alger will have It all his own
way He can attack the officers who
served under his misused authority but
they will be forbidden to reply It may
be said however that reply from them
will not be necessary The country has
already formed Its opinion of Mr Alger
and the worst that anybody could do for
him would be what he Is now doing for
himself to bring him again Into public
notice Philadelphia Times
President icKinley 13 expected to re
turn to WashSton early in September
There are many loose end3 requiring at
tention Unless a diversion can be ef
fected by the roundabout method of reci
procity treaties there will be a serious ef
fort to revise the Dlngley tariff The
President will Insist upon reciprocity
but there are many moderate and old
fashloneel protectionists In his party who
nre convinced of the propriety of moder
ating tariff rates especially on trust
products It will need all the political
skill or which Mr McKlnley Is a con
fessed master to keep Congress from
breaking away from control when th
lnevitnble tariff discussions shall bo be
gun -Philadelphia Record
r 3 asHfeagewai

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