OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, November 03, 1901, Second Part, Image 16

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-11-03/ed-1/seq-16/

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WANTED Apprentice on ladies tailoring 2313
ljsUmr ml
WANTED A rood home for a joung white girl
and ten women 212 11 st ml
WASTED Young lady ot neat appearance for
ladies tailor parjor 1510 II st nw m3 2
WANTED At once waist and sliirt
hands and helpers positively none but experi
enced help need apply 1115 F at nw upstairs
front room m3 3
WANTED Skirt and waist hand first class only
3022 Connecticut are nw ml
WASTED First class competent dressmaker also
an apprentice must Toe neat sewer 1205 1 at
nw sectuid floor ml
WASTED W 1L Brillon formerly of Samuel A
Coombs has olened ins office at 709 G st nw
he has places for pood help m3 3
WANTED Ladies something new making sofa
pillows at home 7 to 12 weekly materials
furnished no canvassing expelcuce unneces
sary steady employment Send stamped ad
dressed envelope HOUSEHOLD MFC CO Erie
St Chicago ml
WANTED Lady to manage hranch olicc 60
monlhly and all expeiMes to start permanent
position no canvassing Enclose stamp for par
ticulars to MME SWOVERLASD tSd and In
diana are Chicago ml
20 MONTH gua anteeil ladies to do one hours
writing a dar at liome one jear no fraud Ap
ply with stamped envelope MISS NINA PltlCK
IrnT Ruthcrfordlon X ml
WANTED Lady to travel and collect n District
of Columbia for manufacturer fiahtty 550 monthly
to begin send references and addressed envelope
at once TREASURER 702 Star Bldg Chicago
HOME WORK The year round no canvassing
5 to 6 weekly working evenings experience
unnecessary enclose stamp work mailed on ap
Toledo O ml
WANTED By schoolgirl a place to work even
ings Apply 1715 11th st iw ml
WANTED Ladies to do writing at home 15 a
month For particulars address with stamp M
F F Blackville S C ml
WANTED Good cook and general houscworkcr
references 208 A st se m3 2
TAKE LESSONS in shorthand and touch-typewriting
from WILLAMETTE B13 C st nw
rni 3
WANTED Ladles to learn manicuring tlior
oughly 3 Addre j BOX 495 this office m3 3
WANTED Ladies to do binding at home 9
week steady wok all material sent free prepaid
send stamped addressed enelope for particulars
UNIVERSAL CO Dept B Walnut st Philadel
phia Ta ml
WASTED White middle aged lwusekeeper light
work 10 cooks nurses cltambermaids waitress
es and others 12 to SIS per month HAltHELLS
GUARANTEE AGENCY 321 Pennsylvania ave
nw el
LAUNDRY 1725 7th nw cl
WANTED Two good German cooks 25 two
chambermaids also waitress Call 1200 Sew York
ave el
WASTED White woman at once two cooks
three waitresses in lunch roam references re
quired 1010 11th tt nw el
WANTED Four women white and colored
cliambermaid 1S also plain cook Enquire 711
M st el
WANTED Cood cook at ouce with references
605 12th at nw el
WASTED A woman for general housework to
stay nights 33 East Capitol st el
WASTED Girl for general housework also nurse
for child of two icars to stay nights Enquire
1321 6th nw
WASTED Two experienced tailorrssrs to help on
coat at once SCHWARTZ PELZMAS 505
7th St n r
WANTED Experienced waist hands also ap
prentices Call 9 Tennessee ave ne el
WASTED Cood plain cook stay nights 929
Rhode Island ave nw tl
WASTED At once a reliable woman for general
housework cook wash aand iron bring refer
ences stay nights 931 Sew York ave nw el
WASTED At once an experienced cook 1502 II
st nw el
WASTED Competent woman for general house
work references 1300 Lydecker ave nw el
WANTED At once a reliable woman for general
housework 26 E st ne el
WASTED For general housework neat reepect
able colored girt 31 E HOSE Taknma Park el
WANTED Lady with good figure to introduce a
new corset Address BOX S50 this office el
WASTED A young colored woman of nice an-
pcarance good money for the right person Ad
dresa BOS 454 this office el
WASTED A girl for general houscwoik no
washing 513 u nw cl I
WASTED Ten white waitresses and chamber-
maids fire dishwashers colored woman rook 13 j
with room today DICKS HOTEL ACESCY 12th
and Pa ave second floor m2 2
WANTED Three experienced first class draper-
seamstresses also two first class upholsterers j
WASTED White girl of 37 or 18 to lake care
of children 420 C St ne el -2
WANTED Young woman to nurse one child nls
required 606 IBth st nw el 2
WASTED Cashier must have had previous ex
perience THE BOS MARCH E el 2
LADIES AND MEN cam 5 weekly writing let
ters and representing us supplies furnished on
application endow stamp TOLEDO SOVELTY
SUPPLY CO Toledo O Box A ml
MATHEMATICS science English Sound English
education backward adults coached certificates
Science and Art Department London highest
grade Irish National Education Board 1242 22d
H nw ing 3
1 WILL give private preparation for Postoffice
civil service examination at 6 for entire course
Address Immediately BOX 405 this office el
WASTED rA few persons to complete evening
shorthand class exceptional opportunitl ex
pert instruetoi proficienev in halt the time re
vjLtred at schools Address BOX 452 this office
m2 2
WASTED By an experienced laundress washing
and ironing to take home Address icar 1456
O sL nw ml
WASTED By nice girl situation at nure cham
bermaid dishwasher place by well recommended
driver ttouacboy 1015 New York ave ml
WASTED By two ousg ladies of experience
writing art studio florist store or any light
work references Address BOX 505 this office
WASTED A refined widow would like a aftoa
tion as housekeeper in widowers family ob
ject good home small salary bolt tf references
Addreaa BOX 501 this ogee ml
WASTED By two neat clean ccxtfcs with 12
years experiee In rented pmatc family BOX
4S8 this office cl
WASTED A place as cook Call 4M Lst sw el
WANTED By competent loung lady pupils for
piano term 20c per lrMn Address M0X 4C1
this office mS 3
WASTED By sober young man place driving
deliver wagon or work of any kind small wages
CBIITITH 335 ltth st ne m3 2
WASTED By three men as Erst clSM dish wasn
ers or work with references
Enquire tS ah st el
WANTE1 By young roan of experience position
In photograph gllry BOX 467 this office el
WASTED By German dinner cook clean and
economical work moderate wages AtkireMi BOX
464 this effice c 2
WASTED Jly a neat bandy honest loung col
ored man work alout a store or lousc or driv
ing understands liorsea and bicidcs Address
JIESDKHSON 420 V at ne el
WASTED By experienced colored man plaee
as driver janitor or attend urnaee 3ol L
at nw m2 3
WASTED Situations by bookkeepers and stenog
xapliers derks waiters nurses flrirera cashiers
cmbermaids cooks waitresses and others with
experience and reference 321 Penrutlrania aie
nw el
WANTED By man and wife work in laundry
twelve years experience in all branches willing
to leave city Apply at 511 6tb it ne J M S
WASTED To buy 5 room house for about 1100
replies must contain lowest price and location
Addreaa BOX 4k2 this office m3 J
WANTED Bicydes bought outritht and taken
n storage At 421 8th at mS ln
WANTED At once meat cutter and grocery
clerk must be well recommended none other
need apply M G JERMAN V SON 11th and I
sis nw ml
WANTED First class machinist
HAM 711 O st
W 1 lllX
WANTED A small white boy to learn cigar mak
ing 510 F st nw ml
WANTED Ladies tailors first da only W
ZAIJCSAK 1022 Connecticut ave nw ml
WANTED Colored man sober and trustworthy
to prtiarc for traveling 50 per month anil all
expenses please mcloce sclf addrcsed envelope
for particulars SUPERINTENDENT 702 Star
llldg Chicago
WANTED Energetic workers to distribute circu
lars and sample- pe mancnt occupation good
St New York nil
WANTED A reliable man to care for horse and
make himself geuorallv useful short distance out
side city Address BOX 491 this office ml
WANTED Bright J oting man as salesman 2 per
dav and commission Apply ItOOM 32 I avvTcncc
Bhlg B15 ltth t nw ml
WANTED Reiable wholesale firm of Cluvrland
wants bright man for t aveling salesman general
mercantile trade exclusive territory goods sta
ple will require fiill time energy business
ability and salorr aiihp will make inmitioii
permanent Address BOX 52 Cleveland O ml
WANTED Learn touch tv pewriting at
LUIETTES 013 I st nw
WE OFFElt flattering proposition to man of
pome leisure with prestige and acquaintance in
lus eoinmunitv foo wees guaranlecu Address
RELIABLE Roum 1701 277 Broadway Sew York
I City
1 WANTED Men who can be depended upon to
work 12 days on special assignment 36 cash
paid for the job if satisfactory ifWO and
J icnses in cash per year on permanent assign
ment our references any liank enclose rcr
ences and self addressed stamped envelojie THE
NATIONAL 307 Caxton Block Chicago
WANTEI Several white farm hands at once
light work good pay HARRELLS GUARAN
TEE AGENCY 321 Pcnnsjlvaliia ave air el
WANTED Four good plasterers Monday morning
at 19th and Cincinnati sts Washington Heights
WASTED Tim divers white butler at once 40
two waiters Call 1200 Sew York ave el
WANTED Two white eliefs 75 and S5 and
laker CO for hotel BURGESS HOTEL AGEN
CY 503 10th tt Cl
WANTED Six casrpentera at Bureau of Engrav
ing and Printing cJ 3
WASTEI Carpenter 730 7th only good me
chanic need apply Monday el
WANTED A bov for office work Apply at 505
E st nw el
WANTED A rcsjiecUble boy about 10 years old
for cleaning up store and run cirands Apply at
Wi th st nw el
WANTED Good young white Iter to make him
self useful one who has worked in barroom pre
ferred Apply 450 Louisiana are el
WANTED Boy to go to the country white or
colored call Monday nine oclock Room SI I
Stewart Building corner 6th and D sts nw el
WANTED Five or six earenten to woik on
warehouse building between 6th and 7th and l
and E nw K O WHITFORD CO el
WASTED Young man as recciiing and shipping
clerk One with some knowledge of electricity
preferred Apply with references BOX 41 this
otilcc c2 3
WANTED Experienced ladies tailors
P W PETERS 1742 S st
Applv to
1H2 5
WASTED Imrcediatelv ten fiist cJass ornamen
tal plasterers Apply to RICHARDSON k
ilKi s us lllli nw or at east front
J U S CaiituI Bldgj m2 3
j WASTED A runner for a boarding
j house Address B0Y 465 this office m2 2
A BRIGHT man of good address- and energetic
can earn at least 5 tier day meeting Wash
ington bucincss men Call ROOM 3 Warder
Bldg SS
WASTED A competent salesman in furniture
and drapery depinmeut J ALBERT
TOifi lrrlLc 2JL
WANTED Ten first class union iiaperhangcrs
Piece work prices paid plenty of work JAMES
B JlESDEltSON SS F sU cl 3
WASTED Any person who will db tribute circu
lars for 3 dally rhould address STANDARD CO
4 Wells Chicago Oc29no2
WANTEI Young white boy about 16 years to
learn confectionery 235 G st nw l 2
WANTED Ten Sret class plasterers Cth tt liet
M and N nw el 2
WANTED Young man about tweny years old
must write good hand Call for JOHNSON 413
4lh st nw e-31-2
1 WANTED A barber at once at 1022 7th St sw
ml l j
WANTED Baker work Is light write stating
lowest wages expected toJ 1 WEISS Emjtoria
Va ml 3
WASTEI Cabinetmakers at Smiths new Eastern
I Planirvr Mill foot Sew Jersey ave se ml 6
1 WASTED Bifehelmen at once also women to
sew on mens clothes good pay steady work
B32 D nw e31 3
BOYS with wheels who are not working on ac
count of school can find emplovment at night
F St hours G p m to 1030 p m pay 33 l 3c
per night C24 10
WANTED Experienced teamsters i per week
fc DAISH L SONS Coal and Firewood 203
Fla are ne ro t
VANTCD suiiuitnArt
W WTED At onte 5 or 10 acres of ground
liouse and bam iar eity Address BOX 489
this office ra2 3
WANTED To buy a modern alx or eight room
1hum northwe1 not to exceed 3009 payable
monthly Address BOX 4S5 this offiie ml 3
WANTED Horses to wirter for S ier month
Udress BOX 5Rlirrdle Md m3 3
W ANTED- Iir frame Dayton must 1 in good
condition ami cheap Address BOX 103 this
othoe ml
W Horses to wintr at my farm near
Kcakville Md Addr t U IIICKEKSOS
ni3 6
WASTED Good second hand ranppi top surrey
must be cheap for mk Apply to wife Bladens
burg Road ne ml 3
WOULD lile use of buggy horse for his feed
this winter Box 447 this cilice o8I 3
V ASTEIi Mnsrle gentleman wishes furnished
or unfiirniiied room near lltif and V sts nw Ad
dress BOX 7H thli office ml
WASTED Two loung ladies want rom with
iw of parlor ceutral Address BOX Vi7 this
office ml
WASTED Two or three unfurnished rooms and
bath light blocks of llth and K Address
BOX 474 this office ml
WASTED Single gent wants unfurnished room
with lust nw or ne near Capitol state price
Address BOX 47 this otRce ml
WANTED One er two la inn first or second floor
for light manufacturing tentral location Ad
d ess BOX Vj this otlhe m3 3
WANTED Small stuilio or one furnished and one
unfurnished room good light reasonable per
manent state price location BOX 47S this
Hice el
WANTED Nov 15 lady and grown son 3 seeond
story unfurnuhed rooms modern house Meals
partly jirepared at liome 0 Address Box 402
this ofiiee Rifeenees el 3
WANTED- By lsd second floor unfurnished front
room state life must he mcKlcralc Address
OT H5 olnee ml 3
Ns ANTED Prtfirahly in office building a house
keeping flat for two refined business women with
nrtt rfuM nfereiices will give 15 for three un
fumifheil rooms Willi heat and light within
six squares of 10th and Pa arc nw Address
BOX 503 Oil office aul3 tf
WASTED Room and board se by two gentle
men Addins II0X 470 tills ulfice m2 3
WASTED By loung marrieii eoujile loom and
lioard central location reasonaiile Address
BOX 451 this cSice ml 3
X OR MORE to invest in desirable suburban
residence Send pslticulars and price tu BOX
415 this office
FARM WANTED Medium sire within 50 miles
of city Scud description and price tr BOX 411
this office
AGENTS- outfit free rritlit given for -riling the
finest set of instructive entertaining Christmas
lxioks gradeil for rhildren of all ages at the
lowest price eier known 50 cent look contain
ing Uautiflil illlmtratiil nem of lords Praier
only 12i cents 1 lxiok 25 eenU 1j IhWc
50 eenU 250 book 75 cents liberal commtaiol
to agents FERGUSON 3550 Filth St Cinein
lutl Ohio mJL
1W WEEKLY made in mail order biirines s con
ducted by a nione anywhere particulars for
stamp CENTRAL SUPPLY T CO Kansas ity
MoJ m110
M M ARC LAMPS Gives 450 iowrr at
cost of cent ler hour agents wanted in un
occupied terrilo y this is a snap for wide
awake agents for the next eight montlis ACORN
BRASS WORKS Dept 25 Chicago ml
WE will pay any honest man S5 tier month and
all traveling cxpuiscs to take orders for the great
est jtortrait concern in the United States jour
salan will lie guaiantred and jwition iierma
Dept 211 ChicagoJIII ml
WANTED Six up to ilate commercial traiclera
to contrait for 1S02 Addrost CLERIC 12 BOX
52S Chicago III ml
WASTED At once 50 second hand liedrooin
suites sidclioanV chairs refrigerators toves
rarpets and eierj thing that is used in honse
keepit now having a country hotel to furnish
can pay jou a good price for jour cast off furni
ture providing I can get it at onte Phone
Main 863 4 il A CAKNEAL 2103 K st nw
m3 3
WANTED fTliair caning 25c up upholstery and
repairing proportionately low best of work Drop
postal 2S07 71h st 3 3
WANTED Furniture ot all kinds an us before
sou ieH FRIES IIOPWOOD 8th and K sts
LEAHS shorllund fiom COURT STEN0GRA
PIin on C - nw m3 3
WAMUI Twenty more studinU to join the
shorthand atul tiiiewriting clas at the Star School
of Stenography and Typewriting Individual at
tention Sec tluj principal at 429 11th st nw
0 a m to 30 p m c2 3
WANTED Highest cavil prices paid tor ladies
and gents cast oft clothing drop postal Ill call
II TARSI I ES 1SQS 7th st nw mil Imp
WANTED Urge goat with horns SCHMIlrS
BIRD STORE 712 12lh st nw el 2
WANTED To buy a SO oot counter suitable for
an eating bar Call Wd I ft nw ei
WASTED Fifty feet picket fence two gates Ad
dress BOX 458 this olflcc ml 3
WANTED Old mahogany furniture Addres9
BOX 419 this office ml 3
W ANTED Upright Piano in goenl condition Mint
be cheap So dealers BOX 40 thiA office e31 S
WASTED Good second hand iaDgc for dining
room SIX lllli tt nw eSl 3
WANTED To buy old feather beds E MARKS
75 Myrtle st c29 5
WANTED Highest cash prices paid for ladies
and gents cast off clothing drop postal Ill
rail S KEIUSKY 130S 7th st nw m27 lmo
HIGHEST cash prices paid for ladles and gen
tlemens cast off clothing Address postal and I
will calh W RICE 1832 7th st nw e7 lm
HICIIEST CASH TRICES paid for household
goods feather beil mattresses etc drop postal
orders promptly attended to S DAVIS Kvos 7th
st nw m lm
FOR SALE Grocery store doing good business
on account of ill health will sell cheap 06
Pierce st nw m3 3
W ILL SELL diamonds watches all kinds of
jewelry ou time Address BOX 500 this office
m3 3
WILL SELL JO shares American Wirehsa Tele
phone and Telegraph Co stock with all scrip
dividends at 2 ir share ROBT It DENT Lock
Box 507 B ooosourg Pa m3 t
FOR SALE Dining room clearing 75 monthly
FOR SALE Cigar ttore 200 worth 500 DUS
LAP DOS F st m3 3
A COOD investment for large or small amounts
50 upward Immediate profits payable weekly
no speculation or gamble but from legitimate
business bankers merchants professional men
and all persons interested in money making with
small capital are joining- us first class references
For particulars addnsw E J ARNOLD CO
9lh and Pine Us SI Louis Mo ml
FOR SALE Cigar pool and billiard business
firet class invoice CAPITAL BUSINESS EX
C1IAN0E Atlantic Building m5 3
WANTED Partner in paying grocery business
meat cutter preferred Address BOX 4fe9 this
office ml
j HONEST SPECULATION Make your money earn
j a teady Income 25 upwards invented with ul
j will earn 3 per cent to 40 Tier cent monthly
j payable every 15 days send for ou new book
j Sticc ssfu Systematic Speculation mailed free
I tells how to operate on the grain market without
- tii o -ii -
iumi jiigiini suiuuivTsiai uiiAitsiai suu
ful customer references FREDERICK E PAR
KER Broker 155 La Salle St Chicago 111 ml
FOR SALE Oyster house anil cafe centrally lo
cated must be sold no reasonable offer refused
BOX 4S6 this office e2 3
SIUST be sold on accojnt of sickness a cash
corner grocery and market in Northwest doing
nice business no liooks Address BOX 477 this
olfk c tn2 3
WANTED A good driiing horse in exchange for
building lot in Northwest where real estate is
enliancing in value Address BOX 479 this of
fice m2 3
WANTED Partner with capital to start mash
room plant Address BOX 473 this office lri 3
WANTED Tailor partner or will gire entire
control to right partv Address BOX this
office m2 3
TOR SALE Stock and fixtures of a confectionery
and lunchroom in the Northwest section splendid
opportunity for party with small capital present
owner cannot gne proper attention to it stoic
and living rooms ovr same cheap rent Address
BOX 4C3 this office ml3
TOR SALE Grooerv northwest established ten
scars retiring price 1500 SEW YORK BUS
FOR SALE Cigar and newa stand establUhed 30
vears line location price 150 SEW YORK
BIIOKEH 1000 F cl 3
FOR SALE Desirable well stocked corner gro
cery northwest dwelling and stable first class
stand doing a rirst ilaas business owner leasing
city Apply D1SIA1 tW F at ml 3
WASTED Eight arsons with 500 each to join
me m oigsnizing a baking company location
secured For partfrola s apply F W GRAHAM
617 lllli St nw lul 3
FOR SALE Cigar store must sell by Nov 15
as ownt r has other busineMS Address BOX 453
thk olhce - ml 3
FOR SALE j300 buys interest in manufacturing
busitieiM that will repay full amount within six
months money secured Address BOX 41S this
cifirc ml 3
FlR StLE Drugstore CTy cheap for quick
bujr substation CAPITAL BLS1NESS EX
CHANGE Atlantic Building ml 3
FOR SALE Good paiing hand laundry huitiess
desirable location reasonable rent willing to
train any purchaser not acquainted with the
work selling en account of failing health Ad
dress BOX 451 this office ml 3
FOR SAIJ Grocery proiuiou and meat market
cheap old stand 30s 10th st sw ml 3
FOR SALE Butcher stall leading maiket quick
FOR SALE Old ralabllahrd business clearing
lSO0 carlv thorough investigation allowed
prieeHOO DUNIOP WO f e31 3
WE WANT a brigf pushing man who can in
vest 1010 in au catahrshed business and take a
responsible position reawmable ealary and profits
a rare chance for the right man desiring a nrtna
neiit position and paying investment references
required Address Rox 111 this office c31 3
1YR SALE Two mills In Georgetown one
flour one paster low I rices cheap water
lower long terma F L MOOHE 1103 F
at nw e5tf
FOR RENT Remingtons Smith ITemieri Deni
ucrcs and other icaLei 3 month typewriter
repairing careful workmanship sery reason
able charges imcstlgate WASHINGTON TYlE
WltnElt EXCHANGE JI7 Eth sU nw ir27 90
FOR SVLIForty riie acres at Beltstllle on
II tc O R It dnellin and outhouses 2500
also SO acres of truck or fruit land one mile from
station adjoining the farm of Mr Wm Holmed
20 iier acre good terms W W HALL CIO Va
ave se el -3
WE BUY sell pack store and ship furniture
snywh re Storage 75c load KISSEi 422 11th
Kt nw m2 3
STORAGE CO 420 lOUi st nw ial 3
ron iSEXT i imxisiiET nnoMS
FOR REXTTo unobtrusive gentleman large
neatly furnished room between G and I and
12th and ltth sts nw bath convenient with
plenty of hot water at all limes rent very rea
onablc Address BOX XX tliis oltlce m3 3
FOR RENT To responsible white paities rent
light and heat ot baemtnt for care of house
Apply 217 16 st nw ml
FOR RENT flieerful furnished rooms single
or en suite also hall room moderate prices
ioreelain liath hot water 515 13th st nw ml
FOR RENT Nicely furnished looms with or
without board convenient to all lines of cars
Address 526 4ili st nw m3 3
FOR RILST FurnWied three nice rooms 117
H st ne m3 3
TOR 11IST 1115 I st nw large handsome
warm sunny room opposite jiark reasonable
m3 3
FOR RENT Nicely fumyied rooms 0 S 622
E st nw mf 3
TOR REST Rooms for light housekeeping single
or en suite all modern improvements resson
ablc heat gas 1100 O st nw 3 3
FOR RENT Hall llioom 0 213 II et mv
mS 3
FOR RENT 722 6th st ne large furnished front
room private family m 1
FOR REST Urge second and third story front
rooms lumlsomely fmnMicd southern exposure
with or without board also hall room Sli 11
nw l
FOR RUNT Urge front room nicely furnished
heat bath and gas 701 Sew Jersey aie nw
e2 3
FOR RENT Rooms fumWied heat gas pl
15 references 221 E nw
FOR REST Sice large front room bath and gas
340First st ne
FOR REST Three large nicely furnished roomi
en suite or single rent reasonable 302 Indiana
ave nw e 3
FOR RENT One furnished front room for one or
two gentlemen 33 C st ne el
FOR REST First Boor front room
or unfurnislied 1113 You st
m2 3
FOR RENT Urge fumWied parlor three win
dows southern exposure aLo unfutnished rooms
117 X Y aie nw
FOR RENT Furnished room with or without
board 1517 ftftli st nw m2 3
rOR RENT Parlor and other rooms 1221 New
York ave nw m2 3
FOR RENT Entire Boor completely fumisliM for
housekeeping 410 New Jersey ave se m2 3
FOR RENT Furnished room heat gas and
bath 130 E st ne m2 3
FOR RENT Bright sunny rooms nicely furnish
ed heat gas and bath caterer next door
SIS 22d tt nw m2 3
FOR RENT Furnished large front room also
liall room gentlemen 415 I ft nw m2 3
FOR RENT Completely furnished large house
overlooking Capitol Iark and new Library 222
vapltol St 17 rooms and uaili mi-
FOR REST Furnished or unfurnished liot water
iicaung encan je lilli si se
FOR REST Urge cheerful sunny room nicely
furnished conveniences for two 8 916 12th
st nw ml 3
FOR REST Four bright rooms and private bath
on same floor 22 J322 W st nw ml 3
FOR REST Two furnished rooms 10 and 5
1107 Massachusetts arc nw ml 3
FOR REST FxirilAcd loom 1 per week 619
S st nw - ml 3
FOR RENT Furnished rooms gentlemen only
135 S Carolinaave se ml 3
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms second
floor moderate 1537 6th st nvr ml 3
FOR RENT To two gentlemen beautiful room
second floor front with or without board con
venient to cars and near three departments 231
12th st iv ml 3
FOR RENT Laige second story front room with
or without board fdr two 1000 M st ml 3
FOR REST 224 Mass ave nw three front
rooms fnr with or without board reasonable
C31 3
FOR RENT 318 New York ave nicely fur 2d
floor rooms transients accommodated eSl 3
FOR liallroocu 5 per month i 422
Sd st ave - o3l S
FOR RENT Furnished room 5 716 Rhode Ul
and are nw e3I 3
FOR REST 133S II st nw furnUhed rooms
permanent or transient c29 10
FOR REST Very large beautiful front rooms
furnished with all modern conveniences 436
II it nw ro23 7
FOR REST Three or four third floor rooms
modern improvements reasonable terms 2213 M
st nw m3 3
FOR REST Unfurnished front room third floor
07 I st nw roS 3
FOR REST Three unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping 722 Cth st ne m3 3
FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms heat gas
and bath 18 1S54 Sth St c2 3
FOR REST Threa unfurnished rooms first floor
511 F St e2 3
FOR REST ML Pleasant three nice unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping 13 231 17th st
nw fl
FOR REST Two or three unfurnished rooms sec
ond floor reasonable 1039 10th st nw also two
or three 012 R nw el
FOR RENT Two large light rooms basement
floor warm and dry with yard and stable 0 a
month IH5 Corcoran ct Call Sunday el
FOR RENT Two or three unfurnished rooms
second or third floor for light housekeeping 1531
ftth st nw e213
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms southern
exposure heat gas and Lath Cc5 Florida are
ntr e2 3
FOR RENT Two communicating unfnniished
rooms 1009 II nw c2 3
FOR RENT Unfurnislied rooms for light house
keeping 231 2d st nw m2 3
FOR RENT Rasemcnt two rooms heat and
gas use of bath 10 41 II nw m2 3
FOR RENT Small front room unfurnislied 510
llth st nw lnl 3
FOR REST Unfurnished three most desirable
rooms bath heat light light housekeeping
moderate 210 Arthur pi nw ml 3
FOR RENT Large unfur mrlor
4 IS Cth st
c31 3
FOR RENT Modern flats 723 7th st w 6
rooms and porcelain bath 17 727 7th t w
6 rooms and orceain bath 15 CHARLES V
MAILIT 330 ty St nw oc27 tf
FOR RENT Close to Navy Yard furnished or
unfurnished rooms with or without lioard 911
Dili si se m3 3
1231 SEW YORK AVE NW excellent Imard
for two 25 per iilonthmeaU sened out ra3 3
FOR REST Larg front room suitable for two
with or without boards 61s G st nw m3 3
lOR REST Witli board large second story front
room light and best 1J Fst lie ml
S03 K ST SW Furnished rooms southern ex
posure good homfe table ecntial m2 3
18 4T1I ST NM- Furnldial rooms with board
en suite orjdngltu ni2 3
FOR REST One Jurislied front room on firat
floor with or without lioard 411 K st nw
ml 3
FOR RENT Delightful rooms sc cond and third
floor front best loardiel2J4 F st nw ml 3
FOR RENT Ncny pajnlrd and papered rooms
with or without Kird evervtliing first class
splendid location 412 Cth st nw e0 tf
niRST CIASS table boaid 1221 llth at nw
e2 3
GOOD table lioard 021 N Capt st el 3
p Oll HIKE
FOR HIRE Stylbh horses and traps ruliber tire
runabouts and rigs suitable for business at the
lowest iiric es iien onal attention to luiarditig
horses L U PITSNOGIE 320 New Jeisey ave
opp B O Pep- 3 5
FOR HIRE Horses buggies and claitons 150
and 200 per das for clruiumilig or business
purposes PRESTONS STABLES cor Sth and
1 ito nw Phone 917 2 m26 Iino
FOR SALE Mans high grade wheel little used
good order 9 Address BOX 502 thi office
mS 3
TOR HALE Gents bicycle splendid condition
6 Address BOX fOO this office m3 3
r rv
ron saik MiscniiAxnoi
FOR SALE Charm Latrohc in good condition
120 II st nw m3 3
FOR SALE High class pedigreed Belaian hares
at cut prices two dais onlv THE IDEA RAII
IHTRY 812 21st sL nw m3 3
FOR roll top desk fine condition
cheap 417 Sew Jersey ave se m3 3
FOR SALE Thoroughbred collie licautifully
marked seven montlis old cheap 1321 Itigga st
nw m3 3
FOR SALE Large cook stove good as new 11
cost 21 FRIES IIOPWOOD eth and K sts
nvr m3 3
FOR SALE Sew- and second hand safes 1112
Est nw i3 7
FOR SALE Healing stoves slightly used dont
buy a new stove see us save money let us
store furniture 1 per load FRIES
HOlWOOD fill and K sts nw m3 3
FOR SAL On credit 50 cents per week
sewing machines from 5 up all guar
anteed 425 4 st sw Open evenings rr3 3
TOR SAIE Folding bed large mirror front 11
cost 45 single size let u e store your furni
ture 1 per load FRIES HOPrtOOD Sth and
K stsnw m33
TOR SALE Account of leaving city pawn ticket
for solitaire diamond ring cheap Address BOX
493 this office rn3 3
FOR SALE Two large double heating stoves
FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw m3 3
LOOK 50c cash 25c weekly lace curtains por
tieres rugs table linen table covers towels
blankets comforts spreads quilts sheets pil
low cases toilet and dinner ware silver plated
ware lamps vases clocks albums Bibles
etc Address BOX 50 this office will call with
samples m3 7
FOR SALE Dress goods silks lace curtains
portieres blankets comfcrts mens and bojs
clothing ladies suits coats skirts waists etc
weekly payments drop postal I call JOSEPH
CAHS SaTTa ave nw m3 7
rOR SALE Very fine square piano R5 the
kind that music stores ask 125 see us save
money let us store jour furniture 1 per load
FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw m3 3
FOR 850 a store full of second hand
books novels music stationery etc a dandy
chance tc jump into a paying business and be
your own boss J 104 Pennsylvania ave Balti
more Md no3W1724
FOR SAIE Large and hamlsome Collie dog one
year old fond of thildrrn 15 KING 143 Wash
ingtonct Anacostia m3 3
FO RSALK Fire gallon Ice crca n freezer good
as new let us store your furniture 51 per load
FRIES k IIOPWOOD tlh and K sts nw m3 3
FOR SALE Office fixtures consisting of partition
with brass grill work Can be inspected at 65
E St IT A DEHREND 617 Est m3 S
BACIIS 7 and II its Send postal Phone 772
FOR SALE Good pillows 00 cents each FRIES
IIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw m3 3
FOR SALE The best 7 and 10 sewing machines
in this city Call and be convinced FUNKS
331 C St se e2 3
FOR SALE At Loves sewing machines 5 up
good oak Standard 15 123a 9th St e2 3
FOR SALE Three good sewing macldnes in per
fect order see us save money FRIES HOP
WOOD Sth and K sts nw m3 3
FOR SALE National cash register cheap BOX
455 this office e2 3
FOR SALE Quaker vapor liatii cabinet never
used only 550 BOX 4S2 this office c2 3
FOR SALE Straw press laud power E W
HUGHES 149 P st nw el
FOR SALE Very fine oak wardrobe cost 33
will sell for 14 good as new let us store your
furniture 1 per load FRIES Si IIOPWOOD Sth
and K sts nw rn3 3
piano in good condition combination and ward
robe folding beds oak glass door wall cases
counters etc two file cases wood and metal
file boxes 1 and 150 per dozen two walnut
frame pier mirrors 14 and 16 feet high 200 iron
beds all sizes We have sold our store property
and must vacate Our entire stock sold regardless
of cost WM LOWESTHAL 7th and Mass ave
nw Stoves at warm weather prices m2 3
FOR SALE Large roll top desk FRIES ct IIOP
WOOD Sth and K sts nw m3 3
FOR SALE Beautiful upright piano at a sacri
fice S7 1712 7th at nw m2 7
FOR SALE Business school scholarship 12
gauge shotgun and Sterling bicycle Address
BOX 467 this office in2 J
FOR SALE Invalid rolling chair 11 cost 33
FRIES tC IIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw mJ 3
FOR SALE Six volumes Chambers Encyclopae
dia cloth bound in fine ronditionr 6 Call 1501
Park St Mt Pleasant fiat 6 el 3
FOR SALE Cheap small Turkish sofa spring
rocking chair dt4k and office chair also leather
gun case all good as new 307 3d st se el 3
TOR SALE 300 heating stoves good as new
dont buy a new stove see us save money
FRIES A IIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw m3 3
FOR SALE Another lot of flrat elass sewing ma
chines 5 10 and 15 FUSKS S31 C st se
el 3
FOR SALE One large coffee urn cost 55 will
sell for 18 also a lot of other urns cheap AL
BERT E ACKER CO 003 U st nw ml 3
FOR SALE Great liargains in sewing machines
Wilcox Gibbs Automatic Domestic and Sing
er up MeFARLASD CO J63S llth St nw
corner R ml 3
FOR SAIE Household and kitchen furniture will
be sold cheap no dealers 413 Massachusetts
ave nw ml 3
FOR SALE On credit all kimls dresa goods
skirts suits furs sealettes blanket lace cur
tains mens and bos wear etc Address BOX
191 tliis office ml lmo
FOR SALE Singer sewing machine a bargain
only 5 824 12tli st nw ml 3
FOR SALE One nearly new 7 horse power
tioiler and engine used only 9 months one iron
turning lathe one polishing lathe one lumber
wagon two square body spring wagons two bug
gies one sulky one set double and four sets
single harness In Jackson Alley rear of 310 C
st nw ml 3
FOR SALE Pears they are selling those golden
preserving pears from that boat at foot of 9th st
sw cheaper than at the markets but not on
Saturday rol 3
FOR SALE Beautiful tone rosewood case square
piano iieifect condition 18 cash cOnt 350
US II st nw ml 3
TOR SALE Bedroom suites brais and iron
beds hair mattresses chiffoniers separate dress
ers fine rugs all sizes carpets mahogany hall
clock desks liookease liall trees parlor suite
music cabinet iiarlor cabinet mantel cabinet
mirrors couches large sideboard leather dining
chairs card and parlor tables fine imported
statue antique brass pieces gas chandelier drop
light steel range sewing machine and numer
ous handsome odd pieces of fine furniture in solid
mahogany birds ee maple and oak office
chairs desks stock tjbles etc at once cheap
price no object leaving city what cant be sold
will be given to the poor 431 9th St nw
c31 3
FOR SALE A few more bargains in sewing ma
chines at FUSKS 331 C St se e31 3
FOR SALE Sewing machine bargains American
4 Singer 5 Domestic S50 New Home 10
All complete and warranted for five yeais At
01TENHE1MEICS Sew Home Agency 514 oth
st nw c3W
TOR SALE Good square piano 25 on 1
weekly iavmcnts F G SMITH 1225 Pennsyl
vania ave m0 tf
FOR SME Msthushek upright piano rosewood
case full octave only 125 F G SMITH 1225
Pennsylvania ave m30 tf
FOR SALE On credit all kinds dress goods
suits furs boas sealettes furnitures carpets
bedding mens and bojs wear etc Address
BOX 491 this olfice rol lm
FOR SALE Five foot curtain poles with fixtures
complete 17c carpet lining 3c a d Boor cil
cloth 19c a yd stair carpet 25c a yd KLEE
BIJVTTS llth and II sts ne mSO Sm
FOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted
to your windows only 25c the best quality oil
opaque shades hung free will call with
samples KIhEBLATTS llth and II sts ne
Phone East 25 1 elO tf
WHILE the paperhangers strike Is on hand re
member that 1 G NOITE at S2I Sth st nw
The Old Reliable lias first class workmen on
hand and is ready to do jour wall lupering at
2 and upward for rooms ml5 tf
W sSTKD SpanL h teacher competent to give
me leors two hours daily In exchange for
lioard no room American Address Box 427
eS1 3
this office
FOR RENT ROOMS 106 Lexington ave bet
Delaware and Elmwood arcs near Exposition
and Llose to Delaware ave and lerry St rale
witli breakfast 125 Address BOX St
FOR SALE Sear Government Printing Office II
t nw fine business property two small houses
well rented only 3x tor both first class in
resrncnt investigation asked easy terms ItOOM
7 Bank of Washington Building mS 3
FOR SALE Desirable houses in all sections of the
cit- Many of the properties are offered much
lielow value and are good investments
4500On Rhode Island are eight txwm brick
well located west 9lh
4200 On a numbered at overlooking Rhode
Island are modern dwelling SO feet front
1500 Another overlooking Rhode Island are
stone and brick tiled bath
4600 A corner near 7th and 9th st cars lot
30x120 feet
4275 Seven room baywindow dwelling lot
about lSxlC 16 foot alley
4350 Vmer on Rhode Island ave nine
rooms ha in
brick on Capitol Hill
lot 174x111 feet
3250 T st nw west 7th st nw lot 166x133
3500 Well located on Capiol Hill eight
room brick
3200 Near 7th and Oth t cars desirable bay-window-
brick dwelling cellar
2700 Near 9th and O sts nw six rooms
33O0 On Capitol Hill near East Capitol St
double modem house
3X On Corcoran st near 16th st six rooms
lot 20x95
2100 On 12th st ne six rooms bath
2500 Six rooms bath northeast near car
2000 Near St Aloysius Church six room
brick and frame stable lot 20x90
2100 Corner house northeast near Kendall
200 Six room brick near Pennsylvania are
cars southeast
2200 Fire room brick on 8th st nw
el 717 llth st nw
FOR SALE Brick on 10th st near V st nw
lot 20x100 to wide allay Price if purchased at
e2 3 820 F st nw
FOR SALE Sice home bay window brick So
1611 12th st nw eight rooms modern Improve
e2 3 920 Y st nw
FOR SALE Bay window brick on V St between
13th and llth sts nw six rooms and bath 1000
Bay window brick on V St between Tlth and 12th
sts nw price 2600
c2 3 pa F at nw
FOR SALE At a bargain bay window brick
No 2121 10th at nw six rooms price 2500
C2 3 920 F St
TOR SALE Rented 4390 price 4950 three
seven room frames near 5th and Massachusetts
ave nw steady renters GEORGE Y W0RTH
IXCTOS 1110 O nw c2 3
FOR SALE 25 cash and 25 monthly secures a
new modern six room brick house in the imme
diate vicinity of the navy ard See me or send
your address for full particulars GEORtV Y
WORTHIXGTOX 1410 G nw e2 3
FOR SAIJ II st near 10th ne six room bay
window brick good safe investment price 2
SlO WM G DUNNE 1007 H st ne e2 3
FOR SALE Modern brick 2200 cash 100
Total monthly payments 20 Dont pay rent
investigate W C HALDEMAN 717 llth St
e2 3
FOR SALE l7 Sice 7 room and bath frame
southeast large lot to alley House would cost
this much to build Perfect condition See sole
802 F St nw
FOR SALE 1W0 Only two left Those 6 room
and bath bricks south front wide concrete
street southeast near car line Would cost 2000
to duplicate houses E LODGE HILL 602 F St
nw e31 3
FOR SALE Big bargain WiU be sold at sacri
ficebeautiful home 11 roomf and hath north
west section near 16th St lot 19x130 price
7000 Address Box 443 this office e31 S
FOR SALE This is hard to beat price 3600
rented to an excellent tenant at 25 per month
an exceptionaBy well located property in a de
sirable section of the northwest six large rooms
dry cellar furnace modem plumbing porcelain
bathtub porch side windows entire house in
thorough repair lot 25x75 feet a cheap home or
weB paying investment MOORE ct HILL 717
llth st nw e30 4
FOR SALE Cheap at 2200 northwest section
an eight room brick and frame house lot 16x
100- alley near fine improvements MOORE
HILL 717 14th St nw e20 l
FOR SALE Very cheap at 3600 desirable lo
cation northwest well located in the northwest
section surrounded by fine homes a modern
three story and cellar bay window brick dwell
ing nine rooms and bath good repair lot 13
feet front paved alley the house actually could
not be built for the price asked and should rent
far 30 per month key at our office MOORE 4
HILL- 717 llth st nw e30 4
FOR SALE Frame house in northeaat section
near car line good condition granolithic side
walk paved alley in rear rented to good white
tenant at 530 per month price- 500 see our
list ot small houses MOORE HILL 717 14th
st nw m29 6
FOR SALE A decided bargain Look at No
1101 Fla ave ne Every convenience all modern
improvements nine rooms and bath brick sts
ble attached Will sacrifice in order to close an
estate at once Call at 1009 B st nw rall tf
FOR SALE 610 E at nw low price long
time low interest F L MOORE 1103 F st
nw e5 tf
LOST Solitaire diamond screw earring liberal
reward if returned to 1310 Roanoke ct nw ml
LOST October 25 from JS Maine ave sw brown
and black shepherd dog one year old Reward
for return or information leading to recovery
m3 S
E II Please return lemon and white bulldog
to Times Business Office after 5 p m Sunday
and receive reward R E JOYCE- ml
TWENTY DOLLARS reward will be paid for re
turn of a mink cellar to S31 20th st nw was
lot Oct 26 while driving probably in the
grounds between Congressional Gardens and White
House e2 3
LOST Cold medal Maltese cross marked W W
TALIIERT Return to A E a 1107 G st se el
LOST Large St Bernard and setter male dog
brown head and back white breast and forelegs
tag S712 named Prince liberal reward 120 C
ft ne m2 3
IjOST October 31 near Sth st and Pennsylvania
ave nw ladies belt having buckle showing
female figure surrounded by violets 2 reward
for return to 137 Carroll st se ml 3
LOST Thursday October 31 in Riggs k Co Na
tional Bank or in crossing street from liank to
15th St and New York ave in front of B O
ticket office a sum of money Finder will be
liberally rewarded by returning same to 1777
Massachusetts ave nw ml 3
LOST Will the person who purchased maltese
cat from colored man since llth October plesse
communicate with 1203 12th st ne e3l 3
FOUND Black and tan dog tag 739 Call 105
II st nw ml
gists 10c
ICE CREAM 70c gallon not made In a cellar
but above ground for sewer gas abounds In cel
Isrs and breeds typhoid diphtLera etc moral
dont eat that kind LACEYS Is pure sad
delicious 607 S Y are Phone 2081
F0R REST 2 office rooms at 934 F st nw Ap
ply to W J DANTE Room 15 Hutchius Bdg
10th and D sts nw c28 t
FOR RENT Sew brick stable carriage house be
hind 454 Tranklin st nw 430 in3 3
FOR SALE Good family horse will do for light
delivery also buggy and harness Apply 32 II st
3 3
TOR SALE Concord buggy will lie sold Novem
ber 11 for cost of repairs II B LYLKS 2U33
7th st nw
m3 3
FOR SALE Good driving horse and liar
ncss cheap leaving citv Address BOX 499
this office ii
FOR SALE Three work liorses three wagons two
buggies aUo fine young driving mare well train
ed and fearless ANDERSON DRAY i STORAGE
CO X Capitol and 1 sts m2 3
FOR SALE Small platform furniture wagon with
shifting top cheap 1219 1 st nw el 2
10 R S ALE Two small and two large ponies
aho relict harness trap cart and surrey very
cheap 209 llth st nw ml 3
FOR SILE Cheap sorrel mare kind and fear
less driven by lady Call 2013 7th st nw
ml 3
FOR SALE Two horses and buggy
ave nw
00 Florida
c31 2
TOR SALE 25 to 90 have no further use 26
horsrs and mares suitable for farm family or
general busineas purposes one fast driving nare
aisa wagons names uiensaus ij -
ave nw
30 7
Hen Estate Broker nnd Auctioneer
917 F Street N W
r stories I7r ami iot 70x120 ft 1400
Snrice b h 8r bath ami 30x105 ft 6000
J1 lsl tore and dirg tented 19X
iiS I h alb a m I stid stable JH00
1409 to ma 36th r j a m Ejch Jcrx
iIm r V Sr d
1125 Sth
J ft jol jrt M
m lfnw rltnl for e1 30 mo i w1
417 419 m Hollld e Ct b ha Jr ill 1S08
tv v
tli iris Kt bth
I - 4r and back building z70
mi aocf si if t b 6r Mch rtlbu rth jjoij
ISk tb bSr bth and a m I Co00
L h n1 Sf b m S500
11 r l t bath ami lSxllS ft 4500
Vi t b 7r b lh isl a m I JscO
Aib b Cr bth m
01 Uth rt store and dwelling 2SJ1
203 A bh llr bath and a m i 3 300
202 A b h 12- bath and a m 1 8800
433 to 439 2d b h a m I Each 5500
Intersection of Va ave and I st 5574 aj
ft with improvements rented for 12
per month 5000
01 and 708 L b hs lot 40x5 ft both 3IOJ
321 and iS3Dbhs6r each Each 3000
A h CrJ0t 2317a5 K
1134 S J ave b h 4r 1500
S9i hb h wltCT I15 - lsO
1207 N J ave f h 5r lot 16x120 ft 1200
Ne 206 DeL ave furnished lOr and bath100 00
Ne 1021 II 4r ins
e 1102 oth Br 15 M
sc HOI 9th Or 10 SO
Se 1101 N J e Cr w 50
rc - b
I 5Lti TTe Er ad bath m
5- 22 1 r ano 40
Sw 027 c 6r and b a S
M Ost t u M
Apply nt OBlce for IVceklr Ilulletlu
Desirable Residence Stable and Mill
Dennis Mass 2XJ
253 Acre Lawrence Co Tenn 2000
Desirable Residence and lots Ames la 2OJ0
157 Acres Berkshire County Mass 2tr
Lead Claim Custer County Col 200C
161 Acres Mii onla County Mont 2001
80 Acres Cowley County Kansas 2000
160 Acres Hitchcock County Neb 2003
126 Acres Bedford County Va 2101
230 Acres Cass County Minn 220a
Desirable Residence and lot Pcnn
Yan S V 2504
Desirable Residence and Lot Lincoln
Neb 2501
Desirable Residence Lot and Black
smith Shop Waikesha Wis 2600
2 Desirable Building Lots West Pullman
Chicago III I70J
Desirable residence and Lot Orange
Mass 27011
Desirable Residence and Lot Wood-
mont Conn 2751
SO Acres Dodge County Minn 2803
SO Acres of 3Iineral Land Marion County
Ark 3001
92 Acres Hartford County Conn 3501
63 Acres York County Pa 3501
2t Acres of Land Tolland County Conn 360
30 Acres 10 in fruit Riverside Co Cal 30011
3 Ac res Lena Manitoba Can 3600
212 Acres Fayette County Term 4001
160 Acres Kingsbury County S D 4001
Desirable Residence and two lots Kan
ens City Mo 40O1
S3 Acres Monmouth County N J - 4800
60 Acres Darke County Ohio 4301
153 Acres Bolivar County Miss 4404
Desirable Opera liouse and Lot Mr
Vernon Washington 4503
55 Acres Mesa County Colo 4503
Orange Grove of seven acres Polk
County Florida 45011
102 Acres Lancaster Countr Pa 4500
558 Acres Amelia County Va 5000
240 Acres Province of Manitoba Canada 5000
Desirable Residence and Lot Lawrence
Mass 5000
107 Acres Lycoming County Pa 5200
3 Desirable Residences and Lots Pueblo
CoL 5200
Desirable Residence and Lots Forest
Grove Oregon 5500
Desirable Residence and Lot St Louis
Mo 5353
Desirable Residence and lot Belfast
Maine 6003
Cash for your real estate no matter where it
is may be obtained through me Write at once
FOR RENT 70S Q st nw 6 rooms and bath
porcelain tub etc Apply 1131 10th st nw
ml S
FOR RENT To select colored tenants new sani
tary 4 room flats all modern improvements tiled
bath ideal homes for comfortable and economical
living First floor 12 second floor 11 third
floor 13 Also 1539 and 1543 A St se 6 pel
month GEORGE R HILL 615 lith St nw
FOR REST FREE to colored persons live-
room nouses nortneast tree lor one mnnm aai
then only 5 a month CAYWOOD t GARRETT
sfrTssi 1K f ti Vsw Vi rir ri nw inS lni
FOR SALE Lots three to t n thousand feet oa
electric railway single fare 10 cents per foot
raoit uly payments without interest CLARK
BROS 1323 F st nw m3 3
FOR SALE Cood chance for contractor Largs
lot fronting on 2 streets southeast small houses
would bring handsome return E LODGE HILL
802 V St nw e31 3
FOR REST Eight room dwelling cellar bath
pantry and attic all modern improvements also
two storv staDie anu large r uquire iimi
Providence at BrooUand P C
ro3 3
FOR REST At Hyattsville seven rooms and
cellar house very convenient to steam and elec
tric cars large lot excellent water and out
buildings price 15 a month Add P O BOX
33 HjattsviUc lid or DUCKETT DENT S CO
635 F St nw ml 3
FOR SALE Pretty 6 room suburban home clo
to electric cars porches outbuildings young
fruit splendid water large lot fine fence choice
bargain at 1S00 easy terms other good bar
gains ROOM 7 Bank Washington Building
m2 3
FOR SALE For 750 50 down cight rooa
house half acre lot PIERCE ct PIERCE Vien
na Va ni23 lmo
seuse academies 1211 12th st nw Confederali
Veterans Hall and Wimodausis Club New Yors
are grand masquerade on the 15th invitation
necessary for new pupils m3 3
MATTRESSES made over on premises 150 J
J FEESEY 213 4th st nw m3 3
UPHOLSTERING mattress making chair caning
carpet laying 2 cents yard F 1 NIEDFELDT
1515 Sth it nw
m3 3
nw now 523 13th st nw no lime 30 cents
pair drop postal m3 3
AT LOVES sewing machines repaired 1 1233
9th st Postal c2 3
JONES THE FIXER repairs Iatrobes and all
kinds of heaters 323 Indiana ave nw e2 3
CUT THIS OUT and present to Kolb Pharmacy
433 7th st nw with 50 cents and receive a large
the great blood and nerve tonic also world
renowned Catarrh Cure
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded
ei C
HAVE your furs dressed to look like new befora
cold weather remodeling of all kinds 1445 Cor
coran it e2 3
would like a few more customers prices reason
able 515 llth at nw second floor front cl
LACE CURTAINS laundered 30 cents a pair 221
D st nw el 3
SAVE MONEY -Do your lamps oiUtoves need
repairing See the LAMP DOCTOR 724 13th st
ml 3
HMR CANING Good work rend postal MRS
L JOHNSON 1517 Cth st nw m31 7
bought and sold also book binding in all Its
branches SO D st nw tSO M
jour business teams as well as your
Ahjtic iss drivers from THE
BLES M SISSIIEIMElt Proprietor rear 61J t
st nw Rubber tired vehicles of all kinds busi
ness and Divton wagons alvvirs on hand eo ira
FIREARMS electrical work instrument repair
ing satisfactory prices FARROW ARMS CO
00 s1 st nw

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