DEVELOPING PLANS FOR NAVAL RESERVE TO DRILL RECRUITS FOR SERVICE ntlijnl 3Icniir KnnicI liy Iontr t He Irenril In I In Sonnlc Sir Ilnle After the Present Hcccnh Secretary Long lias forwarded to tio Senate Committee on Naval Affairs I In draft of a bill which he desires to luvu enacted immediately after the holiday recess The measure lias been taken In hand by Senator Unle head of the Naval Affairs Committee and the latter will sec j that faorablc legislation is had ns he has j long favored such a preposition The i bill protldcn for the enrollment and or- ganlzallon of a LulloJ States- naval ro Jcre which shall be a part of the regu lar naty and shall be usM to Supply trained and seasoned material The plan cocrs n great field rrd pro vides for trnlnngshljis to be stationo nt ports throughout tho country The naval reserc will be offlcered by former vol unteer naval officers men who Fened nt least one year during the war with Spain and nil graduates of tie Xaval Academy nho have honorably left tho natal service All of the above who hate served as a warrant or petty officer villi be given the rank of ensign and will be examined for appointment to the next high grade To Supplant YuIuiiUrr Officers are to be selected by the Sec retary of the Navy from the regular navy and stationed In certain districts to be laid out later on These regular officers will have command of the sepa rate districts and of the ships companies The plan is apparently destined to be successful and will do array with the prefccul volunteer naval reserves of the Various States and Territories and of the District of Columbia It will be a practi cal natal reserve operated and controlled directly by the Navy Department to bo called into active service during time of war Pl nlMonn of lie Hill The bill provides that a general en rollment within the limit prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy shall be opened in each district and shall include all able bodied men between the ages of eighteen and rtfty years who have served as officers or enlisted men In the UniJwi States Navy or Murine Corps or as of ficers or cnllstel men of the United States Revenue ilarinc United Stales Lire-Saving Service United States Lighthouse Service and United States Coast Survey Service or graduates of State nautical school ships and all members of the Naval Militia in such States a3 have com piled or may hereafter comply with the rcgtdroments of the Navy Department In respect to organization bcrvice and ca pacity and all persons holding certificates as masters or mates or as chief assistant engineers or licenses as pilots issued by duly authorised commis sioners or beards of inspection and rv ing In the merchant marine of the United tales and all other officers and men serving In said inercLant marine the owners officers and crews of yachts en rolled In any regularly Incorporated yacht club an oiccr rersons white clpal occupation is on the high yets bav sounds rhors or other navlgaoie waters of the United States or vho3e occupation Js such as to fit them for such serrico la the navy Provided That such enroll ment shall be limited to jiersoas rho arc by Lirth or naturalization citizens of the United States That said enrollment shall be conduct ed by naval officers or naval reserve offi cers at the discretion of the Secrctarv of tno Xavy and shall be In the cradesand ratings for which the arpllcanis may be found quallned through a suitable exami nation by a board composed of aaial offi cers naval reserve officers or both Corn Minndliiir Hank Anlltorlrril That the glades and ratings in the caval reserves shall correspond with those existing in the navy and the term of enrollment for petty offivirs and en listed men shall Ve tor a period cf four rears Provided that with the exception c cx nnal officers no cDlters shall be commissioned in the naval reserve in time of peace in a higher grade than that of lieutenant and that lieutenants Junior grade and ensigns in the navjl rcserie j hali be entitled after five years continu ous service as such to stand examination for promotion to the next hleher prri Provided further that in time of war all Fuch officers shall be entitled to regular promotion after passing the necessary ex amination the dates of su li promotion to be the same ps those of the regular naval officers with whom they have corresjnd ing dates of commission That all pcreons cnrqlled in the naval rcscrre or who shall be honorably dis charged therefrom after four years con ticcous service shall be exempt from service on land in the National Guard or militia That officers of the naval reserve shall be duly commissioned tinder such condi tions and for such periods as may be prescribed by the President and jall Le borne upon the navy register as United States naval reserves Tlie physical and profesiBUal ability length of previous nautical service place and ate of birth and occupation of petty offlcers and en listed men shall be stated on the enroll ment papers Aiiuunl if Iimtrncti The reserve shall not be called Into active service in time of peace but shall annually be drilled exercised and ln fctrncted as the Secretary of the Navy may direct When so employed officers and men thall perform similar duties to I bote of officers and men of the navy tliey thall have corresponding grades and mtings and t liall be regarded as in the hervlce of the United States shall be sub ecl to the same law article rules and regulations and Khali receive while ac tually so emplojed the same ptty and al lowances as the officers and men of tho -navy The bill appropriates 00Mi0 as 1 pre liminary sum for organization TAM0US OLD SHERRIES Clirtn miilrriiiiil lili 1miI 1piIk unl Krpt JIitf Chris Xaader 09 Seventh Street is making a Christmas specialty of choice aid winps and liquor In his vault 1 can lte found the choicest wines particularly Pedro Domecqs famous sherries which bate a reputation that is world wide Mr Xandcr lias been sole distributer of these lamoejs wines for the past ten years and In the selection of brands to suit the palates of Waublagton connols ucun l ably assisted by sherry expert PohndorfT fEZujlE PARKERS Hair Balsam j rrvmmuB me etottiu 01 toe Jiair ana s clre ltth lunre and Elllic ss of yoatu J i Mira the hair It pay or faded It i i ertlNOS BACK THE VOUIIirUL COLOR J It pre ents IWadroff end hulr fillla snd keeps the bcalpclaa and Ualthyi mtMIHttHUHt Lansburgh Bro Stor2 Open Evenings Until Christmas N0TCE All All Solid Cold 14 karat Brooch very pictty Heart tl Only a Cold Wreath Pins with CI QO dainty settings Special at Gold Leaf Tall Cupid Clocl guar anteed correct timer sold ev C MO crynhcre at JC Our price A 30 Desk end Manicure Articles TEC with sterling silver handles Tockct Kilos in sterling siher JCC cases n rrctty gift Only 0 Sterling Silver Stamp Cases regular value Sc Only Sterling Silver Handle Bonnet Brushes Only 4SC Trenhury llrimrt tin if ttlil Tlnie IKe Lewie Jordan ctilefof the MlKellancoiis division of the Treasury Deparlment sub mitted his aunual report yesterday lo the Secretary of the Treasury Mr Jordan sayb that there were Died with tho Southern cllms commission 222W claims for tVvSMiif Of this amount there was allownl IC3C92C9 In regard to the other claims the re port says that there Mere lSSi claims filed under the act of 1ST2 fur IJKMfO bales of cotton valued at I12ew0o0 but onl lSb962l as allowci The claims wee nearly all disallowed for the usou tlial the Confederate cotton recoils Jr this dhision which were capturel and purchaued rhonod that the had been Hold to the Confederacy GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACiriC Inoriiiuii Husltic omlnrtril Thin llKiionii Ciinifrii One of the most extensively p ironucd Washington establishment is the Cr t Atlantic and TacKlc Tea Company tcrn r of Seventh and K Streets This ticn j - sues checks with e3 h purcliav i 1 may be exrlianged al Oielr store for rious nandsom and usciiil rrtickof rninaunn r Two unusually beautiful panel piciu jv 14 by 2 Inches entitled lndr ILe llls tlctoe and Little Sunshine arc aio being distributed free lo ritxtaurrs fhr tirent Atlantic and Tea rqinpirj 3 tAre presents the appeit ranee of carrying on a thriving trade thai is not stirpated by any blorc in any line of bulnes In the city The Rrcat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company is wdl represented by branchci In all sections of the cit Ilte I nfiirtniifitH srnt f tiajliiiil Justice Barnard jesierday signed orders comcilUlag Iaul A IMmpon Charles W Miller Adolph Durlock Edgar M Pollne tnd Robert A Blrchett lo St Bllzabeths Hobjiltal for he Insane for tieatmeat THE TIMES WASHINGTON SlVTiniDAY iUHJlBER 21 WO TorVct llofAs trvm SlflO un Slsirrx d Pre FiHrrware Kngmrri Krw unoTJiM Mcnuol on tnlrrilat rreo uU tlut tie lunatic ill U buxtd fire or A Multitude of Sensible Gifts Gifts of Jewelry lift of jfwilrv ire personal ami Isislint and jhc to tin rc npient a pleasure tliHVitiii from lliat afforded ly anything else Our stock hits never been so coinplele nor prices so low as this year We guarantee every piei e of jewelry and silverware we sell Ladles and Childrens Solid Kings with pretty settings big value Only Solid Cold Scarf lins in all new and pretty shapes Only Solid Cold Ilaby ltlngs with neat settings Sterling Silver Match Cases miicreni patterns Only Cut Class ruff Jars with ster ling silver tops Special Sterling Silver handle Whisks Extra value A beautiful Sterling Silver Comb and Brush Set in sil1 llncd box Special ts a Necktie Lansburgh Bro 420 fo 426 Seventh Street WEALTH OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS 1 he 2it PnMldlfitiM Sliopper liili rliliiK t Kami With crowds eagerly exploring every nook and cranny of the Immense stores and with the best of everything for their inspection E Kann Sons Co have been nmorg the lop llncrs Washing tons big merchants during the past few weeks In every department quality quantity and desirability have gone hand in hand with reasonable prices and tho mammoth force of clerks has been con stantly engaged attending lo the wants of many Washington buyers A holiday atmosphere embracing every conceivable thing from a paper of pins to tho most bcautirul Eastern rug or tapes try has taken possession of the big buildings at Kighth and Market Space Here crowded together are to be lound stylish gowns elegant dress goods costly garments of all descriptions at marvel ously low prices pictures Jewelry crockery and ia fact all the neces saries and luxuries of life The Washington youngster has been ampT provided for In the equipment of what Is probably the most attractive toy department in the city Many novelties Introduced by S Kann Sons fc Co last year are to bo found there now greatly innmmi uiiilo new Idea toyi have been secured by acthe buyers The automobile which runs up hill Is a necr f ailing souice of delight to the children On the fourth floor where the toys are to T found ere handsome dolls blondes and brunettes wax and bisque dolls and dolls which open their eyes and say Mamma aad Papa There arc so very many miniature babies that every little girl In Washington could hao one lor the small boys there are toys that were never dreamed of even three years ago j iii umiiii ireen am youngster in the house however hard iP might be snowing outside The Kann collection of handsome rugs and portieres which make very excellent aaad tieslrablc ChriBtmas presents Is one of the best and largest touth of New York an J the Immense rooms In which they are displayed have b cn the mecca for many das past of fashionable wo men on tours of inspection and shopping The dress goods Include ever material that womans heart desires and are all that is desirable and up to date Iic turcs and picture frames pockelbooks and in fact all the articles so much in demand al Christmas un bo found at Kanns and found to be better than those purchased clrrwhere while the IJusy Corner- block oi candy is u large one TEW WAR CLAIMS GRANTED GROeUSi Cold 9SC 4SC 48c 98c 48c 59c lS2JS Von inny diiti ntl on lliat for no ninUcr Itow niaiiv neckties a mnii may have lies always flil to trer nioie 1ail or tlio jtlenH uro of is in the clioosin beinifjuire of liipIeasuio atltl to our own by making selections from oiu clioiec assorlmeiit of Holiday Neckwear 25c and 50c Ne call stiecial attention to our line of 50c Silk and Satin Ttfks Imperials liow otc Color combina tions thai will please every taste atteins thai include exclu sive designs in stripes dots and fipurcs Latter variety anil bet ter qnalit at ic than youll see anywliere else A handsome holiday box with every jtun hase 417 lo 425 Eighth Street Cr edit Buys sensible serviceable gifts euch as MORRIS CHAIRS PARLOR and MUSIC CABINETS GILT CHAIRS SIDEDOARDS CHINA CLOSETS FIXE HAVILAND CHINA RUGS cic Payments arranged to suit you weekly or monthly Mammoth Credit House li7H9 521 523 7ili SI N ff Ect H nnd I Sts VOrViANS EXCHANGE 811 Vormont AvonuoN W SPECIAL SALE OF JHAS NOVELTIES cakes ry day GALTS EXCLUSIVE STOCKS Siri lnltlr i litvtn In Plneit Jcvtelr nm Sllcrnre Immense llnex of icwelry silverware novelties leather goods aud In fact all the exquiaite articles classed as luxuries of life including watches diamonds and handsome ornaments of all descriptions many of which are at the same time ac tual ncccsnltles arc gathered In holiday array at tho mammoth store of Call Ird Pennsylvania Avenue abpve Elev enth Street where fhc most beautiful of Christmas gifts can be purchased Among the nocIlles arc a number of exquisite baraque pearls A LABGE STOCK Or FURS Arllclr in 1ImiIii ill n I lien I IMiiiIInIiiiii Tho Saks Fur Company Thirteenth and O Streets northwest Is doing about he largest Christmas business of any local store In Us line It Is the only establish ment In this city where fur Earmcuttt are manufactured The large and magnificent slock Is dally examined by a largo croud of people and the aaletf this year hae so far surpassed anything in the past Dr S I Irlliil Wiriilrs Rev Dr Slowell L Bryant for the past si yeare pastor of the St rati Jl K Church of this city yesterday telegraphed bis acceptance of n call tu the llde iirk M IZ Church of Chicago This is one of the mot1 Important Methixlisl Churches of that city and Dr Bryant bclicco It hit a bright future i n IVctli nlS ll KrSlilVffivfi0Jf PJ ana mase ram irtjoi 111 lllf Ifll II K j f 1 A F Bornot I II II 1 Bro SI I 1 M French Scourers - 1 B na uvei u l s in H nm i IIIINIIIllllllllllliS G Street If W W mmwMWMW G J3 rUll nrriT m nn it t fm -- V ihaiji nArry SlhSii 31 Sfi Genuine Alligator Slippers nc surpassed by any 5 kinds JiJ WOMENS i Old ladles warrrvllncd hand sewed turn beaver laced Shoes us ually 125 and very comfort able Boots Better than shoes ordinarily sold at 200 95C 11 different styles of Vlcl Kid and Box Calf Lace anu Button 145 To reduce tho surplus stock of the best hand sewed Kid Velvet Calf and Patent Leather BdoU ever i I sold at 3 well ofler 20 V styles today at r 240 The bcstXmas gfft Is a pair of thoao fine 300 Talent Ideal Kid Boots RunrantfiAl not to break crack or peel to day 295 M - - - A mil HoiM flllftl wllh ttVliVirv Mi tatr ptii I For MEN and BOYS T V Imitation Alligator and Velvet Embroidered or Pelt House Slip pers AVarni llned Denver and Kid lined Leather Slippers several colors 15 styles hand turned black or tan Kid or Pelt 115 Sllppera 18c 6JC 95c A large variety of soft Kid and Calf IG0 and 175 Sllp 1 IK JltJ pcrs Elegant Rnmco and Opera tl f cut Dncst lld lined Slippers JIJV SO pairs wine color softest 1 CC Kid S250 Slippers JiUJ For WOMEN SEMT1 twhy with Clilllrrnj Mux 0EBUYING AT HAHNS Both Pleasant and Profitable Whether you inteud buying Shoes for yourself or for Xmas Giving youll find it a pleasure as well as decidedly profitable to patronize us during these busy days of holiday shopping Ten times tho Shoe variety here of any other single Store tho Selling Space of an ordinary Department Store devoted to Shoe Selling EXCLUSIVELY Every Shoa ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Over half a hundred efficient Salespeople to supply your wants and tho promptest Delivery system in town to carry your purchases to your homss But above all wo shall quot9 for today the following RECORD BREAKING PRICE SPECIALS Our Great Sale of HOLIDAY GIFT SLIPPERS Warm Felt Slipper with felt or leather soles today A special lot of Satln qttllted Corded Felt and Hand knitted Worsted 1 to lrO Slippers Regular 1 fur bound red and black 1clt Juliets Patecn qulltcd band sewed 125 ricccc llned Juliets CHILDRENS Win Hah 11 Cos Three Reliable Shoe Houses Open Evenings saw Wo to purchase an instrument here Our liberality has created our pop ularity Our prices for high class musical Instruments are within the limits of reason and economy If you can I Pay 500 p or 600 I Monthly 1 for Either J we shall be happy to accommodate l yo - - ---- AHD OR OIM on Let us talk tin matter over Wc shall arrange satisiaciory terms Sanders Stayman o The Leading 1iano Organ Music House in the Na tional Capital mi F and VRi TfiJTl Manner Baltimore Store 3 orth Charles Struct dcl7 tf filBFSisJ in Be careful i hire t iElm B you icrd your suit wSffSi T SftflTl W or ovcrccat lo bs JTMb T BH IE H eeanid else wheT Cv yf ij K il comes back II JkTSJ W I1 bs all oat of fj 9 K chape Letuhave i Y JS It and wsll return Vjnrt Twjy Rl itlookinilikensv IjffllEillllTlllhTit i ifii N 11 i m Raa coiU child jjl 3 Bnrgnlna Jn now and ttaod inBU umontb brvarious rnnkes Solo ngouta fortho j Aeolian and Pianola PIANOS RENTED Knalieiu 209 Ponna Ave USE THE h C CELEBRATED P I KB I n tsjocMAnR j ntcTrcio Ji 6 BUTTER f I vOrGrOro ooQoootaoa oo HW ATLANTIC AND TtCIHC TEA CO Main Store corner th and R ttrrttn Ilraiulio all uit the rity and In all maiVcti no0 tttm 39c 65c 75c 87- The test 150 to 50 Real Satin Julicta in black or other 1 JC colors J Finest 2 Silk Velvet ColoniaKl AC and Juliet Boudoir Slippers J J Swell J0 Evening Slippers of Jatcnt Kid or Surpass Kid Qf 10 soles Shapely comfortable and durable VIci Kid Laced a nil Button Boots heel lessor spring heej Sizes 1 to S today w - GUARANTEED Ircn clad School Shoes for boys and girls of all sizes Kid Box Calf or Satin Calf firi Uncqualed anywhere at 125 ML iox p -- The largest variety of boys and girls Dress and School Shoes of 1 Uabltf Idlfcnt Leather 1 Enamel Kid or Calf Best ever sold under 150 Regular 250 quality of misses guaranteed Patent Kid and boys and girls hand made Kid and 1 Box Calf Dress Shoes for 195 Open Evenings The Rush for Music Boxes has been unparalleled The great demand for thesL popular Instru ments came In excellent time be cause we anticipated tho repeated calls and were well prepared We are exclusive agents for the T 19 Syniphonion And Stella Music Boxes NWed bo pleased to show you these mirvclous Instruments Their musical accuracy Is almost beyend belief Irlces range from 73c to 12300 Sanders k Stayman Co The Ieadlng Ilano Organ Music House In the Na tional Capital p and IrKcvs rovrn nitiiiMgpr Baltimore Store 13 North Charles Strec dcl7 tf -- s 1 I t t i lOGin iUUl 3 Sis gg i Painless Exlraclioa ird our m tloa nlih maitj tfcrr at arcuraft Ctud rrcwra 5 narceUin ctcrn II cold fllhns JlfiO up white filin33 60c up llion tZO to C Sjadjr 10 to 4 CR FATTOIiS Fcinless Cenlil Farior Qin P fl W Od Flnnr r tlQTCIMUfAV ya oadawWSHUH am iriiiit VotSnlQf Kent nnil I trim nee Miislr ami ttiNlt UnoUs 3uslfnl IiiKtriimcitf DROOPS MUSIC HOUSI ROSES VIOLETS and CARNATION Shaffer I illi and I Sts 1 RUBBER BOOTS and Lcjjgins KubborBootaof two mostrc linblo makes For Girls or little Boys 3lze3 C to 2 Womens sles Stout Boots for Boys sizes 11 to 13K MENS Warm Beaver Laced Shoes or without leather foxing for invalids Old men and out door winter comfort 95c 5137 137 Sizes 1 to 6 M87 Mens heavy or light weight 57 If Storm Klrg Thigh Boots for CI Cfl Boys as low as JiJU Warm Jersey Lcgglns fcr 39c i susses and Children 150 Velvet and Tan Leather Girls and Boys Legglns A FEW HOLIDAY SHOE SPECIALS 95c with 150 Sterling Calf Laced and Callers wltfi visiDie corK soles Keep the feet dry and warm at all times Our great METROPOLIS hand made Enamel Patent Leather Kid or Calf fn pa - Shoe superior to any 3 V nil v Shoes 4Li JJ J V Thfc famous TRI WR Shoes giva thrice the wear of any advertised 35d bhocs and arc moro com fortable All leathers All styles - - jf t 1 i I The 11 v a a 9 8 y M fi Do Yoy Eat 350 Cor 7th and K Sts I914 1916 Pa Ave 233 Pa Ave S E A NEW NOVEL BY Henry Scion Alcrrlman Author of Tie Sowtrs eC elvet V The story Is located In Northern Spain about 1870 and deals with an endeavor o the Jesuits to se cure the rortune of a young girl by forcing her into their religion There 1 an histo al Interest in tne novel and the love motive is stronger man In an- ether of Mer rlmans stories At all Bookstores SI 50 D0DDJIEADC0P4NV Publislicrs New York Pull Sets of Teeto 5 i Carat Cold Irowr tJ CO rorcebla Cronns Jlwj i ulj t n M uli 7 tt lines 3 cu and SI00 IainltM livtraction witli wltliwt SCc r raal attendant PIiorc K 30t D KsIIItrrOS DESTAI lliUH Tilt an t Meals I5c and 25c THE ViENNA CAFE U F St bet Jlh and 5th Sts THE SKOREHAiVl AVEUICAV AND Et iorE TLX Banq cct Mali to rent far ncdai rccpptlon mulcalrfl tiancc at ttttt n rAi imt KAMGirs i on irs CUISIVE Ailcr 1 hcaro Supper A CIul Eepper will be erred front to t cVlotk i m Table dhote at 100 each lo la drs Ittiiaurnt JOHN T mVINn rrcprictor Pi i N S FOUNTAIN nirbtmas Canla tionery Desk Sctf m pi it if Calentta at Itooto Str Dwi Otna fair prices ISI Si Si John C Parker 619 7th If 13 9 RRD B NICHOLS CO Ona Pooid Kid finish Hole Paper fiifl AroutuI Corner front Hi iititl V 1 t i Woodwar and Lotlirop Useful Gift Children ii lili Open Evenings Until Christmas S for rhTM IMar Ca30n U Pre eminently the children season havo evervthlnz jervlceable and useful for their wanu ail yar aroun1 at thlj particular time many ilenarlmom fully and abundantly supplied than usual Saturday being ihlldrens day we havo prepared and submit the following list of Mr articles It Is rather comprehensive ami contains thlng3 that arc useful and serviceable and they are all suitable for Christmas gifts and they are marked at uniformly moderate prices We Arc Pleased to Announce That Several Cases of New Toys Just Opened Have been distributed through the stock thus fllllns asalu the empty places made by the extraordinary fjylnjr of the past few days Four elevators run right Into fill Vinrt nf It Tw - - -1 -- wj aturc unu us a J Kreat roomy conrcnlent comfortable place j J to iihop with plenty of light and proper ventilation and there aro plenty of people y I to serve you X Boys Fine All wool Sailor Suits Nor- J j folk blouse effect yoke tack and front- navy mue brown and garnet abes a to 12- Each Boys All wool Cheviot nnd Serge Sailor Suits the famous Begctta make all colors and all styles of braiding and trim ming sizc3 3 to 12 Each joo Boy3 Navy Blue Cheviot Vest Suits military cut broad shoulders coat panta and vest sizes 5 to l Each JOO The Peter Thompson ftegulatlon Sail or Suits with red or trlmmlng3 slze3 2 to H Each 7Jo The Peter Thompson Regulation Reef ers In kersey and cheviot lined wllh red flannel high ulster collar cut eitra long sizes 1 to 12 EachG0O and J750 Boys Norfolk Jacket Suits In all wool navy blue and fancy cheviots plain pants of knickerbockers sizes i to 1 Each JJ00 aad SC0 Boys All wool Navy BluetandiFaacy Cheviot Double breasted Suits neat pat terns sizes 8 to 16 Each JJ73 Boys Double breasted Fancy Cheviot Suits medium weight panls ne enforced in seats and knees sizes S to 17 Each J23j Touths Fine Long Pants Suits In black hlbet and fancy mixed cheviots and ilmere3 extreme military cut high cut Ingle breastcd vest sizes IS to 20 Each 11000 and 1250 Little Boys Husslan Blouse and Raglan Overcoats In grey royal blue garnet and an sizes 2J4 to 6 Each500 and J5C0 Boys Raglan Overcoats all wool with or without yokes slze3 S to IS tach 500 and 750 Boys Mackintoshes box coat style cut extra long velvet collar tan and navy olue Each 300 to 150 Boys Russian Blouses In blue and gar net prettily trimmed with black hercules jrald sizes 3 to 8 Each JloO Boys All wool Sweaters In all the pop ilar colors and combinations turtle neck tyle sizes S to 13 Each G3c to 100 GirU Scotch Tarns In plaiu colors 3nd omblnatlons made of Angora wool will fit any head Each SOc and Doc Boys and Girls Toques or Stocking ps rough Scotch wool and knitted ma erial excellent assortment of colors Jach 2Jc and COc Boys Golf Caps and Double Band Polo aps can be pulled down to protect tho ars all sizes Kach tOc Little Boys Sailor Hats all deslrablo olors Each Zc and 100 Boys Fine Laundered Shirt Waists with r without collars plain white mus in and fancy percale sizes 4 to 12 lace 730 and 100 Boys All wool Fancy Cheviot Separato ants good quality well mar Pair Stfc Bojs All wool Xar Blue Cheviot ants good -searing quality all sizes air 100N Third floor Misses and Childrens KId3kin Box Cair atent and Ideal Patent Kid Button and ace Shoes mada en our new model list Jeal shoes for ehlllrcn combining tb uallty leather excellent workmanship ud proper shapes for growlns feet air 1 30 to 250 Childrens Button Shoes velvet tops ill round toes sizes 5 to 8 Pair 150 Child ens Shoes cloth tops patent athcr vamps plain Bquarc toes sizes 5 - S Pair 2150 Infants Shoes patent leather vamps ink blue red and wbite tops with and ithout spring heels sizes 3 to 8 air and 175 hlf ants Kant Slip Shoes In chocojito ml blaek vlcl kid button and lace air 100 Minses Patent Leather Colonial Tics 1th large buckle sizes II to 2 ilr 250 Misses Felt Slhwrs and Jullettes with athcrsoles sizes 11 to 2 ralrSScto 125 Childrens Red Pelt JiJieties leather 3b3 trimmed with fur sizes 8 to 10i ilr 100 Childrens and Misses Felt Turiite for joni wenr atzaa 0 to 2 Pair 30c and ICc Boys Red Tan and Blaek Kdskin acos for houjc wear also rvient cather llomeos sizes 2 to 5K air 1 73 Youths Patent Leather and Blacl iskla Horaces sizes 11 to 2 Ia t 50 Youths and Little Gents Oporj Sicvcs nd Rorneos In tan red and bj kiJ nd patent leather for house weir c ndo list like papas Pair 100 a- f 1 7 Infants Soft Sole Shoes In tnee utcn nl anklo strap also a full line 3f Jl asins In baby colors Pair SOc Specials Misses and Childrens Box Calf and tidskin Button amlLace Shoe lit nt rather tips and tips of same 11 tnl tcea a solid serviceable shoo f r w n er wear slzei Sfe tn 2 Falrtr an Jt 1 Boys and Youths Calf Slices ull r toes extension soles very neat and ser viceable sixes 13 to 5 Jalr 10 Third floor W00JWARD L0TiiR3P tArf JJP M - tjtf 1 jifiittl