OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, September 20, 1901, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-09-20/ed-1/seq-8/

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The Busy Corner
El- A F2fil
a BB sea sJs
8 French flannel waists in reseda and lavender trimmed with
black braid sizes 3C and 3S they are the very latest out and lined
throughout in complete assortment sold at 5350 each close at
C all wool flannel tea gowns in blue and black trimmed with
fancy braid and velvet ribbon lined to the waist made extra
full sold for JSO0 for -
Second floor take either elevator
From Our Undermuslin Department
15 Muslin and Cambric Gowns slightly soiled trimmed with lace
embroidery and hemstitching 9Sc quality reduced to-
1 lot of Muslin and Cambric Drawers slightly soiled trimmed with
embroidery lace and hemstitched odd sizes CSc quality for
1 lot of Childrms Short Skirts made with waists finished with
three fine tucks and edged with lace close at
1 lot of Mull Caps slightly mussed trimmed with
hL mstltehlng and baby ribbon were 75c and 9Sc for
tucks Val lace
S French Flannel Dressing Sacques made tight fitting with deeep pointed
collar trimmed with two rows of white braid colors grey lavender 1 AS
and black reduced from 600 to l 0
Second floor space formerly occupied by the Suit Dcpt Take either elevator
In Womens Neckwear we offer a few odds and ends in silk and wash
able stocks sailor collars and ties in various styles which sold from QC
1Q i r fnr
A few odds and ends In Silk and Cotton Grenadine Windsor
Ties shield puffs and band bows which sold as high as 25c for
A lot of Womens Neckwear including white mull sailor collars lace
silk hemstitched automobiles in pink blue white and black ijQC
sold as high as 50c for 7
First floor centre section new annex
Hosiery -Underwear Handkerchiefs
These Are All at Remnant Prices
One lot of Childrens Fast Black
Cotton Hose ribbed and seamless
double heels and toes sizes inc
5 to Si per pair AU
Childrens double knees heels and
toes fast black 1 by 1 nibbed Cotton
Hose full s eamless In all IOiC
sizes per pair 2
Childrens Kxtra Weight Bicycle
Bibbed Cotton Hose double through
out sizes range from 7 to 10 f Q iC
inches per pair 12
Childrens extra quality Ribbed Cot
ton Hose full regular made feet dou
ble knees heels and toes per Q r C
pair iJ
A lot of Childrens All Linen Hand
kerchiefs hemstitched embroidered
initials and corners read for 7 c
Extra tabcts
pencil 75 pages
sizes cacn
Good ink tablets on
stock attractive covers
Genuine old fashioned linen
Ink tablets 83 page ruled and J IC
plain jor
1000 very special linen and bond tab
lets in note letter and packet 71C
ruled and plain 2
Soclity correspondence cob web lin
en Tuxedo bond etc all sizes 1fC
ruled or plain 1
Canterbury fabric tablets ruled and
Note size 10c
Pocket size 15c
Kbtlcr size 20c
AH 100 pages
We cuarantcc absolutely to give you
the largest and best tablet for the
money that the mills can turn out
Pocket Pads and Note Books
Childrens White Cambric Handker
chiefs colored borders and fancy
corners hemstitched and lace re
edges -5
One lot of Childrens Fleece Lined
Shirts and Drawers medium weights
shirts neatly bound and finished n re
with pearl buttons all sizes iJ
Misses Bibbed Vests early fall
weight high neck long and short
sleeves silk crocheted edge
pearl butons knee length pants O CC
to match O
Misses Onelta Combination Suits
neatly finished silk taped perfect
fitting garment long sleeves and A QC
ankle length rrO
These departments you will find In
sections 2 and 3 on the first floor to
the right
The Happiest Days Are Those Spent in School
It may seem different to those that go back to their learning next week
but after years will plainly tell them that it was true We have made quite
a preparation in the way of school supplies and have made prices that mean
the smallest outlay possible for the right goods adopted by all the schools
Our line of tablets great big fc
pencil tablets for
Teneir tablets 100 pages thick Oc
for J
Pencil tablets 200 pages thick
for ink or
thick 3 best
finished CC
Pocket pads for ink or pencil
size 2 by 4
Elze 2 by i for
Pocket Pads and Note Books
2 for
Size 3 by 5 5C
Note pocket and letter ruled CC
and plaCi Ink pads D
Vest pocket 7 CC
dum books L 0 J
Canvas memorandum books J
15 styles of memorandum and re
note books handy for school use J
Bookkeeping blanks limp cover 10C
vas cover
blank books can 1 rr
150 page good paper canvas
Stenographer pads and
flexible manlla cover
I lexihle m tuila
width and length
Stiff cover 0 leaves
i by 13 high grade linen with
without margin lines type writ-
cover extra Qc
Stiff cover 9S leaves
ing paper per quire 6c 100 OAC
Of All the Great Store Doings Nothing Seems So Welcome as Our
r HM I - iifta - rviU
M WGWfflmLmw EL
No matter if its in season or out of season Its that special item of a Rem
nant Bargain which catches the shrewd shoppers Our Remnant days are worthy of
name and calling They are not gotten up to fulfill weekly promises with nothing to
back them Our Friday Remnant Offerings are always full of good values
Everting lew in liil Ends
1500 yards of fine double width woul
finished plaids arul brocaded
iks lor cmuircr e school dresses-
they are just the very
ctime in all desirable lengths
from 19c and ISc ier yard to
1000 yards of 3C inch novelty
Kpoas plain anu brocaded in
black grey brown red blue 1 fC
ajid green regular value r9c I W
for s
Tine all wool plaids 40 to 50 Inches
wide in all the latest size CC
checks and colors worth up iyv
to Oc per yard for
000 yards i Inn- all wool camels hair
sergt taic mneitls and A fT
plaids in wuM il ull dress LSi
patterns worth jnd 79c
500 yards of fine all wool whipcord
and vheviots in grey dark Pf
and light brown only worth SU
up to b3c per yard for
5 cases of fine long cloth Berkeley
and Lonsdale cambric in all desira
ble lengths goods worth In Q 3C
the piece from 15c to 20 per ft-
ard for --
3 cases of line corded Madras and
Gingham worth from 20 to 29c per
yard in vaist and dress f f J r
lengths all Vic very newest I
styles and patterns A
12000 yard rf rew Sea Island and
ponjab percales in navy black red
and light grounds in all the
latest designs and patterns
12 to 15c value for
S cases of new Wrapper Flannelette
in black red navy tan and grey
grounds In lengths suitable f
for waists wrappers and J v
monjs IPc kind for
COO Jards or extra heavy Twilled
Canton and Shaker Flannel lengths
from 2 to 10 yards worth 10c f
pr- yard in tho piece TY
301 yards of Grey Domct Flannel
very desirable for mens work- 7 C
ing shirts or womens under- fl j
skirts worth 10c per yard for v
300 yards of All wool Navy QAf
Blue Twilled Flannel extra tM
fine quality worth 50c for
C0 vards of fine All wool
White Flannel that sells for
S9c for
500 yard of All wool Medi
cated Ited Flaurel regular
price 33c for
About 100 yards all that we have
left in Satin striped Dimities
and Printed Sateen sold as
high as CSe per yard for
2 bales of 36 Inch Brown Cot
ton sells regularly for 71 2c
An odd lot of about 500 yards of fini
India Linon and Organdie pf
rnifra aiiiwj ountu oviu
as high as 19c per yard for
This department has its permanent location now being -on the Third floor
space formerly occupied by the Housefumishlng Department
Upholstery Specials for Friday
200 pairs of white scrim curtains 2V4
yards long ruffle edge which
sold for 39c per pair close out J fc
1 lot of tapestry and body brussel
carpet mats fringed ends OQC
regular price 00c to close 5
1 lot of French Bayonets for
cozy corners regular price 51 A QC
special t V
Btabons extra heavy S i floor
linoleums regular 75c per square A QC
yard for
Potters floor oil cloth In all widths
from 4 to S 4 regular price39c O CC
special per square yard J
35 odd rolls of extra heavy
seamless china matting sold at 1 CC
21c per yard for
Water color opaque window
shaacs spring rollers regular 1QC
price 25c for 3
Third floor either elevator will take
Lining Remnants
A case of the best quality lining remnants Just shipped us from the mills
consisting of French mercerized sateen percalines and fancy linings in fast
black and colors these very identical goods we sell off the piece from Q 3C
15c to 30c per yard we shall offer this grand purchase at per A2v
In our Lining Department main aisle Section A
A Few Very Special Bargains in Waists
10 handsome taffeta silk waists hemstitched and tucks in colors qf Q
of pink light blue red and grey sizes from 32 to 38 slightly soil- i UX
ed which sod for JGW closing price
954 inch
broidery finish
The Smith Building
m r o
Our usual hours of business for Fall and Winter will be until C oclock ccry evening excepting Saturday
9 p m Our floors nil connect CIcvator service In both buildings
which is
Our Store Will be Closed Again Monday September 23
b rBrasa
ia g afitf t V
School Supplies
Copy Composition Exercise Ste
nographer and Memorandum
Books -
Limp back 24 pago Exercise
Book multiplication table printed
on cover
Bristol back gilt stamp Exer
cise Book 24 pages
Composition Books 24 pages
Composition Books underglazed
brlstol cover GO pages
Composition Books in G styles
covers Including limp and stiff
back from 60 to 72 pages
Extra thick Composition Books
90 pages limp cover
Students Notebook 72 pages
canvas cover i
Cloth covered Composition
Books red ends 72 pages
Composition Books fine ledger
Tlate 95 pages
10 inch extra length stiff back
Notebooks GO pages
Limp leather covered Note
books rukd or plain 75 pages
8 Inch
Oilcloth knapsacks
Decorated top flat companion
Pencils Pens and Erasers
Cedar lead pencils with rubber
Polished wood slate pencils per
Bags Knapsacks and Satchels
Good quality Embroidered
Flannel Bags IV
Double Cloth Bags embroider- 1flC
ed on both ends J V
Very heavy cloth bags single A Qc
Very heavy cloth bags double
Double cloth bags initial on CflC
one side embroidery on other JW
Extra heavv rlnlh hai atha
elaborate rnlsefl
Leather finished book satchels OCX
in alligator and sea effects 3
Leather bound alligator catch- inc
Double pocketbook satchels Cflc
leather trimmings OV
Leather trimmed satchels Afc
with metal name plate 7
Leather trimmed canvas 1 CC
bags 3
Extra largo canvas bags
leather bound and trimmed A tC
name plate try
Fancy golf cloth waterproof one
bags Oy
Same with double pockets
Pencil Boxes and School Com
Pretty Japanned gilt deccorated re
uuxes spring closing
enerry wooa nued boxes with re
either lock ard key or spring lock- J
Picture top wood pockets fill- rr
Maple wood
and key
filled bqxes lock
Pictorial top filled boxes has lock
and key and screw top ink inr
well - v 1U
Double slide boxes filled nlso
polished oak boxes with lock
and key eacli
Polish grain oak boxes filled
and has lock uid key
Inlaid polished companions
double slide lock and key filled
Novel turn top polished oak
companion inlaid with floral de
Illuminated Japanned compan
ions spring top
Removable trays pear wood OfkC
fancy top A V
polished wood lead pencils 1c
leather top and rubber each 1
Blatdsell paper pencils per doz 15
Progress lead pencil inserted OAC
rubber per dozen ZU
Pan American lead pencils eachO
15 styles of polished wood lead Oc
pencils with inserted rubber each J
Pilot lead pencils with re
able erasers J
Eagle drafting pencils the soft Ac
kind for drawing each t
Carbon glass finish very thick A c
and soft 4-
Clasp rubbers fit any average re
slse lead pencil 3 for J
Fish shaped rubber erasers 1
Pen and Ink erasers 1
Covered end erasers 1
A very large line of nil sizes
and shapes In both pencil and r rr
ink erasers 3c up to j
Type erasers 1U
and 5C
Steel erasers sphere shape
25c 15c and 10c
Hard wood rubber eraser brass
Crayons All Qualities
6 colored crayons In a box
Wood cabinet containing 12 col
ored crayons
iseat noxes containing b colored
Wooden boxes containing 1G col
6 crayons on a card with metal
pencil sharpener
Double straps extra heavy
Extra heavy doublo Straps
Black board clearers j
Book straps good quality Oc
25M9C andl5c
Folding Lunch Boxes iU
Flbre Hnlshtd Boxes leather Qc
mrupH s
Larger size same
12cand 15c
Extra heavy cloth O CC OAC 1 fC
bound Boxes L D 13
Cloth bound Slates lOc 1C lC
red edges 1 J IU Vw
School Pens per dozen 5
Esterbrooks Spencerlal nnd AI- OC
umlnold Pens per dozen 7
Large Bottles of Carters Best Or
Ink Jw
Great Flour Sale
00 I J
For Friday and Saturday at
Oil 80
best Hour for Bb
Sack prices of Pillsburys Iest Flour also reduced The
12lb sacks for 30c the 21 1 b sacks for quarter barrels
for 120
Barrel Best Family Flour 365
Today and Saturday By purchasing 5 lbs of Bio Coffee at 10c 2
lb you will be permitted to buy with it 5 lbs best Granulated Sugar W2W
at 3VJc lb
Today and Saturday With 4 lbs of 12c White Bio Coffee Vdu Ol
may purchase I lbs of Sugar at 3Kc lb 02V
Today and Saturday With 3 lbs ISc Slaracalbo Coffee you may 4
secure 5 lbs of Sugar at 3VSc lb W2tU
Today and Saturday With each purchase of 2 lbs of J M JJp
23c Coffee you may secure 5 lbs of Sugar at 3c lb J2
Arbuckle Coffee IOc Pkgf
I Leverings Coffee ICHc Pkg
laooa i resn rcoasiea isonee fc l d
Good fresh Fruit round Cake 10c each block
Large new fat Mackerel for 8c lb
Best Fresh Cream Cheese New York State 14c lb
For Today and Saturday
Cottolene JOcLb
The 2 lb buckets of best Fresh Cottelene for 21c
The 4 lb buckets of best Fresh Cottolene for 42c
Best California Hams 9ic lb
The little lean blade Shoulders about 5 lbs 9Jc lb
J 0 boxes of good new Oil Sardines for 25c
u uoxes ot either Mustard or Tomato fcarumes for zoc
Mb Cans Corned Beef 12c
The 10c good fresh Macaroni for 5Jc package
The good fresh Sugar Cakes for Tie lb
The good fresh Oyster Crackers for lb
The new Gum Drop Candy assorted Jjavars 5c lb
Big Butter Bargain - 22c Lb
The good fresh Elgin Creamery Buttpr 22c lb
The Sweet New Illinois Creamery Butter 22c lb
j The large tall cans of New Salmon for 10c
2 The Libby and Armour Potted Ham Tongue etc G for 25c
I JOHNSTONS 729 7th St N W
I JAC08 BOOL Proprietor
All Creeds Join in One Meeting at
the Presbyterian Church
Adilrcxe li Mnyor 9uedd the Itev
DavldIJarrUd heiU riJoliu Van
Te A Prayer li the Ilcv J IV
Wluhtinnii Proclamation Head
The entire town of Takoma Park the
churches and the people of til creeds
held a union service at the Presbyterian
Church at U oclock yesterday In re
sponse to the proclamation of the Presi
dent and in accordance with the resolu
tion of the town council and the procla
mation of Mayor Shedd made at their
meeting last llonday The service was
reverent and sympathetic the music
prayers and addresses being attuned ten
derly to the sadness and the pathos of
the occasion Tho church was entirely
filled not only the Takoma people but
many from other nearby towns respond
ing to the call for the service
The church was decorated in harmony
with the sad occasion a mass of great
and small American flags mingling with
many flowers and with sombre crepe to
cover the entire chancel and to drape the
organ and reading desk A portrait of
President JIcKinley draped with black
and the national colors and entwined with
Ivy was placed in front of the reading
Mayor S S Shedd opened the service
by reading the proclamation of President
Roosevelt lie then read his own official
proclamation which had been posted con
spicuously In the town for two days so
that none might fall to learn of it The
wording of the proclamation was as fol
The people of Takoma Park share in
the great sorrow which today overshad
ows the nation and feel keenly the loss
of a great man His long public career
embracing a brilliant sen ice in the volun
teer army of the civil war in the halls of
Congress as the Executive of a great
State of the Union and finally twice ele
vated to the highest ofllce in the gift of
a free people is an enviable record of
distinguished service and proud achieve
ment Born of the people he was at all
times their earnest advocate and their
best friend That a man so typical of a
free Government and of a personality so
lovable should fall at the hands of a
counrdly assassin is one of the things
to human intelligence inscrutable
It Is fitting that at this time our peo
ple should In a public manner express
their tribute of affection for his well
spent life and sorrowfrliy bow in grief
over his untimely death
Now therefore 1 Samuel S Shedd
mayor of the town of Takoma Park lid
by authority and direction of the town
council thereof and In accordance with
the proclamation of President Roosevelt
earnestly recommend that all our people
gather In divine worship at the Presby
terian Church in Takoma Park Thurs
day the 19tli day of September 1901 at
11 oclock a m there to bow in submis
sion to the will of God and to pay our
tribute of love and affection to the mem
ory of our late President whose death
has made the whole world mourn
Mayor Shedd followed the proclamations
with a short address In eulogy of the dead
President who exhibited on his death
bed he said the finest attributes of true
Christian manhood love of God pity for
his assassin and calm bravery and forti
tude lie said that the President was a
martyr slain for the Republic Its people
nnd Its laws and that his assassination
was a direct blow at liberty and good
government by the elements of lawless
ness and disorder
After the singing of the hymn Lead
Kindly Lght by the congregation the
Rev J V Wlghtman of the Presbyte
rian Church read appropriate selections
from the Old and New Testaments and
delivered an eloquent prayer asking that
the people may learn from the life and
death of President McKlnley gentleness
lolng kIndncss bravery and patriotism
and Invoking divine consolation for his
stricken homeand for all those that mourn
for him
linrry Campbell the choir leader of the
Presbyterian Church sang the solo One
Swtetly Solemn Thought effectively and
with much tenderness
The Rev Diivid Ban- rector of Trinity
Episcopal Church read a short and elo
quent editorial tribute to the character
of the dead Iresident from a local paper
The Rev John Van Ness pastor of the
Presbyterian Church delivered the nd
dref of the day lie said that the life
and death of Mr McKlnky were a book
that taught the lessons lie true to iiur
countrys laws Cherish the home
Trust God Tills book he said might
be Lovingly dedicated to God to home
and to native land
After singing the Presidents favorite
hymn Neurer My God to Thee and
the reading of prayers from the Episcopal
services by Dr Barr the meeting closed
with the delivery of the benediction by
tho Rev J II Remington
ServlcCN at AVarrentun and the
Ilurinl ut Alcxnndrta Today
Funeral services over the remains of
Joseph A Rice the well known Washing
ton attorney whose death -was announced
in TheTImes of Wednesday will be held
this mornlns at Warrenton Va After
the sen ices the body will be taken to Al
exandra Va where interment will be
made at 2 ttcloclr
A numberof friends of Mr Rice will go
to Warrenton to attend the funeral ser
vices Mr Rice had been inill health for
severar years but his condition was not
considered critical until after he went
several months ago to spend the summer
at his country place In Warrenton Mr
Rice Was the legal representative of a
number of corporations In work for his
clients at the Capitol he was unusually
successful He was a man of great bril
liancy and wit As a racountcur he had
few equals
bfittmftimiton tmfj
Weather Indication
Fair today partly cloudy tomorrow with ris
inj temperature light northeast to east inds
Highest temperature I p ro
Lowest temperature C a m
Sun rose 515 AM I Sun sets
Moon rise Moon sets
Low tide
High tide
601 PM
10t7 PM
M AM and 71 PM
AM and 122S PM
Lamps lit today
Lamps out tomorrow
638 PM
i51 AH
National Foxy Grandpa evening
Academy Barbara Knttchie afternoon and
Men in
Keroans Harry Bryants Burlesquers alter
noon and evening
Bijou afternoon and evening
SlouMer DIslocnv Iy n Fnll
Henry Valentine colored aged forty j ear
living- in Hugh Alley northwest fell off a cart
yesterday at Twelfth and K Streets northwest
The negTQ sustained a dislocated sliouldtr and
braises The police sent him to the Kmergency
Hospital In the ambulance
Iu no nil of n Policeman
The body of James L DanieLt the policeman
of the Third precinct who died Wednesday at the
Georgetown University Hospital left here at 3
oclock jchtcrdjy afternoon over the Chesapeake
and Ohio Railroad for Louisa Va where the
interment will take place Daniels waa twentj
four jcars old and was appointed on the police
fone in January of the present 3 tar
A Yoiiiik 31 an Itcportcil IImhIii
O W Itobcrtx thirty one years of ace uhci e
home is at 018 Twenty third fetrcet northwest Is
reported missing- by hU friends Xo thing ap
parently has been seen of Roberts since Septem
ber 2 and some anxiety is aid to lute urisfti
as to his whereabouts At the Roberts home last
night it waa said that no good reason could b
aligned for the departure of Ihe young man
His description was ghen the police yester
day and has been sent to all the bt at ions in
the cit
A council of Meallm 11 Hicjclc
Dae Martin a young negro jouth was arrest
ed yestcrdaj by Bicycle rolminan Ljnn and
locked up at the Tenth precinct station charged
with having htolen a wheel from LouU A Schnei
der who resides at 1CH Fourteenth Street north
west The case winch is complicated accord
ing to a statement made by the iolice officials
last night will be gncn an airing in court this
morning In the meantime Martin who tells
a straightforward story languishes behind the
bars at the House of Detention
A Xrjcni Strniijrr ScrloiiNly AociiMed
Charles Kay -a nrgro aged twenty -two car
raid to lhe In Baltimore was arrested last night
hv Policeman jneft tf the Sixth prjcint sta
tion charged with vagrancy Charles London
and James Dorsej younff colored boys will ap
lcar as witnesses fodjy against the prisoner
According to the bojs Kay accosted them at
Sixth Street and Pemiayhania Avenue northwest
niul offered them Insult besides using improper
language Policeman Lynch wjs in sight and
one of the boys nude complaint about Kay Tin
rfitcr was arrested and is held for a Police Conn
earing today Kay Mys he Is a waiter and
that he came to Washington yesterday morning
In bcarih of work
125 tp Baltimore and Iletnrn via
II 4 O
Saturday -and Sunday September 1 and 22
7th and
1 c
J 1 7K
a fall flavor about many of these accumu
lations that will be particularly welcome The
cooler weather has made Fall Shopping lively
and so Remnants have accumulated Almost
every ves
tige of our summer goods are gone The little remaining
will go in no time Our Wonderful Remnant Day offer
ings are common talk among women Tho prices we
quote on Remnant lots make this store fairly throb with
throngs of shoppers every Friday Come today for
t hese unusual offerings
SI00 and SI50 AQr
Alcndcd Moves
1000 pairs of Mended Gloves These
are guaranteed Gloves which are re
turned to the maker for some slight
defect which Is repaired and often
makes the gloves really stronger than
before They are In all the latest
shades in 2 cIasp styles In colors of
tan red grey brown whites and
blacks all sizes from 5 to We
always have a big crowd for
these so be sure and call car- A fC
ly for first and best selection L4
1 and J1M Gloves for r
Lining Remnants
3000 yards of guaranteed fast black
Percalines Pcrca Silks and Mercer
ized linings lengths from 2 to 10 yards
The real value off the piece If
is 10c and 12Kc a yard Fri- Y
days special price vrs
Domestics -
Remnants of Outing Cloth in Light
blue pink and many other colors In
stripes and checks 2 to 8 f
yard lengths the regular 10c flo
quality for Friday a vard w
Remnants of Prints In brown and
blue fast colors 2 tor 8 yard lengths
suitable for Childrens Dresses O 7C
and Wrappers an excellent jS1
value Friday at yard
Remnants of full yard wide Un
bleached Cotton 2 to 10 yard Q 7 C
lengths heavy thread Friday Sv
a yard
Short lengths of plain black Mercer
ized Sateen the regular 25c
quality one to 8 yard t r
lengths remnant price for I tjt
Friday yard
Ribbon Remnants
A big variety of all silk taffeta plain
and fancy ribbons also satin and gros
grain ribbons lust what Is wanted for
childrens hair ribbons t7 C
lar 5c and 8c quality at a Sw
25c Veils 5c
250 more of those 25e veils at 5c This
item has created quite a stir The veils
are In black and colors with dots and
different size meshes Just IfC
think of buying stylish veils
Stono China Cups and Saucers Cc
large size pair J
Best quality Tin Top Jelly 1 IC
Glasses - 2
Gas Globes neatly engraved
Book Rack
Solid oak Book
Rack 3 ft wide QJ V
5 ft high with 3
frilrltnnr rholuap
Walker Burks
1013 1015 7th St N W
and leep your lawn
BSt 3 looking slick and neat
by trimming the edges
LaWn along the fence and pave-
T raent every time you
Tnmmef 75g
ZEH 702 llth St
and have a wagon
call and leave jou jour
order of
Its an excellent BEER
for home uc Rich de
licious and of strong tonic
properties 12 quarts for
fl delivered in unlettered
4th and F Streets NE
Phono 2154
Complete llomefumlshers
901 IO3 hevmth St
Corner I Ere St
Bjr the Kocb Lung Cure
ISO Ktsun Street New York
And CZ1 E Street Washington
Musi iti Underwear
and Childrens Wear
Sample Line of Muslin ana Cambric
Garments consisting of fine lace and
embroidery trimmed Gowns long and
Short Skirts Umbrella Drawers Long
Skirt Chemise and French
Corset Covers Just a few o HAf
each kind sold up to J19S for IJv
Friday Jf
Another lot of Muslin Gowns long
and short Skirts Chemise Drawers
Corset Covers nnd Childrens Dresses
embroidery and lace trimmed
The are slightly soiled from aai
handling sold up to 70c for iU4
Irlday 7
I aiHea Short Flannelette Petticoats
with yoke bands in pink and blue
stripes also Indies Fascinators Chil
drens Worsted Toques nnd Tarns and
Childrens Flannelette Dress
es These have scld for 20c mp
marked to sell quickly Fri- I
day at
Boys Department
23 Suits for Boys double breasted
styles and made Tarcy Cheviots
These are our regular 12 Suits but In
odd patterns and broken g f 4 f
sizes of 7 to 11 years- 91 I U
Today a suit 11
Shoe Department
A tableful of Misses and
Childrens One strap Slippers pAf
a verv unusual value for 50
Remnant Day at
Boys Solid Ijce Shoes for
school wear sizes 2 to 5W
value 123 for Remnant Day
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erenr function Duul Ket drioucnr a cure ts at hamL rzrS Kkiatm mall umleveldml
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