y Qhv lOadirington QTimrf TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 190L Publication Offcc the urrrciztxs IVX8VAMA AVEACK Subscription by Mnll One Tcnr BICBMMl VEMNOAMlSUNUlY SO CO MOUM U AMI bLMIAT 00 I VKXlNtf AND UADAT 00 BcsuayOnly -00 Monthly by Carrier JIOnviNO EvESINU AVI fcOMlAT Hftf Clt JIokmno ad Sumiat Thlrty ficc cents Evuasa amjSundat TliUlulvc cents THE TIMES COMPANY vvasniiaxov n C Circulation Statement The circulation of The Time for the week ended Ufru t 31 1001 was as follows Sundaj Urut 25 1CM Monday August 20 39 011 TureiUjr vu ust Z 39100 Wednevlaj ufinst 53 33SW Thunday Augut 29 OSHO Friday urtt 30 33 ra Saturday August 31 - 33S0I Total 2J3078 Daily average Sunday 182S excepted SOtfts Steel Strike Development The important development yesterday In the steel strike was tl e failure of the strikers to tie up the Duiuesne mill This was a great disappointment to them i specially as success in this pro ject might have to some etent offset the depressing effect of the onslaught made by ex Vice President Illckey of the Amalgamated Association upon President Shaffer at Biy View Sunday Mr Illckey is one of the Milwaukee workers wlro last week visited Pitts burg and the Eastern strike region gen erally to study the situition and the prospects of the movement At a re sult of his Investigations he accused Shaffer of doctoring the Amalgamated constitution and sending broadcast al leged copies from which were carefully Eliminated the provisions making it in cumbent upon the lodges to vote sepa rately upon a proposition to strike Mr Illckey denounced the whole business as a failure since as he asserted per cent of the mills were working and he declared that Shaffer had not only made a fiasco of the strike but had done Irreparable injury to the Amalgamated Association Perhaps this development is more Im portant than anj which have preceded it In showing the extent to which In ternal dissensions are contributing to a general break up among the strikers As late as yesterday President Burns of the Glass Workers Union was still endeavoring to Induce President Schwab of the United States Steel Company to consider some basis of set tlement which should save the face of the Amalgamated Association but It Is hardly probable that he will be able to accomplish any thing of a practical nature Messrs Morgan and Schwab are safd be firm in their determina tion not io treat with the strikers or their representatives until the men have byn ordered back to work and on no acount to recognize tine Amalga mated Association in any way again unless It shall procure a charter and thtas place itself in a position of legal responsibility for Us acts and engage rrents How the situation may appear today It Is impossible to say but yes terday the indications seemed to be that the strike would reach its end within ten dajs Ignorance of Pnlltlcn Rconomy That Georgia clergvma 01s said to bav e Just returned frqrhairope con certed from the free silver idea by the discovery that our money In Europe Is at a premium while Italian money is not and who has also reached the con clusion that we must have a tariff be cause wages are higher in this country than they are in Europe would do well to keep his Tellgion unmixed w ith polit ical economy If these wise conclu sions are to be taken as indicating the breadth and grasp of his mind and his knowledge of the subjects referred to before he went to Euiope we are left In very grave doubts as to the value of his theological teachings There Is much In political economy that is subtle and complex and knowledge of the great fundamental principles does not come to man intuitively It is acquired in the first place by close thinkers from a careful study of ob served and admitted facts After cne has become more or less familiar wits these principles from a study of the standard text books Tie Is still quite likely to go astray in his attempt to apply them to soma particular subject matter unless he Is also familiar with the facts which go to make up the sub ject matter and to obtain an accurate knowledge of thesf may Itself require long and laborious study There are In deed many points upon which a clergy man or a scholar on almost any other line outside the economic field may confess ignorance and do it with no sense of humiliation But in many cases the Ignorance dls plaved is far and away beond what teems to be excusable There probably are no two facts better known to those who have even made a cursory study of the money and tariff questions than that Italian money has been more tr less depreciated for some years fast and that wages are higher upon an aveiuge In America than In Europe Thej are points that can be easily gathered from the daily paprs by one who reads with any sort of care But this reverend gentleman it appears had to go all the way to Europe In or der to learn them and after he did so if he Is conectly reported his mind is a complete blank as to their real I niflcance The basic contention of the silver men was that the demonetization of sliver in Europe and America had increased the demand for gold and given to It a forced and unjust value the effect be ing to Increase the burden of all debt enriching the creditor and moneyed classes at the expense of all others The premium on gold was the Identi cal thing complained of All through the ng controversy over the coinage of s1 r It was shown that the coun tries which remained upon the Filter baFls and whose monetary systems had not been changed were relatively Epcaklng more prosperous than th gold standard countries The discount upon their silver was to positive ad vantage In international trade Increas ing their exports diminishing their im ports and stimulating their home In dustries And now after the silver question has been practically settled as a political Issue we have a minister of the gospel suddenly converted to the gold standard by the discovery that there is a premium on gold in certain parts of Europe If he were heavily in debt and had nothing but commodities to pay with and found that by reason of tho premium on gold he had to give up more and more of his commodities to get the gold to pay with he would be very likely to change his mind as to the beneficent effects of a premium on the yellow metal Parenthetically it may bo observed in passing tl at the discount on Italian money is ow Ing to the fact that the has never been able to establish and main tain the gold standard Some years ago she made the attempt She bor rowed eighty million dollars and start ed in but the gold slipped away from her again and her paper money went to a discount Any country can have the gold standard that Is rich enough either to buy the gold with commodi ties or to keep borrowing gold when ever necessary But poor countries can do neither Depreciated money is rot the cause of Italy being poor but the monej is depreciated because she has not been ricli enough to force It up to the gold level The remark concerning the tariff Is not quite so bad because the difference In wage rates is an element to be con sidered in dealing with the tariff But it is only a v ery smalt part of the ques tion Few people in the United States have objected to a tariff sufficient to cover the difference in wages Had the tariff never been carried beyond that point there vould not be much of an issue upon the question at this time But the labor which enters into Ameri can manufacturing is a mere fraction of the total cost while the tariffs have been formulated upon the theory that the whole cost was labor Even had such been the case the duties were placed a great deal higher than would have been necessary to equalize condi tions A moderate tariff is still proper and necessary on some things but It is cer tain that notwithstanding the higher rates of wages in this country ve can now compete In many lines with the manufacturers of other countries As to these lines it Is clear that the tariff is not onlj unnecessary but unjust to our own people It enables the great trusts that control the most of these Industries to put prices to the Ameri can consumer away above the inter national level There are many cses In which the American manufacturers have the advantage of their ilvals in machinery in fuel and In raw material advantagesvvhich far more than offset the difierence in wage rates But this Georgia clcigyman returns to the Uni ted States his brain charged with the one idea that wages are higher in this country than in Europe and hence that the tariff is all right No particular Importance is to be at tached to the opinions of this one In dividual and we have only referred to the matter as lllustrativ e of how super ficial Is the knowledge of economies even by many who are well up in ether branches of learning And unfortu nately the old aphorism that a littls learning Is a dangerous thing applies with peculiar force to those who ven ture into the held of political economy for it is a subject that vitally affects all the substantial and material inter ests of mankind Hence It Is danger cis to the man who assumes to know when he is in fact Ignorant and to those who blindly follow his lead Sampson the- Mar Witness If we are to Judge by the most re cent reports from Burke Haven New Hampshire where Sampson is said to be boating fishing driving smoking eating as heartily as he did when he followed the pleasant pastoral pursuit of a sw ineherd In early days and gen erally enjoying himself it will be very dlificult for Crowninshield to make out for him a case either of nervous pros tration or paresis which the depart ment apparently has been trjng to do for several days In the hope of getting him excused from appearance as a witness before the Court of Enquiry If Sampson Is as well as those vho meet dallj at the hotel on Lake Suna pee at which he is staving aver it will be something of a task to wreck his mind and body again within the space of nine davs so that the court and the country may be Induced to accept the contention that it would be both cruel and useless to subject him to cross ex amination But unless he should im prove each shining hour between now and September 12 and go down hill faster than he shot from In front of Santiago Harbor to the horizon Jjst be fore Cervera ran out we are inclined to believe that he will have to face the muslcv Naturally he would prefer to be absent because thar appears to have been and still to be his habit in any crisis but this time the country will not stand it without making no end of a row The American people are very much In earnest about having Sampson ex plain whv he failed to jrnake the least attempt to intercept the Spanish squad ron after being warned at Cape Hai tien Slay 15 1S38 that it was on the point of leaving Curacao for Santiago why when the Signal Service notified him that Cervera was in Santiago Har bor he wasted eleven davs in inaction why when he reached Santiago and found the Colon in the outer harbor and she waited there for four hours and twentj minutes he did not fire at least one pot shot at her and finally why when he had notice on the evening of July 2 that the Spaniards appeared to be actively preparing for a sortie he turned over the command of th licet to his superior officer Commodore Schley hoisted the signal Disregard the movements of the commander-in-chief and scooted for the skyline Nothing could be plainer than that Sampson is the star witness nor that Crowninshield et al will move heaven and earth to keep him off the stand Meantime they are making the Ameri can naval service the laughing block of Europe the rialicocU Anti Trnnt I1I1I It Is intimated that In order to head off Mr Babcoclc and his little bill to deprive the trusts of their tariff pro tection Speaker Henderson may in crease the Republican membership of the Ways and Means Committee from ten to twelve and reduce the Demo cratic representation from seven to five Of course this is only a rumor but we may be sure that there will be no hesitation about resorting to any measure that Is calculated to repress those ingrates within the Republican party who are either forgetful of what the party owes to the trusts or Indif ferent as to tho burden of the obliga tion It is not necessary to make any such change In this committee In order to prevent the House from taking action The Committee on Rules Is the great power in that body and the Speaker controls the committee The Speaker would refuse to iccogntze Mr Babcock or anyone else to call up an anti trust bill and the THE TIMES WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 1901 Committee on would not bring In a special resolution for the consideration of such a meas ure There is no danger of Mr Bib cock being able to get any bill through the House that is calculated to injure the trusts Such a measure might with perfect propriety be entitled a bill to wind up the affairs of the Republican party But the leaders of the party will scarcely be content to prev ent the pas sage of such a measure They do not want one to get out of the Ways and Means Committee If Messrs Babcock and McCall should vote in committee with the seven Democrats to report the measure they would constitute a ma jority the bill would be reported and there it would stand on the House cal endar It Is very seldom that a bill reported from this committee Is not acted upon and to hang this one up would be a most unusual almost an unprecedented thing It would be bad for the Republican party Far better would It be to strangle the bill in committee To do tills though it will not be necessary to increase the Republican membership of the commit tee The end can be reached just the same bythe simple expedient of leav ing Representatives Babcock and Mc Call oft the committee and putting a couple of little Republican chaps In their places who will do Just what they are told to do no more no less Wf do not know- just how the Republicans will handle the proposition but what ever method they adopt it is entirely possible that they may get their fin gers burnt The MrarnRiui Canal There con be no doubt that public in terest is acute in regard to the report that the Walker Canal Commission is to present when the Administration is ready to receive it For some time past there has been an uncomfortable Im pression abroad that the report which as It Is generally understood was strongly In favor of the Nicaragua route both on grounds of economy and feasibility had been rewritten in order to favor the Interests of the Panama Canal syndicateof NewtXork and Lon don the leadimr members of which In this country are close tc and influential with the Administration Such a pub lic impression may do the majority of the commission an injustice We do not know how Rear Admiral Walker now stands on the matter but It Is notorious that his most competent colleagues never have considers J The old de Les seps ditch as a practicable proposition and that uninfluenced bypressure from the White House theyvvould condemn it unmercifully Whaf they may do in current circumstances remains to be seen The New York Journal jesterday claimed authority for saying that the forthcoming report would be in general tenor like the prev ious one and hence would favor the Nicaragua route and the acquisition by this country by means of a long lease of a strip of territory throu rh the States of Nic aragua and Costa Rica which would give the United States complete control of the line of the American waterway We have no mans of knowing how far right the Journal -may be but we arc sorry to say that we have our doubts It may be true that the report will show a saving of twelve million dollars in following the Nicaragua rather than the exploded French line but the fac tor of expense would have little or no weight in determining official action If the trans continental railway magnates who bitterly oppose the American pro ject because they do not want an Inter-oceanic canal but advocate the completion of the de Lesseps ditch because they do not believe It can be made a success wish for a report fav orable to their views It Is probable that they will get what they desire The American people are anxious for an exclusive waterway under our own con trol and feel that it must be had since it w 111 form a part of our national coast line and become a source of danger If liable to be used against us In war witb any foreign Power But the Panama Canal syndicate are thinking of their stupendous deal rather than about the Interests of the nation so it is pretty hard to predict what may happen when the question shall betaken up by Con gress next winter JlneVrlliur Hull There seems to be some difference of orinion between General MacArthur and Representative Hull as to condi tions In the Philippines Mr Hull was quoted recently as saj Ing that forty thousand soldiers will have to be kept there by the United States for some years to come General MacArthur says that forty thousand are needed now but that ho believes the number may be reduced within the next three months This Is a point upon which even the general may be mistaken but as a rule we would be willing to take his Judgment in preference to that of Mr Hull on almost subject connect ed with the islands excepting perhaps the opportunities for mal ng money by getting in on the ground floor with a lumber company It Is a little remark able to say the least that Gener i MacArthur bo long the head of the mil itary government of the Islands should seem to be so much more anxious to give the Filipinos the full benefits of civil government than do so many of the Republican politicians One thing however must be kept in mind General MacArthurs opinion as to what can be done In the way of com pleted pacifying the rillplnos is evi dently based upon tho Idea that they are to be treated In accordanco with a truly American policy If that is done tho work no doubt will be easj But such statesmen as Mr Hull are not lookinz for the establishment of a truly American policy In the Philip pines That Is exactly tho kind of pol icy do not want In their Judg ment the country is one for Americans to exploit and this ll is believed can be accomplished better under a military despotism than with a truly Ameri can civil government established In the archipelago In sucli matters It will naturally take some little time to establish complete order and Americanize the islands tut that only makes It the more impera tive for the Administration to remove every just cause for complaint No single thing will contribute anj where near co much to this end as to throw the protection of the Constitution over the Filipinos let them be assured that they are legally a part of the American people and that their rights as such are as sacredly inviolable as those of any duly organized and recognized Territory of the Union General Mac Arthurs statements aa to the charac ter of those people prove that the course indicated is exactly what the Rules situation requires It should be taken both in Justice to the Filipinos and to the great tax paying public of Ameri ca A RadienI Spelling Ilefnrm Mr D G Porter of Waterbury Conn has the honor of being the most radical reformer who has jet tackled the Job of remodeling English spelling He purposes to change the pronunciation of words so that It will be logical and thn to spell them as they are pro nounced For instance he suggests that since obey Is pronounced as it is obedient should be pronounced obaydient -He would In short in troduce Continental spelling and pro nunciation caning- a ah e ay and Iee 7 Compared with the Job this gentle man will havein convincing the Eng lish speaking people of the world that his si stem is good the twelve labors of Hercules are as nothing There are more children born every year to be taught the present system of English spelling before they are ten than will adopt lis ideas In a lifetime He pro poses not onlyj to jLhange the spelling in the whole of English literature but to change the pronunciation of the English tonsuo in the mouths of hun dreds of millions of people Jle might as well to to change the shape of their ears The time for both sorts of evolu tion Is past He complains that the English lan guage was evolved by common Igno rant people who were not capable of constructing a really fine language It maj be doubted whether the English people were lthe essentials of civili zation very far behind the rest of the world at the time when their language was taking shape but at any rate the experiment of changing their spejeh while It was jet In asomewhat plastic stage -was thoroughly tried The Nor man conquered the country and made Norman French the court language and the medium of polite Intercourse while even the common people had to learn a new hybrid tongue in which French formed a large pert The Nor mans did all that mortal aristocrats could do to wipe out the original Saxon In the meantime the monks were mak ing Latin the medium of learning and a great part of the literature of the time was written In that language With the king on one side and the clergy on the othtr uniting their forces against the Anglo Saxon speech It would seem that that homely and ex pressive tongue would havo to suc cumb It would have done so had it been a mere corrupt patois or the off spring of Ignorant people of limited ideas But it- survived and not only survived but practically crowded out both other languages and Is at the present time the medium of commer cial Intercourse not only In English speaking countries but elsewhere This could not hav e happened had there not been an inherent fitness for the expres sion of human thought in this rugged larguige Even today the Saxon word formost important Ideas stands side by side with that of Latin derivation and Is generally used In preference to It Most of the eccentricities of spelling and conjugation come from the Saxon are worth preserving even If thej do lead to some slight perplexity Af ter all the difficulties of English to a Frenchman are probably no greater than those of French to an English man A story Is current Jn Europe to the ef fect that after his visit to France Czar Nicholas Intends to call a congress of the chiefs of European States to meet at Cop enhagen The object of tho proposed congress Is not given but the lnterra tlonal friction which the two Jastern questions the Morroco question and other matters cf irritation are causing may have a good deal to do with the scheme It is a long time since the Sovereigns of Europe met one another in conclave not since 1S15 If we remember Should Secretary Long return from his holiday before the meeting of the Court of Enquiry it Is said that Admiral Schleys counsel wilL bring the Howison Hackett scandal to his attention In the belief that he will not support the pecu liar and suspicious action of his subordi nate That being tho case it will sur prise us greatlj should Mr Long show up In Wa hington beforo the twelfth Ho is a good dal of a Sampsonlte himself Li Hung Chang Is working the cable to ascertain If there is any sjmpathy with the position of Prince Chun at the chan celleries of Europe outside of Berlin He Is not likely to get much comfort It may be that Chun will return to China rather than face the ordeal of tho expiatory ceremony at tha Kaisers palace but should he do so probably It would bo the T3rjtrr eUUJagnincror Wilhelm Is the kind of man to exact full satisfac tion for the old and any now affront to his country or his dignity Abdul Hamld haa been much Impress ed during the past two or three jears with the Idea that tho Kaiser was his friend and on occasion might bo his backer It Is announced that ho has ap pealed to Emperor Wilhelm to mediate between Turkey and France and has been advised to lose no time In making the best settlement he can with tho Pow er he has offended That Is sensible ad vice and ho is very likely to follow It PERSONAL Henrj C Payne of Wisconsin a leading member of the National Republican Com mittee of the United States is seriously ill with gout at the Frankfort Hotel In Berlin The automobile traveling van which King Leopold of Belgium ordered from Trance some time since Ins been com pleted and will soon be shipped to Bel glum It Is the most elaborate vehicle of the sort ever made and cost In the neighborhood of 30000 Henry Mosler tho artist has Just re turned t othls couhtrj after a stay of nine months in Trance and Italy and has gone to his summer home In the Catskills where he Is working hard Ho intends to take a studio In this city for tho winter Baron Mount Stephen announce a gift of 40000 to tho Presbyterian Church of Scotland the Income to go to ministers In his native district of Aberdeenshire nnd Banffshire Peter Bryant of Holton sajs the Kansas City Journal Is a nephew of the late William Cullen Brjant and last week before a Bryant memorial meeting he delivered an address on his eminent kinsman at Springfield 111 Ills opening sentence had the true K insas swing He said Fifty years of busy life Is a long time to tell much about In the short spaco ot half an hour nnd the audience will pardon me If ns I ricochet over this long stretch of ground I touch only the high places M Gaston Menler tho French choco late king Is very much to the front Just now and It Is a quite new sign of the times In France where manufacturers have rarely plajcd a social role Having built a model worklngmans village he catered the Chamber of Deputies and be came an Intimate friend of M Waldeck Rousseau On dlt he is now about to back up what will hj for Paris a gigantic newspaper enterprise- a paper on the lines of the American dailies FOREIGN TOPICS After all tho fuss that was recently made over the removal of St Edmund king and martjr from Toulouse to Arun del in England It seems that that there Is more than a possible shadow of doubt that the bones broughUback in such hon or are those of King Edmund The legend Is that full 700 j ears ago Louis the Dau phin of France took tho body of St Ed mund to St Sternln In the ancient city of Toulouse where it remained until a few weeks ago The authority for this belief Is found In a volume written by Pierre Caseneuve In 1CJ0 and his authority keems to have beci an Inventory of relics com piled In HS5 which mentions three vosa of marble containing tho bodies of the four crowned martyrs and of St Aymun dus formerly King of England It seems so we are told by skeptics that there Is not a scrap of ev idenco that th body was taken to France by the Dauphin and on the other hand there is much evijence that no such thing ever occurred None of the chroniclers Matthew Paris Roger of VVenilovcr or Walter of HemlnBburKh while telling much of the misdeeds of the French soldiery savs anything of the des ecration of the saints tomb And this shrine was one of the most popular In England the object point of pilgrimages from far and near It Isnt likely that the tomb could havo been robbed of its pre cious hones without some one comment ing on it without indeed its making a sensation which would last for years Furthermore the monks of Bury St Ed munds believed that tho body of their patron rtsted in the church until the monaster was dissolved Jocelln in his chronicle tells how at least on one ocea sioi the loculus was opened and the ab bot touched the head eyes and nose of tho royal saint In a word there Is no evidence of the removal of the saints body and there is evidence of a contin uous belief in its presence in England The chances are that the bones which have been carried from Irance to Eng land ultimately to rest in Westminster Cathedral are those or mat oiner at- lh mund the Archbishop of Canterbury who died In Solsy France and was burled in Pontignj 400 j ears after the Saxon Kins had departed from this life The whole question Is stirring up a vast amount of interest among English haglographers The British soldier Is the chief sufferer by the humanity of his countpman liv ing in ease and plenty at home His generals obeying orders from the War Oftlcc have made It clear to him that Boer property Is sacred Hence he has starved in a land of plenty The eggs and tho chickens the pigs and the milk were left for the commandos of the en emy For months General Ilunule s men hungry and ragged and footsore tramp ed the eastern part of the Orange River Colony and the farms of tho burghers In tho field were as safe from petty thiev ing as- thofarms of Devonshire How honorable said the humanitarian p id he never thought that the enforced se f rcstralnt of Tommy Atkins was respon sible for the terrible sick lists which hafe been such a melancholy feature of tie war He starved to please the sentiment al humanitarian and in too many cases he died for It What did It matter Eng land s reputation for magnanimity was preserved sv en tno enemys sucks w ore rcspecieu It was nt Scnckal half emDty because the burghers were out on commando and the men after a hard days march In which the sight or a tree or a snruo was an event were sent out to collect fuel to cook their meat ration There were plenty of wooden fences and trees in the town but these were not to be taken on pain of Imprisonment A party of Rojnl Mounted ltifles most of them unarmed In their fruitless search for fuel fell Into an ambush and five were shot dead In Senekal Itself British soldiers wandered up and down the streets collecting refuse In their helmets and handkerchiefs the Dutch women grinning and jeering at them from the windows Over and over again when the men have been on short rations a full meal has been ordered for Boer prisoners nnd over and over again the men exhausted and hungrv have had to march on foot while Boer prison ers were beinc conveved by us in British rcarts and wagons On the Swiss Italian frontier at Mas Uanlco last week the custom house of ficials stopped a long procession of forty schoolgirls walking two and two from a semlnaryln the neighborhood Suspicion had been aroused the frequencj with which they crossed tho frontier In their dally walks and on examination It was found that every o le of the schoolgirls was smuggling a quantity of cigars and cigarettes to a total value of 6000 All the poor little girls were put In prison and It Is not certain yet what punishment will be meted out to them It seems that this smuggling had been going on sj stematlcally for a long time The order of the coronation service which will mark the official accession to the British throne of King Edward Is not sanctioned by any act o Parliament and Is purely a creation of the Church which thus Immemorial tradition conse crates the State In the person of the sovereign The Archbishop of Canterbury crowns the King and the Archbishop of York will crown the Queen- The Bishop of Peterborough In his ref erence In his recent charge to the prob able use of Incense at the coronation of the King and Queen seems to have over looked the fact that the Abbey has been fumigated with Incense at previous coro nations before the service the structure of which Is very Interesting The sovereign is vested as a deacon in a dalmatic with a maniple and stole worn deaconwlse mere are special benedic tions of Inanimate objects and more par ticularly of the eucharistlc elements The hoi table Is called throughout in tho rubrics the altar or the holy altar The officiating Drclates not only wear cones but put them on in public as part of tho ceremony Thern nre onlv elcht communicants the sovereign the Archbishop the Dean of Westminster the eplstoller the gospeller tho preacher and the two Bishops who slnir the Litany The English Church uses unction in this service oniy wmen nas come down from the times of Charle magne and Is contained In the Liber Re- galls which was certainly not later than 13S0 In the Prussian rojal family the curious custom exists of selecting some half n dozen deserving j uung couples In July of every year and to have them married in the Garrison Church at Potsdam on the anniversarj of the death of Queen Louise of Prussia Of course careful en quiry Is made into tno character and an tecedents of the joung people Last month the weddings took place at the above named church In the presence of Princess Mnrgarethc daughter of Prince and Princess Trledrich Leopold of Prus sia as eldest urmarrled princess of the Prussian royal family Her royal high ness received a special Invitation to the nuptial ceremonies and afterward shoojfc hands with each of the young brides Be fore the wedding lite was performed the ch to tho Kaiser de livered an address extolling the virtues of Queen Louise and at the close each of the brides received a gift of 112 to pay for her trousseau and a handsome family Bible COSIITUTIL Oil 1IIU COLUMBIVt Of course the best American boat or rather tho one the committee believes to be the best all things considered will be sent to meet the Shamrock IL But Is It to bo tho Constitution or the Columbia Can anyone forecast tho committees choice At this late day with tho cup races near at hand after months of rac ing befycen tho old defender and the new claimant for the honor Is It not strange nnd somewhat disquieting that there Is no settled Indication that our newest yacht creation Is clearly the better boat to meet tho challenger7 Is the Constitution a failure In the preliminary races with the old Columbia she barely won an even share of the honors and yesterday In the first of the official trial races was baten out and out Put It to the average yachtsman of ex perience and he will tell you that the Con stitution is a distinct advance on previous construction the more enthusiastic will say she Is minutes faster over a thlrty mllo course What Is tho matter with her then The crew tho sails or what Popular opinion Is that something Is decidedly wrong with the Constitution well above the water line Will It cost us th cup If she Is the defender and heroic measures are not taken to remedy tho trouble New Vork Herald INFANTRY ARM PROBLEMS When the present small calibre rifles were first Introduced In the army there were many criticisms on vill sides but gradually the critics became silent and the new weapon was accepted without further objection The outer form of tho vnrlous models constructed between 1SS6 and 1SSS Is ma terially different from that of earlier types The addition of a Jacket or mantle for the tube and the attachment of tho magazine however were not conducive to a convenient shape or the rifle al though a more convenient form is much desired by the soldier In the last decade It has been found that the outer Jacket could be dispensed with and the weight thereby considerably re duced at the same time giving the piece a more manageable form Reduction of weight has been the con stant effort of tho manufacturer and in ventor of lato years and it is greatly de sired for service The present models vary In weight from 8 pounds to 3Si pounds the United States weighing 9 25 pounds High authori ties arc of the opinion that it is not ask ing too much of manufacturers to have this weight reduced to 715 pounds and It Is believed that this will be the weight of the Infantry rllle in the near future The objection that this will Increase the shock of recoil too much will not hold as It can be overcome by finding a proper propelling agent The Vetteril gun model of 1S63 SI weighing 1014 pounds had a force of recoil of 12 metre kilograms and did not Incommode the sol dier The Mauser gun model 1S93 weigh ing 87 pounds had a recoil force of but OSS metre kilograms It is only a ques tion of finding a propelling agent which will give a practically constant pressure while the projectile Is in the bore It may be assumed aa quite certain that in the near future the Infantry arm will utilize the force ot recoil to open com press and closo tho breech mechanlbin Untll the proper propelling agent Is found however It will be impossible to construct a suitable Infantry arm of this kind- The question of calibre has also come up again The Spanish American and the South African wars have shown that small arm projectiles of 0236 0 276 and 0203 Inches diameter produce in the ma jority of cases wounds which do not put the wounded out of action even tempo rarily not to speak of Incapacitating them for a war or any considerable dura tion The surgeons of these wars are unani mous in the opinion that these modern projectiles are really as human as was reported when they were first adopted Even as early as the Graeco Turkish war Dr Edmond Lardy reported that our small arm projectiles did not arrest the cavalry at all and the infantry only v ery inadequately And Dr Hildebrandt sur geon In the Royal Prussian Infantry re ported In regard to the South African war More than a third of the wounds unless the projectile strikes a nerve or large vessel which Is rare are so light that the wounded are able to march on and oven to continue to fire while the pain Is scarcely felt In case of horses even when fatally wounded thej can go a considerable distance before breaking down The small calibre of course enables a large number of rounds to be carried but this Is of little advantage If the pro jectile does not kill moreover to give the piece the same life It must be made thicker in the barrel consequently heavi er and so the adantage of the small cal ibre Is neutralized This refers to cali bres below 75 ram as compared with one of t rra Again the 8 millimetre pro jectile with the same muzzle velocity will be superior to tho smaller calibres at long ranges because It will retain a greater energy and will be less affected by air currents acting across the plane of fire It may be possible perhaps to construct guns of very small calibre under 03 Inch which will fulfill all requirements but the present Indications are that the rllle of the future will have at least a 0 315 inch bore and probably greater The question of a practical sight Is at least as Important as that ot calibre The sight should be very simple in construc tion admit of quick and certain adjust ment for every range and of easy super vision by the squad leaders and possess an extended field of view Above all It should admit of quickly catching the tar get which would Indicate1 the open ring sight as the best such for example as Is used In sporting rifles where the same quality of quickly catching the target comes Into play Another requisite Is a simple and reliable range finder since the best sight may prove dead capital with out X Finally there must be an arrange ment to prevent firing too high It Is much less Important to continually raise the balllstlcvpower of a fire arm than It Is to arrange it so that the soldier Is automat ically compelled to fire approximately right This matter has been referred to by many high authorities of late The Belgian Lieutenant dAout says- Give tho soldier as soon as possible a gun which approximately points itself Lieu tenant General Rohne of the Prussian army adds I consider It quite possible to construct a rifle which can be fired only at elevations under 3 or 5 degrees giving a maximum range of 1970 yards and en tirely preventing firing at elevations now possible Of course this Is only for ordi nary use there must also be a special ar rangement to admit of the use of higher angles It is believed that ordinarily no range over 1750 yards will be required and the modern graduations to 2100 yards are of no practical use The bolt and the movable but not de tachable magazine will remain ns they have proved their efficiency The bayonet Is still essential but as It has become a dagger in it3 use It will have a shape to correspond All bands etc will probably be made of aluminum allovs such as magnallum to reduce the weight The small arm of the future will it Is believed weigh about 715 pounds with out bayonet its calibre will be 0 315 to 0 373 inch It will have a bolt block a moveablo but not detachable magazine holding five or six rounds a slmpe ring slsht with an arrangement to prevent firing too high and a pistol grip The plates bands etc will of magnallum or some similar light metal imd the baypnet a four cotnercd dagger This Is the weapon which the modern authorities on tactics would like to see In the hands of the Infantry soldier and bellevi will be ere long POLITICAL COMMENT Admiral Howlson seems to be an ami able old gentleman addicted to loquacity and Incapable of directness In thought or speech Ills mental equipment may be all that Is required of a naval officer of his rank but It would be Inadequate for a justice of the peace Doubtless he would be Impartial If he knew how but his letter does not Indicate that he knows how to think straight or to grasp the essential point of a matter at Issue Phil adelphia North American It looks as If Germany can bo relied upon to stand by Turkey as long as the Sultan has a piastre left In his ammuni tion chest Cleveland Plain Dealer Some people have tried In years past to spread the idea that Germans are lacking in humor This theory the Germans are continually refuting The manner In which they submit to punishment because of lack of respect for their Emperor and his favorites shows conclusively that the Germans will suffer much for a joke and further that they contribute their full share to the gayety of nations Chicago Record Herald After the members of the Chineso depu tatlon agree to bring their heads In con tact with the floor In front of the throne the number of times required the ques tion as to the variety of uniforms which the Kaiser will wear upon that occasion will havo to oe seuieu iiammore neraiu There seems to be some doubt in the average Missouri mind whether United States Senator George G Vest who Is not as young as he used to be would like to succeed himself There Is no doubt at all that there are several Missourians who are more than willing to succeed him Philadelphia Record After sacrificing several lives by having people bitten by mosquitoes infected with yellow fever the doctors profess to believe they have proved their theory This may be comforting to the doctors but the vic tims are not In a position to realize on the value of tho discovery Omaha Bee Mr Schwabs refusal to arbitrate the steel workrs strike matter may bo based upon a strong position but it Is a fact nevertheless that the people of the United States want a settlement or tne striKe and will blame him for delaying Springfield 111 New it V V SOCIETY k In referring to the ItocScfeller AHrlch engagement a writer In a New York Jour nal has this to gay of the oil klr sa fu ture daughter-in-law Notwithstanding her fathers long resi dence in Washington sho has passed most ot her life In Providence where she was born Usually In the winter she goes to Aiken S C The great social jfnnctlans of the Capital seemingly have ho chirm for her although It has been stated thvt Senator Aldrfch has taken a mansion In Washington this winter and will enter tain with Mrs Aldrich and his two daughters Miss Lucy T and M13S Abby as hostesses Heretofore the Aldrlchs have lived at he Arlington Hotel anil have done no enicrtalnlncr as -Mrs AM rich nnd the girls have not -been In Wash ington more than six months all told during the long service of Mr Aldrich In the Senate Miss Aidtlchs fad Is a firm belief in tho higher education of both sexes She is thoroughly In harmony with the educa tional Ideas of the Rockefellers She Is devoted also to church work These fea tures of Miss Aldrich s character in addi tion to her great personal charm must appeal to bcth her future husband and to John D Rockefeller his father whose financial support of the Baptist Church is only equaled by the great gifts he makes to the Chicago University of which he Is virtually tho founder Miss Aldrich Is not particularly fond of outdoor sports although she shares Mr Rockefellers love for horses She much prefers to read a solid work on an educa tional topic than to danc or attend a dinner party Sho is tall graceful and a charming talker Miss Abby Aldrich whoso engagement to Mr John D Rockefeller Jr was an nounced recently has closed her visit to Narragansett and with her father and other members of ihrir family Is on board the yacht Wild Duck In Newport Harbor Miss SopMs M Crandell of M Street left Saturday for Bernhards Bay N T En route she will v Islt New York Brook lyn and other points of Interest In the State Dr W L Masterson left yesterday for the Thousand Islands and adjacent points He will return the latter part of this month Dr D Percy Hlckllng has returned from a six weeks trip to the far West- Mr and Mrs James G Blaine Jrrwho have Just returned from Europe are tho guests of Mrs Blaines parents Rear Ad miral and Mrs Philip Hlchborn at the Hotel Traymore Atlantic City Capt L Mrriam and family TL S A after spending a pleasant vacation at Cape May Point have returned to tho city and are temporarily located at 1221 K Street Miss Harriet A Hosmer and Miss Er nestine S Chambers of Baltimore who have just returned from the Pan-American Lxposltlon are visiting Washington for a few days Mrs Mary E Chapman announces the marriage of her daughter Cora to Mr Paul Gibbons Monk The ceremony was performed jesterday morning by Rev Father Mackin at St Pauls Church V Streets and was attended only by the family Mr nnd Mrs Monk left Immediately for a trip through the South and upon their return will be at home to their friends at 1415 Q Street Mr and Mrs Tom J Landergren and Mrs C C Walter and son left yesterday morning for a visit to the Pan American Exposition and a tour of the Great Lakes They expect to return the latter part of October Miss Nellie Ready taughter of Mr Morris Ready of I Street northeast was one of -eleven j oung ladles who were pro fessed as Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary last Thursday at the con vent Villa Maria at West Chester -Pa Sevtral relatives and friends of Miss Ready -went from this city to wltnesss the oremonies - The marriage of Miss McRoberts to Mr Tunstall will take place this evening at the home of the bride J William Palmer of the War Depart ment has returned from an extended out ing at Atlantic City nnd Cape MayX Paymaster and Mrs Stephen Rand have returned to the city after a visit of sev eral days to President and Mrs McKIn ley at Canton They also spent a few days at the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo- DE3IOIIALIZATIOX IX TUG SAVT The enforced resignation of Secretary Alger and the appointment of a gentle man of sound piofessloral training in his place happily saved the army from the demoralization that has come upon the naval service under the McKlnley Admin istration The navy is doubtless as effi cient as ever but the lowering ot its old standards of manly- honor is far more de plorable than would be a decline in sea manship And this is the result of polit ical favoritism in the service The older officers recognize this The observation attributed to Captain For sy th Is true whether he made it not that the assignment of Captain Sampson ox er the heads of his seniors was the be ginning of evil In the navy It was the first notice to the service that a pull was more Important than achievement The Navy Department took him under its special protection and all Its authori ty woj despotically exerted to push him forward at the expense of the brave man who had done the fighting Injustice was supported by untruth It was made a crime to be a friend of Schley a passport to promotion to truckle to Crowninshield The sory of Corbin and Eagan and Shatt er against Miles and the army was re peated In the navy and the President did not interfere lhe result of all this is shown in the pitiatlo exhibition made by Admiral How lson ills letter is unworxny oi an omcr and a gentlemairT yet the Navy Depart ment praises and flatters him for his sub servient tergiversation His brother of ficers must scorn him How a man ke the brav e Watson feels about all this mis erable lutrlgue has been clearly shown Unckett would like to discipline Watson if he dared as others hav e been eu tor upnoming tne nonor ot tne navy till those who will nut be sycophants are silenced If the Clique who are running the Navy Department with Secretary Long succeed in their plot to condemn Schley there will be an end of all popu lar confidence In the honor of the navy Philadelphia Times MILLIONAIRES UNDER SUSPICION Heretofore our millionaires have been welcome visitors to Europe Their money has been spent lavishly and they have undoubtedly added to the wealth as well as to the gayety of tho nations In the last year or two however they have been regarded with suspicion The balance of trade has been against Europe and the money of the Old World including that which our Croesuses left there has been steadily flowing to The United States When nn American millionaire visits Europe now the people fear that he has come to spy out the land to Introduce a competition in trade which they cannot meet successfully perhaps to buy up their industries and make them a Dart of the Universal Trust with headquarters in the United States From an American point of view this Is enterprise of the most admirable kind From the Europeans nolnt of view It nans Industrial anarchy for the Old World Is It strange that our millionaires should be regarded with sus picion abroad Baltimore Sun THE PE SION ROLLS If alt the fraudulent pensions were Cut off Including all the deserters and bounty jumpers and ninety day men who never went out ot their own States and all the widows who have married other men it is probable that this addition to the pen sion rolls of all who had been real soldiers and had serv ed faithfully through the war would add but little If any to the annual appropriation for pensions And it It adiKd millions more It would be well worth the cost to purge the pension lists of fraud and make them a roll of honor and a place on it a mark of national grati tude and respect 3t Paul Pioneer Press