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The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, November 27, 1901, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-11-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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Secretary Root Emphasizes
It in Annual Report
Public Policy Dsmands Preserva
tion of Islands Independence
Quiet and Health
on Important Subjects
There are the weightiest reasons of
American public poller says Secretary
Root In Ills annual report to the Prosi
ilrnt made public today for the enact
ment cf reciprocal trade arrangements
with Cuba at the earliest possible date
This conclusion is stated not only in iew
of the moral obligations of the United
States to the new republic but from
three conditions described as essential to
this countrys welfare as hereafter btnteJ
n OliMnelc 1 lroiprit
Mr Root say that the government of
the Island during the jast car his been
peaceful and oiderl an J review
ing the work accomplished bj the army
of occupation he declare
The chief apparent obstacle to the fu
ture prosperity of the island is to bo
found In Its commercial relations with tho
Inltcil States and the necessity of secur
ing some reciprocal arrangement under
which a concession shall be made from
tho tariff duties now Imposed b tho
Vnted States uptn the principal Cuban
Iteiliiitlon of Duties I rsod
Our present duty to Cuba can I
formed by the making of such a recipro
cal tariff arrangement with her as Presi
dent TfcKinlc urged In his last worls to
Ills cinrsmen at Buffalo on the Bth of
KetembT A reasonable reduction in our
duties upon Cuban sugar and tobacco in
exchange for fairly compensatory reduc
tions cf Cuban duties upon American
prcducs will answer the purpose and 1
urge that such an arrangement
be promptly made It would Involve no
tacriflce but would Lo as advantageous
to us as it would be to Cuba
HcnnuiiH for Iromiit ctln
Aside from the moral obligation to
which wo committal ourselves when Me
drove Spain out of Cuba and aside from
the ordinary considerations of commercial
advartage involved in a reciprocity treaty
there are the weightiest reasons of Amer
ican public policy pointing in the same di
rection for the peace of Cuba is necessary
to the peace of ihe United States the
health of Cuba Is necessary to the heolli
cf the Inltcd States the independence
of Cuba Is necessary to the safety of the
Inited States lho same considerations
which lid to the war with Spain now re
quire that a commercial arrangement be
made under which Cuba can live The
condition of the sugar and tobacco indus
tries in Cuba Is already such that the
earliest possible action by Congress upon
this subject is desirable
District Vzirlc Improvement
Concerning the wcrk of the netfly con
stituted District Park Commission Mr
Hoot says
in admirable spirit that commission
ceeks to restore and develop the original
designs - President Washington and
lEnfant and the plans which they are
about to present for the work to be done
Sereafter in making tho Capital City
more beautiful have the hearty approval
and sympathy of the War Department
end will it they shall happily be adopted
have that Departments cordial co-operation
The retirement of Generals Merritt
Brooks and Otis as lieutenant generals
is recommended as a slight recognition
of the obligations of the country to these
efflcers The suggestion is made that
the provision now In force for retiring
natal officers at tho next higher grade
to that attained in active service be ex
tended to the army
Tlie TrniiKtort erlee
The id usability of selling all the re
xralniag transports on the Atlantic is
urged The Secretary adds-
It is not practicable now to discon
tinue tho transport sorlce upon the Pa
cific Lut I do not thlak it desirable that
the United States should ovn and oper
ate a Beet of passenger and freight tes
te Is in time of peace It w uld be grati
fying if the American merchant marine
could furnish vessels to transport our
wn and supplies as part of a regular
commerce between the United States and
the Philippines under contracts which
would enable the Government in case of
var to put the vessels under the control
of regular officers of the army or navy
for transport purposes upon reasonaDle
compensation It is desirable that
amhorij be given to Congrcsn to make
such ccntracts in case opportunities for
u b an arrangement should be afforded
in the future
ItecoinndaMoiis arc made that the
JT Ment be now empowered to organize
i j volunteer forces whenever cilled out
he r uuer provided for bj the act of
Uni J uvi for the organization of the
volunlr forie which has recectl ro
i lrned from the lliilipnlnes vith such
ions as shall be necebsarv and
ib establishment by liw of a general
t iff of which the War College IJoard
s h ill form a iiart
Work in tho Ililllniililex
TV most important single military
vm f the ear is the value placed by
Sr ary Root on General Kunstons cap
ture of Aguinaldo The field work of the
army Ii the Philippines ia heartily coni
n ended Re cent disturbances In Samar
a c minimized as unfortunately to be
fpntcd The army In the Philippines
be a reduced since the last annual
rcpot from 2267 officers and 71727 en
listed irtn to 1111 officers and iZli en-1st-
1 men
Th reduction of expenses of admlns
traion the simplification of management
ly the consolidation of the military de-
rTicnts into two only the sale of cora
ri stores to teachers and other
c1 illam and the visits of high officials
cf he War Department are referred to
nerr Iukh to lie IMnil lur on
Clievj CliRhe Links
Ior pewter cups the golfers cf the
Chvy Chase Club will swing the driver
on ThanUgiving Day The cups have
been uflerod by Dr Slerrctt Col I L
Denny and F D Ilorslmann
The first match an cightcen holc bogle
handicap event will bo plaved Thanksgiv
ing morning An clghteen holo handicap
rantch stroke competition will be tho sec
ond match scheduled for the afternoon
Men over forty five years of age will
eonlest for the third cup ail day long in
an eightecn holc bogio handicap match
A player may compete for all three cups
by playins only ono round of eighteen
holes cither morning or afternoon
Cm eminent PnjH MON Hneli to send
Tlicill to llollKKfini
The ordinary Chinaman is a very shrewd
Individual Whenever ha feels as though
he wants to pv a visit to his people In
China he managis to get the c and per
mit fcomo one else to pa the expenses s
a rule this some one clso is Uncle
Tho Celestial with a longing for hone
manages through the intervention of
some Chlnamsn who is friendlj 10 tho
American Government lo call the atten
tion of the Immigration llureau to his
case This friendly Chinaman informs
the Immigration llureau that John Ching
lang is in this otintrr ng ilnst the law
and that he should be deported as being
a bud Ohinam m Laually John China
man visits his home whenever he feels
lilc It and Uncle Sam pays the freight
T V Ponderlj Commissioner General
of Immigration jesterdaj sent intructions
to the United States Marshals at Poitland
Me Auburn N and Concord N
li to conduct Chinamen twenty In nura
lcr arrested for boinn il this country
against the Iav to Boston to deliver
thpm to the Chinese inspector at that
port who is to se o that they are safely
put on boird of a train bound for San
The parly of Celestials on their Jour
ney as far as San Franc sco will be in
charge of a United States Marshal whose
exienes in connection with the trip are
stipulated at 5210 At San Trancisco the
Chinamen will bo taken In charge by
guards of the Southern Pacific Railroad
who will see that the intiuders nro safely
put on shore at Hongkong
The expenses Including guards of the
Journey to Hongkong amount to 10S per
IJiKliI kxch to lie Considered
Hit- Klcelliui tiimmlllfcs V
uceeKKor niucd to Hit
I - 1 U vinl
There arc fewer contested election
cafes scheduled foi consideration by the
election committees of tho House this
coming Congress than has marked he
record of any preceding Congress
There are three election committees of
tho House and there arc but eight con
tested seats of members to be divided
among the three
The following U the official record of
contests the names of contestants and
the conlestces that hate been filed with
the Clerk of the House
Alabama Seienth district X 13
Spears vs John ISumett
Kentuck Third district J JlcKcnzic
Moss ts John S Ilhea
Jisourl Twclfjh district Willmni JI
Horton vs5 James J Carter
North Carolina Third district John H
lowlor vs Charles R Thomas
Ohio Twelfth district John J Lentz
vs Hmmett Tompkins
South Carolina Seventh distitct A D
Dantzler vs J William Stokes
Virginia rourth district C E Wil
sen vs Prancls R Lassiter Ninth dis
trict James A Walker vs William F
Since notices of contests were filed
there hae been two dcathi among the
parties Interested
Oen James A Walker of Virginia died
soon after allelic testimony In his care
had been taken Representatltc J Wil
liams Stokes of South Carolina died after
his testimony had been forwarded lo the
Clerk of the House
The diath pf Representative Stokes and
the fact that Ifls jfureeysor was but re
cently elected will not Interfere with th a
contest however It vas said jostciiay
that the cae will be proceeded Willi Just
the same as though Mr Stokes had not
died If the Election Committee should
report in favor of Dantzler and the re
port be adopted by the House then Dantz
ler would bo seated and the recent elec
tion of A r rer would be declared null
and void on the ground that no vacancy
In the case of General Walker of Vir
ginia there Is considerable difference as
the prosecution of the case will rest with
the Election Committee to which it Is
referred Should tho committee find In
faor of the deceased contestant and the
committees report be approied by the
Hous the result would be to declare tho
seat now held by Representative Rhea va
cant And this of course would necessi
tate another election in the Ninth Con
greHlonal district of Virginia
In this connection It Is Interesting to
note that General Walker in the last
Congrecs contested Judge Rheas scat
precisely on tho same grounds upon which
his contest in this Congrobs Is based And
Election Committee No 1 that heard the
last Congrus contest reported In favor
of Judge Rhea Rut the Congress ad
journed without the House ever disposing
of the report
The case of Horton v Putlcr of Mis
souri is peculiar In this that the notice
of cortest wai not served within the timu
limit fixed by law and no testitnon has
been printed Hut the ease however Is
Included In the list giien out by the Clerk
of the House
As the Republicans hate more than a
working niHjorit in the House this Con
gress there will be no o casion to un
seat the Democratic members for purely
partisan purposes such as was done in
the Pifty first Congress
Slreet ltnllMits Irepiut
I iBlil
Winter DIllIeullIeK
Looting forward to tho inclement
weather that c sure to shortly put in an
appearance the oCeers of the Washing
ton Traction and Electric Cotupau have
secured an order from the District Com
mitsioners that will permit them to burn
oil In the switches of the company when
ever it shall be necessary to thuw ihem
Lasl jear great difficult wasexpericnc
ed In operating tho switches which be
came eoggl with snow and ice at fre
quent intertals and In anticipation of that
setere weather which is likely lo come
In the near future the officers of he com
pany sought the aFBlstance of the Com
As a result of the peisuaslvcncst of
General Haines of the Traction Com
pin the following order has been Issued
for the Information of all concerned
That permit be issued to the Wash
ington Traction and Electric Company to
burn oil for the purpose of thawing out
switches on the lines operated by said
company whenever tho tcrciicrature In
terfere with their proper otratIon the
oil to be limited to such quantity as will
not injure the street pavements
Iullilo Work Urilerril
The District Commissioners yesterday
authorized the following Items of public
work through the Engineer Department
That trees be planted on P Street bo
tween Thirty fifth and Thirty sixth
Streets and on Thirty sixth Street be
twejn O and P Streets at an estimated
cost of J104 tbargcablo to appropriation
for Parking Commission That fifty feet
of six Inch water main be laid in Morgan
Avenue between Lamar Place and Spring
Road at an estimated cost of JiO
f7tiKt Fjiij of tho SciiMMi nl Hon
nliiK IjOIik MiotK Ono Imi itml
I hroo in jMOtutti Kiioo
Hciit OiIiIn oii Inwirllt
Yestcrda was the coldest day of the
season at Iicnring and Mowing races was
anything but a pleasure This had no vis
ible effect on the attendance which as
the meeting draws to a close increases
The sport was good all through Tho
starts were prompt and without vexations
delas All the events were well con
tested The average number of book
maken were in line doing a rushing busi
ness As only two favorites won on the
daj the kept most of the money
talent IIcIh the llrst Knee
The talent started in well backing Mc
Grathlana Prince in the first race all over
the ring Even as the horses were at tho
pest tho money was still passing In on
him The race was never in doubt lho
Prince going to the front after the bar
rier went up as if it was a sprint of
half a mile instead of a mile and three
Many horsemen felt sure that he would
die In front and that he couldnt keep up
the clip he was setting Hut his staing
powers were equal to the occasion and ha
landed the big end of the nurse by a
The second race on the card was for
two- car olds that had not won since
Jul I Eleven faced the starter
Cornwall from the stable of Barrick
O Connor was made a top heavy favor
ite opening at S to 5 closing at 7 to 10
He was never in the hunt as Genesee an
S to 1 shot won with Klying Uuttrcss
at 7 t I finishing second and Courte
na another outsider at la to 1 getting
The third race on the card a selling
anatr at a mile anil forty ards brought
together a mixed lot of which Old Rrlsk
was made the favorite at 6 to fi Ills
stable connections evidently did not fancy
this price on thejld campaigner and let
him bevcrei alone
linrlcj VIooreH lrlee 1IminI iI
In the raenntiTic a heavy play bgan on
Charley Moore owned by T V Coles of
arrciiton Va an1 the Virginians backed
him for bundles of mone for Ing hs
price from 5 to 1 at the opening to S to 5
it the rinse While tlin Vlplnfino in
pounding Chirley Mooro the nrice on Ilrisk
began to soar upward going Iom the
opening fl to to 7 to 2 and at this price
his followers placed their money on him
There wero only two horses in the race
at the end Lrisk secured the vcrdirt bj
a head with Charley Moore 3e ond by
four lengths
The fourth race went to the favorite
without anv trouble this time the talent
getting back a little of previous losses
ll CinrBo ut O to 1
The fifth was for four- ear olds and up
ward and brought out an ordinary lot
thirteen going to tho post The winner
turned up in Ily George at the remunera
tive odds of 20 to I Death a 7 to 1
chance finished second and Shoreham
the favorite third Morokantn an entry
In this race was heavily plajod being
backed from C to 1 to Z to 1 and but for
Interference might have glvcn the win
ner an argument
Tho sixth and last raco tho best of
tho day It had only four starters of
which Carbuncle was a pronounce 1 fa
vorite going to the post at 1 to 2 The
iace was won b Alfred Vargrave after
running one ot those rcmarlablo races
that onlookers enthuse over He looked
hopelesly beater going down the back
stretch bolng thirty lengths out of It
On the turn for home he picked up his
horses one by one and at the end won
clcverl by two lc igths
Redfcrn carried off the honors of the
dar winning three race s out of four
mounts with Hrlsk R George and Al
fred Vargrave all at good prices His fol
lowers of which he has a groat man
must have hpd a profitable diy of It
The card for today Is a good one with
an additional added feature of a match
between the two- ear old filly Lad
Tenzlc and the four- ear-old- bay horse
Sir Ellerslle The conditions of the race
are that owners of Lady Tcazio put up
fiOO against JIOO of the owners of Sir
Ellerslle that the filly can beat the horse
Distance five furlongs weight for age
I be SiiiiutilirleM
The following are the ietults of cs
terdas races
llrst race Hlghwclglt handicap three-car-olds
and upward one mile and six
furlong McCrathlana Prince Heidcr
C to S and 2 to r won Rostercr Dog
get 7 lo 1 and to 2 second Dick Fur
ber Ruttcr 12 to 1 and 5 to 1 third
Time S IS 2 1
Ilaceus Jim Meglbben Tankard nettle
l also ran Scratched Corrilla Oracle
Kate Spottawood
11p v inner much the best Led all the
wiy Had a big pull U the weights and
the race was never in doubt Jim ile
gibben dd not run up to form
Second race Tv o j eir olds six fur
longs Geneseo H Cochrane 8 to 1 an 1
1 to 1 won riving Iluttresa Phea 7 to 1
and 5 to 2 second Courtcnay J Slack
13 to 1 nd G to 1 third Time l id 1 r
Misleader Cornwall Carroll D Righta
way Goldaga Lord lladgu llruff and
Equall alo i an Scratched Alack Hot
Clipper Start good won driving Winner
much the best Cornwall false favorite
Third race Thiee jear olds nnd up
ward selling ore mile and forty vards
NervooS Dyspepsia
Nut n Potent dire- til Vnr n Vloiln n
aliraele lint Mniplj n ttntloiial
lire for l pepsin
In theee days of h nbuggery and decep
tion the mtnufacturers of natcnt medi
cines as a rule seem to think their med
icines will not sell unless the claim that
It will cure every disease under the sun
And they never think of leaving out dys
pepsia and stomach troubles They are
sure to claim that their nostrum is ab
solutely certain to cure every dyspeptic
and he need look no further
In thci fare of these absurd claims it is
refreshing to nolo that tho proprietors
of Stuarts Dspcpsia Tnblots have care
fully refrained from making undue claims
or false representations regarding the
meriti of this most excellent remedy for
dspcpsla and stomach troubles They
make but one claim for It and that is
that for indigestion and various stomach
troubles Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets is a
radical cure They go no further than
this and any man or woman suffering
from indigestion chronic or nervous dys
pepsia who will give the remedy a trial
will find that notning Is claimed for it
that the facts will not fully sustain
It is a modern discovery composed of
harmless vegetable ingredients accep
table to tho weakest or mest delicate
stomach Its great success in cur ng
slomach troubles is due to the fact that
the medical properties are such that it
will digest whatever wholesome food is
taicn Into tho stomach no matter
llennliii Knlries
The following are the entries for races
at Benning todey
First race Ior anJ up
ward six and onc nalf furlongs Ohnct
10I Lord Pepitr 1C0 Shorcham 107
Marokanta 107 Tour i7 Kallf 101
Lad of the Vallej 07 Prosit 101 Ra
bunta 07 Leo King 101 Oudenarde 100
Bibtile 101 Toddy 101 Loftcr 104 Scar
let Lily 101 Himself 100 Alpaca 101
Second iace Five and a half furlongs
handicap for twO earods Fcmesoic
120 and Rose of May 110 McCaflert 3
entrj Fonsoluca 117 Prophetic ICG nnd
Waswlft IP J Grant Lman3 entrj Ill
sin llj Lux Casta 111 Dewey 111
I lora Pomona 113 Anak 112 Trump 111
and Swamplands 102 W C Dalys entry
RIanchc Herman 110 Honolulu 100 Ten
arra 107 ir Evcllence 10 Early Eve
10fi Plying Ruttress 103 Red Damsel
1 01 Matrisi 5 Coacoa 05
Third race Selling for three years
and up mile and fifty ards Wellesley
107 Tyrshena 112 Marothen 101 An
nie Thompson 101 Mynheer 1011 Lady
Chorister SO Death 101
Fourth race For all ages seven fur
longs Lamp OEoe 128 The Puritan
128 Ilesslc McCarthy 102 Lady Godlva
102 Littlo Arrow 6S Pigeon Post 12S
Andy Williams 103 Extinguisher 10
1 ifth race High weight selling six and
a half furlongs Clearfield S3 Limp
OLee 12C Last Knight 91 Satire 120
Illuminate 1 May J 83 Rijou 100 Red
Damsel 100 Lady Godlva 03 Locket
Sixth race Soiling for mares three
years old and upward mile and 100 yards
Marothen SO Annie Thompson 30 Cher
ished JO Curtsey 100 Fiara no Althea
OS Klngstelle S3 Gues3 Work S3
Apprentice allowance
Seventh race Match raco weight for
age five furlongs Harrison Howard
name Lady Teazle 102 G00 Robert
Neville names Sir Ellerslle 123 J300
First race Toddy Scarlet Lily Shore
Second race Fcmcsole Rijou Lux
Third race Mynheer Trshcni Wollcs
Fourth race Andy Willlam3 Rcssie
McCarthy Extinguisher
Fifth rare Lady Codiva Red Damsel
Last Knight
Sixth race Guess Work Klngstelle
Conditions ir MceplccImKC
Tho conditions of the unannounced
steeplechase to be run as the third rars
on Saturday November 00 are as follows
To close at 12 noon on Friday November
23 Steeplechase for and
upward non wlnccrs of a steeplechase
during tho meeting at r pounds under the
scale Dy sttl scriptlon of 5 each with
100 added to tho winner of which 100 to
tho second and 50 to tho third
to carry 133 pounds
130 pounds five-year-old 13S
pounds and over 161
whether the stomach is in cood working rounds Allowances as by ule to marea
order or not It rests tho overworked n seldlngs About two miles aril one-
organ and replenishes the body the blood
the nerves creating a healthy appetite
gives refreshing sleep and the blssinga
which alwas accompany a good diges
tion and proper assimilation of food
In using Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets no
dieting Is required Simply cat plenty of
wholesome food and tako these Tablets at
each meal thus assisting and resting the
stomach which rapidly regains its proper
digestive power when the Tablets will bo
no longer required
Nervous ds pepsla Is simply a condition
In which some portion or portions of the
nervous system are not pro erl nour
ished Good digestion Invigorates the
nervous system and ever organ in the
Any druggist will tell ou Stuirts
Dspepsia Tablets give universal satis
DrUk Rcrfern 7 to 2 and fi to S von
Charley Moore Doggctt 8 to 3 and J to
3 second Littlo Dais II Cochrane 8
to 1 and J to 1 third Time 1 50 2 S
Curtsey Phllma Paxton Fiara War
ranted Punctual and Idle Wos also ran
and finished as named Scratched Wun
derllch Lou Rey Cormorant Death King
Barlccorn Mooro made too much uso
ot In the early part of the race Brisk
ran the best race of his career
Fourth race For two-year-olds six
furlongs Barouche Wonderlj 8 to G
and 3 to 6 won Honolulu H Cochrane
7 to 2 and 6 to fi ijonrt Andy Williams
L Smith 4 to 1 aia 7 to 5 third Time
I 10 3 5
Colonel Bill Sister Juliet Trump Wild
Hess Qulxada also ran Scratched Te
nagra Outcast Red Damsel Ksnyote
The- winner much the Lest Came away
east at the end Honolulu the best of the
Fifth race For four-year-olds and up
ward selling seven furlongs By George
Redrcrn 20 to 1 and 8 to 1 won Death
White 7 to 1 and 5 to 2 second Shore
ham Wonderlj 8 to 5 and 3 to 5 third
Time 1 32
Alpaca Baslile Kallf Federalist Moro
kanta Give and Take Ordeal Tenderloin
Rough Rider and Miss Dart also ran
Scratched Cheval dOr Jerry Hunt
Brisk Nanlne Vontora
Dy George came away easily at the end
and was well ridden Avoided early In
terference and had plenty left when called
on Is as good now as he ever was in his
Sixth race Three- car olds and up
ward one mile ind a sixteenth Alfred
Vnrgrave Redfetn 3 to 1 and even won
Carbuncle If Ci chrane 1 to 2 nnd out
second Hnndlcapror Creamer G lo 1
and even third Time 1 32 1 3
Ben Hattlo also ran Scratched Mc
Meckln The Puritan Iee Bruno Lamp o
Lee Lady of the Valley Warranted
Alfred Varravo was best and ran a
grand race Looked
hopelessly beaten go
ing around the back stretch but in he
turn for home picked up his Lcrses otie
by one and made his field look cheap
Carbuncle cannot give him weight over a
1 be Comill luotlinll tLcsrrciiUon
- lut lriiui ltliitcit
ITHACA N Y Nov 26 Cornells foot
ball aggicgation started for Philadelphia
at 1130 oclock tonight The party will bo
quartered at the Walton Hotel during
their stay in tho Quaker City and will
take light signal practice tomorrow
Today at tho final practice in Ithaca
Coach Starbucl did not require a line up
as it was not deemed expedient to run
lho risk of injuring any of the regulars
All seem to be in pretty good condition
Tomorrow nlyht about S00 Cornell stu
dents will go to Philadelphia to root for
Vlntch With Ilnnle GrllUn Arrnnued
in Citllfurnln
LOS ANGELES Cal Nov 25 By terms
that have not been mado public tho
Twentieth Century Club of Los Angele3
has secured a match between Jack Jet
fries brother of the champion who has
assisted In his training and Hank GrlfHn
Tho date has not been set but it will Le
during tho first week In December
Champion Jim will spend Thanksgiving
Day in Los Angeles with his parents
Billy Delaney and Kid Eagan are in
Portland arranging a boxing exhibition
for Jeffries This event will bo the open
ing ot a tour of 1he Northern cities end
ing in Chicago early In the new ear be
fore Jeifrics goes to New York
Tn tu I of llceelil All Uxpenses Al
lowed tlMiut f5sooo
NEW HAVEN Nor 16 It Is estimated
by Yale men that Yales receipts this year
from football games will be the larges
In her history In round numbers Yale
will get between 55000 and 60000 as her
Yales net returns from the Harvard
game where the crowd wa3 estimitcd at
about 32000 people will be about 33000
In the Princeton game where tho crowd
was estimated at 17000 tho receipts for
Yale will be about 1300 The finincial
returns from the Columbia Yale game
will figure up about 3000 for Yale
The other gimef on the Yale field this
season Including tho bi centenniel all
star game will net Yale University about
000 total
This will bring the grand total up to
about 5s000 for all epemje3
Itiisc Inill Tenu Will vice
Pull I Klit
lit the 1111111111111
Tho Urcli Rllles indoor baseball team
will meet the fast team from the Young
Mens Christian Association tonight in the
National Guard Gvmnasium at 8 oclock
Thcuardsmon suffered an overwhelm
ing defeat at the hands of tho association
lads Saturday night the score being JO to
10 in favor of tho latter team The mili
tia men have practiced a great deal since
then and promise to turn the trick to
Frown the old reliable slab artist for
the Irells will occupy the centre of tho
diamond for them Illoiaskl will pitch
for ihe association youths
Jlillll JiS 0U 0n tantalize the K
fcliii Jljkr appetite when you serve k
fjijj Jffir yur S0UP r oysters without tk
Thonsands of physicians admit the
truth and heartily endorse lho new dis
covery of the Drs Koch They have for
ears studied night and day perfecting
hi3 wondfrful treatment for tho cure of
these diseases The above Koch inhala
tion la the most wonderful cure for lung
Tho doctors who treat this disease at
their Institutions have for a life time
mado a deep and searching seudv nf nil
lung diseases Including Catarrh Asthma
and Bronchitis and thousands of pitients
who have been given un as Incurable ire
today living monuments or Ihclr success
Tho old method of injecting lho tuber
culine medicine is little used now but by
the use ot this germ destroying medicine
tubcrcullne combined with healing oils
which arc thrown Into oily vapors the
lungs arc healed These vapors can bo
breathed Into the air tubes of tho diseased
lungs and they are easily cured The ef
fect Is wonderful u heals up the sore
places kills the poisonous germs and
gives new life to patients having lung
diseases The WashlngVpn offices are at
027 E Street northwest The latest- Wniv
Congress of Physicians which met In Lon-
aon last July endorses Dr Kochs new
treatment and today it stands alone as
the only cure for that fatal scourge
consumption which sends Us thousands
upon thousands to
untimely graves es
pecially In such a changeable climate as
Samuel F
Consumption steals upon Its rlctha ae
the thief In the night and beiore he U
awaro cf his true condition his catarrhal
discharge has so poisoned the air tubes ot
the lung3 that they begin to breafe away
and decay nnd he becomes an unwilling
3lave to its ruinous consequences It gen
erally begins as an ordinary catarrh In
the nose or throat the discharge of which
drops down into the air passages espe
cially at night while asleep until they
too are infected when the following
symptoms nro present There U n mn
slant hawking and spitting tickling in
mo tnrcat causing frequent attemnts in
clear it raising tough or yellow mucus
sometimes pressure acros3 tho chest a
languid tired feeling headache dizzi
ness and In later stage3 a loss of flesh
Indeed catarrh is well known to be it
certain forerunner of not only consump
tion but asthma and bronchitis and al
though all thinking persons know- that
medicines taken Into the stomach do not
cure these diseases yet they knew ot no
other treatment until the great Prof
Koch ot Berlin discovered this wonder
ful process Dont take any more medi
cine into the stcmach Lung medicine is
always hard on tho stomach The doctors
invito sharp criticism Patients calling
at the original Koch Lung Cure at C27 E
Street Eorthvvcst Washlnclon for treat
ment receive consultation examination
and one treatment free Cut this out as
it may not appear again
nedlancler Coa5
Seventh Street SM 4J6
The Great Sacrifice Sale of the
Stock of Six Departments
Goes Merrily On
WontUifui inte est has been centred at our store during the past two
dajs and thousands ot people have profited by the slaughter of -a superb
stock of the very things the season demands We concluded to close out
these departments preparatory to the enlnreement or our other stocks Jan
uary 1 and thousands- or the choicest articles for holiday gifts have
found their way from our store to the homes of fortunate bujers during
tttU TkSi tl r shPlnS room Is stocked full of ORDERS FOR
miTi Vr vVCra ur bJe ws o close- ut these departments
QUICK and the great sacrifice In prices is rapidly accomplishing- that re-
Buy Today and Tomorrow for Future Delivery I
The Articles in the Departments Closing Out Are Just
the Things You Want for Holiday Gifts
The following is a partial list of the stock being sacrificed The most
of this stock has been in the house but a few weeks having been ordered
before our decision to close their departments
1 63 Nottingham Curtains Jl
JCO Nottingham Curtuins 133
2 25 Nottingham Curtains 149
2 7 Nottingham Curtains 1 93
3 00 Nottingham Curtains 2 23
8 00 and 10 00 Tapestry Portieres
red brown green and gold C QO
Will be closed out at JJ30
I0c Mercerized Sateen Linings In
all colors 1 yard wide Will be QC
closed out at the yard 3
12jC and 15c Percallno and Ori
ental Limng3 Will be closed out
at the yard J
10c Fllk Dress Ilraid Will be 1C
closed out at the ard
2Jc StlO Tlctures with glass
variety of subjects each 10c
Large lot of 73c SxlO High Art
Pictures with gold easel frame
each 39c
Large lot of 3c SxlO Photo
gravure in circular black and
gold frame each 2ie
130 Prench -Miniature Oil Paint
ings with heavy deep gold frame
each C9c
About 2C0O other choice works of
art all sizes and numerous subjects
at sacrifice prices
We are also closing out our stock
than half price
Mans 1500 and
1750 Suits
Ladies 23c Breastpins 10c
Ladles 23c Hair Brooches 10c
Ladles 23c Garter Buckles 10c
Ladles 23c Belt Buckles 13c
Ladies 50c Belt Buckles 23c
Ladles 23c Side Tuck and Pompa
dour Combs i5c
10c Pockctbooks ec
23c Pocketbooks ic
39c Pocketbooks i3c
59c Pocketbooks 33
150 Pocketbooks 93e
This Is a very fine line of Leather
and Alligator Books gold and silver
A very fine line of highly decorated
Lamps perfect works of art
10 CO Parlor Lamps at S6 9S
S30 Parlor Lamps at 4 gg
6 00 Parlor Lamps at 333
3 50 Parlor Lamps at 135
All 3 and 10 Onyx Tables will
be closed out at 393
9Sc Toilet Sets j jj
173 Toilet Sets silver and gold 119
1 3S Toilet Sets silver and gold 150
2 30 Toilet Sets hand painted 19S
2 93 Toilet Sets silver and gold 2 23
23c Ink Stands j
of Cables Silk IJonnets at prices less
Thanksgiving Specials
WCm Jffer SpCi IThanksBivinff Price throughout our entire store
ou will find
exceptional bargains in readv -to-near
garments for
b wiienis tor men
women and children
Several lots of Mens high grade
Suits single and double breasted in
cassimeres Scotch goods and Wor
steds including Black Thlbets the
regular 15 and 17 50 values will go
at 10
One lot of Oxford Grey Raglans
medium and full backs extra long
cut lined with double warp Italian
lining haircloth sleeve lining the
latest swagger effect Regular
1S50 values Special JIT Cf
Mens Shirts Ties and other full
dress requisites for Thanksgiving
Day nt special prices
Ladies High grade Gloves
Tor today and tomorrow forenoon
only wo will sell our regular 1 00
unities- Glove at special price C7C
Childrens Clotting
200 Children s Double breasted Suits
ages 7 to 13 Scotch and Meltons well
made and durable Regular CI 70
250 and 3 00 values Special Jl 1 J
Childrens Chinchilla Iteefers with
velvet collar ages 3 to 9 Keg- i I 40
ular 2 50 value For this sale J 40
Several lots of Childrens Overcoats
and Rnglan3 Including the Russian
Novelty stylo ages 1 to 15
Regular 5 values Tor this Kl JO
One large lot of Childrens OfJC
Waists Regular 30c values J
Ono lot of Childrens good quality
Corduroy Knee Pants Regular JOT
73c value Special price 0
For Your Thanksgiving Table
33c 61 inch Table Damask 3
73c 70 Inch All linen Table CQC
Damask Special JJ
150 3 S Dinner Napkins jJ
Samuel Friedlander Go
The Under Price Store
Credit if Desired

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