Peace ani Good Will Lack
ing m Strath America
Strifo and Grout or Humors or War
in Man Sr- v Republics During
tho Time M J Properly Devoted
to Doods of Charity andGood
The Christmas motto Tcacc on earth
good will toward nn dew not at pres
ent apply to South America
For the past -wisps representatives o
Chile Argentina Colombia and Venezuela
have been throtigini the corridors of the
State Department telling the troubles ot
their ropecthe countries seeking possl
bl aid or at least comfort from Uncle
Not only nrp two republics threatening
the peace -of two others but apparently
this is lhopcn season for revolutions
and dlsaffcctlans At present there Is a
possibility of war between Chile Tnd Ar
gentina between Venezuela and Colom
bia and Germany poems to be meditating
n descent upon Venezuela for the purpose
of collecting 2000000 claims on German
railway concessions In that countrj
Interim Mixcmitcnt Ariilcil
Meanwhile Colombia and Venezuela
each has Internal troubles Mediation has
been offered practically by this country In
each of the two dissensions but has not
lcn accepted In one quarrel Chile ac
cuses Argentlm of violating the neutral
ity or Terrp rlel Fueen Argentina denlos
this and replies that Chile Is seeking ex
ruse for war Each claims perfect willing
ness to submit the question to any na
tion to which Iho other objects Thus
Argentina selects the United States Chile
rejects the proposal and suggests Great
In the case of Venezuela and Colombia
each accuses the ether of Invading her
territory Tresldeat Castro of Venezuela
Insists that Colombian troops have trod
upon Venezuelan soil where he alone has
tho right to plunder
Slnfiml llrrrlinlnntlmis KclillliEril
Colombia rejoins that Castro is at the
bottom of the LTbeial Insurrection which
has mulcted Vie afflicted country of many
thousand lives and millions of pesos Co
lombia would like the United States to ar
bitrate Castro chooses Chile bat only on
rondltlon that Chile first awards him
In other words gives him Judg
ment before learing the testimony
There is between the two countries a
narrow strip of land -which through In
accuracy of surveys Is a sort of no
mans land On It gather the malcon
tents of either Republic who Impartially
and from time to time start a revolution
In either Colombia or Venezuela accord
ing In favorable conditions
Plnctie Spot for Vcnernrln
For two years Colombia has been Sght
fng such an Insurrection In Venezuela
Castros presidency Is the result of such
another epidemic spreading from this
Rpot Now General Luciano llcndoza Is
leading an open revolt against Castro and
this new disturbance was fomented by
three promoters of international strife
Reports of all these troubles are re
ceived dally at tho State Department
where officials watch developments nitb
ome anxiety As soon as actual hoslltlli
lte begin Vessels of the navy will be
fcent to points where protection to Ameri
can Interests seems required General
preparation Tor some such contingency Is
aow making in the Navy Department but
ao crisis yet calls for a concentration al
ny clven point The Indiana has left
Kingston Jamaica for Curacao where
he will await further orders
Ckc Arises Out of Tlictt of Tno
Boxes of Coin
NEW YORK Dec 23 A suit has been
brought In London by the London Bank of
Mexico against several transportation
companies to determine the rcsponslbllily
for the loss of two boxes of gold coin
valued at JSOCKiO which were stolen In
transit from London to the banks branch
at Lima Peru
The London Bank of Mexico about five
years ago shipped cen boxes each con
taining 5000 sovereigns to the bank at
Lima When the boxes arrived at the
Lima bank it was found that two of theai
had been stolen and boxes containing lead
shot bad been substituted
Soon after the robbery became known
two employes of the PatlDc Stoat Xal
gation Company were arrested charged
with halcg committed the robbery It
was found that one of the men suspected
had bought a plantation In South America
and that both had resigned their places
oon after the theft
Tho London bank immediately brought
suit againrt the carriers and the- court
appointed a commission at thp instance of
the plaintiff which went to Peru to col
lect evidence A representative cf the
law firm of Sullivan Cromwell acting
for the Panama Railroad was also sent to
rolled evidence to be used a lhc trial
which will come up In a few weelcs
The bank lopes nothing because of the
theft tho transporting companies being
responsible for fofe delivery
LoiiUInnn Snenr 1liinK rK llnnnrnc
turers nml 3rrcIinntM to Confer
NEW ORLEANS Dec 22 A conference
of planters manufacturers merchants
nnd others Interested In the sugar Indus
try has been called to meet In New Or
leans January S to consider lhc sugar
situation before Congress especially the
proposed reciprocity with Cubs and to
determine what iteps should be taken
ngalnst It
The meeting it held al the suggestion of
the returning Louisiana RepresentaticR
who have Issued a warning to the planl
is or the danger of hostile legislation
nnililiell llnreil lhc It J I
AfTtilnit the Nnlrlic
NEW ORLEANS Dec 23 Capt Wil
liam Campbell a clcru steemben man
nnJ the last of the old lira Kicumboat
mi n died here last night aged w eniy
two years after fifty nine years on the
river He was born near Belfast Ire
land if Scotch Irish parentage He came
to America when a child his family set
tling t Wheeling W Va Young Ctmp
bell shipped on the Ohio River sle mcr
Penal- In Mi He rose to the head ol lhc
profession and was captain of the Robert
- Lee In the famous race with the
Natchez in 1870
Small Ilrc nt Ivy Cltj
The house occupied by Mrs Jano
Raudbt on Kendall Street Ivy City was
demised by fire to the exUnt of IKK last
alght The origin ot the Are U unknown
IMij siclnn nl flu Jlopltnl n7 She
Ik arfMiliisr Mronsrer
At GarhJd Hospital last night it was
reported that Mrs Ada Gilbert Denni3
wai tanning stronger and now has a fair
chain o for recovery
Dr Wade 11 Atkinson family physician
to Mrs Drnnis visited her twice venter
day Last night he said she was doing
well H Is thought possible a statement
may bo secured today
2Vcvtpnpcr Men clcrtcil to Scrse ns
The remains of Stephen Cluskcy Crom
well one of this citys best known news
paper men will be borne to their last
resting place In Mount Olivet Cemetery
at 10 oclock this morning The rites of
the Catholic Church will be conducted by
the Itcv P O MrGuire and Dr I J
Stafford the eerlces being held in St
Patricks Church
Those selected to serve as pallbearers
aro all newspaper men as follows Gen
Gec fie H Harries Robert Small Robert
S VrilleltK Thomas C Noyes James 1
Ojslcr and Rudolph Kauffmann
At a meeting of the Evening Star Club
yesterday afternoon resolutions in refer
ence to tho death of Mr Cromwell were
unanimously adopted as follows
An all wise Providence has removed
by death the president of this club Ste
phen Cluskry Cromwell and we his for
mer associates bow to the will of the
I Deity Wc desire to place on record
nowever our sincere appreciation of Mr
Cromwells intellectual attainments his
fidelity to duty and his many lovable
traits of character He was a brilliant
ornament to his profession a man of
warm and generous Impulses and his
memory will always bo loved and honored
In the office of the Evening Star
Wo extend to his bereaved widow and
loving mother our deepest sympathy and
trust that hope of a reunion in the here
after may soon take the place of their
present poignant grief
The resolutions were framed by a com
mittee consisting of Mr Tom C Noyes
Dr F T Howe and Mr A T Cowell An
engrossed copy will be sent to the family
of Mr Cromwell the club will con
tribute an appropriate floral offering
Lnck of rrtnnt Girl Lend tnji
Novel Arrangement In the West
Telilcr Mnslics Wrlut Willi
renkiitfe lint Will Llsc
Despondent over private matters Mrs
Richard Fcjiler living on Nichols Avenue
Anacostla attempted suicide yesterday
by cutting Tier left wrist with a pocket
knife while alone in her room on tho
second floor of her home
Mrs Clark who rents the first floor of
the building found her and notified an
attendant of the Government Hospital for
the Insane who telephoned to the police
sub station In AnacoBlla and then went
to the wounded woman and bound up her
The Fifth precinct patrol wagon brought
Mrs Fehlcr to the Sibley Hospital where
her injuries were dressed
It was staled at a late hour last night
nt the hospital that the Injured woman
was In no danger
Ilnrrow Mourn Loss of Ionr
1nmoiiH Hililton Winner
Some member of the llght fingured gen
try ill undoubtedly cat prize chicken for
his Christmas dinners thoufiu the fowls In
question were neither won at a raffle or
from a grab bag That some grabbing
had been done however was singularly
evident Sundry morning when Harry A
narrows disbursing clerk at the Census
Office discovered that some evil minded
person had made love to four high bred
thickens which bad carried off Innumer
able prizes at poultry shows and county
Every man baB a hobby and accord
ing to his friends that of Mr Harrows Is
to raise fancy chickens His hennery at
his country home at Rerwyn Md boasts
of some of the finest specimens of this
variety of feathered ci cation ihat ever
graced a roost
Upon going to his hennery In lhc quiet
rtlllness of Sunday morning Mr Har
rows discovered that his quartette of
prlc winners the pride of the hennery
were among the missing Ho Immediately
saw visions of the beautiful specimens of
poultry that they wore being despatched
lo tho land ot oblivion bejond the pale
of further prize svlnnlne and gracing the
table on Christmas Day of Home fellow a
connoisseur of the feathered tribe only
whin the fowls arc dressed and prepared
for a feast
As sucli visions passed tbi ough his
mind and be recalled the prize the miss
ing quartette had been awarded he would
have given almost any ransom for he re
turn of his pets Four of the largest and
plumpest turkejs In the Washington Mar
ket would he gladly give In exchange
That the chickens stolen were of the
blue ribbon variety is demonstrated by
the fact that they carried off first prize
at the Slate Fair at York Pa at the
meeting of the Mar land Stale Agricul
tural Association at Hagerstonn Md
and at the poultry shov held in Masonic
Hall In this city a few weeks ago
nrntttnde for n Inll Sfiitcnee
Thank you snld Willis IJatclcr in
the Police Court yesterday when Judge
Kimball gave lum six months In lhc work
house for vagrancy and he seemed to
mean It Botelcr was arrested at midnight
Saturday whllcjicgglng on C Street noilh
wcsl and carrying a brick under his arm
perhaps as a weapon
Sue for fioo Sold for MoriiKe
Suit was Instituted jestcrday in the
Supreme Court ot lhc District by Joseph
K Haydcn against Washington B Wil
liams to recover 2CuO claimed as the
value of ccrtuln coodn stored with Uie
defendant Mr Williams said yeslerlay
thut the goods In question were placed
with him In 167 and sold under the
Storage law In 1500 after having been
duly and legally advertised
Cllfttoms House Ofllrlnln Mnlc lnlillc
1111 Intcrcstlnir Incident
Ilcsttlt of Closer
NEW YORK Dec 13 It was stated of
ficially at the custom house today that
tho New York and Pennsylvania million
aire who It was stated on November 11
last had received atTrenkfastal Delhion
lcos a visit from Collector UidwcILs pri
vate secretary Henry C Stuart and an
other custom house man wEosaIdthat
Schwab paid 1150 In duties on the dla
monds which were cut but camelnto
the country unset their foreign value be
ing 12500
Mr Schwab readily admitted that ho
was the possessor of the gems but said
that he hnd not Imported them The cus
toms ofliccrs said today that the informa
tion that the diamonds had been Import
ed came from one ot tho special Treasury
ngents stationed abroad It did noi be
come clear whether Mr Schwab had or
dered them from abroad or had bought
them on their arrhal here
Returned lie Gcihk
On his payment of the duty the gems
were returned to him Thcyareescrlbed
as three blue diamonds cutone marquise
shape one pcar shapc Jand yone egg
shape Mr Schwab declined today to talk
about the case
This it was said at the -custom house
is but one among a lot of similar cases
since the Instltutirn under Collector Bld
wcll of the more rigorous fiyalenJn thc
collection of duties from Incoming pas
The official records show that fifteen
prominent persons who are ni inmi
to go to and fr un Europe every year have
Zl S
SIOUX CITY Iowa Dec 3 Drivcn to paid on their declaration h
desperation by a lack of servant girls WS Last year four of the fifteen paid
that had sent half the leading women of lis and the other eleven paid noth
Sioux City to the kitchens tho house- E
wives have resorted lo co operative Cotlcctlou
housekeeping The first co operative In
stitutc was started today by five families
in Mornlngsldc the fashionable residence
bcr ICfOO
1 Z Since th
laumies me nouscwives iaKC turns
assured Not only do tho families have
fine cooking and service but they econo
mize In fuel and appurrbnances
This Is but a temporary plan In lieu
of a more extensive project promoted by
Mrs Julia Clark Hallam president of the
Mothers Child Study Club to establish
large central cooking stations All the
materials will bo bought by wholesale
and prepared bv a coterie of chefs and as
sistants Dcllverr warons will carry the
food to the homes in abestos dishes
Mrs Hallam sayB that the young ladles
will be content to work In these stations
at fancy salaries as trained cooks when
they would not be hired girls i emale
servants have become so Bcarcc that a
common wage for unskilled labor is J2j
a month
Accoroing to an official statement glcn
Mr I nn icfOKejinrinii Pnj n
luile to rrrlileiits firnniUnlhcr
Mr A Maynard Lyon of Now York
city was In Washington yesterday and
wanted to call on President Roosevelt
to pay his respects bat feared he might
be intruding nnd did not
I knew the Presidents grandfather
quite well said Mr Lyon but I have
never met the President His grandfather
was Cornelius V S Roosevelt and his
grandson favors him In appearance
Mr Lyon is SJ jcars of age although
he looks scarcely C and Is In active
business as n stock underwriter
The Presidents grandfather he con
tinued was one of the three men who
controlled the Chemical Nation 1 bank
many years ago Another was Robert
Goelet and the third was also of Knicker
bocker stock I have been about the stock
exchange or half a century nnd have
seen the property which Cornelius Roose
velt owned double and qdadruplo in
He laid the foundation of the Roosevelt
fortune of which the President has a part
I do not think there aro many men In
New York who can say they knew the
Presidents grandfather
Compromises Case for
tK Ilnty nml SVOOO Iennlly
ThcTreasury Department has compro
mised with Dr J Grant Lyman In the
mailer of duty on his automobile and
upon payment of 1900 duty and J2000
penalty has turned Ihe machine over to
Dr Lyman Imported an automobile from
Paris and claimed It should 1 fl duty free
as a household effect It being shown
honcver that the motor had not been In
use the twelve months prescribed for free
admission or household etfectstbe Depart
ment was about to confiscate the m i hlne
when Lyman offered lo pay the regulai
duty on It
Owingto the slraightfordnard statement
of Dr Lyman that he did not intend to
defraud the customs it was decided to
imposa the penalty In addition to the
duty In settlement of the case
Jlr Truexdell sells lnrKc Trncl
Ily a deed placed nn record yesterday
George Tniexdell and
hs wife ctmecd to the Real Estate and
Improvement Company of Baltimore a
large tract of land in Ecklngton
This property which couslela of fifty
lots Is located along New York Aveiiuu
rear the centra of the auMlvlslon It
was bought in lSfi by Mr Tluesdell for
n little less than S1000GO In the deal
just consummated the price paid was
The Baltimore company it Is said will
improve the property next spring
v I
Morrison to Micccnt mef as
lies nine Collector
The President has decided to make no
change In the office of collector of Inter
nal icveiiue for the District of New Mexi
co now held by A la Morrison whose
administration Is said lo hae been sat
Ili Krct II r MnlUix Itellreineiil
Postmaster General Smith jcslcrday
reoeUed a letter signed by the clerks In
the registry division of the New York
City iioiloSlcc cxprcsslrc of their regret
at Ills resignation and their appreciation
of his administration of postal affairs
with particular reference to the Improted
conditions which now exist In the New
York postofflce as Ihe result of hU labors
AllcKct YiiKlout Arrested
Eliza Hollny about forty five years of
age was arrested esterday cienlng by
Policeman Wilson of the Tenth precinct
on a charge of vagrancy
Itinernl of Dr 1 I Ieu tsf
The body of Dr James P Lewis who
died SuuCay night will be placed In a
vault In ono of thn local cemeteries nnd
afterward removed lo his old home In
New Hampshire
- i
lUr - n j - u so nml summon lie as n uuhtuiui ui
ra ron in o witness She assurtM Ihcm that she could
embcr Jo93S02 duties upon jassengers rot and would noh appear In court in
luggage as against 203 in the matter
when the officers returnen to rouce
nMt1n f ItlnlBH tiv fMind thnt 11 nnld
voMUHSiiiiiiui Ul ine new i mrtuuuinra nj uuuu
in 1 3ifni nn Trli 1 irm r i vnnl Tiliv Rrkpetitr frnm her
- -- up iw AJKWiUUMl I a i
selecting the bill of fare so a variety Is l there has been collected a total or ubich read
C2S upon the baggage of t Tho story was told Jn a Joke but tho
gers arriving at this port as against a I notoriety Is more llian 1 can stana i
total of t221ecC0S during the same period I hne been besieged by detectives and
oincrs nt Ull liuuia aim uiu Il -
you to have the matter ended
The mystery having heen thus cleared
Major Sylvester directed that the rec
ords should show its termination
Condemned nml Mlincernn Itnlldlnff
to Itc Removed by District
Unable to find aJ responsible ovner of
the properly 1416 and Thirty second
Street northwest the District Commis
sioners are about to enter upon the prem
ises and remove a dilapidated structure In
the rear
Tho matter was called to the attention
of the Commissioners by George Free
man who claimed damages to his prop
erty at H20 and H22 on the same street
as the result of a defective downspout
Tho premises wvre twice Inspected un
der the direction of the Inspector of
Incs nnd the structure in Iho rear was
Hon of the amount by special assessment
seir ln a brown skirt and Jacket a long
automobile coat and a brown hat trimmed
with a peacock feather she left her resi
dence 703 East Capitol Street and slnco
then all trace of her whereabouts has been
lost Mr Edmunds became worried Sun
day but waited until yesterday to report
her disappearance thinking that his wife
might have gone to visit a friend Mrs
Edmunds is a pretty woman nineteen
years old and was married about six
months ngo
Heslileiits About loswi Circle Object
to Iniuc
Residents In the vicinity of Iowa Circle
have Joined ln a petition to Col Theo
dore Bingham the officer In charge of
public buildings and grounds not to
change the name or the Circli and to re
frain from further depletion of the orna
mental flowers and shrubbery with which
that public space is adorned
The petitioners hae also sent a copy
of their petition to the District Commis
sioners for their Information and for fil
ing among lliclr records
lie nml serrelnrj llllVlicoeU see the
Honker Washington wsih at the White
Hcutc yesterday for a long time
The colored educator called In company
with Secretary Hljihcock and the two
held n long conference with the ITcsldent
They declined to fllvulgo the nature of
lhc business willful called them to the
White Ho w
Jlnscmeiils of Ansnl V rscl
The training shlpPralrlc has arrived al
Tompkinsvlllc the collfer AJax at Singa
iore the training ship Alliance at Nor
folk an I tin cruiser New Orleans at
Nagasaki The collier Ieonldas has Balled
from Ilnvana for Norfolk the training
hp Topeka from Norfolk for Port Royal
and the gurboat Marietta from Colon for
3an J ot n
Woiiiiiiin 1retH Clnli
Tiie Womans Press Association of
has elected Mrs Clara B
olli Iclcgaie to the Charleston meeting
A ihe International League or Press
luhs In lhc rltc cr Miss French who Is
unable to attond Mrs Spcrry and Mrs
Cromwell are the alternates Among the
Scales recently presented to the library of
tho club Is Mrs Elizabeth Cady SUntons
ElgMy Years and More
to cent a coiii ij omj -jay
Tale I antlre Promo tjuinlne Tablets All druj
liU refund the ironey II It falls lo enre L W
Cores signature is on ih box 55c
IjniiN Mmlc for n lllir Ilrnsnre Tlr
m niiHcnnon linn vi
- vwiwv w i uuiuiuu gines wiia your
Washington Lodge No 13 Order or water and let It stand twenty four heurs
Elks Is planning a midwinter oarnlval of a sediment or settling Indicates an un
amusement one which will contain many healthy condition of the kidneys If It
novel features for the pleasure of tho stains tho linen It Is evidence of kidney
Populace trouble too frequent desire to pass It or
The purpose of this carnival by the or- Pain In the back is also convincing proof
dcr Is to give Its many pfrlcnds and pa- -that the kidneys and bladder aro out of
trons a good time and Incidentally to order
replenish the charily fund so It will be WHAT TO DO
enabled to take care of the many cases There Is comfort In the knowledge so
of sickness and dlstressMo which It is often expressed that Dr Kilmers Swamp
the r mission to minister Root the
great kidney and bladder
inrS 7li hI al Convention edy fulfills every wish In curing rheuma
Hall fifth and K Streets northwest be- tlsm pain In the back kidneys liver
ginning February 3 and lasting two bladder and every part or the urinary
ks passage It corrects Inability to hold
Charlly of the real kind and for which tcr and scalding pain In passing It or bad
the Elks nre noted will In all the effects following use of liquor wine or
rangements for this event bo the watch- beer and overcomes that unpleasant noc
word or the order easily of being compelled to go often
The programme will be full of novel- ing the day and to get up many times
tics and It is the Intention of during the nlcht Tho mild and tho ox-
thcy wanted a lot of diamonds which- had live committee to give an entertainment traordlnary effect of Swamp Root Is soon
surPasg an previous attempts In tills realized it stands the highest for its
come from Eurone but nn whlrti no dutv
IVZ ilTiiT bllh f LJr Tho committee in charge has con- wonderful cures of the most distressing
President of the United States Steel Cor
The Pnlil
According to the custom house officers
the incident occurred about two months
traded with the BostocK Fcrari Mighty cascs If you need a medicine you should
Midwinter Carnival Company to assist In have the best Sold bj druggists in
liio programme which comprises the at- cent ami one uoliar sups
est novelties yet to be seen in this cty
The contract with the Bostock rertr
Company calls for the exhibition ot a
number of wild animal acts such s per-
ago and as a result of the Islt Mr j forming bears pumas and leopards
anese India and Chinese actors equcs
trlan events aerial wonders lady and
tou may have a samole bottle of
S-vamp-Root and a book that tells more
about It both sent absolutely free by
mall Address Dr Kilmer Co Btng
hamton N Y When writing mention
that you read this generous offer In the
Washington Daily Times
gentlemen acrobats Electro- The Maid n
of the Air and the prfsmatlc phantasma riTT nrtnikTm nTmnTmn
Edisons latest trick with moving nRRKNT RVRNTlS
uulluul x u u iu
Hires the beautiful Orfent Moorish pal-
ace German village with n refined vaude
ville performance anIth2 Elks coun
try store a novel fe9tuicare some of
tho many attractions on tnc programme
ftijx Her Story of 1rniitlln Pnrk
ANNRiiIt Vn Only n llnnv
Miss Mary Estcp claimed to have been
assaulted In Franklin Park early last
Tuesday morning and to have disarmed
her assailant and puf him to flight
She furnished a minute description of
her assailant and stated that she had
CHj Prlaon Unsnfc for Confinement
of Crhiilmil Itolirrts Cnc
mlssrit Klrc Alnrin
lrocit False
ALEXANDRIA Va Dec 23 James
ircqucntiy seen mm loitering around one rtobcrts was arraigned In the police court
of the downtown hotels j this morning on charges of aasaultlng
Tho young woman was called to the Benjamin Scrivener and selling liquor on
station on several occasion only to in
form the police that the person they had
In custody was not her assailant Finally
she refused to pay any further attention
and told the detectives that It was useless
for them to call as she would not take
any action In tho case
Yesterday Detective Sergeants reck and
Sunday James Hepburn wan arraigned
with Roberts on the charge of being an
accessory to the assault nayor fined
Roberts o on the assault chs and dis
missed the charge of selling liquor on
Sunday Hepburn was discharged there
being no evidence against him Scrivener
Miller called upon her and Informed her stated that yesterday morning about 11
that they had about located the man and oclock he entered Roberts barroom on
that If shn did not go to the Police Court Lee Slreet and imrrhno1 trfnlr nnrt
out St Collector indwells office today nJ hCCUr a rantfor fin- him they would afterwar1 - the proprietor treated several
times He said he remained there until
about dark and without any provocation
whatsoever Roberts struck him over the
head with a beer bottle InOlctiig two
ugly cuts nnd a large bruise Witness
stated that ho believed Hepburn helped
to shove him out ot lhc place but wa
not positive
Tho funeral of Edward Rammcl whoso
death occurred last Friday morning took
place at 10 oclock this morning from St
Marys Catholic Church and waa attended
by a large concourse of relatives and
friends of lhc deceased At the church
solemn high mass was celebrated by Rev
Father M J Ahern The Iloral tributes
were numerous and handsome The fol
lowing were tho pallbearers Messrs
Charles Marshall Thomas Caton Frank J
Pollard Jr Edward Wlldt Ferdinand
Knight and Stephen Woolls The Inter
ment w ns In St Marys Cemetery
Tho Alexandria County Court was In
session this morning with Judge J 31
Loe presiding and In the case of the con
demnation of lands for the Great Falls
and Old Dominion Railroad Company that
company paid into the court the amount
of damages ascertained by the viewers of
the lands of several litigants
Isaac Tnncll colored was before the
court on a writ of habeas corpus and his
case was continued until next Monday
Tancil recently escaped from the countr
declared dangerous to the public It was Jail where he was confined and was aft-
enminmneil and recommended to be re
moved by the District If payment for tho
work could be provided for
The Audlor In a report upon the mat
ter has Informed the Commissioners that
a I till
rmaru rearresica mo cnarge against him
being that of beating his wife
A white tramp giving his name as John
Anderson and claiming to hril from
TV Vs Is tsn Anl ln ta k 1l -
the expense of removing llio winning viu m iuc ponce couri mis
should be charged agaln3t the property morning on the chargo of vagrancy The
and the fund reimbursed after the mayor sent him lo the chain gang for
twenty days
The city Jail Insrertors have filed In the
Corporation Court their quarterly report
- ivir or Well Kiiovii Itusl iYicuiioiinecirjaii ami state
1 mat it is worse now than when they made
nr Mnn Dlsntipenrs their last report The repairs
Mrs Mlna Edmunds wife of Mr R II jnemlcd by them have not or courso yet
Edmunds superintendent of the Welsbach - JiE
company nas mviitij uaaii
On Saturday night hating attired
Their report concludes by stating that
the prisoners speak well of their treat
Christina Kuttz has sold to G T Smith
a house and lot on the west side of
Patrick Street between Duke and Wolfe
Streets ror 41100 and Gardner I Boothe
has purchased from the Mercantile Rail
way Building and Loan Association a
house and lot on the cftst side of Fair
fax Street between Prlflce ajd King
Streets for
The Free Methodist Church will hold Its
regular quarterly conference ln Its church
on South Lee Street next Friday night
The meeting will be concluded Sunday
nlght and will bo conducted by Rev
George Eaklns of Philadelphia
A man who gave his name as II I
Smith of Washington and who was ar
rested on King Street last night on the
charge or being disorderly rorrelted J5
collateral today In court The police as
sert that the name glen by the man was
incorrect and they have his right name
Christ Churrh and St Pauls Church
Sunday schools will tomorrow afternoon
at 5 oclock hold tholr Christmas enter
tainments ln their Sunday school rooms
and at both elaborate programmes will be
leiidered At the conclusion of the exer
cises candy will b distributed among the
In the police court thU morning Wil
liam Johnston colored was tinil Sl on
a charge of assault and also of cutting
the dress of LUle Major also i jlored
vhllo the case of Rebecca Branson col
oi ed on suspicion of the theft of 12
from James Craig also colored wjs con
tinued owing to the absence of the com
William Coleman colored who resides
on North Henry Street has requested the
police to be on tl e lookout for his wife
who wandered from her home while In a
temporary state of dementia
A false alarm of fire shortly lefore 10
oclcil thU morning brought out the en
tire fire department They proceeded to
the extreme end of North Columbus
Strecl but without locntlng any flro
The Rev J II Boyd of Falls Church
formerly presiding elder of the Washing
ton district of the Metlrdrt Episcopal
Church South who h kn under
going treatment at th 4ndrla In
firmary bus returned to hs home much
A W nnstrong Is critically ilt at bin
home on Prince Street
old I lnirio Stolen
A gold charm rei with dlamonls is re
potted as having been stolen fiom bra
ham Kaufman manager of the
atores It H staled a thiei relioed Mr
Kaufman of the charm nt a reception
some lime Sunda night Th charm
worth 73
ON MONDAY December 23 from 5 A Al until i P M
ON TUESDAY December 24 from 5 A Al until 1 1 P Al
ON WEDNESDAY December 25 Christmas Day the
Alarket will be closed
CENTER MARKET at Christmas time is ono
of the most attractive sights of the National Capi
tal Here is to be had the greatest variety of food
supplies enough for a whole city - the choicest
and freshest and always at the lowest prices
For the patrons of Center Marirot the conven
iences of a commodious waiting room in the
center of the B street wing are offered
Only one car fare required to bring one to
Center Market from any part of the District of
Colonel Pnrtrlilcr Illscnsses Xetv
York AlTnlrs With tlir President
Colonel Partridge who Is to bv the next
police commissioner of Now York lunched
with President Roosevelt yesterday and
consulted with him regarding the ap
pointment of a successor to Deputy Com
missioner Dcvery
Colonel Partridge stated that he had
been requested by Mayor elect Low to
srnciti xoTicns
002 funna Ae S W nruhlagton Sot 19
1WI Policy hoIdra sre notUfd tht the JUn
rr hate ordrrrd a return of UTtnes paid th
memtwrs according to th nlue of nch policy
at tfce do of 10 Ittntwjla for IWi are pay
able to the company at the time time at the
rate of 1 pr eentum on the premium notes
and Pollciu Muat Be Prewnted that payment
may be entered thereon Policies eipire on the
last Monday In December 30th Please attend
early and avoid the croird
L PIEfiCE BOTELEIl Secretary
submlt the names of the persons whom srecui rioclholdl
NOTICE A meeting of the
he wished to appoint as his deputies be- era ot the Satlonal Metropolitan Fire Imurance
tore making them public so Mr Low Company of the District ot Columbia will be
might pass upon them office of the company DECEMBER 27
He also said that while a number of Jv r oj nirecion i ouj open at
K and close at 1
nr oclotlc
p m
m wi been mentioned bad
names no one
been selected and the appointments would
not be announced until after the nolldays
He declined to express an opinion as to
the qualifications of anyone for the place
Consideration of llreivcry Trouble
lucstloii In Deferred
Fifty organizations wcrfe represented at
a regular meeting of tha Central Labor
Union last night In Typographical Temple
John Hammerstrom vice president pre
sided and C E Deltrich officiated as sec
Mr Deitrlchs report aslolegate to the
American Federations convention at
Scranton Par was referred until the next
regular business meeting
It was voted to defer the question con
cerning the trouble with a local brewing
company until next Monday night
The difference of the Carpenters Union
was referred to the executive committee
and at the next meeting or the uuion to
be held Monday next the annual election
or ofhcer3 will take place
Wife of Iollcemnn Gltcn a Severe
Irlclit Last Mxlit
Cashed by Clsnr Stnncl Proprietor
on streimtli of lloeus Vote
George Rltter who keeps a cigar stand
In the Washington Loan nnd Trust Build
ing Ninth and F Street northvicst yes
terday reported nt Poll Headquarters
that n boy brought a note to his stand
purporting to be written by a Mr Cook
of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com
pany The note requested that Mr Rltter
endorse a check which was enclosed and
have It cashed which he did giving the
money to the boy to return to Mr Cook
It is now reported that the check was
a orgery nnd Mr Rltter was obliged to
make good the amount which was not
large Mr Cook Is trying to find out who
made free with his name and the police
are trying tr locate the boy
Hunnivny Causes Injur
About 7 oclock last night a horse at
tached to a buggy and driven by Harry
Belt twenty four yeara old of Rockvnie
Md became frightened at a street car at
the corner of Nicholas and Frankliu Ave
nues Anacostin The animal dashed up
Nicholas Ateuuo and Belt wa3 thrown out
of the buggy His face and hands were
se crcly cut After having hi3 cuts
dressed at a drug store he droTe home
Rnck Gates Left Open
The police have liecn en ged for ser
oral nights past In warning persons who
leave their rear yard gates open at night
that such action Is but an invitation to
thieves Tho Eighth precinct Sunday
night found seven gate3 open and noti
fied the occupants of the premises to se
cure the same No evidences ot attempted
robbery cot id be discovered
Ciiptntu Cooli Mill Inuirovlnir
Captain Cook continues to Improve at
the Nnval Hospital where he has been
confined with stomach trouble for nearly
three weeks He la not yet permitted to
see visitors and will eat his ChrNtinas
dinner in bed but the doctors promise
that the captain will be on the road to
couvalescence In a week
fnWr Crlenil Mrlppril lllm lenn
After having played the part of the
Good Samaritan toward William James
colored about twenty two years old Wil
liam llnice another negro Is said to have
robbed him of all of his wearing apparel
with the exception of the bare necessities
of covering
Murine Hetiorleil Missing
A marine named John William Coleman
is reported misntng from the Washington
Barracks He is tweaty two years of age
DEE On Montu IHtt mir U 1M1 al
link 1 a lhc riatrli ot hfa iiart in
ji K rreet wnhewi Mxltiri HiAMK
i mnart arm f William and Jlliy Wee atl
rnrs and one month
Funeral prtvJle en Ucdncxbi Perrmner j
it S9i p m Interment in Mount Olivet Vm
i i
liOMtt ELI On Sundav morning f ember 22
1S0I a S oclock STEVEN Clf KEV CROII
ttllU In bis tortf snord ymr
Mineral ktti s at IattU lia Crmnli Tue
ar nonlng I at 11 o clrVk Friend
re in insl lr iimi pr a at lloit Oh
m23 2
trrct i
en S
SAM CnOS3 Secretary
Notice b hereby pren that a meeting of the
itoctbolders of The Times Company will be held
at the nOce ol the company in the llatchins
Buildln corner of ICth and D at n Hub
Inctcn D C on the 13TH DAY OF JASUARY
1SC at 2 OCLOCK P M for the purpoae of
electing Are tnuteca for tie enauinz year and
for the transaction of such other busmen aa may
properly come before auch meeting
Dated Wasbicgtoa D C December 12 130L
dtli lm Secretary
THE Chtldrena lloepltat ha a deed ot truat on
it for twenty theaasil dollars on which It I
partne interest Ilelp to par It
n t pronounce welL Classes all rrsdes to
apeak read understand Books on 23 sound and
one Ietoon SiOO JIUE V PRCDHOJLIlei ar7
D su ntr car linn m2i t
T1I03 J OWES 4 SOy Aucta MS F St SW
Dr virtue of a certain deed of trust duly re
corded is liber 1S73 folio 536 tt eq one ot
the land records for the District of Columbia
and at the lequcst ot the partf secured there
by we will sell at public auction In front r1
Zf rv Ttc fnt
me premises en jiuivi uivivjiucil v 1W1
Mrs Agnes Bradshaw wife of AT OCLOCK p m lot i 13 II 13 u jt
W and 39 in block or aauare 3 a lots 13 and
man Bradshaw had an unpleasant ex- j ln 0l0cfe ot equare So t al of Orezon L
perlence last night with nu unknown Creena subdivision ol Oilchester aa reconled
i In county liber 6 folio SI one of the land
negro as ahe was going from her home di in y aurrejor s ofice of tire District of
4S2 G Street southwest to a street car Columbia
i -if qio I Terms of Sale One third cash balance In one
on with lnteret ttmTeil
aml lwo jeM4f by of
As Mrs Bradshaw leU home shortly I trust on property sold or all cash at option of
after 7 oclock the negrc followed 1 her gn 5
and suddenly approached behind her Ho rnue lUxfS at purchasers cost
was quite close when Mrs Bradshaw nSRT K SIMPSOS
turned around to sco who It was that CEO O WALSOS
seemingly dogged her footsteps I Trust era
On seeing the negro Mrs Bradshaw -
uttered a slight scream and being i x- n T r n rt
ened made a misstep slipped and rell on i JtpZlCO rwTl Oil
the sidewalk Tho negro turned and ran 1 Ull 11 tOO v 3 BvyJ
To Measure
We can promise to delirer by Sew Years all
orJrs for Adl Dress SulU taken up to and In
cludirT Thursday
Ke guaranteee a saving of no less than one
505 507 Seventh St
Open Erctilnrr
Xmas Sale of Pianos
Fischer tCC
Sq Piano 000
t Weekly Payments
nilADfllItYS lJZXi Vn Ave
tOTvOtCJ tl
A dffiehtfuITr pure
Iow wMikej tlistilted ex
prnsl for tnj trade
SI full qt
Edard J QuTnn 604 Fa kti
Splonclld Billiard Room
Fninoiis for Wines mid fliiiir
ou Onht to Cull
TircutyDolliir Tint rmy UIT1
rcr Who ii Jostled
Capt John P Walker U S A retired
was fined 2rt In Police Court yesterday on
charges of disorderly conduct and of as
saulting Conductor Harry C Allen of tho
Capital Traction Company ou October IS
Captain Walker was sitting In the end
seat of an open car with hU feet
jasstltng out and claims to have been
udcly Jostled by the conductor whom ho
hereupon struck
l 1BilTAKLU3
w it srcAiiu
tuilertaUer luil KmbMlmer
o ji k at -v
firrrllilnj itiictljr ou tk moat
Telenhene esll
tils 140
Undertaker nml Livery
Penn Are X U Wsihinjlon a